system helped me repair the sealed summon ability, which is equivalent to restoring most of my battle strength. Now I am not afraid of more people. But I haven't planned to let the Familiar come out together. There are too many people here, and it's hard to gather the troops if you run out of chaos. "Yeyue, Pepper, Little Demon, the three of you are going to help Gangfang."

"Understood." All three familiars rushed to Gangfang's side immediately, it would be Hai Demoness. The queen is unlucky. Steel Fang can only hold her back, and Ye Yue can draw her with a big chance. Now that there are peppers and little monsters, it will be a sure win.

Don't worry about the steel teeth, now I have to solve the problem on my side first. The guild leaders in the neighborhood all regard me and the gun god as steps on the altar. What they hope most now is to step on us under their feet so that they can stand on the top of the world.

In fact, I underestimated the determination of these guys, because before I had time to deal with them, they attacked me first. A seemingly well-equipped mage released a strange magic on me standing outside of several hundred meters, the effect of which was to increase my defensive power unfathomable mystery by 50%, making me dizzy. Is this guy here to kill me or to help me?

Actually, thanks to the fact that I didn't know what he thought at the time, otherwise I had to faint. In fact, that guy added protective magic to me because he saw too many people nearby and was afraid that he would not be able to kill me because of his slow running speed. But thinking about it the other way round, this guy’s skills are also full of great skills, and he can actually strengthen my defense by 50% at once. With my super defense, after strengthening by 50%, most of the weapons will definitely be unable to break the defense. .

No matter what his purpose is, at least the result I get is defense enhancement. Although there are many enemies rushing up nearby, there is nothing I can do about it. But I can clearly feel that the battle among them is obviously not as smooth as the battle with ordinary players. Although these people are arrogant, after all, they are all guild leaders. It can be said that they are already elite personnel, so the battle strength is not ordinary. Moreover, guild leaders generally have some income, so their equipment will not be as shabby as ordinary players, and the battle strength is naturally much higher than ordinary people.

It is not a good thing to look at this situation and their direct defense. I looked around, and I blew a loud whistle to the elite members of the guild who were fighting. "The allies who are covering our retreat, don't fight anymore."

I just finished yelling, and the elites on the opposite side hadn’t had time to reply. Someone here yelled, "They’re scared." , Everyone, come on!"

Damn, he almost fell over. These guys really have nothing to say, the whole group of a frog in well, strategic shift can be regarded as a big retreat, it is so talented! But they are excited about them, and I have no time to control them. First turned eternity into a whip sword, swept and overturned a rushing enemy, and then spread its wings and flew directly to the position of the elite troops. But as soon as I took off, I heard a blast of wind behind me, and suddenly turned around and pinched a feather arrow with one hand, and the shaft of the arrow was still shaking in my hand.

Angrily glanced at the crowd, then raised her hand to the female player of Elf Race and moved her finger. Before the other party's smile disappeared, she fell down with the crossbow arrow on her forehead. Throwing away the arrow shaft in my hand, I turned and flew forward again, and soon landed among the elite troops.

Although the Sea Demoness, who was allied with us, suffered heavy losses, we still made us snatch a lot of people, but most of this part was wounded and could not participate in the war for the time being. I looked around, but I still couldn't find the Demoness Queen who was allied with us. It is estimated that she was captured or killed. There was no way, so I had to cover everyone's retreat first. It would be better to leave this mess here to the Gunners to clean up slowly.

We are an elite team here. Everyone is not a simple character. The demoness taught by the demoness and the guild leaders can not pose any threat to us at all, so let us rush to it easily. At the exit, the injured allies gradually retreated. Since this is a single-person passage, I was the only one blocking the exit in the end, and my familiars were also put away by me in advance.

Isn't there no people who followed us into the passage, just one-on-one, except for the gun god, no one can cause me trouble at the moment.

After exiting the passage, I unexpectedly discovered that the guild troops who should have been looking for another entrance actually came back around again. "What's the matter with you?" I almost fainted as I looked at the defeated generals of the guild.

Rose walked in front of me wearing a blood-stained robe. "We were suddenly attacked."

"Suddenly attacked? Hai Demoness or those guild people?"

"It is those players." Bai Ling was on the wound to the eagle. Yao said on the side: "When we walked halfway, a large number of enemies appeared in our team, and we had not received any notice before. The system hint only appeared after the enemy appeared, and those people almost appeared at the time. It was a pair of people who appeared next to our personnel. We had no reaction time at all. We didn't even know that they were enemies at first."

Hong Yue also said: "Thanks to our more NPC troops. In the end, we succeeded in separating the troops on both sides, but the casualties were very high. Almost one third person was kicked out of the mission, and the rest were like this." Hong Yue pointed to the blood on his body, but it was not the same. Compared to her side, the other people were hurt more severely.

"Where's Chuangwang?" I asked.

Ross said: "The fleet of the king has also encountered the enemy's fleet, and they were also suddenly ambushed, but the problem on their side is not too serious in comparison."

Hong Yue also continued: "Our battleships are generally very large, and the opponent's battleship has insufficient firepower. Even close shots cannot completely destroy our battleship, so our fleet only lost a few small boats. Big ships. Although most of them are injured, they basically do not affect the battle strength."

"How about the enemy?"

"The opponent lost about half of his troops, but the rest is still better than ours. Many." Eagle said: "But there are not many ships on the sea, we still have absolute control of the sea."

I glanced outside the circle, and then found the location of the communication group. "The king of Chuanling Chuang, use my current location as a reference point to launch a mole bomb."

"The order has been issued."

Wang Zheng yelled excitedly at the microphone: "Prepare the mole bombs, and bury these gangsters!"

"The mole bombs are loaded, and the special gun safety lock is released."< /p>

The rear deck of the battleship Storm slid out on both sides, and a huge short-barreled artillery platform rose from underneath the deck. This thing looked like a giant revolver without a grip, and its bomb bay was filled with a mole bomb that made everyone in the guild afraid. Why does it just make people in our guild frighten? Because no one else has seen this thing. Using the discarded magic crystal and some special crystal fragments used by our guild, the bomb obtained after processing with special alchemy technology has the terrifying power of a small nuclear weapon. Although the cost of each shell is more than 5 million crystal coins, its explosive formidable power is definitely worth the price.

With the launch platform in place, the correspondent again reported: "The coordinate correction is complete, waiting for the launch command."


"Launch. "

There was a bang, the giant special outfit ran with a loud noise, and a shell dragged white smoke onto the clouds. The huge rotating bomb bay immediately rotated thirty degrees after the shell was fired. A loaded bomb bay has been moved to the launch position, and the automatic ejector is pushing out the shell of the previous launch bay.

The Mole shell that was launched weighed two and a half tons. After rising for a certain distance, it began to fall downward again, and a huge parachute was ejected by Peng Sound from the tail of the shell. After I gave the order, I asked everyone to take the allies we rescued back and ran out. Now we are almost outside the volcanic crater.

After we completely evacuated the volcanic crater, the shell finally fell slowly. Just when it was more than three meters away from the ground, the warhead suddenly exploded to both sides, exposing the huge drill bit inside. Following the drill bit full of knife teeth, it began to accelerate and finally spun quickly. At this time, the shell was only more than one meter above the ground, and the parachute on the tail of the shell was automatically disconnected with a click, and the shell hit the ground with a bang and went straight into it. Driven by the high-speed drill, the shell quickly penetrated into the ground, and soon disappeared.

We didn't stop at all, we kept running madly, because we all know how powerful moles are. About a few minutes later, our communication group suddenly yelled at the surroundings: "The time is up, let’s lie down."

Our people responded quickly, but the demoness of the sea we rescued was slightly A little confused, but the guild members who were in charge of helping these people quickly pushed them to the ground, so they had to lie on the ground to see why we did it.

The correspondent started to shout loudly for a few seconds after seeing everyone getting down quietly: "Seven, six... three, two, one!"

Boom. Inside the volcanic crater, the mole directly deep into the hole suddenly ejected a fire column of several hundred meters high, followed by the entire volcanic crater violently upwards, the ground quickly cracked into countless small pieces, and then all was hit by a larger explosion. Set off into the sky. The flame instantly filled the entire volcanic crater, feeling no less than a volcanic eruption. All of us lying outside clearly felt that the ground shook first, followed by an earth wave like a sea wolf that rolled over from under us, and then rushed towards the beach. When the earth wave finally reached the beach, a huge wave was also set off on the sea. The battleship of our guild was all pushed by the wave and ran out of several hundred meters. Many small boats even turned several somersaults in the sea.

All the tunnels in the volcanic crater were collapsed in an instant, the soil and rocks were blown into powder, and then they were pinched back together under tremendous pressure. The dust from the explosion has been flying up to several hundred meters high, and a huge mushroom cloud has almost enveloped the entire sky above the island.

We all held heads on the ground for four or five minutes before we heard the sound of a heavy rainstorm. In fact, it was not rain at all that fell, but splashed clods. Of course, there are also comparisons. A big rock can only be considered bad luck when it is smashed.

After all the stones and fragments have fallen, our talents crawled out of the soil like earth monkeys, and the demoness that has been under our pressure climbed up and looked back and saw them all. stunned. Behind us, the original huge volcanic crater is of course no longer in existence. What is left is a gentle crater lower than ours. The bomb has shaken the soft soil under the mountain, and a lot of soil has been thrown into the nearby sea, which makes the volume of the volcano suddenly reduced by more than half, so the volcanic crater that originally protruded from the ground has become A big pit below the ground.

"Guess how many enemies we have killed?" I turned back and asked the eagles.

"More than three million." Hong Yue reported it.

"Damn, you are so accurate!"

"How many points are shown on the guild's total points?" Eagle asked.

"More than 3,749,600."

Rose nodded: "That means at least half of the enemies need to be dealt with."

"Actually I am more concerned about whether the gun god is dead or not." Hong Yue said.

"I think he is not dead yet." Da Guofan pointed to the opposite side of Dakeng and said.

We followed his fingers and found that there was a large group of people on the opposite side of the pit, and the gun god was just on the edge of the pit, so you could see it at a glance.

"This kid is not stupid." At first, go down with me to rescue the sea Demoness ally. Dark Maru walked over and said: "He ran away when he saw us withdraw."

"It doesn't matter. Seeing that their number is only half left, we will kill them in the past." Da Guofan suggested.

"Don't you think it would be better for them to fight the guilds that are making trouble for a while?" Bailing said.

Hong Yue pointed to the person on the opposite side: "Did you see it? Those are all mobile EXP! How can the Holy Lance Alliance be freed for nothing?"

I nodded, and then Use sound amplification magic to loudly shouted at the back: "Array. Non-combatants hold the injured to one side."

Although our side has suffered a lot in previous battles, in fact, It's just that the loss of the number of personnel is relatively large, and the battle strength does not drop much. Most of the losses in the raid were low-level and average people, and true experts survived. In fact, our team’s battle strength is still considerable.

The injured and temporarily unable to fight personnel and non-combatants soon moved to the back of the team. This part of the personnel accounted for about one third of our existing personnel, and the rest were all combatants. , And eight of them are NPCs. What reassures me most is that Hong Yan and Vina are also there. With these two gods of murder, it is estimated that no one can stop our troops.

"Bypassing this pit, we...what's the matter?" As soon as I said half of my words, the ground suddenly shook, and it became more and more severe, and soon reached the point where it was impossible to stand firm at all. NS.

The eagle thrust his long spear into the ground, then lay down on the ground, and listened to it with his ears against the ground for a while. "It's Lava. All back, everyone back, stay away from the pit."

We ran in time, almost ten seconds after we left, the place where we just stood was the whole place. Collapsed. A sturdy lava fountain spurted out from under the ground, but it was not as powerful as a regular volcanic eruption. The lava only sprayed three or four meters high and then began to fall. Although it surged quickly, it was not high.

This volcano that we blew up should be a dormant volcano, which means that the pressure of the lava under the ground is not too high. The earthquake collapsed, causing some lava passages to be closed together, and the lava that had nowhere to go could only rush to the surface.

Because there is a big pit next to the lava gushing point, even though it is very close, we still didn't suffer any harm. The newly flowing lava quickly poured into the large pit next to it, and then flowed to the bottom of the pit, and many cracks appeared in other places beside the pit and began to lava. Soon the bottom of the big pit became a lava. Chi, it seems that there is a continuing upward trend.

"Move fast, kill all the enemies before the lava overflows." A word from the eagle reminded us, so everyone quickly ran to the opposite side of the pit.

Running around the lava pool is not a good exercise. We found that our endurance was dropping down at twice the usual rate, so I had to let everyone rest before finally catching the enemy. For a short while. Fortunately, Lava rises very slowly, and there is enough time for us to deal with the opponent before we can safely evacuate here.

The Gunslinger is already overwhelmed by the guilds who come to make trouble. Seeing that we are close to him, he is anxious but unable to do anything. He only hates the people in front of him for being too annoying.

"The Cavalry is ready." I yelled to the team behind. The heavy cavalry units of our guild immediately opened their own formation and formed a human wall in front of the formation. Following the second 3rd human wall appeared one after another, and soon formed a broad cavalry formation.

The gun god brought down an approaching enemy and shouted at the people around him: "Take people to the front to form a shield formation. The damn Frost Alliance is about to rush our formation."

"But we can't get through!" the member shouted at the gun god.

"This bunch of damn shreds!" The gun god bitterly and forcefully let down another enemy that came up.

I rode the night shadow and ran at the forefront of the team, followed by the heavy cavalry battallion of my guild. The main force of this battallion is the NPC heaven soldiers from Celestial Court, and the horses of these heaven soldiers are all pegasus. Although pegasus is not Divine Immortal and does not have much battle strength, they have super load-bearing capacity and the fastest sprint speed of all horses, coupled with their magical flying ability, making them the most suitable for heavy-duty war horses. Horses.

Bingbing led the band of the guild to play a clear march in the temporarily arranged PA array behind the team, and the mounts we stepped on were all high-level creatures with super spirituality. Accompanied by the brisk music, the horses began to move forward neatly in the form of small jumps. They were relaxing their muscles and adjusting their physical strength for the final spur.

We moved forward about 500 meters with this dance-like cavalry. After that, the tune suddenly changed, and the rhythm of the music began to increase gradually. The sound of Bingbing's flute and Bingling's harp gradually diminished and faded out, while Qunrui's drum rang rhythmically. The clear drumbeats accompanied the horse's pace getting faster and faster, our cavalry battallion listened to the music and gradually transitioned from jogging to full-speed charging. There is military music in the rear to control the speed of the cavalry as a whole, which can fully ensure that we hit the enemy at the highest speed and will not waste horsepower due to premature activation.

Following the rhythm of drums, the ground shaking caused by the neat pace of the cavalry finally made those who were torn with the people of the Holy Lance Alliance to turn their attention to us, but at this time we both The distance is less than fifty meters.

I lifted the eternity in my hands high. "The enemies in front of you are all enemies, don't keep your hands."

The only people who are fighting together are those from the Holy Lance League, except for the guild members who come to make trouble. Although they are hostile to each other, they are for us. All must be eliminated, so we don’t have to worry about anyone’s safety, just kill.

The scattered defensive line temporarily formed by the gun god was instantly broken through by the cavalry in the first row. In addition to the city wall, the heavy cavalry could only be hit by the heavy shield soldiers. These only took light bucklers. The scattered personnel of the people are completely useless. The person who was taken down was instantly stepped on by the follow-up iron hoof into a pile of rotten meat, while the people who had not fallen on the ground in front began to run backwards in a panic, but this had no effect at all except to make us fight more smoothly.

Blood was flying in the air, and swarms of enemies fell under the iron hoof. It took us a full ten minutes to rush from the front of the opposing team to the end of the team, and there was only a remnant of defeated soldiers rolling on the ground behind.

I waved to the rear. "Heavy infantry phalanx, it's your turn."

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