"What did you find?"

"There is an island in front."

"Is it the Omar Islands?"

"I only saw one island, shouldn't it be called an archipelago?"

"Maybe the naming method here is special? I can't figure it out without asking."

I thought for a moment and said: "Order the fleet to slow down and send a speedboat to take me over to see."


A few minutes later, I I have arrived on this small island, but it is not deserted, but on the contrary it gives people a feeling of paradise on earth. There are lush and green trees everywhere on the island, and the surface of some trees is still shining with a little green fluorescence. What is even more surprising is that there are still many mermaids sitting on the reefs on the shore of the island.

Seeing our appearance, the mermaids all stopped frolicking, but turned around and stared at us vigilantly. I let the speedboat stop first, and then walked onto the beach. Before I took two steps, the sand next to me suddenly burst open, swallowing me with a big mouth.

"Damn, what?" The half moon behind me slid down from my back and quickly revolved around me. The meat wall all around was instantly cut into strips. I lifted the shredded meat in front of me and crawled out, but the shores next to me were already surrounded by mermaids, but their eyes changed from alert to starry worship.

"President, you are so great. You won so many fans in this meeting."

"Are you sure they didn’t want to eat me? Another name for mermaid It's called sea monster."

"We want to eat you." The mermaids around suddenly shouted together, and then laughed together. I now know what Yinggeyanyu is, so the voice of so many lovely beauties should be called Yinggeyanyu.

A bolder mermaid climbed a few meters to the shore, and then said to me: "Aren't you afraid of those sand toads?"

"That thing just now?"

"Right right." The cute little beauty fish is nodded very hard. "Is it terrifying?"

"It's just a small character."

"You are amazing." The little girl clapped her hands excitedly. "Then can you take me there?" Little Beauty fish supported his upper body with one hand, and pointed the other at the forest.

"Why are you going there?"

"For that." The little girl pointed to a red fruit on the ground in the distance.

I turned around and walked over to the thing, but before two steps, two big holes suddenly burst open in the ground, and two big mouths covered me at the same time. With two clicks, I continued forward without pause, and the two mouths had been cut into four pieces. Going one step further, this thing came out again, I raised my hand to cut it off, and then I could step on one in almost two steps. There were almost all this stuff on this beach, and there were so many scary people. After finally getting the one, I looked around by the way. This fruit grows on those big trees, and there are quite a lot of them, almost densely packed with branches, but because of the blocking of these big mouths, the mermaid can't get close to these trees at all.

I picked a few more fruits and walked back to the shore. The other mermaids hulled all over and looked at me eagerly. I didn’t know who to give it to me with more than a dozen fruits. NS. The number of mermaids here is not one thousand and there are eight hundred. It seems that there are more in the distant sea, because there are many mermaids swimming here.

After thinking about it, I took out three fruits and handed them to the mermaid who talked to me first, and then handed the others to the mermaids that were closer. The mermaid who got the fruit quickly ate it, but the other mermaids could only watch them swallow. I waited for them to finish eating and then asked: "I have eaten such delicious fruits for you, should you help me too?"

"Of course, as long as we can do it, and not It’s very difficult."

"It’s not difficult at all, just ask you a place."

"Is it in the sea? As long as it is in the sea, there is nothing we are not familiar with. ."

"Of course it is in the sea. This place is called the Omar Islands. Have you heard of it?"

"Of course." Little Beauty Fish asked worriedly "Can you ask me why you are going there? Can you not?"

"You don't want me to go there?" I am curious why little beauty fish doesn't want me to go there.

little beauty fish nodded: "You are a good person, and you help us pick fruit to eat, so I don’t want you to die. The Omar Islands are the city of demons in the sea. There is no kind of kind creatures. , You will definitely die there."

"I am so strong, how can I die?"

"No, the creatures of the Omar Islands are not sand toads, they Very evil and very scary."

"I have to go, so please tell me how to get there."

"Then wait a minute." Little beauty fish turned and charged After entering the sea, it floated up again soon, with an extra crystal ball in his hand. "Take this."

"What is this?"

"Evil creature dodge." Little beauty fished: "This can show nearby threatening creatures. The green dot in the center represents the position of the crystal ball, and the red dots are threatening things."

I took the ball and took a look. "Why doesn't this thing light up in my hands?"

"What? Let me see." Little Beauty Yu came up to take a look, and then said in surprise: "You are amazing!"

"Why am I good?"

"When I was holding it, it showed the position of the enemy threatening me. If you were holding it, it was a threat to you. Creatures. But you are too strong. Most creatures can't threaten you, so there is no display on you."

"What are you doing for me?"

"Although the creatures here cannot threaten you, the creatures of the Omar Islands will definitely threaten you. You only need to move in that direction. When a large group of threatening creatures appears on the crystal ball, it is the Omar Islands. That's it."

"Many thanks." I just wanted to go to the battleship, but suddenly turned back. "If I can provide this kind of fruit for a long time, are you willing to go with me?" Everyone is right, I want to abduct people again. Although our guild already has an alliance with Atlantis, they will not appear in large numbers in our guild, so we still need some water service personnel. Although these low-level mermaids have no battle strength, being a waiter is absolutely no problem.

When the mermaid girl heard that I could provide fruit for a long time, she immediately asked excitedly: "How much can you provide?"

"At least five per person per day, if the output is high enough There can be more."

"go go go, we will definitely go." The little girl was so excited that she didn't know what to say.

"Then what's your name?"

"My name is Luluda."

"Good Luluda, I will ask you to help me now Little things."

"Whatever you want."

"Go and help me count how many people are willing to join. I need a list, and then tell everyone We gather by the ship."

As soon as I finished speaking, Luluda took a few familiar sisters to help me count the number of people, and I let the fleet approach and send A team stepped onto the island. Their task is to clean the sand toads on the shore of the island, and I took the Elf Queen's people to look at the trees in the center of the island.

After analysis by the elves, although these trees are relatively rare, they are not something bad to plant. On the contrary, in fact, these trees are very easy to survive. The reason why they did not prosper is mainly because their fruits are too useful, so the fruits cannot drift to other places with the waves. The planting method of this plant is similar to that of coconut trees. Mature coconut trees will drop the coconuts off the beach, and then drift across the ocean to the new continent to take root, but the fruit of this plant is not only delicious, but also enhances life force and enhances magical formidable power. . Who doesn't want such a good thing? That's why these fruits are eaten as soon as they fall into the sea, and they cannot spread to distant coasts at all.

Since it is determined that this is a plant that is easy to bear fruit, it is easy to handle it. I released all the Qilin warrior, and then asked them to help me pick all the fruits, and also pulled up a few adult Fruit Trees along with a large piece of soil. These adult Fruit Trees were temporarily fostered by me in the back garden of Mother Earth, and they will be moved out when I return. As for the fruit, it was temporarily installed using the space equipment in the guild. Anyway, this space equipment is not like the Phoenix Dragon Space. Its internal time is static. Even if it is stored for a long time, there is no need to worry about the fruit decay.

Because not all the mermaids wanted to join us, so we didn’t take away all the trees, but only the trees in the center of the island. Anyway, these mermaids couldn’t get there. Are you right? They are all the same.

In the end, the total number of mermaid we took away was more than 20,000, but this was only half of the number, and the remaining half did not agree to leave with us. As the first mermaid I talked about, Luluda received special treatment. I directly gave her ten fruits as a reward for helping me count the number of people. The advantage of bringing these mermaids is that we have a lot of guides, at least there is no need to worry about directions.

With the help of the guide, we quickly found the Omar Islands, but the mermaids refused to approach the island anymore. The final result of the discussion was to let them board the boat collectively. These mermaids are different from the Atlantis mermaids. Their level is so low that they can’t even change human legs. Fortunately, our guild’s battleship is equipped with water in order to equip the Atlantis double speedboat. The warehouse, as long as you squeeze a little, these mermaids can still fit in.

As the battleship continued to approach the Omar Islands, the nearby sea began to become lively.

"Look, what a beautiful fish." I was standing on the edge of the deck looking at the island in the distance when a female member nearby pointed to the water and cried out. I looked down at the sound and found that a colorful fish was swimming quickly on the surface of the water. The girl suddenly rushed back into the cabin, and then rushed out with a fishing rod. "Hehe, watch me hang it up."

"Which is so troublesome." A male member blatantly said: "Look at me." I saw him summon out his own phoenix dragon. Then he pointed to the sea. The phoenix dragon dived to the surface of the water, and then flew over the fish at high speed. When he pulled it up again, the fish was already on his paws.

"Wow, why did your phoenix dragon catch fish?"

"Actually, you do, but you don't know it." Another member said: "President The phoenix dragon I found was brought back from Dragon Island, you think! There must be water around the island. as the saying goes It’s not uncommon for animals living on the island to catch fish if you rely on the mountains to eat the mountains and the water to draw water. "

As we were talking, King Chuang suddenly appeared beside the fence outside the bridge and shouted at me. "Come on, something is coming."

"What?" I spread my wings and flew onto the bridge.

"I don't know, it's just huge and fast."

"Could it be a sea monster?" I muttered.

"Didn't the mermaids say it's unsafe here?" King Chuang reminded me.

I walked a few steps to the side of the sonar. "Report the situation."

"The target length is more than one hundred meters, and it is currently 13,000 meters away in front of us, and the opponent has an absolute speed of 37 knots."

" What a fast speed!" I raised my head and yelled at the observation room on the top of the command room: "What can I see from above?"

"There is only one white track."

< p>"Order the leading reconnaissance boat to come closer and observe."


The biling's side and rear spurs opened a gate, and then a small boat opened from the inside. Came out. As soon as it got out of the gate, the boat jumped out at an unimaginable speed and quickly rushed far in front of us. This jet air-cushion speedboat can reach a maximum speed of 73 knots, which is exactly twice as fast as the Biling. It has almost no shortcomings except for a shorter range.

I grabbed the communicator in the hands of the correspondent and pressed the call switch. "Report the situation."

"The boat is approaching the target at high speed, and the towed sonar shows that the target speed has not changed. It just turned slightly and rushed towards us."

"Pay attention to your own safety and continue to approach. Report the situation at any time."


Release the call switch, I raised my head and shouted to the observation room above: "Give me Keep an eye on the speedboat ahead. Rush to the king, order the Eternal No. 1, 2 and 3 turrets to be loaded with armor-piercing blasting rounds, order the ship’s No. 1, 2 and 3 turrets to be loaded with magnesium powder incendiary bombs, and order Tyrant No. 1, 2 and 3. The turret is loaded with a strong acid solution to the creatures. Order the entire fleet to slow down to a speed of 17 knots, and head to the right by 30 degrees."

"The order is confirmed, the fleet turns...."

Huge The fleet gradually slowed down on the sea and began to sail sideways. The advantage of this is that in case we really want to attack, we just need to turn a little bit more, and the turret at the back of the battleship will be able to come in handy. And if there is no need to fight, the 30-degree heading is easy to stop and return.

The speedboat in front finally approached the target. When the distance between the two sides was only seven or eight hundred meters, the speedboat shifted its direction and began to move to the side of the target, and the target also immediately turned to followed along. The two sailing in opposite directions suddenly became one after the other running. Our speedboat was in front and the unknown target was behind. The speedboat gradually slowed down to a speed slightly slower than the target, so that the distance between the two began to gradually approach. When the distance narrowed to one hundred fifty-sixty meters, the target suddenly surfaced.

The King Chuang who had been squatting in front of the observation mirror screamed out in surprise. "What a big fish!"

Our goal is indeed a fish, at least it seems to be a fish. Its appearance is not special, the part on the surface of the water shows a kind of oily black, and there is a row of towering dorsal fins on the back.

Our speedboat increased its speed again to keep the distance between the two roughly stable, and then released a boat-shaped float from the stern. This thing is only one meter long, connected to the speedboat by a cable, and has no power itself. It is assumed that there are loudspeaker equipment and observation instruments on top of this thing, which are specially used to observe dangerous creatures at close range.

As the cable lengthened gradually, this thing gradually approached more than ten meters in front of the big fish. Our staff saw the big fish up close through the equipment installed on and under this thing. This fish seems to be nothing special except for its big size. It looks like a very ordinary marine fish, and looks more like a herring.

We are planning to use the observation equipment to try to communicate with this thing, who knows that it suddenly jumped out of the water, and then a violent pierced down. With only a bang, the detector behind the speedboat was gone, and the cable connecting the detector and the hull began to roll quickly, obviously being towed by the fish. However, this situation did not worry us too much. That thing was originally used to observe dangerous creatures. Of course, there must be an emergency plan for this situation. As the cable was completely lit up, just listening to the peng sound, the end of the cable blasted away from the hull, and the speedboat immediately accelerated and rushed out.

I put down the telescope and patted the correspondent on the shoulder. "Notify Eternity, use the third turret to shoot the target."

As soon as the correspondent put down the call switch, we heard a bang from our side, and then a huge red water column violently rose up on the opposite sea. A few seconds later, the body of the giant fish also surfaced. The artillery shot was really accurate, and the fish head was blown up, no wonder it died without struggling.

I just wanted to order the fleet to resume its course, but suddenly I found that the giant fish's body was rolling like a pot. I picked up the telescope and took a look, it scared me. It turned out that those splashes were caused by a large school of small fish. After the big fish was killed, the blood flowed into the sea, and then attracted these small fish. As the small fish there were vying for the carcass of the big fish, the sea water also churned like a pot. It's just that when I saw the fish clearly, I was shocked. Isn't this the small fish that the player's Fenglong caught just now?

In our surprised eyes, that kind of small fish took less than five minutes to completely gnaw a big fish one more than a hundred meters into a bone frame. And the white bones were also unable to sink because the small fishes were constantly crowded together. It wasn't until a few minutes later that all the small fishes knew that there was nothing to eat, and the skeleton began to sink into the seabed.

"Damn, it turns out that this thing is stronger than piranha." The player who caught the fish before was in the command room. As he spoke, he held the dead fish and looked at it. . Although this kind of fish is very difficult to deal with when there are a lot of them, the single power is at most Level 10 devil beast, and it will die as soon as it leaves the water. Worry about them.

After confirming that there was no harm nearby, I let the fleet rest on its course and resumed its speed to 24 knots. At the same time, I sent a large number of small boats out for reconnaissance to prevent encountering dangerous creatures again. I used this time to go to the lower tank and talked about the matter with the mermaids. The mermaids were not too surprised by this. What they said was that this Sea Territory is like this, whether it's in the water or on the shore. , Whether it is plants or animals, all are very dangerous. And I also got a piece of news from them, that is, a group of their close relatives, Hai Demoness, still live here.

According to the description of the mermaid, Sea Demoness belongs to a unique branch, they are completely different from the legendary sea monster. The sea monster is basically the same race as the mermaid, but the mermaid has a gentle and kind personality, but the sea monster is cunning and cruel. Of course, this is also relative. There are also some people who are easy to talk in sea monsters, but this is all possible. However, Sea Demoness is different. Their relationship with the mermaids is a bit similar to the relationship between apes and monkeys. Although the relationship is not too far apart, they are by no means a race.

The lower body of Hai Demoness is basically the same as the mermaid, but the upper body is a little different. Although their upper bodies have a human form, they don't have the smooth, white and tender skin of a mermaid. Instead, they have a layer of fine scales. In addition, mermaids have their iconic beautiful faces and beautiful long hair. Demoness has a pair of dark green eyeballs like fried eggs and a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial that is full of sharp teeth. bowl. What's more terrifying is that they have not inherited the sweet singing voice of the mermaid at all, but instead have a terrifying voice that makes people want to commit suicide. Although from a biological point of view, mermaid and sea Demoness are very similar, from a human point of view, they basically represent the extremes of beauty and ugliness.

Actually, I don’t care about being ugly. At worst I spit out lunch. The point is that the mermaids tell me for sure that the Water Element magic of the Sea Demoness is strong enough to pervert. It is said that Sea Demoness can be regarded as a 400-level combat creature at birth, and immediately advances to a 800-level creature after passing through its infancy, while the complete body is a 950 Level 10 or higher creature. I heard that the leader among them seems to be a lot higher than the ordinary Demoness, but no one knows her specific level.

After hearing about the demoness race, I asked about other noteworthy dangerous creatures, but the mermaids only gave me one sentence: "Any creatures on the Omar Islands are very Dangerous."

With this kind of advice, I went back to the bridge, and at this time the system hint also rang. "The mission to enter the Omar Islands is completed. Now the task is corrected to land on Omar Island, the central main island of the Omar Islands. The rest of your guild members have all gathered on the island. Please join forces to clear Omar after the landing is completed. All free camps of dangerous creatures in the archipelago area. Special reminder: You can choose any way to eliminate the area. As long as you make sure that the area is not threatened, the mission is completed."

God! The mermaids have repeatedly reminded us not to approach here. In the end, our mission is even more perverted than approaching. The task of clearing the entire Omar Islands is definitely not simple, at least the kind of small fish that I saw before will be a headache. We can kill tens of thousands of fish of that kind, but we don’t want one left...easier said than done!

In the first guild of the world, this name is loud enough, but this task is a bit too abnormal. Fortunately, there is no time limit for the task, otherwise it would be really difficult to handle.

With a lot of questions, we finally landed on Omar Island safely. We don’t know if it’s because we have too many ships and no enemies dare to approach, or because the other party intends to let us in. After catching it all over again, in short, the process of entering the island was super calm, and nothing happened. Instead, our reconnaissance ship had investigated the general geographic situation of the vicinity clearly.

The Omar Islands are actually a ring belt composed of more than one hundred large and small islands, and Omar Island is just at the center of the island ring. Were it not for the irregular arrangement of the islands, we would have thought it was an artificial island. As the center of this area, Omar Island is also the largest island in the archipelago. Its area basically occupies one third of the total area of ​​the archipelago. In addition, we also found that this archipelago area is actually much larger than we thought. Its ring-shaped island chain is actually very divided, which means that the sea area enclosed within it is very large. Moreover, according to our investigation, the water depth here is very scary, and many places can reach four or five thousand sides. It feels like the island here is almost like a stone pillar standing on the seabed, and there is no trace of the extension of the island shore. Basically, the beach on the shore will become a vertical downward terrain after several tens of meters. There is no transition zone at all.

"This place is weird." King Chuang said in a deep voice, looking at the information reported back.

I slapped him aside. "I need you to talk about it? See what's there?" I handed the telescope over. King Chuang took the telescope and took a look, then suddenly stopped.

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