"Come on, let us see what you have worthy of our efforts to help you?"

"No, I won't let you see my storage space!" The Great Wheel Pluto refused.

"Why?" We were all stunned.

The Great Wheel Pluto said seriously: "It's very simple, my storage space has a lot of things. If you see my things, don’t you have to ask for it?"

"But If you don’t show it to us, don’t you have to give us what we want?"

"That’s different." Dalun Pluto said very firmly: "I won’t let you see me in advance. Space!"

"But we don't know how you want to price?"

"You can put forward some general requirements, and then I will give you something suitable "

"Is that so?" I pretended to think for a while, and then nodded. "Okay, let's do it!" Anyway, our purpose is not to pay, but to let the Great Wheel Pluto open the storage space, so we don't care what we can get, just lie to her to open the space.

"Then you guys! What kind of remuneration do you want?" Dalun Pluto also understands that she can't stop the fake silver snow outside without giving anything, so she didn't talk to us Wrangling.

I'm afraid that the request is too low to make Dalun Pluto suspicious, so after thinking about it, I still didn't say a particularly low price. "So let's do it! You should have high-end equipment? We each need a suitable Divine Item."

"No, this request is too much. This is an early blackmail."


"Even if we want to blackmail you, can you not give it?" I asked Dalun Pluto with a deliberate smile. "But you can rest assured that we are principled mercenaries, not robbers. What we just made is just a preliminary request. There must be a bargaining process when discussing business. The Divine Item is a bit too much, so how many sets can you give us?"

After listening to my words, Dalun Pluto finally eased. "The Divine Item set is very precious. I can't get the full set if you want. It's acceptable to give you one or two pieces each."

"Then two pieces per person, don’t you have any comments? "I pretended to be very greedy for money and asked Dalun Pluto to further dispel her worries.

"No comment." Great Wheel Pluto promised to be refreshed. "But..." Damn, there is actually something to follow.

"But what?"

"But after the guy outside is killed, you will give me her body."

I immediately guessed the big wheel Pluto also understood that there was no problem in giving her the corpse of the fake Yinxue outside, but I couldn't agree too quickly, otherwise it might arouse her suspicion. "You can give it to you, but the guy outside is superb. I'm impossible to risk my life because of your request, so we won't take into account anything during the battle, in case her body is broken. We are not responsible for her. Of course, we will not deliberately destroy her body, but we will not deliberately protect it. If you can accept us, we will deal."

"Okay." The Great Wheel Pluto is finally agreed.

"Then please give us our benefits?" Although I was very excited, I didn't dare to show it, so I could only speak calmly.

As soon as Dalun Pluto heard what I said, he immediately asked, "Have you ever seen a mercenary who went with the main money before the matter is over?"

Damn, this guy really It's annoying, but I'm not so foolish. My goal is not to fake things, but to let Dalun Pluto open his storage space, so it's not a big problem to pay first and then pay. "Then you can't let us do nothing for you? Or you can give each of us a Divine Item as a deposit, and then pay the other half after finishing the work."

Dalun Pluto Nodded, my request seemed reasonable, and she had no reason to refuse. In our excited eyes, Dalun Pluto finally opened up our own storage space. We all held our breath and didn't dare to move. We only let Ye Ying and I perform.

"Can we choose the Divine Item we want?" I didn't rush to ask for something, but asked first.

The Great Wheel Pluto saw that we were all honest and relaxed a little bit. "You can only pick one by one, and if it is some special equipment that I can't give, you can't ask for it."

"That's okay." Of course, you have to follow her at this time. .

Yeying first said: "Let me pick it first, right?"

"Yes. Anyway, the sequence is the same." I nodded let Yeying come forward, and the Great Wheel Pluto will also There is no meaning to stop.

We watched Ye Ying walk to the entrance of the storage space, and then she looked at it for a long time and said: "I want that."

"Which?" The storage space of the Great Wheel Pluto and my Phoenix Dragon space are the same, the same mess, a pile of things piled together, Ye Ying refers to the Great Wheel of Pluto, it is not clear which one is talking about.

"That's the one, the one that looks like an awl." Taking advantage of the opportunity to point the Great Wheel of Pluto to something, Yeying took two steps forward. Now he and the channel entrance are only one step ahead. Far away.

"Is it the horse-head-like thing? That is for unicorns. You are a humanoid creature. What do you want that thing for?" I don't know what Ye Ying's real body is. In the dream, the power of the nightmare is a hundred times stronger than in reality, and the Great Wheel Pluto can't see his Transformation Technique at all.

"I like that thing very much, anyway, I want it, you just give it to me."

"Well then." Dalun Pluto turned to control the storage space, But the moment she turned around, Ye Ying suddenly returned to her original form, and then jumped over the Great Wheel Pluto and opened her mouth to the channel entrance.

We only saw Night Shadow jumping in front of the Great Wheel Pluto, and then the storage space disappeared, and then Night Shadow had flashed to us, and the Great Dew Pluto rushed towards us like crazy come over. But before she touched us, we felt that our eyes suddenly went dark, and we were already lying in that room in Tianyu City when we returned to normal. I jumped up from the bed, looked around, and immediately found the silhouette of Ye Ying. "How's it going?"

Ye Ying said uncertainly: "I didn't expect Great Wheel Pluto to react so fast!"

"Did you fail?" asked It was not me who said this, but the lucky one who just woke up.

"That's not necessarily so."

"Not necessarily? Success is success, failure is failure, not necessarily what is going on? Are you successful or failed?"

"The Great Wheel Pluto reacted too quickly. She closed the space as soon as I met her storage space. The space is torn."


"Yes, torn, which means I grabbed a part of it. I don’t know why Success or failure is because I don’t know whether the two pieces of jade we want are in the part I grabbed or the part grabbed by Pluto."

"Then whoever grabbed the jade More?"

"She grabbed more." Ye Ying said: "I only took a small part of the space. But don't worry, I only tore it after seeing the location. When pretending to find something, I already saw two things that were similar to what you said before, so in order to ensure the greatest probability, I tore off the area around those two things."

"Really Yes, don't you know if you open it quickly?" Ye Yue, who had just woke up, urged beside her.

"Yes, open it and take a look."

Yeying opened the storage space he grabbed at our urging, but this is not his own space after all, so it can’t last for a long time. The support will completely disappear in a few seconds after opening, so Night Shadow poured out all the contents immediately after opening.

"Good guy, didn't expect you still grab a lot of things?" Lucky looked at the pile of things in front of him and said in surprise.

Ye Ying said: “The space of the Great Wheel Pluto is very large, but most of the area is empty. Quite a lot."

"Most things are useless. The key is to find those two pieces of jade." As I said, I already turned over the pile of things. Because the Jade Emperor said that the shape of that thing is not necessarily, so I can only find it by its magical fluctuations. Fortunately, the magical fluctuations of that thing are very special, and you can feel it as long as you encounter it. After a simple flip, I immediately felt a very clear wave of magical power. Obviously the thing was indeed here, so I quickly accelerated the search. "Haha, I found it!" I reached into the pile of things and fumbled, then caught the source of magic power and yanked.

"What is this?" Ye Yue asked, looking at the thing in my hand.

"It looks like a baby bottle."

"A bottle?"

We all gathered around this thing and looked at it. After repeated confirmation In the end, I still have to admit that this is indeed a milk bottle, and the mysterious magical fluctuations are uploaded from this thing.

Yeyue said: "Although the Jade Emperor said that the shape of this thing is not fixed, it is too outrageous?"

"Whatever it becomes, as long as the jade The emperor agrees that it is this thing." Ye Ying's opinion is quite objective.

"Damn, so many of us are desperately trying to grab a bottle for the Jade Emperor. If this news spreads, we won't get mixed up!" Bannon Songlan said with a very dissatisfied snort.

I handed the baby bottle to Emenes and said, "Catch it first. There should be two pieces of that thing, and maybe the other one is also together." Then I reached into the pile again. The thing turned inside, let alone, I found the second thing very quickly. "Fortunately, this one is normal."

The second thing I found looked like a hand-held antique vanity mirror. Although this thing is strange, it looks better than a baby bottle. It looks more formal. At least this Divine Immortal also has a mirror as a weapon, but I don't know which guy has a baby bottle!

"haha, with this thing, I can have a business relationship." I proudly held the mirror said with a smile, but when I was about to put the mirror up, the silhouette flashed suddenly, a red The silhouette and Damn passed by.

"The president of the Frost Rose League is indeed not in vain." A female ninja with a red body appeared on the wall, and I have seen this person, who attacked us on the red planet. The red clothed woman, but her equipment seems to have been changed, and it looks more arrogant than the previous one. At this moment, she was leaning against the wall and holding her belly with one hand, and blood was dripping from her fingers to the ground.

I stood in the middle of the room with Eternity still bleeding and looked at her unblinking eyes. "You can sneak into Tianyu City silently, you are not bad. I think even if I ask you, you won't tell me what you are here for?"

"No, I can tell. You, I'm here for this thing." The woman proudly raised the mirror in her other hand. Only then did I realize that the mirror in my hand had actually reached her. Just now it was just a chance to wipe away, and it was only 0.1 second at most. Although I cut her with a sword, she took the mirror in my hand. I don't care if an ordinary mirror gives her a thousand faces, but that thing is a task item, this thing must not be lost. I made a gesture, and the demons immediately separated and blocked all directions near her. Ninja didn’t seem to be alarmed, she just looked around, and then smiled and said to me: "Do you think this will keep me behind?"

"If you add What about me?" Yinxue walked out from the side.

The woman didn’t seem to notice Yinxue’s presence until this time, but she looked at Yinxue up and down and said, “Purple Moon is still somewhat dreaded. What about me?"

"hahahaha..." I couldn't help but laugh. "Miss Yinxue, you have been underestimated."

"It doesn't matter, the ant doesn't understand the power of the giant. At least I must have close strength to see my power level, she Obviously it hasn't reached that level yet."

After listening to our words, Nina looked at Yinxue again, and then frowned a little. Obviously, it’s not too easy for someone to get my approval. She already understands herself. It may be that she despised the enemy too much, but she did not show any panic. "Then, I'd better leave here first." As she finished speaking, the wall behind her suddenly banged through her two arms, and then the two hands came over and hugged the wall, fiercely. Pull outward. A large part of the wall was forcibly pulled off by a bang, and there was a big hole in the back of the female ninja. She stooped down and jumped out.

"Don't let her run." I followed out almost as soon as she started. There were several continuous bangs on the walls of the room, and my familiars broke through the walls one by one.

To our surprise, it was not the player who helped the female ninja, but a machine, to be precise, a magic puppet. For the first time, I discovered that besides our guild, there are other people who have such perfect magic puppets. This golem is almost two meters tall, and the whole figure looks slimmer, not as strong as our guild golem looks, but the speed of this guy is many times faster than our golem, and it's almost beyond the end. The TX type magic puppet is even faster.

When the pets and I chased out, the woman and her puppet were already outside of several hundred meters, but I was not stupid, so I put my fingers in my mouth and blew the whistle. . All the sculptures that were originally standing on the streets of the city suddenly opened their eyes. Not long after the woman ran, she was stopped by two three-meter-high giant stone sculptures.

"Damn, is Yucheng's defense system fake?" I raised a hand to the sky, and a red flash shot directly into the sky. The nearby city gates all began to close in an emergency, between the streets The wall of separation rose one after another, and all personnel put down what they were doing and took up their weapons and started reporting to their respective commanders in accordance with the emergency plan formulated long ago.

Ninbo finally realized that this time she seemed to underestimate us too much. She nervously took out a scroll and threw it into the sky, but the thing fell back to the ground like a rag. Nina was surprised to pick up the scroll and wanted to throw it up again, but I stopped it.

"Women, although you are very strong, but you have no brains. Tianyu City is the European exchange center of the Frost Rose League and the largest overseas base of our guild. You actually only brought a magic puppet. Just broke in, don’t you think that the Tianyu City, which cost 35 billion crystal coins, 7 million laborers and 100,000 large machinery, took more than a month to complete, is the tofu dregs project? Tell you, this city Every statue in here is a golem. Every building here has an opal monitoring system. Everyone here is a battle strength amount. Would you dare to run here without a regular army of more than one million? When we don’t exist Is it?"

"Why can't my scroll work anymore?" the woman asked calmly.

I raised my hand and pointed my thumb behind my back: "Did you see the obelisk on the corner of the city wall?" The woman was nodded. "If you know the magic text, I think you will see something like this: This place is an eternal forbidden place, and all unauthorized spatial energy flow is forbidden."

"Here is the seal transmission?"< /p>

" It is to seal unauthorized transmission, which means I can transmit, but you can’t. Who said this is my land? Now, if you don’t want to cause trouble for yourself, I suggest you keep it in your hands. Give it back to me."

The woman took two steps back and leaned on the doll. As long as we talk, the streets and roofs nearby are already full of people, and there are even large groups of flying golems on guard in the sky, there is simply no gap.

Looking at the woman’s eyes always looking at her feet, I immediately summoned the steel claws, and then patted the steel claws’ head and reminded: "It is recommended that you do not try to make holes under the ground. If you understand If we are in a guild, we should know what is the specialty of this thing around me. Everyone here has one, don’t you want to compete with us who digs the tunnel faster, right?"

"Okay! "The woman seemed to give up her desperate plan. "I will return the things to you, can you let me leave?"

"As long as you promise that you won't cause us trouble again."

The woman was nodded, and then raised her hand The mirror was thrown over. I saw the sky sword light flashed, and the mirror that flew halfway suddenly turned into that woman and fell back to the ground, while the woman who was standing next to the magic puppet slowly disappeared in place. I held the eternal sword still dripping blood and said, "After dealing with you Japanese ninjas for so long, don't you think that I can't even see Phantom Clone? This one next to me is the phantom Goddess, eh!"

The woman looked at the huge newly added wound on her arm, and returned to the doll in embarrassment. She had two more wounds on her body when she had two close contact with me. This time she did not dare to be arrogant anymore. NS. Since becoming Dragon Clan, my reaction nerves have been almost unimaginable. Although the physical advantage has no effect on the characters in the game, the reaction speed is tangible and can be brought into the game, plus my game The character itself is also an individual with superior physical ability, and with my reaction speed, it naturally has terrifying destructive power.

"It seems that you don't plan to cooperate!" I beckoned, and the people nearby immediately began to push in the middle. "Remind you, I have tens of thousands of golems here. Although they are not very powerful, they are very effective! Don't get tired at the end. I don't have the habit of preferential treatment to prisoners."

"Okay, I will return the things to you, but I can't be here, I don't believe you. You have to let me go to the city gate, so I can give it to you."

"Unfortunately, miss I don’t have much confidence in you either!"

"What do you say?"

"Why not." I glanced at the magic puppet behind her. "Give him something and you exit the Safety Sector domain. Even if we don’t keep our promises, you are only losing a magic doll."

The woman turned around and looked at the magic doll behind her, and then slightly After thinking about it, it was nodded in the end. "Deal."

Since both parties have reached an agreement, it is much easier. We kept each other on guard and moved to the city gate facing the French side. It seems that this woman is not completely stupid. At least she knows that our guild has an alliance guild in Germany. It is easy to catch individuals.

"Okay, now you leave your magic puppet standing there without moving, you can leave the city by yourself. You can use Transmission Scroll as long as you are 100 meters away from the city wall." I said to the woman. The woman immediately started running outside the city gate, but was stopped by our people. "How many times do you want me to say? This is the phantom Goddess next to me. Your ninjutsu is as ridiculous as the lies of a kindergarten kid. Could you please stop stimulating my nerves?"

Woman After hearing what I said, he turned helplessly and walked back to his demon puppet, then handed the real mirror to the demon puppet, and he walked outside the city. Her magic puppet is standing in the city gate holding a mirror, and ours is in the city gate. Let her golem block the city, sect master, if it’s because she is worried that we will get the mirror and chase her, and we don’t care about the golem standing at the door, because there is our flying unit in the sky, even if the devil wants to run with the mirror. It will be intercepted before reaching the edge of the teleportation restricted area, even if it is faster, it is impossible to be faster than lightning. On the city wall, there are rows of lightning wizards, and lightning magic is basically unavoidable.

After everyone got their positions, I slowly walked over to the magic puppet. "Okay, give me things now."

The magic puppet nodded to me, then turned his head and looked towards the female ninja standing two hundred meters away, and then he lifted it up Only the hand holding the mirror. We were all taken aback, thinking what he was going to do, but in the end he just extended his thumb and made an OK gesture. However, as I approached the magic puppet, the situation suddenly changed. There was a sudden click on the shoulder of the magic puppet, and then the arm holding the mirror actually fell off its body, but just when the arm was halfway down, a long burst suddenly spurted out from the back of the arm. Flame, and then the whole arm flew towards the woman outside the city gate like a missile. I don't care if that hand flies out, but the problem is that the mirror is also in that hand.

"Damn, I was fooled!" I was about to chase me when I saw my eyes suddenly shine, and then I felt like I was hit by someone with a hammer. When I regained consciousness and got up again, I realized that I was already not in the place where I stood before, and the city gate had a large pit with a radius of more than 30 meters, and the nearby city wall was blasted down.

Emiennes stood beside me and said, "You were in a coma for about one minute, and she ran away with things. But our people followed the traces of the space channel and chased them, but they didn’t know how to chase them. I can’t catch up."

"Really! We all broke through the sea like the Great Wheel Pluto, and we finally got something and capsized the boat in the gutter! Fortunately, there is one left, At least let the Jade Emperor restore his relationship with us!"

"Then what are you going to do now?"

"You and the others will go back to Fenglong Space first, I'm going to see you Jade Emperor. It’s too unsafe to put this thing here, and it’s not my business to hand it over to the Jade Emperor and be robbed."

Although I don’t know exactly what these three pieces of jade can change. What is it, but it can be inferred from the degree of attention that all parties have paid to it that its use is definitely not simple. However, now is not the time to care about some non-existent interests. Hurry up and hand things over to the Jade Emperor. The main thing is to restore Celestial Court's support to our guild. Our guild is now fully deployed in the whole world. It can be said that we are fighting every minute. If we can't buy soldiers, it will seriously affect our future development strategy. This kind of loss is absolutely intolerable to me.

Since I cannot lose the support of Celestial Court, I cannot let the Jade Emperor disappoint us. I briefly explained that the Chief-In-Charge of Tianyu City continued to track down the whereabouts of the woman, and then I returned to Isengard with the "feeding bottle". Before I came to Celestial Court, I used Isinger’s fairy tale painting to inform Celestial Court that they were ready for work. Since the other party was able to get things out of Celestial Court last time, it’s hard to guarantee that I won’t do it again this time. Robbery halfway, so defense is indispensable.

Although the Jade Emperor didn’t tell me what exactly this thing was for, the Jade Emperor didn’t seem to intend to hide the importance he attached to it. When I arrived at South Heaven Gate with my things and the people I caught, the Jade Emperor was already standing at the door and waiting for me.

As soon as I saw me appearing in the Transmission Formation outside South Heaven Gate, the Jade Emperor smiled and greeted him. "Hahahaha...I know you are the most trustworthy."

I know that one thing is missing, so it is impossible to be as happy as the Jade Emperor, but this is not something that can be shouted everywhere, I I had to say to the Jade Emperor with a heavy face: "Please don’t get excited about the Jade Emperor. Things have changed a bit. It’s not very convenient here, isn’t it...?"

Jade Emperor can sit in this position like this For a long time, it has naturally become an old ghost. I knew the problem was not simple when I looked at my face. I quickly put away my smile and the scene, and took me and the ring tone Knight behind me into the Celestial Court. Because the things we talked about this time were not easy to talk about publicly, we didn't go to the Lingxiao Hall, but were taken to Yaochi. After the Jade Emperor sat firmly, he quickly moved back to the left and right, leaving only Taibai Jinxing by his side, and then he looked at the ring tone Knight behind me again. "They...?"

"These are my subordinates who have a symbiotic relationship with me. The Jade Emperor can be completely relieved."

The Jade Emperor was nodded, and immediately asked: "What happened? What's the matter? You just reported that you found what I wanted. Why did something happen after a while? And what was in the box carried by the people behind you? There were only three things I wanted, of which One piece is still with me. What are you carrying three boxes to pack?"

In order to prevent the Jade Emperor from reacting too much, I first gave the Jade Emperor a shot. "This, the things in the box may be more exciting, so you'd better prepare yourself for the Jade Emperor." The Jade Emperor glanced at me with a puzzled look, and then nodded. I know that the Jade Emperor is also a person who has passed through wind and waves, so it shouldn't be too exciting, so just a reminder. I turned around and made a gesture to Skydet. The twelve ringtone Knights including him quickly put the box on the ground, and then Skydet opened the first box.

"Heavenspan Cult Lord?" Although the Jade Emperor received my advance warning, he still felt a lot of stimulation when he saw the person lying in the box. But when he saw the Great Wheel Pluto lying in the second box, he was even more surprised. "This is the Great Wheel of Pluto? Who is in the box next to it?"

"To be honest, I don't know either." I motioned to Skyt to open the third box. The Jade Emperor gasped after seeing it, but with the first two as a pavement, his performance was much better than when he saw Heavenspan Cult Lord before. I said to the Jade Emperor: "I believe the weight of these three people is not clear to the Jade Emperor. It took a lot of time for our guild to get them. Of course, the strong support of Celestial Court also played a big role." I will not let go of the credit for greed, but the fellow Jade Emperor loves face, and the face that should be given is so good for him. Besides, the contributions of the four Sacred Beast and the Eighteen Heaven Guards cannot be ignored, so I can only tell the truth.

The Jade Emperor knew nodded, and then said to me: "It’s a great achievement to catch three of them, but...?"

I didn’t wait for Jade After the emperor had finished speaking, he had already passed the baby bottle that was wrapped in rice dumplings to the Jade Emperor. Although this thing was wrapped with N layers of red cloth, the magical fluctuations in it couldn't be concealed anyway. . The Jade Emperor's breathing became hurried in an instant, and he almost trembling hands took the big red cloth bag.

"You really got it back?" The Jade Emperor was so excited that he could hardly speak, but he soon realized that something was wrong. "Wait, now that you have got the things back, what is the serious problem you just mentioned?"

I said seriously: "The problem lies here. I did snatch it back for you, but I was robbed again halfway through, so only this one in your hands is left!"

Out of my surprise, the Jade Emperor heard my news. Then I didn’t jump up right away, but first opened the red cloth, took the baby bottle in my hand and changed it back to the shape of the sample I showed before, then stood up and walked to me and put my hand on me. "I believe in your strength. Although I was robbed of one piece this time, it’s pretty good to get back the three of them and this piece. But you can’t relax the other one. You must find it for me." Come."

I immediately solemnly vowed a guarantee that I will not disappoint Celestial Court.

The Jade Emperor said with satisfaction: "You are willing to work hard, Celestial Court opens up the supply in terms of personnel, and the price can be lowered again, as long as you can help me find the last item. Come on."

Damn, I know that the fact that we have bought too many soldiers to limit the number is purely an excuse, and this is finally true. I just retrieved an item, and the Jade Emperor immediately turned on the green light to indicate that I must do my best for Celestial Court. But now the soldiers sold to our guild from Celestial Court are very good in terms of quality and price, so I have to continue to work for them!

Maybe I saw that I was a little unhappy, and the Jade Emperor started to give benefits after warning. Celestial Court didn’t want to offend me. After all, Celestial Court used our guild as much as the Celestial Court used by our guild, so the Jade Emperor still had to give us some sweetness, at least not. We are hostile to Celestial Court. "By the way, Purple Moon, do you know who robbed the object? Is there anything we need to help from Celestial Court?"

"I can roughly determine who the robbed is. People are there, but we haven’t found them yet. As for help... there is no specific need yet. Of course, we don’t mind anything that can increase our strength." Hmph, if we want to do things, how can we do without a little blood? The Frost Rose League is not a charity.

Everyone has been working together for so long, how can the Jade Emperor understand my habit? As soon as I said what I said, he immediately understood it, but it was really hard for him to decide what benefit it would give him. If you give too much benefit, the price will naturally increase if you want to ask us to do things in the future, but if we give less, it will be unfavorable and troublesome for us to do things here. I watched the Jade Emperor go in circles there, without disturbing him, and gave him time for him to think slowly.

"Ah! There is." The Jade Emperor suddenly yelled and frightened me.

"What's there?"

The Jade Emperor patted me happily and said, "Do you guys in the guild really need battle strength?"

"Of course!"

"Then it will be easy." The Emperor Jade turned to Taibai Jinxing and murmured a few words. Several pieces of Yubi, which looked like copper coins, were handed over to the Jade Emperor.

As soon as the Jade Emperor took the thing, he passed it to me. I looked at Jade Emperor suspiciously, and then took a piece. "What is this?"

"Do you remember the gem that sealed the Vermilion Bird that made you wrong?"

"Remember. But that Vermilion Bird was later in Japan It ran away during the war, and now that thing is scrap, it’s useless to put it here. Isn’t this the same thing, right?"

"It is indeed the same, but the effect is the difference between Heaven and Earth."

I looked at the jade money in my hand and said: "It's a lot smaller, can I only seal low-level creatures?"

"Small is not necessarily just not Okay." Jade Emperor said with a smile: "Do you know why there was only one seal jade given to you? Not because of how complicated it is, but because the materials are too difficult to find. But..." Jade The emperor deliberately pulled the long tone. "You are lucky. Some time ago, after we eliminated Buddhism, we got a big chunk from Buddhism. In addition, our current production technology has improved, so we not only save more materials, but also the effect is quite high."

"The effect has been improved? How far can it be?"

"In the past, the piece could only contain the creatures in it. After it was released, it could not be fully commanded. It could only propose not to let the other party do anything. , But I can’t specifically order the other party to do what, so the basic High Level is waste. But this time it’s different..."

This time I didn’t wait for the Jade Emperor to finish talking, and I asked excitedly: "This Is it possible to completely command the sealed creature?"

"That's not it." The Jade Emperor looked at my face and immediately sa

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