"Let you shoot me." I waved the eternal opening and closing. There is no one in the Holy Lance Alliance.

The gun god saw me take the eternal summon away, and immediately ran to get his gun back, and then he shot me. A mage from the elite team pointed in front of me: "The air wall." I watched the gun god's bullet slower and slower in front of me, and finally hit my mercury shield and got stuck in the mercury. The wizard player raised his head at me triumphantly. "This trick is easy to use?"

I didn't answer him, but pointed in front of him and cried out: "Be careful."

A person from the Holy Lance Alliance rushed to this The player's side was about to cut it down with a knife, but the mage didn't expect that suddenly he swung his wand and swept his knife away. Before he could react, the other party tapped his head with a stick again, and with a bang, the guy lay directly on the ground.

"hmph, don’t think that the mage is good for bullying. I don’t take the name of the violent mage for nothing." The mage player brought down the enemy and didn’t want to kick his feet, and then started red eyes again Going for the next target, I was sweating coldly. The elite team is truly extraordinary!

The follow-up troops of the Holy Lance Alliance arrived one after another, and our elite teams basically all went down to the cave, but the battle was still one-sided by us. The battle strength of the elite team is as powerful as terrifying. The enemy on the opposite side feels that everyone they meet can beat a BOSS-Rank monster. They always have the illusion that they are engaged in a BOSS battle.

After the gun god took back his gun, he fired dozens of shots at me, unfortunately, the hits were less than half, and the effect was average. Of course, he is not me, so I don't know how I feel. As far as I am concerned, these shots are still very formidable power, so they did not affect my mobility, but my HP has actually dropped a lot. I haven't had the time to spend blood so fast for a long time! But I didn’t make him feel better. During the whole process, I made dozens of holes in him. In sum, he was injured more severely than me. At least he seems to have only breathed more than the dead now. And I just got a few holes in my body.

"Damn it, exhausted! Why are you still alive?" I sat on the chair of eternal change, panting while watching not far away, holding the gun body supporting myself not to fall. God.

The gun god this guy also looked at me and kept breathing. "You bastard, I can't die if you die."

"The two are so interested! What about arguing and playing here?" A soft voice suddenly appeared beside us.

The gun god and I turned our heads at the same time, and what I saw was a girl I had never seen before. This woman is wearing a light armor, with a bow on her back, a sword in her waist, and a wacky staff in her hand. It is hard to tell what profession she is, but the badge on her chest can confirm that she is Player, and the president of a guild.

"Why did you come in?" This is the task of the top guild for hegemony, and it should only be right for us and the Holy Lance Alliance!

"Me?" The girl thought. "I walked in."

The complexion changed with the spear gods, this girl made it clear that she was playing with us. Although neither the gun god nor the gun god strictly speaking is too arrogant, we are the master of one party after all, and we have some tempers.

"Little girl, don't you want to live?" "Why owe a bitch?" I cursed with the gunman.

"Huh...!" The little girl deliberately pulled the long tone to make a very contemptuous gesture. "You still claim to be the president of the second guild in the world! Don’t you have that kind of self-cultivation?"

"What’s the second guild in the world, I am first under the heavens, and he is the second. "The Gun God and I pointed at each other at the same time and cursed.

"What do you give me a second?" The little girl continued to say slowly: "You two, who is the second and who is the third, let's discuss it slowly. Anyway, the first is our guild. "

"Your guild? hahahaha..." I laughed with the gun god, and even tears came out. What this little girl said like this is as if China and the United States are discussing how to distribute the world's benefits, and suddenly a small country that has never heard of it says that it is the number one power in the world.

"Little girl, your level of jokes is really the best in the world! I am willing to go down." I reached out and hugged cup one fist in the other hand.

The gun god also agrees with nodded. "You are indeed better than Master Lin Chap."

"hmph, I don't believe it." The little girl turned her palm, and the staff in her hand suddenly disappeared, and then she pulled out the long sword on her waist. . "We won the guild by cutting you two."

The gun god and I stared at the same time. This girl doesn't seem to be joking. Her mission might be to kill me and the gun god, and then her guild might be awarded the first under the heavens guild. Although I don't know why a third guild suddenly appeared in a mission that was supposed to have only two guilds, but the gun god and I couldn't help but looked at this little girl again. In addition to the strange equipment on her body, her appearance is also very special. At first glance, it looks like it should be an Oriental, but if you look closely, you will find some traces of white people, obviously mixed. Such a woman of unknown nationality had to make me and the gun god suspect that she was the other's person, but both of us quickly realized that this probability is negligible, because if it is the other person's person, we only need to directly participate in the war. Okay, it doesn't make much sense to lie to us here.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Me? Of course it is the president of the first under the heavens guild." This girl slashed at me immediately after she said it. When I came over, I hurriedly fell back, and then hooked my foot to hook the eternally changing chair to my hand. Eternity instantly transforms into the form of a whip sword.

The little girl second sword was cut down again, and I immediately matched it with eternity. With a bang, the blade of the little girl was cut off by me, and the front half of the blade flew out for several meters before the pu' sound was inserted into the rocky ground.

"Ah! My Flying Cloud Sword!" The little girl exclaimed. "You pay for my sword."

"No time to play with you." I went up and pulled the little girl a dozen meters away, and then walked to the gun god. "Should we do a break?"

The gun god smiled with his mouth tilted. "hmph hmph! Here you are worthy of striving for high and low." As he said, he jerked the gun body, holding a slider under the gun with one hand and pulling it back and then loosening it, moving his fingers. The peng sound was muffled, and a little thing flew to my side.

The part that shoots the grenade of the gun god is obviously here, but he actually shot this thing again, which made me stunned, but I still squatted down quickly and followed very fast The speed rushed from under that thing. It's a pity that the gun god this guy is too overcast. He set up simply not to hit the explosive ammunition, but to explode regularly. The thing suddenly exploded the moment I passed under it, and the huge impact forced me to the ground forcibly and I couldn't get up anymore.

After the exploded formidable power passed, I found that I didn't seem to have suffered any injuries, but when I remembered it, I found that I couldn't move. I quickly took a look at it with the help of the eyes of steel teeth, and found that I was stuck to the ground by a large cloud of yellow liquid. The simply fired by the gun god is not a bomb, but a viscose bomb.

The gun god saw that his weapon worked and immediately laughed proudly, then he quickly walked to my side and took out a small bottle of liquid and poured it on my waist, then took his hand from there again Stretched in, then fumbled around my waist.

"Hey, don't touch me, I don't like men!"

"I think you are disgusting even more." The gun god said in his mouth, but he didn't stop in his hands. . "Where did you hide the grenade launcher I lost before?"

I said why the gun god touched my waist, and I was looking for it for a long time. "Hehe, don't touch it. The thing is in my Phoenix and Dragon space, not on you at all. If you want to take it back, I can sell it back to you. How about me? Still kind, right?"

"Why don't you grab it?"

"Didn't I snatch your things? I am waiting for you to redeem it now! "I said triumphantly, half to death with the spear god.

"Okay, you are ruthless."

Although the gun god is speaking harshly, I saw his application transaction notice. I laughed proudly and chose to accept the transaction. However, I filled in the delivery time in the additional instructions within 24 hours after my Fenglong space was restored to use. After all, my Fenglong space was still sealed, and now I want to You can't give it to him. The gun god is not worried about me lying to him. After all, there is a system guarantee. Besides, the two of us have played so many times, it is considered out of blows friendship grows. Despite our opposing positions, we still have a high view of each other's character. Formidable person is to learn to see the advantages of the opponent, because only in this way can he better be beaten.

After completing the transaction, the gun god smiled and pointed the gun at my head. "The deal is over, now it's time to send you out."

I also pushed the Eternal Sword with a smile, only then did the Gunslinger realize that I stepped on something more. Eternal has already completed the transformation just now, and it is now in his crotch. As long as he moves a little, I can turn him into mutton skewers.

"Are you an idiot? Will I dare to trade with you without doing something after negotiating for so long?" I said proudly.

"You are so smart." The gun god said: "In this way, we will take a step back. I step back, how about your sword?"

"Just now you said me Smart, now you treat me as an idiot again? Your gun is a long-range attack weapon. What is the difference between being close and far away?"

"You two should go to death together." The unfathomable mystery woman Suddenly took a new sword and ran over and stabbed the gun god. The gun god was forced to dodge and avoid, and I had to give up taking the opportunity to kill the gun god, because once the gun god is killed, I will also It's over.

I thought that the woman would chase him after the gun god suddenly escaped, but she didn't expect that she suddenly stopped and stabbed me with a sword. "Take your life to pay for my sword."

Just as the point of the sword was about to pierce me, my muscles suddenly swelled, and the gel on the ground was connected to the ground with a loud sound. The rocks were forcibly broken together, and I took the opportunity to roll out, but it was a pity that I still got a scratch on my arm.

"You mad woman? What's the mess? There is no one here that you can touch, should you know something?" I am True Fire now. Before, it seemed that she might be a Chinese talent who didn't make a ruthless fight, but she didn't expect that she still came to make trouble.

"Of course I have self-knowledge, but I want to kill you two as well."

"Then don't blame me." I reverse beckoned, and the two and a half moon channels reach my hand Came up, and then revolved around my arm. "Go." I pointed to the woman, and flew over together for two and a half months.

"Flowing Light Sword Method." The woman suddenly activated a very magnificent skill.

I hooked my finger, and suddenly turned around for two and a half months and flew towards the gun god. The gun god thought that I was going to attack that woman. He didn't expect the target to be him. He dodged in a panic, but Ban Yue had two big cuts on his arm, and blood sprayed all over the floor. The woman saw that Banyue shifted the target, and her eyes moved along. Although I didn't expect Banyue to attack her, I threw my hand and shot a throwing knife, and it hit her throat. She turned around in disbelief, holding the hilt of the flying knife in one hand and pointing at me and fell down.

"hmph, third-rate characters dare to come and play the world first with us, too much difference, right?"

"Who do you say is a third-rate character?" I never The guy I saw suddenly appeared behind me, and what was even more strange was that his badge was obviously a guild leader, and he was not from the Holy Lance League nor from our guild, nor even from the guild where the woman was just now. So it looks like he is the fourth guild member. I was completely confused now. How can the two strong Battle of Supremacy run out of so many people from other guilds?

I didn't even pay attention to this guy. With a backhand sword, he split him in half from the middle, and followed the sword to continue chasing the gun god. But today it seems that something went wrong with the system. A large group of people suddenly appeared near us. What is even more strange is that each of these guys has its own guild, and each is a guild leader.

Now even the gun god is dizzy. "Isn't it? Did all the guild leaders of the world come in?"

My gun god and I were getting confused, but the system hint suddenly rang. "Dear players of the guild leader in the mission space, this quest itself is the Battle of Supremacy, the guild of the Frost Rose League and the Holy Lance Alliance. However, since the guild leaders think that the qualifications for the primary selection of this system are unreasonable, they are given to you once I have the opportunity to prove the strength of both parties. This system has sent all the guilds that did not accept this system’s screening and judgment into the task space. The presidents are now in the same position as the two overlord contenders this time, and yours The members are also in the same position as the members of the opposing party. Those who believe that their own strength is indeed stronger than the opponent can fight with their own strength. The winner of this system recognizes its dominance."

Damn, there will be This situation. The gun god and I were dumbfounded. But in retrospect, it seems that there is indeed some truth, because there were not many guilds elected by the system to enter the hegemony cycle, and many guilds were eliminated from the competition without even having the primary level qualification. And some of these eliminated guilds are also one of the very best guilds in the local area, so they think they should have a chance. It is only because the system did not give them a chance to participate that they could not get the first place. This kind of thinking eventually turned into everyone's dissatisfaction with the qualifications of this first guild, and that's why it came out. It's just that I understand it. The method of verification like system really surprised me. Throwing so many people in at once is completely increasing the difficulty. The missions of the Holy Lance Alliance and I have become more complicated. And the player's behavior is more unpredictable than NPC, which makes many of our strategies useless.

The reaction of the gun god is similar to mine, and they are all very surprised. But the system hint soon sounded again. "Attention to all newly joined guilds, although you do not admit it, the system judges that the battle strength of each guild is still far lower than the two guilds for hegemony. In order to convince everyone, each guild member in this competition will have three lives. Each death in battle will be resurrected randomly within 100 meters in the vicinity after 30 seconds, and will be automatically kicked out of the mission space after three times. Each guild leader will have five lives. After the death, you can choose when and where to resurrect, but resurrect. The linear distance between the location and the dead location should not be greater than 300 meters, and the maximum interval should not exceed five minutes. After the timeout, the system will randomly determine the resurrection location, and the mission space will also be kicked out after five deaths. Each guild NPC combatants and creatures and large There will be two opportunities for combat equipment. The first time it is damaged, it will reappear on the spot within ten seconds, and the second time it is damaged or killed, it will be kicked out of the mission space."

" "I yelled out with the gunman. Throwing so many people in is terrible enough, and even allowing the other person to resurrect multiple times. Isn't this causing us trouble?

We haven't finished scolding the system hint for the third time. "Attention to all personnel of the Holy Lance Alliance and Frost Rose Alliance, all forces newly added to the guild in this mission will be treated as monsters. Killing its player members will get double the experience of the highest EXP type among the player's monsters of the same level. , Kill the opponent NPC or combat creature to get the same experience of the highest EXP type among the monsters of the same level. Destroy the opponent's combat equipment does not get EXP, but you can get the equivalent of the cost of the equipment. After the killed or the destroyed equipment is reborn , Kill it again and still get the same experience or monetary reward."

As soon as this announcement came out, I and the Gunner didn’t make a sound. Where can I find such a good thing? Although the task has become troublesome, but thinking about it the other way round, it can be regarded as a collective leveling. Where can I find such a high EXP?

We haven't been happy for a while and the notice actually rang again. "In this mission, all new members of the guild must not attack each other, otherwise the attackers will get the same damage. Assuming that player A1 in guild A causes 10 damage to player B1 in guild B, A1 himself will also be given by the system The ten-point damage penalty of using large equipment to attack each other is still calculated according to this."

This is a little bad for us, which is equivalent to letting all newly joined guilds focus on attacking our two lines. I will. Although so many people are like a bunch of EXP in my eyes and the gun god, both of us are afraid that we will fight too hard with these people when the time comes and cannot destroy each other, so we are a little worried, but in comparison we Still think there are more opportunities.

The announcement is really over this time, and the people around are also reacting. Those guild members first expressed their emotions and grievances, and then started chaotically looking for our guild people to attack to prove that they are the strongest guild, but our situation is different. Without saying a word, our people swiftly launched an attack on the closest enemy, and the reaction on both sides was high and quick.

Among the people who appeared around me, a guy suddenly shouted: "Purple Moon is there, kill him." Although he shouted, the guy didn't move, but waited. On others. Not to mention, the stunned greens are everywhere, and there are really people who rush up stupidly.

I smiled bitterly and looked at the gunman who was taking care of myself. It seemed that I had no time to find him in a short period of time. Anyway, these guys behind them are all mobile EXP, so it’s okay to take them out first. Who knows that I just wanted to kill the system hint, but the system hint rang again, so I almost flashed my waist.

"Damn, then you won't finish it all at once?"

"In view of the fact that the personnel of the Frost Rose League and the Holy Lance League have suffered great losses in previous battles, A small amount of compensation is now given to ensure that both parties have the basic strength. The personnel and materials of the two guilds who have been kicked out of the mission will be randomly recruited to half the number. The currently injured personnel will be restored to half the damage value, and all the equipment that has been damaged will be restored. Randomly restore half of the number. The two guild leaders will get a chance to restore an attribute by themselves. The announcement officially ends, and the remaining guild will be the world’s first overlord guild confirmed by the system."

The prompt to restore an attribute made me excited immediately. "Main system, I want to restore the summon ability." I am a summoner. Without a summon creature, I have already broken a leg.

"Request to accept, your summon ability has been restored."

"haha, see who of you dare to mess with me this time!"

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