The patriarch suddenly jumped up, judging from his movement trajectory that his target should be the head of the tank, I suddenly thought of the parasitic ability of the parasitic race and instantly understood his intentions .

I slapped the tank and shouted: "Don't let him touch you."

The mouthparts of the tank's erection suddenly separated to both sides, and a tube protruded from it, and then Seeing a cloud of fire in the sky completely enveloped the patriarch in an instant.

"patriarch...!" There was a shout from the parasites, but unexpectedly their patriarch was okay. The flame was violently bounced off, and the guy fell directly on top of the tank.

I unfolded the Phoenix Dragon space and pointed to the tank’s back: "Go up."

Ye Yue jumped out of the Phoenix Dragon space and turned on the back of the tank, and then I quickly moved to the head of the tank, and the sickle was released by me. Although it can be regarded as a large monster, the size of the sickle is much smaller than that of the tank. A spider silk spouted from the mouth of the tank and successfully attached to the top of the cave. Following the sickle, it swung on the back of the tank like a swing and rushed forward quickly.

The patriarch of the parasitic race wants to invade the body of the tank as soon as it falls on the head of the tank, but just like the information that Rose asked before, the parasitism of the parasitic race is very risky, and it is best Don't attack creatures with companions, because the parasitic process will be interrupted by companions. The patriarch of the parasitic race saw a snake sword flying straight towards him as soon as he wanted to parasitize. He lifted the sword subconsciously without even thinking about it. He didn't realize that the sword is as powerful as mountains burst and ground split. Not only did he shatter his knife on the spot, he even knocked his man off the head of the tank.

The tank didn’t care about the martial arts, before the opponent landed, he stood up suddenly, two huge forelimbs slammed in front of him, and the patriarch of the parasitic race was located between the two giant hammers. . peng sound The blood spurted several feet away, and the parasitic people were all stupid. They didn't expect their own patriarch to be beaten in just one shot. Skeleton doesn't exist.

"What have you done?" the old witch cried out sadly.

I followed Ye Yue onto the top of the tank and pointed at the old witch and shouted: "Tank, kill her."

With a click, the tank’s long legs quickly inserted all around. The magic crystal cannon on the back flashed in the direction of the old witch, and a purple shell flew out. The old witch immediately took out the skeleton he had stolen before and lifted it forward, trying to block the magic crystal shell, but this Destined to be meaningless behavior. With a bang, the passage was swept away by the terrifying blast. The people around the old witch disappeared in place with her instantly, while the people standing far away were instantly blown away by the blast.

The parasitic ability of the parasitic race is indeed very strong, but they are actually not very good before the mount and body. According to my idea, if there is a super capture team with their parasitic ability, it will not take long to build a very powerful super team, but they do not have such a capture team, so their mounts are very ordinary. This makes their parasitic abilities not fully functional, and therefore greatly reduces their battle strength. Originally, if they cooperated with us, I could arrange a super capture team for them, but unfortunately... it's too late now.

The gate of the earth opened in front of me. I waved forward with disappointment. Qilin warrior immediately swarmed out. The parasitic tribesmen who had just been blown out by the blast were attacked before they were relieved. Massacre of Qilin warrior. Since coexistence is no longer possible, I will definitely not have any hesitation. Treat the enemy as cold as a severe winter, otherwise you can only suffer.

The massacre went very smoothly, mainly due to the location of our station. The parasitic mounts that the parasites are proud of are all blocked by us, so the parasitic races without mounts have almost no resistance. Of course, it is not that we have not tried to leave some surrender, but it is a pity that the bravery of this race is really depressing, and even a three-year-old child is not willing to surrender. Qilin warrior has always had no sympathy, so the brutal massacre was carried out very thoroughly. Afterwards, we searched the entire village, but did not find any records of fusion. It seems that this magic is destined to disappear!

Just as I was very depressed and ready to summon everyone to leave, a Qilin warrior suddenly ran over to report: "Master, we found a member of a parasitic clan in prison in front of us."

"Take me to see." The imprisoned member means that he is likely to be at odds with the members outside, and it also means that we are likely to be able to get the fusion technique we want out of his mouth. .

We came to the outside of a cave at the back of the village. There was a wooden fence at the entrance of the cave, and the parasitic clan who was imprisoned was inside. I walked to the fence and looked inside. I saw a very tattered parasitic tribe man curled up in the darkest foot of the cave, but since he curled up into a ball, I could see that his height was quite amazing. The height of ordinary parasitic men is generally between 2.2 meters and 2.5 meters, and this guy is at least three meters tall. Sitting on the ground, he is almost as tall as me.

"Hey, who you are?" I asked the guy, but I didn't get any answer.

Rose came over and looked inside, then reached out to the wooden pillar patted by the door. "It seems that he stayed here voluntarily."

"How do you know?" asked Maye who had just come here.

"Because as long as he wants to leave, this wooden fence can't keep him shut." Xinyin continued.

"I don't think it is necessary." Everyone looked at me together, obviously waiting for my answer. "Because of this." I picked up a stone and threw it inside, but as soon as the stone passed through the wooden fence, it hit a light curtain that suddenly lit up and bounced back.

"Magic barrier?" Rose meditated for a moment: "I think I know why he didn't answer us badly."

"I know too." I stepped forward to grab Staying in the wooden fence, and then said to them: "You give me a little bit." After they let go, I yanked outwards, and with a bang, I dragged the fence out of the hole. I just threw the fence aside, I always went to the edge of the hole again, and then inserted the eternal fiercely into the wall, and then pried it out, only to hear a thump, and a crystal fell to the ground.

The guy who had stayed at the bottom of the hole without moving, suddenly turned his head and looked at us when the crystal fell out, and then he stood up abruptly. It was completely different from the previous performance. Instead of ignoring us this time, he took the initiative to ask. "Who are you?"

"Let’s talk about who you are first?" Rose asked: "Your people use this one-way light-transmitting protective Formation to seal you here because What's the reason?"

"I'm simply not from here."

Xin Yin retorted: "You are obviously a parasitic race, so you actually said that you are not from here?"


The people of this parasitic race immediately sneered: "You are all humans, do you all live together?"

"This...!" Xin Yin was choked and had nothing to say.

"Are you a member of another tribe?" I asked.

The other party is nodded. "I am Dama of the Dadanis tribe. I was arrested during the last tribe fight."

"Then Dama, since you are also a parasitic tribe, should you also have a mount? "

"Correct, I am not called Dama. Dama is the title. Only the most powerful youth in the clan can get this Dama. My people call me Dama, but you are A foreigner, I should call my name "Ha"."

"Single-syllable name?" Rose quickly stuck to my ear whispered: "This guy may have a very high status in the clan, talk to him Make a good relationship."

I nodded, and then said to Hardy: "We just wiped out this tribe. You, as their captive, naturally turned into our captive, but we didn’t want to capture you, so you were Released."

"I knew you would say that." Ha said to me: "The woman next to you is very beautiful, but it's a pity that she has a terrifying heart like magic."

I smiled and took Rose's shoulders and kissed her on the forehead. "Thank you for your reminder, but this is what makes her cute." Ha obviously didn't expect me to react like this, but I didn't wait for him to respond and continued: "By the way, spying on someone else's The mind is not a civilized move."

Ha stared at me with suspicious eyes for a while, and then shook the head: "I can't understand your thoughts!"

< p>Of course he can't understand my thoughts. Rose has never been a good girl in the traditional sense, but this is exactly where I am fascinated by her. Although in the eyes of most people, Rose has a beautiful appearance and elegant temperament, but in fact she is a very scary woman. At least "Zero"'s destructive economic model and the current Japanese strategy changed by Longyuan have her participation, and Rose has no less than mine accomplishments in swindle. Maybe the silly hu hu woman with angel character in the traditional knowledge is a good woman, but for people like me, those advantages have become disadvantages. My identity determines that I have to often come into contact with something that can be called inhuman, and at this time kind angels can only hold me back, so I would rather be company with the devil. Besides, Rose's demon character is only aimed at others, she is at best a little fairy in front of me.

Rose said to Hardy: "You can’t understand his behavior because you don’t know who he is, but it has nothing to do with you. In view of your slander on me just now, and your attempt to destroy The relationship between my husband and I, I don’t think unconditional release is suitable for you.” Seeing the other side’s guarded look, Rose added: “By the way, you put this pose in addition to increasing our Your disgust is meaningless. You are a captive of this tribe. This shows that you are not their opponent, and we have killed everyone in this tribe, so the gap between you and us will only be greater. I don’t want to die. It’s better to be honest."

"Are you threatening me?"

"Whatever you think, what we need now is your parasitic fusion technique. If you can provide this technology, you will still have the value of living, otherwise we don’t mind adding one more person to the quota of slaughter village."

The devil character of Rose is really very useful. At least no one can play any tricks under her, because few people dare to stake their lives. Ha thought for a while, and finally succumbed to our pressure and had to nodded to agree to our request.

"I can hand over the parasitic fusion technique to you, but I also have the conditions." Although Ha agreed to hand over the technology, he did not intend to give it away.

Rose responded quickly and said: "Do you think you are qualified to negotiate terms with us?"

"I know I am in a passive position now, but if my conditions are not good enough When I'm satisfied, I'd rather die."

We didn't expect this guy to be so determined, but after thinking about it, we are still nodded. Rose opened the mouth and said: "Theoretically, you are not qualified to negotiate terms with us now, but since you have said so, we can also listen to it. But I want to tell you that this is not a formal negotiation, we Just listen to it, whether you will agree is not certain."

Ha nodded said that he understood, and then opened the mouth and said: "The first condition..."

"Slowly "I interrupted him. "The first condition, how many conditions do you have? Have you figured out the situation?"

"I only have three conditions. Although it seems unreasonable, they are necessary conditions. If If you don’t agree, I will never tell you."

Rose pulled me a bit, and then said: "Well then! You can talk about it first."

Ha nodded continued: "First, after you learn it, you cannot use fusion to deal with our tribe, either directly or indirectly."

After hearing this, Rose immediately said: "We can guarantee not to take the initiative Use this technology to fight against your tribe, but if you attack us first, then we will not be polite with you. In addition, if you join our hostile forces, then we do not guarantee whether we will do our best to deal with you."< /p>

Ha nodded said: "Naturally, we will not directly attack you. As for joining your hostile forces, I would like to add a premise to this article. If we join you without knowing it Hostile forces, you have to give us time to withdraw after we know it. You can't deal with us right away."

Rose thought about it and thought that this was reasonable, so nodded accepted this condition. "You can talk about the other two."

"Second, fusion can be taught to you, but you cannot teach it to other people's individuals or groups in any form."

Ha’s request is also equivalent to selling the right to use the patent. We can all understand this, so there is no argument. "Okay, we can agree to this."

After hearing our agreement, Ha continued: "The last condition. Our fusion technique belongs to all parasitic races. I can’t do it personally. I will give it to you if my life is safe, so you need to pay us a little revenge."

Rose became a little angry when she heard the reward. "Although your statement is friendly, it is not reasonable. The current situation is that we have the absolute initiative, and you are still negotiating a deal with us?"

"I said, this is not me One person’s fusion technique is not good, I can’t give it to you."

"Then tell me what good you want?" When I spoke, Rose deliberately pretended to be blocked but was blocked by me. The appearance of coming down, in fact, we are just singing double reeds. This can make the other party think that we are already reluctant to negotiate terms, and in this case he dare not make exaggerated demands.

Halle thought for a moment and said: "Thirty top mounts."

"Do you have a brain?" Rose scolded angrily.

I stopped Rose, and frowned said, "There are all the mounts of this tribe in the cave behind us. How about using them to compensate? Although there are no superb ones, they are better than enough. You should not You suffer."

"No, must be the best, we can catch ordinary mounts by ourselves. It is of no value at all."

Rose evil fiercely said: "Don't be too unsatisfied."< /p>

Ha is obviously very afraid of roses. Their parasitic races have a bit of thinking and peeping ability, but they are limited to the situation when the enemy is unprepared. He had seen Rose’s mind before, so he said that Rose’s mind is terrifying. Now obviously he can't see Rose's thoughts, but he can still feel the general emotions. Coupled with the rose's heart he felt before, he naturally thought that rose was a very dangerous woman, so even though rose looked beautiful, she seemed to him to be terrifying more than anything.

I saw that Ha was already a little retreat, and immediately added: "Thirty heads are too exaggerated. Three heads can still be considered."

Rose and I cooperated. It was in place, and immediately yelled: "Don't give it to them at all, grab him back to his tribe, ask one by one, kill if you don't tell, there will always be people who are timid and fearful will confess."

The double reeds of Rose and I made Ha very nervous. His eyes moved back and forth on our faces for a long time before he finally had to nodded and said: "Three is three, but must is the best."

"No problem." I extended a right hand to him: "Happy cooperation."

"Cooperation happy."

Being in a semi-primordial society, it is relatively simple. Once the agreement is reached, there is no longer any sense of resistance. The content of the fusion technique was taught by Ha to the people who came to us. After we return, we can send these things to the Isengard Temple University and the library. The biggest function of these two functional buildings is to allow players to teach and learn from each other. There are no special skills required. The players in this guild have a lot of fancy skills, all thanks to these two buildings.

After learning the skills, it is time to fulfill the agreement. With the protection of the system agreement, we don't dare to deny the account, but I don't need to personally do this kind of thing. The title of the first guild was not supported by me alone. It also has the credit of our guild’s experts. This kind of mount hunting work called several experts to form a capture team and it’s OK. Don't worry about me.

After dealing with things here, we also started to part ways. May received the stealth attribute in his mission, but it was safer to act alone, so he left us to do the mission alone. After all, Rose is the backbone of the guild, and it is okay to take someone out of the rescue yard. After bidding farewell to me temporarily, I returned to Isengard with the reinforcements from the guild. In the end, there was only one Heart Hidden who stayed by my side. He took that quest and my Thousand Opportunity Advancement quest was tied together, and he couldn't leave anymore. Another problem is that the missing Yinxue still has no news. Wuyue had always been tasked with leading me the way, but just now, he suddenly lost contact with his Familiar. According to him, this happens only when the familiar is killed. It will not take long for the demon pet to be resurrected after death. It is nothing more than losing Level 1. The loss in May is not big. The problem is that I have completely lost the clue on my side. I can only do the task of Xinyin first, maybe in the process. There may be some clues that Yinxue can be found.

After everyone left, Xin Yin and I finally left the Parasitic Village, and then I took Xin Yin's task book and read it carefully again. "Xin Yin, it seems that there is neither a map nor a location reminder in your mission book? How do you find this?"

Xin Yin said without anxiety: "Collecting intelligence and inquiring routes are also assassins. Assassin’s job scroll is usually not a location reminder."

"What a strange profession." I threw the scroll back to Xinyin, and said, "Then I will Follow you, you can lead the way."

"I can’t lead the way for the time being, because when picking up the task, I heard from the nearby NPC that the first few sections of the road of this task are caused by You came to lead the way."

"I'll lead the way? I don't know where to go. How do you let me lead the way?"

Xin Yin immediately took out another Small pieces of black things look like fragments of jade. "This is a fragment of the task item. The only way to find it is to rely on you."

"You can really trouble me." I took the small piece and looked at it, but in the end, I could only do it first. Bring out Bailang Summon and let him smell it. If his nose doesn't work, then I really don't know what to do.

Bailang sniffed twice as I requested, and then suddenly took a half step back nervously. This behavior of Bailang makes me very strange. "What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

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