After spending more than an hour on the sea, the watchman suddenly said in May, "Do you have observation equipment on your ship?"

"Of course, this is a guide ship. ."

"Then find out if there is an island nearby."

"Is it an island?" The captain said to a player at the console: "Start the Heavenly Eye system, Project the picture to the analysis platform."

An octagonal platform suddenly rose in the center of the command room, and then its surface flashed, and a small boat appeared on the center of the platform. Two islands are shown not far away. May's eyes were almost glaring, he rushed to the side of the table to look left and right, and finally couldn't help but ask: "Is this a fully resolved image of the nearby area?"

nodded. "Using the underwater bionic sonar system and the optical crystals in the air medium, and then relying on the magic array technology to integrate the new area of ​​the projection platform. The maximum radius of action is 700 kilometers, zoom in to the largest possible discovery of people floating on the water. But this thing is still more expensive. At present, only the Watchmen class and super battleships are equipped with this system. You just asked if we have an observation system, do you want to find these two islands?"

May nodded. "Our goal is here." May refers to a small crescent-shaped island, surrounded by the crescent, there is an inner bay, which seems to be able to drive directly in.

"You saw white jade Qilin and the others here?"


"Then of course you are sure to see them enter there Is it?"

May said: "I know what you mean, don’t worry. I have a familiar. Although he doesn’t have any combat capability, he can keep in touch with me at any time. I still He is monitoring the people you are looking for."

"What? You can see their situation now?"

"Of course." May said: " A large part of the reason why I chose the Musketeer profession is because of this monster. It is useless to most people, but to me he is simply the best. I can see that white jade Qilin is chasing and killing right now. Those weird guys, to be honest, I have never seen a creature with such a strong battle strength before. It is more than a thousand times more powerful than the big boss I encountered when I was leveling."

Since you can watch it in May. When I arrived, I was more relieved and sat back in my seat relaxedly and said: "What kind of boss are you talking about?"

In May, I froze for a while, but still said: "The one in the stone forest in Sichuan Giant Shilin, a 900-level monster, is very powerful. I was only more than 600-level at that time, and I took a dogshit luck to get rid of it. But it’s incomparable with this white jade Qilin. If there could be such a monster. How nice to be a pet!"

"hahahaha...Don't let me be arrogant! I only dare to let her be a bodyguard for our guild. You want her to be a demon pet? Admire it!"

"I just think about it. I also know that I don’t expect anything at this level. At the beginning, the giant stone Lin was only 900 and almost killed me. This white jade Qilin has at least one Thousands of nine hundred and nine hundred, dealing with us is probably like pinching ants."

"Don’t call white jade Qilin white jade Qilin, she is Yinxue, she is a very cute lady. In addition, she can Not one thousand nine hundred, but one thousand five thousand."

"What? One thousand five thousand? "Zero" has this high level setting?"

"It seems that you rarely come into contact with high-level personnel." I explained: "Zero has different levels for different personnel. The highest level of players is a thousand, but recently a 10,000-level system has been opened. , Which means that the highest level can be upgraded to 10,000. However, the incremental method of EXP has not changed, so 10,000 is only a theoretical level. If you really want to rise to 10,000, you must continue to level up. Ten thousand years of preparation. I guess even if I’m as lucky and capable as Pea For those of k who can rise to a thousand two-three hundred level, it is almost time for the top to be capped. As for ordinary players, a thousand level is almost their limit. But the above refers only to players, NPCs and monsters do not apply this rule. "

" Putting it that way monsters may be higher level, right? "

"Monster's level is generally higher than the player's, because as the level increases, the player's battle strength increases faster than the monster's battle strength. Under normal circumstances, a 100-level player will have difficulty dealing with a 100-level monster. If there is no particularly good luck, it can basically be regarded as a defeat. Therefore, before the 200th level, everyone chose to fight with low-level monsters. "

May nodded: "Everyone is a newcomer. Before the 200th level, I always find a monster that is seven Level 8 lower than myself. "

"Oh, putting it that way, you're pretty good. Most players choose to play monsters that are Level 10 lower than themselves, and many people still team up to bully low-level monsters. "

"What about you?" Is it also a monster who chooses a few levels lower? "

I smiled. "My situation is a little different from yours, because I just came out of Novice Village and there is a dragon, so I always leapfrog. But this is only a special situation of my own. Most players say that leapfrogging monsters actually refers to multi-player cooperation. It is not a singlehanded person like me. If it is not for a dragon like me, then Single player leapfrog fighting monsters is basically the same as suicide. "

"You are a real cow. "

"It's nothing, it's just a bit of good luck plus some adaptability. But at least everyone admits that before the 200th level, it is difficult for players to deal with monsters that are equal to themselves. But after that, it was different. As the level increased, players began to choose to level with themselves, even a few levels higher than monsters to earn the reward EXP for leapfrogging monsters, and as the level further improves, the gap will become larger and larger. . Now, it is basically not a problem for a general 800-level player and a 900-level monster to tie. But when the player reaches the 1,000th level, the monster is even worse than the player. Therefore, the highest level of wild monsters is 1,500, which is the top level. "

"Then you encounter enemies now, can't all enemies be killed in seconds?" "Maye asked suspiciously.

I shook the head: "Simply not what you think. Although a monster has only reached the top level of 1,500, do you know what a monster is? "

May shook the head.

I went on to say: "Monster actually refers to those combat creatures that are specially used to upgrade players. They are characterized by generally low intelligence. Most of them are mainly wild creatures. They are just some fixed dead objects in this game, which has nothing to do with the background structure of the game. But most of the players are actually fighting monsters, and the people who really know the game are fighting NPCs like me. "

"NPC? Are you referring to those individuals in the city that are manipulated by the system? "

"Not only in the city, but also all organized creatures outside the city, as well as some individuals who exist for special tasks and game backgrounds. They are all NPCs. The level of NPC starts at level 400. I don’t know what the upper limit is, but I know that the NPC that can fight us will not exceed level 20,000, because the basic level of High God in "Zero" is level 20,000, which meets this standard. It is High God. But High God does not participate in the battle, so it is possible that the creatures that can fight with us will not exceed 20,000 level. Celestial Court in our country is a typical NPC force, among which Hong Jun Sect Lord is probably close to the 20,000th level. As for their super thugs, most of them are between 8,000 and 18,000. I have seen a 10,000-level Phoenix before, it is very fierce. "

"How many levels are the four Sacred Beasts?" "

"The details are not clear, anyway, it is more than 17,000. "

"putting it that way Divine Beast is not as good as the four Sacred Beast? "

"That's not it. I can't tell you the specific reason. All you need to know is that none of the three major defenders, Divine Beast, is completely integrated. Yinxue is currently the highest level among them, and now she is 15,000 level, and she hopes to reach the 20,000 level in the future. "

May stretched out her tongue and sighed: "Sure enough, they are all awesome!" "

The captain suddenly turned around and said: "We have arrived, how do we go from now on?" "

I just noticed that the speed of the boat has slowed down. At this moment, we are in the gap of the Crescent Island, and a little further forward is the Inner Bay. I looked at May and asked:" You are the guide, you have the final say on how to go after that. "

May said: "After that, the big boat will be useless, just put the boat down. "

"Then we change the boat. "

Me and May came to the stern of the boat, and then summon got lucky and helped put the little dolphin in the stern into the water. The size of the little dolphin is about the same size as the electric boat in the park, but It’s just a little slender. After putting down the ship, I took it back and jumped up. May also jumped down. I waved the captain to drive the ship back to Isengard, so they don’t have to worry about going back.

After the big ship left, I sat in the little dolphin operating position. The control of this kind of boat is very simple. It is controlled by a joystick like a transport plane to control the direction and float up and down. The propeller is equipped with two foot pedals. Control, the left foot retreats and the right foot moves forward. The more you step on, the faster you run. In addition, there is a master switch on the control panel, the leftmost is shutdown, the middle is the low-speed mode, and the right is the high-speed mode. Something like this, For those who are accustomed to modern electrical appliances, it’s easy to control, even if it’s the first time you sit up, you can easily control it.

I set the start switch to high-speed mode, with a slight pressure on my right foot, little dolphin immediately I jumped out. Don’t look at this small thing, its size is not small, but its power is not small, and its speed is amazing. May didn’t expect this thing to start so hard, it almost turned to the back seat.

"Damn, why are things in your guild so hard? "

"Hehe, great horsepower shows that our technical strength is strong! By the way, where are you talking about? Quickly show it to me. "

"You just drive over there first, you can see it naturally. "

I pressed the pedal to the end, and the little dolphin immediately accelerated and rushed out. Although the little dolphin can only be regarded as turtle speed compared with the watcher, the boat is small and there is a reference nearby for comparison. So it felt like it was faster than on the Watcher. In less than five minutes we almost reached the deepest part of Moon Bay, and now I don’t need to command in May, and I know where to go. This is the tip of the moon on Crescent Island. There is a gentle sandy beach, but the middle section is a vertical cliff, and there is a cave mouth on the cliff. At first glance, you can tell that this is the passage that can be used by boats as mentioned in May.

< p>"Why did you come here in the first place? "I looked at the dark cave entrance and asked.

Maye smiled bitterly. "Don't ask, anyway, it's a shameful thing. "

Since May said it was embarrassing, I don’t want to ask anymore, I just raised my eyes to look at the cave entrance. The top of the cave entrance is 15 meters high behind the surface of the water, and the width on both sides is almost 30. Meters, enough for the watchman to enter, but since May said that a boat is going to be used, the cave is likely to get narrower, otherwise he doesn’t have to prepare a boat specially.

The light after entering the cave Obstructed, the cave was obviously dark, and it felt very cold. After we entered the cave for a while, I saw that I still didn’t respond in May and continued to drive inward, and finally couldn’t help but ask: "Why don’t you need me to ask you? Fluorite to buy? "

"Oh sorry, I don't know if you can't see it! "I have night vision ability myself, so I can't always remember that others are invisible in the dark. While talking, I took out May's space equipment from Fenglong space. Although this thing is space equipment, it I’m not too young. I can’t carry it everywhere in May, but now that I’m here, I’m naturally more comfortable with my hands.

Take out a fluorescent stone from this small box. , The light green rays of light immediately illuminates the cave, but under this color, the originally terrifying cave is immediately illuminated even more scary. The stalactites hanging down from the top of the cave seem to be one by one. The evil giant beast seems to come down at any time.

I handed the fluorescent stone to May to hold, and then turned the main switch on the ship to low-speed mode. It’s no better than outside, it’s easy to get too fast. Hit the wall. In low-speed mode, as long as you don’t depress the tower, the speed will be very slow, but once the pedal is depressed, the little dolphin will immediately enter the fastest speed. This setting is used to cope with emergencies. Suddenly found danger in low speed mode, as long as you press the pedal to the end, you can instantly accelerate away.

We drove forward slowly at a speed similar to a normal person trotting, and at the same time I have been watching the surrounding situation carefully. Suddenly, I violently raised my hand and moved my fingers, and a crossbow arrow pu' sound was inserted into a rock-like object at the top of the cave. May just wanted to ask me what I did shooting arrows, but I was suddenly hit by the "stone" "It shook, then fell from the top of the cave, and fell into the water with a bang.

"The grouper giant lizard, a venomous species, likes wet and cold caves. If I don’t shoot it down , After a while we pass from below, it will hang us up with a long tongue around our necks. "I explained to May.

"Your eyes are so sharp. "

I pointed to the red crystal on my forehead. "I didn't see it, it was her." "

"It? "

"It's my symbiosis, whose name is Queen, but it's actually a parasite. "

"Then it is convenient for you to have one more person to help you monitor your surroundings. "

"Not one more, but two more. I also have a Spiritual Body Familiar. Phantom came out to say hello. "The phantom suddenly emerged from the top of my head, then waved to May, and then returned to my body. I continued: "The queen is basically not responsible for monitoring the surrounding environment. Her main task is to command small insects." Help me fight wars and gather intelligence, Mirage is my defense chief. "

"Summon creatures are really convenient. Hearing Wuwei (the real name of the Night Son) said, your summon creatures seem to be tens of thousands? "

"If you count small insects individually, it is indeed over ten thousand, and over one million. However, generally there are only about 10,000 people who are more capable and can calculate it alone. "

"That's a lot. "Maye suddenly shouted: "Be careful." "

I gave directions urgently. Little dolphin slammed to the side. A stalactite fell into the water next to us. If it weren’t for the direction, it would knock us into the water. I turned around and raised my hand. Arrow, another giant lizard fell into the water. "This ghost place poisons giant lizard so much. "

"It will be fine in a while. At the entrance of the cave, the top of the cave is relatively high. The front is full of underground rivers. These things seem to dare not go into the water. "

"You are right. Although these guys like to be wet, they can't swim, and they are bound to die if they fall into the water. "

May nodded, and then pointed to a stalactite protruding from the surface of the water in front, and said: "Attention has been hit. "

"I know. "I adjusted my direction slightly, and walked around easily. The water in front of me was not as open as the part of the cave entrance. The water surface was obviously narrowed a lot, and from time to time there were stalactites standing on the water. Don’t turn left and turn right to avoid these stalactites. Fortunately, it’s easier to dodge if the speed is not fast.

Continue to drive for a while, the width of the water has become less than four meters, and the ceiling of the cave is getting lower and lower, and finally The change is almost reachable by reaching out. May looked at the front with some worry and said: "This may not be the case before! "

"It's okay. Don't look at the small ship, it's well equipped. "I said that by pressing a button, the edge of the boat suddenly lit up, and then a light blue light curtain suddenly appeared, covering the upper part of the boat. This is actually the kind of waterproof door used by Sea Clan, but it was The people in the guild were transformed into diving masks.

May reached out his hand to touch it, but his hand passed through the light curtain. He immediately looked towards me in surprise, and I explained with a smile: "This Things can be waterproof, but it does not affect the passage of other substances, which is more convenient than a glass cover. And if there is an enemy, as long as you adjust the output frequency, you can turn it into a complete defense barrier that nothing can pass through. "

"Admire! There are so many good things in your guild! "

"Small meaning. "I smiled and pushed the joystick forward, and the little dolphin immediately began to sink first, and soon got under the water. "Hehe, so you don't have to worry about the situation on the top of the cave." Okay, put away your fluorescent stone, your thing won't be able to shine very far underwater. "Speaking, I turned on another switch, and a circle of blue lights suddenly lit up around the hull. The light continued to shine for a long time before it gradually dimmed. The penetrating power in the water is very good. I will not wait for May to ask me to answer. Explained to him: "This is also Sea Clan's technology, which is specially used for underwater lighting, which is much farther than yours. "

May said with a smile: "But the scenery illuminated by the light is as scary as the fluorescent stone. "

The cave wall illuminated by blue light is indeed very scary, but only this light under the water is easier to shine into the distance, so we have nothing to do.

After moving on for a while The passage is obviously beginning to narrow again, and the entire roof of the cave is submerged in the water. But one thing has always been strange to me, and that is that there seems to be no fish here. There should be a lot of fish around this island, but I haven’t seen any of them since I’ve been in the cave for so long. After thinking about it, I opened up the Phoenix and Dragon Space, and then summoned Amana out.

"Anna, help Let me see if there is a big hole in the front. "

Anna was nodded, and stood up. The energy shield above her head was only waterproof, not against other things. Ana easily stuck her head into the water, and after a while she sat down again "I have used sonar to detect, the passage in front is narrower than here, and the crooked button, sonar can't travel far. Do you want me to go ahead and have a look? "

"You sit here for a while. "

May said: "What are you doing so nervously?" My familiar followed those people from here, and didn't find any danger! "

I didn't watch May, but nervously controlled the boat while saying: "Silver Snow is tens of thousands of times more powerful than a giant dragon. Even a giant dragon can fly through the forest. The animals inside were frightened and fleeing around. Do you think that existence like Yinxue passed from here, do any creatures dare to stay here? Of course, it’s okay for your demon to follow Divine Beast to protect the country, but they have passed. There is only us here. Those things daring not touch Yinxue does not mean that they dared not touch us. "

Anna suddenly patted the shoulders of the two of us, and then pointed to the back. "I think Master, your inference has been confirmed, so it's better to run quickly now." "

Maye and I looked back together, and then were frightened at the same time. I hurriedly sat back and slammed the pedals to the end. At this time, hitting the wall is better than being caught up by something behind. Good.

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