"Hurry up!" Maye looked back and yelled to speed me up.

"It's already the fastest. This is a submarine and not a rocket. How do you want me to get up fast?"

"Aren't all things in your guild fast? "

"Damn, no matter how strange it is, there is a limit!"

"Then can you summon something to kill the guy behind?" May asked.

"If I have a hundred ways to kill it elsewhere, but here I can only be killed by it."

Actually, what is chasing us is not something High level monster, but a kind of insect. But you must not think of it as a small insect. This guy’s mouth is almost as thick as the entire passage. As for the length, we don’t know for the time being, but it must not be too short, because there is no giant tube insect I have ever seen. Only less than ten meters in length. This thing is not high-level, but here is its home field. Creatures larger than it cannot be used here, and smaller than it is difficult to exert battle strength in such a place. The battle settings in "Zero" are very complicated. Factors such as terrain and climate have a great influence on battle strength. Therefore, it is not necessary that the low-level ones must not be able to beat the high-level ones. It is not surprising that the worms are killed.

Our current situation is a bit like a dragon trapped shoal. The guy behind is exactly the same width as the passage. The larger summon will not come out. The smaller one will definitely be swallowed in one bite. As for magic, this The ghost place has no time to stop and cast spells.

"Pay attention to the front." May suddenly yelled.

I pulled the joystick, and the little dolphin twisted fiercely, and struck a stone pillar that was standing in the passage. "Huh, what the hell is this?"

A loud explosion sound, the waters behind it became muddy, and the monster hit the stone pillar. We thought it was safe. Who knew there was an angry roar in the water, and then saw that guy rushing at twice as fast as before. I quickly adjusted the switch to the high gear and stepped on the pedal. The ship immediately shot out like an arrow.

May held the handrail on the ship and shouted nervously: "You have to think of a way!"

"You come to drive, I will think of a way."

"Huh? I'm driving? But I can't?"

"There are only a few handles in total. You should watch it after such a long time. Come and change hands, I'll Kill the guy behind."

"Alright!" May first stepped over a leg to help me step on the pedal, and then took over the handle. I turned over and sat back, and he immediately took over. s position. "This time you should have a way to deal with the guy behind, right?"

"Of course. Our Frost Rose League is not easy to mess with." As I said, I drew out a beer from Fenglong Space. A barrel-like metal can, and then press down and release it again, the thing immediately bounced up, and a crystal keyboard appeared in the middle. I pressed it a few times, then lifted the thing up and stuffed it out of the hull. Our ship was fast, and the can was thrown off the hull as soon as it left the hull. The monster behind swallowed the thing in spite of it.

I yelled to May: "Stay steady."

As soon as I finished yelling, I heard a loud explosion sound. Our ship shook violently, with lots of rock fragments. Passing through our all around and flying in front of us. Maye clenched his teeth and held the joystick while constantly looking back to see if there were any big rocks flying in order to dodge.

After finally leaving the explosion range in May, it relaxed and slowed down the ship. "Huh, why didn't you take out such a huge might bomb earlier?"

"I didn't take it out because its formidable power was too big. Now the passage must have been blown down. Let's go back. It’s all a problem. I wouldn’t be bothered to use it if I didn’t throw it away and was eaten just now!"

"So? How can we go back now?"

"Not yet When you finish the task, you start thinking about how to go back, don’t you think it’s a little bit early?"

"I call it a rainy day."

I laughed indifferent expression, and then I looked around. . "Hey, May, did you find a problem?"

May nodded: "This passage is strange. The length of this passage has obviously exceeded the width of the island, which means that if the passage crosses the island, After that, we should have come out from the other side of the island, but we are still in the passage now. This is obviously abnormal."

"Yes, you brat is smart enough." I Following the words of May: “There are four possible reasons now. First, because the channel is inclined downward, we may be advancing under the seabed. Second, there is a phantom structure in the channel, and we are going in circles. Thirdly. , There is a compressed space in the channel, so it is longer than it looks outside. Fourth, the channel itself is a Transmission Gate, and we have already reached some other place."

A thumbs up with his hand: "I admire and admire it. I really thought about it, but can you be sure which is possible?"

"First is definitely not right, because although this channel is slanted downwards, The slope is not big, and I still don’t want to slope down to the bottom of the seabed. If we were really going all the way down, we would have penetrated into the sea a long time ago."

"How do you know the slope is not enough? So long It’s easy to make errors in human vision. Without detailed data, it is impossible to calculate how far we have descended."

"Don’t forget, we only dropped more than seven meters, which is far from reach. The depth of the seabed." I have a colonized electronic brain. Its main function is to make up for the shortcomings of the human brain in accurate calculations. Therefore, my eyes are error-free, and the trigonometric function is calculated very quickly, and there is no error at all. .

"Are you a supernatural ability? So sure?"

"Even a supernatural ability! What about the other three possibilities? We still don't know our own situation?"

"The second situation is also impossible, because I have a beloved phantom Goddess. I have been borrowing her anti-phantom ability before, so we can be sure that we have taken a real path before. There is no Illusion occurs. In addition, my precise calculation ability also told me that the path we walked is actually very straight. The angle between the entrance and the entrance is no more than three degrees, which can basically be regarded as a straight line."

"What about the next two possibilities? Is there a way to determine which one it is?"

"It may not be ok, but the last one has a higher probability."



"Because compressed space is usually a special ability that system arranges for store facades in cities, although it does not rule out the possibility of appearing in the wild, the probability is not high. Besides, compressed space only compresses the space, not Infinite, plus we are walking in a straight line, it will always come to an end. So what is the use of arranging the compressed space here besides consuming more fuel? In contrast, the last probability is larger. , We should have been sent somewhere else."

"Then it will be clear."

"What is clear?" May's words made me very puzzled.

Maye explained: "Didn’t I say that I have a familiar with me telepathically?"

"Well, what's wrong?"

"After he left here, he arrived in a very large red area. I have not been able to understand what it is. If the Transmission Passage you said is true, then I think I know where he is."

"Where is it?" I didn't react for a moment.

May points to the top of my head. I instinctively looked up and found that the top of my head was the top of the cave, but I quickly thought of what he was talking about. "You mean that your familiar has reached the red planet, right?"

"I think so, except there I can't think of where there is such a large red area."


It’s not the first time I have been to red planet, but I’m surprised that the enemies that Yinxue pursues will actually come to red planet. Are they the creatures on red planet? The red planet creatures that arrived in Earth from Space Crack before were very ugly and had strange shapes. I had inferred at the time that there should still be a leadership race with very high intelligence on Red Planet. Now it seems that Yinxue is chasing members of the leader race. As for that race is all that powerful, or only Individuals are so powerful, it is definitely impossible to be sure now.

"It seems that this trip will take some twists and turns!" I said to myself.

"What do you mean?"

I looked at May, and then explained: "Nothing. I visited Red Planet once before. The place is super dangerous. There is almost no Dangerous creatures. Almost all the local creatures I encountered can fight, and they are very offensive. They are indiscriminate and fight."

"Fortunately, I'm not here to fight." May said He took out a pearl. "This is my task item. I can guarantee that I am completely invisible in front of the creatures here for a certain period of time, so I am safe. Unfortunately, this thing is only useful for task personnel. I would take you to apply for the task if I knew you would come here too. In that case, this pearl can make you invisible."

"Is there a time limit for your mission? Otherwise, you can borrow me to use it first, and then how about returning you when I come back?"

May shook his head: "Although there is no time limit for my mission, I have just said that this thing is only effective for the personnel in the mission. As long as this one, my mission companions can be invisible. , But the problem is that you came here after I took the task, so you are not a member of the task, and this thing is useless if you take it."

"What a failure!" I shook my head and sighed.

May cried out suddenly. "Be careful to the front."

I raised my head sharply, and saw a big mouth bite in front of me. Frightened me, I pushed the joystick, and the bow jerked down and drilled under the monster’s big mouth. past. "Huh, what is it?" I looked back, and the thing didn't seem to catch up, just yelling at us from a distance.

Maye said: "That guy seems to be unable to move, so scared to death..." Maye suddenly turned somersault back to the second row of seats.

"Sorry." I leveled the boat again, and then continued: "Hurry up."

"What? Ah..." May just got up from his seat Fell again. When he got up again, he didn't complain to me, but pointed to the front and yelled: "Be careful."

"Don't remind me, I saw it a long time ago. This stuff is everywhere."< /p>

What we encountered was a very strange creature. We don’t know if what we saw was all of it. Anyway, this thing only has a head and a neck exposed out of the rock, and the rest are all Inside the rock wall. Their necks are about four or five meters long, and their heads are about the size of a car. Had it not been for the passage here had become quite wide, we would definitely not be able to avoid those guys.

May looked at the monster we left behind with lingering fears and said: "Fortunately, I hid in it. My Familiar simply didn't see these guys when he passed here."

"Maybe they all retracted their heads into the cave wall at the time. If I were a monster, I wouldn't stick my head out when Yinxue passed here."

" "May nodded, and then suddenly nervously said: "By the way, slow down, I remember that after my familiar passed from here, the front was a passage that began to tilt up."

"Why don't you Say it early?” When I spoke in May, I had already seen the sudden turn of the passage ahead. I was frightened and pulled the joystick backwards violently. Fortunately, the little dolphin's control system reacted faster, and the bow was just erected. I slammed the pedals to the bottom, the bow quickly rose, and the whole ship rushed out vertically, hitting the bottom of the tunnel that suddenly rose with a bang.

"Ah! Water has entered!" Seven or eight water columns suddenly appeared in the boat, but the water ingress was not too fast. "Hey, why is your boat so unsturdy?"

"With such high water pressure, coupled with the impact force, any boat has to leak. The absence of disintegration on the spot has shown that our guild’s boat is of good quality. It’s gone."

"But sooner or later I will submerge this place."

"Don’t be nervous, it’s nothing at worst. I have a Knight helmet with underwater breathing function. I will lend you one. The water pressure in "Zero" does not affect the player itself, so you don’t have to worry about being squashed."

"My own helmet also has underwater breathing function, I just want to know How is the boat? Can it still go?"

"It should be able to move." As soon as I stepped on the pedals, the hull jumped up, and then resumed its smooth sailing. "Hehe, I said I can move! By the way, are there obstacles ahead? Tell me in advance if you have any, so as not to bump into something."

"No, just keep moving forward here. The water is coming out."

"OK." I slammed the pedals to the end and the ship's speed rose again, but I don't know if it was because of the damage to the propeller or the weight of the hull that was flooded by water. , In short, the speed of the ship seems to have dropped a lot. With the increase in water intake, the hull became heavier and slower, and finally it was almost crawling forward. I looked towards May helplessly. "I think we should swim up there? This speed is not as fast as mine!"

"What about this boat?"

"Recycle it."

"Okay then."

We closed the helmet mask together, and closed the top waterproof barrier when it was full. The sea water instantly filled the boat. After the two of us swam out, I opened the Phoenix Dragon Space and retracted the boat. The Phoenix Dragon can choose the objects that enter the space, so sea water will not be brought into the Phoenix Dragon space.

"Let's go?" I opened my wings fiercely, and the huge thrust immediately made me rush upwards quickly.

May yelled anxiously from below: "Hey, wait for me, I don't have wings!"

I looked down at him, and went down and grabbed him from behind. On his shoulders, then flapped his wings again and took him upstream with him. Although the huge wings are strenuous to flap underwater, the propulsion force generated is equally strong, so our speed is quite fast.

"It seems to be here." Maye pointed to the front few rocks and said: "I remember that the place where my pet leaves the water is the mouth of a rare beast. You see those four are monster’s teeth."

As May said, we turned around and took a look after passing the four sharp stones. The exit of the tunnel turned out to be a statue of a wild beast's head, but I don’t know. What species is this. The head of rare beast is underwater. After we got out, we walked five or six meters upstream before we finally got out of the water.

After sticking my head out of the water, I first looked around. It seems that this place is not on the ground, but in a cave. The space in the cave is not large, but it is very hot and humid, which is obviously affected by the waters. There is a small piece of flat land on the opposite side of the hole. Behind the flat land is an upward passage, probably leading to the outside, because there is faint light from above.

"Let's go up." I slammed on the water twice, and the entire upper body left the water. Then I spread my wings and slapped a few vigorously. The whole person quickly left the water and flew.

May followed me and swam to the shore. I reached out and pulled him up.

"Where is the road behind?"

"Go up from there." May pointed to the passage, and I immediately walked over.

This passage was obviously not manually excavated, because there are no steps on the ground, but rather smooth, it would be really difficult to get up if it wasn't for the nails on the soles of my boots. Wuyue couldn't climb up at all, and was dragged up by my dragon's tendons in the end. After exiting the passage, we can finally be sure that this is the red planet, all around the red desert, which is out of sight at a glance, is the biggest sign here.

"How do I go now?"

"Over there." May pointed in a direction: "Go straight ahead. There is a cave entrance about five thousand kilometers away. They got in from there."

"Damn, these guys can really run." I blew the whistle, the Phoenix Dragon space opened automatically, and the flying bird flew out from it. I picked up May, and jumped up. "Hurry up, be careful not to fall. Asuka, start accelerating."

After pointing the direction to Asuka, I let him fly by himself. At the speed of Asuka, 5,000 kilometers is not a big problem.

"You demon pet is so fast!" Maye said while clutching Asuka's wings desperately.

"This is not extreme speed. It will be faster in battle. Today is to take care of you, so I didn’t reach extreme speed."

"You don’t need to take care of me, although you choose fire Gunner professional, but my defense is not low, you completely let go of speed to fly."

"This is what you said, don't complain for a while." I said patted Asuka. "Asuka, use your newly learned trick."

Asuka's voice came out immediately: "Understand, the Phantom Raid is launched."

I saw the metalization of Asuka's wings. The outer skeleton moved on the surface of the body, and quickly formed an overall shape similar to an olive nucleus. At the same time, an inverted cone-shaped object suddenly protruded from the air jet of the bird, which looked like some kind of crystal. The crystal began to spin inside the jet nozzle, and then the speed was getting faster and faster. Only a sound similar to the tearing of cloth was heard. The flying bird suddenly accelerated and rushed out like a locomotive hit from behind. It was almost gone in May. Caught down by the wind.

"The speed is Mach 0.9, pay attention to hurry up, you must go through the sound barrier."

Me and May hurriedly pressed closer to Asuka's body, only to feel that the Asuka was suddenly violent. There was a shaking, and at the same time we heard a sound similar to an explosion, and then all the other sounds disappeared, leaving only a continuous sharp beep similar to a buzzer.

Asuka's voice suddenly appeared in my mind and May's mind at the same time. "I'm using the electric field induction on the surface of my body to talk to you. You'd better hurry up, and speed up for a while." May was taken aback, and quickly pressed her body tighter.

Asuka’s voice continues directly in our mind: "Mach two...Mach three...Mach four...Mach five, the acceleration is completed and the flight is in a stable state."

From From the ground, our speed was quite terrifying, and we flew past almost as soon as we saw a small spot, and then left a long white smoke belt behind. The smoke is not the exhaust gas formed by the bird's combustion chamber, but the water droplets that are forcibly separated from the air because of the bird's speed. Our speed has reached five times the phoneme, and the gas shock wave generated by flight is enough to destroy the stable state of the air, and the water vapor in it is liquefied and condensed into small liquid beads suspended in the air, thus pulling out a long white line behind us. String.

Five times the speed of sound means 1,700 meters per second. We can fly more than 6,000 kilometers per hour. The distance of 5,000 kilometers is indeed very far for ordinary people, but for birds simply does not matter. In less than an hour we reached the entrance of the cave mentioned by May.

The surface of the red planet is red desert. The real residents live underground, so these caves are very lively places. Since red planet approached Earth, players have gradually appeared here, but the number is still relatively small. After all, the monsters here are too organized and rarely stand alone. It is not realistic to rely on them to level up. Of course, if you have the ability to organize tens of thousands of people together, then of course it's another matter.

"Is it under here?" I asked, pointing to the hole hidden behind a protruding rock on the ground.

"Yes, I can see the route that my pets follow the whole process, and it won't be wrong."

"OK, let's go down." I just grabbed it after I said it. May's arms jumped down together, and Asuka rushed into the open Phoenix Dragon space automatically. Instead of landing, I spread my wings at the speed of the fall and slid directly into the cave entrance with May. As soon as we passed through the hole, we saw a red ball of light flying towards me like lightning. "Be careful yourself."

"Huh?" May I threw it out before he could react.

After losing my weight, my body immediately flew upwards. The ball of light slipped under me, but another red light bomb flew from the top of the hole on the side.

"The magic dragon vacuum wave." A circle of aperture suddenly flashed above my head, and the red light bomb was bounced back as soon as it touched the aperture.

"Go to hell!" A man dressed in a Japanese warrior suddenly slashed off my head. I turned around in the air and turned into an upside-down flying state. I folded my hands and directly clamped the guy’s katana. At the same time, I kicked him in the stomach with my feet, kicking him upside down. .

"Be careful." The voice of May came from behind. As soon as I turned around, I saw a yellow line flashing in front of me. A bunch of small light spots exploded in front of me. I looked towards the ground along the light, and saw Maye holding a very strange long spear in a launching pose. It seemed that he had saved me.

"Pay attention to the back." I suddenly noticed someone approaching May and quickly reminded him, but May seems to be not very good at close combat, so he didn't react. "It's really troublesome!" I pointed my finger behind, then pointed forward, and the ring of commandment flew immediately. With a click, the ring of commandments disintegrated on top of my head, and the central commandment core was suspended on top of my head. Eight columns of commandment encircled me in the center to form a translucent box in the state of a regular hexahedron.

The person who attacked May was a bit stunned when he heard my reminder, so he was a bit slow. The two moon blades separated from the ring of commandment flew towards him in a beautiful arc. With a loud sound, that guy was cross-cut by two and a half months, and his body was directly divided into four parts.

"Come back." I waved, and flew back after two and a half months of spinning, and by the way, I flew two heads.

"Who attacked us?" May shouted at the surrounding attackers. It was normal to be attacked by monsters on this planet, but now it is obviously the player who is attacking us, which is not normal. The other party directly answered May's question with a weapon, and an arrow with thunder and lightning almost shot May through. "Damn, when my gun is fake?" Wu Yue held the gun and fired quickly. At first I thought he would definitely miss the shot, but unexpectedly he hit all of them, and none of them missed the shot.

"May, retreat outward, here is too narrow, not suitable for your weapons to fight."

"Understand." May desperately ran towards the exit, but two A Japanese warrior suddenly emerged from behind two rocks near the exit.

"Eternity." Eternity turned into a whip sword in my hand and quickly stretched out and swept all the way. Two warriors came out to block them at the same time, but the man and the knife were cut off together. "The one who blocked me died." I thrust a sword into the neck of a ninja who suddenly emerged from the ground, and then shook his hand and cut him in half.

"Ah!" Suddenly screamed in May. As soon as I turned my head, I saw him holding his bloodied arm back, and a giant warrior who was more than two meters tall was holding a knife. He approached.

"Beastization." I quickly transformed into a werewolf, my height rose a lot, and then I ran into the giant warrior directly. "Get out of my sight!"

The warrior is not too powerful, but it is far worse than me. I hit it out with a thump, and then banged again. Hit the wall before falling back to the ground.

"What about imprisoned bullets?" A ninja suddenly yelled.

"Here." A mage next to him handed him a moldy red crystal ball, but instead of letting go, he reminded: "This is the last one."

< p> "Got it." The ninja holding the crystal immediately disappeared in place, and it was in front of me in the next second. "Your doomsday is here. The imprisonment of magic beads is activated."

"You go die for me." The eternal state of the whip and sword wraps this guy from top to bottom like a snake, but the one in his hand A crystal the size of a ping-pong ball lit up. The rays of light were exactly the same as the few red light balls that I had flashed before. It seems that this was the thing that attacked me before. At the time I thought it was magic, but now it seems far from that. Simple things.

I slammed the sword, and the ninja who was entangled in layers of eternity instantly turned into countless pieces of minced meat, but at the same time his only remaining a broken hand still pressed the ball of light to mine. Chest. There was no hint of harm, the ball of light disappeared on my chest like water droplets from a sponge, but I didn't feel anything.

"Huh, a false alarm!"

"Haha, you will know if you are a false alarm." A Japanese warrior stood on a rock in the distance facing me said with a smile: "That magic orb can seal you all around the spatial changes, which means you can no longer use any summon and teleport skills."

"What?" For the beast master, being unable to summon creatures is basically equivalent to being completely abolished. Although my own battle strength is not weak, my battle strength will definitely be discounted without the familiar and summon creatures, and it will be very discounted. Great. I hurriedly tried it nervously, and as he said, summon completely failed, and there was no response at all.

"How? Do you know the fear right?" The guy said triumphantly: "You have your wings and it’s hard to fly today. Wait for you to die! By the way, the people who died here I will not return to Earth, but will be resurrected in the cave below, but there are all our people now, so you just wait to be killed by us back to Novice Village! Wow hahahaha...!"

May nervously approached me and asked: "Is it really bad?"

I'm nodded. "I'll cover you for a while, and you can leave."

"What about you?"

I laughed: "They can't keep me. Let's talk about it. This kind of seal impossible is permanent and will disappear sooner or later. As long as my ability is liberated, they will die."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course." I’m nodded for sure: "The Night’s Son entrusted you to be my guide. I can’t throw you here! Okay, you flash first, and I’ll help you block it."

May know Besides, it can only cause me trouble, so the very wise nodded turned and ran. I quickly threw two darts forward to knock down the two warriors in the way, and then jumped up again and struck a bad luck with a sword. Egg. The passage was completely opened by me, and May rushed out quickly, and I stopped at the door. "I want to chase after me first."

The guy who spoke to me proudly said again: "haha! We are too lazy to chase after! This time the goal is only you, even if that guy runs What can you do? As long as you don’t run away. Don’t worry about others, and just think about what you will do when you change back to Level 20? Ah hahahaha......"

"Want to kill me Back to Level 20, you are not enough."

"Our ghost alliance has gathered three thousand elites today. In addition, there are allies on the red planet to help. Your strongest summon ability has also been abolished by us. , What else can you do? Resist?"

"The tone is not small, then come on, let you know that my reputation is not blown out."

Before waving his hand, the surrounding enemies immediately moved, and they all rushed towards me frantically.

"Can you win with more people?" I didn't retreat when I saw them rushing up, and I rushed directly to the crowd. When I was a few steps away from the front guy, I suddenly jumped up and made a close contact with his face with my knees, and immediately squashed his face in. With the help of the force of a collision, I went from a forward charge to a static state. After a short pause on the ground, I immediately rose into the air. Two and a half moons drew a beautiful arc and flashed out again, bringing a row of crimson blood fountains along the way.

"Enclose, encircle." The commander yelled.

I rubbed the jewel on the ring, and the purple black mist spread quickly. The cave was originally a relatively closed environment, and the effect of the fog was greatly improved. There are many enemies, and I have to pay attention to my own person, but I have only one person. Anyway, I just cut it when I see someone. For a while, I screamed continuously in the fog, and no one can stick to my body.

Purple Moon, the large size, is now 999 Level 19 full. If it weren't for the level one thousand upgrade task, I would have been level one thousand before I had done it. However, although Level 19 of Nine Hundred and Nine is not as good as Level One Thousand, it is a lot higher than these guys. Although the people here are all elite, they are only relative to the average player. Their average level should be less than 900 Level 20. Even if there are some experts, the top level is 967 Level 10. Yes, it's far from me. Besides, my Divine Item is not good-looking. This weapon-like equipment with weapons everywhere is definitely more than ten times more powerful than the ordinary Divine Item that is not practical. As long as I don’t get stuck in a certain place, I will definitely not. Will fail. Besides, they had one of the biggest mistakes. These guys actually thought they could seal my summon ability. They forgot that I was a dual-number one, so I can switch to Silver Moon mode if it doesn't work. Switching between large and small numbers belongs to the basic function of the game system. The high priority and all magic effects cannot be blocked anyway. The Silver Moon mode also has magic familiars. Although the number is not large, at least there is a long spear that can be used to escape. Besides, Red Ling and Steel Fang are not to be trifled with, and they are really weapons of mass destruction. One kind of existence.

"Gust wind technique." There was a loud shout from the crowd, and then a gale suddenly rolled up in the passage, which swept my evil mist out, but the next second I was in front of him. The sword split this guy in half, and then expanded the fog again and disappeared into the crowd.

The conductor's voice also rang. "A few people went up to protect the wizard, and the wizard cast a spell to blow out the fog, so we were very passive."

Incantation sounded again, and I jumped over as I listened to it. The mist was drawn thoroughly again, but I was already in front of the mage. After the mist disappeared, the people around the wizard immediately noticed me and quickly raised their swords to block in front of the wizard.

I suddenly turned somersaults in the air, turned into the toe, and stepped directly on the shoulders of this guy. The force of the forward thrust brought this guy out in an instant, and at the same time I was already stepping on His shoulder jumped in front of the mage. "Don't let him touch the mage." A Japanese warrior flashed in front of me instantly, and a slash slashed directly at my neck.

I didn't stop at all, but smiled at him. "Evil Transformation." A green array with a radius of seven meters suddenly lit up under my feet. Normally, there is always a shiny black magic halo under my feet. Now suddenly there is a bigger one. Everyone was taken aback, but it was too late to react. When the surrounding light dimmed, a large group of terrifying white human heads flew out in an instant of my eternity. These

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