"Since it's so important, let's fight it." Yeyue suddenly took off the forehead, frightened us hurriedly flashed back. Yeyue said with a smile: "What are you afraid of? I didn't open my eyes."

"Huh. You don't make such dangerous moves to scare people, okay?"

"Since you are desperate Without these constraints, let the master see the true power of the descendants of Nuwa Divine Race today." After Yeyue finished speaking, the silhouette had disappeared in front of us, and the second batch of enemies who came in front ran into head-on just after passing the corner. Yeyue, but Yeyue passed through them without stopping, while those people were all set in place in an offensive posture.

The king and I quickly followed, and when we passed by, we took a look at the frozen figures. You never know the full extent of things until you see them. Yeyue’s petrification skills require energy, which means that they cannot be petrified infinitely, but these people were not petrified, or not all petrified, they were petrified only in the small part of the forehead, that is to say their brains. Be petrified. This kind of partial petrochemical obviously saves magic power and energy than the overall petrochemical, but such use requires a high degree of concentration, which is quite a brainstorming matter.

We chased Yeyue all the way forward, and almost all we encountered were this kind of locally petrified enemies. We finally caught up with Yeyue before we chased a stone gate. Really didn't expect there are stone guards in this ghost place, and what surprised us was that these two guards were still labeled as our guild in their hidden places. They were obviously ordinary golems sold by our guild.

The bank will master such a high level of golem and golem manufacturing technology, and it is actually a wasteful behavior to use it alone. Therefore, we have made some simplified versions for sale, which can be considered a good income. It’s just that I didn’t expect that one day I needed to deal with the golem created by my guild. Although this is a simplified version, its battle strength is actually not too low, otherwise Yeyue won't slow down.

"Get out of my way." The king yelled and rushed up, Ye Yue twisted flexibly to the side of the passage, and the king jumped straight up, kicking his legs forward. On the shoulders of the golems in the first row, they knocked the golems to the ground with impact, and then raised a hand and inserted a sword into the position an inch to the left of the golem’s chest, only hearing a bang, the golem was fierce. It bounced, and then fell straight down again and didn't move anymore.

The golem behind still wanted to rush forward, Ye Yue suddenly wrapped up from behind, tied the golem with her body, and then moved over the shoulder of the golem from the back to the front with a sword inserted. At the same position, the golem also fell to the ground.

The advantages and disadvantages of the things that we produce by ourselves are naturally clear. This kind of externally sold model is something that has a back door in advance. As long as it is a player in the guild and has a certain strength, it is relatively simple to kill them, but the golem sold is still a golem after all, and the hardness is naturally better than the player's armor. It's much taller, even if you know the weaknesses and the sword is not sharp enough, there is still no way to use it.

"It's done, the goal is behind the door. Boss, you said, the rest will be handed over to you." Xinyin said as she took a piece of cloth out and began to blindfold her eyes.

"What are you doing?"

Xin Yin didn't intend to stop her hands at all, she still tied her blindfold there. "I may not be able to see what's inside, so it's better to cover my eyes first. I will trouble you to help me if I have something to do with the first one."

"Damn, it doesn't have to be so early. Blindfolded, right?"

"I will feel guilty if I look at it more." Xin Yin, blindfolded, fumbled and walked behind me. "Okay, let's open the door."

"Really, there are so many things to kill a person." The king complained and kicked the stone gate out of a big hole. This guy has been playing for so long, and his attack power has risen even higher than mine. Even the stone gate this foot thick hasn't blocked his attack.

After smashing open the stone gate in twos or twos, we entered the interior together. Here is an ordinary room. Sitting on the carved Princess bed facing the door is a little girl who seems to be only six or seven years old. She wears a white Princess dress with her cute face, which makes people want to kiss her. Of course, I am out of love for cute children, not lust (I want to go to the corner and draw circles by myself).

There was still a person standing in front of this little girl's bed. It was the night that came in before. I'm wondering why I haven't seen him since I came in! So I was waiting here. I looked around, there were two of them except us in the room, and no target person was found.

"Heart hidden, where's the goal?"

"Boss, that is." Ye Yue, who put on the goggles again, pointed to the little girl and said.

"Huh? Isn't the target person a middle age person? Why is it so small? Even the gender has changed! Is it Camouflage Technique?" I knocked on my ring. "Strange, did my anti-illusion ability fail?"

"Your anti-illusion ability did not fail." Dark night opened the mouth and said: "Because this is a little girl."

I turned to look towards Ye Yue in confusion, Ye Yue reminded me very simply: "High-level Transformation Technique."

I know nodded. "You guys are really talented! Actually there are people who know the Transformation Technique, and they can still practice such a partial spell to such a high level."

Transformation Technique is not too much in "Zero". The hard to see spell, most of the wizards, especially female wizards, the reason is not how useful this spell is, but especially fun. However, hui and Jing are not the same concept. Basically, the Transformation Technique that players learn is Level 1 Transformation Technique, which can only be effective on dead objects and watch animals. The failure rate of this level is amazing. It is really useless except for playing. Although the top-level Transformation Technique also belongs to the spell of Heaven Defying Level, few people have the energy and time to practice Transformation Technique Level 1. This skill is definitely one of the ten most difficult skills in "Zero".

However, although the transformation technique is difficult to practice, once you reach the top level, the battle strength is beyond doubt. What? You don't know what's so great about Transformation Technique? Think about it carefully and you will understand. There are actually three main uses of Transformation Technique. The first and most common use is to strengthen allies. As everyone knows, the familiars in "Zero" not only have a limit on the amount they can carry, but they may not be full even if they are carried. But there is one kind of thing that can be carried infinitely, that is, ornamental animals. Imagine you raise a large group of puppies first, and then use Transformation Technique to transform them all into giant dragons. The giant dragon that the dog turns into is not as powerful as the normal giant dragon, but it can’t hold up many dogs! The average player has a giant dragon that is great, but you can carry it infinitely. As long as there are more than one hundred giant dragons, sweeping away a small city is just a matter of flicks. In addition to strengthening small creatures to fight for yourself, you can also strengthen your teammates. For example, you can transform a low-level warrior player into a Titan. Even if he has a skill will not, he can trample to death with his foot. Or you can consider transforming the mage player into Archfiend, which not only enhances the movement speed and anti-strike ability, but also adds great magic power output.

In addition to strengthening the allies, the second function of the Transformation Technique is to weaken the enemy. Is it amazing to see your enemy with a giant dragon? It doesn't matter, turn it into a gecko! Are you good at the enemy's super archmage? It doesn't matter, it's OK to turn him into another elemental creature of the opposite type. If he is a Fire Element mage, you can turn him into a Water Element person, and make sure that he can't throw a spell. If the enemy is an archer, you can turn him into a snake and don't have hands to see how he shoots arrows. In addition, it is said that once the Transformation Technique reaches the top, one can learn a forbidden spell called ultimate reduction technique. The effect seems to be able to reduce any creature to a single-celled creature, an absolutely heaven-defying spell.

Of course, in addition to the above two main uses, the third use of Transformation Technique cannot be ignored. 3rd move: change things. Is the archer worried about not having enough arrows? It doesn't matter, we will change, we can shoot when we pick up a rock and squeeze in the mud. In close combat, you can wear a cloth robe to fight. Without weight, your attributes will be fully displayed, and the sensitivity will inevitably be greatly improved. What? You said that the cloth robe has no defense? It's not simple, just before the enemy attacks the body, it transforms the cloth into steel. Or simply turn the enemy's sword into a cork stick, which is better than changing yourself.

The abilities of these three Heaven Defying Levels are the final form of Transformation Technique. Although the effect is exaggerated and terrible, the premise is that you must be able to practice it. Unfortunately, no one seems to have reached that level yet, otherwise my battle strength will definitely let him squeeze it down.

"I really didn't expect to meet an expert who knows Transformation Technique here, is it you?" I asked, looking at the night.

"It's me." Another little girl who was exactly the same as the disguised little girl on the bed came out, just to see her appearance, she definitely used Transformation Technique, because I don't believe that one is less than An eight-year-old child can have such sharp eyes.

"Then what were you originally? A terrifying female ogre?"


"Otherwise, you can use Transformation Technique to yourself What?"

"I...!" The other party was so angry that I couldn't say anything, but she quickly remembered that now is not the time to argue. "Let's make a discussion. You give up on this mission, and our guild will repay you."

I shook the head. "Do you know what task I am taking this time?" Seeing her shook the head, I continued: "Do you think I will give up the thousand-level mission?"

She lowered her head and thought about it. , And then crossed the staff. "Although your task is important to you, this task is also important to us, so we will not give up. If you want to kill him, you have to defeat me first."

"hahahaha! This is the funniest joke I've heard recently. Just you two want to stop me, is it too overestimate one's capabilities?"

"It should be that you overestimate yourself." That little The girl like girl suddenly winked at the night. Fortunately, I also saw this wink and immediately put on a guard posture. It's just a pity that I really underestimated the opponent's strength. But I can’t blame me, after all, I have never met a player who specializes in Transformation Technique before, and I have almost zero understanding of this kind of super partial spell.

After I assumed a defensive posture, the little girl suddenly pointed at me with that small staff like a pointer. "Lamb Transformation Technique."

I wanted to defend when I saw her movements, but she didn't hit anything. I didn't see any energy or things flying towards me, but I suddenly found my own There is a problem with vision. The picture in my eyes is suddenly divided into two. What the two eyes see is completely different. Although they are all the scenery in the room, the content is not coherent. It seems that one eye is looking to the left and the other is looking. Look to the right.

"Be careful." I only heard the call of the second world, and then saw him jump from my left eye line of sight to the right, but he did not enter my right eye line of sight. II separated from the edge of his left eye. I hadn't figured out why I had a blind spot, when I saw Ye Yue suddenly appear next to me.

Suddenly, I found that Yeyue had grown a lot taller and looked like a giant, but it was really very tall. But I clearly know that Yeyue will not suddenly become bigger, so conversely speculate that the correct answer should be that I am getting smaller.

"Master? What's the matter with you? Is this you?"

"Hey..." I just wanted to open my mouth to speak, but in the end I made something that shouldn't be there Voice, I understood everything in an instant. Damn, I was turned into a little sheep! I saw the incoherent picture just now because the sheep’s eyes can’t see what it’s up ahead. Now I can see through my left eye that the second is fighting against the dark night. The dark night must have wanted to take advantage of the time when I became a sheep and did not have the ability to counterattack. I launched a surprise attack to kill me, but didn't expect that the level of the familiar with me was too high, and his speed could not have the effect of a surprise attack. I was stopped halfway. I quickly switched to contact mode, this thing does not rely on vocal cords, so even if I become a sheep, I can still correctly convey my will to any of my summon creatures. "Of course it's me!"

"Ah! It's really you!" Ye Yue reached out and hugged me after getting a reply. "Hehe, you are so cute like this."

"Let me go down, you guys hurry up, kill that woman and I should be able to change back...!" I haven't finished yet. Just listening to peng sound, I suddenly changed back to my original form. "Huh? Why did it come back again?"

Ye Yue said: "When it may be used against the enemy, it will shorten the effect time according to the difference in strength between the two sides, otherwise the Transformation Technique will not be invincible?"

"This is already very perverted! If it weren't for my many demon pets, I would become a lamb skewers if I changed into sheep!" I jumped out of Ye Yue's arms, and then turned and looked towards the little girl with interest . "Are your skills not bad!"

"What do you want to do?" The little girl suddenly realized that she was completely insecure after the night was entangled.

"Don't do anything, just want you to see what is the real Transformation Technique. Beastization." My body suddenly began to grow taller, and my limbs became thicker. The magic dragon armor changed its form following my changes, and soon, a werewolf with a full body armor appeared on the spot. "Hehe, this is called the Transformation Technique. What's the point of being a sheep, or being a big wolf is more interesting. I said you, Little Red Riding Hood, should start crying and running away?"

"Don't you Too proud. It doesn't make any difference to me that you become a werewolf." She pointed at me again. I was afraid of being turned into a sheep again, so I hurried to the side and then rushed to her side. It is a pity that the Transformation Technique seems to be locked by the eyes, as long as it can be seen, it can take effect. I only rushed to her within three steps, and when I flew towards him, the spell became effective. My huge body turned into a small hamster in the air that could be placed in my hand, and the little girl used a staff as a baseball bat and knocked me back.

With my defensive power, let alone being knocked by a wizard with a wand, even a barbarian warrior with a sharp axe can at most remove one third’s health, but now it’s knocked by her. After this, my blood volume hit the bottom. If it weren't for me and the demonic pet to share life, she might just knock it down.

"Master, are you okay?" Ye Yuefei caught me who was still flying in the air. I just wanted to understand when I was in the hands of Yeyue. Now I am a little hamster. The defensive power is no longer calculated based on my normal data, but based on real hamsters. A hamster hit by her like this is most likely to be killed, so just now I was drawn with only blood skin.

"Damn, there is such a troublesome skill!" I quickly jumped off Ye Yue's hand, and returned to the original shape after a few seconds. Anyway, I figured out the effectiveness of the opponent twice, and her Transformation Technique is only twenty seconds effective on me, and it seems that the time will be shortened after I became a werewolf. It may be because of the difference in strength after I became a werewolf. It’s getting bigger. After I changed back to the form of a werewolf, I immediately said to the second generation: "You entangle that guy and don't let him make trouble, other people will come with me. I have to see if her Transformation Technique can be sent in groups."

The little girl was really shocked by what I said, but the moment she saw us rushing up together, she still activated the spell. "Tian Ze Transformation Technique." This time there was no visual effect as before, but those of us who rushed forward encountered a different situation.

Yeyue, who rushed to the front, instantly turned into a butterfly, and then stopped in place, seeming to be a little confused about her situation. The king turned into a rock halfway, hit the little girl's leg, and fell to the ground. I feel that I have suddenly become a lot taller, but I can't see what I have become. Xinyin was also hit after following me, turning into a snake crawling up and down on the ground. With the opportunity of seeing Xinyin, I saw my body. After simple observation, I basically confirmed that I had become a giraffe. Among all the people who rushed up, the only one that was not affected was Sha Yezi. She was in the form of a soul, and the attributes were close to Nether Soul, and there was no entity at all, so the Transformation Technique was useless to her. It seems that although the Transfiguration Curse is very useful, it has obvious shortcomings, and it is almost completely defeated by the void creatures.

Sha Yezi rushed to the little girl's side very smoothly and controlled her, and the few of us could only turn around in circles. Yeyue returned to its original state after about seven or eight seconds. The King and I recovered almost at the same time after ten seconds. Xin Yin has not recovered yet after about two minutes. This may be the reason for the level gap. That little girl is also ruthless enough. After being controlled by us, she turned herself into a huge Star Iron, as everyone knows, this thing is hard and scary, and we really don't know what to do with her for a while. Moreover, she is using the Transformation Technique on herself, which means that the recipient voluntarily accepts the transformation. In this case, even if her mana automatically maintains her transformation, it may not be possible to maintain this state indefinitely.

After about five points, Xinyin finally changed back to its original form, and the dark night was also forced to a corner by a few of my familiars, unable to break through, and could only watch us walk to the one they wanted to protect In front of the guy.

This guy who was turned into a little beauty was supposed to be a middle-aged uncle with a wretched image, but he is a bit too innocent now, it’s no wonder Xinyin said that he couldn’t do it, but This is not a problem for me. The biggest difference between Dragon Clan and human beings is that we can completely control our feelings, which means that although we have feelings, we can suppress its effectiveness at any time. Not to mention just a long and cute little girl, even if there are ten more like this, I can cut it off without caring. Besides, I already know that this little girl who looks like a beautiful girl is actually a wretched uncle, so don't worry about it.

The mission requirement is Xinyin to complete the assassination mission, but he can't do it, so I can only hold his hand to help him complete the assassination process. After the opponent was turned into a little girl, the strength and defensive power also became the level of a little child. After being knocked out by a hand knife, I held Xinyin's hand easily. It was not until this time that I knew that the death of a creature would cause the Transformation Technique to become invalid.

"OK, you can open your eyes now." I patted my heart to remind.

Xinyin carefully opened one eye and glanced at the bed, and found a wretched uncle lying there, and immediately opened both eyes with confidence. "Really, I blame the Transformation Technique teacher for turning such a nasty uncle into an innocent little beauty, and I won't be able to do it anymore. If he has always been like this, I will just dart him down. "

"Have you received your task completion prompt?" I asked directly.

"Well, I just received it, what's the matter?"

"Then why didn't I receive the reminder that the task was completed?" I just found out that the situation is not normal, my The task is supposed to have been completed, and it should have been prompted now, but after waiting for so long, there was nothing.

"No way?" Xinyin showed his prompt to me with some disbelief. "Mine is indeed finished!"

"But I did not receive anything!" I also showed my consciousness to him, and the last message was received in the morning.

"It's a ghost! Is it because you need me to go back and hand in the task to complete the task?"

"What are you waiting for?" I pulled up the corpse Throw it directly into the Phoenix Dragon Space as evidence, and then greet the demon pets. "The task is complete, don't fight him, let's go." At this time, Huohuang happened to be when people rushed to the door, but they were a little late. I smiled and asked, "Do you want to fight anymore?"

Huohuang looked at the blood-stained sheets, and then stepped aside. "It's no longer necessary."

After I walked by Huohuang's side, I thought about it and then retreated, and then stretched out a hand. "Make friends? Although I just broke your mission."

Huohuang shook hands with me generously. "It doesn't matter, our mission is a hostile mission, I can understand."

"Are you interested in joining our guild?" Huohuang's performance made me think he is a friend, at least his Tolerance is a person who is capable of major events. Of course, his strength is not weak, but the skills learned are too bad. If he can join a big guild and get the support of the guild to play a few high level skills, then his strength will immediately increase several times, and we can do The guild happens to be a guild with a special building like the Academy of Magic. As long as Huohuang is willing to join, it will not take long to become a frontline combatant of our guild.

Huohuang was a little surprised at my invitation, but he shook the head. "These all are my good brother, I can't leave them alone."

"You can join together." I said seriously: "Of course, the premise is that they have gone through the business. Will be screened off."

Huohuang still shook the head: "Even if one person is swept away, I won't join."

I laughed. "Then I can't do anything about it. The guild's membership standard has always been rather queer than indiscriminate. Bringing in an inappropriate candidate for an expert is also a failure."

"I can understand." Huo Huang was indifferent. laughed, then turned around and walked into the room, while I took the familiars and walked out. Actually, I just invited Huo Huang just now and it’s not entirely for him alone. Although this Sun Moon Divine Cult is a small guild, its strength is not weak, at least in terms of battle strength, especially those major members. It can be said that all of them are experts, but this guild will have some serious problems. For example, the development of partial subjects. The average battle strength of this guild is not even lower than that of our guild, but the development is seriously unbalanced. Almost all the guilds are combatants, at least I have not seen any support personnel. It is a miracle that such a guild can hold on till now, but there will be problems later on. High level players are simply burning money in the later stages. They don’t have any support staff in the guild. In the end, they may not even have the money to go out to buy supplies, let alone any development. Huo Huang was beaten by me before I couldn’t raise my head because of this reason. A wizard with high attack power like him can bring it up a level, because there is no money in the guild and can’t afford high-level skill books, so The fighting performance is almost a mess. Even if he can spell on a large scale, we won't be able to complete the task so easily. But no matter what, people don't want me nor really strong to ask.

The two female ninjas walked over as soon as they left the cave. "It's over?"

"I'm going to hand in a task, will you come with us? How about we find a hotel to sit down and talk?"

"Okay. "

Although it is a hostile relationship, but we don't know where the thing is going, we are both unlucky, so they have to choose to cooperate temporarily. Of course, as soon as we find the whereabouts of things, our partnership will break down instantly.

After sending back to the city, Xin Yin handed in the mission. After he handed in the mission, I received a mission completion notice. It can be said that the difficulty of this mission is not as great as expected. We were worried before. The mission is failing. Now that I think about it, I really want to thank Sun Moon Divine Cult for its partial discipline. As long as they will have enough funds, it will be us who fail.

Xinyin returned to Isinger directly after completing the mission. I followed the two female ninjas to a nearby tavern and booked a private room. I only opened the mouth and said after the service sound quit: "I don't need to introduce my identity, you should be clear. Can you two introduce yourself?"

The two women did not move at all. , Looking at me like two sculptures.

"Since it is to cooperate, even if it is temporary, the two of you should show a minimum of sincerity? How can we talk about this silently? At least we have to tell me what the two are called Right?"

It may be that I understand that it is impossible to continue without speaking. The weaker female ninja first introduced: "My name is Guren Liuwu."

"Guren Phoenix." Another female ninja continued.

Damn, this more powerful female ninja even has such an arrogant name. "Are the two sisters? They don’t look alike!"

"Does this have anything to do with you?" Guren Phoenix said very bluntly: "First tell me where did you get that thing? Yes? First make sure that what we got from you is the real thing."

I remembered it a bit. "It should be true when you snatch it away, because it was just taken out of the space of Great Wheel Pluto, and it hasn't passed through other people's hands. And Great Wheel Pluto knows how to recognize this thing, so she didn’t. It is necessary to take a fake and put it in her storage space. She was impossible to know in advance that we could grab something from her storage space."

Honglian Phoenix asked immediately: "That means I will take you from your hands." Is it still true when I snatched things away?"

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