"You count the mice, I don't want to play with you." The gun god pointed the muzzle directly under him and pulled the trigger, a loud explosion sound, huge Impact just pulled the gun god from the ground and sent him out. After the bullet penetrated the soil, it also hit my body, but because it had already traveled through the ground for a while, it had lost most of its power, and it had no lethal power at all.

"You damn mouse." The gunman got up from the ground and started walking on the ground, because he was not sure if I would reach out and drag him down again. But this time he was wrong. Although I sometimes repeatedly use the same method to deal with an enemy, it is based on the premise that the method is effective. As a shrewd guy like the gun god, simply can't use a similar method, so I changed the method.

The gun god was spinning around, waiting for my next attack, but suddenly he found that his feet were slipping, and the ground suddenly cracked, and the ground fell with the people. The gun god still wanted to climb outside, but unfortunately the pit was too big, and the falling mud turned over and took him down.

I dug a big hole in the place where the gun god was active. The gun god was buried in the mud as soon as he fell. Just as he was about to break free, the person in front of him The soil suddenly exploded and I stood up from inside. The white blade was light flashed, and the scared Gun God quickly blocked it with the gun body, only to hear the ding sound, the Gun God spear flew out. This time the gun god was terrified. A musketeer without a gun is inferior to an archer without a bow. The archer has at least a small dagger to play with, but the gunner does not have a pistol or dagger.

Without giving the Gunner any reaction time, I took the right hand and pointed it like a knife, and then thrust it in. I am now in the form of a werewolf, and my claws are covered with eternal, and the claws on my arms are also outside. If I really stabbed me, there will definitely be a big hole plus four small holes. The big hole is the whole hand stabbed. When it comes out, the small hole is pierced by the claws. However, just when my last claw was about to stab, a rope suddenly fell on it to trap the gun god, and then the rope was pulled back violently, directly pulling the gun god up, and my hand was Confiscated the force at once and plunged directly into the soil.

"President, are you okay?" Several people from the Holy Lance Alliance asked after pulling up the gun god.

"Quickly, don't let him run." The gun god shouted while looking for his gun.

Several people from the Holy Lance Alliance suddenly rushed to the edge of the cave and shot at me, but the soil suddenly collapsed in a large area, none of these people ran away, and all fell beside me. However, the Americans still seem to be more wild than the Chinese. Those guys did not give up resistance after they fell. Instead, they insisted on raising their guns and shooting, but it was a pity that it was not their turn to go wild after being close. Suddenly flew out of my back for two and a half months, and then turned around the bottom of the pit like lightning, and followed those people and fell down with their necks covered.

I took Banyue and jumped out of the pit together. The gun god has found his gun and is turning around to shoot at me. I pointed at the gunman, and immediately flew over for two and a half months. The forced gunman had to shoot me for half a month first. As a result, although he missed the half moon, I was already in front of him. "Let's see where you are going this time." I didn't directly stretch out my hand to attack, but squatted first, then shoveled with my foot, directly shoveled the gun god, and then turned over and rode on him. Raising the right hand again and violently inserting the finger, the gun god raised his gun to block it again. With a ding sound, my paw was bounced off by the gun body. The Gun God's gun and my Eternal are basically weapons of the same level. There seems to be only these two super weapons in the game. However, although the gun god blocked my right hand, I still had my left hand. I followed a paw into it. The scared gun god hurriedly turned and drew away. My arm rubbed his face and pierced into the ground. Half of the helmet was cut off.

Seeing that my chairman was about to hang up, a group of people from the Holy Lance League suddenly rushed up behind me, and some of them had already started shooting. I flew back for two and a half months to help me block all the bullets, but the person who rushed forward was suddenly pulled into the ground by the vines sticking out of the ground.

"haha, the god of guns. Your subordinates really care about you! But you should wait obediently and honestly to die! No one can save you!" I said with a claw again Stabbed, but aimed at his face this time. The gun god has been scared speechless. Those of us at this level have to practice for a long time to drop Level 1, so we are more afraid of death than low-level players. My claws fell quickly, and the gun god’s helmet had lost half of it, and I could even see the reflection of my claws in his eyes. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I was almost able to put the gun god down and suddenly I flew upside down. Since I was riding on the gun god, the traction even brought the gun god to fly. But the gun god wouldn't mind falling off, after all, it saved his life. And I was miserable, and was almost beaten out of the battlefield.

"Boss, where are you? Tell me a word? You won't hang up, will you?" A group of players in the guild were picking up the fallen trees there. After being blasted out of the battlefield, I kept flying into this small forest. I didn't know how many big trees were broken along the way. Finally, I rammed into a large pile of trees and was buried by fallen trees.

"Come here, come here." A careful little girl first discovered my existence and hurriedly called everyone to help. A magic puppet drove over, punched it into the trunk, then threw it backwards, and the trunk flew out.

"Here, here, will grow here." I was lying there in a very unnatural posture under the tree trunk, and my body was still smoking, as if I had just taken it out of a pot. Here comes the dumplings.

"President, you are not dead, right?" King Chuang unexpectedly appeared in the rescue crowd.

"I can't die if you die." I struggled to get up, only to find that my leg was pinched. Reaching out and grabbing the tree trunk, the black flame on his arm suddenly rises, then goes out again, the tree trunk has turned into dust. I got up from the ground and moved a little bit, just listening to the joints of the whole body, there was no sound. "I was hit by something just now?"

"R74 sulfur shotgun." King Chuang answered quickly.

"What? Our own shells? How can the Holy Lance Alliance have our weapons?"

Chuang Wang looked embarrassed and did not speak, until the one next to him looked like he should The shy little girl explained: "It was not done by the people of the Holy Lance Alliance. The shells were shot from the Biling."

I immediately looked towards King Chuang with a frosty look. . King Chuang scratched his head awkwardly. "I want to help you too! Didn't expect...!"

"Didn't I say that after the war, I won't shoot!"

"I didn't want to Try it?"

"Impossible, try to hit me? Honestly, how many times have you tried?"


"How many times?"

"Sixty times. Really, the shot that hit you was the 61st round. The first sixty times were successful!"

< p>"Ghost, you are trying one's luck, what is the difference with gambling?"


"Also laugh. Thanks to hitting me this time What should I do if I hit someone else? Speaking of which I’m all to blame, or I’ve already killed the gun god just now."

"I promise there won’t be another time."

"If you dare to shove you out of the barrel next time." I looked at my body back and forth, as if there was no serious damage. The damage I just received was basically internal and shocked. I vomited several mouthfuls of blood. "Don't stare at me here. Let's do your own thing. I am not injured much."

"Boss, there is nothing wrong with us over there. The people here are all artillery. , We ran over only after we hit you. Now that the people on both sides are mixed, I don’t dare to shoot. It’s useless to go back!"

"Then you will temporarily replace the medical team here. Right! I have to go back to deal with the gun god. Now if we can kill him, our mission will be one third."

"The president, please work harder."

I adjusted to the current situation and returned to the battlefield, but the situation seemed to have changed, and I couldn't find the gun god. "Damn, how about people?"

"Hey, have you seen the gun god?" I asked a passing member casually.

"I was just taken away by a few of them. Hydralisk and Anmaru organized an assassination, but unfortunately they did not succeed. To be honest, you are worse than the guild leader. There are too many, but their members are more powerful, and we can’t completely restrain them."

"Our two guilds are either first or second. Of course, they are both strong. This usually bullies those little ones. The guild is different."

The member immediately said: "I guess they feel the same as us now. Normally, they will definitely not meet a team as strong as ours."< /p>

"Of course. By the way, where did the Gunners run?"

"Over there."

"Then I will go over Chase, you must hold on here first." I spread my wings and flew directly into the sky to chase forward, but all the way to the edge of the forest, I still couldn't find the spear god. This guy actually left his own person and ran away, it's really bleak!

There is no organized resistance on the entire battlefield at this time. The Gunner’s departure from the battle sequence caused the opponent’s overall morale to drop significantly, and since no one can stop my attack, even if a line of defense is formed, Be washed away by me.

The battle between the two sides has entered an unorganized phase of strangling each other, but our side is crowded with people, so overall we still have an absolute advantage. This kind of unskilled battle lasted for about ten minutes before it was over. We have killed more than half of the troops of the Holy Lance Alliance, and the rest of the troops fled into the nearby forest, but there were Elf everywhere. Race's troops, I can hardly imagine how much they can survive in such an environment.

After the battle, we cleaned the battlefield. We lost more than 300 players and more than 10,000 NPCs. The Holy Lance Alliance lost more than 1,000 players and nearly 20,000 NPCs. This shows that The battle strength of the Holy Lance Alliance is still quite strong. Even in the face of such a prepared raid, the number of injured people is only twice as many as ours. If ordinary small businesses encounter an ambush like ours, they will be 100% wiped out.

"President, we found this while cleaning the battlefield." A member walked over with a long bar.

I took the thing and took a look. It was a long strip with a slight bend in the middle, like the magazine of a large anti-aircraft machine gun. I’ve definitely seen this thing. I remember that when the gun god launched something like a can, it seemed to have been installed first. In this way, this thing should be a part of the gun god’s gun, and it must be in our battle. Fell off. I don't know what expression he will have when he finds that his weapon is missing a piece.

I was imagining the gloomy look of the gun god, and suddenly felt a feeling of being stared at. Following my instinct, I bowed my head, and a big tree beside me was suddenly blown off by my waist.

"The gun god is in the vicinity." I shouted.

"Over there." A sharp-eyed player found the location of the gun god.

"Don't let him run."

Although we chased him after we found him, in the end we only found an ambush spot and no one at all. The gun god this guy must have ran halfway to find that the parts on the gun were missing and ran back, only to find that the thing was in my hand. He shot me angrily for a while, didn't expect this to be flashed over by me, so he had to leave again.

Actually, he should be happy when something fell into my hand, at least better than missing it. If something is lost, he will never expect to take it back again, and when it comes to my hand, I will use this thing to trade with him, and the thing will return to his hand in the end, nothing more than to get it out. Just a little blood. Of course, the gun god would definitely not welcome these two points, but who told him to lose something!

We gathered our troops and returned to the Spirit Emperor Kingdom to help the elves move. For the first time, I discovered that the speed of the elves destroying the forest is no less than the speed of their construction. I saw the Elf Queen press her hand on the Tree of Life, which is the main body of the city. Following the big tree, it began to shrink rapidly, and finally turned into a green fruit shining with rays of light, and the big tree disappeared completely. In place.

Using the same method, the elves quickly turned the nearby tree into one after another, and they actually used a piece of bark to draw the city before the tree was shrunk map. I asked the Elf Queen to find out that this was to fully replicate the previous city terrain after I got there. The elves are a race that doesn't like change very much. They think that the old is better than the new in everything, so even if they move, they have to take the city away. This is the Elf Race. If the orcs move and want to move the city, I am afraid that they can only spend their entire lives in moving.

It only took less than half an hour for the whole city of elves to turn into green fruits. For this reason, a large area of ​​clearing was created in the forest, because the elves not only moved the city, but also the ordinary trees nearby. Take them all together. However, all the plants together ended up being only a small car. The plants that the elves have contracted are very small, even a big guy like Tree of Life has only become a green fruit the size of a watermelon, and other trees are not as big as a grape.

With the fruit of this car, we went back on the road, but unfortunately the elves refused to let me use the Fenglong Space to help with the transportation, so we had to drag the car and run. Fortunately, this car looked a lot, but didn't weigh too much. I simply packed them into a large box and tied them to the back of the crystal. Anyway, the crystal is a fairy dragon, carrying this thing with her power level is equivalent to holding a pencil box by herself, and she is a fairy dragon, she does not need to be close when fighting, even if she carries something, it will not affect the performance of the battle strength. . The only inconvenience is that the crystal can't be returned to my Phoenix Dragon Space, because the Elf Queen doesn't let us use the Phoenix Dragon Space to ship these things. She said that these plants were compressed using plant magic and would conflict with space equipment.

In fact, compared to the things of the elves, our things are more terrible. The Biling battleship can't be left there, but it is not easy to move with it. You must know that the Biling has a weight of 237,000 tons, and it is simply unable to move it with human power. If all the people in our guild were there, using Levitating Technique and Anti-Gravity Technique combined with the power of large creatures, theoretically they could still be moved, but in this situation, I really don't know how to move it. There are very few wizards among the people we meet, and even fewer who can float and anti-Gravity Technique. Besides, none of the large creatures in the guild were found except for my demon. We alone can't carry a battleship of more than 200,000 tons in any case.

Fortunately, we merged with Elf Race. As soon as I talked about the matter with the Elf Queen, she easily said that she would help us move. The Elf Queen selected some people from the clan and ran to the battleship with various fruits, and then first sang the infathomable mystery to the battleship for a while, and then threw the green fruits into the lake.

I just wanted to ask them what they were doing. The greens suddenly sank to the bottom of the lake. A few seconds later, hundreds of water columns burst on the lake. Towering trees grew from the bottom of the lake. Came out. It's not over yet. The big tree began to grow upward after emerging from the lake, and we could see the lake surface descending rapidly at a speed visible to naked eye. The growth speed and water absorption speed of these big trees are terrifying, and the elves seem to be used to this for a long time.

When the lake bottomed out, the black silt began to dry up quickly, but the big trees became many times thicker, showing that the silt is still very nutritious. After the big tree grew up, the queen and her team of wizards read incantion again, and then heard a loud rumbling noise. The crowns of those big trees suddenly swayed slowly, and then the roots of those big trees were all out of the soil. Pulled out, and supported the entire tree from the ground.

I only now understand that the queen is going to make a giant tree. Tree giants are different from treants, treants are natural creatures with wisdom, and number giants are closer to unwise puppet creatures. Under the control of the wizards of the elves, the tree giants walked to the side of the battleship together, then twisted their branches into arms and stretched them under the ship. The elf queen and the wizards quickly used the light spirit technique on the battleship again. This is a kind of magic similar to the floating technique, but the effect is different. Levitating can make people hang in the air for a period of time, and they can also move slowly according to their own needs. But the light spirit technique cannot keep people suspended. Its main function is to reduce the effect of gravity, so that you can jump higher, and get a longer time in the air, and it will start faster. Although this trick can't make the Bi Ling float, at least it can lighten the ship a lot, and with the power of the tree giant, there is no problem carrying the ship to it.

Under the command of the elves, the tree giants worked together, and the ship's hull suddenly made a loud and overwhelming noise. I ran to the front to take a closer look. I just thought the hull was broken. !

"Queen Your Majesty."

"Please call me Green Spirit. Since it has been merged, it seems inappropriate to call me Queen."

"Okay Green Spirit, can you let your people command the Giant Treemen to keep pace? You know that this ship is very long. If it can't keep pace, the keel of the hull may be damaged to a certain extent when moving!"

"Don't worry! These all are trees without intelligence, and they are all directed by us when they move, so you have to walk at a pace. Even if you want them to mess up, you have to mess up. Ah!"

"Oh, then I can rest assured."

When everything was ready, we took the elves’ homes and our battleship out of the forest, following the system hint It rang. The new request was to let us go to the designated location to gather, but only gave us the name of the designated location. This ghost place is simply not a normal game map, which means that we are not clear at all about the topography and landforms here. As for the place names, it's even worse.

I thought about it, and suddenly I understood. We don’t know the road, the elf queen should know! She is a local. "Green Spirit, I want to ask you something. Do you know where the Omar Islands are?"

"The Omar Islands?" The Green Spirit shook the head. "We are forest elves, and we don't leave the forest very much in our entire lives! If you find a tree in the forest, we can find it, but we can't find it elsewhere."

"Then you have to ask something else. Race." After thinking for a while, I let out luck and the plague. "Fly up, go around in the air, and find a way to find a few locals."

Fortunately, I didn't rush to fly. "But will we bring people in this way to make the other person hostile?"

I thought about it. Luckily, it makes sense, or it is more convenient to ask them to ask for directions directly. "Then you don't bring people back, just ask for directions."

"Understood." Lucky spread his wings and flew, and the plague took off. The two giant dragons chose two directions and flew out, and we continued on. Those big trees carrying the battleship are really slow. Even if we don’t wait for them to be lucky, they should catch up to us soon.

After another hour of walking, luck and the plague finally came back. With the flying speed of the giant dragon, the search area in one hour is definitely not small, but the situation they bring back is not very good. Lucky said: "We met a lot of local creatures. After one after another, no one knew about the Omar Islands. However, most people suggested that we go in that direction. It is said that there is a port city over there. It’s called the archipelago, it should be in the water, maybe someone at the port will know."

The plague is also nodded. "I have heard a little bit more. A human farmer said that he was a seaman before. He said he had heard of this place before, but he didn't know where it was. He also suggested that I go to that port city to ask."

"Then it won’t be wrong, we will go right there."

Considering that the process of inquiring about the Omar Islands will take some time, the giant tree man’s movement speed is very slow, so I Decided to take a few people to ask for directions first, so that when the follow-up personnel arrive, we should have asked the location and prepared the boat.

According to my thoughts, I will lead Chuangwang first. I am in charge of asking for directions, and the king goes to prepare ships for us. The plague was left by me to lead the army. Crystal was carrying Elf Race items, so I didn't take it. Let her and the Elf Queen move together. Lucky took me and King Chuang to fly to the port quickly.

On the road, I was worried about how so many people would go to sea. The Biling is not small, but our crew is over ten thousand, plus the people of Elf Race, a Biling will definitely not fit. When it comes to buying ships, the ghost knows what ships are available at that port. There are so many of us, if we use a boat, we still don’t know how many boats we need!

We were flying, and I suddenly heard the system call ringing. "Damn, isn't it?"

I made King Chuang an unfathomable mystery. "What's wrong?"

"Someone rang my call bell, I have to check it out first."

"What should I do here?"

< p>"I will let Mirage take control of my body. I can also inquire about intelligence. I can do other things. If I have not been online when the big troops arrive, you will take my fleshy body and go first. When you get to the sea, everything It's up to you to be the master."

"This is not too troublesome." Chuang Wang nodded agreed to my request. "But you have to come back soon!"

"Don't worry! I don't know that this mission is very important."

I will go straight after I have explained to King Chuang. As soon as I opened my eyes, I found that the surrounding area was white. I quickly set the visual system to low sensitivity, and finally I could see the surrounding environment clearly. It turned out that I was lying in the laboratory. The huge room was separated by glass partitions into small squares. Although they could see each other, they couldn't directly touch each other. My place may be closer to the middle, because there are people everywhere.

I reached out and touched the plug in the back of my head and pulled it out, and then said to the researcher who was standing next to my bed, "What can I do if I get offline?"

"Yes The meaning of the big sister's head." The researcher pointed to it.

Nuwa's voice rang. "Wake you up to convey your recent work results and inform you of something."

"Let’s talk, listen."

"First of all, I will tell you a good news, we The Divine Dragon has completed 20% of its workload, which is three times faster than the expected progress."

"This is indeed good news, but it’s just not necessary for this. Am I going offline?"

"Of course I won’t call you offline for this. The next thing is the main problem." A robotic arm hung from the roof, and then from the wall. An injection gun was selected and installed in the multi-function backup joint area. After the refraction gun was connected, it was stretched out on the test bench, and then the other two mechanical arms combined force to open a stainless steel thermos. As soon as the bottle was opened, white air-conditioning appeared in it. In my infrared vision, this area instantly turned into a piece of blue, which means that the temperature of this thing is very low.

The robotic arm that started with the injection gun moved to the side of the tank, and then the other robotic arm drew an injection bullet from the tank. The robotic arm screwed the injection bullet onto the injection gun, and then the injection gun moved to my side. Through the glass shell of the injection bomb, I could see that it was filled with a silver white liquid, which looked like mercury.

"What is this?"

"This is the main reason for calling you up this time. The injection gun is now equipped with the latest nanorobots from our research facility in Europe. There are about 10,000 nano-robots in this small tube."

"This is a robot? How did so many made it?"

" Trouble, it is easy to produce a large number of individuals by using the multiplication method commonly used in virus culture."

The so-called multiplication method is to make products produce products. This is a very common technique for virus and bacterial culture. As long as you first find a certain number of monomers, and then give the right conditions, these smiling lifeforms will reproduce themselves, and then the number will increase exponentially. Although nanorobots are not bacteria, they should be able to replicate themselves. In this way, the laboratory only needs to make a nanorobot, and then let it make the next nanorobot by itself, so that it can change into two, and then continue to make other nanorobots, and then the number can continue. Doubled, the construction speed will become faster and faster in the future, and you can have as much as you want.

I pointed to the injection gun next to me: "What is this for? Do you want to give me an injection?"

"I called you up just to give you an injection." Nuwa Suddenly all of the glass in front of me became opaque and used it as a display. A full-length portrait of me appeared on the wall first, and then a blue horizontal line swept down from the top of the screen. In the screen, my image became a perspective view, and the skeleton structure inside the body can be clearly seen. . Nuwa explained to me: "This is a perspective view of your body. As you can see, your body has a skeleton structure exactly like that of a human being. However, the human skeleton is made of calcium, but your skeleton is It is made of metal. You should know that in this world, there is no chemical substance in any form that does not decompose, just the speed. Therefore, whether it is the human skeleton or yours, it is continuously decomposing. However, Humans have osteoblasts, which can repair skeletons and counteract the decomposition reaction, ensuring that the growth rate and decomposition rate of human skeletons maintain a general balance. But the metal skeletons in your body do not have this ability, and you do not have osteoblasts. , So you need a tool to maintain the skeleton."

"These nanobots repaired my bones?"

"Almost. Your Dragon Clan's body has passed Synthesized, your skeleton itself is actually a robot. Have you seen "Terminator"? As long as your electronic brain is not damaged, you can actually move around with only the skeleton like the Terminator. However, this kind of skeleton is for In addition to the extra power and support you provide, there will be some negative effects. With the ebbing of time, this mechanical skeleton will wear out and age. If there are no nano robots to inspect and repair at any time, you will have to I change skeletons every now and then, I don’t think you like this?"

"I really don’t like it."

"In fact, the functions of nanobots are much more than these, they also When part of your organism is injured, you can deliver protein to the wound to help your body recover quickly. If there is more serious bleeding, the nanobots can also hold each other in blood vessels and temporarily block the blood vessels to stop the bleeding. Finally, you still You can use the needle on your finger to send the nanorobot out of the body to perform tasks such as destroying precision electronic instruments or eroding door locks. Of course, you can also inject them into others, so that you can use them to threaten others. As long as the other party wants to resist , You can make the nano robots that enter his body collectively discharge and shock the opponent’s pain nerves, ensuring that no one can resist. Or you can make the nano robots form a thrombus in the opponent’s brain, block the blood supply to the brain, and cause brain death. This is absolutely It’s a good way to kill."

"The function is really powerful, so let me inject now."

The robotic arm quickly approached my arm and inserted it under my armpit. Went in. There is a large artery here. Once the nanorobots enter the human body, they can circulate throughout the body with the blood, and then they replicate themselves, and when they reach a sufficient number, they can perform defense and maintenance tasks.

The injection speed of the injection gun is very scary, and it hits it all at once, but I turned off the pain nerve beforehand, so I didn't feel it at all. The electronic brain is good at this point. You can temporarily turn off any part that you want to fail. I can even turn off my hearing and vision in a noisy karaoke room and fall asleep peacefully. Of course, this is actually very dangerous, because after turning off the sensory nerves, this aspect of perception will be completely lost, and the basic High Level is therefore undefended. Under the state.

After completing the injection, Nuwa showed the image of a mechanical octopus on the screen. This octopus has a body that is close to a round shape, and there are 20 or 30 long tentacles growing on this body. It can be seen from the screen that the tips of these tentacles are mainly divided into four forms, each with its own function.

Nuwa explained: "What you see now is a magnified photo of the nanobot injected into your body."

"It looks like a monster. But I really want to know these guys. How to move?"

"Nanobots are propelled by swimming in your blood. Their tentacles are basically thrusters. If they need to leave the blood vessels, they will use their tentacles as supporting feet to move. .Because of the small size of nanorobots, molecular gravity can already play a certain role on them, so they actually do not need much force to walk. Now, you pay attention to receiving the connection application of nanorobots, they should be with you first Established a permanent connection to the electronic brain, and then began to accept your instructions to copy."

"Ah, I see it. Connection application. A lot!"

"Use the electronic brain to automatically Confirm the connection."

"Okay, OK. What should I do now? Let them start copying?"

"Don't worry." The robotic arm sent a big bottle Come in front of me. "Drink it. The process of copying requires a lot of electrolytes and metal ions. Your body is definitely not enough. If you don't replenish it, the nano robot will break down your body."

"True It's dangerous enough." I drank the big pot in one breath. "Ask a question, what if these nanorobots break down and then hurt my body?"


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