"Don't tell me you didn't bring the guards!" Silo asked, looking at me expectantly.

"It doesn't matter, Yinxue alone is enough here." I said confidently.

Rose lightly coughed and said: "In fact, I think Yinxue can't count on it." Rose said to Yinxue: "Those guys are very dishonest now, you'd better go to Tianyu City to suppress it. Their power don't wake them up."


"What about over here?" Silo asked.

"This is very simple." Rose patted her hand, and saw in the sky a flying shuttle that hadn't landed slowly landed to the ground, and then it only opened one side of the hatch.

A fully armed officer rushed out of the hatch, and then shouted into it: "Move fast, move fast, line up immediately after disembarking."

Along with the rumbling of footsteps, a neat group of heavily armed infantry drove out of the ship. After seeing these soldiers, I felt more relieved, but Silo obviously didn't think so. "Um..., although your soldiers do look very aggressive, is the number too small?"

These people who walked down from the shuttle seem to be simply reloading. Infantry, even though they are wearing full-cover armor with a height of more than 2.5 meters and a very special style, after all, they only have two hundred men. I am afraid that they are less than one-twentieth of the enemy. They must win with this strength. It is a bit too demanding.

I smiled and said to Silo: "Since we will be partners in the future, then I don't mind letting you know why our guild needs magic crystal so much." I said to the distance After beckoning, the officer commanding the team ran over immediately. Although this guy is an officer, he is actually no different from those soldiers in appearance, only the color of the feathers on the top of the helmet is different. The other soldiers brought black feathers, only he was red feathers.

The officer ran up to us and quickly saluted and stood at attention. His posture was more accurate than that of most standard soldiers. In the game, everyone is just entertainment, and saluting the president is just a polite greeting. Few people stand like a javelin.

I told the officer not to move, and then let Silo take a closer look at the officer's equipment. At first they stood relatively far away, and they couldn't see clearly when they moved. Now they looked closer at Silo and finally found the doorway. She first noticed that the height of these guys was strange. The height of 2.5 meters was not the standard of a normal person, and everyone in this team was the same height. Even the soldiers selected by the National Guard of Honor always have a height difference of a few millimeters, but these guys are all generally tall, and there is no outstanding one at all.

In addition to the height problem, Silo also found that these guys also had big problems with their armor. She first noticed that the degree of sealing of these armors was unusually high, there was no gap at all, and the people inside were completely invisible. Even the eyes were blocked with red crystals, and there was no gap between them. Such a high degree of airtightness is not at all the way ordinary armor is designed, or it is simply not for people to wear. On the arms, shoulders and legs of this armor, there are strange protrusions everywhere. It seems to be a shape designed for beauty, but from the small seams on these parts, it can be seen that there should be underneath these things. Built-in weapons.

While observing the armor, Silo also found that the thickness of the armor was obviously different. The thickness of the general Knight armor is less than four millimeters, and the heavy plate armor is rarely more than one centimeter. Although the barbarian race and the Titan giant have armors up to two centimeters thick, it is simply not worth it compared to this type of armor. mentioning of soft armor. Because the thickness of this armor is eight centimeters, not to mention swords or guns. What's even more exaggerated is that this guy's left hand is carrying a giant shield that is 15 centimeters thick, and his right hand still has a giant sword with a handle of more than 1.7 meters in length and a thickness comparable to that of an axe. Adding a piece of these things should weigh almost a ton.

"How did they wear such a thick armor?" Silo finally couldn't help but turn around and asked us.

I said to the officer: "Take off the outer armor."

The officer did not do anything at all. He heard a sound similar to the deflation of a cylinder, and then only Hearing a boom, the nearly one-ton armor on the officer slammed onto the ground, and the pebbles and dust on the shocked ground bounced up. The officer took two steps forward and got off the armor leggings. It looks like he is only about 2.2 meters, a full thirty centimeters short.

"What kind of unit are you?" Silo cried out in surprise after seeing the shape inside the armor. After removing the one ton of armor, the officer was still wearing a layer of armor. Although it seemed to be much lighter and more flexible, it was still a heavy armor. It is hard to imagine anyone wearing two armors. Layers of such armor combat.

Neither Rose and I answered Silo’s words, but once again said to the officer: "Take off the Second Layer."

This time we first heard a slight There was a sound similar to an electric motor, followed by a few cries, and the armor on the officer's body fell to the ground again, but Silo's mouth opened wider. "This...Is this an April Fool's Day repertoire?"

"I know it’s strange to wear three-layer armor, but it’s not actually armor." I walked over and knocked on the officer’s. Shoulder: "Open the shell."

There was another sound of an electric motor, and a lot of openings were opened on the opponent's body in an instant, especially the big hole in the chest that completely made Silo dumbfounded. "Is this a magic puppet?"

"Huh? You know?"

"I am not an indigenous person with a blocked information. How come I have never heard of the existence of a magic puppet? There are also in France Doll’s! Of course, it’s not as precise as yours, and not so much!"

"Then I’m going to see it. Everyone’s magic puppet has its own characteristics. See more I can always find some strengths to learn from." After I finished speaking, I said to the magic puppet commander: "Okay, put on all the armor and go to line up there."

"Understand." Occasionally, with unimaginable speed, put on the equipment and ran to his team and began to command the formation. Two hundred demons and idols set up a line of defense neatly and uniformly, but this line of defense only has two layers. With the weight of the magic puppet and the equipment on its body is almost two tons or more, the two rows of magic puppets weigh five tons. Even if the opponent has heavy cavalry, they may not be able to collide, so two rows of magic puppets are enough. Instead, it is a waste of resources.

as the saying goes Four horses in Wangshan. The plains on this side of Europe are really wide enough. We saw the team of enemies when we walked, and it took more than ten minutes to get to our neighborhood. I didn’t see it from a distance, but when I got closer, I realized that these people don’t seem to belong to the same power. They seem to belong to three powers, because the colors of the flags are different, and the teams are clearly separated from each other. There is no intention to cooperate. .

We didn't pay much attention to the colorful flags that those guys resisted, but Siluo recognized it at a glance. After she told us, we knew that these three were the people who blocked us in Paris, but it seemed that there were a few fewer than then, and it might have been resolved internally in advance.

Si Luo patted me, and then asked in an uncertain tone: "Although I have confidence in your magic puppet, are these enemies too many?"

< p>"Don't worry! Without us, they would fight on their own and wouldn't be together."

"But what about they engaging in wheel warfare?"

I am serious Silo said: "Do you know what is the biggest difference between magic puppets and ordinary creatures?"

"What is it?"

"That is tirelessness, as long as the energy is enough, magic puppets They can fight until they are worn out. Even if the opponent is playing wheel warfare, they are the ones who can't hold on first."

"Then we must first see if they can survive the previous wave of cavalry. They seem to be charging. ."

The approaching three-way enemy army did not stop and start negotiations as we thought, but seemed to have been dispatched a long time ago, and the two-way troops on the side began to move quickly to both sides. A main channel, and the Cavalry of the Central Route Army handed over all the load to other troops, and put on the mask and picked up the lance.

"Defensive mode." The command golem roared, and all the golems stood sideways and raised their shields in order to prepare for defensive shocks. The cavalry on the opposite side also started rushing here at the same time. .

The starting speed of heavy cavalry is very slow, but the extreme speed is very high. With their self-respect, the powerful impact they produce is no less than that of a car, but the magic puppet is not a pedestrian. They basically The upper can be seen as a concrete barrier, so they are simply not afraid of these heavy cavalry. The distance between the two sides quickly narrowed. The cavalry had opened the lock on the pommel horse to fix themselves on the saddle. At the same time, their long spear was also placed on the fixed frame next to the horse’s neck. This was the final impact posture, which was beneficial. Improve damage. However, today they are destined to not be able to play to their advantages.

Just when the heavy cavalry was about to hit the steel line of defense made up of the magic puppets, the magic puppet commander suddenly roared: "Knock." All the magic puppets placed their left and right hands neatly. One by one, the shield was thrown, and the shield in the left hand was thrown onto the right hand, and the sword in the right hand was thrown onto the left hand. After the tossing was completed, all the magic puppets suddenly jumped up neatly, and then they changed a posture in the air, put the shield under them, and then slammed back to the ground. You can hardly imagine what it would be like when a two-and-a-half-ton golem hits the ground from a height of three or four meters, especially when two hundred golems do so at the same time.

With a loud explosion sound, all the magic puppets landed almost at the same time, and the ground was smashed with a violent jump, followed by the neigh of the horse and Knight's scream. The sudden shock just now caused all the horses charging at high speed to stumble. What the heavy cavalry fears most is that the horse falls, but now they have fallen, and they have fallen so violently. It is rare to see hundreds of war horses playing forward and rolling together. The heavy cavalry was still riding on the horse one second before, but was mounted on the horse one second later, and the situation was chaotic.

The heavy cavalry that was still aggressive almost rolled all the way to the feet of the magic puppets. At this time, the puppet had changed the sword and shield at an unimaginable speed and saw it rolled over. The heavy cavalry immediately slammed the bottom of the shield into the ground. The lower edge of the shield with steel thorns was inserted into the ground like a piling. The heavy cavalry and war horse hit the steel city wall at high speed and all fired again. A neat scream.

This all happened too fast. The cavalry behind had no time to react and ran into the horse and Knight who had fallen to the ground in front. Some of the cavalry who had just gotten up were knocked over by their teammates. On the ground, the charging horse tried to jump over the fallen horse, but the Knight with a weight of more than 500 kg and the equipment simply couldn’t jump. The result was that the horse in front tripped and joined the ranks of the meat pile again. .

Seeing that the pile of meat is getting higher and higher, the demon puppet in front lifts the shield fiercely, and then takes a step back and starts to fill the sword with the long sword to the still struggling Knight. He was still struggling on the ground. Knight's Knight was immediately stabbed to the ground with one sword. The Knight behind saw that the people in front were slaughtered but couldn't rush to Ben. In fact, they couldn't even stop, so they could only continue to rush into the Roshan ahead. .

Every time the magic puppet assassinates an enemy, he throws him out of the Roshan, so that he can continue to assassinate the enemies behind, and when the magic puppets put down all three-four hundred Knights that fell down The enemies behind have also stopped, but the distance does not allow them to charge. Now they have only two options, either retreat or enter the melee, but how can the domineering cavalry be willing to flee?

"I hope our enemies will report to hell,..." The Knights swore their swords upright in front of them, and their swords lit up the silver white rays of light instantly, which seemed to be magical. The effect of something.

"Melee mode." The magic puppet commander called out again.

A Knight pierced his lance at the golem in front of him, but failed to pierce the thick armor. The magic puppet stepped forward and shot Knight off the horse with a shield blow. The two-meter-tall Knight puppets of the face team did not have a high advantage even if they rode on the horse, and they were even more miserable after landing. The Knight who was photographed was stepped on by the golem before he could get up. Accompanied by a sound as if stepping on a cracker, the Knight’s chest was completely stepped down on the tower, and the internal organs were all from the lower abdomen. The mouth sprayed out, and the faces of everyone around me turned green.

The cavalry behind was keenly aware that the gun was not conducive to the current combat situation. He quickly raised the long spear and threw it at a demon puppet. Regardless of whether the long spear worked, he quickly replaced the Knight. The heavy sword rounded up and slashed at the demon puppet around him. There was a loud noise, and Knight's sword slammed on the shield. Knight's hands were numb, but he couldn't cut it. The magic puppet waved his right hand up and punched the cavalry directly out of seven or eight meters away. By the way, he overturned another Knight.

The Cavalry Captain realized that he could hardly harm the Cavalry, and suddenly loudly shouted: "God Slash." This guy with a white light jumped up from the mount, and then faced a magic puppet. He smashed his head down, but before he landed, he was smashed and flew out by a huge shield flying obliquely. The heavy cavalry only weighs more than 200 kg even with armor, and the shield of the golem weighs half a ton. The kinetic energy is naturally incomparable. It is normal to be smashed into the air, but his actions make the magic puppet hold the shield. It was thrown out, and the nearby Knight saw the opportunity and immediately rushed up. The magic puppet suddenly turned around and gave a half step to face the enemy. The opponent's speed has been raised and cannot change direction. He just rushed over from the side, only to get a chance and cut a sword, of course, it was useless. But the magic puppet did not miss this opportunity. When Knight rushed past him, he slammed his arm and clamped the horse's head under his arm. Then the whole body with the horse jumped up slightly, adjusting his posture in the air. The war horse and Knight smashed underneath. The warhorse died of a broken shin almost the moment it fell to the ground, but Knight only broke two legs, but the golem didn't give him a chance to climb out at all. He raised his hand and smashed his helmet into a discus. The red and white liquid was sprayed everywhere along the crevices of the helmet.

The other party realized that the magic puppet was very difficult to deal with, and changed the strategy to bring down these big guys with more people versus fewer people. The felled demon puppet was about to get up, and then suddenly rushed up. A war horse jumped up and stepped on his back. The demon puppet was stepped back on the ground without any injuries. The weight of the heavy cavalry can’t do anything with these big pieces of iron. At most, it affects their actions, but the other party doesn’t know this. They thought this method worked, and immediately rushed up to a horse, who knew it was there. The magic puppet suddenly stood up when he jumped up. The horse had just jumped, and the demon puppet just used his shoulders against the belly of the horse to resist the cavalry and the horse. Then he hugged the belly of the horse and turned around half a circle, then threw the horse as a weapon, and instantly stepped on the horse. The Knight who passed him also fell to the ground.

"Damn it, the enemy’s armor is too thick, it may not be a human unit, so I retreat and use spell to attack." The commander of the cavalry finally realized that melee combat was not at all cheap, and had to command the troops. Return the mage.

I said triumphantly beside Siluo: "See? The characteristic of the magic puppet is that it is invincible in close combat. These humanoid tanks are not afraid of heavy cavalry."

"The mage What?" Silo asked, pointing to the front. Following her finger, we have seen a neat cluster of wizards coming out, and it seems that the other party is about to use war magic.

I hurriedly shouted at the magic puppet group over there: "Don't let them cast spells."

The magic puppet commander quickly ordered the magic puppets: "Disperse , Flywheel is ready."

The magic puppets quickly moved away and raised their right hand to point at the wizard group, only to see a lid on their right arm suddenly opened, and then a stack of DVD discs rose from the inside. Small frisbees of that size, these frisbees are very thin, and the edge part of the forest blue still has interlaced jagged teeth, which is very dangerous at first glance. With a hum, the flying discs began to spin on the bearings, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

The enemy on the opposite side also discovered the problem. A commander yelled: "Shields and shields, past to block the position of the mages."

The shield formation quickly stood up, and the mages Still preparing. War magic is not a single magic. As the formidable power has expanded, the preparation time has also increased a lot. The relative magic puppet is much faster here, the rotating Frisbee has begun to make a harsh buzzing sound, which is an inevitable phenomenon that the speed has reached a certain level. Without warning, the top one of the stack of flying discs rotating on the right arm of the magic puppets suddenly rose for a short distance, and then only heard a click, the top one of the flying discs separated from the rotating bearing with a buzzing whistle. The sound flew out. The shield players hurriedly withstood the shield carefully, and the flying disc hiding the sky and covering the earth hit their shield like a locust, but everyone did not hear the clinking sound of the impact and rebound, but a chatter. The voice of, and then I saw the shield hand and the mage behind began to fall down in rows. A sharp-eyed commander finally found that the shield had been opened one after another very narrow slit. He yelled quickly: "Lie down, lie down, don't prepare to spell anymore, shields can't stop these Frisbees."

"Kill that guy." I pointed at the shouting officer. road.

A magic puppet suddenly adjusted the direction of his arm and coughed and shot another frisbee. The officer stopped suddenly, and then reached out his hand to touch his neck, and finally got it. Looking at him, he saw blood on his fingers, and his head suddenly rolled off his neck. It wasn't until this time that his body slowly slipped off the horse's back.

"Retreat back." The opponent's high level command finally realized that these tank-wearing guys could not be harmed in the middle distance, but the magic puppet is not omnipotent after all, although the opponent can't get close. You can also use long-range weapons. Several cannons were pushed out, which surprised me, didn't expect the enemy even brought heavy weapons.

The intelligence of the magic puppet has always been their weakness. Although the command-type magic puppet was invented, it can only accomplish some simple battlefield commands. The general direction has to be directed by someone. I pointed at the enemy in the distance and shouted: "If you rush into their crowd, the enemy can't shoot." My instructions were quick to respond, and immediately ran towards the enemy. Although these guys weigh up to two and a half tons with weapons, their powerful power makes their speed and flexibility not much worse than that of ordinary persons. The cannon hasn't been set up yet, they have rushed into the crowd and started a melee. The most feared thing about the magic puppet is the melee. The more enemies around, the more they can give play to their advantages. When these big guys rushed into the crowd, it was like tiger entering a flock of sheep. Outside, we could only see groups of people being thrown up and down, and there were chaotic screams everywhere.

The enemy’s weapon is almost useless on the devil’s body. Even the heavy weapon can only penetrate half an inch into the steel, except for the creation of one after another gap in the outer armor of the devil. Besides, it has no effect at all.

The opponent is not all idiots, one person suddenly shouted: "Everyone is scattered, with heavy weapons on top, the archer, who won't pierce and hurt, stop shooting, they are all on their own. These guys are not afraid of arrows at all."

"Go away." A man with a shining longbow stood behind the golem, and everyone else seemed to know that this guy is very difficult to deal with , Saw him come out and immediately let go of a straight line. When the magic puppet found that the people had dispersed, he realized that there was an enemy behind, and immediately turned around, but the opponent's bow had already been drawn. "Scorching sun divine arrow-piercing." Following his words, the arrow of the arrow suddenly burst out of colorful rays of light, and as soon as he loosened his finger, the bowstring immediately pushed the arrow out.

The arrow reached the demon puppet's body almost as soon as the guy released the bowstring, and the position taken by the opponent was exactly the center of the demon puppet's eyebrows. Hearing only the right sound, the devil's head leaned back sharply. Seeing this situation, the enemies who had been making no progress jumped up happily together. Although this only hit one, it was better than not killing one at all. However, their good mood did not last long. I saw the demon puppet slowly put his head back from behind, the arrow was still on his forehead, the arrow came out from behind his head, and the tail of the arrow was stuck on his forehead. Occasionally, it has no effect.

Magic puppet manufacturing is not simply a combination of machinery and magic. It also involves many disciplines, including psychology and behavior. According to statistical research, in multiplayer melee, most people will try to choose the key to start, which means that the three positions of the head, neck, and heart are the most frequently attacked, so we deliberately design the magic puppet. All three positions are vacated, and only some things that are not very important are installed, or they are simply empty. Like the head, most of the space inside is actually empty, only a set of detection equipment similar to a proximity sensor is inside, and there is simply nothing on the forehead.

Everyone looked dumbfounded at the magic puppet, but the magic puppet grabbed the handle of the arrow and broke it, and then pulled the arrow out from behind. The archer's mouth was wide open and he didn't know what to say, but when the magic puppet walked over to him, he immediately realized that he couldn't stand stupidly, so he hit another arrow. The same skills, the same formidable power, but the goal this time is the throat. Although the demon puppet reacted quickly, it was still not able to catch the flying arrow. The arrow passed through again and got stuck on the demon puppet's neck. This time the magic puppet didn't even stop, and broke the tail of the arrow as he walked and pulled the arrow out from behind. The signal transmission system of the magic puppet uses the sensory transmission of the magic array. To put it bluntly, it is wireless transmission. There are only a few sets of transmission devices in the neck that control the rotation of the head.

The people around here were all dumbfounded, but the archer's reaction was very quick. He quickly hit the third arrow and locked the target at the heart of the demon puppet. Of course, this was only the position of the heart he thought, but the position of the magic puppet was actually a hollow, there was nothing inside.

Like before, the third arrow still penetrated, but it was still useless. The golem was in front of him before the guy hit the fourth arrow, but a warrior with a huge shield stood in front of him. The long sword in the hand of the demon puppet was pierced directly, and the tip of the sword was directly on the shield, and the sword edge was only an inch deep and could no longer enter.

The shield warrior triumphantly said to the close at hand the magic puppet: "hmph, even if you have an Immortal Body, don’t think about me."

the magic puppet He ignored him at all, but drew the sword back and stabbed it out again. The shield warrior blocked a sword before, and now he feels more confident, but this time he felt that something was wrong as soon as the tip of the sword touched the shield, but it was too late for him to react. The blade pierced through the shield and directly pierced his chest, instantly wringing a hole in his heart. The shield warrior fell down with his eyes open, and he didn't understand why the sword, which had only been an inch deep before, easily passed through his shield this time.

Although the shield warrior didn't figure out what was going on, everyone around it knew it. I saw the sword of the shield warrior spinning out of the shield, and the reason for the spinning of the sword was because the wrist of the magic puppet was spinning. Of course, a normal person's wrist can't be rotated like this, but the wrist of a magic puppet is a bearing. After holding the sword, it is no problem to be an electric drill.

A still astute guy threw an identification technique on the puppet, and then yelled. "Back...Back, this guy is a construct creature!"

"What? A construct creature?" An orc giant bear player who just held a magic puppet intending to bring the opponent down was demonized I threw it out. As soon as the guy got up from the ground, he sighed and said, "No wonder the power is so great. When I hugged this guy just now, it felt like I was holding a bulldozer. No matter how hard I tried, it seemed to have nothing to do with it. Influence, my little power can't even hinder it!"

"Idiot, look at the things over there." A person suddenly yelled.

Those who came to grab the mine looked in the direction he pointed, and saw a huge scorpion logging machine coming back from the cut woodland. On the side panel of the scorpion feller was painted a big frozen scarlet rose, and a pair of swords crossed the flower. Behind this sign is a row of white Chinese, the content is "Isinger (civil code 0736)" After seeing this string of things, those people basically understand what is going on, even if they didn’t know before, they can understand it now. .

"Damn, it's the magic puppet of the Frost Rose League!"

A guy who looked like the president of one of the guilds exclaimed: "We have known that we It’s the Frost Rose League that’s doing it, but it’s a pity that they didn’t expect that they shipped all the magic puppets over so soon!"

"Don’t be afraid, it was a disadvantage before we didn’t figure out what the arrival was with. Fight, since you know it’s a magic puppet, it’s easy.” The person standing next to the guild leader said: “Just let the lightning mage go up and call.”

"You fool, you?" A female player Scolded: "That's a constructed creature, not a robot! Who told you that the magic puppet is afraid of electricity?"

"Then what do you say?"

"Use heavy units , Or forcibly attacked by equipment troops." This female player seems to be very good at this aspect. "In any case, you must call up the units with super destructive power, and don’t use the wizard. The constructed creature is immune to 80% of the magic attribute, and the remaining twenty will also be greatly reduced. It’s better to send a priest to add status to our people."

The guild leader immediately ordered: "All retreat, do not touch the devil. Warhammer troops and large devil beast troops are on top."

With the order from the president, their members immediately started summon their devil beasts. We only saw a piece of while light, followed by a large number of large creatures.

"There is a problem here." Rose looked at the enemy on the opposite side, then at the system time, and finally said: "Just call reinforcements? There are too many enemies, just rely on the magic puppet top. I can't help it!"

"You want to call back the very difficult to deal with NPC that you just left?" Silo asked.

"It's not Yinxue." I shook the head: "She has something more important than here."

"Where did you get reinforcements? Besides, it's too late. !"

Rose turned to Silo and said: "Never underestimate the Frost Rose League’s battlefield delivery ability." After speaking, she ran to the crystal communication machine that had been deployed behind. After connecting to Tianyu City, Rose briefly confessed and ran back. "I asked them to transport the Dragonfly Castle and the Spider Fortress to Tianyu City, and then airlift the Spider Fortress from the Dragonfly Castle. By the way, they can bring some people over. If they move faster, they will be there in fifteen minutes."

"You can send people here from the mainland in just fifteen minutes?" Silo was obviously frightened by our speed.

"Then how long do you think is more appropriate?"

"I just think your speed is too terrifying!"

"Efficiency is life. "After I finished speaking, I turned my gaze to the battlefield, and the magic puppet was already facing the enemy's heavy weaponry.

The enemy's Warhammer unit is indeed a heavy weapon among the heavy weapons, but it is still slightly lighter to deal with the devil. On the contrary, the devil beast unit has played a role. There are a lot of huge devil beasts in the world of "Zero". These guys may not have outstanding battle strength, but their strength is not low. "Zero" pays attention to the mutual restraint of arms. The level is only a reference. The final victory depends on many factors. The magic puppet has a complete overwhelming advantage against most units, but it is not so easy to use in the face of huge individuals.

A mammoth war mammoth blasted a magic puppet out, but it also paid the price of breaking an ivory. The next demon puppet stepped forward and pierced the mammoth's front leg with a sword. The mammoth immediately howled and stood up and flew the demon puppet away. The demon puppet who had just fallen to the ground was bitten by a steeltooth beast when he was about to get up. With a sound of sore teeth rubbing, the demon puppet's head was forcibly pulled off. Faced with the first real injury to the golem, the opponent's personnel burst into thunderous cheers again.

However, the magic puppet is not that easy to destroy. The demon doll with no head supported it and sat up from the ground again, and then ran to the mammoth that knocked him over like nothing happened, and drew his sword from its leg, and also took the elephant by the way. The legs were removed.


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