Rose was startled when we came back carrying something the size of a building. "What is this?"

"Good thing!" I snapped my fingers, then hooked my fingers, and a large group of steel golems rushed up to take over the work of my summon creatures. Qilin warrior is an expert in fighting, but hard work is not enough! As soon as they put things down, they rubbed their waists one by one and lay on the ground.

"What the hell is this?" A large group of members had gathered around, and one of them who had arrived early asked again.

I looked at the huge manufacturing machine, and then said to everyone: "You go to the guild welfare center now, you will know what it is in a while, and who will send the notice, The bank will issue new benefits."

"The president must get back all good things." The members have always been satisfied with my benefits, and they ran out after hearing that there were benefits again.

Although this big guy is very heavy, the Golem Guard will not care. Hundreds of golems carried this big guy and ran to the guild welfare center, but this thing was too big to be able to enter the gate, so it had to be placed outside. All the guild members who got the news ran over and waited to receive the benefits, but I told the members how to use the benefits, and I left the distribution point first.

One of the two jade pieces I personally got has already sealed the Great Wheel of Pluto, but I can’t be happy because the gap between our strengths is so great that the time for complete control is only three seconds. , It really makes me very depressed. But three seconds is not completely useless, at least it can be used as a huge might skill. Three seconds is enough for Pluto to make a move. If on the battlefield, this move will definitely not be a problem to equalize three to five thousand players.

I originally wanted to take the Great Wheel Pluto to meet the immovable Pluto, by the way, I would persuade them to work for me sincerely. Although my control time of Dalun Pluto is only three seconds, if I can let her understand her current situation and be willing to do things for us sincerely, then the control time of this piece of jade is also infinite. But as soon as I walked halfway, I suddenly felt the leaves of the city tree on me shaking. "Hey, what's the matter?"

"Purple Moon, I am a military god."

"I know it's you. Say, what's the matter?"

"The emergency communication from Tianyu City, the red clothed woman you are chasing after the ninja has been found, and the other party is now in a small town called Delta in France to supply supplies."

"Tell Tianyu City to send Someone will show me the way, and I will be there soon." The Jade Emperor is so precious to the thing, saying anything is the first priority. Besides, the thing is already in my hands, and it was robbed. I absolutely cannot tolerate this kind of thing. of.

Turning the teleportation ring directly appeared in the transnational Transmission Formation, and then transmitted to Tianyu City, followed by teleportation to the teleportation substation in France, and finally jumped to the teleportation point in that small town. It took less than 30 seconds from the time I received the notice to when I arrived in this town. "President." As soon as I left the Transmission Formation, members of the bank came up.

"Lead the way." I said directly.

This member is not an ordinary person, but a special person that General Wu arranged for me to train at the time, so the work efficiency is much faster than that of ordinary people. The female ninja today was also discovered by their people. Professionals are different.

We turned a few turns and quickly arrived at a small restaurant. There were three people from our guild in the lobby. Otherwise, they took the initiative to nodded to me. I didn’t know they were us. The person is really concealed enough. The person leading me took me to a table opposite the door and sat down, and the person sitting opposite immediately said, "She is in the opposite shop. You can see her by looking at the left side of my head. "

"What is she doing?"

"She is buying medicines and some special materials. According to our analysis, she is going to rebuild the self-destruct puppet."

" p>

"Does she know that we are watching her?"

"If she knew she would not be still there to buy things leisurely."

"Then that thing Did she change hands?"

"No. We have been following her after leaving the city. She hasn't had a chance yet, but it seems that she has already contacted the receiver."

"Then you have investigated who the receiver is?"

The spy sitting across from me said immediately: "In fact, if you look back, you will find that the receiver no longer exists."

I turned my head in surprise and saw that two people on a table near the stairs were nodded to me. The two people pulled up the tablecloth together after signaling. I instantly saw a man tied up into a meat dumpling lying under the table. The two people put down the tablecloth again after confirming that I saw it, and no one nearby noticed it.

When I turned around, the intelligence agent immediately preceded me and said: "This is only an NPC, so we will catch him. The other party seems to be afraid that things will leak out and be retaliated by us. , So I didn’t dare to send players. I just sent a free NPC. Even if I was caught, I couldn’t find anything from him."

I nodded and said: "You want to force each other to send players to connect."

, And follow the vines to find the messenger behind?"


It seems that these professional spies are really not simple, and they have easily done so many ordinary players almost impossible. Task.

"Then we just have to keep staring at her, right?"


"Oh, something happened."


Just as we were talking, a sneaky-looking guy walked into the shop from the outside, and then passed by the female ninja. The female ninja quickly completed the supplies and walked out, and then the guy also followed out and walked in the same direction as the female ninja.

"It seems you need to change places." The person who joined me said: "We have someone waiting over there, I won't pass." I nodded got up and walked out.

The female ninja walked all the way to the outside of the city, and then entered a forest, and the guy who had passed by him in the shop also followed. I didn't follow the forest directly, but found a big rock and hid behind it, and then the summon rose vine and the pioneer took me underground. With the excavation of the pioneers, we soon arrived in the forest. The rose vine drilled a hole up from the root of the big tree, and then stretched out a few tentacles. I looked at the image coming back through the crystal eyes at the tips of the tentacles under the big tree.

When the screen appeared, I was a little surprised, because it was not only the female ninja and the person who came to pick up the goods, but there were as many as eight people on the scene. These eight people seem to belong to two forces. Among them, the female ninja who stole something from me actually has a female ninja who resembles her. The equipment of the two female ninjas is different, but they look very similar, and both are big red, but the equipment of the female ninja who stole something from me seems to be better. I couldn’t tell when she was alone before. Now it seems that the female ninja who intercepted me at the exit of the lava channel on red planet should be the female ninja next to me, and the one who stole the things from me was another person. , It’s just that their equipment is too similar, and they are all covered, so at first I admitted it was wrong.

These two female ninjas are also accompanied by a European, about two eighteen-nineteen years old, and they are pretty handsome. However, this guy's equipment looks weird, with a big hammer on his shoulders, but he doesn't have any armor type armor. Besides, this guy's figure doesn't look like a power warrior, and it looks quite weird with a hammer.

The four people on the opposite side are obviously a group. The European who went to meet the female ninja is standing behind him. It seems that there is nothing wrong with him. It is probably just an errand. The other three are all Asians, but because their occupations are all Westernized, I don't know which nationality they are.

The people on both sides exchanged a few simple sentences together. The general idea is that they asked each other if they had the goods and the money. After confirmation, they started to deliver each other. Although there is nothing wrong with me in this transaction, but the transaction is mine, so I still have to participate in it. Just when the two sides threw money and things to each other, a big hole suddenly burst up in the ground. A big head drilled out of the ground, and one swallowed the money bag that had flown halfway along with the mirror, and waited for those When the person reacted, his head had already retracted into the hole.

"The Trail Blazers are good." I took two things from the Trail Blazers. This time the transaction is over, and the things on both sides have come to me. However, the group of people above does not seem to intend to let me go.

With a bang, the passage behind us was blasted out of a big hole. The three Asians fell in, but before they were sent forward, two women suddenly appeared on the wall next to us. , It was the two female ninjas who appeared closer than the three guys.

"So it was you?" The five people who came down unexpectedly all knew me, and they shouted out together.

I smiled and raised the mirror in my hand. "This was originally mine, and now this name is returned to its original owner, as for this..." I shook the purse again. "It's your compensation for stealing my things, even if this matter is over, then goodbye." As soon as I finished speaking, the passage between us collapsed, and the Blazers and Rose Vine quickly started to send me to the ground.

There were still two people standing on the ground, but after seeing me, they didn’t do anything except surprise. I saw at a glance that these two were not characters that could be beaten, and I knew that rushing up was also sending food. The portion, so I didn’t move at all. Taking back the Blazers and Rose Vine, I directly summoned Ye Ying and jumped up. As soon as Ye Ying started, the ground behind it exploded again, and the five buried alive people came out together, but it was a pity that Ye Ying was too fast, and they could only follow behind to eat ashes.

But the two female ninjas really surprised me a little bit. I only saw a red light flashing by, and then suddenly there were two more people ahead. The two female ninjas put on a blocking posture at the same time, but we did not slow down at all. We are also considered heavy cavalry anyhow, after the two ninjas are blocked, can we still mix?

There was no suspenseful collision, the two ninjas didn't really block, and they flashed past just by turning their sides. They had originally planned to attack Ye Ying's legs, but it was a pity that Ye Ying used the Phantom Assault and rushed over at once, without giving the other party any chance.

"Middle." A woman's squeaky sound suddenly came from behind, and then the mercury shield on my back suddenly flashed, and a dart was wrapped in mercury and stopped just one point away from the armor. Centimeters. I was about to look back and laugh at her. I suddenly felt something was wrong, and suddenly lowered my head, a ninja short blade slid over my head. If I hadn't reacted quickly, the knife should have hit my neck.

The opponent made a second attack immediately after a miss, a knife went around my head and stabbed it from the front. My silhouette suddenly disappeared in place, and the ninja knife almost pierced into the opponent's stomach. At the same time, I appeared behind the opponent, a hand already wrapped around her neck to lock her head firmly. The other party used Qiao Jin to twist and escape, but suddenly a row of blades popped out of the inside of my arm armor, with a smooth cutting sound. Only her body was twisted, but the head remained in my arms.

I jumped back into the saddle with Ye Ying’s belly, Ye Ying’s body instantly turned into a phantom and disappeared in place, and in the next second we appeared next to the remaining woman. This female ninja was the one who snatched it from me later, and it seemed that she was better than the other female ninja. After discovering my presence, she immediately rolled back and returned to the three people, and their companions followed. I let Yekage stand still, and then said to them: "It's just that I don't want something wrong with this thing. It's not that I can't beat you. Just because you are not my opponents. From the time you were discovered by me. It has already failed, so... don't bother me anymore. You can do nothing but make me work harder." At this point, I patted Yeying's neck. "Yeying is gone."

"Don't be frightened by him." The mage among the three people who came to pick up the goods suddenly shot a red beam of light.

"Discipline-Absolute Mirror." The ring of commandment suddenly activated behind me, and the red light bounced back. The remaining female ninja reacted quickly and flashed out, but the others were not so lucky. The speaking of which red light's formidable power is really not small, it actually reimburses a group of them together.

The female ninja rolled out a long way before jumping up again, but she did not rush over, but was stunned after seeing the floating ring of commandments, and finally sank suddenly, gradually Sank into the land.

"hmph, I said that you are not opponents, and you want to make trouble with me." I patted Ye Ying on the neck, and then Ye Ying flew up into the sky and flew towards Tianyu City.

Since the things are in hand, they can’t stay with me to avoid further trouble. I took that mirror directly and sent it to Celestial Court. When the Jade Emperor heard that the last thing arrived, he almost jumped up happily, but his expression gradually became gloomy after taking the thing in my hand.

"Purple Moon." The Jade Emperor finally put down the thing in his hand, and turned to me: "Where did you get this thing?"

I knew there was something wrong with the expression of the emperor, but for a while, I couldn't figure out what was wrong, so I could only speak frankly. "I took it back from the one who robbed it."

Jade Emperor frowned hesitated for a moment, and then asked again: "Can you tell me what happened at the time?"


"At the time, I followed the other party into a forest, and saw that she was trading with a group of people, and I was intercepted when they exchanged items. Why? Is there anything wrong?"

The Jade Emperor groaned and said: "I understand if you say that. I still believe in your character."

Now I am really confused. It is clear that the things have been handed over to the Jade Emperor. In the hands of me, how come it has something to do with my character again? "Can the Jade Emperor clarify what happened?"

"This is a fake." The Jade Emperor threw the thing over.

My jaw almost fell off in shock. "Fake? How is it possible? This magical fluctuation is obviously correct! And the shape is the same as when it was stolen!"

"It is because the shape is the same that I say it is fake. "The Jade Emperor sighed and said: "Don't be too nervous, this is not to blame you, it is also my fault. I should have told you more inside information at the beginning! What a pity...! In fact, I told you that this thing will change at the beginning. The form is just a representation. The real feature of this thing is to change the form according to the attribute of the holder."

"Change the form according to the attribute of the holder? I will take the thing that was given to you before. Why didn’t you change your form after so long?"

"That’s because you didn’t send your own magic power into it, but even if you don’t do that, it will still It is automatically deformed, but the time you hold has not reached this standard. Although the thing you brought has similar magical fluctuations, it does not have the same power, so it is a fake. The transaction you mentioned may have been originally It's fake. The person who snatched the thing didn't intend to sell the vibration to the other party, but by coincidence you snatched the fake back. It's just..."

My mind is not stupid at all, Jade Emperor As soon as I said the reason, I thought of the same question as him. "It's just why she has imitations?"

"I'm also worried about this." The Jade Emperor frowned in thought. "Although this kind of counterfeit does not have the function of the genuine product, as long as it is not used, it will be indistinguishable. It can be seen that the technology of the counterfeiter is very superb."

I nodded. "Anyway, the fake was snatched from that woman. Even if the real thing is not on her now, she should know where it went. I will go back to her now and I should be able to find some clues."

< p>The Jade Emperor stretched out his hand to stop me who turned to leave. "Wait. If you run back like this, even if you get a fake one, you won’t be able to distinguish it. Let me tell you some ways to recognize it. In fact, it’s easy to recognize the authenticity. First, you have to input magic power to deform it. After your magic power is not deformed, it means that this is a fake. And after you get something, you can try it with your eternal sword. The real thing will not be destroyed, and your eternity can’t take it. How about it. If you split something you grabbed with a single sword, it must be fake."

I'm nodded. "Remember. Jade Emperor don't worry, I will never be deceived again this time."

"I believe in your ability." Jade Emperor waved his hand. "Go."

As soon as I got out of South Heaven Gate, I began to scold the Jade Emperor. This Old Guy is really not a thing, he wouldn't tell me anything. If he had told me all the secrets of this thing earlier, I would never have been deceived. In fact, I was deceived this time not because of my problem, but because the Jade Emperor did not tell me the correct information in advance. The information I got from him is that the magic fluctuation of this thing is very special, so until now this is my only way to identify it, even if I am smart, there is no way to tell the truth from the false in this situation.

After arriving at Isengard, I immediately found the god of war, and then asked him to use the guild’s intelligence network to search for the woman, but it may be a bit difficult for now. Our intelligence personnel are not full of food and nothing to do. They are usually very busy. If it is not for important circumstances, they will generally not interfere with their regular operations. After we got that thing before, we thought it was completely unnecessary to track the woman again, so we didn't send anyone to track it anymore. Now it's fine, we can't find it if we want to find it.

I don't have time here to wait for the intelligence personnel to find someone, and take advantage of this time to finish the thousand-level task first. The last time I was in Egypt, I had completed the 1,000-level opening mission, which means that as long as the 1,000-level mission is completed, all subsequent levels can be upgraded. Of course, I have to bring Xin Yin first. Our two tasks are chained, and it won't work without him.

"Boss, are you finally free?" Hearing that I was going to do the task, Xin Yin immediately rushed in front of me at lightning speed.

"I can’t help it! You players are so free, as long as you complete the guild’s fixed missions, it’s ok, but I have to run around, and I’m so busy. By the way, you were so busy last time. What is the content of the mission? I have forgotten it!"

"My mission is to find the assassin sacred relic, and your mission is to protect me from being killed by the monster that was killed on the way. "

"Oh, I remember. Then let's go now."

"Eh...this might be a problem." Xinyin suddenly grabbed me.

"What's the problem? Are you not ready for supplies? It doesn't matter, what I have here is."

"It's not this." Xinyin grabbed me and said:" According to the biography in the hearing, you seem to be from Longyuan, so you should know the content of "Zero" better than me. The mission we took last time..."

"What's the matter with the mission? "

"The mission has been upgraded!"

"Upgrade?" I remembered it as soon as I asked. The most important reason why "Zero" is called an epoch-making game is not the virtual reality technology it uses, but the personalization system. The simple explanation is that the game system of "Zero" can basically be regarded as a person, and his settings for game tasks will not be completely fixed. Any task will switch the follow-up plot at any time according to the player's situation, which means that except for the part you have already experienced, any follow-up content is uncertain. We haven't done the task for so long. The system must think that we are restricted by what circumstances, so he will inevitably modify the task to meet our needs. Therefore, the content of this task must have changed, and the system most likely I will also come up with something to explain the entire process of development of the task change. In short, it is to rationalize things. Thinking of this, I quickly asked: "What did the task become?"

"I just met the NPC who took the task, and then told him that something went wrong with the task. Take it away, it’s useless to go now, but he also gave a modified mission. The mission requires us to assassinate an NPC."

"Assassination? What level of NPC do you want to kill?"

"The NPC is nothing, 200-level players can easily handle it. The problem is that the luck of the two of us is too bad, and we actually ran into a cross mission."

"Damn, no Isn’t that moldy?” Cross missions are known as one of the three best missions in the game. No matter how good your strength is, the success rate will definitely be lower than 50%, which means that the chance of success is less than half. As for the reason... because both opponents are players, the cross mission is that the missions of the two groups of players are related. If it is a cooperative task, it is better to say, if it is a confrontation task, it will be over. Since Xin Yin said that things were not good, it must have ran into a confrontation mission, which means that only one of us can complete the mission. What we got was an assassination mission, and the other party was definitely a protection mission. No matter what, one party would fail, or even more miserably, both sides failed together. If we just hurt the target, but didn't kill him, the protector would be considered a failure, but the punishment would be a bit smaller than the target's death, but the general old saying would be judged that both sides failed together.

Xin Yin said very sadly: "Unfortunately we are really moldy, because the other party actually took the guild task in the team task, and the two of us are personal tasks!"


I am nodded. "This is understandable. My personal battle strength is too strong, and a single enemy can rarely stop me. Moreover, the assassin is cheaper than the Guardian in this kind of mission, so we don't suffer."

I really don't care about this kind of task arrangement. After all, the assassination task is not to fight the opponent, just kill the target, so even if the opponent is crowded, they may not be able to play the battle strength, as long as they can get close to me. If the person does not defeat my ability, I can complete the task effortlessly. It's just that the personality of this game system is as strong as Nuwa. He will definitely not get a bunch of mobs to be my opponents, so it is most likely that these people will give me a headache.

Since something I don’t want to encounter also made me run into it, I can only try it. Fortunately, the initiative is on our side. Assassination missions usually have a time limit. Otherwise, if you give you unlimited time, wouldn't the other party have to guard the protector forever? The mission that Xin Yin and I received this time was limited to a relatively long time. It actually took a full month. The mission was only received by Xin Yin yesterday, which means it has just begun.

According to the general strategy, I should wait for a while and wait for the opponent’s defense to relax before going to assassinate, but my time is also very precious. If I do that, I may not wait for them to relax. I have time to do the task, so I decided He Xinyin will do it right away.

Before doing the task, you must first understand the actual situation. At least you must first understand the specific situation of the person to be assassinated and the situation of his location. Fortunately, the bank will have a strong intelligence network to support it. The information will be available soon. According to intelligence, the target we are going to assassinate this time is an ordinary NPC, and because of this task, we temporarily obtained the battle strength. Before, he should be a free NPC with no attack ability, and even if he can fight now, his actual battle strength is also Ordinary players who are only equivalent to the 200th level, for us, are definitely a person who hangs up at the touch of a touch.

Compared with this person's strength, his identity is a bit more troublesome. This guy is an eyewitness, and the reason for the assassination mission is that this guy saw the process of the mission objective of our previous mission being taken away, and the party issuing the mission does not want this to be known, so this objective must be obtained. Kill. This damn humanized system change task will also automatically perform event rationalization, but the result of the change is that we have more enemies. The guild performing the protection mission this time protects the target person because it needs to know where that thing is going. Although I don't know what kind of task the other party has received, I am sure to fight against us.

After understanding the specific background, I learned about the strength of the opponent. The name of the guild that protects the target person is very unique. It is called Sun Moon Divine Cult. The name of the president of this guild is Huohuang, and he is a Fire Element mage. What surprised me more is that I actually saw his name on the individual battle strength Ranking List of Chinese players, and this guy actually rose from 16th to 10th this morning. As for why he suddenly skipped the ranks I'm not sure.

In addition to the troublesome president of this guild, there are also two Vice-Presidents who are also terrible. The two Vice-Presidents dubbed Black and White Impermanence by their guilders are called Day and Night, and it is said that they did not know each other when they chose the name. The professions and names of these two guys are basically completely reversed. The profession during the day is the trainee Death God of Dark Element, which belongs to the branch of special profession. I need to make a name here, special profession branch and special profession are not the same thing. Special profession refers to a very special profession from the beginning, this kind of profession at first is not in the optional list, it needs a certain opportunity to be used, and the branch of special profession at first is a general profession, but the direction of advancement happened later Specialization, and finally evolved into a special profession that others cannot choose.

This daytime trainee Death God is said to eventually evolve into Death God, and the original form of his profession is actually the ghost mage of Undead Race. The profession of ghost mage belongs to the mage sequence, but the trainee Death God is a semi-legal profession dominated by physical attacks, which basically overturns the original professional characteristics. However, in any case, the trainee Death God is indeed a very troublesome profession, and the strength is very impressive, otherwise I would not see him on the individual battle strength Ranking List of Chinese players.

Hei Ye's profession is also just the reverse of his name. He is a white Demon Sword, and he is the kind of very annoying dual-line Demon Sword. In addition, this guy, like me, is a guy with many pets, and it is said that there are two pandas among them.

"Do they still have pandas?" I looked at the intelligence in surprise.

Xin Yin also asked with some worry: "Are we also bringing good luck?"

"Can our mission lead others to help?"

"It should be possible!" Xinyin said uncertainly: "We are performing an assassination mission. It is not very convenient if there are more people. Therefore, there is no limit to the number of people in the mission. I think it should be fine to bring a few more people. Question."

"Then bring it. My thousand-level missions are not always available. At this time, I need the support of good luck."

The bank will engage in the battle strength Ranking List. The Silver Snow of the New Family League is definitely the first, followed by the Goddess of Vina, and then Hong Yan's turn. However, if our guild and Celestial Court go into full-scale war, the only two pandas who will survive in the end will definitely be. Their infinite lucky attribute is really awesome, even if it is an expert of the Yinxue series, it will be fine.

After reading the information, I analyzed our strengths and weaknesses, and then I went to the guild headquarters with my heart to abduct Jixiang Ruyi. These two pandas are a bit fatter than when I saw them last time, and they have a tendency to continue to develop horizontally. However, the movements of these two pandas are not slow at all. I just took out a steak to seduce them, when the cat's shadow flashed in front of me, there was only air in my hand.

"Huh? They eat beef?" Xin Yin asked as if he had found a new continent.

"Don't you know that pandas are carnivores? But the pandas in our guild not only eat meat, they also eat magic crystals. The cost of raising them is more than raising a zoo. It is simply eating money! "

I’m talking to Xinyin here, but these little fellows circumvented both of us completely ignorant of their lives, and Jixiang actually stood up and turned over my armor belt with his front paws in an attempt Find something to eat inside.

"You two, stop for me." After Jixiang almost took off my skirt armor, I had to shout to stop both of them. "Okay, come here and stand."

Although we are naughty and gluttonous, our mascot has a good IQ, and immediately stood straight in front of me as soon as I heard my words. However, there is no imposing manner for the two pandas standing on their legs like soldiers. I didn’t care about Xinyin, but solemnly said to the two pandas: “Now our president is going to do a task and needs your help. As long as you do well, one person will reward a piece of such a large magic crystal.” I am better at it. The size of a duck egg.

This guy Jixiang scratched his head with his paw, and then he actually gave me the size of a watermelon.

"Damn, you're too dark, right? At most this size." I was the size of a cantaloupe again.

The two pandas looked at my hands, and then Ruyi quickly grabbed Jili gu lu next to Jixiang's ear for a while, and then Jixiang faced Ruyi gu lu for a while. The two pandas just talked about you and me for a long time, and then Ruyi compared the size of a muskmelon, and then Jixiang stretched out two paws, which means two pieces of magic crystal the size of a muskmelon.

"Deal." I quickly agreed to their request, Jixiang immediately stretched out a paw and shook my hand to indicate that the transaction was established.

It is more troublesome to take the two pandas on the road, and you must be very careful to hide whereabouts. These two guys have a lot of fans, especially the girl, and they can't walk when they s

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