Mysterious woman moved quickly, and immediately backed out after the knife was bitten off, not staying with me much. She flashed a few meters away and set up a posture before she looked down at her knife, then flicked her hand and threw the broken knife out, then drew a fiery-red Toyo knife from behind.

"The teeth are good." The woman said in Chinese.

"It's not just teeth." I stretched out my right hand, and only heard oh la la, the claws on my wrist popped out again. "Can you let me know your camp?"

"It doesn't belong to you, nor does it belong to them." When the mysterious woman finished speaking, she disappeared in place like lightning, and appeared to me in the next second. Behind. I lifted my hands above my head and caught her blade sharply.

"You are very strong." The mysterious woman quickly drew the knife out, and then slammed my back, but her strength was too small, I was not kicked out, and she Obviously, she didn't want to kick me down, she just wanted to use her strength to bounce back.

Of course, I will not give her a chance to buffer. I started to turn around when she kicked me. Before she landed, I turned around and threw a dart at the same time. Although I don't use this thing frequently, it doesn't mean I don't have darts. The mysterious woman moves very fast. She knocked my darts with a knife while in midair, but this affected her concentration. When the dart was thrown out, I had already removed the ring of commandment, and two and a half months was pressing against the ground and weaving behind her.

After she landed, Banyue finally made a big circle and reached her behind, but when she was about to meet her in two and a half months, she suddenly turned around strangely, and then bent back to do it. An iron bridge. Two and a half months flew past her belly with a slight difference, and they should have cut her in the waist.

"Do you have a lot of weapons?" The mysterious woman said half mockingly.

"I have more than weapons." Just as I finished speaking, a rock splashed under the woman's feet, and countless vines broke through the ground. The mysterious woman jumped back quickly, but the vines chased her without pause, and several vines broke through the soil in front of her to block her. The mysterious woman deftly kicked one of the vines, and then used force to pass between the other two vines. However, just as she flew out of the vines, she suddenly saw a black shadow smashed down. Amidst the chaos, she can only use her sword to block her. With only a sound of metal impact, red's Toyo sword sparks flying in all directions, and a huge force smashed the woman to the ground.

I was surprised that the claw wrapped in eternity could not break her Toyo sword. After being shot down by me, the woman quickly jumped on the ground and changed direction again, but a vine broke through the ground from the place she just borrowed and caught up with her. The legs are tangled up. The mysterious woman slashed towards the vine without panic, only to rub a string of fire stars on the vine. She then found an angel carrying a gorgeous shield standing under the plant, reaching out and pressing on the stem of the plant.

Although the rose vine is not a speed-type plant, at least the response is not slow, and she has no chance to make a second cut. Rose vine wrapped her legs and slammed her up to a height of more than ten meters, and then slammed it down on the ground. The mysterious woman tried to adjust herself face down, then covered her head and face with her hands. Her body suddenly burned with a red flame just before it touched the ground, and then she was smashed into the hard rocky ground with a bang.

Normally, the average person should be dizzy for at least a while after being exposed to this, but she didn't expect that she bounced from the ground again in less than two seconds after landing. With the red flame burning all over her speed, her speed is obviously quite high, and her defensive power has also reached a terrifying level from the point of view just now.

Mysterious woman seemed to be ignited, but he suddenly disappeared in place, then appeared on top of my head, and stabbed me straight. I stepped back a little bit and let her land in front of me. I planned to give her a bit when she fell in front of me, but didn't expect she disappeared again in the air, and then suddenly came out from behind me and stabbed me. Of the heart.

I have a phantom to help monitor the back, there is no visual busy zone, of course it is impossible to be sneak attacked from behind. When she was about to hit me, I suddenly slid a step to the side, and then raised my leg to her waist and made a slash, but when I was about to touch her, she disappeared again, and my legs slammed. It hit the ground with a sound, and the back blade behind the ankle cut a big ditch in the ground.

"This woman will teleport." Xinyin reminded me.

"It's not teleporting, it's Shadow Clone." I said, keeping my alert posture.

"Shadow Clone? You mean the kind of ninjutsu that can create multiple entity Avatars?"

"You watched more cartoons, right? Shadow Clone in "Zero" It is a skill that can create a variety of illusions and coordinate transformations. I have seen Yu Zhe used the same skill before, but it is not as high as her level."

"Practical and deadly."

"Correct. It seems that our little girl is a ninja even though she is dressed very strangely."

"Why?" Xin asked suspiciously.

"Because she knows how to escape from the ground." When I shouted out, I slammed the fingers of the right hand together into a knife, and then slammed it to the ground. The fist wrapped in eternity plunged under the ground with a thud, and then violently pulled outward. With the splashing of the ground rocks, a red silhouette was dragged out of the ground by me.

The mysterious woman whose neck was grabbed by me quickly raised her waist and clamped my arm with her legs, trying to break my arm. as the saying goes Her arms can't twist her thighs. She uses two legs to add the strength of her torso. Most people will indeed be screwed up by her, but I won't. Immediately after she started to work hard, she only heard pu' sound light sound, and then she heard a scream, and her strength was immediately relieved.

She is still hanging on my arm, but her thigh is now piercing a row of sharp blades, and the tip of the knife is still dripping blood. There is a price for holding my arm and hand. The surface of the magic dragon suit is full of retractable blades. When they are all opened, I am like a hedgehog, so it is never a good idea to stick me too close.

Just when I showed her an evil smile, she suddenly disappeared from my hand, and then appeared a few meters away, but she groaned to the ground as soon as she appeared. Her two legs had been drenched with blood and she couldn't stand at all.

I stretched out my arms provocatively, and then only heard oh la la, the blade that had been unfolded was retracted. "It seems that my bauble is quite useful. What do you think?"

"I don't think so much." The mysterious woman suddenly disappeared again, and I was nervously guarded to prevent her from suddenly coming from somewhere again Come out, but after waiting for a long time, there is no movement.

Xin Yin asked quietly: "Did she run away?"

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Two and a half months floating quietly beside me, spinning slowly and steadily. Suddenly, I pointed to a rock violently: "Over there." Two and a half months, like a sudden winding, rushed in a frantic spin, only to see a red shadow flashing out from behind the rock, and then two and a half months later arrived at the same time. , With a loud sound, the stalagmite was broken into three pieces.

The half-moon that took a blow to the air did not immediately return, but chased the woman and flew over, but when they reached the woman’s back, she suddenly flipped backwards, two and a half months from her Drilled under him.

"Half Moon-Flurry Dance." Oh la la said, the two and a half months were divided into three high, middle and low. The sky turned into six and a half moons. They turned almost at the same time, and then they turned towards each other. The woman flew over. I saw that woman violently waved her Toyo sword and danced beside her. From our side, we can only hear the collision of ding ding dong dong and sparks flying around. The woman danced her blade in an airtight manner. All we could see was a group of red clouds flickering constantly.

Strong attacks for more than ten seconds did not work, but it bought me time. Xiaochun and Ling have stood together and prepared their compound magic, I looked towards them, and then nodded. The two of them were nodded together and said they were ready. I snapped my fingers, Ling and Xiaochun pushed forward at the same time, and a ball of light that turned black and white flashed and flew towards the mysterious woman, and at the same time, six and a half moons rushed like a disturbed fly. Disperse, leaving only the woman standing there stupidly. When she noticed the ball of light, it was too late, so she could barely block it with a knife.

The ball of light hit the blade and made a loud noise. We only saw a blue halo burst out, followed by the woman who was blasted out like a cannonball, and then broke. The stalagmite fell into a pile of rubble. A big pothole appeared on the ground where she had just stood, and green smoke was still blowing underneath. The nearby stalagmites and stone pillars were almost all knocked down and shattered, and even the roof of the cave was shaken by the shock wave.

"Bah, baah...!" Xinyin got up from the ground while vomiting the stone in his mouth. "It's a terrible explosion."

"It's nothing." Xiaochun slumped while receiving the staff: "We used to stun several buddhism bosses when launching with full formidable power. It’s absolutely okay to deal with ordinary people."

Ling also smiled and said: "My basic magic attack power is 740,000 points, and Xiaochun has about 600,000 points. The magic just used Darkness. and Light Ming’s rejection reaction, the formidable power in the full formidable power state should be equal to the product of me and Xiaochun’s magical formidable power."

"Seven hundred thousand times six hundred thousand?"

"Otherwise, why do you think we brought down the bosses of Buddhism?"

When Xiaochun and the others were talking, I had already walked up to the pile of gravel, and huge rocks piled up. Together, they were one meter thick, and there was a calf sticking out on the edge of the gravel pile. It seemed that the woman was not buried too deep.

"She is dead now." Jingjing walked to my side and said.

"Why can I still feel the energy change?" Lingling said on the other side.

"Whether you are dead or not, you will know if you dig it out." I went up to grab a stone and threw it back. Jingjing and Lingling also came up to help. The three of us quickly cleared the rock out, and the woman was lying under the rock. I reached out and pulled her out of the stone, her entire breastplate was deflated, and the shoulder pads on her shoulders disappeared. But what surprised me a little was that her knife was totally fine.

I was about to bend down to pick up her knife, but she didn't expect that she opened her eyes suddenly, and then suddenly turned over and jumped out. I just wanted to catch up, but she turned over and hit a wall with her back, and then disappeared directly into the wall. I rushed over and touched the wall to make sure it was an ordinary rock. She should have disappeared into the wall with ninjutsu.

Xin Yin asked carefully: "Is she still here?"

"It should be really gone." I restored my human form, and eternity returned to it. On my hand. "Now is the time to deal with the prisoner."

A total of three alien creatures were captured, as well as the Heavenspan Cult Lord, the Buddhist mysterious person and the Great Wheel Pluto who were in a coma. To be honest, although these three guys are in a coma, I am still very scared. These three guys are three extremely unstable humanoid nuclear bombs. The ghost knows when they will wake up. In case when the time comes and Yinxue hasn’t arrived yet, then the captive relationship between us may be reversed. .

I ignored the three awake prisoners, but first walked to the three unconscious guys. "Ling, do you have hypnotic magic?"

Ling is very smart and immediately understood what I wanted to do. "Do you want me to make sure they enter a deeper coma?"

"Yes, at least we have to hold on until Yinxue catches up, or we get them back to Celestial Court. Don't tell me you can't do it. To."

"In fact, if it is normal, I really can’t do it. This kind of guy’s power is not something I can restrain, but they are now in a coma, so the resistance is almost They are gone. It shouldn’t be a problem to deepen their coma on this basis."

"Then hurry up."

Ling quickly gave them three magical hypnotic enhancements. , And the small dragon female and Emiennes also volunteered to participate. They all have non-brilliant hypnotic techniques. I believe they can make these three captives sleep in Celestial Court.

Taking advantage of their time to deepen hypnosis, I walked up to the three Insect people. The looks of these three guys are really very distinctive. The guy on the far left looks like a big praying mantis, is at least 2.5 meters tall, and his arms are two sickle-like limbs like praying mantises, but he has only two hind legs and stands there like a human being. This guy's triangular head had a mouthpart almost as big as his head, which was obviously very fierce. The captive standing on the other side was shorter in height than the praying mantis, but it was also more than two meters taller than my human form. This guy seems to belong to a certain crustacean Insect. At first glance, it looks very similar to my tank, but the tank still retains the Insect's mode of action, but this guy is standing on his hind legs like a human. Unlike the praying mantis, he has four arms in addition to two legs, two of which are similar to human arms, but the other two seem to be on the sides of the waist. However, although he has more hands, he has fewer fingers. Each hand has only three fingers, and he doesn't look very flexible.

The last prisoner of these two guys is special. She is a female. You can tell this without guessing, because she has the head and body of a human female, the only thing that can be seen is Insect The characteristics of the clan are the huge size and wings behind it. This guy has the same back carapace as the big five big guys, except that the front part has a beautiful female curve. In addition, she is almost three meters tall, much larger than the two males on both sides. It seems that many arthropods are females with larger size, and these Insects may have inherited similar characteristics.

"What's your name?"

"№☆&@……!" The female Insect in the middle immediately replied with a string of words that I could not understand.

I'm not polite at all, I kicked her flying up and broke a stalagmite with a bang, and then there was no sound. Jingjing dragged her back in the past, and I took out a small glass bottle filled with red liquid, then opened the lid and carefully dripped a drop against her leg. As soon as the liquid touched her thigh, she immediately jumped up from the ground, then began to scream and roll all over the floor, and finally hit the ground with her head. Although she succeeded in knocking herself out a few times, she was immediately caught again. I woke up with pain, and then repeatedly tossed for nearly ten minutes before fainting for the Nth time.

I looked towards the other two angry guys, and then very said in a tranquil voice: "I am still very kind and don’t like to abuse prisoners, and I also hope that the prisoners can try their best Now, you see the formidable power of this thing, so it’s better not to have trouble with me. I know you can speak our language, don’t pretend that you don’t understand, otherwise you two will be like her The same."

"You evil fellow, may you be made into winter food by the spider god, and walk through the rest of your life in pain." The big beetle roared at me angrily.

"Many thanks for your blessing, but unfortunately it will not be fulfilled, because your god cannot control me." I shook the bottle of red liquid again, and the two of them immediately Shrink back. "Don't be afraid, this thing does not have any poisonous effect on your body. In fact, it also has the effect of training your willpower. I think both of them are tough guys. Why don't we try to exercise first, maybe it will help us improve our conversation. The efficiency."

The two guys immediately moved back as soon as they heard what I said, but unfortunately they were all tied up, and there was still my pet behind them, and there was no way to escape. "Why? Are you two unwilling to try? This thing really doesn't hurt your body. It's just a nerve anesthetic, but its effect is reverse. It can't relieve the pain, but amplifies the pain indefinitely. Even if yours If your skin is touched, you will also hurt like a broken bone. Of course, your body has not really changed. The pain is the wrong signal conducted by your nervous system. I will not hurt you."

In fact, this red liquid comes from a special plant in our guild, and its extraction method is very special. There are only three players in the Chinese Communist Party who can extract it. It is inspired by the special interrogation medicine "between life and death" for Dragon Yuan. Because international conventions and many humanitarian groups prohibit the torture of prisoners and torture to extract confessions, but the special department of Longyuan often needs torture to extract confessions, so there is this thing. It allows the nerve system to generate pain signals. Its effect can really be said to make people not have the will to live and be unable to ask for death, and it can precisely control the pain scale by controlling the measurement. It is definitely the best way to extract a confession by torture. drug.

Of course, this liquid in the game is impossible and has a component in reality, but its effect is basically the same. The special juice from the magic plant is combined with some witchcraft and magic effects, and its ultimate ability is to make people who encounter it hurt and only want to die to make them happy. Of course, we have not used this thing to deal with players, mainly because the irritation is too strong to cause excessive stimulation to the human brain nerves in reality.

Under my intimidation, the two kept backing away, but they were soon pressed back. I summoned four ringtone knights to help hold down the praying mantis first. This guy looks thin and weak, so I guess it's better to start.

"Hold it down, don't let him move."

"Don't worry, he will never move." The small dragon woman stood aside holding a gem and said: "Two Ten times the Gravity Technique, plus four people, he won’t be caught by us before he can move."

"That’s good." I opened the bottle cap carefully, and then walked to the guy Next to. He saw the bottle in my hand and immediately struggled violently, but he was originally not a power type. With the Gravity Technique of a small dragon woman and the four ringtone Knights, his struggle could only be a slight twist. . "Hehe, don't be afraid, just bear with me. Of course, you can also cooperate with me to answer questions, then we don't need to do willpower training. How about? Are you willing to cooperate?"

"Don't think about it. "

"Aiya, it seems that there are a lot of heroes here! So, our great hero, are you ready to be a hero?" I smiled and put a glass rod into the bottle to dip it. He took a little potion, and then took it out and slowly approached him. Although he struggled very difficult to deal with, it had no effect on me. "I advise you to keep it safe, I just touched it a little, and I won't be very difficult to deal with. If you struggle too hard and knock over the bottle in my other hand, when the time comes Sprinkle the whole bottle on you, then you will really know what it feels like to die alive."

After listening to my words, he really did not dare to struggle too much, but the stick on the other side The drop of liquid on it also made him very scared, so he was still twisting slightly. I carefully dropped the glass rod downward, and then deliberately shook it in front of his face. "Do you think I should point it on your leg? Or should I point it on your arm? Or you can point it on your head, so that it feels more direct."

"No."< /p>

"no no no, I have the final say or not. The decision is yours. If you agree to answer my question, I won't use it to touch you. If you refuse to cooperate, then I can't do anything. "

"No, I can't say! I swear to the insect god."

"Then I can't help it." Then I turned the glass rod to He approached, and finally thought about it, it still clicked on his eyes. Because the optic nerve conducts more signals, the ability of the eye to withstand pain is better than other locations. In other words, the point on the eyes can cause more pain without burning his brain.

Almost as soon as my glass rod touched his eyes, his body slammed upwards, and then his hands broke free of the bell sound, Knight's control painfully covered his left eye . The small dragon woman’s tenfold gravity and the control of the ring tone Knight are totally useless under the arousal of pain. His power increased tenfold in an instant. We simply couldn’t hold him down. Fortunately, I removed the bottle ahead of time. Otherwise, it would be bad luck to knock over the medicine bottle and spill it on yourself!

The scream of this guy is louder than that of the woman just now. It seems that the dots on the eyes are indeed effective. With a wicked smile, I turned my head and looked towards the last remaining big guy, who immediately shuddered.

"Hehe, don't be afraid! I won't eat you again." I took the bottle and walked towards the guy slowly, while his companion was still screaming.

Just when I walked up to this guy to threaten, the guy suddenly shouted: "I said, I will say whatever you ask. Don't touch me with that thing, please."

When he heard that he was willing to cooperate, I immediately smiled and covered the thing. "Finally met someone who understands! Since you are willing to cooperate, then I will save trouble. You see, I also don't want you to suffer such pain, right? Okay, let’s start answering my questions now."

"Wait." The guy suddenly called to stop.

"What are you doing? Want to be a hero again?" As I said, I started to touch the bottle cap again.

"No, it's not." He shook his hand quickly. "I'm willing to say, but I have one more request."

"You don't seem to figure out the situation, do you?" I said slightly displeased.

"I know that captives have no right to impose conditions, but I have to do so."

I thought about it for a moment, and then nodded: "Then you say it first, if If it’s not very troublesome, I will consider it."

"No trouble, no trouble. I hope you can take me away and let me join you. Today I work with you, and I will be in the clan when I go back. People spit on it, so I...!"

"In fact, your request is very easy to solve." I raised my hand and snapped my fingers, and Jingjing immediately walked to the shivering mantis who was kneeling on the ground. Behind him, he violently grabbed the tentacles on his head and pulled his head up, and then used a dagger on his thin neck and violently pulled the guy's screams abruptly. Lingling also walked to the female insect who had been fainting for a long time, and then she raised her sword to stab her.

"Wait." The big guy suddenly stopped us.

"What's the matter with you? Are you afraid that people will look down on you when you go back? This is normal, I can understand, but we don't want to take in traitors, so I won't want you. Anyway, you are here. Three, I killed both of them. After you go back, you can say that you are a hero nine deaths and still alive. No one will doubt you. Not only will you not be cast aside, you can also become a hero and be admired by everyone. Isn’t it better than living with us? Besides, we may still need your help in the future. Don’t you think it’s a good choice to be online with us?"

"no no no, I am not this Meaning." The big guy said anxiously: "She is the one I have a crush on. Although she looks down on me, I still don't want her to die here, so..."

"Really didn't expect you Brat is still a love type. It's easy to handle." I opened up the Phoenix Dragon Space, then called Ye Ying out, and then hooked my finger at Emenes. "I want to introduce you, this is my mount, Ye Ying, his race is...!"

"Nightmare, I know." The big guy said first.

"That's better. Now that you know the nightmare, then you should also understand their abilities. My night shadow is the king of the nightmare, a unique and unmatched super magical variety. He can enter any People who are in a coma or asleep modify their memories in their dreams, they will not be able to distinguish the difference between dreams and reality."

"What do you want him to do?"

"What do you do? Of course you have turned you into her white horse Prince. This Emines is an illusion Goddess and an expert in revising memories. I will let her and Ye Ying work together to revise the memories of the young lady you have a crush on. .When she wakes up, there will be an extra memory of you dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety and rescued him, although this may not make her fall in love with you, but I promise at least she is kind to you Sensitivity will greatly increase. How about? Are you satisfied with this arrangement?"

"Satisfied, satisfied."

"hahahaha, cooperating with me will not make you suffer "I patted his arm and said: "Then now, let them deal with her memory, and you will answer my question."

"Excuse me! As long as I know, I must tell. You."

"Let’s talk about what your forces are like. Are all insect races like you?"

"No, we are from the Black Rock Republic, we There are many races in the country, half-worms are just one of them, and even half-worms are divided into different types. For example, I am a bombshell insect race, and the one you killed is the praying mantis. Yes."

"I can see this. Your racial characteristics are obvious. But, do you have any other races besides half-worms?"

"The race of the Black Rock Republic There are a total of more than three hundred categories, and each sub-category may be as many as tens of thousands, so I don’t know which races there are."

I understand this well, after all. We in China also have fifty-six ethnic groups, and it is estimated that less than half of the natives can recite all the fifty-six ethnic groups. There are tens of thousands of races, and it's normal to not remember them clearly.

"It doesn't matter if you don't remember all of them, as long as you tell me the special races."

"Are you talking about the big clans?"

"No must is a big clan. Some clan members have few people, but those with super strong battle strength or extremely outstanding special abilities are fine."

"Oh, I see. Let’s talk about our country first. Among the few large populations in China, the first is the stone-skin beast."

"Is it the rare beast that often goes to Earth to make trouble and has a stone-like skin?"

" They are called stone-skin beasts, they are numerous, but their battle strength and intelligence are very bad, but they account for almost 95% of the country’s population, so they are a force that cannot be ignored in their country."

"Many people are powerful, I understand. What else are there?"

"We are half-worms. Although the number is not as good as the stone-skin beasts, we are still the second largest race in the country. , It accounts for almost five percent of the country’s population."

"Wait. You make up five percent, and stone-skin beasts make up 95%. No one else in your country?"< /p>

"No. Although there are many other races, the total population of other races besides our two races is not one-thousandth of our half-worm population."

"Not one in a thousand? Is it because there are too many of you or too few of them?"

"There are two reasons! You are from Earth, which is different from our situation, so it’s not good Understand. You may not know how much red planet looks than Earth at worst, but in fact because our Underground World is divided into several layers, our actual living area is much larger than Earth. Therefore, the number of creatures in this planet is far There are more than Earth. In addition, you have more than 100 large and small countries on Earth, but we have only two countries except for some scattered tribes, so the population is very concentrated. Like us, half of the insects only occupy our own country. 5% of the population, but we actually have more than one billion people. Although other races account for only one-thousandth of our population, there are more than one million. It’s not bad for a large population."

"I think I understand the composition of your country. Do you know the special race I just asked about?"

"Of course. Compare There are indeed a few that stand out. One of them is Shadow Demon. They can transform into any thing or the shape of creatures, as long as the size is not too different. They can read your memory and become your closest person. Thus sneak attacking you is a very dangerous race. "

"I think I have seen this race before. How many of them are there? "

"About two hundred people, among the ethnic minorities, the population is relatively large. "

"Are there any other special races?" "

"Yes. For example, Sea Clan. "

"Sea Clan? "I immediately opened the Fenglong Space and summoned Chili and Adyna. "You mean them?" "

"She is like this. "The big guy refers to peppers." Didn't expect Sea Clan by your side. "

"Do you have my clan here?" "Chili curiously asked.

"Yes, but only a few dozen people. Sea Clan's spirit strength field is very powerful, and it can form a powerful protective shield during collective action to block all attacks. "

I started to think about frowned. Red planet actually has Sea Clan, which means that the two planets have the same species. Obviously, it is unlikely that they evolved separately. The only acceptance is migration. . My preferred point of view is that Sea Clan on Earth comes from red planet. After being here for so long, I also have a certain understanding of this place. Many places here indicate that red planet was once a place with abundant water resources. red The red desert on the outer layer of the planet is actually high-iron ore composed of iron oxide, which means that the surface of this planet is all minerals. Generally speaking, such a phenomenon can only happen if the surface of this planet was completely covered by the sea. The pressure of the sea water hardens the earth’s crust and dissolves the metal material in the water so that the metal does not sink into the earth’s core like in a pure terrestrial environment. In this way, it is likely that Sea Clan was a creature of the red planet before, but Later, some immigrated to Earth, and it happened that the environment on Earth was more suitable for their growth, so in the end, the Sea Clan on Earth was more than the Place of Origin here.

"Sea Clan I also understand, is there any other special race? "

"There is one more. "The big guy said: "Although we half-worms and stone-skin orcs have a large population, this country is actually controlled by the brains. The appearance of this race is like a human brain with many tentacles. Their battle strength is basically zero, but they have climax of

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