"Wow! What kind of monster is this ugly?"

"Demoness of the sea."

"The kind of thing the mermaids said? But why don't they attack us?" King Chuang asked nervously.

"They are just observing us, I think the attack will appear in the near future."

"Then what do we do now?"

"Regardless of them, Let's gather our troops first."


"Now fighting with them will only disperse our strength. It's better to wait for the reunion and then fight with them. "

"Okay, then."

At my request, the fleet quickly landed and fired two flares into the sky. The strange thing is that the staff of our bank on this island did not respond.

"It's weird. Didn't the system say that everyone else is on the island? Why can't you see any of them?"

"Wait for me to contact Rose to take a look." I turn to love The ring, following the voice of the rose, appeared beside me. "Husband, have you arrived on the island? I just saw the flare."

"How's the situation on your side? The system hint says that the guild forces are on this island except for those around me. Come on, are they with you?"

"Yes, everyone is here, but the situation is not very optimistic."


"Because we were caught."

"We were caught? By Hai Demoness?"

"How did you know?" Rose looked surprised.

"I met some local creatures on the road and asked them. How come so many of you were caught?"

"It should be said that we were here as soon as we entered the mission. We just fell into the sea when it was passed on, and then there were a lot of monsters attacking us. We didn’t have heavy equipment and no boats, and all of us fell into the water without being able to prevent it. Many people would not swim at all. Suddenly we were attacked and it was a mess at the time."

"What happened later?"

"Later we lost almost one third manpower, and then others finally climbed up. At that time, we had exhausted our stamina points in the sea, and we couldn’t even walk ashore. Many people came up on the other side, and the injured people among the rest of us were taken to other places. The others are all locked together."

"Where are you now?"

"In the volcanic crater in the center of the island. This is an extinct volcano with a large lake in the center. , The entire volcanic crater is a prison, and our people are here. They seem to have used seals on us. Although many of us here will unlock them, everyone is sealed, and they will use them as well. Don’t come out."

"Then you don’t resist, just wait there, we will come to rescue you soon. By the way, let me mark the distribution of the guard’s power, so we can go in more easily. ."

"I can only see a part of it here. I will pass on the location to you now."

The ring of love is really easy to use. As the intimacy between husband and wife increases, this The functions of things are also increasing. In the past, this thing could only transmit sound, but later it can transmit images synchronously. Now it can transmit even maps or files, and it can even be used to transmit relatively small items to each other. I don't know if it will evolve into something like a large-scale Transmission Formation in the future.

After seeing the guard's position, I began to summon the troops to advance, but we had no intention of approaching silently. The sea Demoness that appeared on the sea surface has already explained that our position has been exposed, and there is no need to hide it at all. Moreover, the mission only mentioned that we should eliminate the enemy, but did not say that we must preserve the local ecological environment.


"What do you do."

"Do what you love the most."

"I My favorite thing to do? Is it firing a gun? Who are you going to hit?"

"The whole island." I pointed to the volcanic crater ahead. "Be careful that you can't fight in there. I will blast it all over the other places."

"What shells?"

"What do you mean?"

"Ah , I understand." King Chuang ran back to the battleship excitedly. I hurriedly ordered the other troops around to plug their ears and rest on the spot. We couldn't enter the island until the shells were finished.

Shortly after, the Biling fired first, with a bang, and a cannonball fell in the forest not far in front of us, followed by a huge fireball. This first round is an ordinary blasting bomb, which is specially used to test shooting data, and the latter is a formal strike.

Sure enough, the Biling fired again after the shell hit the ground. This time the shell suddenly exploded in midair, and then a large burst of flames fell. King Chuang really understands me. He used napalm as soon as he came up. It couldn't be better for clearing the forest. After the first shell landed, there was a barrage. The large fire sea swallowed all the forests near the area where we landed in an instant, and some strange screams were heard from time to time in the billowing smoke. It was obvious that something was burned. .

Suddenly, a fire ball flew out of the forest, and then rolled into our camp. It wasn't until it landed that we discovered that it was actually a large Insect, but it turned into a big fire group because the whole body was on fire. This Insect was quite fierce. After landing, it still didn't forget to roll around in an attempt to hurt people, but because its body was on fire and couldn't see the surrounding environment, it was nailed to the ground by our archer.

As the forests around us were lit, the battleship’s artillery fire began to extend far away, the flames quickly expanded, and countless weird creatures rolled and screamed in the fire. Fortunately, we did not go directly into the forest before, otherwise we will face jungle guerrilla warfare, which is a quick battle method for the dead.

Fortunately, now our enemies are fighting the fire sea, and we have become bystanders. In fact, in addition to a large number of dangerous organisms here, even the plants here are equally dangerous. We saw with our own eyes a big tree jumped out of the mud after it caught fire and started rolling all over the floor, and there were rows of teeth growing in the big flowers on the tree. I don't believe that it was an ordinary tree that was killed.

As the artillery fire went on, the creatures lurking in the forest finally couldn't stand it. They gave up the ambush plan and all rushed out. We only saw a large group of Insect flying from the forest that had not yet been on fire, and then gathered in the sky into a black ribbon and rushed towards us.

I said to the member who is holding the crystal communication machine next to me: "Let the King Chuang use the Magic Light Cannon."


The hemispherical fairings at the top of several large battleships all slowly slid to the sides, and the giant magic light emitter inside slowly stretched out. The black ribbons in the sky are rushing crazily. Suddenly a dozen thick white beams cut through the sky. Any black that comes into contact with the beam instantly turns into flying ash and falls down, even if it is wiped at close range. Will immediately fall to the ground with fire all over. The attack power of this city-level weapon is far beyond what these small insects can contend.

"Mage Fire Element, go up and help." I ordered to the people around me.

Some flame wizards in the guild stepped forward and began to release magic, and those a fish that escaped the net that appeared occasionally fell at the feet of the wizards in black smoke.

After discovering that the insects rushed over, the monsters came up with a new method. Some large creatures started to rush into the fire sea, trying to make a way out at their own sacrifice, but unfortunately they forgot that there was still a large group of battleships stopping there behind the fire sea. The first rare beast that rushed into the fire sea was quickly burned to death, but the monsters who came after them finally rushed out of their way, but just as they were about to break through the fire sea, a new napalm bomb fell on again. The area on their heads, followed by the monster's blood and corpse that had just been crushed by the impact, burned again.

Monsters have not played a 3rd move yet, and the forest is almost burned by us. The burning ability of napalm bombs is very strong. Even the young leaves with rich moisture can be gradually dried and ignited. In the end, all the plants cannot escape death, and the hidden creatures have no way to survive.

Most of the lurking troops on the land were wiped out before the battle started, and the remaining enemies finally could not sit still. A huge water column burst suddenly from the side of the Bi Ling, and a terrifying arm and foot stretched out of the water and entangled the battleship. However, we have already prepared. Several catapults on the deck of the Biling suddenly started, and they threw a row of buckets into the water in a continuous thump, and then just listened to the sound of the sound under the water. Suddenly several dozens of meters high burst out on the water. The huge water column, and the huge screams coming from underwater can be heard at the same time.

The king of Chuang stood at the window looking at the frantically dancing tentacles on the sea and shouted: "Go eat shit, you monster, let you taste the power of solvents for living things." King Chuang just finished shouting. Those tentacles waved more vigorously as if they were back to the light, and one of them was almost drawn to King Chuang. The angry King Chuang shouted at the command room: "Throw a few more shots, give it some stuff. Hehe, this It’s time to see if you die."

A large number of aquatic monsters surfaced under the sea and began to attack, but they were all hit by depth bombs without exception. Although most of these monsters are huge, people who have never seen the formidable power of depth charges will not understand them. Many monsters are stunned by the shock wave 40 or 50 meters away from the bomb, and if it is a close bomb within 10 meters, it can basically make the monster lose a large piece of meat. The terrifying formidable power is definitely not a flesh and blood body. Bearable.

Compared to the sea, the enemies on the shore are not much better. The fire is getting more and more prosperous with the help of petrol bombs, and the remaining monsters have to go to the volcanic crater in the heart of the island. Retreat, because there is fire everywhere except there.

"Doesn't it seem that the cleanup task is not too troublesome!" said a member.

"That's not necessarily." I pointed to the volcano in front of me and said: "Where is the real problem."

"But our people are also inside. No need!" said another member next to him.

"If you don’t have a gun, you won’t fight anymore?"

"But we don’t know how many tasks are left. The premature sacrifice is just a loss to the guild. We don't want our mission to fail because of our own death."

"Two slippery heads." I smiled and slapped their heads on the back. "Go tell everyone to prepare for the battle, it's time for us to play."

The fire has already burned all the enemies, but it does not mean that there are no enemies here. We still need a carpet search. Not long after I walked, a lid suddenly opened on the ground in front of me, followed by an unknown thing rushing out like lightning and bit my thigh, but this guy didn't expect that the dragon suit will be so hard At this level, not only did it fail to hurt me, but it also broke a few of my teeth.

"Go to die." I inserted a sword into the back of this black creature, and then I picked it hard, and it was instantly divided into two pieces by eternity. "It's a miracle that a monster can survive such a big fire!"

"There are always tenacious individuals with life force. This is a question of probability." A player provoked the monster. Looked at his body. "It seems to be a crypt tarantula, no wonder it's not afraid of fire. This thing usually hides underground, and the fire can't burn it."

I turned my head and said to the troops behind me: "Be careful, everyone Point, there must be a lot of this stuff along the way, be careful not to be dragged into the hole."

My reminder still played a role. Everyone moved carefully and finally avoided most of them. monster, but this does not include me as a reminder. I was walking well in the burned forest, when suddenly the ground under my feet sank down. In a panic, I planned to spread my wings and fly, but the two paws suddenly appeared under my feet grabbed my ankle and dragged me down. The team next to me also wanted to come down and help, but as soon as I was dragged off the ground, I automatically Closed, I only have time to remind everyone to leave me alone before falling down. It is more important to gather troops.

Out of trust in me, no one resisted my decision. Everyone did not stay to save me, but collectively marched towards the volcanic crater, ready to rescue other people in our guild.

I was dragged deep along the hole until I felt empty under my feet, and then fell to the ground with a bang. While the enemy didn't launch an attack, I supported the ground with both hands, spun up from the top of the foot and under the head, and then immediately squatted down, and the claws of both hands popped out to prepare for the blow. However, I waited for a long time and no blows appeared.

I didn't move, but kept this position and started to observe where I fell. This place seems to be just a section of tunnel dug temporarily, but it has been widened a lot to form a small room. I'm in the center of this small space, and I have an exit on the front left and rear right.

As I was observing the environment here, a monster crept in from the entrance on my back right. The appearance of this thing is very human, but the whole body is covered with scales. When I saw his face, I instantly realized that it was the demoness of the sea after walking on the land. Mermaid has the ability to turn tails into legs when they go ashore. Sea Demoness is more powerful than mermaid, and it is most likely to do this too.

The guy moved very carefully against the wall, and my head didn't move with him, but my eyes kept staring at him. He probably thought I couldn't see anything in the dark, so he walked in front of me very carefully, and then shook his paw in front of me to prove that I really couldn't see him. After he was convinced that I really couldn't see, he immediately waved to the hole, and four more guys that looked exactly like him came out inside, and they also held a big net made of green plants.

I remained motionless until the moment the four guys drew the one, two, three and threw the net together, my whole person suddenly disappeared in place, followed by the guy who was throwing the net. With four chucks, the four guys who strew the net fell together. The player was supposed to be slightly better than the monster of the same level. What's more, the elite level among players like me, besides, the demoness of the sea is only at level eight or nine hundred, which is one or two hundred levels behind me.

After killing the four guys beautifully, I have flashed behind the guy who came first, and put the claws on his neck at the same time. "You better stop yelling." Pu' sound This guy's throat was killed by a big hole in my throat, and blood sprayed all over the floor in an instant. "hmph, do you think I can’t hear you calling with ultrasound? I’m from vampire, don’t know if I can become a bat?"

After solving these five guys, I immediately began to appear along them The road ran forward, and soon I entered a relatively large rock cave. Unlike the section of the road I ran before, this side is a natural cave, and it is much cleaner and cooler. The cave just now was probably because it was under the forest, and it seemed to have been roasted very hot. It might have stretched under the surface of the sea, so it was so cool.

I found a few relatively large stalagmites at the exit of the cave, which happened to be hidden and hidden behind. From here, I can see most of the cave, and I don’t have to worry about being discovered.

There are a lot of demonesses gathered in this big cave, and they all seem to have their own jobs. From this point of view, demonesses are also social animals, at least they know the division of labor and cooperation.

Suddenly a large sea Demoness walked out of a gate far away from me. Unlike other demonesses of the sea, this new guy is obviously different in height and appearance. Judging from the bulge of the chest, this big guy is a female, but she is covered with a layer of armor, and she does not know whether it is naturally grown or equipped later. The overall appearance is cool, and it seems that the defensive power is also good. The streamlined armor should be specially optimized for underwater actions. At least my dragon armor will definitely have a lot more resistance than hers after it is launched into the water. Another very strange thing is that this big head is also completely wrapped in the helmet, and there is no place for eyes on the helmet, and I don't know how she wants to see the road.

Just when I was about to observe again, this special demoness suddenly turned his head, and my heart immediately tightened. Sure enough, the silhouette of the other party suddenly disappeared in place. I quickly jumped out from where I was hiding, and the stalactite behind me was shattered with a bang. As soon as I landed, I saw that the other party had jumped and rushed from where I stood just now, and I quickly rolled to the side in fright. Another male Demoness wanted to come over to help, but I fell down with a dart while rolling, and the other demonesses stopped, but this big one was still chasing him.

"Call you to chase." I ran and suddenly turned around and kicked. The demoness of the sea passing by me was kicked and flew out with a bang. A stalagmite was broken before it fell to the ground.

I just wanted to take this opportunity to escape when the sea Demoness suddenly stood up from the pile of rocks and moved his head at me. I didn't see anything flying over, but a powerful impact still brought me to the ground, making me dizzy.

"Damn, mental shock will be great!" When I got up from the ground, the other party had already arrived in front of me again. I quickly rolled to the side, and the other side stepped on it, and directly stomped the ground. Seeing that I hadn't been stepped on, the nearby sea Demoness surged up to hold me down.

"Streamer Blasting." I held Eternal Place by a spin and forced all the approaching Demoness back, but unfortunately, I got a kick from the big guy behind me.

"Sneak attack unexpectedly." After being kicked out of the power, I turned my head a few times, then turned around and turned back on the spot, and then raised my raised hand. "Look at it."

The Demoness of the sea hurriedly blocked his face with his hand, but he didn't feel any impact. She lowered her arm in confusion, but found that I was standing in the distance remaining calm and composed while handling pressing affairs, looking at her.

"You can understand my language." Just now, I just tried to see if they belong to a race that can communicate. If I can communicate, I would rather change and solve the problem. Although people are a very brainstorming task, it is less laborious than fighting.

"How can I understand?" Now that it has been exposed, the other party has no intention of supporting it, but I now regret letting her talk. What the mermaids said was right, the voice of this guy could be described as disgusting, that's ugly!

"Okay, okay, don't say it. Let's see under our hands!"

"Are you afraid of our voice?" The big Hai Demoness suddenly responded Yelled at the other demoness of the sea: "Then let him listen more."

The demoness of the sea nearby suddenly yelled together. The sound was so loud that even the birds in the sky would fall down when I heard it. Zhen dizzy and eyes blurred, uncomfortable faces are all green.

"Surrender...I surrendered!"

The big Hai Demoness beckoned suddenly, the voice disappeared instantly, and my whole body immediately softened. It turns out that this kind of cry is not that light can make people feel uncomfortable. My stamina has actually become zero. Otherwise, my willpower would definitely not fall.

The big Hai Demoness walked up to me and looked at me lying on the ground and said triumphantly: "I thought you were so good, didn't expect even our voices can't handle it."

"I don't think so." With a slight movement of my fingers, a whirlwind rolled over my body, followed me up from the ground and jumped up.

"Who you are? Where was the person just now?" This Hai Demoness was obviously confused by my transformation.

"Of course it's still me."

"You? That was you just now?"

"Of course."

"It turns out I took off the armor.” Hai Demoness didn’t understand my ability to switch between size and size. Because my armor was wearing a mask before, she didn’t know what I looked like, she just thought it was after I took off the armor. Look like. In fact, a savvy person can see that this small size is a bit shorter than the large size, and the body is obviously much thinner. Hai Demoness thought I just took off the armor, so he got even more excited. "You are not our opponent in armor. See what else you can do this time." She said, rushing up again.

I swiped my staff on the ground: "The halo of the sun."

"Ah!" It was replaced with a magic attack, and it was also the flame magic that the Demoness clan feared the most. The huge sun halo swept out at lightning speed, and even the Demoness watching the lively sea in the distance was not spared, and they were all burned and rolled all over the floor.

The big sea Demoness seems to have very high anti-magic ability, the sun's halo didn't play its due role at all, it just made her back a few steps. But instead of stopping, I raised my staff and pointed it directly at her. "Fire Dragon jet." In the loud sound of dragon's roar, a thick Fire Dragon rushed out from the tip of my staff. This time, the big Hai Demoness had to crawl and hide to the side.

Although he was wiped by the flames, this guy was not discouraged at all. A Fire Dragon that turned over and escaped me immediately rushed towards me again. The speed was almost like a cannonball, but just at Before she touched me, a golden Qilin suddenly appeared in front of me. Hai Demoness didn't expect a monster would suddenly pop up here, hit Qilin's body with one head, and then Qilin bit him.

Gangfang held the Hai Demoness in his mouth and raised his head fiercely, and then slammed it down. The Hai Demoness was slammed on the ground and bounced again. Before she could correct her posture, she was immediately slapped out by the palm of the steel tooth, and the whole person slammed into the rock like a cannonball, and then fell back to the ground. Gangya stood in front of me demonstrating and roared, shaking the entire hole in the ground.

"What a hard tooth!" After Hai Demoness crawled out of the pile of rocks, he first touched a few holes in his body, and then looked at the steel teeth. As Vajra Qilin, Steel Teeth’s teeth are not bad, but it’s a miracle that this guy was not bitten to death.

Although he survived by chance, this guy also realized that it is absolutely impossible to defeat me and Gangtooth at the same time, so he turned around and made a strange cry to the other demonesses, and followed all the demonesses. They all screamed. I laughed, just watching them howl there. I was so overcast before because I didn't know that their voices had the effect of reducing endurance, not how powerful their tricks were. The merfolk only told me that the sound was awful, and I didn't know that it was actually a special attack magic.

After discovering that it was useless for a long time, the sea Demoness who took the lead waved to indicate that the howling stopped behind. I looked at them proudly and said: "Keep on screaming? The chorus of Hai Demoness is rare!"

"Why are you not afraid of our voice anymore?"

"che , Your kind of sonic attack is nothing more than a kind of spiritual magic, a spiritual guardian is all done."

"You have a lot of ability, but you still can't escape death." Demoness of the big guy He was about to rush up again.

"Hadaway, stop." A stern but very nice female voice suddenly appeared, and the demoness of the sea that was about to pounce immediately stopped.

"The King...!"

"Get down." The girl became vicious.

"Yes." The big Hai Demoness quickly retreated to the other Hai Demoness.

I followed the sound and saw a man wrapped in armor walking out of a hole in the distance. Although you can't see the appearance of the creatures inside except for the armor, I can still guess her identity by virtue of the style of her armor and the name of the sea Demoness before. She should be the queen of Sea Demoness.

It’s slightly different from what I expected. The Queen of the Sea Demoness is quite short, not even as tall as the usual Sea Demoness. As for the Sea Demoness I just fought with, it’s almost as tall as hers. NS. In addition, unlike other Sea Demoness, their queen figure seems to be good. Although she was wearing a full armor, the lines of the armor were quite beautiful, and it would be difficult for a creature with a good figure to wear it in. But no matter how beautiful the armor is, it's useless. A body with scales and a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl makes everyone vomit.

"Didn't expect you to be so powerful, my chief Great General couldn't bring you down."

"What are you doing? Do you want to try my skills in person? "

"I shot, you must die." The queen of Demoness in the sea is not small, but I didn't dare to despise her too much. A fierce race like Hai Demoness is most likely to use strength to determine the status. Since she is the queen, the battle strength must be the strongest. The big female generals before are so powerful, isn't this queen even more difficult to deal with?

I was thinking that the other party suddenly shot a red ball. Although I quickly flashed to the side, I didn’t expect the thing to turn around and hit me again, but strangely I did There was no damage, but when I got up, I realized that my summon ability was actually sealed. I suddenly remembered the task reminder I had read before entering the competition map. This demoness queen of the sea is the two thousand-level monster I want to deal with, and can only summon a monster.

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