Although the cave was simple when I left, it was still very tidy. But now everything is different. The huge hole ** is filled with a pungent smell of blood everywhere. The bodies of the ordinary Sea Demoness and the Sea Demoness of the Sea Demo Sect lie on the ground, and the remaining people are still tearing each other, but the ordinary Sea Demoness is already obvious. On the verge of failure.

"Quickly, go up and help. The last person who came out tells the people behind." I pointed to the front and shouted, then switched back to the big one and rushed up, and the people who followed me out of the hole immediately rushed together. Up here.

The battle front between the two factions of the Sea Demoness has moved from the side of the pool to the entrance of the cave where I left before. If we come a little later, they will be forced into the passage. I looked around for the Queen of Sea Demoness, but I couldn’t find it. Instead, I found a small group of ordinary Sea Demoness being surrounded by a corner of Sea Demoness of Sea Demoness, and they seemed to be all behind them. Old and weak women and children.

I turned Eternity into the form of a whip sword, flicked at the top of the cave, and the blade flew out instantly and deeply inserted into the top of the cave, followed me with a violent pull on the hilt, using the whip sword as The rope swung directly over the crowd. As soon as I landed on the ground, I took the eternity back, and then threw away again to wrap around a guy's neck and push back, and that guy's head immediately rolled down. The Hai Demoness next to him didn't seem to notice that his companion was killed, and the Hai Demoness who was still attacking the circle had no choice but to jump into the encirclement. As soon as I landed on the ground, I took the Eternal Circle and slashed it horizontally, and immediately forced all the enemies in the inner circle out, followed by turning the Eternal Sword into an Eternal Spear, and slammed it against the ground.

There was a blast, and the ground hit directly caused me to sink, while the ground on both sides lifted up and put the enemy who had just gotten up to the ground again. I touched my waist, drew out a throwing knives and shot it with my hand. I dropped an enemy who had slipped through the net to the ground, and followed my gun forward to pour an enemy who was about to get up. The other demonesses rolled to the sides, and then climbed up one after another.

I tossed the eternal long spear, then caught the tail of the gun, just grabbed the long spear and rushed up. "Dragon Piercing Heart Sting." The eternity that has absorbed the Demon Dragon Spear also possesses this skill of the Demon Dragon Spear, but this trick is specially used to defeat those enemies with super high defense. I haven't encountered a few enemies that need me to use this trick, so I haven't used it for a long time, and today I have to use it once to save people.

As the skill was activated, the Eternal Spear spun like a drill in my hand, and the speed was amazing. Following the forward force, the spear head slammed into an enemy's body, and then penetrated without hindrance, and this guy exploded by himself like he was buried with explosives. I walked directly between the two halves of his corpse that were still spurting blood, and the long spear continued to move forward, dividing all the enemies in front of him in a straight line.

Seeing my powerful lethality, the other demonesses were all stunned, but I won't wait for them. Turned around and shook the gun body, pushed the tip of the gun to the ground, and kicked it on the head of the gun: "Thunder Slash." A chain of lightning shot out along the line where I picked up the gun, and all the enemies along the way were blown up. split up and in pieces.

At this time, the surrounding enemies really reacted. Several demonesses wielded their weapons and wanted to rush up. I stepped back slightly and pointed to the back. "The Ring of Discipline." The ring of Discipline behind it immediately broke away and flew away. The center jewel of my ring of commandments at one and a half months: "Phantom Blade—Six-blade Rondo." Two and a half moons suddenly broke away from the ring of commandments, and then each was divided into three, turning into six and a half months. These six and a half months quickly began to surround me, and the speed was getting faster and faster, and soon I was almost invisible from the outside. As soon as the enemies rushing up came into contact with the cutting storm formed by the rounds, they were immediately shattered, and no one could get close to me.

However, if they dare not approach me, it does not mean that I will not approach them. With the ring of commandment that had been fully expanded, I rushed up again. An enemy took a defensive posture, but before I got close, I was burnt into charcoal by the sudden falling thunder.

These guys have never really fought with me before, so they don’t understand my personal combat attributes. As long as the ring of commandment on my body is fully expanded, the black magic halo under my feet will immediately multiply and strengthen, and then a defensive attack magic will appear randomly, this time it is obviously a thundercloud storm. The feature of this magic is that you don’t need to worry about it at all. After it is released, it will automatically attack a random target within a certain range. If the target is not dead, or there are other enemies, Thundercloud Storm will continuously launch lightning attacks at a fixed frequency. Basically, you You can think of this magic as a fully automatic thunderbolt launcher. Just now that guy was unfortunately the first target of the attack because he entered the attack range.

After the first enemy was electrocuted, the people behind were all stunned, and I had already taken this opportunity to crash into the crowd. Waving the eternal long spear to sweep out, slapped all the people in a row, followed by grabbing the middle section of the long spear, and pulling it to both sides, eternal immediately broke into two pieces as I meant and turned into two machete. I pinched the machete around my fingers, and the other half fell over their necks. He turned around and chopped down an enemy who had just rushed over, and then shot another machete out, hitting the center of an enemy's eyebrows. Double beckoned, the two eternal knives automatically returned to my hand and gathered into a ball, once again unfolding into a long spear shape.

"Be careful." An ordinary demoness who was rescued by me suddenly pointed to the side and shouted at me.

I immediately blocked the gun, and with a sound, the tremendous power took me back ten steps before standing still. "God of guns! Why do you guys always soul of a deceased has not yet dispersed?"

"This is what I want to say." The gods of guns didn't give in and didn't have any in their hands. Stop, pull it up, and shoot again.

I changed the eternal spear back to shield mode, and then took the magic dragon into my hand. Ban Yue no longer circled me, but regrouped into two pieces and rolled towards the gun god. When, in midair, a bullet was shot crooked, but the bullet of the gun god also bounced in other directions. Although his bullet is fast, it weighs less than half a month, so the kinetic energy of the two are actually the same, and no one takes advantage of the collision between the two. But he can only shoot one bullet in a time, but I have two and a half months. The gun that shot down for one and a half months backed back in shock, seeing that he was about to be split in half by another month and a half. The Demoness Queen of the Sea Demoness that had attacked me before suddenly jumped out from the side and shot me with a knife. Half a month ago, he flew out.

I tapped on the central core of the ring of discipline, and the wizard of discipline jumped out immediately. "The commandment-Big Space Law."

The half-moon that was knocked off suddenly flew into a black hole, and then flew out of another black hole beside the Demoness Queen of the sea, and the target was pointed at her. neck. The Demoness Queen didn't expect that Banyue would suddenly appear in such a tricky position when she was beaten up, and she turned around in a panic to block her. Although she barely blocked her for half a month, a bloody hole appeared on her wrist. What made her didn't expect even more was that Ban Yue, who had been shot by the gunman before, was actually rolled back, and she suddenly hit the front of her helmet without any preparation.

With a sound, the half-moon that hit the helmet of the Queen of Shanghai Demoness immediately bounced off again, while the Queen of Demoness of the sea lay on the ground in a daze. After waiting a few seconds, she sat up, and with a click, her helmet split in half from the middle, and then fell off. A long dark green hair fell from the helmet like a waterfall, and after the long hair was a delicate and pretty face.

I didn’t expect that the Demoness Queen of the Sea Demoness Sect is more beautiful than her younger sister, and the demoness of the Sea Demoness I saw before seems to be very ugly, but I don’t know why she is the leader But it hasn't changed at all ugly, but has unusual beauty.

Seeing that she looked silly after the helmet was split, I immediately realized this was an opportunity. This guy has a rank of two thousand. In normal battles, I decided not to be her opponent. It would be difficult for her to find such an opportunity in the future if I didn't take this opportunity to get her. Thinking of this, I don't stay here anymore, holding up eternity and turning into a long spear form again. "Cluster flame gun." A group of purple black flame suddenly appeared on the eternally changing long spear. The red arc was winding along the gun body, followed by rows of spikes that suddenly stretched out from the gun body. I created an ultra-fine wolf fang club, and the thorns on the gun actually got high-speed rotation. I believe anyone will be shaved off if they touch it.

Stopping the gun body, I rushed forward, and the Queen of Demoness in front of me didn't react until this time. But she looked very puzzled when she saw me rushing over, but she still quickly sat out and reacted. She jumped up violently, and then threw a blob of blue magic with one hand, and slammed it directly on the tip of the gun, only to be scattered in an instant. After landing, she slammed across the barrier again. As a result, the knife was twisted into pieces when the tip of the gun hit the blade, and the gun continued to advance. She only slightly turned sideways in time, avoiding the vital parts. The gun head directly hit her right shoulder and easily penetrated her armor and body together.

After stabbing her, I did not let go, but continued to push the gun body forward, pushing the sea Demoness on the gun body all the way, and after hitting the wall of the cave behind, I continued to move forward. It was more than one meter, and didn't stop until most of the gun body was pushed into her body.

The shoulders of the Queen of Demoness have been twisted to pieces, blood sprayed everywhere, and her body was nailed to the wall by the gun body, impossible to move. But until this time she still looked blank, and then asked in an incredulous tone: "Why are you attacking me?"

I was stunned by the question. The simpler the question, the harder it is to answer. Two enemies fighting each other on the battlefield, suddenly one of them asks why the other is attacking him. How do you answer this?

Before I had time to explain, the Queen of Demoness first said: "Where is this? Why am I here? Who are you?"

A series of questions made me Completely stupid. Could it be that this demoness queen of the sea was stunned by a hit by Ban Yue just now? Why don't you even know me?

When I was puzzled by the situation in front of me, a gunshot suddenly sounded next to me. I just remembered that the gunman was still there, but it was a pity that I remembered it a little late at this time. In a panic, I blocked a shot with my arm. The bullet was blocked by the mercury shield and spirit strength field. After penetrating the armor on my arm and then shooting through my arm, I stopped, but the impact of the bullet still stopped. I bumped out sideways.

While I was taken over, the gun god hurriedly sent to the Queen of Demoness, and then reached out to draw my eternal gun, but as soon as he touched the gun body, he was knocked down by a red arc. He flew out, but he quickly got up again. When he came back, he also learned to behave. He first picked out my long spear with his gun, and then he held the Demoness Queen of the sea. "Are you okay?"

"Who are you again?" The Queen of Demoness still had a confused expression when she saw the gun god, but this time it was the gun god's turn to be in a daze.

"Aiya...!" Before the gun god could react, he was kicked and overturned by me. He jumped up violently and slammed down with a punch. The gun god swiftly rolled to the side, and I punched into the rocky ground half a foot deep. With a bang, I pulled out my fist, I raised my hand at the gunman who hadn't run far, put my finger and squeezed it, and the Avengers immediately shot a crossbow arrow. The gun god only ran two steps before being shot through his calf with an arrow, and then he fell out one by one.

I bounced off the ground, leaped forward, and threw down the gun god who was struggling to get up again, turning my wrist, the blade claws came out with a slap. With a wave of his arm, the gun god shrank his head, only cutting off a strand of his hair. I immediately flipped my wrist and thrust it in at him. The gun god turned over and turned face up to the sky, then reached out and grabbed my wrist and stubbornly withstood me from moving forward. At this time, my claw was less than an inch away from his face. I smiled slightly, and with a move of my finger, the claw popped out again. Although the gun god couldn't see my face, he knew that the situation was not in seconds when he saw my fingers move. He quickly tilted his head, but it was still a little late. The elongated claw directly penetrated his collarbone and nailed him to the ground.

The sweat from the gun pain was shed, and I kicked my crotch with my legs violently below, but he was the only one who suffered. My lower body was protected by skirt armor, so I simply wouldn't hurt the vital parts, and as a revenge action, I began to twist my arms vigorously. The blade claw moved constantly in his wound under my lead, and the painful gun god had to yell.

"haha! How's that? Excited?"

"You fucking pervert!" The gun slammed his leg between the two of us, and then kicked He kicked me out of my stomach.

I rolled over in the air and landed steadily, and then I touched my wrist but caught a hole. Then I remembered that the Eternal Spear was still stuck on the ground! I looked around and found the position of the eternal gun, and when I reached out to the gun body, the eternal gun flew up and fell into my hand.

The gun god is very envious that my weapon will return on its own, but unfortunately his gun is not a robot, and the degree of automation is not high enough, so he can only roll over and crawl towards his gun quickly. The arrow wound on the leg and the three holes on the shoulder made the gun god crawl very hard, but when he was about to touch the gun, suddenly a lance flew from behind, pu' sound from his gun Was inserted into the ground in his trigger hole. The gun god touched the gun almost at the same time, but the trigger hole was nailed to the ground. If you want to take the gun out, you have to pull out lance, or lift the gun and move it out from the end of lance. It's a pity that this spear is eternally changed. He can't touch it at all. It is obviously impossible to take it from above, because Eternity is rapidly deforming, and finally it becomes a spike ball with many pointed ends, and it has become a lot of points below. The fork fixed his gun firmly to the ground.

The gun god knew that there was no hope of holding a gun, so he turned around and got up. He yelled at me: "Don't be proud. Although my gun is blocked, you don't have any weapons."

"When have you seen me go out with only one weapon? "As I said, the blade on the elbow stretched out, and the claw on the wrist popped out. I brightened the back blade behind my calf to him again. "It’s better to bring three or five sets of weapons with you when you go out."

"You are not allowed to hurt him." A scream came from the side. Before I could turn my head, I was hit by a huge force. Flew out. The Queen of Sea Demoness stood where I just stood and shouted to me: "You badass."

The gun god ran to the Queen of Sea Demoness excitedly and asked: "Have you recovered your memory?" "

"No." Hai Demoness shook the head, and the heart of the gun god fell down. "But since you are helping me and he is attacking me, then at least we should be companions. Let's solve him first. You are talking to me slowly about my situation."

"Yes." Hai Demoness The queen is not a relative of the gun god family, he doesn't care whether the demoness queen can restore his memory! As long as the Queen of Demoness is willing to deal with me with him.

I got up from the ground, then rubbed my head, and then found that I directly touched my forehead. Looking back, my helmet actually fell off.

"Look at you if you die this time." The gun god's voice suddenly appeared behind me, and I rolled my head to the side without turning my head back, and a small hole appeared on the ground in an instant. With the help of tumbling, I have seen the location of the gun god, but he has more pistols in his hand. After discovering that I noticed his gun, the gun god proudly said: "Don't think that only you know to have an extra weapon. I have it too!"

"There are not as many as mine." I suddenly had both hands. He touched his waist and flew out with his hand. The two daggers flew towards the gun god, and gun god hurriedly shot down one of the throwing knives, but the other one plunged deeply into his left shoulder. This time the gun god was injured on his left and right shoulders, and he couldn't even lift the gun. I was about to get up to make up for it, but the Queen of Demoness rushed out again to attack me, but suddenly the golden light flashed beside me, and the steel teeth rushed from my side and knocked the Queen of Demoness to the ground.

Because the summon ability is blocked, I can neither summon the new familiar nor send the original one back, so the steel tooth has been with me all the time, but was blocked when I came down to the cave. To the back. The Gangfang who had just gotten off saw me being attacked and immediately rushed to protect the lord. As a result, she and the Demoness Queen of the sea rolled into a ball of crushed rocks and flew around.

Take advantage of the sea Demoness Queen being entangled, I plan to take this opportunity to go up and completely kill the gun god, who knows that after only two steps, I saw a large group of people rushing up from behind the gun god, some of them are still Keep the gun god in the middle. At a glance, I recognized these people from the Holy Lance Alliance. It turned out that it was not only the gun god who came here, but the people from their guild had obviously also arrived.

People in the Holy Lance Alliance knew that things were not good when they found that the gun god’s gun was not in their hands. Except for the people who protected the gun god, everyone else immediately rushed up. I was about to rush forward and was immediately hit by a torrent of bullets. Holy Lance Alliance, just listen to the name and know who they have more people in their guild. Dozens of single-shot muskets hit one person in a concentrated manner, and the firepower is not much worse than that of a submachine gun. Although my armor is very defensive, there are more ants that can kill an elephant.

There is no way forward, so I have to go back and pick up the helmet belt first, so that I don’t have to always protect my head. After I was fully armed, I immediately hid behind a stalagmite, and then yelled at the elite team that was coming down at the tunnel entrance: "Come and help with two, I can't stretch my head because of being beaten!" I'm pretty. Seeing me hiding behind the stalagmites, I still don't let me go. The bullets are getting more and more happy, forcing me to dare not appear at all.

The elite team members heard my call and immediately separated a few people and ran over. One of the female players stood still far away, and then took out a colored crystal from behind. The arrow frame is drawn on the bow into a full moon. "Storm Arrow." As soon as she let go, the crystal arrow immediately rushed out with a whirlwind, as if she was not shooting an arrow, but a tornado lying flat.

Crystal Arrow rushed through the crowd of Holy Lance Alliance with a violent wind. Although no one shot, the violent wind brought everyone to the ground. The barrage on my side It disappeared in an instant. I gave the female player a thumbs up, and then quickly flashed stalagmites, beckoning to call back to eternity and rushed up quickly.

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