After spending the Strength of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers finally brought down the golem, the last enemy took a long sword and walked forward, aiming at the skeleton golem that was almost unable to move. With the eyes inserted, the long sword penetrated the glass protective cover on the eye socket and penetrated into the skull. The control system and power system of the magic puppet are here, and this is a complete hit. Seeing the Skeleton Demon idol tremble for a while like a cramp, the enemies nearby can finally cheer seriously.

However, just as they cheered, the other eye of the Skeleton Golem that had been black suddenly lit up again, and the rays of light seemed to be too bright. People nearby found that it was too late for the wrong head, and the skull puppet's jaw suddenly opened, making a string of trembling sounds. "Hahahaha, long live the god of order and chaos."

The people nearby didn’t understand why the magic puppet shouted such a sentence, and they first discovered that the other magic puppets who heard this sentence were all holding heads. A slap on the ground, followed by the skeleton golem suddenly lit up, a light blue aperture quickly spread out at lightning speed, and people and creatures within a radius of 50 meters were instantly shattered to pieces, no matter how far away Those who are dotted are flying all over the sky by the shock wave, and even those demon dolls that are still intact are blown up in the blast, but because they have already fallen down beforehand, and their defenses are relatively high, so No injuries. After the blast wind passed, the center of the circle was the explosion of the skeleton demon doll. A large pit with a depth of 10 meters and a radius of 40 meters appeared on the ground, and there were no more people standing within 150 meters of the radius. The enemy is holding head or clutching wounds and rolling all over the floor.

Siluo put down the sand-blocking arm and said: "It's terrifying formidable power, did you plan to use this as a self-destruct robot?"

"One A bomb of 1.4 million crystal coins? Don’t you think it’s too extravagant?"

"It seems to be a bit more expensive!" Si Luo pointed to the magic puppets in front of them: "You won’t be depleted like this Do you feel distressed?"

"There is only one destroyer in total. If you change to another unit and hang up, you have to buy it. The same is costly. In this way, the magic puppet actually saves more money. ."

"But the shells of other magic puppets are seriously damaged?"

"These shells are made of ordinary steel, and they don’t need skills and gems to make them like players’ equipment. We all use automatic assembly lines to produce, with an average of two sets per minute, and the cost price is less than ten crystal coins. The recycled scrap armor is melted into steel and six crystal coins can be recovered. In this way, four crystal coins will be lost if one set of armor is broken. Coin, do you think it’s worth it?"

"Isn’t the operating cost of the magic puppet very low in this way?"

Rose exclaimed: "But the electricity bill is very expensive!"

"Electricity bill?"

"It is energy. The magic couple uses magic crystal. As for the price of magic crystal, don't you know the price of magic crystal?"

"No wonder you are so anxious for magic crystal!"

"Just understand. Oh, time is almost up." Rose said, looked up towards the sky, and saw a huge dragonfly fast in the distance The approaching, almost reached the top of our heads in the blink of an eye. There was a giant spider hanging under the dragonfly's claws. After flying over our heads, the dragonfly's claws loosened, and the huge spider fortress smashed into the enemy crowd with a bang. "This is called the Mechanized Corps." Rose said triumphantly.

As soon as the Spider Fortress landed, it began to rampage among the crowd. Several large devil beasts were all knocked to the ground by the Spider Fortress. These big guys are still creatures no matter how big they are, and they are incomparable to something like a mobile city like Spider Fortress.

The Dragonfly Fortress flew back after dropping the Spider Fortress, but this time dropped a large black spot like a child. After falling for a while, these little black dots opened up white flowers one after another, until they fell to a low place, the people below could see it clearly. It turns out that these are all magic puppets. As for the white things above, they are naturally. The parachute is out.

The magic puppets dropped this time are not exactly the kind of heavy magic puppets. Many of them are our Terminator TX series female magic puppets, and there are also some messy things that don’t know exactly what they look like. The magic puppet.

"Damn, why did you even throw down the experimental magic puppets?"

The rose grabbed me and said: "Don't be nervous, I want them to throw them. These models are made I haven't been in battle, so I just used it to experiment. If it is easy to use, mass-produce it. If it doesn't work, it won't be rebuilt."

"Isn't it? Why does that one over there look like a fish?" "Si Luo asked, pointing to a demon puppet who hadn't landed yet.

Rose followed her fingers and was stunned when she saw the magic puppet. "Dizzy, how did these idiots throw the magic puppet in the water too!" Then she quickly shouted to the magic puppet that had landed: "Go and bring the fish back."

Actually, the fish-shaped demon puppet was simply not attacked after it landed. For one thing, it is too big and most enemies don't think that it is capable of destroying such a big thing. Secondly, although this guy is a demon puppet used in water, It still has the ability to attack after landing. There is a magic crystal cannon on this guy's back that can rotate. Although the caliber is not large, it must be blown to death at such a close distance.

After a large number of magic puppet troops landed, the battle began to become one-sided. The individual battle strength of the magic puppet has surpassed the sum of the battle strengths of all the people who can stand next to him, which means The people who surrounded him simply couldn't beat the magic puppet. In the past, it was possible to rely on quantity to take advantage of it. When the quantity advantage did not exist, it could not withstand it immediately.

The three guilds who arrived here had to choose to retreat under the pressure of a large group of magic puppets, but they did not completely withdraw, instead leaving behind a highly mobile force with flying ability to defend. In the distance, as soon as our people move, they will immediately start to flee, and as soon as we come back, they will immediately run back.

Rose said to me: "What they mean is that they didn't give up here. Later, more troops may be gathered to attack."

"We are not afraid of fighting strength anyway. They, now I am more concerned about the situation in the mining area. How is the blueprint analysis that I did just now?" I asked the NPC engineer next to him.

"The chairman of the report, we have just sent someone to do field sampling according to the marks on the map. We have drilled a total of 3,000 holes in this range to extract samples. After our analysis, roughly It can be concluded that this is a terraced vein."

"What is a terraced vein?" Siluo obviously has no research on mining.

"It means that the burial depth of the ore is not continuous, but section by section, and the depth is also unstable. The depth of the deepest ore area in this mining area has reached 350 meters, which is almost the deepest I have ever seen. In some places, there are ore directly on the surface. I really don’t understand why the ore is distributed so messy! And the landforms in this area don’t look like a magic crystal mine."

"What about the results of your analysis?" I asked directly.

The engineer was a little uncertain and said: "The result of our analysis is that we think this is simply not a mining area."

"What?" The three of us called together.

Si Luo hurriedly asked: "Then what happened to the ore found here? Is it fake?"

"I didn't mean that." The engineer quickly explained:" There are indeed a lot of ores, and the reserves are very large, but this is not a mining area, because there is simply no natural conditions for generating magic crystals, let alone generating such high purity colorful magic crystals."

"Then how to explain the situation here?"

"We judged that this place should be a hiding place for the colorful magic crystal. It should be a certain power or individual hiding the colorful magic crystal here, Then with the change of the earth's crust, the ore stratified and moved. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain the source of the minerals here."

"Are you saying that these ores are actually buried here by others?"

"No, these simply cannot be called ore, they are source stones that have been processed at the primary level, so before we analyzed the color of the ore before we found that the quality is so good. These are simply low-purity regular colorful magic crystals. , Instead of raw ore, they can be used directly without processing. Of course, if we re-purify with our process, we can get better performance and high-energy colorful magic crystal."

I and Rose only look at each other. I knew the other party’s decision at a glance, so I turned to Siluo directly: "Whether it was buried by others or naturally generated, these things belong to us now. Our guild requires a higher standard, so I will do more depth. Refining, I don’t know how you decide on your share? Should I refine it with us and then divide it proportionally or give you the low-purity ore directly in advance? But I want to remind you that refining will reduce the size of the magic crystal, although the unit The price has risen, but the quantity is about to drop."

"Of course it is a high-end mine after the refining." Silo said without thinking. "Although some weight will be lost after refining, the unit price has increased by a larger proportion, and the total price has actually increased. We are Chamber of Commerce, and the most profitable thing is what we need."

"OK , Then we will share it with you after all the refining is completed. With our guild’s technology, approximately one cubic meter of this low-energy colorful magic crystal can be refined into 0.4 cubic meters of super-concentrated colorful magic crystal. But you’d better remind your buyers, This super-concentrated colorful magic crystal output is very powerful. If the magic array is not well controlled, it may explode."

"I have heard that magic crystals will explode. The colorful magic crystals you have refined will explode and formidable. Is the power great?"

"Did you see the lake bed that was just drained over there? As long as a colorful magic crystal as big as a quail egg explodes, it will almost leave a pit as big as that."

Siluo deliberately said jokingly: "Are you sure you didn't build nuclear weapons?"

"I thought, just wouldn't build them!"

Although Our experts have identified that this is indeed not a natural mine, but this has little effect on our plan. The only thing that needs special attention is that we must prepare an additional reserve team. We are not worried about the guilds who come to make trouble, but we are afraid that the owners of these minerals will come back. Since the other party has the ability to hide such a large amount of ores, it means that the other party should be very powerful. Otherwise, where can there be so many colorful magic crystals? So if the other party comes back, the people we stay here must at least be able to hold on until our large forces arrive.

Siluo and us briefly looked at the mining work of the ore and went back to call someone. Rose and I handed over the work here to the guild personnel who arrived later, and Rose returned Isinger, I ran to Paris to pick up the familiar. After converging the familiars, I sent it back to Tianyu City, which is very lively now. That piece of magic crystal mine requires a lot of construction materials and mining tools, and Tianyu City is the nearest place with a transnational Transmission Formation, so all materials have to be transferred from here. When I arrived, there were a large number of shuttles and large trailers loading on the ground at High Level.

The logistics work of the guild is directed by a dedicated person, so I don't need to worry about it. I just asked Yinxue where he was and ran over. Dalun Pluto, Heavenspan Cult Lord, and the Buddhism person remained in a coma, and Yinxue remained suppressed. Even if I go up and stab them twice, they will not respond. But the question now is not whether they wake up or not, but whether we can find the two unknown objects. Celestial Court seems to have been unable to bear it anymore. I suspect that if I don't bring back anything when I go back this time, the Jade Emperor will definitely find me trouble. Rose said that the Jade Emperor had stopped selling heavenly soldiers to us this morning. On the surface, it said that we bought too much, but I think it is actually threatening us in disguise.

"Chairman." The members found me as soon as I walked to the vicinity of Yinxue.

"The three of them slept okay?"

Yinxue gave a thumbs up. "Like a pig!"

I summon out of the night shadow, and then asked: "Can you enter the dream of the Great Wheel Pluto? We need to open her storage space."

"Usually there may be difficulties, but she shouldn't have much problem with her appearance now."

"Then send me in immediately."

"It's okay to send you in. But I want to remind you a few things to note." Ye Ying said very seriously: "First, dreams are a person's thinking space, which means that this space is actually created by the dreamer. According to traditional theories, God creates everything. So in the dream, the owner of the dream is actually the God of Creation."

"Damn! Isn’t that invincible?"

"Theoretically speaking, a person is invincible. It’s invincible in the dream of this dream, because all the laws in the world of this dream are created by the person himself. But there is a problem here, that is, most people don’t know that they are dreaming when they are in a dream, so They are usually unable to exert the power of their own creation god. So, the first thing you have to remember is that no matter what the situation, you must never let the big wheel Pluto know that she is dreaming, otherwise we will have to It's over. If a person clearly knows that he is dreaming, then he can easily kill anyone in his dream. Moreover, according to the rules of the Star of Creation, dying in someone else’s dream will drop Level 10 at once. "

"What a serious punishment! Is there anything else to pay attention to?"

"Of course." Ye Ying said: "But you'd better decide to bring Who enters the dream of the Great Wheel Pluto together, because in her dream you can’t open the gate of the earth and the phoenix dragon space, and all teleportation and space items should not be used. So, if you want to take someone To enter Dalun Pluto’s dream, you have to bring him out in advance, and then we go in together. By the way, although I am the strongest demonized nightmare, I still have the upper limit of my ability. With my current ability, Only eleven people can be brought in if the people who are brought in take the initiative to cooperate, so you'd better figure out who you want to bring, and then I will tell you what to pay attention to."

"Then I will choose people first." I thought for a while and asked: "Are you and I counted as the number of people?"

"I don't count myself, but you have to count the number of people. So except for us Two, you can choose up to ten people. However, if you bring ten people, I will be less sure, and may fail, so it is best to control the number of people within nine and it is recommended to bring physical attack personnel. "


"Because in the opponent’s dream spell attack will be affected by the opponent’s thinking, a strong person like the Great Wheel Pluto will subconsciously think that he is not afraid The opponent’s magic, then in the dream she will really have magic immunity. If she enters the dream to deal with a weaker person, spell The formidable power of the attack may be many times stronger than in reality, but when dealing with an expert such as Dalun Pluto, it will drop to a few tenths, or even a few hundredths, of the normal formidable power. In contrast, the formidable power of physical attacks is relatively constant, as long as you can hit, the damage is the same. In addition, the battle strength of Spirit Attack personnel in dreams will be much greater than in reality, and can also be given priority, and any strange special ability will be greatly strengthened in dreams. Compared with the conventional battle method, these have People with special abilities take advantage of it. Oh, by the way, there is one more thing to note. It is best to bring people who don't know Dalun Pluto as much as possible, so that Dalun Pluto does not have an accurate understanding of the opponent's power, but can play for a long time in the dream. If the Great Wheel Pluto accurately knows the opponent's battle strength, it may be suppressed in the battle. "

"Then I understand. "I thought about all of my pets, and then opened the Phoenix Dragon Space to gather the pets I want to bring. This time I plan to bring: Yeyue, Lucky, Princess, Phantom, Little Demon, Bannon Song Nine magical familiars: Lan, Emenis, Pepper, and Ivorite.

Yeyue has a strong physical attack, and its own petrified eye is also a strong special ability, plus her descendants of Nuwa Divine Race The identity of Pluto is suppressed by Innate.

Fortunately, I am my old partner. He is a top three in physical combat. After entering, he will act as the main force in melee combat.

Princess is the same as Yeyue She is a descendant of Nuwa Divine Race, but she has no physical attack power. Instead, she specializes in spiritual charm and auxiliary magic. These all are the dominant abilities that Yekage said.

The phantom is a Spiritual Body, which will help. Powerful. Secondly, according to Yekage, Spirit Attack is the preferred type.

The little demon is singing Banshee, and his sonic attack is a partial skill, and the physical attack power is very high, which absolutely meets the requirements.

Needless to say, Bannon Songlan, the old monster is the old monster. If it hadn’t been banned for so many years, it might not have been lost if you singled out the big wheel of Pluto.

Aimee What Nice is playing is illusion, which is just similar to the dream, and should also become the main battle strength.

Chili majors in physical attack plus spirit strength field, which should also be considered satisfactory.

< p>If Ivorite belongs to the side, the Great Wheel of Pluto certainly does not know the mechanical lifeform, so it may be a surprisingly winning effect.

With these nine monsters plus me and Ye Ying, I think it should be the strongest team I can find. After the staff is ready, we will start listening to Ye Ying’s key tips.

Ye Ying said to us very seriously: "The first point is Never let Dalun Pluto realize that she is dreaming, for the reason I have already told the master before, you just need to share your thoughts. Let me now talk about other considerations. First of all, after you enter your dream, you must erect a spirit of belief. "

"What is the spirit of belief?" "Ye Yue asked.

"It means trusting yourself, self-confidence, understand? "

"We have always been confident!" "

"Not ordinary self-confidence, but firm self-confidence. It is better if you can be arrogant. "

"Arrogant? "

Yeying said impatiently: "It is really hard to explain the world in the dream to you people who have never been in a dream!" Dreams are illusory, it is not real. What I will bring in in a while is only your consciousness, not your flesh. Only I enter the dream as my real body, and your bodies will lie here as if you are asleep, without any changes at all. Therefore, everything you do in the dream world is actually your imagination, not what you actually did. "

None of us are idiots, but we have never touched the world of dreams. So Ye Ying said that we have roughly understood what he meant. Princess said: "Do you mean that we are in What do we do in the dream world, are we actually thinking of it? "

"Yes. "Ye Ying saw that we understood and immediately went on with excitement: "Everything you do in the world in your dream is your imagination, so your ability in reality and your ability in dreams are actually simply not related. The reason why you can still use the skills in reality in your dreams is because your mind thinks that you can use them, so you use them. "

Bannon Songlan suddenly asked: "Do you mean that if I believe in the world in my dream that I am invincible, then I must be invincible? "

"It's almost what it means, but the idea of ​​Invincible is too general, so even if you believe it, it won't produce much practical effect. But consciousness roughly means this. For example, if you firmly believe that you are impervious to sword and spear in the dream world, then you will really become invincible in the dream, and no matter how you hit you, you will not be injured. Or you can firmly believe that you are strong as an ox, then in your dreams you can exert the power that you are absolutely impossible to achieve. "

Ye Yue asked excitedly: "Then if I firmly believe that I can evolve to the state of my ancestor Nuwa, won't I be able to exert the power of Empress Nuwa? "

Yeying nodded and said: "In your dream, if you believe that you are better than Empress Nuwa, then you will be really better than Empress Nuwa. "

Chili asked: "according to what you said, aren't we invincible after we go in?" "

"On the surface, it seems to be invincible, but in fact it is not as simple as you think. Because you already have an understanding of your own strength, you will still think that you have only that kind of strength deep in your consciousness. Such thoughts will affect your ability, so in the end your strength may only be better than the outside. The strength is a little bit better. Before I became the master's favorite, I had brought people into other people's dreams, and those who were brought in by me were also like this. Few people can display super strength. "

"What about yourself?" "

"I don't have to worry about you, because I am an expert in this area. There has never been a nightmare caught in a dream, otherwise people would not use nightmare to describe terrifying things. "

"Then what do we need to follow?" Wouldn't it be okay to have you? Asked Bannon Songlan.

Lucky said to Bannon Songlan: "Since we need to go there must be a reason." "

Ye Ying nodded and said: "Although there has never been a nightmare caught in someone else’s dream, it only means that we have the ability to escape, but it does not mean that we will definitely be able to overcome the dream. After all, the other party is the creator of this dream, in which he actually controls everything. All we can do is to deceive the owner of the dream so that he cannot use that power. "

"Then, as long as we don't say it, is it that the big wheel of Pluto won't know that we are dreaming? "Bannon Songlan asked

"That's not necessarily true, but this kind of thing is basically as rare as you walking in the forest and being killed by a giant dragon suddenly falling from the sky. "

"Damn, I am the number one evil dragon among giant dragons. Which desperate junior dare to smash me?" "

Yeying said in a hurry, "That's why I said this kind of thing is very rare!" But you had better be careful, Wan accidentally let her understand that she was dreaming, then we would all be finished. Except for myself, none of you can escape. "

"Oh, then we try to be careful. Is there anything else to pay attention to? "I asked.

"Another thing to pay attention to is common sense. Many dream worlds belong to bizarre and motley. Some things that you usually think are basically impossible are normal in dreams. So trust me, don’t be surprised to see anything in someone’s dream. You can kill as many ordinary rabbits as you want. It may be even more dangerous than Divine Dragon in someone's dream. Your Spiritual God, who can never fight in reality, might hang up at the touch of a touch in your dreams. This is all inevitable. Therefore, in your dreams, it is best to put aside your common sense, and adapt to everything is the best way. "

"We know this. Is there anything else to pay attention to? "

"One more thing to pay attention to is the Great Wheel Pluto himself. "

"Of course, she is our first target. Don't we just go in to find her spatial pouch frequency? "

"I mean to pay attention to her behavior. "Ye Ying said: "Dream is actually the reaction and catharsis channel of realistic thoughts, so everyone's situation in the dream will show a person's lowest level of thinking, which may be very different from his behavior in reality. I have been trapped in the forest before becoming the master’s favorite, but I can travel around the world with the help of other people’s dreams. As long as there are people dreaming within a certain range, I can jump from one person’s dream to another’s dream. inside. At that time, I met Princess in a human country. She is usually a very dignified and noble woman, holy like an angel. But when I entered her dream, I saw her messing with dozens of civilian men in a red-carpeted square, and many people around were watching and applauding. In this dream, she behaved more *** than the most vulgar and most lustful prostitute, and she would never do such a thing in reality. This is actually a kind of indulgence to herself in her dream, a catharsis method caused by long-term thought repression. Another time, I happened to jump into an Archfiend dream. This guy usually likes to compete with his companions to see who is the cruelest, but his dream is full of a world full of flowers, and he raises little white rabbits in it. If he did this during the day, he would definitely be despised to death by other Archfiends, but in the dream, everything is possible. "

I nodded and said, "I think I probably understand what you mean." Are you saying that the Great Wheel Pluto we jumped into in the dream of Great Wheel Pluto might be very strange, right? "

"Correct. She may change the personality that is not close to other people, become a passionate and unrestrained girl, or become a neurological idiot, or become any other kind of personality. Of course, it is also possible to retain the behavior pattern in reality. of. However, according to my knowledge, there are only two kinds of people who can fully retain their state of reality in their dreams. One is a real idiot, and the other is a monster with good self-discipline and a puppet. From the current point of view, Dalun Pluto obviously does not belong to any of these, so I guess that you will see a big change in the character of Dalun Pluto. "

Ye Yue asked suspiciously: "But what does the change of Pluto's character have to do with us?" "

"You got the point when you asked this question. "Ye Ying said: "Because dreams follow the master's thinking, basically what kind of character a person will become in the dream, and his dream world will also change its color. Just like the Archfiend I said before, according to the usual understanding, the devil’s dream should be set in lava hell, but because the demon became super kind in his dream, his dream became a dream of flowers everywhere. The world is just like the Garden of Eden. "

Fortunately, I asked with some worry: "Well, if a big round of Pluto turns into a sadist in your dream, isn't the world we entered going to become a dungeon?" "

"This is not true. In short, you'd better prepare your mind first. If you find that the environment is better after entering, then it is most likely that Dalun Pluto’s personality has changed in the direction of kindness and gentleness. If you find that the dream is dark and evil after entering, you'd better be more careful. "

"It sounds scary. Is there anything else I should pay attention to?" "Princess asked.

Yingying nodded and said: "There is another thing to pay attention to is the dream switching. As I said before, dreams are the embodiment of their master’s thinking, so a person’s personality and emotions in dreams are unstable, just like the Archfiend I mentioned before, although the time I entered his dream was like the Garden of Eden , But he will not enter that dream every time. All of you should have dreamed, and you should know that dreams are always changing. Sometimes the scenes in dreams are even incoherent. It’s possible to be here one second and then there again. Yes, even the time in a dream is not a measurement, but a variable. In a person’s dream, time is actually meaningless. It may suddenly speed up, or it may suddenly slow down, or it may stop at a certain point. "

"We understand the situation you mentioned, but even if we know it in advance, how do we deal with this situation? "

Ye Ying said with some headaches: "Our nightmare clan has nothing to do with this situation. What I can tell you is: in case of scene switching, don't move, because the previous one In the next second you may still be running on the grassland, and in the next second you will already be swimming in the sea. So, pay attention to stay still when the scene is switched, and react quickly when the switch is completed, choose the best processing method, this is the best processing method so far! "

"Is that all this?" Shall we go in now? "Phantom asked.

"There is one more point. "Ye Ying continued without waiting for us to ask, "But this is not something you need to pay attention to, but something that Miss Yinxue needs to pay attention to. "

"Me? Yinxue asked strangely: "Am I going to help you suppress the power of the Great Wheel Pluto and prevent her from waking up?" "

"Yes, because of this, we have to remind you to pay attention. "Ye Ying said: "Can you concentrate on suppressing the Great Wheel of Pluto?" The stronger you suppress her, the greater my control over her dream, and the weaker her power will be. "

"Then what about the two of them? Yinxue pointed to Heavenspan Cult Lord and the mysterious Buddhist middleman.

"I think I can ask Vina Goddess for the two of them. "

"If that's the case, I'm fine, but I don't know if Vina can hold them down. "

"Just ask. "

We quickly found Vina, and even Hong Yan ran together. After our simple explanation, both Hong Yan and Vina understood what we meant. Vina said: "If they are in a complete state, I definitely can't do it, but since they have entered a deep coma, it is not difficult to suppress the little power they have left and not to recover. "

Hong Yan also said: "I will help on the side, I believe there will be no problems. "

I thought about it and said to some of the guild players who were helping me: "You guys can also watch it. If you find that the situation is not right, you will immediately find Rose and ask her to invite True Lord Erlang and the Arctic Star Monarch came to help, but if they couldn't, they went to Al Ni or Mijol. They both owe our guild favors. When they need help, It shouldn't be completely sitting on the sidelines. "

Yin Xuedao: "Don't worry!" I really found that it was not working. I would use the Communication Talisman curse to call Bi Ling to help. If I wanted to be still not enough, I asked her to bring the four Sacred Beasts and Azure together. So many people are here, and they can be beaten to death while they are alive. Still can't deal with it? "

"That's true. "I nodded and said:" Then do it. You look at these guys here, Ye Ying, take us in. "

"This won't work. "Ye Ying said: "I only brought in your mind, not your body, so you'd better lie down in a comfortable position, just like sleeping. Otherwise, as soo

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