"This thing is poisonous." Bailang said a little nervously.

He took the fragment and looked at it again. "This thing is really poisonous? I have held it for a long time, but there is no problem!"

"What occupation are you?" Bailang asked.

"Assassin, what's the matter?"

"Of course you are fine, because you are not a mage class. This fragment belongs to a fragment of a very powerful object, itself The energy contained is quite terrifying. If a professional of the legal system carries this thing, its own magic will gradually penetrate and interfere with the magic of the wizard, and eventually the wizard will be assimilated by this thing."

I frowned and said: "You mean this thing is not only poisonous, but also cannibalism?"

"It doesn't have to be cannibalism, but it eats everything. Its magic is its toxin, first Infiltrate, then assimilate, and finally eat away."

"Can the physical combat class use this thing against the wizard?"

"Probably not, because the assimilation of this thing takes time , The time in the battle is not effective. By the way, its assimilation is only more obvious to the wizard, and it is not completely ineffective to the warrior, so you...?"

Heart Yin was taken aback, and quickly threw the thing out.

I looked at the jade on the ground, I know too little about this thing, and it’s really not a good idea to run around rashly. Think about it or release the familiars first, and then let them help me see this thing together, hoping that anyone knows the source of this thing.

Three heads are worthy of Zhuge Liang. Many people make things easier. Yeyue and the small dragon woman agreed that these are the two jade fragments that the Jade Emperor asked me to find, because their energy forms are exactly the same. It is not easy to make mistakes with such a special energy imprint, not to mention so many demon pets. Confirmed this result.

Xin Yin asked us anxiously: "Do you have a way to find the position of the subject through this thing? My mission depends entirely on it."

"My mission You can only rely on it, so don’t worry, I will find a way. Ling, I know that you are an energy expert, is there a way to make a corresponding search instrument?"

" "

Ling pulled out a very uniquely shaped staff from the Fenglong space, but she snatched it away before Xiaochun took it.

"Hey, what are you doing with my divine power?"

"Use it as a detector!" Ling looked at me, meaning that I asked for this method Rod.

Xiaochun looked at me with a little embarrassment, then at the staff in her hand, finally clenched the teeth, and stretched out the staff with her eyes closed. "Take it!"

"Don't worry, it won't break." Ling said very well, but he didn't take the promise just now in his hand. He took the staff as soon as he received it. He took out the dagger he was carrying and began to pry the gems on the top of the staff. Xiaochun looked at Ling's actions and wanted to snatch the staff back, but after looking at me, she stopped again. In the end, she could only chew her mouth to one side and became angry.

Ling carefully pryed off the gem on the top of the staff, and then handed out the gemless end. "Which one of you will install that thing, I am a legal profession and can't touch that thing."

"I'll do it." Xinyin volunteered to go up and pick up the thing and put it on top of the staff. , Didn't expect that the thing just touched the staff and sucked up like a magnet of an iron rod.

Ling took back his staff and looked at it, then nodded. "That's it." As she flicked the fingers, the jade at the top of the staff immediately lit up. "Rose vine, check the brightness, I will rotate it on the spot, you tell us which direction the brightness is the highest." After Ling said, he held the wand and started to rotate slowly on the spot, without using rose vine at all, even us. I can see a more obvious change in brightness, but I can't determine where the brightest point is, but the general direction is not a problem.

Although the rose vine is a demonized plant, it is also a plant after all. It has an extreme sense of light, at least its phototropism is very good. As soon as Ling finished turning, he pointed out the brightest direction with his tentacles.

Ling pointed in that direction and said: "That's where the rest is."

Fortunately, he asked with little confidence: "Are you sure if you can detect this way?"

"It should be very accurate." The speaker was a small dragon female. "Xiaochun’s divine power staff is specially used to identify power attributes, so it is sensitive to the same attribute energy. Now I replaced the light sacred stone used as a benchmark test source with this piece of jade, and the natural searched energy is The energy of jade is the same as the attribute, so It shouldn't be wrong."

"Then we should chase in this direction, right?" Xin Yin suggested.

"It's not that simple." I reminded: "This is the Underground World of Red Planet, not the surface world of our planet. The roads here are actually some complicated underground tunnels, and their directions are completely There is no pattern at all. The road to the left may have an entrance on the right, and the passage on the left may eventually turn back to the right, so it’s not accurate."

"Then what about us Do?" Xinyin asked anxiously.

"At this time, I only believe in one truth-the shortest straight line distance between two points." As I said, I walked to the Trailblazer and patted his shell. "The road after that is up to you, let's start working."

The Trail Blazers raised their head and slammed into the ground. Accompanied by a loud explosion sound, the Trail Blazers plunged their entire head in. After breaking through the hard rocky ground, only a rumbling sound was heard, and the pioneer's huge body began to push underground. I put away most of the magical pets, leaving only the sickle and white waves suitable for tunnel battles, the rose vine who is responsible for cleaning the gravel, and the Ling who is responsible for guiding the way.

It is convenient to have pioneers open the road ahead. We don’t have to consider the tunnel direction at all, just keep going all the way. Rock simply has no effect on it. Today's pioneers are no longer what they used to be. Anything with a hardness lower than steel can easily pass through, even if it encounters hard iron ore. After slowing down, he barely passed through, so there was actually nothing that could stop him.

Every time we advance a certain distance, we stop to make a bigger hole, and then Ling takes the staff to search for the direction again. In fact, this decision is very important. It's not that the hole the Blazers dug is not straight, but the goal is constantly moving. We have always guessed that Xinyin’s piece of jade was probably the pieces that fell from the two pieces that the Jade Emperor asked me to find, and the previous situation has proved that the two pieces of jade are likely to be carried by the Great Wheel of Pluto. . If the experts on the red planet rescued the Great Wheel Pluto, the two pieces of jade will most likely move with them. The disappearance of Yinxue has been proved in May that it was Yinxue who was chasing the enemy, so the enemy could not stop at all, so they could only keep running away. Naturally, the target we detected would not be fixed. With the help of that staff, we can always determine the location of the target, and then correct our digging direction, so as not to go wrong.

When Ling Yuan made a few turns when he stopped to correct the direction for the Nth time, there was no light change on the staff. Ling judged that this position was probably just above the enemy's head or under the feet, so he couldn't find the direction. After a few attempts, we found the location, and the target was directly below us.

Drilling down a hole is actually far more dangerous than drilling up, because you don’t know what's down there. If you suddenly hit a hole, if the speed is too fast, you may fall into it directly. And if you hit upwards, then naturally you don't have to worry about this issue. Another threat comes from the pressure difference underground. It is possible that what you have penetrated is a confined underground space. There may be a lot of poison qi bodies, even ultra-high pressure gas layers or underground rivers. If you break into such a place, the consequences will be very serious. You can imagine how the drill bit feels when an oil well blows out, and you understand our current situation.

However, the target is below us, so we have to brace oneself and drill down. For safety reasons, I let the Blazers spiral downwards, spinning down like a spring, so that if they hit the hole, at least they won’t suddenly fall in or be blown out.

We dropped about five more than a hundred meters at a relatively safe rate, and then the pioneer suddenly stopped because he found that the temperature of the rock formation was rising. The pioneers have been working underground all year round and are very aware of this situation. According to his judgment, there must be a lava river nearby. Although the temperature inside the planet is higher toward the center, this situation is not absolute in the crust. There is no lava in the crust itself, and volcanoes and lava rivers actually come from deeper parts of the mantle. The melted lava is pressed into the cracks in the earth's crust due to pressure, so the temperature of the cracks with lava will be relatively higher than other places. So digging down to the lava does not necessarily mean you have reached the lava layer, but may just hit a lava river, as long as you go around it, it will be fine. The temperature below the lava river is lower than above.

I asked the trailblazers to try to dig down and look at them first, but don’t rush to turn, because some lava rivers are not all lava. You can imagine a very thick water pipe in which the flowing water is lava. Some pipes are filled with water, and such passages are underground lava passages, while there is only a part of water in the pipes, and there may be air in the upper part of the pipe, which is a semi-lava passage. Considering that Yinxue and the others may be in such a semi-lava channel, we can't rashly decide to detour directly, but let the pioneers dig and dig first. The lava river will not appear suddenly, and the temperature will be hot before reaching the real lava, so we don't have to worry about diving into the lava, as long as we feel the temperature is unbearable and then turn around, there is no problem.

At my request, the Blazers drilled down again for a certain distance, and the surrounding rock temperature continued to rise, but it was still within an acceptable range. After advancing about two more than a hundred meters, the Blazers suddenly began to drill laterally and gave us a passage. I saw a round hole appeared at the forefront of the main passage, and light came in from the hole. Even if we haven't left the tunnel dug by the Blazers, we can already feel the pressing heat coming from the front. The terrible high temperature even turned some of the surrounding rocks into dark red. It can be said that the rocks here are already in a state of excess of lava and rocks.

"Good terrifying temperature, Purple Moon, I am losing blood." Xinyin yelled anxiously.

"Is there any mistake, why is your defense so low? The temperature starts to drop at this point, and we haven't entered the lava channel yet!"

"I am an assassin, not a warrior, I can't stand this temperature."

"You insist first." I opened the Fenglong Space, and then dragged a box out of it. I opened the box casually, and Xinyin was silly on the spot, forgetting the high temperature all around. This large box is filled with a box of gems, and the dazzling people's eyes are dizzy. I didn't have time to worry about Xinyin's feelings, and turned inside the box in his surprised eyes. It took a long time to finally pull out a ruby ​​the size of a baby's fist. "Next." I threw the gem out casually.

Xin Yi caught the gem in surprise, and then asked with a trembling voice: "Give it to me?"

I banged and put the box, and then stuffed it back into the Phoenix Dragon space. Turn around to face Xin Yin. "Attention, it is a loan, not a gift. It is public property, which belongs to our guild, not to me personally, so I have the right to use it, but I don't have the ownership."

"There are so many gems in our guild. ?"

"I think you have misunderstood the financial resources of our guild. Note that this box here is just something I brought with me for precaution, not all the gems of the guild. If we The guild only has so few gems, then I should go bankrupt."

"Then how many such gems are there in our guild? Ten boxes? One hundred boxes?"

" I don’t know. Except for my box, they are all scattered. There are almost as many as a small mountain. I have only been to the gem warehouse once. After all, the consumption and collection speed are very fast, and the quantity has been changing. How many, I think It shouldn't be less than 300,000 boxes."


"I mean Ai Singh’s stock is in our guild and is not only one warehouse."

Xin Yin said while putting gems on her body: "I always thought that our guild only had a relatively high output of steel, didn’t. t expect there are so many gem mines."

"You are wrong again. Our guild does not have many gem mines."

"Then these gems...?"

" p>

"The more elegant way of saying is that we used martial power to get it when the owner was unwilling."

"I think I understand!"

"You know the best. By the way, the ruby ​​on your body is worth three thousand crystal coins, so you better be careful. I think that thing is worth at least two months of your salary."

" It’s three months." Xinyin carefully guarded the gem and said: "Don’t worry! Even if I fall into the lava, I won’t let it fall."

"I mean you don’t let it fall. It was broken. It is a Fire Crystal, even if it falls into the lava, it will not burn!"

"I will be careful."

"That's good . Come with me now. With that piece of Fire Crystal protection, as long as you don’t soak in the lava for too long, you won’t be okay."

"Then what do you do?"

I turned and pointed to myself: "Black liquid crystals, fire diamonds, ice diamonds, poison diamonds, I have more equipment than you, you just need to worry about yourself."

" "Xin Yin said that he had turned over and jumped out of the hole. I took back the demons first, leaving only Ling, and then jumped out with Xin Yin.

The temperature outside is at least forty degrees higher than the inside of the cave. If there is no magic protection, we should be well-prepared by now. Although Ling does not have gems, she has loyalty and can share various attributes with me, including anti-Fire Attribute.

We did a test in the lava channel, and the direction pointed out was just in front of us. Obviously we were in the right place. I took the bird out of summon and took Ling to ride up, and Xinyin also mounted her long spear and flew forward along the passage with us. Even if Yinxue and the others are fast, they should not even be able to catch up with Long Spear.

Because of the close distance, Ling no longer needs to hold the staff to try directions. The distance should be very close now. The fragment on the staff has become like an electric light bulb, and it is constantly changing. A kind of rays of light of light purple is projected forward, as if there is a faint connection between it and the main body.

Ling was holding the staff and pointing in the direction, I suddenly pressed Ling on the back of the bird. "Grab." Asuka turned sideways, then played a beautiful roll in the passage, and flew past the stone pillar that suddenly appeared in the middle of the passage. The pillar stood abruptly in the middle of the passage, and there seemed to be a corpse of a strange creature burning in the center. It is estimated that Yinxue used the stone pillar made by Earth Element spell to penetrate an enemy's mount, or it may be the enemy. one.

The temperature here is so high and the body has not been completely burned, indicating that it hasn't been a long time since the incident happened. Otherwise, we should only be able to see the stone pillar of the light tú tú. However, even though we know that the distance is very close, we still dare not accelerate. The stone pillar just now almost killed me. If it weren't for the fact that Asuka was in front, we would definitely not be able to get past it. Xinyin's long spear doesn't have this kind of mobility. Even if we reminded him earlier, he was still reluctant to flash and almost hit the pillar.

When Xin Yin was guilty of the previous thrilling scene, a large stone pillar suddenly appeared again in front of us. This time, the stone pillar was dense and dense. Asuka turned his body sideways and got through it, while the hidden long spear followed us closely, and got through it dangerously.

"Huh, I almost ran into it." Xin Yin said after chasing it.

"You still have us to guide you in the back. I have wiped the stone pillar just now, but it's not heavy."

"What? You wiped it? "

"Don't speak, be careful again!" The stone pillar on the previous section of the road is becoming more and more, and from time to time you can see some strange creatures on the stone pillar. Later, we could even see the remains of several creatures on a pillar, one of which was not even dead.

"It seems we are almost catching up to the goal." Xin Yin said.

Ling said to me: "I am more worried about what to do after catching up."

Ling's words made me and Xinyin stunned. Xinyin's mission prompted me to protect him, but now it seems that his goal is likely to be mixed with Yinxue and the others. Protecting a person in the battlefield of these bosses is not as simple as protecting a person in a monster pile. At least I can block monster, but these bosses move their fingers and I don't even have any scum left!

I haven’t figured out what to do, there was already a rumbling vibration in front of me, and it seemed that there was a feeling of strong energy colliding together, and the sound reverberated in the sealed channel. My ears are tingling.

"There." Xin Yin pointed to the front and cried out.

"I see. Asuka, speed up."

A large group of people are fighting with one person in a clearing that suddenly appeared in front of us, but the form of the battlefield is that one person is great divine Prestige, on the contrary, the side with more people was beaten badly, and there was no chance to fight back at all.

"Yinxue." I yelled and immediately attracted the attention of the crowd.

"Purple Moon? I knew you could catch up." Yinxue spoke very fast, and she was still fighting as she spoke, she didn't mean to stop at all.

"Do you want to help?"

"Here you can't help. Go ahead. Some enemies ran away with the Great Wheel Pluto. These people are blocking here. I won't be able to get there for a while, you chase them quickly and don't let them run away."

"Then you are careful." I patted the bird, and the bird immediately speeded up and rushed out. Xin Yin looked at Yinxue who was fighting and followed him. Those who were fighting with Yinxue wanted to stop us, but Yinxue had already done it alone, they were in a mess, and they couldn't control us at all.

In fact, it didn't take long for Yinxue to be blocked, so the enemy in front didn't run far, and we quickly caught up with the group of people.

"Ling, you first go back to Fenglong Space." It's about to fight, and bringing two people will affect Asuka's flexibility.

Ling obediently entered the Phoenix Dragon Space, while Fei Niao led me to catch up quickly. The enemy has found us, but their speed is not as fast as ours. They still hold people in their hands, and even faster does not raise. Asuka quickly got close to the last enemy, and then several bone wings on his body suddenly opened. Our speed suddenly slowed down, and at the same time two sparkling air clusters appeared on the heels of the birds' wings. Hearing a very harsh blast, the two air masses flew out together. The enemy in front didn't even realize what happened and was hit. Together with his mount, he turned a few somersaults in the air, and then slammed into the bones that were thrown by the cave wall next to him. Any collision at this high speed is fatal, and Asuka's sound pressure weapon is just the best weapon to interfere with flight.

Asuka's speed dropped a little due to the attack just now, Xinyin immediately rode a long spear over from our side, and then launched a sound pressure bomb just like us, and successfully shot down again. An enemy.

After we went back and forth several times in a row and almost killed seven or eight enemies, the enemies fleeing in front finally started to slow down and prepare to fight back. at first They thought that it would be successful if they took people away, but then they suddenly realized that air combat was not our opponent at all, so we would only be shot down one by one when we run. It is better to take advantage of the total battle strength to surpass us. Stop and beat us down. Of course, they have to take a big risk in making such a decision, because the super expert Yinxue is still behind. If the people they left before can't stop Yinxue and let her rush over, then none of these people will be allowed. Want to run away.

The passage in front was suddenly divided into two, one downward and the other upward, all the lava flowed out along the downward passage, while the upward passage did not contain a drop of lava. The enemies all entered the upward passage, leaving 2/3/2021 people to intercept at the entrance of the cave, while the rest continued to run upward with the Great Wheel of Pluto.

Although the remaining people accounted for 2/3/2021, the other party has left the most powerful people in order to intercept Yinxue. Now the remaining people are not very difficult to deal with. Besides, there are only two dozen enemies left, and 2/3/2021 is nothing more than a dozen.

"→※△☆……" The other party yelled out a language that I didn't understand at all, but I could guess what it meant. Sure enough, after I got closer, a dense magic missile flew towards me.

"Pay attention to dodge." Asuka made a rapid roll, and then a reverse roll, dodge the first batch of magic missiles dangerously, but just after we dodge these magic missiles , After entering, I saw a spider web flashing red light flying towards us. Asuka and I plunged into the net, and were instantly entangled in a ball. Fortunately, the flying birds fly by jets. Limited wings will only affect their flexibility and will not lose power immediately, so we spotted an enemy and ran into it before landing.

The flying bird belongs to the evolutionary type of long spear. Its real head is actually behind the body, and the triangular pyramid in front is a highly hardened bone spur evolved from the cudal vertebrae. At this speed, this bone spur with a piercing attribute, its destructive power is quite amazing. Asuka slammed into the enemy, then inserted it into the opposite direction in an instant, and then slammed into the side wall using his corpse as a landing pad. Although the fall hurts, there is still a cushion to cushion me, so that it won't hurt me. However, Xinyin is much more miserable. He was also caught by the magic net behind after the first wave of magic missiles. It is a pity that his long spear is not as good as my flying bird skills, so he can only come. After a hard landing, he almost fell into a meatloaf.

Seeing us fall, the enemy immediately surrounded me, but before they started attacking, I heard a tearing sound, and the net wrapped around me instantly all split up and in pieces, Fragments are flying everywhere. However, I did not launch an attack immediately because I discovered that the enemies were not all native creatures of Red Planet. There were actually three players among them, and one of them was obviously Japanese.

"Go together, he is not your opponent." The professional ninja player pointed at me and shouted, and the surrounding native creatures screamed and rushed up. These monsters all have a human-like appearance, but they look more like Insects walking upright.

A long locust-like monster suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a spit of purple red liquid. I hurriedly walked to the side, and at the same time opened the Phoenix Dragon space under the bird to make him fall. Go in. The liquid fell to the ground at the moment the Fenglong space was closed, and the green smoke on the ground immediately burned, which was obviously very corrosive.

"Boss, help!" Xinyin's cry for help suddenly appeared on my side. He obviously failed to open the net, and he is still struggling inside.

I glanced at him, and an enemy was walking towards him. With him in the net, the enemy would be able to deal with him with a single blow. Surrounded by the enemy, I couldn't make it through, so in desperation, I raised my hand and threw the eternal dart over.

The sharp eternity flies directly to the enemy who is walking towards the hidden heart. The other party also not an ordinary person, suddenly turned around and blocked it with a grotesquely shaped weapon in his hand. Unfortunately, he miscalculated the eternal sharpness , The barrier had no effect, Eternal directly cut off his weapon and split him in half, then inserted it straight into the rock wall, leaving only half of the hilt outside.

Xin Yin is not stupid, and immediately retracts her long spear to make room for herself, then jumps up and pulls out the sword to the magic net and pays it hard, just listening to the moment of the magic net bursting collapse. Holding the sword dao with excitement: "It's really a good sword."

"You have time to sigh, why not return the sword to me first." At this time, I was holding the enemy's weapon with both hands and claws. It is really inconvenient to not have eternity.

"Catch it." Xinyin yelled and threw the sword back to me. The enemy wanted to intercept, but didn’t expect Eternal to change shape in midair and become a rotating knife wheel. The person who wanted to intercept was pierced by the knife wheel, and his head didn’t get off his body until I caught Eternal. Slipped down.

"Be careful with yourself." After reminding Xinyin, I teleported directly out of the crowd through the phantom. Before the other party could react, I instantly entered the werewolf mode. Eternity quickly melted in my hands and followed me. The hand flows to my teeth and claws to form a new protective layer, so that my teeth, sharp claws on my hands and the claws on my arms have eternal destructive power.

The Japanese player obviously knows the eternal characteristics. After seeing my changes, he immediately pointed to me and cried out. "Beware of his claws, your weapons can't stop it."

"Neither does my sickle?" A native creature that looks like a big praying mantis actually spoke in Japanese, and at the same time demonstrated He waved the sickle on his arm.

"Of course not." The Japanese ninja reminded: "His eternity is a multi-Divine Item fusion, and with the Divine Item destruction attribute, any weapon and it will be damaged."


"Then how do we touch him?"

"Dodge his weapon and use neutral to attack."

"This is easy." Big praying mantis replied. Just rushed up.

"No, be careful that he is fast." The Japanese ninja's reminder was not over. The guy hit me before, but contrary to his self-confidence, I was much faster than him, but This guy is very lucky because there are more of them. I just cut off this guy's arm, and a sledgehammer next to it has already been smashed down. If I continue to attack, I must be prepared to take a hard hammer.

"Bannon Songlan, harmonious body mode, increased power." I suddenly turned around, raising my hands and accurately catching the hammer that hit my head. The opponent was a worm-shaped creature that looked very strong, but at this time he was looking at his hammer in surprise. This guy also tried to press the hammer down, but it didn't work at all.

I grabbed the hammer with a violent force, and the guy immediately lifted his feet off the ground by the hammer, but I didn’t have time to do anything. There were already several weapons next to me. Stabbed, I had to throw this guy out as a weapon.

"We are crowded, let's go together." A native creature yelled, but he obviously yelled the wrong content.

"Are you really sure that you are crowded?" In the sound of my smile, Fenglong Space has opened silently behind me, and Ling is standing at the door with his staff smiling Looking towards the enemy in front. I waved my hands forward: "Throw them down the Lava River."

"My favorite sport." Lucky smiled and rushed up. Black Dragon is not afraid of Lava anyway.

The passage itself is not too wide. Fortunately, such a large body rushed past the enemy and there was no place to flash. As a result, most of the people were brought down the Lava River by the lucky. After being lucky, there was no reaction at all, but the guys he took along to withdraw instantly disappeared in the lava. Those who were lucky enough to dodge the attack were not much better than their companions. Ye Yue took the lead and rushed into the crowd, slashing all the enemies to the ground.

"It seems that these people are much weaker than expected." Lucky climbed up from the lava and said.

"Experts are all on Yinxue's side. These are just the porters brought by the other party." I said this is not humility, but fact. The other party wanted to save the Great Wheel of Pluto, but he couldn't get past Yinxue, so he had to leave some people to hold Yinxue. The guys we killed couldn't even beat us, let alone Yinxue. Maybe they are very strong monsters in front of the ordinary person, but they are still too far behind to block Yinxue, so the ones that are really left are the experts. These are just porters who beat each other.

Xin Yin came over from the front and asked: "Are we going to chase?"

"Of course." I beckoned the demons to return to the Phoenix Dragon Space, and then turned over. Jump on the Asuka and continue to chase.

These enemies didn't delay us for a long time, and soon we caught up with the enemy team again. This time I saw it thoroughly. In addition to Heavenspan Cult Lord, Great Wheel Pluto and the Buddhism guy, there are 13 individuals in this group of enemies, but six of them are probably just mounts, but they are all alien creatures, so I am not sure about them either. Is it an enemy combatant?

Seeing that we were catching up again, the enemy was shocked. The people they didn't expect left behind were completely useless. Heavenspan Cult Lord and Dalun Pluto are all in a coma, and they seem to be seriously injured, so they can't help them temporarily. The remaining enemies have already split some people and tried to resist us, so they know that even if some people are split, they won't be able to stop us, but they are less opponents than speed.

Although the weird flying creatures riding under these guys look strange, they still fly by flapping their wings. Therefore, they are absolutely impossible faster than the jet-propelled long spear and Asuka.

"Xin Yin, you are responsible for the one on the left, and I will deal with the right." I turned my head and reminded.

"Understand." The long spear under the heart invisibility began to move to the left, and my flying bird began to move to the right. Although the enemy tried to speed up the separation, the distance was getting closer. Xinyin took the lead in attacking. An enemy hit the wall of the cave and turned into a pile of rotten meat. Asuka immediately fired two bombs and knocked down the two enemies. There are four alien creatures and Heavenspan Cult Lord on the remaining three mounts. They are all overloaded, and their speed and mobility are not as good as their companion

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