"Didn't you just use it?" Xiaochun reminded me with a smile.

"I just used it? You mean Yeying’s special ability?"

"Yes. Even Yeying can enter other people’s dreams, so it should also be able to enter the big wheel. Pluto’s. According to my observation, the night shadow’s ability to enter the dream realm depends only on him and is not affected by the willpower of the person who enters it. Therefore, Dalun Pluto is not much better than an ordinary person in protecting his dreams. If we can Entering her dream to find a way to open up the space, you can return to reality and use the same method again to open up her storage space and get what we want."

"Good idea." I Quickly beckoned Ye Ying to come over. "Can you take us into the dream of the Great Wheel Pluto?"

"It can be, but not here."


"Because what enters the dream is your mind, not your body. If I bring you all in, then the outer body will be asleep. If an enemy comes at this time, then you will have nothing to fight back. Power."

"So we need to go to a safe place to enter her dream, right?"


Ling Said to me: "How about we go back to Isengard and search again?"

"That's not necessary." Xiaochun pointed to the hole that just came out. "As long as I find Yinxue and have her to protect our body, it should be safe enough."

"So do it. You guys clean up here first." I walked to the female prisoner who was still in a coma. , And then said to the strong man next to her: "I don't know what your name is after having said this for a long time!"

"Chad. My name is Chad."

"That's good Chad, my name is Purple Moon and I belong to...!"

"I know. You are very famous."

"That's good. Chad, this is a storage ring." I reached out and passed a very ordinary ring. "Although it doesn't look great, its capacity is very large. You can try it with it now."

Chad took the ring at my request, but we took a lot of money Jin just asked him to take that thing. The half-worm’s fingers have very poor elasticity and it is difficult to wear our ring. Fortunately, he has nothing to do with it after wearing it. I told him a simple way to open it, and then Chad opened the storage space connected to the ring as I requested. This storage space is a bit special. It is not a simple black hole, but a gate.

I walked to the door and pushed it open, and four fully armed beauties sprang out immediately. But don't be fooled by their appearance, these all are the fairy-magic hybrid dolls of our guild, which is an improved version of the "Terminator TX series magical doll" that was experimented not long ago.

After seeing me, the four magic puppets quickly put away their weapons, and then stood at attention and saluted. I nodded, then pointed to Chad. "You will be directed by him in the future, but your first task is still to protect the things in this cave. He can enter, but he can't bring others in. If someone forces a breakthrough, and you can't resist it, you have to get in touch with the enemy. The machine detonated here before. Also, if he has anything that needs your assistance, you can send two people to help him without endangering the interests of the guild, but at least two people must be left to protect the item in the cave. He has the right to use the existing things in it, but he cannot bring out or disassemble it. If it is something he brought in, you don’t need to worry about it. It's over."

"Order confirmation." Four magic puppets Salute together.

I turned to Chad and said: "They will be under your command in the future. If someone finds out that you are working for us, you can ask them to help you kill that person, or the task we set you need Helpers can also ask them to help. Now come in with me."

I took Chad into the open door. It's actually a T-shaped cave inside, and the entrance is four or five meters away and it's a horizontal passage. Both ends of this horizontal passage are more than three meters long, and there is a door at each end. I first took Chad to the door on the left. There was an empty room of about 30 square meters. There was nothing but a few boxes of water and food. "Chad, this is a storage area. You can put some things you don't want others to know about here, or use it as a secret room. Now follow me to the other side."

"Wa!" Chad cried as soon as he entered the door on the other side. "What is this?"

"These are your communication tools in the future." I pointed to a row of large instruments by the wall. "That is a crystal resonance communication machine, which can transmit video and sound signals simultaneously. You can use it to get in touch with us at any time. The commands we give you will also be conveyed through it."

"It's amazing Suddenly, Chad found a circular platform on the ground next to him, and immediately curiously asked: "Is this Transmission Formation?"

"This is indeed Transmission Formation, but here is red planet, so it It is temporarily unavailable. If you arrive in Earth, you can use it to transmit to Isengard. But I need to remind you that this Transmission Formation is only valid within the territory of China."

"I understand. "

I pointed to the row of seats by the wall again. "That's where your female bodyguards charge, you must never sit on it, or you will explode."

"I will definitely not approach them."

I nodded: "You can ask them how to operate these instruments, and they will tell you. The main task you are going back now is to collect all kinds of human geography and information about your country and pass it on to us. We will have any other tasks in the future. Notice. You'd better not betray us, because we have recorded what happened today. If you tell others that you are working for us, we are just losing an incompetent spy, and you will be ruined. Do you understand?"


"Very good." I turned around and let Eminis go to the front. "She will copy the memories that were just injected into your girlfriend's mind. You will know that these memories are forged, but it can help you communicate with her, otherwise she will ask about some things you can save. The details of her process, you will be in trouble if you don’t have the line."

"Oh, I understand."

Emmenes walked to Chad and put her hand on him. On the head. "Okay, relax now, don't resist my will, I will help you enter the memory."

A few minutes later, Eminis completed the input of the memory. We faked the scene and brought the unconscious The three super bosses left the scene with the corpse of the killed mantid. In Chad, we did not let him return by himself. Instead, we gave him a script, let him study it, and then explained it to him for a long time. After he fully understood it, we took him back to the passage to Yinxue and those The expert of red planet flies to the place of melee.

Xin Yin let her long spear lean against my flying bird and asked: "What about our mission?"

"Compared with the three of them, which one do you think is more important Some?"

"Of course the three of them."

"So I can only handle them before I can do the task. Don’t worry, your task is just A level six hundred mission. I’m a level one thousand mission. I’m more nervous than you!”

After flying a distance without incident, I summoned Lingling and Xiaochun again, and then let Ye Yue and Ling helped them two make-ups. Not to make them look more beautiful, but to make them a little miserable. Fortunately, I can find all the mess in my Phoenix and Dragon space. We got two big bottles of blood from it and stained Xiaochun and Lingling with blood everywhere. Then we painted ourselves, and then let them both pretend to be injured. It looks very serious, we even faked wounds for them. After seeing that it was almost done, we accelerated and flew forward, while Chad continued to fly slowly on an injured mount. When we reached the place where we surpassed Yinxue before, we saw that Yinxue was still fighting the enemy there. The difference was that several people were already lying on the ground, and the remaining few were almost finished.

Our miserable appearance startled Yinxue. Asuka was flying with a propeller on one side, and there was a sudden black smoke in the back, as if she would fall off at any time. As soon as we saw the open space where Yinxue and them were, we started to slow down. Asuka slammed into the ground in an ugly posture, just like a crash. I turned over with the others, and then I shouted at Yinxue: "Yinxue, don't fight. We snatched them back. Those damn guards are too powerful. We suffered heavy casualties and were almost unable to support them. Live, you send us back!" After I finished speaking, I pretended to be exhausted and fell to the ground. Others also pretended to be dizzy, groaning and moaning.

Yinxue quickly flew in front of us and assumed a guard posture. Those enemies would know that the mission had failed when they saw this situation. Their manpower is simply not enough to snatch the prisoners back from Yinxue's hands, leaving behind will only annihilate the entire army. Just when they were about to leave, Chad rushed out on his mount.

Chad has also been dealt with by us, but he is not in disguise, but is really injured. We made some large and small wounds on his body, one of which was very close to the critical point. Of course, we will not let him die. These wounds look scary, but they are not fatal, and Emenes has put a nerve lock on him, and he will not feel pain until the wound has healed. Of course, on the surface, he still has to pretend to be very painful.

The scarred Chad rushed out holding the body of the dead praying mantis, and leaned in immediately after seeing the others. Chad knelt on the ground immediately and started crying. "Elder, I'm useless! The companions are dead and our guests are taken away. I...I fought with them." Chad said, standing up and rushing towards us again.

Of course, the Elders would not watch him die, they held him together, comforted him and evacuated here with him. When the little beetles I had left in the passage sent back the message that the enemy had gone far, we "seriously wounded" immediately jumped up from the ground.

"The performance is over." I kicked Xinyin, who was still lying on the ground. "Getting up soon, we still have business to do."

Yinxue looked at us in surprise and said: "You all pretend?"

"Of course. Those few Little fellow is not going to make us so miserable, right?" I smiled and said: "The one who rushed out later was a spy who took refuge in us. Playing such a play is nothing more than increasing his status after returning. His status is improved. So, the role of spying on intelligence is even greater. Who would suspect that their hero is our spy?"

"You are really evil."

" This is called mind-playing." I pointed to the three of the Dalun Pluto on the ground and said: "People are here, but things have not been found yet. We estimate that Dalun Pluto may have a portable storage space, and we intend to enter her dream. We are looking for a way to open up the space, but we can’t bring the body in, so we need you to help us protect the Dharma."


"Of course not. We still have to Go back to Earth first, and then just find an uninhabited island. With your battle strength, how many people come should be fine, right?"

"Just don't meet my great character of the same level That’s fine."

"There are only a dozen great characters like you in the world, and we won’t be so coincidental."

"Okay, then we Return now."

We took the prisoners and started walking back, but this damn Underground World was like a maze, and we couldn’t remember the way back until we walked far, so we had to catch it. A local creature led us to find a teleportation point to Earth. The only problem is that this teleportation point is simply not the one we walked when we came.

"Where is this?" Xin Yin looked around and asked.

"I think we are in France." I pointed to a landmark building ahead.

"Eiffel Iron Pagoda?"

"Then what shall we do now?" Yinxue asked me.

"Just go back, Tianyu City also has an exit in France, just use Transmission Scroll."

"I don't think this will work." Yinxue pointed to the person next to him. Three captives suspended in the bubble. This thing was made by Yinxue to help with transportation, and the effect was pretty good. "These three guys are too powerful. Even if they are in a coma, it is not easy to use Transmission Formation to transport them away without their consent."

"Then just fly. Forget it, it’s not far anyway."

"Well then, follow me."

Because I have to take care of Yinxue’s speed, I didn’t ride a bird, and Riding the night shadow. Xinyin still rode his long spear to follow, but the long spear dragged three large bubbles, which contained our prisoners. Yinxue didn't fly by herself, but sat sideways behind me and admired the scenery along the way. Although she ranks among the top three in battle strength in China except for High God, she has never left China before being restricted by the system treaty, so this exotic atmosphere is very attractive to her.

"Ai, Purple Moon, what's that over there?"

"That's a windmill. This is France. There are not too many. If you go to Holland, you can see This thing in a piece."

"The windmill? What an interesting thing. Let me see, you guys fly slowly."

"Hey...!" I haven't It was time to call out that she was gone. "Dizzy! This crazy girl, battle strength is comparable to nuclear weapons, and IQ is still at the level of an adolescent girl!" Xin Yin also laughed helplessly. "Or I'll go there first, I know the location of Tianyu City, It shouldn't be wrong."

I thought about it, and then gave summon all the lucky four dragons out. Think about it. The small dragon female and Xiaofeng also called out. "You protect Xinyin and go to Tianyu City first, and I will catch up with you in a while."

"Don't worry, there will be nothing wrong with our strong lineup."

"I I'm not worried about others attacking you, I'm afraid those three guys will wake up! Forget it, Emiennes will be with you too! Watch more on the road, and if they show signs of waking up, they will immediately make up some Hypnosis Techniques. Yes, just don’t wake them up anyway."

"En, I see."

After explaining them here, I quickly let Ye Ying turn around and fly down, Yin The snow has already flown almost out of sight. Although it couldn't keep up with the speed of Asuka, Yinxue's actual flight speed was not slow. Although she is not the type that relies on speed to eat, she is too strong after all. Even the simplest flying technique can be used with her mana, and the speed will not be too low.

Unfortunately, I underestimated the charm of Yinxue! She was already in trouble when I finally caught up with her. Although Yinxue is the protector of the country, Divine Beast, she was brought back from Great Desolate Era. To this Huahua world, she is still like a child and doesn't understand anything. The worst part is that she is both beautiful and powerful, which means that she has both the conditions and the ability to cause trouble. Just after I explained that the familiars protected Xinyin and the captives and then caught up with them, she had a conflict with others.

"Do you dare to sneak attack me?" Yinxue was pointing at a guy and shouting.

"How can I be willing to sneak attack you? I just want to touch it!" The speaker was an Asian player, but I didn't know which country he was from. There was a large group of white players standing beside this guy, but they seemed to have a very headache.

A white player stood up and said: "Sorry, our friend is a little like fooling around, please don't be offended. We apologize to you on his behalf."

"I...!" Yin When Xue Xue was about to get angry, I was caught by me who fell from the sky.

"Misunderstanding." I pulled Yinxue behind me. "We accept your apology, and this matter will be over."

"Yes, yes, just as he has passed." The other party also hurriedly greeted me politely.

Unfortunately, not everyone is the same. The guy who tried to molest Yinxue jumped out again, pointed to my nose and said: "Why did you brat come out? It's your turn to talk to the beauty?"

" Don't be like this." I haven't spoken yet, the white man who apologized to us before took him aside first, and then turned to apologize quickly: "I'm so sorry, our friend is like this, you don't care. You go first!" < /p>

"Who is your friend with you?" The guy actually thrown off the white people around him, and then pointed at the nose of the white man who apologized to me before and cursed, "You are just my followers. , Clarify your identity? And you." He pointed to my nose again and said: "I..."

The guy's voice suddenly disappeared from our side because of him. The person in has already flew at a speed more than ten times the speed of sound and disappeared. As for the reason... just look at Yinxue's fist and you should be able to understand.

The group of white people were all stupid on the spot, one by one looking at the direction that guy was flying away, after dozens of seconds, they turned back and looked towards Yinxue’s fist and swallowed them together. Drooling.

From the temperament and equipment of these people, I can roughly tell that they are all very capable types, so they should also be able to understand what strength is needed to create the effect of the punch just now. I think this is also It is the reason why they are in a daze. Because they saw a level of power that normal players simply couldn't play.

A warrior professional player paused for a long time before looking at Yinxue and asked: "Thank you, miss, what level are you?"

"Fifteen thousand, there is a problem Is it?" Yinxue's tone was obviously bad.

"No problem, no problem. Since the lady doesn't want to say it, then forget it!" Although Yinxue was telling the truth, these guys obviously thought she was joking. Yinxue's state is not like NPC at all. After all, NPCs are very purposeful in doing things, and they rarely wander around like players, so they all regard Yinxue as a player, and I am less than one of the highest players. Thousands, let alone 15,000, so they all thought Yinxue was talking madly.

"Sorry!" I laughed to them, and then pulled Yinxue back. Yinxue struggled, but it didn't take much effort. At her level, I really don't want to go, and I can't move ten of them. "Okay, okay, don't be angry. I know you are upset, but you are Divine Beast, protect the country, do you want to look like a great character! Don't worry about that kind of garbage."

"But I'm still very angry." Yinxue snorted, then looked around. Suddenly she pointed to the distance and said: "Then you take me over there to play, I will not be angry."

"Over there?" I looked over there, but saw nothing. "What's so fun about the open space over there?"

"I'm talking about a place farther away. Hey, forget it, I'll show it to you." Yinxue suddenly made a face in front of us. The water mirror, and the Eiffel Iron Pagoda is actually displayed inside.

"You are going to Paris to play? But that is the opposite direction to Tianyu City?"

"But you promised me that joining your guild will have a lot of benefits, which is rare for me Isn’t it too much to go sightseeing for the first time abroad?"

"But the Great Wheel Pluto and Heavenspan Cult Lord are over there...Okay, okay!" Yinxue’s expression is getting darker and darker. I'm afraid that she is going to be crazy again, so I had to take her to play first. Anyway, Heavenspan Cult Lord is in our hands. As long as there are no accidents, there will be no big problems.

When I said that I agreed, Yinxue's face immediately turned cloudy and sunny, and it was the type with the sun shining brightly. "Then shall we go?"

"OK." I whistled. "Ye Ying, come down!"

"Finally going back?"

"Not going back, but going to Paris."

"Going to Paris?" Ye Ying was very surprised and asked: "Then why didn't you go just now, causing me to carry you all the way back, and now I have to run back, you can really toss people!"

Ye Ying's mouth was pinched. "Hush...it's not that I want to go back, but Yinxue is going to travel. Just work hard!"

"Yinxue is going? Then there is no way!"

"Damn, you guy is also a bully and afraid of hardship."

"My name is a wise man submits to circumstances."

After Ye Ying landed, I quickly sent Yinxue to it. He touched Ye Ying's back, and then jumped on himself. There was night shadows, and the speed was quite fast, and he soon arrived on the outskirts of Paris. France is one of the major powers in Europe, and Paris is the capital of France. People are naturally indispensable. But today's situation is quite special. I only saw a group of carriages transporting things back and forth to the city along the way, and I don't know what they were loaded, anyway, the number was quite large.

Yinxue is here for sightseeing. Everything here makes her feel curious, but I am different. I have been to Paris in reality and in games, so this place is not new to me. On the contrary, these cars are very interesting to me.

"Let's go there." Yinxue pointed to Eiffel Iron Pagoda and shouted.

"No problem." As I directed Yekage to move towards the Iron Pagoda, I watched the vehicles passing by. Obviously, these vehicles are all from the same guild or the same transportation unit, because their vehicles have the same logo, and even the clothing of the escorts is uniform.

Judging from the car print, the things in these cars are not too heavy, but the strange thing is that the car body is very large. I really can't figure out that there is something very light that needs to be transported by a large sixteen-wheel carriage, which is obviously abnormal. The faintly discernable magical fluctuations that come out from time to time in the car are also very strange. I feel like I have been exposed to this kind of magical fluctuations, and I just can't remember it for a while.

"What do you think?" Yinxue finally found out that I was absent-minded.


"Nothing. You stare at those cars and watch them endlessly? Even if they are pulling colorful magic crystals, you don't have to watch them endlessly, right?"

"What? Is there a colorful magic crystal on it?"

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