I did not participate in the next massacre. Dragon Clan’s battle against humans cannot be called war. It should be called hunting more appropriately, because there are essential differences between the two sides in terms of battle strength.

The remaining troops outside the base all have heavy weapons, but this has little effect on the result. The open terrain is not only beneficial to them, our heavy weapons can also be used. The pressure on our side began to drop significantly when the full-band protective cover generator, which looked like a four-legged egg, came out of the cargo aisle. In the range of a strong magnetic field, weapons that rely on inertial flight, such as bullets, can basically fly less than two meters, and there is no formidable power even if the target is in the mission. More importantly, the magnetic field emitted by these white "eggs" is downward, which means that all items containing iron, cobalt, and nickel will become very heavy. Unfortunately, the weapons used by these enemies who attack us basically contain a lot of iron, especially heavy weapons.

Fortunately, I took my family and rushed to the forefront of the battlefield. They were more terrifying than us without the threat of heavy weapons. For the first time, I realized that Long Yan is a face-to-face weapon. The formidable power is actually so big. Those who are directly sprayed by the flame are better, and it will be over. On the contrary, those who are too close and are not directly touched are often burned with big blisters at the end of the skin. Falling off, very miserable.

I was leaning against the gate and resting while monitoring the battlefield, when suddenly a report from a member of the B1 unit came through my mind. "General, there are a small number of reporters and onlookers outside our base. What should we do." Although the base is in the suburbs, there is a road next to it. Hearing the explosion, it is very likely to come and see what happened. Although I know that they are innocent, once the news spreads, it may cause all-out war and domestic turmoil. When the time comes, more people will die. One is to kill more than a hundred innocent people, and the other is to wait for hundreds of millions of people to die in the whole world. It is actually very easy to make a subtraction.

Some idealists who can only dream up often yell that human lives cannot be counted by numbers, but I want to know if more people fall because of protecting a few people, do they think this is the case? More humane. No matter what they think, we, Dragon Clan, are all pragmatists and never believe in miracles. In our Dragon Clan's eyes, everything, including ethics, must be digitized and can be measured. In fact, most humans do the same, but everyone will clamor for ethics to cover up their behavior.

I sent a message to the person who signaled: "Bring all into the mountain, and be careful not to let more people see it. I will send security forces outside to prevent more onlookers from entering."< /p>

In fact, Nuwa had already sent some security guards before, but the number was too small to form a blockade. According to Nuwa, people who go out are just warning signs. Their function is to warn those people that they are not safe inside. Whoever rushes in is their own courting death, and no one can blame others. It's just that Nuwa obviously underestimated the determination of human beings to watch the excitement. There are not a few people who have to see what happens even if they die.

The battlefield has become calm, no one ran away, we successfully intercepted all the enemies, and at this time, in an office somewhere, a general with all white hair and beard powerlessly shut down Monitor. He took out a small pistol from the drawer next to the desk, then pressed the trigger slightly in his mouth.

Rose walked to a soldier on the battlefield, and then found a camera on his body. "It seems that many people will commit suicide tonight!"

"It's best to die, so as to save us trouble." Wiena said angrily.

"Ah...!" A scream suddenly cut through the sky, and the volume was really amazing.

Our people turned their heads and looked towards the direction of the sound almost at the same time. There was a large group of people standing there, only civilians from the clothing. The source of the sound is some of the females and a few male members. As for the reason for their screaming, it is easy to find the answer from their sight.

"Fortunately, you are not a puppy, don't always smell on others."

A person living in reality suddenly saw a head as big as a container Leaning in front of him, screaming was normal, even if it was like some of the ladies lying on the ground, it was not strange. The first time I saw a dragon in reality, even I would feel a little dizzy. Besides, this guy is lucky to get so close to smell the smell of others.

Fortunately, after hearing what I said, I moved my head away while whispered: "It smells so bad, there are three guys in the pants!"

I shouted to the team behind those people : "Bring them here."

Those people were quickly pressed in front of me, most of them dressed well, after all, this is near the highway, and the people who came to find that the movement is all driving by Most of the people who can run to watch the excitement are those who drive private cars. Long-distance buses don’t stop halfway to watch the excitement. Truck drivers don’t have the time to be in a hurry, so the basic conditions for being caught are all conditions. A pretty good person.

The sane people in the crowd looked at me carefully. After all, my armor had the strangest appearance, and it was obviously the highest commander here.

"Why arrest us? What law did we commit?" a 25-year-old youngster stepped out of the crowd and asked.

"I'm not a policeman. What does it matter to me if you break the law? Besides, you didn't break the law."

"Then why arrest us?"

I use Fingers drew a circle on the big guys around. "Because you saw them."

These people are relatively wealthy and identifiable people. Naturally, they have more knowledge than ordinary people. When I say this, they immediately understand why they are. caught. The reason for sealing is easy to think of. "Then what do you plan to do with us?"

"I haven't thought about this. If nothing happens, it will become an experiment and die in an experiment."


Before the youth shouted out, a middle age person in a suit and leather shoes walked up to negotiate: "I am the chief executive officer of TBT Group Asia, the mayor and mine The relationship is also very good. You can't do this to me. Human experimentation violates national laws, and I am an American citizen, not a Chinese citizen. You have no right to do this to me."

"Oh? Are you American? "I thought about this Chinese jokingly.

The other party nodded: "According to the international relations standards, you cannot use criminal law against me casually."

"Unfortunately, there is an anti-espionage agreement in the additional agreement to the international standards, so... "I raised my left hand and choked his neck. He grabbed my arm and struggled desperately, but he couldn't shake my arm at all. "Now I announce that you have been confirmed as an American spy. Because of your resistance to arrest, you were shot dead by our personnel during the arrest." I said that I tried hard, but the guy's head was immediately tilted to the side when I heard a click. , His hands and feet fell down quickly.

"Ah...!" The scream quickly rang in the crowd.

I threw the corpse away and looked towards others. "Every year in the United States, over 100,000 people of various types enter our country. Three or five missing people are within the normal range. Don’t call it that loud. Okay, now who among you is a foreign friend, please stand up immediately and I will give you Special care."

A very ordinary-looking woman stood up tremblingly. "I... I'm a Korean student, please... please don't kill...!"

"A Korean, are you?" I took off my helmet and threw it to Ling to hold it for me, then revealed it A very kind smile: "Don't be afraid. Are we neighboring countries! The relationship between the two countries is pretty good, and I won't kill people casually. But..." My smile disappeared suddenly, and when my fingers moved, the woman's eyebrows were suddenly sharp. After half an arrow, he fell straight down. "But it's a special situation now, so I'm really sorry."

The group of people quieted down in an instant, even the screaming ones were quieted down, probably in shock. I turned to them again. "Then the rest are all natives, right?"

Those people nodded desperately at once, for fear that they would be treated as foreigners after a while. I smiled kindly again, but when those people saw my smile, they seemed to have the cold hair all over their bodies.

"After that, I'm not a devil, do I have to be so afraid?" I beckons with the hand, the young man who had previously negotiated as a representative. "You are brave, which at least shows that you have the spirit of dedication. Of course, maybe you just secrete excessive male hormones. However, I still think you are a very brave person." As I patted his shoulders, his legs became weak. Almost knelt on the ground. I lifted him up with a slight mention. "Don't go down! Why are you shaking? I won't eat you again."

Luckily, this guy seems to have similar interests to me, and likes to play with other people's nerves. I was talking there, but he was licking his lips with canthus behind me, looking very hungry, and the young man shook his teeth.

I turned around and waved to Lucky: "While playing, human flesh is not tasty, don't drool there, don't you need money to repair the floor if the floor is burned out?" Lucky's saliva is acidic, although it is corrosive Not particularly strong, but not too bad.

Fortunately, I didn’t leave at all, just didn’t make that kind of scary play anymore, but this guy grabbed an armored car and squatted on the ground as if it were boring. Tearing down and playing, the young man's eyes were all seen.

I smiled and looked at this guy. "Don't be afraid, he scares you to play. I am actually very good at talking, so as long as you cooperate a little, nothing will happen. Foreigners have no loyalty, so there is no possibility of staying, but you are different. "

After listening to my words, those people relaxed a little. One of the girls walked up to me and said: "Then you can let us go?"

"This is probably impossible immediately Implementation, you may be released when you can be released, but the time It shouldn't be too long."

Another girl in fancy dress suddenly rushed up and said: "What rank are you "

"What are you asking about this?"

"You detained me and scared me so terribly, I want my dad to withdraw you."

"Oh? Putting it that way isn't your dad's official? Let's hear it, maybe I can really withdraw me!"

"hmph! Do you know you are scared? Tell you, my dad He is the commander of the first experimental unit of the Nanjing Military Region." The girl reported her father's position very proudly.

"Aiya, it turned out to be the daughter of Commander Xiao Xiang!" The girl was stunned, didn't expect that I knew her dad, but the words after me almost made her faint. "Didn't expect you to come to funeral your dad so soon? You wait and I let them put your dad together." I said and turned to Lucky: "Don't tear the tank there, go get Xiao Xiang's army Long pick it up."

Fortunately, I looked down at the corpse of the mountain and said: "The armor that the guy is sitting on has been burned by my son! The corpse and the molten steel are all melted into a ball, I go up. Where can I find it for you?"

I turned to the girl and said: "Aiya sorry, my hands are too heavy, you see how sorry! Accidentally made a skeleton doesn't exist! Or I will send you down. We sent so many people at once. Ghost Messenger did not go through the immigration procedures so quickly. Your dad will definitely be in front of the Bridge of Helplessness. Come on." As I said, I grabbed the girl by the shoulder and threw her out. "Little boy, I'll give you something delicious."

Little boy flew up from his mother and bit the girl's body in the air. The corpse was instantly bitten off, and blood and internal organs spilled out of those people one by one. Face, almost everyone began to scream, they desperately slapped the blood and internal organs on their bodies. After hitting the ground, Xiao Budian desperately vomited what was in his mouth. "Pei pei pei, Uncle, you lie to me, what does it smell like? It's terrible!"

"hahahaha, little cat, let you talk again next time and give you a long memory. "I said to Rose and they said: "The one in school uniform over there, this, this, this, that over there, and the very good long one in the last row, stay, and bring the others to the experimental material warehouse."

The bloody behavior just now is not completely meaningless. For one thing, I am very upset now. These guys who oppose our Dragon Clan always make trouble for us. Naturally, I am in a bad mood. Take a vent when you kill a few nasty guys. Another purpose is to let these people's thinking be stimulated by my behavior, so that I can judge the general emotional characteristics of these people by monitoring the peak signals of their brain waves. People with rational thinking and impulsive people have completely different ways of thinking. Rational people’s EEG lines are as regular as the sound waves of music, while impulsive people’s EEG signals are more like noise signals, completely irregular. . The ones I pointed out are those with strong autonomic nerves. Their behavior is extremely rational. As long as they understand the truth, they will not do anything out of the ordinary. This is very similar to Dragon Clan, at least they can control their behavior.

After those people were taken away, these six people were gathered by my side. Among them, five men and one woman, have nothing common with each other, the oldest seems to be over fifty. The youngest is that girl, at most sixteen.

"I know you are very surprised why you were left, but don't be afraid, I won't hurt you."

One of the twenty-something youths said calmly : "You killed several people after saying this before."

I said with a serious face: "Then do you think I'm telling lies now?"

"I'm not Divine Immortal, how do you know that what you said is true or false? Besides, no matter what I say is true or false, you can decide what I say is right or wrong. As long as you deliberately reverse it, I am definitely wrong, as long as you follow I must be right when I say what I say, so no matter what I say, it is not me who decides right or wrong at all."

"hahahaha..., really interesting person." I patted him: "Then I won’t ask you anymore. My answer is that you will live. Now tell me your name, occupation, and family situation."

Several people reported their situation in cooperation, and they are all sane and very sane. Strong people know that resistance at this time will not help them in any way. I looked at the information of six people, and then said to the human in his fifties: "Sorry Mr. Feng, today’s things are a bit messy. A leading cadre of your level should be able to guess the inside story of some things. I miss you. I also understand what's going on. I won't tell you the following things, I believe you know how to do it."

The other party is nodded. "I've heard something about you, but didn't expect you to have a conflict here today, otherwise I won't come up the mountain."

"It’s best for you to understand. Yes, I don’t have to embarrass you, as long as you can see me when nothing happened today, you can be when nothing happened today, understand?"


I beckons with the hand to Scott. "Take him to install a nerve bug." I turned around and said to him: "This is a means of insurance. After all, we can't just ask you for anything. As long as you don't leak the news, the chip won't treat you. Enough for any influence, but if you violate the regulations, it will use a strong current to scorch your nerve system, and you will become a vegetative if you simply don’t have time to transmit the information."

" Don’t worry! I don’t want to die yet."

"That’s good."

Outside this, I sent a few others to install neuro-listening devices, and only left There are two men and one woman next. The man is 41 years old and he is dressed in casual clothes. I said to him: "As a high-level employee of the group, your problem is relatively simple. You don't need to install the nerve bug. Anyway, you have the group's personnel identification chip in your head, so we will take it. Nothing happened. Anyway, you are only two safe levels away from being able to access these things, which is not at the worst. So, is this your daughter next to you?"

The man quickly He patted her daughter on the shoulder: "Say hello."

"Uncle is good." The little girl said immediately.

Ling and Xiaochun beside them laughed out loud together, and I scratched my head in embarrassment. "I have become Uncle accidentally. Do I seem to be that old?"

"You and father are colleagues, of course you call you Uncle."

"Can't be split like this Right? Are you sixteen? I'm only eight years older than you, called Uncle isn't this too ridiculous? Big Brother is almost there."

"Who said I was sixteen?" Next The girl said unconvincingly: "I'm already eighteen."

"Eighteen?" I looked at her in surprise, then stretched out her hand and pinched her wrist, with the other hand. I pressed her temple and closed my eyes and felt it, then I let go of my hand in surprise. "Are you strengthening lifeform?"

Strengthening lifeform is also a product of biochemical technology, but it is not an artificial human, but an enhanced human. The original biological research direction of Longyuan was many, and there was a transformation plan for ordinary person, but it was abandoned later. This strengthening human plan is also one of them, but this plan only strengthens the body and does not significantly improve intelligence, and there are many variables caused by individual differences, so it has not been widely promoted. Using this technology can turn a normal natural person into a sports genius with a stronger body and an excellent response nerve, and the intelligence will also be slightly improved. It is also a good solution for the ordinary person. However, the enhanced lifeform is still human in the final analysis, and this enhancement is not heritable, which means that their offspring are still ordinary person, unlike our Dragon Clan members, even if they have offspring, they must be Dragon Clan and will not degenerate back to humans. level.

The little girl looked at me and asked: "What do you mean to strengthen the lifeform?"

I looked towards middle age person in surprise. "She doesn't know?"

middle age person nodded: "I don't want her life to be too complicated, so I never told her. This child is Innate's polio, with high paraplegia all over the body. I can’t take care of myself. Later when she was ten years old, I was promoted to the position of high level director of Longyuan Special Transportation Department. When I checked the high level cargo list, I accidentally discovered that our company actually still has this medicine, so I just I applied for one with my own position, and didn’t expect really approved it. Later, the child not only recovered his mobility, but also his body’s athletic ability surpassed that of the ordinary person, and even his intelligence became very high. Like a little adult. The researcher who gave me the medicine at the time said that we were lucky. My daughter happened to be a highly adaptable physique to this medicine, so the effect of the medicine was much higher than normal."

< p>"I said, how come the eighteen-year-old looks like less than sixteen!" The enhanced lifeform lifespan is longer than the ordinary person. It will only show the physical characteristics of a normal human being at the age of twenty-two when it is 30 years old, and it is young The period will be very long. You may not see any signs of aging until you are 70 years old, and you will look like a forty or fifty-year-old person to death. "By the way, discuss something with you. Leave your daughter here and let us study her adaptability issues. In return, we will convert her into a Dragon Clan member."

" Dragon Clan?"

Dragon Clan is what we call our new species, and most of us don't know it. I quickly explained: "Dragon Clan is an orthodox BG creature. Simply put, it is an artificial Heavenly God, infinite lifespan, super recovery, genius intelligence, sports superman, and it also comes with a lot of special abilities. And the fairy cultivation success in the fairy tale. People are almost there too, but the myth is illusory, but we are real and achievable. How about? Am I willing to accept this suggestion?"

The middle age person thought about it and said, "You have to Asking herself, I have no opinion, but she disagrees and I will not agree."

I turned my head and looked towards little girl, and the little girl immediately asked: "Can you be beautiful?"

I snapped my fingers and shouted: "Take off the helmets." After everyone took off the helmets, I asked in the little girl's star-filled eyes: "You see one of us is better than the movie Is it obviously long and ugly?"

The little girl immediately cried out: "I want to join."

I immediately stretched out: "Congratulations on your wise decision "

"Then can I become beautiful right away?"

"It won't be so fast. It will take about a year for genetic adjustments, and you will gradually become beautiful Get up, but to be honest, you are pretty good now."

"No woman would think she is too beautiful."

"You are a girl or not a woman."

"The same goes for baby girls."

After dealing with these witnesses, I ordered everyone to clean up the battlefield quickly, and people from the Information Department began to compile propaganda messages that conceal the facts. Although all the witnesses dealt with it, the heavy weapon movement was too loud to hide it. Our official explanation is live ammunition drills, and this excuse is easier to confuse.

Our enemy was defeated, and the opinions above finally unified. Because the above was afraid that the previous inaction would cause our dissatisfaction, the following things were dealt with very quickly. The helicopter arrived at the scene less than an hour after the end of the battle. Several real powers all arrived at the scene to commend us, and at the same time they made a lot of wishes for us, making it clear that they were trying to win us over. Although I felt uncomfortable, we Dragon Clan wouldn't do things that were too emotional, so we didn't say anything at all.

In addition to the empty wish, it also really gave some practical benefits. The country is fully responsible for the loss of the Longyuan Affiliated Base, and the development of the Fourth Special Zone is fully liberalized. The development speed that has been restricted before is finally lifted this time. In addition to the national combat readiness laboratory to keep a copy of the data, the other third We can use all the things that come out of the four special zones. Finally, the Nanjing base got a whole train of atomic separators, which means that our super Divine Dragon space battleship is expected to be completed ahead of schedule.

We don’t don’t give face too much when we get the benefits. After all, we’ve already lost our face like this, and we don’t want to make things too stiff. After all, we don’t want to break, so we still can’t do The relationship is too complicated. Besides, there is really no time for us to mess around in this period. The planet killer that can end the solar system is still rushing towards us at a speed of tens of thousands of kilometers per second. If you can't flash before it reaches, you can only become the second generation of dinosaurs. , This is not fun.

In the afternoon, father accompanied the high-level staff to dinner and meeting, but I took everyone back to the laboratory for a full-body examination, and then connected again. Now I am not in the mood to engage in politics with them. It is true that I should use "Zero" more to make more money for the country and the dragon. Transferring economic burdens between countries is a must-kill trick that has been tried and tested. If you make good use of it, you can succumb to others without fighting. How about being happy and not doing it?

It was almost dark when it went online again, and I was stunned as soon as I appeared on the scene of the battle. "Damn, the god of destruction has been here?" When I left, the situation here was that a bunch of experts were beating the Heavenspan Cult Lord, but now the situation is full of pits, and the ground has been cut down at least seven or eight hundred meters. A giant meteorite crater was created, and there were small craters in the big crater, as if it had been bombed intensively. Four Sacred Beasts were lying on the bottom of the pit and all were unconscious. Eighteen days Weidong was lying one by one everywhere. There was actually one half of his body in the soil, with only two legs left outside. Erlang Shen leaned on a rock outside the pit, covered in blood. I don't know if it was his blood. Tow Tower King fell in the middle of the big pit, his hair all stood up, and his body was still smoking, most likely it was caused by lightning!

I searched for a circle, but I did not find the Great Wheel Pluto and the Buddhist personnel trapped in the formation. In fact, not only the two of them, but even the formation diagram is gone. The Divine Immortal in the formation were all there, but they all fell together. It seemed that the injuries were serious, and they didn't respond to any calls. Heavenspan Cult Lord is not there, like the Great Wheel Pluto, but I wonder why I didn’t see gold coin and Yinxue. Could it be that I was caught? But it's not right! How many experts are there? How strong is it to be able to knock all of these boss-level characters? Even if Hong Jun Sect Lord and Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning confront these experts, they can only be supported, and there is no chance to fight back at all. Who can turn defeat into victory in such a siege? Is this not logical? Besides, what's the matter with this big pit on the ground? Even if the four Sacred Beast battle strength are so powerful, it is impossible to blow up such a big pit?

"Gold coin, are you there?" I yelled to the surrounding. After waiting for a long time, there was no answer. It seems that gold coin was knocked out or not at the scene. She is a player, even if she is killed, she can change her trumpet and come back. Impossible can't find anyone at all.

After thinking about it, I still ran to the Drag Tower King. As soon as he touched him, he was hit by the induction electricity. It seems that the lightning strike was directly hit, otherwise the Drag Tower King would not be left behind. So much electrical energy. I touched it again, this time the current was much smaller. Turning him over hard, he found that the face of King Tuota was full of wounds, as if it had been cut out by many small knives. There was also a bottle gourd under him, which was clearly the bottle gourd that installed Celestial Court Magical Artifact before. Fortunately, this thing was not lost, otherwise the matter would be big. Although I can't embezzle the contents of this bottle gourd, I can use it temporarily before returning it. It shouldn't be a big problem. After all, I this can be considered to defend Celestial Court property!

I pushed and dragged the tower king. "King of Heaven, King of Heaven! Wake up. Wake up soon." I didn’t respond at all when I called the change. I simply pulled out a water pipe from the Phoenix Dragon Space, pointed the outlet towards King Tota’s face, and immediately poured it out as soon as I twisted the valve. King Tota is covered in water.

"cough cough cough...!" The King Draga coughed and moved.

I quickly shut the water off and threw the pipe back into the Phoenix Dragon Space, and reached out to support the Drag Tower Tianwang to a dry place aside. "Heaven, God? What happened?"

"Water, is there any more water?"

"Yes." I took out the tube and handed it to him. This guy took the water to the Dalian shower and took a drink and it was all done.

After drinking the water, he coughed and said, "Huh! Thanks to so many babies, I almost died!"

"What the hell is this? You are not Are you besieging the Heavenspan Cult Lord? How did you achieve this virtue? Who put you all down so harshly?"

"No, I don't know!" said King Tota.

"Don't know? Is the enemy so strong that you were brought down without even seeing the shadow?"

"That's not it!" King Tota said: "There is more than one opponent People, one of them carried a treasure similar to the East Emperor Bell. After the two sides played for a while, I rang the East Emperor Bell, and the other party also activated my own baby. As a result, the two treasures rang together and suddenly broke out. The forces collided together and there was a big explosion. Because the formidable power was too big, we were all stunned. However, there is no such group of people in my memory, so I don't know who attacked us. "

"Do you mean that the opponent is at the same level as yours?"

"Only white jade Qilin is slightly better than the opponent's staff, and everyone else is evenly matched. Later, the magic weapons on both sides collided together, and we fainted after us. I don’t know what happened afterwards!"

I lifted the Tota Heavenly King and said: "Then you rest here first , I’ll go see the situation of other people."

Tota is nodded weakly. "I'm fine."

I let go of Tota and ran to Erlang Shen's side, and first checked his injuries. Although he was covered with blood, he had no physical injuries, so he had no choice but to stimulate it with water, but he didn't respond at all.

"Ayana, Xiaochun, come out and help. Check his injury."

Ayana summon walked Erlang Shen's body with a light blue ball of light. , And Xiaochun felt it with her hands on both sides of Erlang Shen's temples and her eyes closed. After a while, Xiaochun said: "His injury is very serious, not only the body, but also the soul. It depends on the situation that the Primordial Spirit was damaged by a very serious energy impact. Even if he wakes up now, he can’t Action."

Anna nodded said: "The result of my examination is the same as Xiaochun, and his injury is indeed too serious."

"Will it be life-threatening?"

"That's not enough, he can be regarded as a more powerful Divine Immortal, even if he can't recover right away, death will not be enough."

"Then Amona will take care of him first. He, help him deal with the physical injury, Xiaochun come with me." Bring Xiaochun to the four Sacred Beast at the bottom of the pit, and then gently touched Azure Dragon's shoulder, and Azure Dragon suddenly I grabbed my arm and turned back in shock, and sat down on the ground. "Damn, what are you doing? It scares me to death!"

Azure Dragon immediately let go when he found that I was holding it. He wanted to sit up, but he only supported a little and suddenly there was no one. The wrinkle fell down again. I quickly supported him. "How is it? Is the injury serious?"

Azure Dragon gritted his teeth nodded, and the sweat on his forehead continued to flow out. It seems that it is really serious to be able to hurt Azure Dragon like this. Hurts. I gave Azure Dragon to Xiaochun to support, and went to shoot the other three by myself. As a result, the four Sacred Beasts all woke up as soon as they called. High strength is not the same. Heavenly King Tota had to be watered to wake up with the help of magic weapons and was shaken, while the four Sacred Beasts, who were at the center of the burst of power, woke up as soon as they

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