Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 15: Steel defense

Don't tell me you didn't bring the guard! Silo looked at me expectantly and asked.

"It doesn't matter, it's enough to have Silver Snow alone." I said confidently.

Wu Gui coughed softly: "In fact, I think Yinxue can't count on it." Rose said to Yinxue: "These guys are very dishonest now, you better go to Tianyu City to suppress their power Don't let them wake up. "


"What should we do over here?" Siluo asked.

"This is very simple." Rose clapped her hands, and saw a shuttle that had not landed in the sky slowly landed on the ground, and then it only opened the hatch on one side.

A heavily armed officer rushed out of the cabin door and shouted at it: "Fast action, fast action, array immediately after disembarking."

With the sound of banging footsteps, a neat group of heavy infantry drove out of the ship. After seeing these soldiers, I was relieved, but Silo obviously didn't think so. "Well ... although your soldiers do look fierce, aren't they too few?"

These people who came down from the shuttle seemed to be pure heavy infantry. Although they were all wearing full-cover armor with a height of more than two meters and five meters, they only had two hundred men, I am afraid even the enemy Less than one-twentieth of the total is not too high. To win with such a force is a bit too demanding.

I smiled and said to Siluo: "Since we are partners in the future, then I don't mind letting you know why we need magic crystals so much in the guild." Then I beckoned to the distance, the name The commander's officer immediately ran over. Although this guy is an officer, he is actually no different from those soldiers in appearance, except that the color of the feathers on the top of the helmet is different. The other soldiers carried black feathers, only he was red feathers.

The officer swiftly saluted and stood up before running to us. The posture is more accurate than the most standard soldiers. In the game, everyone is just entertaining, and saluting the president is just a polite greeting. Few people stand like javelins.

I told the officer not to move, and then let Siluo look closely at the officer's equipment. At first they were standing far away, and they couldn't see clearly when moving. Now, when they looked closer, Siluo finally found the doorway. She first noticed that the height of these guys was very strange. The height of two meters and five was not the standard for normal people, and everyone in this team was the same height. Even the carefully selected soldiers of the national guard of honor always have a height difference of a few millimeters, but these guys are all generally tall. No one stands out at all.

In addition to height problems, Silo also found that these guys also had major problems with their armor. She first noticed that the tightness of these armors was unusually high, there was no gap at all, and the people inside could not be seen at all, and even the eyes were blocked by red crystal chips, and they were not sewn. Such a high degree of tightness is completely different from the design method of general armor. In other words, this is not for people. There are weird protrusions everywhere on the arm, shoulder and leg of this armor. It seems to be a shape designed for beauty, but the small slits on these parts can tell that there should be underneath these things. Built-in weapons.

While observing the armor, Silo also noticed that the thickness of the armor was significantly different. Generally, the thickness of knight armor is less than four millimeters, and heavy plate armor rarely has a centimeter. Although the barbarian race and the Titan giant have armors that have a thickness of two centimeters, they are simply worthless compared to those A mention of soft armor. Because the thickness of this armor is actually eight centimeters, let alone a sword. The artillery was impenetrable. What's more, this guy even carried a giant shield with a thickness of fifteen centimeters on his left hand, and his right hand was a giant sword with a handle length of over one meter and a thickness comparable to an axe. Adding these things together should almost weigh a ton.

"How do they wear such thick armor?" Siluo finally couldn't help but ask us back.

I said to the officer, "Take off the outer armor."

The officer did nothing at all and heard a sound similar to a cylinder deflation. Then just heard a boom, the nearly one ton of armor on the officer's body slammed onto the ground, and the small stones and dust on the ground bounced. The officer took two steps forward and came down from the armor's leggings. It looks like he is only about two meters and two feet short.

"What kind of unit are you?" Silo screamed in surprise after seeing the shape inside the armor. This officer even wore a layer of armor after removing the one-ton armor. Although it looks significantly lighter and more flexible, it still counts as heavy armor. It is difficult to imagine that someone can wear two armors. Layer of armor.

Neither Rose nor I answered Silke's words, but said to the officer again, "Take off the second floor as well."

This time we first heard a slight sound similar to an electric motor, followed by a few bangs. The armor on the officer fell to the ground again, but Silo's mouth widened. "This ... Is this a reserved show on April Fool's Day?"

"I know it's strange to wear three layers of armor, but it's not really armor." I walked over and tapped the officer's shoulder: "Open the case."

Another sound of an electric motor. The other person's body opened many openings in an instant, especially the big hole in the chest completely made Siluo dumbfounded. "Is this a puppet?"

"Huh? You know?"

"I'm not a native of information occlusion, why haven't I heard of the existence of a demon? There are demon in France too! Of course, you are not as sophisticated as you are, so not so many!"

"Then I'm going to see it. The puppets made by everyone have their own characteristics. If you look at it, you can always find some strengths to learn." I said to the puppet commander, "Okay, Put on your armor and go array there. "

"Understand." The puppet put on equipment at an unimaginable degree and ran to his own team and began to command the array. Two hundred monster idols arranged a line of defense neatly like a person, but this line of defense had only two layers. With the weight of the puppets and the equipment on them, there are almost one more than two tons. The two rows of puppets are five tons in weight. Even if the opponent has a heavy cavalry, they may not collide, so two rows of puppets are enough. Too many stations is a waste of resources.

As the saying goes, Wangshan runs four horses. The plains in Europe are really wide enough. When we walk away, we see the team of enemies. We actually ran for more than ten minutes to reach us. I have n’t seen much in the distance. It seems that these people are not the same force when they are close. They seem to belong to three forces, because the colors of the flags are different, and the teams are clearly separated from each other. There is no intention to cooperate. .

We didn't pay much attention to the flags that the guys resisted, and it was recognized by Si Luo at a glance. She told us we only knew. It turns out that these three are the ones who blocked us in Paris, but it seems that there are a few fewer than then, and they may have been resolved internally in advance.

Silo patted me, and then asked with a less certain tone: "Although I have great confidence in your puppet, are there too many enemies?"

"Do not worry

We, they will fight themselves, not together. "

"But what do they do in wheel wars?"

I seriously said to Siluo: "Do you know what is the biggest difference between a doll and a living creature?"

"What is it?"

"That's tireless. As long as the energy is enough, the puppet can fight until it is worn out and scrapped. Even if the other party is playing wheel warfare, they are the ones who can't hold it first."

"Then see if they can survive the wave of cavalry in front of them. They seem to be charging."

The approaching enemy forces did not stop and negotiate as we thought. Instead, they seemed to have been assigned. The two armies on the side began to move quickly to give way to the two sides, and the cavalry of the middle armies. The team handed over the weight to other troops, and put down its hood to raise the rifle.

"Defense mode." The command-type puppet yelled, and all the puppets stood side by side holding their shields in preparation for defensive impact. The cavalry on the opposite side also started to rush towards this side at the same time.

The heavy cavalry starts slowly, but the limit is very high. With their own weight, the heavy cavalry has no less powerful impact than a car. But the puppets are not pedestrians, they can basically be regarded as concrete roadblocks, so they are not afraid of these heavy cavalry at all. The distance between the two sides was quickly drawn. The cavalry had opened the saddle horse's lock to fix themselves on the saddle. At the same time, their lances were also fixed to the fixing frame next to the neck of the war horse. This is the final impact posture, which will help improve Harm. However, today they are doomed to lose their advantage.

As the cavalry was about to hit the steel defense line formed by the puppets, the puppet commander suddenly yelled, "Blast." All the puppets neatly tossed the shields on the left and right hands, originally on the left hand. The shield was thrown into his right hand. The sword on the right hand reached the left. After the tossing was completed, all the puppets suddenly jumped up neatly, and then they changed a pose in the air and put the shield under them. Then he slammed back into the ground. It's hard to imagine what a two-and-a-half-ton doll would hit the ground from a height of three or four meters, especially when two hundred dolls do it at the same time.

With the sound of a loud noise, all the puppets landed at the same time, and the ground was smashed, followed by the hissing of the horse and the scream of the knight. The sudden shock just now made all the high-charged warhorses planted. The heavy horsemen feared the fall of the warhorses, but now they fell, and they fell so fiercely. Hundreds of war horses were rarely seen rolling forward together. The heavy cavalry was riding on the horse a second before, but was mounted on the horse a second later, and the situation was chaotic.

The original heavy cavalry almost rolled all the way to the feet of the puppets. At this time, the puppets had replaced their swords and shields with unimaginable degrees. When they saw the heavy cavalry rolling over, they immediately replaced the shields. The bottom of the slam slammed to the ground, and the lower edge of the shield with steel thorns pierced the ground. The heavy cavalry and the war horse slammed into this steel city wall with high screams again.

All of them were born too fast. The cavalry behind them ran into the war horses and knights who had fallen to the ground before they could react. Some of the cavalry who just got up were knocked down by their teammates. Skip the warhorses that fell down before, but the knights and equipment that weighed more than 500 kilograms couldn't jump at all. As a result, they could only be tripped by the warhorses in front and added to the ranks of the meat piles.

Seeing that the pile of meat was getting higher and higher, the demon in front hurriedly raised the shield, then stepped back and began to use a sword to fill the struggling knight. The knights who were still struggling on the ground were immediately stabbed to the ground by a sword. The knights at the rear saw the people in front of them being slaughtered but they couldn't get over Ben. In fact, they couldn't even stop and could only continue to rush. Into the front of Roshan.

The puppet throws him out of Roshan every time he assassinates an enemy, so that he can continue to assassinate the enemies behind him. When the puppets have toppled the three or four hundred knights who fell down, the enemies behind them have also stopped. However, the distance has not allowed them to charge, and now they can only choose two ways, either to retreat or enter the melee, but how can the aggressive cavalry be willing to flee?

"I hope all of our enemies will go to **** to report ...." The knights swore their swords in front of them, and their swords instantly glowed silver and white, and they looked like something with magical effects.

"Melee mode." The Doll Commander shouted again.

A knight pierced his lance against the monster in front of him, but was unable to pierce the thick armor. The last shield strike of the puppet took the knight from the horse immediately. The two-five-meter-tall puppet knights did not have any high advantage even after riding, and even worse after landing. Before the knight was photographed, he was stepped on by the puppet before he got up, accompanied by a sound like stepping on a cracker. The knight's chest was completely stomped on the tower, his internal organs were all sprayed from his lower abdomen and mouth, and everyone around him looked green.

The cavalry's keenly talented gun is not conducive to the current fighting situation. He quickly raised his spear and cast it at a demon. He didn't care whether the spear worked, he quickly replaced the knight's epee and rounded it. The puppet cut it off. When a loud noise, the knight sword cut on the shield, the knight shaking his hands, but failed to cut into the slightest. The puppet waved his right hand and punched the cavalry directly seven or eight meters away. He also overturned another knight.

The captain of the cavalry found that he could scarcely hurt the cavalry, and he suddenly yelled, "God's grave." This guy jumped from the mount with a white light, and then hacked at a puppet. But before he landed, he was smashed out by a giant shield that flew over. The heavy cavalry even had more than 200 kilograms of people with armor. The shield of the puppet said that it weighed half a ton. The kinetic energy was naturally incomparable, and it was normal to be hit by flying. However, his actions caused the demon to throw the shield out, and the nearby knight rushed to see the opportunity. The puppet suddenly turned around and gave a half-step to his back to the enemy. The opponent had already been unable to change his direction. He just rushed from the side and only took the chance to cut a sword. Of course this was useless. However, the puppet did not miss this opportunity. When the knight rushed from his side, he suddenly stretched his arm and clamped the horse's head under his arm. Then the whole body slightly jumped up with the war horse and adjusted the posture in the air. The steeds and knights fell underneath. Almost immediately after falling to the ground, the warhorse died of a broken tibia, but the knight was only broken by two legs. But the puppet didn't give him a chance to climb out at all. He raised his hand and smashed his helmet into a discus. Red and white liquid was sprayed along the gap of the helmet.

The other party realized that the puppet was very difficult to deal with. Change strategy intends to bring down these big guys with more people and less people. The puppet was about to get up and suddenly rushed up to a war horse and stepped on his back. The puppet was stepped back on the ground without being injured. The weight of the heavy cavalry can't handle these big iron blocks. At most, it affects their actions, but the other party doesn't know these. They thought this method worked and immediately rushed up to a horse. Who knows

When he jumped up, the puppet suddenly stood up. The warhorse just jumped off. The devil braced the warhorse's belly and resisted the cavalry and the warhorse. Then he held the warhorse's belly in half a circle and threw the warhorse out as a weapon. The knight also smashed to the ground.

"Fuck, the enemy's armor is too thick, maybe it's not a human force, back off with a magic attack." The commander in the cavalry finally realized that the melee was less than half cheap and had to command the unit to return to the mage.

I said proudly beside Siluo: "Did you see? The puppet is characterized by close combat. These humanoid tanks are not afraid of heavy cavalry."

"What about the mage?" Silo asked, pointing forward. We have seen her neat mage clusters come out along her fingers, and it seems that the other party is going to use war magic.

I quickly shouted at the group of puppets over there: "Don't let them cast spells."

The puppet commander Xun ordered to the puppets: "Divergent, flywheel ready."

The puppets quickly opened their distances and raised their right fingers toward the mage group, only to see a lid on their right arm suddenly open, and then raised a small flying disc like a stack of dVd discs from the inside. These frisbees are very thin, and the edge part of Mori has staggered serrations, which is very dangerous at first glance. With a buzz, the frisbees started to spin on the bearings, and they got faster and faster.

The opposite enemy also had problems, and a commander shouted, "Shields, shields, used to block the mage's position."

The shields quickly erected, and the mages were still preparing. War magic is not a single piece of magic. As the power increases, the preparation time for the Seal of the Seal of God also increases accordingly. The opposite puppet is much faster, and the spinning frisbee has begun to make a harsh buzzing sound. That is an inevitable phenomenon to a certain degree. Without warning, the uppermost one of the flying discs rotating on the right arms of the puppets suddenly rose a little, and then only heard a bang, the uppermost flying disc fell off the rotating bearing with a buzzing whistle. Yin flew out. The shield players quickly and carefully held their shields, and the overwhelming frisbees hit their shields like locusts, but instead of hearing the clanging sound of the bounce, they heard a gurgling sound. Then he saw the shield player and the mage behind him starting to fall down in a row. A sharp-eyed commander finally showed a narrow slit in the shield. He yelled quickly: "Lie down, lie down, don't prepare any more spells, shields can't stop these frisbees."

"Kill that guy." I cried, pointing at the shouting officer.

A puppet suddenly adjusted the direction of his arm and shot a frisbee. The officer stopped suddenly and said, then reached out and touched his neck. As a result, he saw it in front of his eyes and saw his fingers. The blood was all over, and his head suddenly rolled down his neck. Only then did his body slowly slip off the horse's back.

"Back off." The senior commander of the opponent finally realized that he couldn't hurt these guys wearing the same tanks in the middle distance, but after all, the puppet was not a panacea. Although the opponent can't approach, they can still use long-range weapons. Several cannons were pushed out, which surprised me. I didn't expect the enemy to bring even heavy weapons.

The intelligence of the puppets has always been their weakness, although they understand the command type puppets. But it can only complete some simple battlefield commands, and some people have to command in the general direction. I pointed at the enemy in the distance and shouted, "The enemy can't fire when they rush into their crowd."

The intelligence problem of the puppet is not the lack of understanding, but the inability to develop the thinking ability. After hearing my instructions, I responded quickly and rushed to the enemy. Although these guys weighed two and a half tons with weapons, their strong motivation made them not worse than ordinary people. The artillery was not ready yet. They had rushed into the crowd and started a melee. What the puppets are not afraid of is the melee. The more enemies around it, the more they can use their advantage. When these big guys rushed into the crowd, it was like a tiger into a flock. We could only see a crowd of people being thrown up and down, and there was a chaotic scream everywhere.

The enemy's weapon was almost useless to cut on the puppet, and even heavy weapons could only penetrate half an inch into the steel. It had no effect at all except to create a gap in the outer armor of the puppet.

The other party was not all stupid. One person suddenly called out, "They are spread out, and they take the top of the heavy weapon. The archers who are not punctured and hurt don't shoot anymore, they are all shot on their own. These guys are not afraid of arrows at all. "

"Everyone goes away." A man with a shiny long bow stood behind the puppet. Everyone else seemed to know that this guy was very good. When he saw him, he immediately made a straight line. After all the puppets spread out, they also realized that there was an enemy behind them, and immediately turned around, but the opponent's bow had been pulled apart. "The scorching arrow of the sun-puncture." With his words, the arrow of that arrow suddenly burst into colorful light, followed by a loose finger, and the bowstring pushed the arrow out immediately.

The arrow arrived on the puppet almost immediately when the guy loosened the bowstring, and the position taken by the opponent was exactly the position of the puppet's eyebrow. He heard only a bang, and the head of the puppet leaned back sharply. Seeing this situation, the enemies who have been making no progress jumped together happily. Although this hit one, it was better than not killing one. but. Their good mood did not last long. I saw the puppet slowly tilted his head back from behind, the arrow was still on his forehead, the arrow came out of his head, and the tail was stuck on his forehead, it seemed very serious. Occasionally it has no effect.

Doll manufacturing is not just a combination of mechanics and magic. It also involves many disciplines, including psychology and behavior. According to statistical research, most people in the multiplayer melee will try to choose the key to start, that is, the three positions of the head, neck, and heart are the most frequently attacked. So we deliberately vacated these three positions when designing the puppet, and only some of them were not important, or they were simply empty. Like the head, in fact, most of the space inside is empty. There is only a set of detection equipment similar to the proximity sensor in it, and there is nothing at the forehead.

Everyone was dumbfounded to see the puppet, and the puppet grabbed the handle of the arrow and broke it. Then drag the arrow from the back. The archer's mouth opened wide and didn't know what to say, but when the puppet walked towards him, he immediately realized that he couldn't stand stupidly, so he put up an arrow again. The same skills, the same power, but this time the goal is throat. Although the puppet responded quickly, it was not enough to catch the flying arrow, which passed through it and got stuck on the puppet's neck. This time the puppet didn't stop, it broke the tail of the arrow and pulled the arrow out from behind. The land of the signal transmission system of the puppet is the induction transmission of the magic array. To put it plainly, it is wireless transmission. There are only a few sets of transmissions in the neck that control the rotation of the head. Even if a few shafts are damaged, the movement of the puppet is not affected.

At this time, the people around them were dead, but the archer responded quickly. He quickly took the third arrow,

The target was locked in the heart of the puppet. Of course, this is just what he thinks, in fact, the position of the puppet is empty, there is nothing inside.

Just like before, the third arrow was still in, but it was still useless. Before the guy took the fourth arrow, the puppet was in front of him, but a soldier with a giant shield blocked him. The long sword in the hand of the puppet pierced directly, the tip of the sword was resting on the shield, and the sword's edge was only an inch deep and could not enter again.

The shield warrior proudly said to the demon near him: "Hum. Even if you have an immortal body, don't even think about me."

The puppet ignored him completely, but drew the sword back and stabbed it again. The shield warrior blocked a sword before. It is even more fearful now, but as soon as the sword tip touched the shield, he felt wrong, but it was too late for him to react. The blade penetrated his shield and pierced directly into his chest, and a large bowl-shaped hole was wrung in his heart. The Shield soldier fell down with his eyes open and died. He did not understand why the sword that had only penetrated an inch deep before this time passed through his shield easily.

Although the Shield soldiers didn't figure out what was going on, everyone around them knew. I saw the shield warrior's sword pulled out of the shield while spinning, and the reason for the sword's rotation was because the wrist of the puppet was turning. Of course, the wrist of a normal person cannot be turned like this, but the wrist of the puppet is the root bearing. There is no problem when the sword is used as an electric drill.

A fairly alert guy threw an identification spell on the puppet and shouted afterwards. "Back ... back, this guy is a build creature!"

"What? Constructing creatures?" An orcs giant bearman player who just held a demon and was about to knock the opponent down was thrown by the demon. This guy just sighed when he got up from the ground and said, "No wonder power It's so big. When I just hugged this guy, it felt like I was holding a bulldozer. No matter how hard I tried, it seemed to have no effect on it. My strength couldn't even hinder it! "

"Fool, look at the things over there." A man cried suddenly.

The people who came to grab the mine looked at him in the direction they were pointing together, and saw a huge scorpion-type feller driving back from the cut forest. A large frozen blood-red rose was painted on the side panel of the scorpion-type shredder, and a pair of swords were crossed on the flower. Behind this sign is a row of white Chinese with the content "Essinger (Civil Engineers basically understand what is going on after seeing this bunch of things, even if they didn't know it, they now understand it.)

"Fuck, it's the puppet of the Frost Rose Alliance!"

A president who looked like one of the guilds sighed, "We already knew that the Frost Rose Alliance was working against us, but unfortunately they didn't expect them to ship the puppets so soon!"

"Don't be afraid. It was a loss before. We didn't figure out what we were fighting with when we arrived. Now that we know it is a puppet, it's easy." The person standing next to the chairman said, "Let the lightning mage go up and call. . "

"Stupid you?" A female player scolded. "That's a creature, not a robot! Who told you that the puppet is afraid of electricity?"

"What do you say then?"

"Force attacks with heavy arms or equipment forces." The female player seemed to be very good at this. "Anyway, you need to call up a strong destructive force, and you do n’t have to be a mage. Construct creatures that are immune to 80% of the magic attributes. The remaining twenty will also be greatly less powerful and send the mage to attack. It would be better to send a priest to give us status. "

The chairman immediately ordered: "The whole retreat, do not touch the puppet. Warhammer units and large Warcraft units are on top."

With the order of the president, their members immediately summoned their own Warcraft. We only see a white light here. Large creatures followed.

"There is trouble now." Rose looked at the enemy on the opposite side, then looked at the throne of the Seal of System Time, and finally said, "Just call reinforcements? There are too many enemies, and you can't just stand by the puppet! "

"You want to take the very powerful bsp you just left;" Not Yinxue. "I shook my head:" She has more important things than here. " "

"Then where are you going to reinforce? Besides, it's too late!"

Fang Gui turned to Siluo and said, "Never underestimate the ability of the Frost Rose Alliance battlefield to deliver." After that, she ran to the crystal communicator that had been deployed in the rear. After connecting Tianyu City, Rose simply explained a bit and ran back again. "I asked them to teleport the Dragonfly Castle and Spider Fortress to Tianyu City, and then transport the Spider Fortress by air from Dragonfly Castle. By the way, they can bring some people, if they move quickly, they will be here in fifteen minutes."

"You can send people here from your homeland in just fifteen minutes?" Silo was obviously frightened by our degree.

"Then how long do you think the Seal of the Seal is more appropriate?"

"I just think your degree is too terrible!"

"Efficiency is life." After I said that, I turned my eyes to the battlefield, and the puppet's side was already facing the enemy's heavy weapon forces.

The enemy's Warhammer unit is indeed a heavy weapon among the heavy weapons, but it is still a little lighter to deal with the puppets, but the Warcraft forces have played a role. There are a large number of huge Warcrafts in the "Zero" world. These guys may not have outstanding combat effectiveness, but their power is not low. "Zero" pays attention to the conflict of arms, the level is only a reference, and the final victory depends on many factors. The puppet has a completely overwhelming advantage against most arms, but it is not so easy to use in the face of large individuals.

A mammoth banged and knocked out a puppet. But it also paid the price for breaking an ivory. The next puppet stepped forward and pierced the mammoth's foreleg. The mammoth immediately howled and stood up, and flew the puppet out. As soon as the puppet fell to the ground, he was bitten by a steel tooth beast, accompanied by a sound of rubbing acid. The puppet's head was dragged abruptly. In the face of the first real damage to the puppet, thunderous cheers broke out again.

However, the puppet is not so easy to destroy. The headless puppet supported and sat up again from the ground, and then ran to the mammoth who kicked him over like nothing, and pulled his sword from its leg. His legs were unloaded.

The Mammoth with a missing leg fell to the ground in sorrow, and the knight riding on it was smashed into a meat sauce by a shield of a puppet. A warhammer warrior rushed up from behind and slammed the puppet with the taper on the opposite side of the hammer. Hearing only a ringing bell, the sharp cone on the reverse side of the Warhammer smashed deeply into the back of the puppet, smashing the puppet forward to the ground. but. Even though the puppet didn't stop, he still struggled to get up.

The Warhammer Samurai did not intend to give him this opportunity and smashed it again with a hammer. The sharp nail hammer once again smashed the hole before the demon. The puppet was beaten to the ground again. Two heavy hits hit the same spot, and despite the heavy armor, the back of the puppet ground began to open

Hole. And you can already see some parts inside. However, this was affecting the action of the puppet, and he climbed up again.

"It's not dead yet, this ghost really beats me!" Warhammer warrior spit indignantly, and smashed again with a big hammer. Who knew that the headless puppet rolled as fast as he could see from behind, and hit the ground with a heavy hammer. After the puppet rolled out, he did not continue to roll forward, but rolled back and held a hammer on the ground. No matter how strong the Warhammer warrior is, it is impossible to lift the heavy hammer with the two ton and a half-heavy puppet, no matter how hard he keeps the hammer. After holding the hammer, the puppet suddenly stretched out his left hand and grabbed the warhammer warrior. The opponent first flashed backwards instinctively, but then stopped. "Hahahaha, do you think you can reach me enough?"

The Golem is very tall. The corresponding hand is also relatively long, but the handle of the warhammer is not short. Under normal circumstances, of course, the puppet cannot reach him by pressing the hammer head. But the warhammer warrior's proud laughter was not over yet, and the puppet's hand suddenly popped from his arm and covered his face, holding his entire head in his hand. The original puppet's wrist is still connected with a retractable arm, and these parts are usually hidden in the arm and can't be seen at all until it pops up. Others know that the original puppet's hand can be extended.

Although I know this ability of the puppet. But the Warhammer Samurai was out of use. With a gurgling sound, the guy's head exploded like a watermelon in the hand of the puppet. The puppet threw away the rotten hands and climbed up from the ground again, but he just got up and was hit by a horned bull. After the huge noise of a copper-iron collision, the puppet fell straight five meters away, and the stones smashed on the ground.

Seven or eight Warhammer warriors swarmed around and fell to the ground puppet. They smashed it. This time they learned to abduct, first smashed all the puppet's limbs, and then smashed dozens of them against him Only willing to stop.

Seeing that one of the dolls was scrapped in the distance, Siluo regretted: "Your dolls are very good. Can you sell them? I want to buy a few to protect the guild."

"Is this performance good?" Rose smiled. "You will know what is good performance right away. But by the way, remind you. Although we will also sell some puppets, you may not be able to accept the price."

The warhammer warriors on the battlefield have receded to the side. The puppet on the ground seems to have been smashed into a pile of scrap iron, and his limbs are all bent. In addition, several major parts of the body were pierced in, and large holes were penetrated in some places. But that's it. As the Warhammer Warriors were preparing to deal with the next target, a sudden explosion came from the left arm of the puppet, followed by an explosion followed by the right arm and two legs. The limbs of the puppet land were blown out instantly, leaving only a bare body there. The surrounding people hadn't reacted yet. There was another explosion on the body of the puppet, and the entire armor shell of the puppet was blown out.

Those people only felt a flower in front of them, and a white metal ball bounced from the exploded body of the puppet. The metal mass flew a few heads in the air after flying into the air, and when it landed, it had become a shiny silver-white steel skull. Looking at the shining red light in the skull's eyes and the telescopic rod on the demon's body. A player finally reacted. "I depend, this is still the demon! He is not dead!"

Although he didn't guess wrong, it was useless to know. Skeleton puppets changed their previous combat methods. The degree has increased by more than ten times, and almost flashed to this guy in an instant. The silver-white steel fingers pierced the guy's throat like a sharp blade. Before the nearby enemies came and reacted, the steel skeletons had flashed a dozen meters before. Warhammer warriors holding hammers were all powerful warriors. It was not their strength to deal with this more rabbit-like steel skeleton.

Without waiting for these guys to react, the steel skeleton flashed in front of a warhammer warrior. The guy immediately swung the hammer and swept, but he didn't touch anything, but turned around because of the weight of the hammer. When he heard someone nearby remind him to pay attention to the top of his head, his head was pierced by a steel cone falling from above. The steel cone drilled from under his chin dripped red blood, and the Warhammer Samurai fell unwillingly.

When the steel skeleton fell down, he ejected again with the help of forward leaning inertia. The nearby Warhammer warrior felt as if there were countless figures flashing around him. The opponent's degree was so fast that he could not capture it.

"Is this your last move?" Silo asked.

"How does it feel? Underneath the multilayer armor is a completely independent internal skeletal system. When the puppet is intact, it exists in the body of the big puppet in a core manner, but it can come out of the big puppet when it is damaged externally. .It has its own skull and limbs, so it is very unlikely to be damaged. "

"What if it gets damaged? Aren't you afraid of technology leaks?"

"Don't you know there is something called a detonation device?"

"You guys really installed it? When I saw it blown up the limbs, I was wondering if you would install a self-explosive device! I didn't expect you to really install it."

I smiled weirdly: "Not only is it pretended, the power is considerable. The puppet is very expensive! If anyone destroys our puppet, he shouldn't be overwhelmed. Of course, we can't use it without exploding. Expensive puppets blow up. "

As far as we are talking, this steel skeleton has brought down seven warhammer warriors in succession, and also killed two monsters that look like gorillas ~ ~ The attack power of the high-level puppet is far less than the complete state, But the degree of murder is definitely much stronger than intact.

The other side also realized that this was not the case, and the light armies that had already withdrawn immediately rushed into the position again. Although the light puppet is astonishingly fast, its defensive power is indeed much lower than before. These steel skulls do not have any shells or other things, nor are they equipped with shields and any weapons. The weapons they use are sharp fingers, and the main way to attack the enemy is to dodge them. Although they are hard to block, they are not even once. It was destroyed, but after all, the arms and legs were very thin, and even the steel material could not withstand repeated attacks.

After more than a dozen consecutive downfalls, the Steel Skeleton finally failed to escape an enemy's attack and was chopped to the ground with a knife. His leg also had deep cracks. Fortunately, the Steel Skeleton was not directly cut. The warhammer warrior next to him was a hammer. Who knew that the steel skeleton suddenly bounced off the ground, and followed a few heads and turned outside the encirclement. Unfortunately, his luck was not very good. He just flashed in front of a big horned bull and was knocked out.

The slender skeleton simply couldn't stop the impact of a tank with a big horned bull, and this collision directly deformed his spine. The steel skeleton climbed up again in a strange posture and was attacked by a chaotic sword. It was immediately chopped to the ground, but he was able to drive two people out before he was completely down, which is not a loss.

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