"I thought you knew it!"

"If I knew I didn't need to watch it here." I quickly let Ye Ying stop, and then retract Ye Ying Pulling Yinxue to hide behind the tree on the roadside. "How do you know that the colorful magic crystal is pulled inside?"

"That's not simple. Just smell it!"

"Can you smell it?"

"Can't you smell the meat?"

"Of course it can!"

"Then it will end up? Higher magical creatures are fine. To accumulate strength by eating magic crystals, of course I am no exception. If you can’t even smell the smell, where can you find magic crystals? By the way, your Isinger has a lot of magic crystals, last time I just went through it in a hurry, and I haven't visited it."

"Isinger, haven't you visited yet?"

"Yes!" Yinxue nodded and said: "The last time I went back to this era with you, I went to help Bi Ling and Tian Qing arrange a place to live. That time I entered the city because I had to borrow Isinger’s Transmission Formation, but I didn’t stop on the road, just watch It’s just one street, and things keep going after that. I haven’t officially lived in Isinger!"

"Damn, I wonder if you have to come here to play!" Generally, I have played Isinger. People rarely have the interest to visit other large cities. The reason is naturally that the sea was difficult. Isinger’s buildings are too magnificent and the exterior design is extremely gorgeous. Anyone who has been to Isinger will not put similar buildings in In my eyes. Therefore, people who have been to Isengard will go to enjoy the scenery of mountains and rivers or small towns, but will not go to the big cities, because there is no big city that can compare to Isengard. "Yinxue? Or I will take you back to visit Isengard directly. I don't need to play here."

"No, since I'm here, I have to watch it. By the way, you just now Isn’t it called France?"

"This is Paris, the capital of France."

"That's right."

"What's right ?"

"Rose said this is a world fashion clothing distribution center, I am going to buy clothes."

"Isn't it?" What does it mean to shoot yourself in the foot? This is called shooting yourself in the foot. When I returned to the Great Desolate era through the passage of time, I abducted a large number of female high level NPCs through various exquisite costumes. Although Yinxue came back with me not entirely because of the costumes, this is also one of the reasons. She wants to buy clothes, so I don’t even have a chance to argue!

"You promised us!" Yinxue looked at me as if I didn't want to go, and started to get angry again.

"I didn't say I can't go! But I can't just follow you with everything. I have a few conditions you must agree to."

Yinxue quickly nodded: "En , As long as you can buy clothes and visit, hundreds of conditions are fine."

"Not so many, two are fine. First, I want to investigate these colorful magic crystals by the way. "

"Do you want these colorful magic crystals? I can grab them for you."

"Stop." Different. In her opinion, the powerhouse's possession of the weak is as it should be by rights. Anyway, the magic crystal is not made by anyone, it is a natural product, and whoever has the strongest grasps it. But I can't be so reckless, our guild will continue to develop in France in the future, so grabbing things will ruin our reputation! It is in the interests of our guild to find someone to transfer it to the looting.

Yinxue looked at my organization and she also remembered the values ​​of this era that I had told her. She was also smarter and immediately understood what I meant. "Since you can't steal it, how do you want to get these magic crystals?"

"There are many ways, but it depends on the situation. In general, I have to investigate by the way. You just need to be troubled by me. It's okay."

"No problem, I can still help you get rid of the people who stand in the way. You should know that I will kill a few people, and no one will know."

Yinxue This is not a big talk. With her strength, creatures below level 7000 are all done with one move, and the highest among the players, I am only level 999. In front of her, she is absolutely gone with a flick of a finger.

"Anyway, I’ll be in charge for a while. If you don’t let you move, don’t move. If you need your help, I will naturally call you. My second condition is that you can’t cause trouble when I go shopping for clothes. , If someone makes trouble for you, just bear with me and let me deal with it."

Yinxue thought for a while, and then said: "What if someone molested me like the guy just now?"< /p>

"With your skill, people can't even touch your clothes. It's not a major event, right?"

"Okay, then I will try to hold back."< /p>

"This is almost the same." I nodded and said: "Well, come with me now, I will take you to the road."

Although it is not as good as Isinger, but After all, Paris is a world-famous city, not to mention the beautification in the game, which is less modern but more harmonious. Like in reality, Paris is also a clothing distribution center in the game, and it specializes in selling that kind of useless clothing. In Europe, if you want to choose good equipment for fighting monsters, you'd better go to the Czech Republic or Berlin, the capital of Germany. You can buy the most beautiful fashions in Paris, but if you wear them to fight monsters, it is estimated that ten will die. The design purpose of fashion is one thing-to look good, and all other issues are sidelined.

Different from most cities in the world in the game, Paris does not have a city wall, but it does have a city gate. In the game, there are nine Arc de Triomphes in Paris. Only one of them is modeled on the monument in reality. The other eight are divided into the eight directions of the city. They are the eight main city gates of Paris. The eight main roads leading to the city center pass under these eight doors, and finally meet under the Eiffel Iron Pagoda located in the city center. Together, they form the main transportation network of Paris. Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't walk through these eight doors. There is no city wall in Paris, there are roads everywhere, and I am happy to enter from wherever I go.

Yinxue wants to visit, I naturally can't take her down the path, but Yinxue is not very interested in the Arc de Triomphe. Although the Arc de Triomphe in the game is much larger than the real guy in reality, Yinxue has been to Isengard. Although it was only a rough tour, the overall architectural style of Isengard is there. So, compared with Isinger's two-way ten-lane super gate, the two-way six-lane of the Arc de Triomphe doesn't feel much better. In fact, the width is second, the most important thing is that the height difference between the Arc de Triomphe and Isengard is too much. Isinger’s first city wall is 500 meters high. Standing under the wall and looking up, you will feel that the city wall has been inserted into the clouds. Although the Arc de Triomphe is not short, it just feels taller and hasn’t arrived yet. That kind of towering into the sky.

After passing the Arc de Triomphe, it is an ordinary building. In the game, these five-sixth layer or even dozens of layers of buildings have made most cities feel in awe, but after staying in Isinger for a long time, I feel like looking at miniatures here. The first layer of Isinger’s building is above eight meters in height, and the upper layer will return to its normal height, and all buildings are above the 10th layer. If placed together with the buildings here, it is basically the difference between the Titans and the Dwarfs. .

However, not everything in Paris is worth seeing, at least the Eiffel Iron Pagoda is very spectacular. The Eiffel Iron Pagoda in the game is more than a little higher than in reality. The height of two thousand and five more than a hundred meters is almost the third of the tower. Although it is still far away, it is definitely another city. A super large building that you don’t have.

Yinxue did not rush to see Eiffel Iron Pagoda, but rushed into other boutiques on the street frantically. There are very few catering industries in these five-sixth-layer buildings on the streets of Paris. They are basically large and small clothing buildings, and they all use hyperspace inside, and the area is much larger than what it looks outside. However, "Zero" has always been praised by the majority of male compatriots, that is, the market does not consume stamina. Many men are afraid to go shopping with girls and regard this as an activity that consumes more energy than a marathon. In "Zero", shopping at the mall does not consume stamina, and you will never get tired after shopping. In addition, in order to prevent the majority of men from feeling too hard while waiting for girls to try on clothes, any player can apply to play some mini games in the mall. The system will help you open a small window that moves with you, which is absolutely convenient and practical. Of course, the system has also made some improvements for girls, such as the fitting system. There is no need for a fitting room here. The clothes you are looking for can be automatically generated by the system as a full-scale model after you change this kind of clothes. You can surround yourself to observe whether it is suitable.

Although Yinxue is an NPC, the merchant does not care who the buyer is. As long as you want to buy and pay the money, the merchant will only treat you as God. Let Yinxue go in and pick up clothes, I stood at the window or door watching the transportation carriage on the road. Judging from the number of them and the frequency of their contacts, the number of colorful magic crystals shipped by these guys is quite large.

"Hey, what do you think of this one?" Yinxue shouted for a long time and found that I didn't hear it at all. Some angrily ran over and grabbed me: "What are you looking at?"

< p>I frowned and said, "Don't you think the situation is a bit strange?"

"Strange?" Yinxue looked down at herself. "Is it weird for me to wear this dress?"

"I'm not talking about your clothes. I mean those carriages. I have been observing for a long time, it seems that the number of things transported back and forth by these cars has not changed. , Which means that they are simply not transporting out of the city, nor are they transporting into the city, but they are pulling the goods around in circles. Isn’t that strange?"

"You said they? They are indeed full Strange. But I'm just better at playing, so don't ask me if you have any questions. I'll choose clothes, and you can study them slowly." Yinxue jumped back to the clothing rack and started trying on clothes frantically. I heard that there is always one piece of clothing missing in a woman’s wardrobe. It seems that this range should be extended to all female humanoids, and the one missing is not one, but a shopping mall.

I continued to observe the carriage on the road, and deliberately sent a few ghost worms to let the carriage suppress it. The ghost worm can diamondize itself. Of course, the carriage is not crushed under this kind of hardness, but I can use this to judge the weight change of the carriage. It turns out that they did not unload the cargo, and the weight of the carriage is basically the same when it goes back and forth.

I was thinking about the reason, and Yinxue suddenly called me again. "Don't look, let's go to the next store."

"Oh." I turned around and looked at a few clothes on the shelf, then leaned against the cashier and started to pay. "These are what you want to buy? I'll pay."

"No, these are what I don't want."

"Then what you bought? Did you pick this? I won’t buy one for half a day?"

"No! I mean don’t want these ones, buy all the others."

Boom. I slipped from the cash register to the floor. "What are you talking about?"

Yinxue stood in front of the hanger and said with a smile: "From here to over there, these all are what I want to buy, and the ones I don’t have have been picked out and thrown there."

I took a look at the hanger that was longer than the train platform, then swallowed my saliva and turned around and smiled and asked the manager who had been standing aside: "Is it a wholesale price to buy so much?" "

"No problem." The manager's mouth almost grinned behind his ears. I said why I kept seeing this guy with the manager's badge circling around us for a long time and Yinxue actually bought so many clothes. Such a big customer, he should get out if he doesn't show up again.

The manager gave me a series of discounts at lightning speed, and finally gave me a diamond VIP Card, claiming that I can enjoy a 40% discount next time with the card. Yinxue is not interested in these, she only cares about her clothes. Without the help of the salesperson at all, she installed all the clothes and stuffed them into the portable storage space. I reluctantly swiped the magic card on the trading machine. Fortunately, there is also a banking system in the game. Otherwise, the money that Yinxue spent on buying these clothes would have to be packed in several boxes even with crystal coins. After all, she took other people’s The building was evacuated. I continue to comfort myself, high level NPC maintenance costs are relatively high, which is also considered one of the maintenance costs.

Since leaving the building, Yinxue has always been more excited. Now no one can think that she is just an NPC, because her dress is more exaggerated than the fashionable female player, no one would have thought that an NPC would be dressed like this.

"Let's go over there." Yinxue pointed to a clothing store not far away and was about to rush in again, so I hurriedly stopped her in fright.

"Stop. Let’s say yes, you can buy clothes, but you can’t book a room."

"Don’t worry! I have already bought most of the styles just now, and every store only needs Just buy a few special styles. Oh, yes, do you know where there are cosmetics here? I heard that the perfumes here are very famous."

"Does the lady want to buy perfume? ?" A French player leaned over from the side. "I recommend you to visit Elana over there. The makeup products over there are very complete."

"Oh, thank you." Yinxue didn't give me a chance to speak at all, and pulled me. Just run. If she is a normal girl, I can still hold her. Unfortunately, she is not a normal girl. I feel like I am being pulled by a locomotive. Whether I cooperate or not, it will not affect her speed at all.

I was dragged into that cosmetics shop. The decoration here is quite elegant, but in my opinion, what they represent is that the goods here are very expensive. I heard a long time ago that French cosmetics have tens of thousands of dollars a bottle, and it is estimated that it will not be much cheaper in the game. Women's desire to buy cosmetics is as uncontrollable as children's desire to buy toys. They only care about what they want to buy. As for the price of this item, that is a question to be considered later.

I have to admit that the boss of this store is very visionary. The middle-aged woman first glanced at Yinxue's clothes, and then discovered my equipment. At that moment, I saw the flash of light in her eyes, and followed her with a passion for 120,000 points. To the Yinxue. Why didn't you pounce on me? Does this need to be asked? There is only one thing for men here-to pay. The people who really want to serve are the ladies.

In addition to knowing that makeup can beautify herself, Yinxue basically doesn't understand anything. The shop owner figured out the situation of Yinxue in a few words, and then began to help Yinxue make up and change the look on the spot. What makes me very depressed is that this store not only sells cosmetics but also does image design, so they not only have cosmetics, but also distributors and various costume artists who can change your look on the spot. Yinxue was addicted to it almost immediately, and a dozen staff members circled around her who was still busy.

The savvy store manager didn’t forget me, and ordered the doorman to move me a sofa and brought me a variety of drinks. There were also a bunch of magazines that men liked. Obviously they had prepared them. . Anyway, I can't walk if Yinxue doesn't enjoy shopping, so I just sit down and continue to study those transport vehicles. During the period, I tried to send ghost worms into the car to detect, but the other party welded the car body like a watertight box, not even a hole was found, and a magic barrier was drawn inside, even the infiltration ability of the Spirit Armor worm Neither works.

Although the other party has sealed the car very tightly, I know that one thing is definitely not tightly sealed. Hooking his finger at the guard next to him, he immediately ran to me and waited for my instructions. "Don't be nervous, you sit down first, I'm bored, and just talk to you."

"Oh." This doorman is just an ordinary NPC employee, and I have a super NPC affinity The degree and the divine might be pressured, so he admires and fears me, and looks particularly submissive.

After he moved a stool and sat down, I asked casually: "How long have you been here?"

"It's been more than half a year."

I am nodded. "Then you just stand at the door and look at the street every day?"

"Most of the time, yes, but sometimes I have to help the store manager deliver the goods."

"That You must be familiar with this street?"

"Of course, do I look at the street most of the day!"

We said that there was a carriage passing by here. , I pretended to be very casual and asked: "By the way, I saw a lot of these carriages along the way. Do you know who they belong to?"

"Oh, you said these carriages Huh? They are the shipping fleet of Chamber of Commerce of Silo. Recently the past few days have been running around, and I don’t know what they are transporting."

"Has this happened before? "

"That's it. Their Chamber of Commerce is not a Great Chamber of Commerce, and their business is not a lot. They have never transported such a large amount of goods."

"That still It's weird! I don't know what they sell that requires so many cars to ship!" I pretended to be talking to myself.

The guard immediately answered: "The Chamber of Commerce is actually mining, mainly dealing in iron ore. You may also know that there are no large iron ore near Paris, and there is not much demand for steel. So their business has not been very good. Recently, I guess it might be because of the discovery of large mineral veins. But it doesn't seem to be right."

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"This thing of steel is mined and smelted outside the city. Buyers will only ship to the city until they place an order at a sales point in the city, but I haven't heard of any major projects recently! Let’s also look at the horses that are pulling carts. There are obviously not many things on the carts. If the carts are full of steel, these horses shouldn’t walk so easily."

"So you don’t know them. What did you pull?"

"I don't know."

I pondered for a moment, and then asked: "Do you know where the office of Chamber of Commerce is? "

"Siluo Chamber of Commerce has only one headquarters in Paris, and the offices are in small cities."

"Headquarters are fine too."

"That place is not easy to find. But if you want to go, you might as well follow the convoy."

Dizzy, I forgot such a simple thing. Of course their team has to go to them, and follow the team to find the headquarters. I rewarded the guard with a crystal coin, and then asked him to go back to his guard. It seems that Yinxue's styling choices are still some time away, and I can't wait that long. Stand up and walk to her, whispered in her ear: "You play with you here first, I'll go out for a while, and I'll be back later."

"Then you have to hurry up. In case I ended up early. How embarrassing it would be if I didn't have the money to pay the bill?"

I wanted to give her the crystal card, but after thinking about it, I didn't give it. I was afraid she would buy the whole street home. "If I don't come back, you will pick it slowly. As long as you don't behave like leaving, they won't ask you for money."

"All right."

< p>After pacifying Yinxue, I left this shop first. Another carriage happened to pass by outside, but I didn't follow it right away. Instead, I found a place where no one was there and changed a set of ordinary equipment before followed along. The magic dragon suit is too eye-catching. It's okay to say in the wild. It's basically a waste of effort to wear it in the city to track.

Carriage can't get up fast in the city, and I follow it slowly like shopping. Now I changed a set of ordinary equipment, It shouldn't be to attract the attention of others.

Without going too far, the carriage left the main road and turned into a side street, and I quickly followed in. Although there are fewer people here, the main road is narrower and more crowded than the main road. Unlike the large shops on both sides of the main road, the shops here are basically small shops, and they sell myriad and everything. I didn't want to go shopping, I just dangled the carriage from a distance.

When the carriage reached the middle of the small street, it suddenly turned into an alley that was only a little wider than the carriage, and there was a car of the same carriage not far from the alley. Opened out of another alley. At the entrance of the alley where the carriage entered, you can see an arrow pointing inward, and the arrow is written with the name of Chamber of Commerce and the main project of Silo. It seems that this is the target location.

I didn't enter the alley right away. Instead, I transferred to the vicinity in the vicinity. By the way, I asked about the situation of the Chamber of Commerce in Siluo. Because of the closeness, the people here obviously know more about Chamber of Commerce than the guard, but they said the situation is similar.

Siluo Chamber of Commerce is just a small Chamber of Commerce, the main business project is an iron ore, and basically sell ore. They also have smelting equipment, but the technology is not very high, and the smelted ones are just basic iron ingots, and they cannot process and produce steel. In addition to this iron ore, they also operate asbestos and sell a small amount of white magic crystal. Based on this information, I have been able to roughly analyze the situation.

The Silo Chamber of Commerce has white magic crystal for sale. Although the quantity is not large, it at least means that they have a magic crystal mine. Since there is a magic crystal mine, it is understandable to dig out a colorful magic crystal. However, the only thing I don’t understand is why they are pulling the colorful magic crystal around and spinning around. Ordinarily, normal people would lock them in a safe, rather than let them appear on the street. No matter how strong the carriage is, people still can't even grab you from the car. Moreover, since we can find the colorful magic crystal inside, it doesn't mean that others can't find it. Reminiscent of the value of this thing, even some large guilds may openly robbery in spite of face. After all, even I have been attracted, and it is estimated that there will be no more people than my appetite.

Walking around the street with these things is obviously intentional to attract people who want these things to come here. But I am surprised that the feeble Silo Chamber of Commerce does not seem to be logical. If they are a powerful Chamber of Commerce, they may be used to attract customers, but they are so weak that even if they are robbed, there is no way for them to do so. Obviously, this reason does not make sense. Unless... I suddenly thought of an unlikely, but now it seems the only reasonable explanation.

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