The only reasonable explanation I think of is that Chamber of Commerce found a super-large colorful magic crystal vein, but the probability of this explanation is too low. Magic crystal has always been one of the most popular minerals. As one of the top varieties in the magic crystal family, colorful magic crystal has an astronomical value. The colorful magic crystals discovered so far are either accumulated by ancient influences like Dark God Palace, or one or two finished products are occasionally found in a large magic crystal mine. I have not heard of them being discovered in pieces. But since this is a kind of mineral, theoretically, there should be accumulated minerals, but this is a small probability problem. Its nature is like a person walking on the road and being hit by a meteorite. It is theoretically possible, but in fact It almost never happens.

Although the probability of a large colorful magic crystal mine is found to be minimal, we cannot use the result to speculate the probability, because once the result occurs, the probability of this event is either zero or 100%. Maybe Silo Chamber of Commerce really went dogshit luck and bumped into a cash cow.

As long as the biggest problem is solved, the rest will be easier to explain. Silo Chamber of Commerce is a small guild. If the colorful magic crystal is sold publicly, one or two yuan is not a problem, but as long as the quantity is large, it will immediately attract people who covet this than wealth. When the time comes, people will rob it. There is nothing left in the Chamber of Commerce. But if it is not sold, the wealth of such grand competition is also kept there, even if it is risky, it is impossible to sell. Therefore, Chamber of Commerce clearly knows their weakness and the attractiveness of their wealth. They are now inviting partners by doing so.

The incomparable value of these things will inevitably attract a large number of powerful forces or individuals. And they sealed the colorful magic crystal so tightly, they can first exclude some rateless people like Xiaoxiao, because people who can't find the colorful magic crystal in the sealed layers will definitely not be powerful people. And once the people who find the colorful magic crystal have evil intentions, they will definitely attack the convoy. Although the car is also equipped with a colorful magic crystal, it is just one hair from nine oxen compared with the mineral vein, and the loss is not important at all. And Silo Chamber of Commerce can know who can't cooperate from it.

What? You asked the person who robbed the convoy to ask where the Silo Chamber of Commerce minerals came from? It will not succeed at all. The arrangement of such a plan by Chamber of Commerce of Silo has clearly stated that their leader is a very talented person, and they are impossible to publicize such a big thing as a colorful magic crystal vein. If I'm right, there are not too many people who really know that they have dug out the mineral veins, and once someone asks them, these other people will definitely be tight-lipped, and no one will be able to investigate the source of the minerals from them. This is also the reason why Silo Chamber of Commerce does not sell first and then find partners. I think that once the public sale starts, the number of people who know the matter will increase. When the time comes, it will be difficult to seal it. Once people know the location of the mine, it will be completely hopeless.

Based on the above speculation, I also found a possible situation, that is, this colorful magic crystal may not be found in an existing mine. Silo Chamber of Commerce's previous business projects also included white magic crystal, which means that anyone with a little brain should know that they have a white magic crystal mine. When the time comes, check in the past to know if there is a colorful magic crystal. Therefore, this batch of colorful magic crystals was definitely not found in the original mining area, otherwise there is simply no possibility of hiding.

Siluo Chamber of Commerce has spent so much effort and cost in order to attract a person who has integrity and can cooperate with them before huge benefits, but will not embezzle their property. This is really not a small trick. . I believe that if this Boss does business in reality, he should also be able to build a big business.

Since the other party is looking for a partner, then I don’t need to engage in any underground means. I will never do too much for people who are aware of current affairs. as the saying goes Don't hit the smiley person with your hand. The other party made it clear that you want to sell part of the benefits in exchange for protection. If someone clenched the teeth to burn both jade and stone, then it would be a good idea to steal chicken! His reputation was lost, his work was done in vain, and nothing was left in the end. I won't do that stupid thing!

If they want to cooperate, I will cooperate with them. The problem now is to get online with each other as soon as possible. Of course, this is not a difficult task. Anyway, cooperation is just and honorable to tell them that I know them. Whatever is shipped will do. However, it is not suitable to meet with them at the moment. I have to bring Yinxue with me, so that I have enough strength to negotiate terms. After all, people who have no strength to protect such a high-value thing will not worry about it.

I quickly returned to the shop where Yinxue was, and was about to push the door in. Suddenly, I saw a big beauty about to come out through the glass door, and I immediately habitually opened the door and let it aside. The beauty walked past me with twists and turns in a model-like step, and my gaze followed along unconsciously. Her long hair with a slightly wavy waist and fluttered gently with her steps, giving people a very light and elegant feeling. Only a green jewel hairpin was left on that natural and fresh long hair. Apart from this has no decoration at all, but it is this hairpin that pulls out her temperament. If there is no such thing, she will only Left Qingling could not show that trace of nobility.

Looking at her face again, some faint green eyeshadows were spotted on her big eyes, and she deliberately pulled out a curve that goes straight to her temples, which adds to her original noble and light Spiritual Qi quality. These enchanting charms are more attractive and not too promiscuous. Coupled with her long and slightly upturned eyelashes, it shows a kind of intellectual beauty.

The girl’s nose is not very high, but it seems to have been treated with gouache, so she looks very pretty, without spoiling her beauty at all. As for her cheeks, she doesn't seem to be processed at all, but her skin is very good, so she looks pretty even if she doesn't apply powder. The last is her little mouth. The small red lips peculiar to the Orientals are deliberately drawn with an upturned feeling, as if they are asking for a kiss at any time, making people feel the urge to take a bite.

She wears a tight short armor similar to Elf Race style. The green leather breastplate cleverly sets off the curve of the chest, and cleverly inlaid a transparent piece between the breasts. The emerald makes you seem to be able to see through it, but you can't see clearly. This kind of desperate design is simply too appetizing, and the eyes of normal men are almost always attracted to them unconsciously.

There is no girdle under this breastplate. Instead, there is a perfect belly of the girl. Snow-white skin and six exquisite but not prominent abdominal muscles, that natural S-curve is more maddening than any waistband.

A short skirt made up of leaves is hung diagonally below the waist almost to the hip position. Of course, it is not real leaves, but leaves made of leather, which are then strung together in a circle. There are a lot of red rune decorations and some gems embellishment on each leaf, so that the nature of the leaves and the nobleness of gems are perfectly combined together, which is neither too gorgeous nor too local. But I wonder if the length of these "leaves" is too short. With this length, as long as she moves a little bit bigger, she may not be able to cover anything underneath. I really don't know what the designer thinks.

There is no stockings that girls usually like under the skirt, but the girl's own thighs. Her skin is fair and rosy, and she looks like the type of regular exercise and full of elasticity, and there is no excessive accumulation of fat like most girls. Girls like stockings because they can shape their legs, and this lady's legs are already in perfect condition, and wearing a pair of stockings will get in the way.

Go down until the girl’s knees begin to be a pair of crisp green over-the-knee high boots. The style of these boots should also be designed to imitate the type of elf boots, with its front and back parts. They are not the same length, which is the main feature of the elven boots. Slightly different from the usual elf boots, this pair of boots does not completely cover the girl’s calf. Many diamond-shaped gaps are cut out on the leg guards, and then filled with green silk, which adds to the aesthetics. Under the premise, it can also play a role of ventilation, and at the same time greatly reduce the weight of the boots. Although these boots look a lot like Elf Race combat boots, I can tell at a glance that they are just decorations, because no one wears seven-inch high-heeled boots to fight. With the sharpness of the heel of this kind of boots, let alone the humus forest everywhere, even the grass with a little soft soil will sink. It is hard to imagine who can wear this thing to fight.

The girl walked in front of me with a light but charming fragrance, and then continued to walk across the street in that seductive posture. I just watched her and forgot to turn around until the street next to it. I was awakened by a scream. It seems that I was not the only one who was attracted, and the one next to him actually hit the street light pole directly.

I shook my head and laughed, then turned and walked into the store. The shop assistants all looked at me with a smile, but I glanced around suspiciously. "Where is the girl who came with me?"

The clerk didn't answer me, but kept grinning. When I was about to ask another question, I suddenly heard the sound of the door opening behind me. After turning my head, I saw that the beautiful girl who had just walked out came back again. She looked at me with a smile on her face but didn't say a word. She was in a stalemate for about ten seconds. She suddenly laughed out of puchi, and then began to laugh endlessly, even the store clerk followed Laughing endlessly.

"What the hell is going on?" I looked at the pretty girl with question marks, but I quickly noticed some problems. She looks familiar, and the more she looks, the more she feels alike. In the end I couldn't help it anymore, so I had to tentatively asked: "Could you be... Yinxue?"

"hahahaha...Aiya can't stand it anymore!" The girl smiled and clutched her belly. Squatted down. "Hahahaha...didn't expect really lied to you! Have I changed so much?"

"Really you?" My jaw almost fell off and I circled her a few times It was finally determined that she was Yinxue. "Damn, the change is too big, right?"

"Is it really not recognized?" Yinxue asked me excitedly.

"Are you totally two people like this! If I recognize it at a glance, that's a ghost!"

Yinxue turned around in place, Then asked: "How is it? Is it pretty?"

I'm nodded. "But now, as the City Lord, I officially order you not to dress like this and wander the streets of Isengard."

"Why?" Yinxue's face collapsed in an instant.

"Damn, didn't you see the few people who hit the street light poles just now? If you wander around Isengard in this way, wouldn't there be a traffic jam?"

" are so humorous!" Yinxue immediately became happy after hearing that I was joking. "Go back, I must show Bi Ling and the Five Elements and they will slander them."

I also compounded a few words, and then said: "How many things did you buy? We paid to leave. "

The store manager jumped out as soon as he heard that he had to pay, and smiled and handed a bill that was more than three meters long to me. Fortunately, I was mentally prepared before, so I didn't read the content, and I just turned to the end and looked at the total price. Unfortunately, I still underestimated a woman's ability to spend money.

"Are you sure this price is not wrong?" I asked the store manager in surprise.

The store manager said embarrassingly: "I know that this number is indeed a lot, but you should also know that we are the most high-end cosmetics company in Paris, so things are not cheap, besides...!" The store manager did not go on, but showed me the quantity on the bill.

I glanced at the bill, then took a deep breath and took three deep breaths in a row to calm down my emotions. It seems that the store manager can’t really be blamed for this. The price is really high, but it’s not outrageous. The reason why the total amount is so exaggerated is that Yinxue has basically emptied everyone’s warehouse!

"Um... I said Yinxue, did you buy too much? These cosmetics are very economical, and only a little bit each time. This small tube of lipstick can be used for six You don’t need to buy one box at a time, right? And that eye shadow, this small box is enough for you to use for a year, and you won’t be able to empty out other people’s inventory? These items have a shelf life and a long time. I can’t use it anymore."

"It’s okay, I can create a static space, and the shelf life is unlimited for me."

" Then there is no need to buy so much, right? The cosmetics you bought are enough for you to use for at least two thousand years. Isn’t that too much?"

"hmph, I have seen it a long time ago, you are a vampire. Lie to me that your guild’s welfare is good, But I have been working for you since I came, and I have no time at all. If I don’t buy more at once, next time I will decide when I will have a chance to come!"

"Damn, Your vision is really long-term!"

"Then, do you want to buy?" Yinxue's tone was obviously wrong, and it seemed that she was about to lose his head.

"Buy, of course. Although you said I am a vampire, but today I was vomiting blood, okay?"

Yinxue laughed again when she saw me paying , I jumped to my side very intimately and said that she would definitely work hard in the future to ensure that my money was not lost. I didn't take her guarantee seriously, anyway, her temper was like a child, so I definitely can't help it. Today, the money to buy clothes and cosmetics for Yinxue is enough to build two Biling-class battleships. If you let Rose know that she must swallow a quick-acting heart-saving pill!

After paying the money, we left the shop with the manager and all the shop assistants seeing off. The house closed as soon as we were far away. It doesn't work if you don't close the door, the warehouse is emptied, and there is nothing to sell if you want to open the door!

Yinxue kept a high level of excitement all the way, and went everywhere, and because of her behavior, she caused many traffic accidents. It took me a lot of effort to make her quieter, and then solemnly said: "You are almost playing, now you have to do business, you have to keep your state!"

"The state doesn't matter. Anyway, the guys you contacted are all small, I just sneezed it all."

"Please be serious, OK, I'm not going to have the opposite effect on buying so many things for you! "I'm really a little angry this time. I don't care about spending money. In terms of investment, Xiang Lao, a member of Longyuan, is not soft, but it is another matter that there is no productivity when it comes to output.

Yinxue may have also noticed that I was really angry, and immediately jumped to my side and took my arm and said: "Okay, okay, just kidding! You're angry! I'm just because Are you excited about buying so many things! Okay, now I’m calm, and do what you want."

I didn’t answer, and turned around and walked towards the Chamber of Commerce. . Yinxue immediately followed, but this time she was more honest, following me like a bodyguard, but her eyes were not searching for possible enemies, but looking for nearby shops to sell her favorite items.

Siluo Chamber of Commerce is not too far away from us. We soon arrived at the alley I found when I was tracking the carriage. The difference is that it is much more lively now than before. Seven or eight carriages were parked at the entrance of the alley, which made the streets that were not too spacious enough to be blocked. There are also two groups of people around the carriage. One of them is obviously the coachman and the escort. They are currently being violated by another group of people. The two parties seem to be arguing about something. From time to time, there are several people who are just being surrounded. There are too few carriage husbands and guards, and there is no possibility of victory.

"It seems that someone has arrived before us."

Although Yinxue is playing like a child, she is not low in IQ. As soon as I said it, she understood. "We can find that thing, others can also find it, and it’s normal for someone to come to the door."

"Oh, yes, I made an inference based on the investigation. I will not cooperate well.” I quickly told Yinxue my previous inference about Silo's Chamber of Commerce intentions, and she also listened to it.

As soon as I finished talking here, a melee broke out in that alley. The quarrel between the two sides finally escalated into a melee. Based on my observation of the Paris defense forces, the city defense team will not be able to arrive at least half an hour later. If the robbery party is smart, set up interception points on the road and deliberately cause traffic accidents. The incident obstructed the city defense team, and it might even make it impossible for the city guard to arrive for two or three hours.

For this kind of chaos, it is absolutely impossible not to intervene. Since I want to cooperate with Silo Chamber of Commerce, helping them kill the first enemy who covets their wealth is the best cooperation gift. I took Yinxue back out of the street first, and then opened the gate of the earth. Skott laughed as soon as he saw me. "Fighting again?"

I nodded and took him to the alley to show him. "See clearly. The besieged coachmen and bodyguards are the people to protect, and the enemy is the one who attacks them."

"How about the scale? It looks like a city here? Drive or destroy?"


"You can play as you like. Anyway, these people will be our enemies in the future."

"Just agree with me." Skott turned and waved to the back: "None Riding the mount, we are fighting."

The streets in the city are narrow, and riding a mount can't play well, but not riding a mount does not mean not wearing a mount. If it is a general cavalry, the mount is basically useless when not riding, but Qilin warrior is different. The beast itself is also a kind of offensive creature with considerable battle strength, even if it is not riding, it can be used as a battle pet.

Because the roadway is too narrow, my nearly ten thousand soldiers and horses can’t be deployed, so Skye took only five hundred people to rush in. However, in such a narrow place, five hundred people are basically a vast crowd, not to mention that these Qilin warriors all carry mounts, and one person has to occupy a lot of space for two people.

Scott stood in the middle of the alley and pointed at the people over there and shouted: "Leave all the enemies down." The two gangs of people who were fighting in the alley were yelled at once. It attracted attention, but they all thought these were each other's people, so they were all stupid at once.

Skeet didn't care so much, he rushed up with people, and when the two sides came in contact, there was a scream of crying father and mother. The level of Qilin warrior 750 Level 10 is actually not high. At present, most players are in this level area, and there is not much difference between up and down. But Qilin warrior is different from players in two points: First, they are professional soldiers, and their fighting skills are incomparable. Second, they have only mounts to help, and they can also cooperate with their companions to attack. Players are mostly good at doing it alone, at most. Squad is coordinated, and few are good at large corps operations.

The coachman and guard who protected the carriage were no match for each other. When they saw the Qilin warriors rushing up, they thought they were bound to die, so they closed their eyes and squatted down. But after waiting for a while, they didn't feel that they were killed, but heard the sound of melee around them. I opened my eyes and saw that the newly appeared people actually fought with their enemies. Although it is not clear where these reinforcements came from, this does not prevent them from joining the ranks of counterattacks happily.

The equipment of Qilin warrior and Ringtone Knight are very uniform. Although the people of Chamber of Commerce don’t know us, they won’t mistake the enemy, and the people of Chamber of Commerce are all wearing armor. Wear a uniform cover, so it is also easy to distinguish between enemy and friend. Although the cooperation between the two parties was not very good, there were too many people after all, and the other party was quickly put down. Yinxue and I stood still and waited until they finished the fight before coming over.

Although my dragon suit is different from the equipment of Ringtone Knight and Qilin warrior, our main style is similar. Several players among those guards can tell that I am these people. The leader. In "Zero", it is not easy to find uniform equipment, especially combat equipment. Ring tone Knight and Qilin warrior are both unified equipment, which made the guards sure that our strength must be quite terrifying, so we spoke a lot of politeness.

After a brief exchange, I realized that they didn't know what happened. Most of the guards and coachmen who escorted the supplies were NPCs, of which there were only a few players, and they were obviously peripheral players. They were stuck in the alley when they came back from the escort, and they didn't know what happened in the headquarters.

Since it's useless to ask them, I just brought Yinxue in. This place outside cannot be withdrawn temporarily. The enemy may have hurriedly sent someone to supervise the colorful magic crystal after discovering the colorful magic crystal. The large force may simply have not arrived, so there may be a fight here for a while. I thought about it and wanted to get Ling Summon out and let her sit here. Anyway, Ling has a loyal heart and can activate any function instead of me, including summon earth gate and phoenix dragon space. All my familiars plus the remaining Qilin warrior in the Earth Gate should be able to support for a long time. In such a narrow alley, it is impossible for the enemy to swarm all at once, even if there are millions of troops.

After explaining Ling, I and Yinxue entered the alley together. This small alley is very deep, at least two to three hundred meters long. After walking to the end and turning to the right, it is another alley with a length of more than 20 meters. However, this alley is much wider than the part where you entered before, and it seems that it has become a small open space. There are currently three carriages parked here, and some people are still in custody. They should have been detained just like outside. On the side of this alley is a row of gates with the Silo Chamber of Commerce sign hanging on it, but now the people at the door are obviously not from Silo Chamber of Commerce.

As soon as Yinxue and I showed up, they attracted the attention of each other, and a group of people immediately surrounded them. One of the guys stood in front of me. He looked at Yinxue, and then he was stunned for a long time before opening the mouth and said: "Who are you? You are not allowed to enter here, hurry up and leave."

"We are here to discuss business with Chamber of Commerce."

"If we are not discussing business today, something will be changed."

Yinxue snorted and said, "You are not Silk People from Chamber of Commerce, it doesn’t count."

"I said that if you don’t talk about business today, you don’t talk about business. You guys will leave soon."

"Big dog, you Stupid, don't you see that they are here to find the fault?" A red-haired Dame walked out from behind. She walked up to us and looked at us up and down, and then said, "It turns out to be President Purple Moon! No wonder he came in! People outside of us should have been brought down?"

didn 't expect the other party actually knows me, but it saves me a lot of things.

"Since you know me, it is very good." I said very strongly: "You should know that this person can't stop me."

That woman is so I didn't react much to what I said. Instead, the guy who stopped me before took a few steps back somewhat guilty. He was very arrogant when he stopped us before, but now listening to this woman and me, he already knows that he has kicked the iron plate.

"Although we can't stop you, you don't need to be so arrogant." The woman said without retreat: "We are only early men and horses, and the army is still behind. Your demons and summon creatures There are indeed many, but no matter how much it is, you alone are impossible to deal with our guild. As for your guild, it doesn’t seem to be China, right?"

I am not angry, Just continued: "Since we all understand, it will be easy. I want to go in now. You shouldn't be stop it?"

"No, I won't let you in. "The woman drew her sword and stood in front of us.

"Since you know you can't stop it, what are you doing standing there?"

The woman said very firmly: "Unstoppable and unstoppable are two different things."

"I admire you very much." Yinxue walked towards the woman. "Now you can go and die."

The woman saw Yin Xue approaching and immediately slashed her sword, but Yin Xue only slowly stretched out a hand to block her in front of her. Her sword slammed into an invisible force field at the moment before touching Yinxue's palm. Everyone saw a halo of pale-gold rays of light appeared between the two of them, and then the halo. Suddenly contracted to a point, then the woman disappeared, and the player who was standing behind her before was completely dyed red. A large amount of viscous red liquid continued to drip down his body to the ground, completely frightening this guy. He opened his hands and stared at his eyes, first looked back slowly, then looked at the sky, then turned back to look at his body, and finally fainted suddenly.

I didn't say a word, and directly bypassed the fan-shaped bloodstain on the ground and walked towards the gate of Siluo Chamber of Commerce. Yinxue followed her with the hand that took her back. The player in charge of the goalkeeper looked at the blood stains on the ground, and then flashed to the side very cleverly.

The difference in strength may not necessarily determine the victory of the battle, but if it is so high as Yinxue, there is no possibility of failure even if it is a mistake and then a mistake. If it were me, I would be able to bring that woman down within 30 seconds, but that wouldn't make these people run away in fear, because it only shows that my strength is relatively high, which is still within an acceptable range. If Yinxue blasted the opponent into blood in an instant like Yinxue, it was beyond the range of resistance that could be resisted. I believe no one would be willing to fight against such a person.

The two of us wandered into the Chamber of Commerce like a walk, and those who intercepted us were all ten meters away holding weapons against us to form a line of defense. Logically speaking, it seems that we are surrounded, but it seems that those who surround us are more nervous than we are.

I and Yinxue completely treat them as transparent people. Even if there is no Yinxue, I am here as long as I want to come and leave, no one can stop me, and when Yinxue is by my side, I can naturally be more arrogant, and they can't do anything to us anyway.

In the process of moving to the inner courtyard, there were also wizards and archers among the opponents who tried to attack, but the result was that the wizard who was casting the spell suddenly exploded, and the arrows shot by the crossbowmen would People who make a U-turn and hit the archery immediately after flying out sometimes suffer from bad luck to the people next to them.

It was so easy to pass through the outermost buildings, and we easily reached the front of the courtyard behind the building complex. The people here probably already knew the previous situation, and their reaction to us was similar, so they let us through it easily.

Behind the Dao Academy gate is a small French garden, with a fountain in the center, and some plants all around it, which looks quite delicate. We bypassed the fountain and walked directly to the most conspicuous tall building. It is unexpected that such a small Chamber of Commerce actually has a large building, and it must have used some kind of masking magic. When we were outside the yard before, we simply did not see a building that was more than 30 meters high.

As soon as Yinxue and I walked up the steps, before we even touched the gate, the two gates, four or five meters high, were pulled open from the inside. There were many people standing in the door, and the equipment was much better than those outside. Behind these people, there is still a small group of people standing far away from the gate. They are the members of Chamber of Commerce in that way, and those outside who help us open the door should be the same as we do for this colorful magic. The person who came from crystal.

"Didn't expect the president of the Frost Rose League to go all the way to France to play?" A Frenchman standing in the door really said. This man looks about my age, with wavy blond hair and handsome long hair. And this guy has a height that makes me very jealous, he seems to be at least 1.9 meters. Judging from his equipment and his badge, this guy is the leader of the group, but he is not yet the president, because his badge is brighter in color but not three-dimensional.

"Why? Do I need your permission to go somewhere?"

"That's not necessary, but don't forget, this is France."


The meaning of this guy obviously means that he has the final say in France. Even me, the president of China's first guild, must be careful. If in normal times, I would be a little more cautious based on the principle of being careful, but now Yinxue is standing next to me, there is really nothing that can make me feel threatened.

I won't take this guy's words, but I crossed him and looked towards the people behind him in the Chamber of Commerce. "Which is the highest Chief-In-Charge of Silo Chamber of Commerce?"

"It's me." To my surprise, it was a woman who stood out.

"You are the highest Chief-In-Charge of Chamber of Commerce in Silo?"

"Yes." The woman took a step forward: "I am Chamber of Commerce. The president of Commerce."

"That's very good." I walked forward, and Yinxue immediately followed. As soon as I walked into the door, the pesky guy stood in front of me and blocked the way. I gave a step to the left, he also moved a step to the left, I moved a step to the right, and he immediately followed.

Just as I was about to get angry, Yinxue suddenly came over and pushed him aside. "A good dog doesn't stand in the way."

The guy didn't get angry because of it, but was stupid in place. He is a warrior, of course his strength value is not too low, but he was easily pushed aside by a little girl who looked weak and weak. This blow was not small. He felt like he was being pushed away by a bulldozer, and he couldn't stop his body no

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