Fortunately, after putting us on his back, he tried a few times, but he simply couldn't leave the ground. There are almost no gaps in the raindrops from the sky. The impact of such a large volume as lucky is unimaginable. Let alone flying, he is struggling to stand now.

"What should I do if I can’t fly up?"

I thought for a while and said: "Ye Ying, can you take a rope up there?"

" I don’t want to become a lightning rod!"

"Damn, why did I forget this!"

"Then we...Huh? The rain stopped? The clouds disappeared. !"

"Oops, take off, take off!" Princess cried out, pointing to the distance.

We followed Princess’s fingers and looked over, and saw the mountain within the valley in the distance, and a peak over 200 meters high moved towards us like a wall. This time without any hesitation, I dragged Princess and Emiennes one by one and threw them both on the back of Ye Ying, then picked up the little demon and spread its wings and flew. Ye Ying quickly lifted off after taking two people. Lucky slammed his wings twice and left the ground, then grabbed Yeyue and Chili with his two front paws and turned and flew high into the sky. The two pieces of armor behind Ivorite bounced quickly, and then two bursts of flames slammed downwards, and then rushed into the air at a much faster speed than all of us. Phantom and Bannon Songlan drifted up slowly without any rush, anyway, they could become nothingness, and the flood was useless to them at all.

Yueying and Inverite both rise very fast, but Lucky and I had to turn around and fly in the direction of the flood, so that we can use the updraft caused by the flood to accelerate the climb. Sure enough, before the flood peak was about to hit us, a strong air current slammed us up into the sky, and the flood rushed through below us with a difference of a millimeter, almost dragging me down.

The little demon was hung in the air by me and still said: "Does the weather here mean that Dalun Hades is in a very bad mood?"

Fortunately, he flew to us with Ye Yue On the side, Yeyue said to Little Monster Dao: "If you have just established a huge business like the Great Wheel Pluto, it will immediately become nothing, and your mood will not be good."

When we spoke, a whistle sounded above our heads. As soon as we raised our heads, we saw Emmenes riding on the back of the night shadow and shouting to us: "Look over there."

We looked upstream of the flood, I saw a mountain actually rises in the vast expanse of ocean, showing how high it was before it was flooded. At present, we can't fully see the top of the mountain from our height, but from here we can already see traces of man-made buildings on the edge of the top of the mountain, and it looks like it should be human.

"Go over, fly over, the Great Wheel Pluto should be there."

"I'll go and see first." Ivorite suddenly turned around, and then followed The missile slammed out like a missile, scaring people to death at a fast speed. However, before he could fly a hundred meters, the entire world suddenly shook.

Yeying hurriedly yelled at Ivoryt: "Stop now, I'm going to switch dreams!"

"What did you say?"

It may be that the flying speed is too fast, and Ivoryt did not hear what Ye Ying was yelling. I was planning to contact him via telepathic communication, but I saw the surrounding scene suddenly change before it started. We suddenly ran into a cave full of smoke from high above the flood. Only when there was a sudden bang from the front, everything fell silent.

"Ivrit, what's the matter with you?"

"It's okay! It just hit the wall!"

"I didn't mean that when the dream was switched Do you want to stop?" Yeying said: "You don't move, we will go over to rescue you immediately."

"No, I can handle it myself." Just listen to a bang in front of you, just follow There was a sound of rock cracking. When we ran over, I only saw Inverite standing in front of a rock wall with a large pit in the shape of a person on the wall and a lot of gravel on the ground.

"What the hell is this? So much smoke?" Princess said while fanning the smoke in front of her with her hand.

"This is not smoke." Bannon Songlan said with a smile: "This is the energy of the undead, the purest energy of the undead, wa ha ha ha, this is the time!"

"Don't smoke." Ye Ying interrupted Bannon Songlan's absorption behavior. "It's useless, this is a dream of the Great Wheel of Pluto. It's not true. If you breathe it, it's useless!"

"Damn, be happy!"

"But why is there so much undead energy suddenly here?" Ye Yue asked.

"There is only one possibility, that is, Pluto is dreaming about ghosts."

"Speaking of ghosts, does that count?" Princess pointed not far away Asked a tombstone that was flying towards us.

Fortunately asked: "What kind of monster is this? Tombstone monster?"

"Whatever it is, just smash it." Chili threw out a piece of it. The ball of light hit the tombstone from the front, but there was no glow effect. The tombstone and the ball of light disappeared together after the collision. "Strange, I obviously used blasting technique?"

"It's a strange place." Yeyue just finished speaking and settled in place nervously: "It seems to be shaking again. Don’t you want to switch scenes again?"

"It seems so, everyone must stay calm, don’t move around, and be ready to react as soon as the switch is over."

The surrounding screens suddenly After shaking, we saw something like a shock wave flashing around us. The surrounding environment changed with this shock wave as an alternating line. After the shock wave passed, we discovered that we were actually floating in midair three meters above the ground.

"wa!" Princess began to fall down first, but luckily she responded quickly and caught her. Others have kept up with the changes in the environment, and have adopted emergency measures. Fortunately, three meters is not too high. As long as they are prepared, even an ordinary person will not have much problem. Besides, the bottom is not concrete, soft. It's very good.

After we landed, we realized that the ground seemed to be softer than expected. We were lucky that it sank half a foot deep as soon as we landed, but everyone else was fine. The ground was not so soft that even we would sink. The extent of going down.

The environment here is different from just now. Under the clear sky is a large open grassland. Some towering snow bees can be seen faintly in the distance, but the animals here are really dizzying. We were observing the environment, and suddenly we noticed a flying fish-like creature flying by us at high speed, and then we saw a Great White Shark rushing past. Two fish in the sky chased one and the other escaped, performing the speed of life and death of the marine life version, but... "Why do sharks fly in the sky?" Pepper finally asked the question we all thought of together.

We were watching Feitian Great White Shark, and the ground shook slightly. "What's that?" The little demon who felt more sensitive suddenly discovered something new, so we quickly turned our heads to look at it. This time, what appeared in front of us was a very cute white rabbit, but it was not a little white rabbit, but a big white rabbit, a real big white rabbit.

Fortunately, she cried out in surprise: "Damn! What kind of rabbit is this? It's bigger than me?"

Bannon Songlan squeezed her voice and said, "Just your body. What big man? I was Dragon Clan's first male dragon for quite a while. That's a majesty, but compared with this big white rabbit, it's almost on par!"

The body length is 500 meters, It was the first time I saw a giant white rabbit more than three hundred meters tall, but we were lucky. This guy seems to be a herbivore. I saw this big guy finished gnawing a few large trees nearby, and then ran towards us with a bounce. As it approached, the ground began to vibrate more and more severely. Every time it lands, we have to be bounced up. It feels like we are playing on a trampoline.

We all stayed where we were. The white rabbit didn't seem to be interested in us either. He just glanced at us when he passed by and jumped forward. Although this guy is big, his speed is still as quick as a little bunny, he jumped a long way after a few ups and downs, and then slowly disappeared from our sight.

We were looking up in the direction where the white rabbit disappeared, and suddenly heard Princess yelled: "Aiya! What is biting me?" When we turned around, we only saw Princess bending down to pick up something. In a short while, she was seen picking up a yellow cat from the grass that was knee deep. This little animal is about the size of a rabbit. Of course, this refers to the size of a normal rabbit, not the super rabbit from the past. Although the creature in front of you is only the size of a rabbit, it has thick yellow brown hair on the back of its neck. It looks like a male lion, but its size does not seem to be a great enemy.

"What is this? Miniature lion?"

Slap. Pepper suddenly slapped her hand, and then we saw her open her palm full of blood, and saw a pulpy animal carcass between her hands. "This thing bit me just now." Chili explained.

"Damn, there are a lot of these things." Yeyue took advantage of his own hands and actually caught two. When we saw the little things she lifted up while pinching her wings, we were all taken aback.

"Why does this look like a griffon?" Inverrit asked.

Princess asked back: "Have you seen a wasp-sized griffon before?"

"Isn't that the world in my dream? Ye Ying said everything is here. It's possible."

"Wow! What a big fly!" Eminice cried, pointing to the sky.

We looked up together and saw a group of flies as big as bears flying past our heads Buzzzz~, it felt like we were standing on an airport runway, and there was a group of bombers above us. Fly over.

"God, I read it right?"

"I think you read it right." I pointed to the distant sky: "But I want to know if it's me The illusion!" In the direction I was pointing, a group of dragonflies the size of a giant dragon were besieging a snowman with more than N tentacles, and under the snowman there were many humans with heads larger than their bodies holding them. The long rope seemed to be waiting for something.

"Does the Great Wheel Pluto have a mental disorder?" Princess asked: "Can she dream of these things too?"

"This is not what I can understand!" Ye Ying said: "In fact, the dreams you have are similar to this. I have sneaked into your dreams before. Do you know what I saw?"

Princess immediately cried out: "What? You entered my dream? What did you see? Why don't I remember seeing you in my dream?"

"Generally speaking, if we don't do anything to your dream, You won’t remember seeing a nightmare appearing in a dream, because we will be integrated with the background in other people’s dreams, and basically you won’t find it if you don’t deliberately look for it. Besides, most people don’t remember their dreams. What did you see here? Thirty percent of the dreams that a normal person has in his entire life will not leave a memory at all, which means that you don’t know that you have a dream, and there are also 20% of dreams. You will remember what you did, but you don’t remember what you dreamed about. Forty% of the remaining 50% will remember part of it, and only 10% of the dreams can clearly remember each A detail. Our nightmare is fuse together with the background environment in your dreams. Even if it happens to appear in the dream that remembers the details, it may not be noticed. It is normal for you not to see me. Is it!"

"Then what are you doing in my dream? Tell me what did you see?"

Ye Ying said indifferently: "Entering someone else’s dream is right Nightmare is as simple as breathing. I'm just entertaining. Don't you know that everyone's dreams are as interesting as movies? Of course, when you have nightmares, it seems to me that it may become a horror movie!"

"Then what did you see?" Yeyue leaned in and asked excitedly: "I really want to know what Princess dreams about. Usually she looks like a little harmless to humans and animals. Girl, what is she thinking in the bottom of her heart?"

"Sorry, I am not a big mouth. It is my habit to watch other people’s dreams, but it is immoral to disclose privacy."

< p>"But I want to know!" Ye Yue begged.

"Yeyue, don’t ask anymore, or I will let Yeying tell your dreams."

Under my threat, Yeyue didn’t dare to ask anymore. , But we still have to face a problem, that is, we seem to be trapped. This grassland is the world in the dream, which means that everything in it cannot be understood with normal thinking. Although we seem to be able to see the edge of the grassland, no matter which direction we go, we can’t reach the end. No matter how we walk, we are always in the center of the grassland. The land under our feet seems to be moving with us, almost like on a treadmill. Running, I can see it, but I can't reach it anyway!

"Ye Ying, have you ever encountered this situation?" I asked Ye Ying.

"Encountered." Yeying did not feel nervous at all because of the current situation, but said with peace of mind: "This situation represents that the owner of the dream is very confused in the dream, so it will appear. In a never-ending environment, no matter which direction you go in, the final result is the same."

"But we have to find the location of the Great Wheel Pluto. How can we find it like this?" Pepper asked.

Yeying said: "The best way to encounter this environment is to stay still and wait for the dream to switch."

"Doesn’t that mean you are trapped? "

"Not exactly, at least I can take you away from this dream, but we are looking for the Great Wheel Pluto, so we can't leave for the time being."

"Then sit down Come down and wait!" Princess didn’t know where she conjured a small folding chair and placed it on the ground. Then she turned out a big parasol and a folding table from under the skirt, and finally she made a bunch of them. Drinks, it's like on vacation.

"As expected of the descendants of Nuwa Divine Race, the comprehension is different." Ye Ying looked at Princess approvingly. "Let me take a break together." Ye Ying said, she started to transform, and a few seconds later she turned into a handsome young man wearing a black cloak. Seeing our gaze, he quickly explained: "Nightmare is basically Demi-God in a dream. Transformation is not the worst thing, right? I will transform myself, but you don't know it."

"No wonder!" Yeyue also conjured up a chaise longue and placed it next to Princess's parasol, and then lay on it lazily with a drink. "Ah... this is enjoyment!"

"Hey, how did your things change?" The little demon was spinning around anxiously, but she didn't know how to change things.

Ye Ying stretched the big sofa and leaned up and said: "I have said before, the power of belief is the absolute power in the dream, as long as you believe that there is a chair in front of you, then there will be It’s as simple as that when a chair appears."

"Can it really be like this?"

"Remove the three words like this? If you absolutely believe that it is really possible, as long as If you doubt it, then don’t expect the chair to appear."

"Is it that simple? Then I will try it too." A big bed with a gauze draped suddenly appeared in front of Emenes, and followed Suddenly there were a bunch of plush toys on the bed. "Well, it seems to be really okay!"

Fortunately, after Emiennes, he also made a bunch of super golden mountains and lay on it. Even Inverite made a flame lava pool. Come. As long as you understand the principle, this kind of self-hypnosis-like method is actually quite eager to learn.

Yeying said: "In fact, it is good for us to practice changing various things in this way. At least for a while, you can use various tools to protect yourself when you really meet the Great Wheel of Pluto."< /p>

Yeying’s words really opened up my mind. I turned around and snapped my fingers at the grassland. A large area of ​​heavy artillery suddenly appeared on the empty grassland in front of me, and all of them were very large. Magic crystal cannon. "You said that if Dalun Pluto is hit by so many cannons at the same time, can you survive?"

"The key is not how many cannons you have, but how you think these cannons are huge and mighty." Ye Yingdao: "But Dalun Pluto's own awareness will also affect the final effect. If you do a lot of artillery, if Dalun Pluto thinks that you can't stop her, and you think it might hurt her, then say Maybe it can really blow her down. But if you think that these cannons can't hurt her, and she happens to think that she is not afraid of these things, then it is probably of no use at all!"

"hey hey hey ......" Lucky suddenly pointed to the distant sky and said: "Guess what that is?"

"Great Wheel Pluto?" I instantly recognized the group of people who were fighting in the sky in the distance. , But... "Why did I see myself?"

"Isn't that Miss Yinxue?" Lucky asked, pointing to the sky.

"Four Sacred Beasts are here too!"

"There seems to be Erlang Shen!"

Ye Ying suddenly said: "I understand. Big Lun Halu has been in a coma after being caught. She repeats the process of being caught in her dream. It seems that we don't need to worry. Judging from the content of her repetition, even if we don't go up and help her, she will be subdued! "

I anxiously said: "But the problem is that what we need is the key to open the Great Wheel Pluto reserve space, not to kill the Great Wheel Pluto!"

"Then what should we do? "Emmenes asked: "I can't go up and help Dalun Pluto fight his own people, right?"

"This is also a way!" Yeyue touched the chin and said, "Because the master and There is a certain conflict between the self in the dream of Dalun Pluto, so we can just use this plan to get a true and false Purple Moon, and then pretend that we are fakes, take the opportunity to approach Dalun Pluto, and then swindle her space door opening method. "

"It seems to be very difficult!" Princess said: "First of all, since the boss of Divine Beast has worked for so many years, he is definitely not an ordinary person. We must have a long time to get close to her. As a consumption. Secondly, even if we really become friends recognized by Dalun Pluto, do you think it is possible for her to tell us how to start her storage space? It’s as if the relationship between you and your friends is impossible. Give your friends the password and key of your safe?"

"It seems to make sense!" Little Monster Dao: "It's not as good as we go directly with the four Sacred Beasts in these dreams. The chakra pluto fell, and then asked how to open it?"

Ye Yue stretched out a finger: "First, the four Sacred Beast and Celestial Court characters in these big chakras dreams may not be us. It's an ally." She stretched out another finger: "Secondly, Pluto is not a little girl, and torture may not work for her."

Yeying nodded said: "There is something to say. Reason. Once the Great Wheel Pluto can't stand the torture after being caught, she will pray for death, and the way to break the dream is to die and resurrect. Once the Great Wheel Pluto starts to beg to die, the dream is over. Although there is silver Snow is suppressing it. Even if the Great Wheel Pluto ends this dream, he will not wake up, but we will be kicked out forcibly because of the disappearance of the dream. Even if I can bring you back again, we have to catch the Great Wheel again. Pluto, and if she no longer dreams of being besieged by the enemy, it won’t be too easy for those of us to catch her, right?"

"Then what shall we do?"

< p>"In fact, the problem is very simple." Ye Ying said: "As a nightmare, One of my abilities is to eat dreams. "

"Is it the same as the legendary tapir?" "

"Almost, but I'm not as good as it is. I can only eat part of my dreams. In fact, eating the dream is equivalent to eating the memory. As long as you force the Great Wheel Pluto to expand her storage space, then I will go up and eat this area, and after I exit the dream, I can start the Great Wheel Pluto’s dream. "

"It sounds simple. The question is how to force her to open up the space. "

Ye Yue interrupted us suddenly: "Before you discuss how to let the Great Wheel Pluto open up the space, do you think about how we will face those guys?" They are almost calling! "

In Dalun Pluto’s dream, she is repeating the memories before the coma. Four Sacred Beast Jia Yinxue, Erlang Shen and Tota Tianwang are besieging Dalun Pluto, and Dalun Pluto is also surrounded by Heavenspan. Cult Lord and the buddhism person are helping. Of course, except for Dalun Pluto, who is her own spiritual projection, everything else is her fictional image. However, in the dream, the owner of the dream is the God of Creation, even if it is Fictional imagination, their battle strength cannot be ignored. It can be said that what strength Dalun Pluto thinks these people have, what strength they can display.

"Quickly make a decision! How do we deal with these people? "Emmenes urged.

I thought for a while, and finally gave up the plan to cooperate with that fictional self. "Let's help Dalun Pluto. "

"Understood. "Fortunately, he opened his wings and was about to take off, but he froze as soon as he assumed a posture to jump up. "Wait? what did you just say? Help Dalun Pluto? "

"Yes, help Dalun Pluto. "

"Why don't you help us?" "Emmenes also asked me curiously.

I didn't answer directly, but looked towards Ye Ying and said, "Does the strength of those characters depend on the evaluation of Dalun Pluto?" "

Night Shadow nodded. "Those who are the characters imagined by Dalun Pluto, their strength of course depends on the recognition of Dalun Pluto. "

"So, do you think Dalun Pluto understands himself better, or the four Sacred Beasts? "

"Of course to myself. Lucky said quickly.

Ye Ying nodded and said: "I understand. The host means that if we attack those fictional characters of Pluto, we have a greater chance of winning, because most people instinctively reduce the strength of their opponents in their dreams. But I don't understand. Even if we help Dalun Pluto put down all the fictional self, what is the use? "

"Can't you think of this?" "Ye Yue became clever this time: "As long as we help Great Wheel Pluto kill those fictitious own people, then we can use this to ask Great Wheel Pluto for benefits. Because our purpose is only to let the Great Wheel Pluto open her storage space, so there is no need to make too harsh requirements, no matter what she wants, as long as she opens the space, everything is OK. "

Princess also followed: "This is a good way. Even if we help those fictitious people to bring down the Great Wheel of Pluto, they can't let her open the storage space, but instead help her kill. It is easier for her to lie to her to open up the space. "

" Then it's so decided. "I said to the demons: "Now go up and help!" Remember not to keep your hands, those are all fictitious images in the dream of Dalun Pluto, they are not the real Sacred Beast at all. "

"Don't worry, we know that. "Yeyue replied complied and jumped on her lucky back. "Take off, let's join in the fun." "

In the sky, the four Sacred Beasts were being shaken by the rainbow halo of the Great Wheel of Hades, and suddenly they found someone approaching behind them. The nearest White Tiger just turned around and saw a dragon baring fangs. and brandishing claws pounced on it. The White Tiger battle strength in the dream is only set by the Great Wheel Pluto, which is far less powerful than in reality. If it is true, the White Tiger can definitely bring down luck, but now this one It’s not really White Tiger. He just barely blocked the lucky attack, but he didn’t notice that lucky enough to carry someone on his back.

In fact, it’s not that White Tiger didn’t notice us, but Dalun Pluto didn’t notice us. In fact, these fictitious people in the dream were things that Dalun Pluto imagined, and they naturally didn’t feel it. With Dalun Pluto’s current position, it is impossible to see the person on the lucky back. , So on the contrary, the fictional White Tiger will look as if it has not seen us. Fortunately, the huge body obscures the vision of Pluto. Her subconscious is only directing White Tiger to block lucky attacks, and Yeyue and I walked around from both sides. I cut into the fake White Tiger’s head with a sword, and Yeyue opened six holes in the fake White Tiger’s body.

Piercing, of course, is to think that the White Tiger is dead, so in reality, the White Tiger, which should not be so easy to hang up, actually fell like this. The four Sacred Beasts are all spirit strength form transformations. To put it bluntly, it is the element body, and the physical damage is right. Although they are influential, they are far from hanging up after being stabbed two holes. If it is a real White Tiger, it must have torn us to pieces by now, but unfortunately this is fake, so it hangs up, but we are fine.

After killing the fake White Tiger, I immediately flew my lucky wings and threw myself at the fake self, but the fake me watched me fly towards him in a daze, without any reaction at all. In the thoughts of Dalun Pluto, a person will be stunned when he suddenly sees oneself appearing. Although in reality I rarely have this situation, as long as Dalun Pluto thinks that I will have such a situation, then this fake I will definitely have this situation. So, when he or Dalun Pluto reacted, I had cut this fake self into more than a dozen pieces of minced meat.

Killed two people and it was useless, but it was also very good. Great Wheel Pluto and Heavenspan Cult Lord, the three of them were taken aback for a while. Although it was strange why two of me suddenly came out, and the later I attacked my companion, but at least Dalun Pluto knew that I was helping her afterwards, so she immediately began to cooperate. Our actions distract others.

The rest of these dream characters were divided into several groups by Dalun Pluto. I took my own demon and surrounded the fake Vermilion Bird, and gave the rest to Dalun Pluto. Deal with it by yourself, anyway, I can help them share a pressure and it has made them a lot easier. However, even though we only deal with one Sacred Beast, I didn't plan to go head-to-head. Instead, I used the tricks proposed by Ye Ying.

The so-called trick play is to make use of the shortcoming that a fictional character does not have the main thought. As long as the Great Wheel Pluto cannot see this person, he is basically a piece of wood. Under normal circumstances, people only have their own thinking when dreaming, and other characters are fake, so we feel that the people in the dream are all alive, because our attention is synchronized with these characters. But now the night shadow brought us in, which caused the phenomenon of dream disorder in places that the Great Wheel Pluto could not take care of.

After we separated the fake Vermilion Bird, we were lucky and immediately flew to the position between Vermilion Bird and Pluto, blocking the view of Pluto, so that the fake Vermilion Bird was paralyzed at the basic High Level. NS. I and other monsters rushed to chop the fake Vermilion Bird into pieces, and then used the same method to separate the fake Erlang Shen.

"Hehe, Yeying's method is really easy to use." Phantom floated next to me, looking at the fake Erlang Shen who was falling to the ground and said.

"Let's go circle a few more guys out and kill them together." Emenes shouted.

"Wait, who is there?" Yeyue suddenly found a group of people coming here.

"Halo! Eighteen Heaven Guards and the Divine Immortal regiment that will form an array."

Ye Ying immediately cried out: "Come on, take advantage of the distance to see the Great Wheel Pluto It’s not clear to kill them first. When we get close to the Great Wheel Pluto can think about the reactions of these people subjectively, we won’t be able to deal with them."

The Eighteen Guardians are divided into three groups, The battle strength of each group is equivalent to the strength of one of the four Sacred Beasts. In theory, these people are very difficult to deal with, but at present they are too far away from the Great Wheel Pluto, so they are only controlled by the Great Wheel Pluto’s subconscious mind. Controlling the movement, both reaction ability and battle strength are a mess. Still using the old method, lucky to block the line of sight, a few of us went up to get these backups easily. Yeyue and the others only started to rejoice at this time, thanks to the choice to help the Great Wheel Pluto before, otherwise it would be really difficult to handle. In this world, only those close to the Great Wheel Pluto can truly exert their battle strength, and those who are far away from her actually have no thinking.

We solved the support and started to come back and continue to pull people out of the battle group. This time it was Tota King who was attracted. We not only put him down easily, we even gave him his tower Grab it. The thing in the dream cannot be taken out. The reason why we want to grab this thing is purely to deceive Dalun Pluto to open the storage space for convenience. Give her the impression that we are here for the baby first, and then she won’t be surprised if we want to benefit from it.

The Great Wheel of Pluto is not too stupid. After seeing that we have killed a few people in a row, she also knows how to cooperate with us. She started to release people out one by one, and we just need to If her vision is blocked, these people constructed by her fantasy will become dumbfounded, and we can easily get rid of these guys. In the end there was only one goal left, and that was Fake Yinxue. Before Dalun Pluto was knocked out, the most powerful character in her mind was Yinxue, so she left Yinxue as the last one.

Although we did it very fast before, it was the result of seize every opportunity. The last remaining fake silver snow has been under the attention of Dalun Pluto, which means that we are impossible to make images In the previous situation, there is no way to take advantage. Of course, with so many of us, plus Great Wheel Pluto and Heavenspan Cult Lord, and the buddhism middleman who is not inferior to them, the siege of fake silver snow can still be easily won. However, we do not plan to get rid of this fake silver snow for the time being.

Dalun Pluto is a typical activist, but she is definitely not a good leader, so she does not have any leadership qualities and habits, including the emphasis on credibility. A person who wants to be a major event usually considers credibility very important, because once you succeed, you will become the most windy tree in the forest. People who are under such concern, even if they have a little bit of stain, will bring themselves a lot of trouble. Therefore, leaders take credibility very seriously. Although they sometimes lose their trust, it happens only when they know they will never leak it out. But Dalun Pluto is different, she is not a qualified leader. She longed for rights and status in Buddhism, but she had never really been a high-level leader, so she didn't know anything. She will not protect her credibility, she simply doesn't care about credibility. If I don't do anything to help her get rid of the fake Yinxue, there will only be two results after the battle. Situation 1: After killing the fake Yinxue, she will kill us as well. Situation 2: After the fake Yinxue is killed, she will completely ignore any of our requests, and immediately fall out to become hostile and leave us here on her own. If we pester her to get paid, we will return to situation one.

In view of the above behavioral characteristics of Pluto, it is best to negotiate before the end of the battle. Even if she likes abandon one's benefactor after achieving one's goal, she will never tear down the bridge while she is still standing on the bridge.


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