The Jade Emperor is justified in thinking about what I said. Besides, since we are such a big guild, we have been cooperating for so long, and we are not afraid that we will fall behind, so I immediately agreed to advance the benefits to us. . The news returned to the guild immediately caused an uproar, and some laymen wanted to join our guild madly, but our guild stopped receiving people during this period, because our guild pursued quality rather than In number, those sloppy people came here purely for Immortal Pill. They will withdraw when they get something. Even if they stay, it won't help the guild. So just don't have one. Anyway, we have a lot of people in the guild.

The people from Celestial Court brought the four injured Sacred Beast and Erlang Shen back to Celestial Court to recuperate. The reward will be sent directly to our guild by the people from Celestial Court. I am more anxious now. Is how to find clues. The members of this disappearance case are all experts, and they all fly in the sky, so there are almost no clues, and I don't know how to proceed. There is no other way but to let the people in the guild pay more attention, if anyone happens to see or hear related news, they may be able to find them.

It is said that there is a lot of people and power. This is not false at all. After waiting for less than three hours, I found out. After I got the notice, I quickly ran to the weapon shop opened by Night Son, where this guy was still identifying weapons leisurely. "Did you really see it?" I grabbed the night child by the arm and lifted the guy from the seat.

"You, you, you! Let me go down!" The night son hurriedly struggled, but this kid is a mage class, and his power is incomparable.

"Hurry up and tell me, did you really find Yinxue?"

Night son pushed me while saying: "I didn't find it, it was a friend of mine."

"Your friend? Where did he find it?"

"I don't know this, or I will bring him to you and ask him how?"

"Okay, call him here quickly." I stopped the Night Son as he was about to leave. "Forget it, let's go over and hurry up." I said, lifting the Night Son and rushing out.

The Night Son struggled desperately on me. "What are you doing carrying me?"

"Just when will your zombie jump until it arrives? Tell me the place and I will take you there. Is he from our guild?"

"He is an idle player and has no guilds. But the character of that guy is more...!"

"Which is that?"

Yeah The son thought for a while and said: "Forget it, maybe you two will understand after getting along for a while. He is at the Longkou Shipyard now, and you can send it directly to Longkou City."

"che, did you say that earlier? !" I directly turned the teleportation ring, and the Transmission Formation in Longkou appeared in the next second. This is a seaside city, and you can smell the faint salty taste in the air as soon as you exit the Transmission Formation. "Son of the Night, how do I get to the shipyard?"

"You can see it all the way to the beach. This place is not too big."

"Then let's go over from the sky." I said While spreading his wings, he grabbed the Son of Night and jumped to a height of six or seven meters above the ground, flapping his wings and quickly flew to the sea.

As the Son of Night said, it's not big here. The total area of ​​the city directly under the system is not as large as a block in Isengard, and most of its seaside is a rocky area, with only two small wharf and a small area of ​​comfortable beach. Compared with a big city like Isengard, this place is simply a satellite city of a satellite city, and it is really small and pitiful.

In my opinion, the so-called shipyard is actually a broken house on the water. The length of the dock is not enough for the width of the Eternity, and ships of up to three or four thousand tons can be accommodated. And it looks like this is actually a wooden boat built here.

After climbing to a certain height, I glide all the way with my wings spread. I quickly reached the sky above the shipyard and circled for two times, and then slowly fell down at the gate of the factory. There are actually two guards in this broken factory, but they are all NPCs, and they are obviously of the old, weak, sick and disabled type. There are very few formulaic things in "Zero", even if there are many individual differences between the same race and the same level 1 other arms, hiring these old, weak, sick and disabled NPCs is relatively cheaper than young and strong NPCs, and cheaper than players. .

My personal attributes include the high pressure on NPCs, because the NPCs I usually stay with are either the guild’s own people or the super NPCs like Erlang God and the Lord of Darkness Titans. , So this attribute simply can't play any role, but it's different now. After installing Dirt Jade forever, the Power of Darkness on my body has become more terrifying. The white Resentful Soul Li Po can form a nearly substantial image around me in broad daylight. One of these two NPC guards is the old man and the other. It was a half-year-old child, and when he saw me, he started to tremble, and his weapons fell to the ground.

"Why did your friend think of buying a boat in this ghost place? Wouldn't it be good to go to our guild to buy it?"

"You are really a broad Young Master. You don't know how poor people are. The cheapest ships from our guild require thousands of crystal coins to run up, and they are all advanced and terribly advanced. Who would dare to buy it?"

"What's wrong with advanced?"


"Of course everyone likes advanced, but the problem is that the price of the boat goes up as the boat is advanced. Of course the rich like our boat. It has good performance and large formidable power, but most people can't afford it! We will sell it. The cheapest ship, even if it is not worthy of any external plug-in, it costs more than 3,000 crystal coins, that is 30,000 renminbi! Who is the average player who has the brain to buy that thing?"

I also said that I understand. For people like me, buying a boat to spend a few million crystal coins is nothing at all. All I have to consider is the issue of over 100 million crystal coins, so naturally I will not pay attention to that small amount of money. But for average players, those with more than one thousand crystal coins are considered large items or super luxury items, so there are really not many people who can buy them. However, this not much refers to a small proportion, not a small number of people. Our country alone has a population of 2 billion. Even if one person in 10,000 can buy it, the sales volume will not be less.

I looked at the two NPC guards, then walked to the old man and asked: "Can I enter here?"

The old man hurriedly nodded. "Yes, you can. How can you block customers when you open the door for business?" In fact, what the old man said is all lies. Shipyards usually have special reception rooms in the city. Few people will go to the docks to buy ships. That's good. Just like buying steel, you don’t have to go to the steelmaking furnace to buy it. However, with the mental state of this old man, he would only dare to nodded whatever I said.

Although I know it’s not the truth, I’ve asked it and it’s more polite, so there’s no need to ask others for instructions, just walk in. The Night Son still runs around like zombie.

"Hey, son of the night, what is your friend's name?"


"What is his real name?"

"No." While looking for people everywhere, Yezizi explained, "I was talking about May that month, but his real name is Wu Le, Kou Tian Wu, and the musical instrument Na Le, pronounced like He Wu The month is almost the same. This May is his nickname, so the name of the game is also May."

I nodded, and then opened the Fenglong space to release the luck. "Help me scream. Call me someone, his name is May."

Fortunately nodded, he shouted at the dock. The volume of the giant dragon is not much worse than that of the tweeter. The roof of the broken dock that shook the sound was trembling. After a while, a small door was opened on the side of the dock, and a large group of people ran out of it, with many hands. There are also tools such as wrenches.

The one who ran at the top was a young man about my age. Although he was a man, his length was more delicate, almost like me, but not as beautiful as my B13-optimized gene. This guy wore a work uniform. It didn't look like a combat profession, but he and the group of people behind him were aggressive as if they were going to fight with someone.

"Stop." After running in, the imposing manner of the young man suddenly loosened and stopped the person behind. "Wrong, it's my friend."

The Night Son teleported in front of May. "Haha, you brat want to beat me with so many people?"

May's face is a little bit bad: "I have been making trouble with a group of people these past two days, we thought it was them again. That’s why I rushed out. By the way, isn’t you brat clinging to the dignitaries and becoming a senior member of the big guild? How come you have time to see poor friends like me?"

"Damn, kindly Look at you, you brat dare to ridicule me." Night Son smiled and punched him. "Come here and I will introduce you. This is..."

"No need to introduce, I know." May walked up to me and stretched out a hand very generously. "My name is May, and I have seen your battle scenes on online videos before."

I shook hands with him, and then said very directly: "I came here to ask about missing Regarding Divine Beast, the guardian of the country, did you hear that Yezizi said that you have news about her?"

May nodded, and then said: "I did see white jade Qilin with my own eyes, and it’s the same. The Divine Beast in the compulsory game CG is exactly the same. And he seemed to be chasing someone at the time. The very difficult to deal with on both sides caused me to be implicated."

After listening to May's words, I feel a little relieved. At least Yinxue is chasing and killing others, not being snatched away. At least, there is no need to worry about her safety. However, the key issue in this matter is still on Dalun Pluto. The other party must have rescued Dalun Pluto. The two pieces of jade that Celestial Court desperately wants to recover are likely to be on Dalun Pluto. , In order to complete the task and for more prizes, I still have to chase the Great Wheel Pluto back.

"Where did you see them? Do you know where they went?"

Maye smiled and said to me: "I know the place, and I can take you Go, but I need you to give me a certain amount of help. I was going to do the task at the time, but was affected by their battle, and finally a boat that I made with the money was also sunk. I will lose if I can't complete the task. It’s difficult to deal with, so I hope you can send me there. Anyway, we drop in. The place I am going is where the person you are looking for goes."

This guy has a good brain, and he knows I have to bargain with me, but it's not a major event anyway, and it's okay to promise him. "Okay." I turned to the son of night and said: "Then you go back alone? Me and May go directly."

As soon as May heard, I quickly said: "Don't worry, I have some Things need to be prepared."

"What are you going to prepare? I'll help you prepare." The lines in the movie, I have hundreds of thousands of one minute, and it’s a waste of me to prepare a baggage with you here. time.

At the end of May, I was not polite at all, so I immediately submitted a list of things to me. I now know what Yezizi and I were prophesying and what they wanted to say. After spending a long time this May, not only my appearance is similar to me, but my personality is almost the same, and I have been peeling the skin for the whole week.

Although the list is very long, it is all common things and not worth a few dollars at all. But thinking about it, it is indeed a relatively large expense for the average player, and the list also includes two ships, one big and one small, which is really strange.

I asked May with the list. "What's the matter with these two boats?"

"The place we are going to is at sea. That big boat is the tool to go there, and after passing through there, a special water area will appear. Only small boats can be used to get in."

"Okay, I understand." I turned around and sent my luck back to Fenglong Space, followed by letting Ling and Xiaochun out, and then opened it again. The gate of the earth. In May's surprised eyes, he pulled out two sacks of crystal coins from Fenglong Space, and then asked Ling and Xiaochun to help me get the money, and then tore the shopping list into pieces and handed them to the Qilin warrior who filed out. A group of five went to Ling and Xiaochun to collect the money and buy the items separately, so that everyone can go together much faster.

After all the lists were issued, the money hardly moved. The crystal coins are small in size and do not occupy much space. Besides, the sacks are so big that they can’t be seen at all. The list given in May is indeed a lot of things, but they are all bargains, so I didn't use much money. I'm afraid I will have to return a few sacks of change after I finish shopping.

I looked at Wuyue and said, "Okay, I will make arrangements immediately if there is anything else to prepare."

Maye took my eyes off the sack when I heard my words. Move away, probably he has never seen anyone put crystal coins in a sack before. Generally, players carry three to five hundred crystal coins with them. It’s done with a small bag, but I use money very difficult to deal with. Sometimes I even move money in boxes and boxes. The sacks are already small. . "Ship." After May's reaction came, he opened the mouth and said: "You haven't prepared the boat yet."

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot." I touched the ring of love to connect Ring of love with roses. "Wife, help me adjust the boat."

"What boat do you want? Where do you send it?"

"One big and one small. The big one is just the watchman, the small one. You... wait a minute, let me ask." I looked up and asked May: "How big is the boat?"

May immediately said: "If you don't bring people, you can sit on us. Two are fine, but they can’t be too big. It’s an underground river with a rock cave on top. It’s only two meters above the water. The boat is too big to pass."

That's it. Send us to the port of Longkou City."

"Arrive in ten minutes." Rose's efficiency is high, and the ship's problem is easily solved.

The Qilin warrior arrived before the ship came back. This Longkou city was not far from Isengard, and the ship of our guild was amazingly fast, arriving in just ten minutes. At this time, the port of Longkou was full of people, all of whom were pointing fingers to this peculiar warship.

The Watcher is a kind of lead observation ship, which is generally used for lead reconnaissance and over-the-horizon artillery guidance in the fleet. Although it is not a battleship itself, it must often follow the large battleships of our guild. If it is too small, it can easily be overturned by the wake of a giant ship like the Eternity, so even if it is not a battleship, it is impossible. The watchman has a displacement of 1,000 tons and a length of about 60 meters. It is equipped with six large jet engines produced by Sea Clan Heavy Industries. It can run at a speed of 90 knots at full power. It is said to be a ship, but it is actually similar to an airplane. almost.

"This is your ship?" May asked, looking at the very modern watchman in disbelief.

"Of course." I introduced with a smile: "This is a Warden-class lead ship. Although it has no battle strength, it has absolutely outstanding performance. The most important thing is that it is fast enough."

May asked excitedly: "Does this ship have weapons? What is the observatory-like thing on top of it?"

"There is a 20mm double-barreled smoothbore gun in the bow of the ship. There’s nothing left. This is a lead ship, not a battleship, and it’s not very useful to have weapons. The observatory you just referred to is a fairing of an optical lens, which contains a set of remote viewing lenses that is no less than an astronomical telescope. ."

"Optical lens? How far can you see?"

"If you look up, you can see an object the size of a car on the surface of the moon, but Earth is round , So you can see the position of the horizon at most, and then you will be blocked."

"Such a ship needs at least tens of thousands of crystal coins, right?" May asked.

"Thousands of thousands?" I pointed to the observatory-like lens and said: "That thing we can't produce in the guild, it is all imported from Germany, and the purchase price is 4.5 million crystal coins. This ship There are six jet thrusters that only Sea Clan and we can build, each costing one million crystal coins. The hull shell uses thirteen kinds of rare metals, and the material cost of this shell alone is worth one million crystal coins. There is also a mirage system on board, as long as the enemy is not close to within 700 meters after activation, it is completely impossible to observe it. In addition, there are many patent items of the guild on board, and the total value is quite a lot."

"What? This ship cost more than 10 million crystal coins?"

"To be precise, it is 16.7 million crystal coins."

"This, this, this … Isn’t this too expensive?"

I smiled and patted his shoulder: "What are you nervous about? I don’t charge your ticket."

"I mean Who bought this thing?"

"There are many people who buy it, and they all want to buy it, but I don’t want to sell it. This thing is a sea battle killing move, selling it to others to stab themselves That was a fool's job. But this thing is really too expensive, our guild only has seven to eight ships for each main fleet."

"Then how many main fleets do you have?"

"Only three. There are too many ships, but there are not enough people. There is no computer system in this game. A ship requires thousands of NPCs, and players have to match seven or eight. There are at least a few thousand ships in a fleet, and there are tens of thousands of players alone. If it weren’t for this reason, I could at least build ten fleets."

In May, I suddenly found a small ship on the back deck. Thing, he immediately pointed to that side and asked me: "What is that?"

"little dolphin."

"little dolphin?"

" The boat you want. It can hold four people, with a head and a tail of more than three meters, and can dive up to seven meters or drive on the sea."


< p>"It should be regarded as a semi-submersible ship to be exact, or a stern. This little thing is fast and can be drilled anywhere, which is very useful."

"It’s really money to be rich. Okay!" Maye looked at the watcher and sighed.

I looked at May in surprise. "Are you short of money?"

"You can't say that you are short of money, it's just...!"

I reached out and stopped him from talking. "I think I understand what you mean."

"Do you understand?" This time it was May's turn to be surprised.

"You just yearn for a better life. And you seem to be a plain perfectionist from the looks of you. We are very similar in this respect."

May also smiled Said to me: "We do have a lot in common, but the two of us can't be particularly good friends because we are so alike."

What May said was the truth. My personality determines that I am unlikely to become close friends with people who have the same personality as me, because we are all strong and have a strong desire to control people and things around us. I think this is the main reason why we are all friends with Night Son. But although you can't be an iron buddy, it's okay to be a normal friend.

"By the way, what is your occupation? Since you are going to sea to do missions, you should be a combat player, but how do you wear work clothes?"

May look down After taking off his clothes, he realized it. "My auxiliary profession is a carpenter. This is my friend’s shipyard. I don’t have much money, but I want to go to sea again, so I asked him to help me build a ship. Although the money they charge is relatively low, I’m sorry. It’s cheaper!"

"I see. Are you going to help offset some of the funds?"

"Yes. My main profession is actually a musketeer."< /p>

"Isn't the Musketeer a specialty occupation in the United States? How did you change your job?"

"It's not simple yet." Maye smiled and said: "The American occupation system and Other countries are all different. As long as you do a few special tasks, you can transfer. It’s not as restrictive as other countries."

Many features of "Zero" are compiled with reference to reality. The United States in China is a multi-ethnic country, so its policy restrictions in the game are not too strict. You can transfer to their country’s specialty occupations by doing tasks, unlike other national specialty occupations that have to log in for the first time in other countries or have them. Only the nationality of the other party can hope to change jobs.

"The Musketeer is a branch of the archer and crossbowman. What you need is agility instead of strength. How did you choose the carpenter as a subsidiary occupation?"

"I didn't know much about it at the beginning, So choose any.” May suddenly said: “Your people are back.”

I still looked at the sea and didn’t look back. I just opened my mouth and said: “I know. Between them and me at any time. Keep your soul in touch."

"It's really a convenient ability, but you have to distract and take care of so many summon creatures. Are you busy?"

I pointed to my own Head: "My place is a little different from yours, but I can't tell you why it's different. Okay, let's get on the boat now, we should set off."

The things Qilin warrior brought back are messy, but In May, there was a space equipment the size of a jewelry box. The volume was quite large, and it was all packed in. After completing the supply, the summon creature was recovered, and we went to the watcher together.

"President, where are you going this time?" the members of the ship asked me.

"I don't know the place, where is the guide."

In May, before the crew asked him, he said directly: "You go east first, and then I will tell you where Where did you turn?"

"Okay. Please sit down first."

May shook the head: "I like to stand on the bow of the ship. It feels like facing the sea breeze. Not bad."

All the crew on the ship laughed. May looked at them with a puzzled look at what was going on. In the end, the captain explained to him: "The Watcher is equipped with six jets. Propeller, do you know why this propeller was originally designed?"

May shook the head.

"Eternal." The captain continued: "The jet thruster currently used by the Watcher was originally the main thruster designed for the Eternal, and the Eternal only had eight installed, but the Eternal It is a full 198,000 tons, but the Watcher is less than 1,000 tons, so the unit propulsion is very large, and people can never stand on the ship at this speed. If you stand on the bow, you will After the ship enters the top speed, you will find yourself hurting blood, because the wind speed has reached a level sufficient to cause damage."

"Eh...then I should sit down!" May obediently and honestly I ran back and sat on my seat, and then secured myself with a seat belt under our guidance. The crew on the ship also sat down individually, and when the watchman started, it was decided not to stand.

The captain turned around and asked me: "Can you go?"


The captain immediately ordered: "Leave the port, vulgar Go forward."

The watchman slowly backed away from the port on the sea, and then turned around and began to slowly return to advance, but at a very slow speed. After feeling this speed in May, he thought it was a fuss for us, but when he wanted to speak, the captain suddenly said: "The thruster is fully open, the maximum speed."

"The thruster is fully open, the speed is five. Festival, festival ten, fifteenth, twenty..."

In May, I only felt that I was suddenly pressed onto my seat by a huge force and completely unable to move. Even my breathing became a little bit miserable. The bow of the watchman was completely out of the water, and the battleship rushed toward the sea like a rocket.

"The speed is eighty, eighty-five..."

"The forced advancement is released, and the speed is stabilized." The captain ordered again.

"The speed is 90 knots, and the speed is stable."

The pressure disappeared after the acceleration, but the speed of the battleship has reached an astonishing 90 knots. The bow of the ship has now completely left the water surface, only two hydrofoils are left to chop the waves on the water surface. As for the stern, only a little bit is still in the water. Almost the whole ship has left the water surface. The watchman's speed is too fast, and he is too light to run to the highest speed and simply can't sink.

The captain jokingly said to May: "You can stand up now, but if you plan to go to the deck, I suggest you wear two more seat belts." In fact, the watchman entered the highest speed. The back door simply couldn't be opened, and at this speed, the ship could throw people out of the deck with a slight turn.

Today's sea surface is still relatively calm, but I have suffered a little bit by crossing the storm belt. I explained to May: "Like now, we can sail freely on this sea. If half a year ago, there would be Japanese battleships everywhere, and it would be difficult for fast lead ships like ours to be safe in it. Sailing, but now Japanese battleships are lying on seabed, it is much safer here than before."

These all are the truth. The fighting has not stopped since the start of the national war, and the ports of Japan have been almost destroyed by us. Matsumoto Masaka’s successor, Oni Te Nobunaga, was far less powerful than Matsumoto in naval battles, so now the Japanese navy has been suppressed almost inseparable from the port.

May seem to be very excited after listening to my introduction. I knew at first glance that he was also a passionate guy. However, he is very serious in his work, and he has not forgotten the work of leading the way after listening to my introduction. I was talking well, he suddenly shouted: "Turn right thirty degrees."

"Turn right thirty degrees." The captain quickly ordered the battleship to be at a big angle like a motorcycle cornering. The side slope threw away a nice arc and then resumed straight sailing. The captain reminded: "At first glance, you are someone who rarely gets on the ship. Next time you want to turn, please tell us in advance. Not all ships can turn like the Watcher!"

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