I totally didn't expect that the task mentioned in advance would appear in this situation, otherwise I would not summon steel teeth. It's not that the steel teeth are not good, but that he is not suitable. My familiars are very targeted, and their individual strengths are also good, so generally I choose summon familiars based on the combat situation. But here is a hole in the ground, which is obviously not conducive to the performance of steel. Moreover, the Queen of Demoness of the Sea seems to be a hybrid of law and physics. It may be a little difficult to deal with the powerful steel teeth by physical attack.

"Steel Tooth, retreat." I don't want Steel Tooth to rush forward recklessly. Now that this is the case, then I have to rely on existing resources to defeat the opponent. Although Steel Fang is not the most suitable monster for this kind of battle, he is very strong after all, so it is better to keep it than nothing. The queen of Demoness in the sea knew very difficult to deal with at a glance. If she used some killer move to put the steel teeth down, then I would regret it too late. I'm not sure I can win if I beat her alone.

Seeing that I called Gangfang back, the Queen of Demoness immediately asked triumphantly: "Are you afraid?"

"Now it is a tactical confrontation, of course I must pay attention to it. Your battle strength is up. If it is a preliminary plan, I will despise all enemies."

"Contempt of me will not change your failure." The Queen of Demoness suddenly appeared in front of me. Then he directly waved his hand knife and chopped it down at my neck. I didn't react too slowly, and just before she was about to hit me, she held her attack with a rod. She didn't compare her strength to me. She just grabbed my wrist and pulled me to her body with the help of her force, and kicked me in the stomach with a sharp kick.

The Queen of Demoness was very proud to think that this kick could solve the battle. Who knew that this kick not only didn't make her take advantage of it, but it hurt herself. First, I immediately felt severe pain in the foot of the four direct kicks. Then I found that I turned over her head directly with the help of her kicking action, and then I buckled her helmet as I fell, and my body turned towards Sliding forward, a knee hit just hit her spine, but it was a pity that she was blocked by her armor, but the penetrating power still caused her to lie down in pain.

"This kick is cool, isn't it?" I looked at the Demoness Queen of the sea triumphantly. Our two unsatisfied mages played in a fighting style for the first time, and the Queen of Demoness, who had despised me, had to reassess my battle strength.

"This thing can't hurt me." The Queen of Demoness turned to face me, and then suddenly pointed at me. I just felt that my head was knocked, and I almost didn't lie down directly. Fortunately, my willpower is strong enough. I just trembled and eased. The Queen of Demoness used this short moment to pounce again, but she only ran halfway and flew out with a scream. With a bang, she crashed into the rock and fell to the ground again.

Steel tooth is Vajra Qilin, intelligence is not lower than human, so it can handle all kinds of sudden occurrences. Although I told him to stop moving just now, he saw my danger and immediately decided to violate the order and rush to help. The Demoness Queen of the Sea was beaten into the air just because the familiar did not expect to get the order would suddenly get into trouble. If she was prepared, she wouldn't be so easy to be beaten into the air.

"What a great claw." After the Queen of Demoness got up from the rock, she did not rush up in a hurry. Obviously she also realized that the duo of me and the pet is not easy to deal with, but she does not Think you will lose.

I winked at Gangfang, then suddenly turned around and threw a throwing knives. The Queen of Demoness reacted quickly and raised her hand to block her, but at the moment when she blocked the flying knife, Steel Tooth also reached her side at the same time. The Queen of Demoness of the Sea was forced to give up blocking the flying knives, and instead crouched over the flying knives and rolled to the side to avoid the steel teeth attack. But at the same time she thought she had successfully avoided this series of attacks, a huge flame fist had already smashed against her.

At first, I thought this was a foolproof hit. A gunshot suddenly came from the side of didn't expect and knocked out my flame fist.

"The gun god?"

"Didn't expect Purple Moon?" The gun god looked particularly proud.

"Why are you here?" Ordinarily, this is my personal task. Unplanned personnel shouldn't appear. But now, there are not only unplanned personnel, but also the least should appear Guy.

The Gunmaster became even more proud when he saw my astonishment. "You don't have to worry about why I am here, but as long as I am here, your task is destined to be impossible to complete."

"Damn! You guys can’t do the job by yourself, the ability to make trouble. It's first-rate."

"Just know." The gun god slowly approached the Queen of Demoness, the muzzle of the gun kept facing me. "Two-on-one you played so hard, two-on-two, do you think you have a chance of winning?"

"That's not necessarily." I suddenly thrust my staff into the ground, and the gun god found me 'S action immediately pulled the trigger. The bullet shot straight to the center of my eyebrows, but a huge claw reached out in front of me. With a loud sound, the bullet immediately changed its direction after hitting the claws of Steel Tooth. I also completed the magic in my hand under the protection of Steel Tooth. The gun god suddenly noticed that the ground under his feet was full, and he ran backwards in fright. This guy has eaten rose vines and the Blazers' losses before, and he thought I had used the old trick again, but this time he guessed wrong.

The ground was forcibly pushed open by a huge force, and a cloud of dark red sticky substance was sprayed out. The gun god finally recognized what it was. "Flash, it's Lava Earth."

Although the gun gods shouted in a timely manner, the demonesses of the sea didn't know what Lava Earth was, so their reaction was still half a beat slow. With the initial protrusion as the center, dozens of large and small cracks appeared on the ground instantaneously, and they continued to increase. The hot lava tumbling and gushing out of these cracks, the hole in the ground was instantly occupied by a pungent sulphur smell.

It was too late when the Sea Demoness realized that this was the lava land, the nearby exits were basically blocked by lava, and the ground in the center of the cave was getting less and less. The hot lava continuously flows to the ground and competes with the demonesses for the remaining space.

A somewhat clever Sea Demoness suddenly shot an icy arrow at the lava on the ground, hoping to cool the lava and achieve the goal of self-protection, but his cleverness not only failed to save himself, but instead It also killed everyone around him.

as everyone knows The temperature of lava is very high, and ice bolts can indeed cool lava, but only the surface layer is cooled. The outer lava will form a hard crust after being cooled, while the inner lava will continue to expand under the action of high temperature and high pressure. When the rock crust cannot restrain the lava inside, the entire rock crust will burst and cause the lava inside to splash around under high pressure. This situation is a bit like pouring cold water into a hot oil pan. Not only did it fail to cool down, but instead caused drops of oil to splash around. But the oil droplets that fly out of the oil pan are at most a blister, while the lava that fly out of the crust can actually burn people through.

The wise sea Demoness was hit by his masterpiece hot after firing the ice bolt, and soon there was no sound at all, which shows how powerful the lethality of lava is.

The surrounding sea Demoness didn't dare to use Water Element magic to cool the lava anymore, seeing the miserable situation of the companions, but if the lava did not cool down, they would still have to die when the lava covered the entire ground.

The Queen of Sea Demoness is also anxious by the situation in front of her. Here are all the elites of the Sea Demoness clan. If all of them are reimbursed here, then Sea Demoness will not be confused in the future. Quick witted in an emergency Sea Demoness The queen suddenly blasted a strong wind against the wall, blasting a crack in the wall. Although this cave is not built under the sea as I thought, it is almost the same. Behind the rock wall behind the Queen of Demoness, there was sea water only across a wall. She suddenly blasted the wall, and a large amount of sea water immediately poured in.

Cooling the lava with freezing magic will cause an explosion, but it is because the cooling is not enough. If there is an unlimited cooling capacity for a long time, the freezing capacity can actually control the lava. The large amount of seawater introduced by the Queen of Demoness has a similar ability. Although the lava evaporates the seawater flowing nearby, more seawater rushes up, and eventually the lava becomes a mass of stones with white bubbles. Piece.

The location of this hole is obviously much lower than the sea level. After the seawater has submerged the lava, it doesn't mean to stop. Instead, it starts to rise gradually, and the water level in the hole instantly passes the waist. This is not a good situation for me. Although no one here is afraid of water, but with your toes, you know that Demoness of the sea is definitely better in the water than on the ground. I just won't be drowned in the water. Compared with the ground, the battle strength can only be folded in half and then folded in half. In this way, you can't expect to defeat the Demoness Queen of the sea.

Look at the surrounding situation. The lava is basically covered by sea water. Although the bubbles from the rocks can still cook people, this can no longer affect the overall temperature of the sea water. Gangfang is the same as me. Although I am not afraid of water, I can't fight in the water. The two of us looked at each other, and finally decided to talk to others first.

The plan will never keep up with the changes, we just wanted to run the Demoness Queen suddenly rushed over. Her lower body armor was gone, replaced by a big mermaid-like tail that stretched out, and the speed was amazing. Before I could react, I was led to somersault in the water. When I got up again, the sea had completely covered my head.

"Damn! I choked on my saliva!" Just because I was knocked down by the Demoness Queen of the sea, my water shield was opened a bit late, but I still drank the sea water. The taste was really bitter and astringent.

"You will drink more." The Queen of Demoness of the Sea came back sometime and beat me out with a tail.

The steel teeth are somehow bigger, and they haven't been completely submerged by the water for the time being. When I was knocked out of the water, I opened my mouth and caught me, then turned and ran. The Demoness Queen of the Sea chased her all the way along the surface of the water. Although she could sometimes fill the steel teeth from behind, all of them had no effect. I have already experimented, and there is simply no weakness in this thing on the steel teeth. Even the eyes and mouth are as hard as other places, and they are not afraid of any physical damage at all.

Although the steel teeth are very hard, it is not the only way to get beaten like this, and we will soon have nowhere to escape. We are now in a big hole, and the channels connecting it are very small. Although the steel teeth will shrink in size, their flexibility will drop drastically after being completely submerged in the water. In this case, we must be caught up. But knowing that this won't work, we have to do it, because if we don't get in, we will have to be killed sooner or later.

Gangtooth shrank and became about the size of a tiger, and then carried me forward in the water on my back. There is a small spherical water-free zone all around the steel tooth body. Although this thing can reduce resistance, it still walks in the water after all, and the speed is significantly slower. Seeing that the Queen of Demoness in the sea behind had already caught up, I had to jump down to prepare to fight, but who knew I hadn’t made any move, suddenly an arm stretched out from the wall next to me and grabbed my arm and pulled me. Went in. Gangfang immediately hit me when I disappeared into the wall, and finally got through.

The wall here is just an illusion. After passing through the wall, we are still in the passage, just entering another fork. The Demoness Queen rushed past the entrance of the cave with her men outside, as if she hadn’t noticed that there was a side road here. The most annoying thing was that the gun god was actually following me behind, and she made it clear that she wanted to borrow it. This opportunity to take revenge.

I looked back at the person who rescued me with peace of mind when I saw them all running over, but I almost crawled back into the original tunnel in shock. It was the Demoness Queen of the sea that saved me! No, it's not right. I just saw the Demoness Queen of the Sea running from outside, so this should not be her, the two of them should just wear the same armor. In addition, the person who saved me has very long hair.

The creature in front of me has the same demoness-like lower body, which is the fish tail, and the upper body is covered in armor, and the style is exactly the same as that of the demoness queen, the only difference is hers There is long black hair floating behind the helmet, and the Queen of Demoness may have no hair, or she may be trapped in the helmet. Anyway, I haven't seen her hair.

As if to soothe my mood, the person who saved me reached out and took off his helmet. I couldn't help but admire the beauty in my heart, but it was just an admiration. I still have the basic vigilance.

"Who you are?"

"Queen of Demoness." The other party's answer made me almost run away again, but she quickly added: "What you saw before It’s my elder sister, but the two of us are almost like our mortal enemies now."

"Can we talk to another place? They seem to be back again." I suddenly noticed that there was another sea outside. Demoness appears.

"Come with me."

Under the leadership of the Sea Demoness, who claims to be the Queen of Sea Demoness, we quickly entered a water pool flooding. After it surfaced, I discovered that this place was originally a natural cave, and the pool only occupies less than one-fifth of the area.

The shore of the pool is very high, at least five meters above the water. Two male demonesses stood on the shore, and when they saw us coming over, they immediately lowered a section of the inclined ladder into the water. After we walked up, the two demonesses took the ladder up again, and I followed the demoness queen to the back living area. There are many demoness queens living here, but the strange thing is that they basically don't wear armor, and their appearance is completely different from the demoness queens I saw.

The Sea Demoness here has no scales at all, at least when it is on the surface of the water, and only the lower body that turns into a fishtail will be covered with scales after entering the water. In addition, although their looks are not as handsome as the handsome women of mermaid men, they are absolutely indifferent to ugliness, and even slightly higher than the average level of human looks.

I was very curious to ask the Queen of Demoness who led me: "Since you are both Demoness of the Sea, why do you look so much different?"

"This is a long story. , Let's go to the room and sit down and talk!" The Queen of Demoness took us to a stone house in the depths of the cave. The furnishings here are quite dilapidated, which shows that their lives are relatively difficult, at least they are much poorer than those evil sea Demoness.

"You have very difficult conditions here?"

"Yes, this is mainly because we are few people, so people who can't beat elder sisters can only go out secretly. Things come back, and food takes up the majority of them, and other things can’t be so careless. This is our conference hall, which is already very good. The residence of the ordinary person is even more run-down than here."

"Oh. By the way, I asked you why you are different from other demoness queens, you haven't answered yet."

"This is actually not the difference between us and them. They are the same, but they are different from us. In fact, the form you see now is the real form of Sea Demoness. If the newly-born Sea Demoness is not disturbed, it will eventually grow into ours."

< p>"Then your elder sister, they...?"

"They became like that because they joined the sea Demon Sect and performed the demonized ceremony."

"Well, why do they make themselves so ugly?"

"This is actually for a reason." The Queen of Demoness said: "Our Demoness was originally a branch of the mermaid, although the relationship is not very related. Near, but at least we are not ugly, and the title of Sea Demoness does not originally mean that we are as evil as Demoness, but that our magical power is stronger, so it is called Sea Demoness."

" What happened later?"

"Later in my great-grandmother's generation, a Demoness general who went out on a patrol mission did not know where he brought back a human and a box. The box was mainly Books, and the person was already in a severely injured coma. Later, the person was paralyzed after being rescued, but he used the contents of the box to create the Sea Demo Sect, and developed a group of young Sea Demoness to join it. At first, the young demoness of the sea just thought it was more fun, and other demonesses of the sea did not pay attention to this sect, but the situation suddenly changed after a few years. The human finally found an evil book in the mezzanine of the box a few years later. The magic book, and use it to demonize our people. In addition to the ugly appearance of the demonized people, the characters also began to gradually become extreme and cruel. Then came the usurpation and civil war, and the Demoness clan from then on Split into two parts. One part still adheres to the previous way of life, that is, us, and the other part joins the sea Demon Sect and becomes a terrifying creature like the elder sister."

"So what about the person who created this Sea Demon Sect? "

"Dead early. Now these are later believers, and the elder sister has only recently become the demoness queen of the sea Demoness. "

"Understood. "I nodded: "But I still want to ask something. "

"Please speak. "

"If I want to destroy the Sea Demon Sect, will you object? "

"No. "

"I mean if there is a fight, I definitely can't guarantee their lives. Will you feel unhappy about it?" "

"I have said before, we are now like mortal enemies, how could we still be unhappy? "

"But you are of the same race after all, and that is your elder sister. "

"The elder sister was dead during the demonization ceremony. All that was left was a shell and an evil soul. Believe me that I will be happy if I kill this guy who blasphemes the soul of the elder sister. of. "

"It's best if you can think of it this way. Now I want to know how many of you are, and do you have a way to send me out? I alone cannot deal with them, I have to find my men. "

"Queen. "A Hai Demoness suddenly rushed in. "Not good, the people of Hai Demon Sect found this place, they have already rushed in. Our people are blocking, but I'm afraid it won't last long. "

"What? How did they find our tunnel entrance? "

"It seems that another outsider discovered it. "

As soon as I said the demoness of the sea, I instinctively thought of the gun god, except for him. There will be no one else. This guy's tasks are all upside-down with me. Our task is to level the archipelago. The most likely task of the evil creatures is to protect the evil creatures from being eradicated. The whole thing is to make trouble with me!

The Queen of Demoness quickly said to me: "Our people will first Hold on, if you go with him, he will send you to the ground. "

I was not polite with her, because this is the best way. "I will come down to help you as soon as I find my person. "Anyway, if you want to complete the mission, the Sea Demoness of the Sea Demoness must also be eliminated. It is of course better to have a helper, so helping them is also helping yourself.

The Sea Demoness Queen rushes to the front line immediately after she finishes speaking to resist the enemy. , I followed the Hai Demoness who reported the letter and ran to a passage on the side. Under the leadership of the Hai Demoness, I passed through a nine curves and eighteen bends plus countless channels with forks, and finally I reached the ground. didn't The entrance of expect this ground is actually inside the volcanic crater, and the detained members of the guild can be seen through a small patch of grass outside.

The Demoness who sent me up whispered: "Your person is over there, and it's up to you in the back. I have to go back and help. When you bring people down, pay attention to the stones at the fork. Anything with such a mark is the right path. "

"Okay. "After bidding farewell to the Sea Demoness, I slowly moved along the grass to behind a Sea Demoness of Sea Demoness, this guy was standing there dozing off. I suddenly stood up from behind him, and held his head for two weeks. , Followed by a strong twist, and after hearing only a faint click, this guy softened into a puddle of mud.

Quietly dragged the corpse into the grass, let the steel teeth help to dig a hole, and then put this guy Bury it in. Of course, his armor still needs to be left, this thing is still useful.

During the previous attack, I deliberately found this tall sea Demoness, and my silver moon trumpet figure It’s more slender. Even if you wear your own armor, you can put on this sea Demoness armor. After putting it on, I took advantage of the surrounding sea Demoness and stood up again. Other sea Demoness just looked at me and there was no response. .

After standing there for a while, I can see the surrounding situation clearly. Although there are a lot of demonesses guarding here, but because we have more people, they actually take up a lot. Recently People who are away from me also have fifty-sixty meter away. In addition, I found that Demoness does not often do things like prisoners, because they obviously have no vigilance. Not only do they stand lazily, but some Demoness even runs away. I went to other places and chatted with the neighboring Sea Demoness. The most annoying thing was that there was a male Sea Demoness who ran into our people to molest the female players of our guild. To be honest, I would molest the player’s NPC. This is the first time I have seen it.

Since the other party’s discipline is so bad, my actions are much easier. Seeing that no one seems to pay attention to me, I also moved to the prisoner. First of all I leaned against a player who was closer to me, and then violently swung the stick in my hand and knocked it down. It seemed to others that I was knocking someone with a stick, but in fact I pushed him down with my arm. No harm.

As this player was taken down by me, I rode directly on it. "I am Purple Moon, don't say anything, listen to me. "

The guild’s elite policy makes every player have a superb reaction ability. This player immediately started to scream in cooperation, and the body also sat out struggling movements, in line with my actions, it looked like It's as if one is beating someone, and the other is resisting.

"Why did you come here alone, President? Where's the big army? Sister Rose said that the rest of you didn't come together? "

"Something happened. After I got to the island, I was separated from the others. But they are also rushing here. I will save you first. "

"Our bodies have been sealed, and now no skills can be used, and the strength has been reduced to the level of a free NPC. "

"I know. Don't move, I'll help you lift the seal. "

There are many ways to remove the seal, but I only have one-exorcism. This trick is actually not specifically used to remove the seal, but it has the effect of expelling most ordinary seals. So basically everyone in the guild’s legal system can do it.

The simple expulsion technique will take effect soon, and the player immediately whispered: “Okay, I can use the skills. "

"Then tell the others that I am here to save them, and then pass them out one by one. You first find a few wizards to help them lift the seal, and then ask them to lift other people, and then gradually pass it on, and soon everyone will lift it. Tell everyone that after the dismissal is complete, don't move, and wait for my signal to launch a counterattack. There are not as many guards here as we are, so it should be easy to handle. "

"Understood. "This member rolled out from under me immediately after receiving the order, and I pretended to beat others, and then went to release the seal for another player.

The nearby sea Demoness may not behave towards me. Careful, after I "beaten" a lot of people in a row, there is still no response. The guy who was "beaten" by me before did not move slowly, and quickly passed out a lot of people. Soon there will be a lot of our people. The people who are outstanding seals, these people help others undo seal one by one, and the speed of removing them is getting faster and faster as the number of people increases.

Because I am afraid that too many people will be noticed if they continuously "beaten" too many people. After only a dozen people were lifted, I retreated and looked at those people to lift others. Although everyone’s movements were very hidden, I knew in advance that they were going to help others lift the seal and then staring at them would be easier to spot their small movements.

Although the demonesses around me are lax in guarding work, after all, not every demoness is the same. After most of the seals are lifted, one is far away from me. The Hai Demoness in the position suddenly shouted at several NPCs in the guild. "What are you guys doing? "

NPCs are not like players, they are still slightly weaker in terms of reflexes. If the players are found, they will definitely find a way to prevaricate, but the NPC's ability in this area is relatively lacking. The Sea Demoness found these I didn’t answer, and I walked over immediately. Although I was far away, I could still see the situation there. I knew that the demoness of the sea would definitely be exposed once it came to those people. Anyway, most of them have been relieved. Seal, just start the counterattack.

Suddenly, I summoned my staff and thrust it into the ground, followed by a golden light flashing. The sea Demoness armor on my body burst open and flew towards all directions. The Demoness of the sea cast their eyes on me together, and our members took this opportunity to stand up and pounce on the Demoness of the sea next to him. No matter how close the enemy is, no matter how close the enemy is, it can’t stand the rogue play of a group of people. Those. The Demoness guarding them was thrown to the ground by a group of people almost before they realized what was going on. Five or six people hugged their limbs and heads respectively, and the person who jumped up rode directly on Demoness’s body, and then used a short weapon to attack. The opponent’s key attacked. In this way, all the guards were killed instantly, and everyone got up. As there was no need to covert anymore, some wizards who could high level dispel magic simply used large-scale exorcism with good sound and light effects. This has greatly accelerated the speed of removing the seal.

The guards who found that the situation was not right issued an alarm to the rear, and the sea Demoness troops crouching in the vicinity ran over immediately, but unfortunately they came a little late. , Our people have all lifted their seals and started to run.

The people looking at us from the periphery of the field seem to be messy, but the scene is not like this at all. The elite players of the guild stand separately In his position, he opened a banner. Other players and NPCs immediately ran to where they should go after seeing the banner. Soon our team had a preliminary structure.

Although the team of Hai Demoness has always been organized, they haven't fought much in the first place. Usually it's nothing to bully some weak creatures. It's basically a group of armed forces when you encounter this kind of formal large-scale battle. The common people.

Although the team has not been fully completed, our elite players still use this short time interval to form a shield formation in front of the formation, and the players with lance and bows behind are also No longer eager to find my position, just follow the principle of proximity, and quickly fill in the middle of the shield formation. The whole shield formation instantly becomes a section of steel city wall full of iron thorns.

The Demoness team was immediately hit by a mixture of magic and arrow rain. At least one third fell before hitting the shield wall. Following the remaining Sea Demoness, it hit a shield wall as high as one person. Most of these shield warriors were NPC soldiers bought from Celestial Court, and because they were shield soldiers holding shields, their strengths were amazing. Two meters high and fifty centimeters wide, there is a row of spiked shields at the bottom that can hardly be pushed once it hits the ground hard, not to mention that there is a shield warrior like the Heaven Supporting Pillar behind it. Although the Sea Demonesses are also very strong, they are not force-type personnel after all, and they can't hit this wall at all. However, the long spear that expands and contracts in the gap between the shields instantly overwhelms a large area of ​​Sea Demoness.

"Quick, quick, fast action." Crystal Chocolate directed a group of NPCs to play with several trebuchets behind the position. Although most of the guild’s equipment is in another group of people, this The people on the side also brought some simple equipment, such as this trebuchet.

Generally speaking, the catapult is not very harmful to personnel, after all, the probability of being hit by a stone is too low. But what if it is a bomb?

Although the range of the catapult is very low and the accuracy of its hits is very poor, at any rate this thing can throw a few hundred kilograms of things four to five hundred meters away, which is enough for throwing bombs.

"Attention in the front row." With a reminder sound brought by the sound reinforcement magic, a row of smoking objects flew over everyone's heads. The lance hand in the front row immediately pulled the weapon back, and the shield warrior quickly moved closer to completely cover the gap between the shields, and then squatted down together, laying down the shield backwards to form a forty-five degree with the ground. inclination.

As soon as this series of actions was completed, the smoking things in front rolled and fell into the team of Demoness, followed by a thunderous noise, and the stumps and pieces of meat flying around. . Since the shield players had tilted their shields in advance, the airflow caused by the explosion was guided to a higher place when they encountered the tilted shields. They did not directly impact the shields and did not cause any impact on our main formation.

As soon as the explosion ended, the shield player on our side stood up immediately. The archer ran quickly, and immediately turned and ran backwards after a rain of thrown arrows fell. The barbarian and longswordman who had already used the previous time to complete the preliminary team, interspersed through the gap between the archer team and reached t

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