"Didn't expect President Huohuang to be so polite! Why don't you give me another gift?" My eyes fell on the wretched NPC behind. .

"haha, the president of Purple Moon is really name is not in vain. Hell talk to others and talk to others. In this case, let's pick it up, right?" Huo Huang stood from his seat Got up, and then walked a few steps ahead of us and said: "This task is bound to fail for both of us, but fighting each other to death and life seems not a way. Therefore, in order to minimize the loss of both parties, it is better to How about letting us handle this matter peacefully?"

"I have your thoughts too, but we definitely can’t agree on the distribution of benefits. The winner can get the task reward, and the loser will have to. Accept the punishment, are you willing to accept the punishment? Let me tell you the truth. I took a one-thousand-level mission, and you should be aware of the difficulty. I can't fail this kind of mission. As for you... I set up as your opponent. I think your task will not be too simple. Such tasks will generally have heavy rewards and punishments, so I guess you will not take the initiative to admit failure. Now that you have this premise, you say How do we talk?"

"But if we fight, both sides will lose even more!" Huohuang took two steps forward with some excitement.

"Of course I know this, but there is no way. Otherwise, what do you think? If you can come up with a better way, I will naturally not refuse."

< p>"It's better." Huohuang took two steps forward again. "How about going to the arena to play a simulated battle? The dead players don't need to drop the level, and the equipment will not be lost."

"This seems to be good for you, but only harmful to me, right?"


"Why is there only harm? In case..."

I interrupted the other party directly. "Nothing. Even if I can't kill that guy in your protection circle, you don't expect to kill me. As for equipment, do you think my dragon suit can be exploded? Don't even think about it. , These all are bound, they won’t explode at all. What’s more, you’re simply impossible to block me."

"hmph, the tone is not small." The day after the day angrily said: "Fire Huang, don’t tell him. Their so-called experts won’t put us in the eyes, and it’s not too late to fight with them."

Huo Huang turned around and retreated to me as soon as he heard it. Came over, and stretched out his hand to block me behind. "You sit down during the day, things haven't...!" Just when he said the word, a staff suddenly appeared in his hand and slammed directly into my stomach.

I didn't even lower my head. I stretched out my hand and squeezed the tip of the staff. Huo Huang hurriedly tried it repeatedly there, but I couldn't push it any further. "Your performance is very good. First, use dialogue to paralyze my nerves, and then use a mage to approach me. I hope I will not pay attention to the mage, right? Unfortunately, I myself have an Avatar with a high physical attack. , So I know very well that sometimes it's not a good thing to let the mage get close." At this point, I violently raised the hand and threw the flames out. "Come if you want to fight. This time we have a crossover of tasks. I will not care about winning or losing. It won't be good if you play a slippery head." Day and night suddenly started together. I only saw this guy suddenly disappear in the same place during the day, and immediately arrived in front of me, and a huge Death God's Scythe swept silently. I pulled Xinyin, and the two of them exited the room together. This kind of narrow lane is not suitable for my fight at all, and the opponent is obviously prepared. We are suffering too much from fighting here, so we should go out first and make a comparison. If the opponent catches up, it happens to be fighting in the woods outside. If the opponent doesn't chase, then just wait for another secret infiltration next time.

As soon as I left the secret room, Xinyin and I began to rush out. The chasing soldiers behind were like arrows, but Xinyin and I each carried a panda on their backs. The effects of these two meat shields are simply exaggerated. There is no hit from such a secret rain of arrows. The archer who is behind will study his bow every time he shoots an arrow.

The other party apparently set up a large number of interceptors along the way, because we have stepped on a lot of start-ups, but none of them are working properly. Needless to say, the reason is definitely due to the two pandas on our backs.

I rushed out of the other's headquarters without any risk, and I stopped with a sharp turn with Xinyin. The two pandas swiftly jumped to the ground, and we took a defensive posture. The opponent hurriedly chased out of the hole, but stopped in front of us, and each of them looked strange, as if they were stupid. Xinyin and I were unfathomable mystery by the other's behavior. We unconsciously lowered our heads to see what was wrong with ourselves, but it seemed that we didn't find any problems. It suddenly occurred to me that there were two pandas behind me, but when I turned around, I was shocked. I saw Jixiang holding two sticks and a banner bouncing around there, and the banner was written with the words "Come on, Boss". Ruyi next to her is a little better than Jixiang, but this girl is wearing a tennis skirt, with two color troupes in her hand jumping there, pulling Captain's dress up all over. If young girls are energetic wearing tennis skirts, then pandas wearing tennis skirts are only funny.

"pu...wow hahahaha..." The people on the opposite side finally couldn't hold back, they all laughed. But at this time, Jixiang suddenly turned over the banner, and saw it read: "What are you doing in a daze? Come on!"

Damn, it turns out that these two guys are here We are really blaming others for the opportunity. Xin Yin still froze for a while, but I reacted quickly, and I was already in the crowd. With a scream, the night has flown out of the crowd.

"Thunder Flame——Storm Slash." A heavenly thunder of crimson fell from the sky, smashing the eternal sword I held high, and then suddenly there was a blazing black flame on my body, a red visible through naked eye The halo spread rapidly around me, and everyone around was taken to the ground.

Huohuang jumped up from the ground and immediately shouted. "Rush up and entangle him, don't let him use ults. This guy is almost a thousandth level. We can't stop his ults."

"If you want to entangle me, I have to have that. Strength is the only thing.” My wings slammed open and easily swept the three rushing people out together. After turning over and shaking my wrist, the eternal sword turned into a long whip and wrapped around a guy's waist. I slammed back, and the guy's body suddenly divided into two, the upper half flew out with my whip, but the lower half fell to the ground. Swinging the long whip and slinging, then the bang slammed out again. The tip of the eternal whip flew straight out like a missile. He just rushed back from the circle and saw my whip instinctively lift the sword to block it. As a result, he only heard a ding sound. His own sword was pierced through a hole in the middle, and the tip of the whip was inserted into his shoulder.

Night night gritted his teeth and twisted the sword to lock my long whip, and then shouted to others: "Go up and grab his whip."

People around took a look at my whip. Was under control, and immediately swarmed up in an attempt to grab my eternity. To be honest, I really didn't expect that the other party's sword can lock my eternity. In general, his sword should be cut off directly. It seems that this guy's weapon is not ordinary. Now that the whip was under control, I gave up eternity altogether, let go and backed away, flipped my wrists, and both hands slid out.

A dozen people ran towards me without the main weapon. The guy who arrived first jumped up and flew towards me. In his posture, even if the average person can stop him, he will inevitably be taken over. If the people behind come up again, the expert will be ruined. The other party obviously knew that I was very difficult to deal with, so from the very beginning, they didn't plan to use normal methods to fight with me, but wanted to rely on the advantage of the crowd to limit my attacking ability.

"Ah!" The person who pounced on me failed to turn me over, but was pierced through my chest by my claws. My wrist snapped, and the pu' sound passed through his chest, and punched into the chest of the second person behind him. Without stopping, I shook my arm violently, several sharp blades bounced out of the armor, and instantly cut the body on my arm into pieces.

The people behind didn't expect me to be so aggressive, and I didn't know for a while whether I should continue to rush or run away. I didn't give them much time to think, reached out and beckoned, the eternity instantly melted into water droplets to the ground, and then quickly gathered into a group and slammed into the palm of my hand. The arm flicked again, the claws retracted, and Eternal automatically swept out in the form of whip and sword. Almost all the people standing in front of me were cut into sections, and the rest were forced out of my attack range.

A Sun Moon Divine Cult player approached Huohuang and said: "President, what shall we do? His weapons are so powerful that we can't rely on them at all. Our armor and layers in front of him The window paper is almost the same, it's not a defense at all!"

Night covered the wound on his shoulder and walked to Huohuang's side. "His weapon has no actual shape at all, and the lock can't be locked!"

"Keep away." Huohuang walked forward fiercely and pointed his stick at me. "Heavenly Fire is raging." A pillar of flame suddenly fell from the sky, aiming directly at the top of my head.

The Fenglong Space suddenly opened in front of me, and Shuangxue walked out of it. Seeing her casually volleyed finger, the bottom of the flame column actually froze directly into an icicle, and the frozen part was still spreading upward at a speed of seven or eight meters per second.

I smiled and stood behind Shuangxue. "Since you know who I am, you should know that my own battle strength is actually not all of me. Don't think that you can do anything to me by knowing fire magic. I have all demon familiars."

"Don't move." A loud roar came from my side. As soon as I turned my head, I saw a guy holding Jixiang from behind, holding a knife in the other hand on Jixiang’s neck, and Ruyi next to it. Also in the same state. To be honest, if they kidnapped someone, I might still have to worry about it. If it was Jixiangruyi, I would be even more worried about the kidnappers.

The two guys saw that I had turned over and immediately yelled: "We now order you to lay down your weapons and surrender. We have hostages in our hands."

After listening to his words, I will still Before he could say anything, he saw Jixiang draw out a sign from behind and lift it up, with four words written on it. "I am a panda."

The guy was stunned for a moment, and then said angrily: "The same goes for pandas. Put down your weapons, I have panda quality."

Auspicious Put away the previous sign, and then raised another sign. It said: "Reminder: I am a national treasure, beware of retribution."

The guy was completely auspicious, and he grabbed the sign and threw it out. "What kind of retribution is not retribution, you pipe down to me."

Jiangsi immediately raised another sign, which read: "I didn't speak."

"Raise the card You can't do it either."

Another sign was raised: "Free speech, safeguard the legal rights of pandas."

"You fucking move me again... "A flash of lightning suddenly fell in the sky, and the steel knife that the guy held up when he was about to chop Auspiciousness just became a lightning rod, and the result can be imagined. After the lightning passed, the guy was still in his previous posture and turned into a humanoid black object. Jixiang gave him a light push with his paw, and then the humanoid object fell into the green smoke. Jixiang immediately held up another sign: "I said there will be retribution! The drought has caused you to run into heavenly thunder, you are really bad enough."

"Are you kidding me?" I hijacked Ruyi. The player from rushed to Jixiang angrily, but saw a flash as soon as he ran halfway, and disappeared with him. There was a big smoke pit on the ground, and there was still a white plume of smoke in the sky.

Jiangsi drew a cross on his chest with his paws, then folded his hands together for a bow, and then raised a sign that said: "It's really none of my business."


"Don't move those two pandas." Huohuang cried out anxiously: "You can't handle them. Concentrate your efforts to put Purple Moon down, don't hide it, let the truth itself! "

"So you still have your hands! Let me see the true ability."

We watched Huohuang in the night and day, and then nodded. First pointed to me during the day: "Gates of Hell is turned on for you." A black Transmission Gate suddenly appeared in the middle of the day and me. With a dragon roar chanting, a dark three-headed hell suddenly appeared in the Transmission Gate. Dragon. This guy is much bigger than the average giant dragon. Among my four dragons, only the plague and the mistress are about the same as him. Fortunately, he is smaller than him, and the crystal is even more incomparable.

"Oh, it turned out to be a three-headed dragon from hell! I have it too. Xiaosan." Fenglong space also opened among us, and Xiaosan rushed out of it and hit the three-headed dragon. The two big guys were about the same size, and when they met, they huddled together, tumbling into the nearby forest and overwhelming a large area of ​​trees.

Dark night has opened another space door while summoning the three-headed dragon of hell during the day. I was surprised that it was two pandas who rushed out first.

"Huh? I met the same kind." Jixiang, the guy even forgot to raise the sign, just said it. In fact, Jixiang Ruyi can speak in itself, but usually does not speak, it is purely funny.

The two pandas over there were a little stunned when they saw Jixiang Ruyi, but they are familiars, and their free will is not as strong as Jixiang Ruyi. They just stunned for a while and rushed to two of their kind. . Jixiang saw that the two of them rushed up and immediately pulled the younger sister and turned and ran, still yelling: "Trouble, trouble! I met the nemesis! Boss, help!"

I turned my head. looked towards Jixiangruyi. "What are you two running? Go up and fight!"

"No way! Our infinite luck is invalid for the same kind!"

"Damn, why didn't you say it earlier!" I pointed The two pandas chasing after Jixiang Ruyi: "White waves and sickles, go up and block them."

The bladed Thunder spider suddenly emerged from the Phoenix Dragon space, and then hugged itself into a body. Tuan rolled directly into the middle of the four pandas, and then stretched out their limbs and swept a fierce sweep, forcing the two pandas to retreat. Bailang's speed was a little slower, but he quickly got in between them.

"There are more than mine pets, you don't take advantage of it."

Huohuang pointed to the sky: "Beacon, attack." A sharp phoenix cry suddenly came from the sky. It came, and then I saw that the entire sky seemed to burn. A huge Fire Phoenix moved towards me through the clouds and swooped down, but there was also a sudden flash in the Phoenix Dragon space on my side, and Xiaofeng had already greeted me. The two Fire Phoenix collided in the air, and suddenly the feathers flew randomly. If ordinary birds fight, they lose a few hairs to nothing, but both of them are Phoenix, and the hairs dropped are similar to incendiary bombs, and the surrounding area instantly becomes a fire sea.

"Huoyu, go up." Huohuang pointed at me again, and a Huo Master who was on all fours and more than two meters high suddenly jumped out from behind him. The lion's body is red, and the brown hair on its neck is entirely composed of flames. It looks quite beautiful and very deterrent.

"Do you have a lot of good things in your hands?" I looked at the flame lion, then snapped my fingers. "Ivrit, stop him."

Both sides are the top fire creatures, but Ivrit is the king of Fire Essence after all. At this point, the flame master is a little bit close. But this difference is not enough to tell the winner immediately.

"Summon as many familiars as you have. I am never afraid of many familiars."

"hmph, let you see what is called a super familiar "Nei Ye suddenly took a jade pendant from his waist and threw it into the sky. The jade pendant suddenly dazzled with white rays of light in the air, and then only heard a loud dragon roar which is different from the western giant dragon. It passed down from the sky, and then I saw that the nearby clouds began to concentrate towards the center, and soon A large group of white clouds formed. From here, we could vaguely see the shadow of a Divine Dragon cruising in the cloud. Soon, the dragon swam to the edge of the cloud, and the white dragon body gradually emerged. The dark night yelled triumphantly: "The Frost Divine Dragon is coming."

Along with the dragon roar that burst again, the Divine Dragon in the sky swooped down suddenly, bringing the huge body to others. An indescribable pressure.

"Small dragon girl." What is great about Divine Dragon, I have it too. Although she is one size smaller in size, the small dragon girl is actually much higher level than this big guy. The two dragons both appeared in their bodies, and flew away when they faced each other in the air, and then each stopped on a cloud head and confronted each other. Divine Dragon is a very proud creature, so you will rarely see Divine Dragon entangled and bite each other like snakes in a fight. If you really see two dragons entangled, then they must be mating rather than fighting. Compared to Western giant dragons, Divine Dragon prefers to use spell to determine the outcome.

Huohuang found that the familiars of their three main personnel were obviously indistinguishable from my familiars, so he quickly greeted other members and released the familiars. I really didn’t expect this guild to have so many familiars. In general, except for large guilds like our guild, it is basically difficult for other small guilds to distribute magical familiars to their members, so many small guilds Basically, the players who will have no familiars, or only bring one or two low-level familiars. But today, I encountered an accident. This Sun Moon Divine Cult member is all pets, and many of them are more than one.

We are here to play assassinations, not to engage in guild battles. It seems to be meaningless to fight with them here. I glanced at the surrounding situation, and my heart immediately became happy. Although this guy Xin Yin has a lower rank, he is very clever. Taking advantage of the opportunity for me to go to war with these people, he was using his stealth skill little by little to move to the entrance of the cave. Now everyone in the other party's guild is basically attracted to me outside. If he can get into the hole, it should be possible to kill that NPC.

Now that I have found a way, I don’t have to fight them here. First secretly unfold the entrance of the Phoenix Dragon Space underground, and then let the rose vine climb into the ground. Although it is not possible to drill holes on the cliff, it is relatively simple to let the rose vines send the heart into the cave.

My heart moved cautiously towards the entrance of the cave, and suddenly found that the ground under my feet rose. Before he could scream, he was dragged into the hole by the rose vine, and then came out under the cliff again. The sturdy cane stretched upwards at a terrifying speed, and instantly sent Xinyin to the entrance of the cave. Although this has exposed Xinyin's position, since I am here to cooperate with him, there will be no problems.

The Fenglong space unfolded beside Xinyin, and Yeyue, Sha Yezi and the ghost lamp came out together. Before Xin Yin could figure out what was going on, Ye Yue was dragged into the cave, and after that, she could only hear the sound of fighting constantly coming along the way.

After Xinyin entered the cave, the King and King II walked out of the Phoenix Dragon Space together. Their task was to destroy the internal Transmission Formation. After releasing these familiars, I withdrew the phoenix dragon space, and then a lush and green towering tree suddenly appeared at the mouth of the cliff. The sturdy tree roots winded and grew like iron ropes, and instantly blocked the entrance of the cave.

"It's lured the tiger away from the mountain plan." Huohuang was very quick to respond. "Dark night, day, you two will immediately send back to block them."

Dark night response is faster, and Transmission Scroll is quickly activated. During the day, the Transmission Scroll was also launched, but after the rays of light flashed, the night disappeared in the same place, but it was still standing there during the day. During the day, he looked at the scroll in his hand with some confusion, and then screamed at Huohuang in a panic. "They destroyed the Transmission Formation, and I took a step slower. The night seemed to pass in."

Huo Huang shook the head helplessly. "I hope the night can stop them alone!"

White Heavenly Dao: "It's okay, there are many NPC guards inside. As long as the night cooperates with them, there should still be a chance."

"He has no chance." I smiled and said to them: "Giving up is your only chance."

"Sun Moon Divine Cult never gives up." Huohuang said firmly to the people around him: "Don't be frightened by him. Let's go together. We will win the crossing."

"Look at me burning it." An archer suddenly A rocket was fired. I didn't stop him at all, letting the arrow shoot into the tree trunk. Seeing the rocket burning on the trunk, the people of Sun Moon Divine Cult cheered happily, but their laughter quickly cooled down, because the arrow on the trunk quickly went out, which made them even more worried. It was the leaves that grew on the tail of the arrow.

"God, that is a Tree of Life!" Someone finally recognized my guardian tree.

"What's wrong with Tree of Life? As long as the attack is strong enough, it can still be killed."

"But that thing will absorb 10% of the damage and convert it into attack power to supplement Own master. When we kill the tree, Purple Moon’s attack power will increase by more than 30 times. When the time comes, no one can block any of his moves."

"How could it be? Is there such a perverted thing?" Huohuang turned around and asked the player. "Is it okay to set fire?"

"Under normal circumstances, there should be no problem."

"It's easy if there is no problem." Huohuang suddenly thrust his wand into the ground, and then Place your finger on the gem at the top of the staff. "Flowing flame column." A lengthened flame like a flamethrower sprayed out from the top of the staff, and the target was directed at my Tree of Life.

"Waterfall jet." With Adina's whisper, a huge water column flew out on top of the fire column. As soon as the two columns collided, a large swath of water vapor was immediately stirred up. There was smoke around me, and I couldn't see anything.

"During the day, take advantage of now, kill that Water Element pet." Huohuang shouted loudly.

"I have to be free, too!" During the day, one person was parrying Lingling and Jingjing's double blows, and he was already in a hurry, so there was no room to deal with others.

"Really!" Huo Desolate Qi raised hand angrily. A whirlwind quickly swept over the field, and the water vapor on the field was swept away in an instant, but the scene on the field made Huo Huang stunned for a moment. At the moment when the steam was filled with water, there were a lot of creatures on the field, and it was obviously not on their side.

The battle outside the cave turned into a multiplayer melee, but I was very relaxed. A large number of summon creatures and the enemy made a Heaven and Earth turning upside down. I just need to command the battle nearby. Compared to my side, Xinyin in the cave is harder. Judging from the information returned by my familiars, the battle strength of this guy in the dark night is still considerable. The only problem is that there are two melee familiars, the king and the second, in the cave, which greatly limits the play of the dark night. . My demon familiars are all heart-to-heart. It can be said that the cooperation in the battle is not much different from that of a person. In this case, the dark night is indeed a disadvantage.

Since the fighting initiative is all on my side, I don’t need to be too anxious. I just sit on the Tree of Life and watch the battle below. From time to time, I will solve a few rushing to try to break through the entrance of the cave. People on it. However, my good days did not last long. When I was looking at the battlefield to command, I suddenly felt a chill from behind. Although I don't know where the murderous aura comes from, it does affect my nerves. Of course, it feels like my back is facing the air outlet of a powerful air conditioner.

Relying on superhuman reaction nerves, I squatted forward and jumped from the tree. After landing, there was no pause. My hands were facing forward and seven or eight backhands flashed out four in a row. -five zhang is far away, and when I look back, I see a woman with a red body standing on the spot where I just landed. If I hadn't been experienced, this would have been stabbed.

"Is it you?" I was surprised to find that the woman who attacked me was actually the female ninja we were looking for. However, I felt another murderous aura before I waited for the answer from the other party. I quickly turned around and swung the sword horizontally, just to hold a Fist Sword with a pounding sound. "So your sisters are here?" The woman who attacked me was the female ninja who met me first, and the woman who attacked me in the tree was the more powerful woman who snatched the mirror from me. Ninja.

Although Huohuang was entangled by my summon creature, he did not give up his attempt to approach me, so he has been paying attention to the situation on my side. He is even more than me for the two female ninjas that suddenly appeared. Doubt, and this guy is also in trouble. Ordinarily, someone attacked me. According to the view that the enemy's enemy is a friend, Huohuang and these two attackers should unite against me. But the problem is not as simple as imagined. If these two attackers are ordinary players, the key is that these two women are obviously ninjas. You must know that ninjas are a Japanese specialty. Although not every ninja in the game is Japanese, at least ninety-nine percent of them are. If Huohuang unites with them, it is equivalent to uniting with the Japanese to deal with me, a Chinese player. If this big hat is covered, it will not be a question of whether the guild mission can be completed. Maybe even the guild is gone. . But now Huohuang is really unable to deal with me if he doesn't unite with these people, so he really wants to take advantage of the battle strength of these two women.

It is difficult to decide on both sides, Huohuang simply adopted the method of sitting atop a mountain to watch the tigers fight, planning to let us fight first. No matter which side wins, it doesn't hurt him at least.

I stood on the edge of the cliff and watched the two women approaching said with a smile: "It's really interesting. I didn't go to you. You will find me first. My attraction is not so attractive. Isn’t it big?"

The more powerful female ninja ignored my teasing at all, and just said coldly: "Where is that mirror?"

"Where is it." I took out the fake mirror and shook it. "You want to take back the dropped things?"

"What can't be dropped?" Another female ninja said fiercely: "Give us things and let you go today. You Nine Hundred and Nine Level 19 is not easy to practice, right? Losing the level is not cost-effective."

"The tone is not small. I was beaten by me before and fled in a hurry, so I forgot it so soon?"


The more powerful female ninja held down her companion. "What did you mean by dropping the bag?"

"It means this thing is fake. Where did you take my real thing and put it?" I threw the fake in my hand angrily It's under their feet. "If it weren't for my face, I would have been drunk by the Jade Emperor!"

My behavior made both women stunned for a while, because I dared to throw things out, which speaks for itself. It really won't be true, otherwise I don't need to throw it out at all. The more powerful female ninja picked up the mirror on the ground, and then turned back and forth for a long time before saying: "This magic wave is right?"

"The magic wave is right, but the thing is not that thing. "

"How is it possible? I snatched it from you and took it directly to trade with others, and then was snatched back by you. How could it be fake?"

"Do you mean that you didn't drop this thing?" I asked in surprise.

The weaker female ninja immediately asked angrily: "Is it okay to use your brain? If we dropped the bag, then the thing must still be with us. We have water in our heads? Come back and ask you for it? There are three items in total. You have one in Celestial Court, and we snatched one of the other two. Maybe you have already sent the other one back to Celestial Court. If we have one, it will be the last one. Even if I want the other two, I only go back to Celestial Court to steal it and ask you for a fart?"

Although I was rushed by the little girl, I have no time to quarrel with her. , But thought of it intently. "It seems that there are some problems between us. If you don't mind, how about we find a place to talk after I finish the work?"

"Why should we talk to you?"

"Because if you don’t talk about it, the remaining thing is equal to missing. We don’t have to check the previous and afterwards to impossible and find out at which point the thing was dropped, it’s equivalent to completely losing it. . Don’t you want that thing anymore?"

The two women looked at each other, and then the more powerful female ninja said, "Okay! We're here waiting for you." The two of them jumped out of the crowd and flashed onto a big tree.

Huohuang saw that these two women couldn't help, and immediately increased the attack frequency, but the effect was basically no. Of course, my summon creatures are not comparable in number to their guilds, but we don't need to destroy each other, and defense alone can still last a while.

I was commanding the battle and suddenly found Jixiang had climbed up to the two women at some point, then Jixiang took out a bunch of flowers from behind and stretched it out in front of the more powerful female ninja. The female ninja was stunned for a while, then she pulled down the red scarf covering her face and smiled and took the bouquet of wildflowers, and then kissed her auspicious head. In the face of the cute panda, nine out of ten women have no resistance.

I pointed at Jixiang and cursed angrily: "Hey, she is Japanese, you are in collusion with the enemy."

The woman pulled Jixiang and said, "Just ignore him, Elder sister, I will give you bamboo to eat."

Jiangsi immediately raised a sign and said: "No bamboo, I want to eat magic crystal." The woman was silly when she saw the words on it. It's like meeting a cute child on the road. You certainly don't mind asking you to give a piece of candy, but what if the child claims to eat a full banquet? I guess most people will not please? Ji Jixiang does not eat bamboo, but eats magic crystal. The effect is similar to this. Although our guild consumes a lot of magic crystals, it is a guild strategic material, which is not much to be distributed to everyone. This is because our guilds are more rich and imposing, and the magic crystal usage of general guilds i

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