"Heavenspan Cult Lord, today is your time to die." Gold coin this girl screamed and rushed up, right?

When I saw gold coin rushing up, I immediately jumped up and planned to rush up to take the opportunity to stab the Heavenspan Cult Lord. Two knives and fun, didn’t expect the ring of love rang as soon as I jumped up. I almost fell back to the ground. "What's the matter?"

"Go offline, something is in trouble." Rose's voice was very anxious, and she cut off the communication without explaining it to me.

"Trouble?" Although I don't know what Rose's so-called role model is, I immediately withdrew.

After taking off the helmet, I looked around all around. There was no problem in the room I was in, but it was very noisy outside. I jumped directly off the bed, then quickly opened the door and rushed out. "Nuwa, what's the matter?" I used the auxiliary electronic communication device in my head to directly connect to the central computer as I ran to the pets' room.

Nuwa's voice has completely lost its usual gentle tone. "The base encountered a frontal attack, and the enemy has penetrated into the 7th Layer underground. I temporarily closed the isolation armor belt between the Eighth Layer and the Seventh Layer, but this can only withstand up to 20 minutes. Now I am instructing the researchers to withdraw below the Thirteenth Layer. In the area, the military god suggested that we gather forces in the Eighth Layer area to launch a counterattack."

"Frontal invasion? How did the enemy get so many troops into Chinese territory?" The Nanjing sub-base as a whole is an underground bunker. There are a large number of automatic defense weapons and protective equipment on each floor. There are also two advanced weapon experimental groups stationed on the surface. If you want to make a frontal breakthrough and quickly rush into the 7th Layer underground, you need at least two reorganized divisions or a special assault brigade, otherwise Even if you rush in, it takes a long time. It is impossible to get to Seventh Layer so soon.

Nuwa's answer made me feel as if I was hit by a sledgehammer in my chest. Just listen to Nuwa in a slightly angry voice: "Invading our country troops."

"Our country... troops?" The sudden blow made me completely wonder what to say!

Maybe I know that I want to be crooked, Nuwa then added: "Don't worry, the other party has not officially authorized the order."

"Isn't officially authorized the order?" I instantly understood what was going on. The so-called lack of formal orders is actually acquiescence or decentralization. It may be that the upper echelon cannot agree on our attitude towards us, so it happens to borrow some of the military personnel's hostile sentiment towards our Longyuan Science and Technology Corps to acquiesce in them launching such a battle. According to the laws of nature, the winner is the dominant group, which means that it is more useful to the country. Anyway, now we and those who oppose us cannot coexist. The upper-level thinks that instead of letting our two forces antagonize the country for a long time, it is better to let us fight directly and expose the strength and personnel of both sides. come out. When the time comes, whoever fails will be the part that the country concentrates on to eradicate, and the rest is the object that needs to be fostered. Although this trick is a bit shameful, at present it is also the least harmful way to national interests. Even if we fail, we will lose only a few troops. Our country is still in a state of war-free. The losses of these divisions will soon be made up. It is far safer than the internal friction of our two sides.

Nuwa knew that with Dragon Clan’s intelligence, it should be easy to analyze the essence of the matter, so she and Ben didn’t ask me what I thought, and just continued: "Are you planning to go to the war yourself?"< /p>

"Dragon Clan is what people want to kill. Let the security department help us to top it! They are also raised by their parents. If they are sacrificed, it will be a heavy blow to their family."

"When did you become so benevolent?"

"To save what is worth saving, and destroy what is worth destroying, Dragon Clan did not hesitate. Tell me now, our power balance. Enemies How many people are there?"

"More than you expected." Nuwa's voice seemed to be calmer than before. Maybe my attitude made her think it was not a bad thing. "The offensive force consists of a reorganized infantry group with more than 30,000 men. In addition, they also have two special operations brigades. Fortunately, our base is underground, so all of their heavy weapons are useless. They are definitely not your opponents in street fighting."

"OK, how many manpower do we have?"

"Most of your Qilin warriors are replacing the second-generation biological skeletons. There are only one thousand and three people who can go with you. Sgeot, they can all play with you, as well as your children. However, the space in the base is not enough, so luckily they may only be able to provide limited help. In addition, the B1, B3, and B7 troops are all in the base, and they can also play together with your door. If you really can’t stand it, I can also start the natural disaster plan in advance to help you drive the enemy out. But to be safe, the most It’s better if you don’t need it."

The natural disaster plan is the insect race development plan. The basic idea is to introduce my consciousness of the symbiote queen in the game into a body with the characteristics of the insect race queen. Then she will manipulate these insects to fight. The danger of this plan is that the evolution speed of insect race is much faster than that of other animals, so the probability of mutant individuals is also great. In case of undesirable mutation, the result may be catastrophic. But, if it’s the moment of life and death, who cares about those?

In general, the disparity between the enemy and our forces is really huge. There are only more than 1,000 people in my team and I. There are not enough homes for the B1, B3, and B7 players. There are about 40,000 invaders, which is almost 40 times as many as ours.

"It seems that this battle will take a bit of effort!"

"One against four Ten, on battle strength, you should have an absolute advantage, and I will use the protective gates in the base And the automatic defense weapons will help you make it convenient, and the military god will give you tactical guidance. As long as you pay attention, you can basically zero casualties."

Nuwa’s words are not exaggerated at all, and this is also true. It's the reason why those people don't like us. Those human soldiers, they bleed and sweat every day to train for their lives. In the end, their battle strength can't reach our tenth place, hard work and hard work can't be recognized, and no one can get angry. However, their coping method is really too irrational and extreme, but this is also the characteristic of human beings-do it first and think later.

The alarm inside the base has already sounded, and most likely our defense forces outside the base have been wiped out. The personnel who were able to support my operations were quickly concentrated on the underground Thirteenth Layer, while the original members of the security forces were all concentrated on the Fourteenth City to serve as the second reserve team. Their task is to prevent a fish that escaped the net from entering the lower level of the base. In the area, the researchers there are all unarmed personnel, and the battle strength is basically zero.

"Husband." Rose walked over wearing tight-fitting fourth-generation individual armor, and Ling and Weina followed behind her.

"Are you all armed?"

"I even brought yours." Rose said, handing me my armor. "What weapons do you want to use? We all took a cold weapon and a hot weapon, maybe we can use it."

"Cold weapon may not be available, right? The space here is too narrow, in the aisle I can't dance at all."

Ling brightened the alloy claws on his wrists. "We chose this one, which can be stretched and stretched at will, and it is relatively short and does not affect activities."

"Then I don't need it." I lighted up my armor as I said. My armor is designed according to the dragon suit in "Zero". Except for no magic attributes, most of the knives and the like in the game are carried, and this armor has very powerful electronic equipment and protection. Pretty good.

After getting dressed neatly, I took everyone to the underground 14th-layer assembly quickly. Many people have already arrived here. Nuwa arranged for Qilin warrior to join us here before going to Thirteenth Layer. As for the other biochemical units, they are already waiting here.

Butterfly and Big K began to greet me from afar. "Little Young Master is going to play in person today?"

"Those bastards are too shameless, I will have a toothache if I don't teach them! Oh, by the way, what kind of weapon do you use?" Team B The people did not speak, but raised their weapons together. Halo, it's all big guys! "Hey, you take such a long gun. Beware that you can't use it flexibly when you get into the tunnel."

"Huh? Don't you know?" Butterflies looked at me strangely.

"What's the matter?"

"Thirteenth Layer is a botanical garden!"

"Botanical garden?" To be honest, I really don't know the topography of Thirteenth Layer. Because our work area is very deep, so I use the elevator to get down directly, and rarely walk on it, so I don't know exactly where the Thirteenth Layer is.

Nuwa’s listener caught our conversation. She was very surprised and asked: "You really don’t know about the Thirteenth Layer?"

"We haven’t been there again, why Will you know?"

"I didn't expect me to make mistakes." Nuwa immediately said: "Wait a minute, I will directly transfer the topography of the Thirteenth Layer to your electronic brain. You can call the map directly.” Since it was in the base, the transmission signal was very good and the speed was also very fast. We instantly saw the map from Nuwa, and some white points were moving on it. Nuwa explained to us: "I connected the biosensor to the map. The white dots you see are researchers who are retreating. After a while, I will mark the enemy with red and my combatants with green. The entire Thirteenth Layer is a botanical garden designed according to the primitive forest. It was originally part of the internal gas circulation system of the base established to deal with nuclear war. You can make full use of your expertise to destroy the enemy in jungle warfare. There are a lot of hidden in the forest. Automatic weapons. I will control these things to assist you in fighting. Some enemies have protective walls buried in the ground. When necessary, I will raise some protective walls for you to use as bunkers. The upper passages are very narrow and the opponent will not carry them. Heavy weapons, at best they can bring in light sulfur cannons, mortars, bazookas and other weapons. No matter how big they are, they will definitely not be able to enter. So you have an absolute advantage in firepower."

"That's good, I don't want to die too many people! Now everyone is going to change jungle warfare equipment, and then go to the underground Thirteenth Layer to gather."

According to Nuwa's instructions, we quickly reached the underground Thirteenth Layer, here The environment is very close to the primitive forest. The zenith above the head is more than two hundred and sixty meters above the ground. Coupled with the lighting system that simulates natural light on the zenith, the roof is simply not visible under normal circumstances. If it weren't for the many pillars on this floor, most people would never have imagined that this would be a plant cultivation area located in several hundred meters underground. Of course, the research institute is a scientific research unit after all, so the plants here are not ordinary plants. Most of them are artificial gene plants that grow very fast, and some are even semi-phytochemical animals that are completely different from Earth creatures, and these special creatures They also have a certain degree of offensive. After all, they were originally developed as biological weapons. Even if they were expanded in other directions later, their instincts as weapons still exist.

When we set everything up, the enemy has entered the Tenth Layer, and their penetration speed is much faster than expected, but the above parts have been removed, except for some not very important Almost nothing was left outside of the research equipment.

Nuwa directly opened the gates between the several floors and completely put down the enemy. This was also the plan of the military god. The military god means that after some enemies enter, the gate of a certain layer above will be lowered, so that the enemy can be cut off. When they open the gate, the enemy below should be almost wiped out by us. The human army is not as good as our Dragon Clan's self-control ability. After seeing a large number of casualties of their companions, their morale will be low, which is very beneficial to us. From the beginning of the invasion of the base, the enemy invaded here in one breath. There was no triumphant progress in the middle, which made their imposing manner unstoppable. The military god plans to use this tactic to offset their morale factor and use the passage gate. Cooperate with us to flexibly divide the enemy and destroy them group by group.

"Now it will be replaced by radio communication, and it is forbidden to use sound waves to talk." I directly use the electronic brain to send electromagnetic signals to all the members to order. One more communication method than the ordinary person class can indeed take up a lot of bargain.

We lurked in our respective hiding places and directly used our electronic brain to receive the enemy's movements captured by Nuwa through the monitor. A group of soldiers wearing black urban combat uniforms and night market helmets rushed in from the entrance, but the environment here obviously made them stunned. The previous laboratory suddenly became a primitive forest. Most people couldn't adapt to such a big change in an instant, but these people were strictly trained special forces and quickly adapted to the environment. A guy who took the lead made a series of gestures in a decent way, and his team members immediately began to scatter and advance according to the command, and soon more people followed.

"It looks like they are all professional troops." Wiener's electric wave signal appeared in our brains.

In the image, the face of a guy who looked like a commander was zoomed in to the center of the screen, and his resume quickly appeared on the side. Nuwa's signal appears in our consciousness. "Luo Qianqiang, Captain Special Forces, a professional soldier, served for seven years. Good guy, this guy has killed more than 170 people in the mission, the real Demon King!"

"He has Do you kill a lot?" Ling asked Nuwa jokingly.

Nuwa angrily distinguished: "I am a human experiment, not a simple murder."

"Hehe, we don't care anyway, what are you explaining?"

"Pipe down all for me, the enemy is coming."

Nuwa's voice immediately calmed down: "You immediately switch the visual mode to the radiation mode, and I'm going to turn off the lights."< /p>

More and more people entered the Thirteenth Layer. Most of the land in the primordial jungle was controlled. After almost three thousand people entered this layer, the gate at the entrance suddenly fell. The soldiers who entered this floor looked back nervously, but an officer immediately yelled: "Don't mess around, keep your position, group guards, the enemy may set a trap." His tone barely fell in the room. The lights went out all of a sudden, and all the soldiers felt pitch-black in front of them. Before turning off the lights, Nuwa deliberately adjusted the intensity of the light in the room to the maximum, so that the soldiers' pupils would shrink to the minimum. When the lights were suddenly turned off, their eyes were naturally darkened.

Without the command from the officers, the soldiers quickly turned on the switch on the night vision helmet, and the green image slowly lit up in the field of vision. However, before they could see the surrounding situation clearly, they only heard the sound of an electric current, and then everyone's night vision went dark. Just now Vina launched an electromagnetic shock, and all night vision devices were completely burned by the electromagnetic radiation that passed in an instant, and the explosion caused many people's eyes to flash.

The soldiers heard the screams one after another before they had time to study what happened. One soldier started firing, and others followed, but none of them knew what happened. What did they hit? In fact, most of the bullets they fired were shot into their own body. Our people are basically on trees, and they have protective armor on them, so they are not afraid of light weapons.

I saw the opportunity to drop a biochemical spider silk from the tree that is difficult to find even under normal light, and then wrapped the looped silk loop around the guy’s neck, gently Pulling upward, the silk thread tied into a movable buckle immediately tightened automatically, and with a click, a head rolled out.

"Don't mess, don't shoot randomly!" A special forces officer shouted loudly, but his voice soon disappeared. Ling took a bloody dagger and jumped from him back to the tree.

"Here, I found one." I don't know what happened, a bright flashlight suddenly hit the place where I was hiding.

"It's really troublesome." I turned around and shot the guy with the torch off, but many people around had noticed my existence. I turned over and jumped off the tree, and quickly rushed to a guy who was holding a gun at the tree, and punched the guy’s chest with a punch, then jumped up to the tree diagonally opposite, and turned back with a throwing knife. I brought down a guy who was aiming at me. Our electronic brain can receive the enemy's thought signal. When someone aims at us, his nerve signal will suddenly appear a peak signal. As long as we pay attention to avoiding this signal, we can guarantee that we will never be hit.

More than 3,000 soldiers who were put in were laid down by us as we chopped melons and vegetables, and there was no way to fight back. There is too much difference in the strength of the two sides, and they are being raided again, and coupled with the unfamiliar terrain, apart from the large number of people, there is no advantage at all.

"Attention all units, have you confirmed that they were all killed?" I asked.

"Here's another one." Skott pulled out a man from among the piles of tree trunks. As soon as this guy was pulled out, he immediately grabbed Skott's hand and tried to twist it back, only to find that it seemed as if he had caught a mechanical arm. No matter how hard he tried or use the anti-joint, it was useless. He simply couldn't twist this arm. "You earn more? Why don't you screw it up?" Skott said jokingly.

"You monsters." The guy glared at Scot's eyes and shouted angrily.

The lights in the room turned on again, and the plants in the primitive forest remained the same, and the bullets did not do much damage to the plants. We saw this person clearly, and it turned out to be Luo Qianqiang who we saw before.

I walked over and kicked him, and his calf immediately bends in an abnormal posture, but this guy was stunned and didn't call out. He gritted his teeth and squeezed out a few words. "The abuse of prisoners is the most despicable act."

"In wars between humans, there will be prisoners. You have long treated us as improper people. Now it's time to think of international conventions! I know what you think. , I don’t think there is anything wrong with what you think, but we are indeed not humans, so in order to guarantee our right to survive, we have to fight. Fortunately, most people are still relatively wise, and you can only be dead-headed The past tense of being eliminated.” After I finished speaking, without waiting for him to refute, I directly put the pistol on his forehead. Rest well after you lie down! "

Luo Qianqiang's body fell into a pool of blood from the gunshots. I clapped my hands and shouted to everyone: "Come on, hurry up and hang up these people." "

The military god, the artificial intelligence, is a thorough resultist. He will not consider the issues of humanity and face at all. He will only use his best to dig out the maximum use value of each item and personnel. . For example, now, this guy actually wants us to hang all the corpses upside down in the tree, and wants us to use our own electronic control ability to make the expressions of the corpses as scary as possible. After death, the muscle tissue will not follow immediately. After death, they can still be controlled by electrical signals for a certain period of time, so we can easily adjust the expression and posture of the corpse. If a probe with a wire penetrates their spine, we can even make the corpse stand up and walk.

According to the meaning of the military god, the primitive forest of the Thirteenth Layer was quickly transformed into a hell on earth. It is estimated that nine out of ten people will vomit on the spot, but we have turned off our olfactory system. As for what the eyes can see, it is nothing to those of us Dragon Clan members who are not emotional.

After we hid again, the enemy outside the door finally blasted a hole in the door. Then a grenade was thrown in, and then soldiers began to rush in, but the soldiers who rushed in were quickly stunned. Although modern soldiers have a lot of equipment to assist in training, the blood on the battlefield is not so easy to experience Yes, when I saw the scene of this hell on earth, I vomited a mess on the spot. The people who followed up were basically virtuous. Only one person barely remembered to raise the gate completely.

After the gate was opened. Soldiers from outside poured in, but they were unable to advance at all. Everyone was frightened. It can be said that these people are the first time to officially go to the battlefield like us, but their reaction is obviously not as calm as Dragon Clan. A little blood is enough. In this way, if we shoot at them, wouldn’t it be a big shot?

The high level officers at the back are better than the soldiers who arrive first, but their faces are not quite right. "Don’t stand. Immediately yearning for the search, the enemy may still be here. You must turn your mourning for your companions into hatred for those monsters. For the sake of human purity, we must eliminate these monsters. "

"Yes. "The soldiers responded sparsely, and then they began to run forward, but the action was no longer vigorous at all. Although the military god’s move was a bit damaged, the effect was really good. If someone followed such a one. General, you may lose face, you may be hated and spurned, but it is definitely easy to win.

The soldiers stopped searching not too far forward, and some people were weird. They touched their noses, but they found blood in one hand. They looked around suspiciously, only to find that all their companions were bleeding from the corners of their eyes and nostrils. They instantly realized what was going on with the blood on their hands. Now, it’s their own blood, they are bleeding noses.

Amina is standing on this level of the forest singing the melodious song of death, which is actually a kind of sound wave, Moreover, it is outside the receiving range of the human ear. It can cause brain congestion in mammals within the singing range, and eventually brain blood vessels may rupture and die. This is a weapon of face-to-face destruction, and it only targets mammals. Dragon Clan was completely ineffective.

The soldiers walking in front began to fall one by one. Many people convulsed and foamed on the ground, just like epileptic seizures. I don’t know what happened, so I can only rescue the wounded in a hurry.

In fact, this trick is also a direct command of the military god. Its function is to create a sense of mysterious, using the previous setbacks and the mysterious death. The method can quickly induce the suspicion in human hearts. They will subconsciously think that the enemy is strong and dare not attack, which will further hit their psychology. It turns out that the military god’s idea is very good, and they are paying After the loss of nearly a thousand people, even the officers did not dare to send anyone forward.

"The opponent stopped. "Xiaochun said with her eyes closed.

"They were scared, and it's normal to stop. We are now entering the next first stage battle. "

We quickly dispersed and entered the forest, and then reached the front of the opponent less than a hundred meters away. Due to our camouflage ability, the opponent simply did not notice that we had reached such a close place. Now.

"Adyna, sonic attack. "

"Understood. "

The melodious song sounded again. Because the distance was too close, all the enemies covered their ears at the same time and began to roll all over the floor. An officer wearing a headset suddenly grabbed a hand from the people around him The anti-equipment sniper rifle was aimed at Anna's side and it was a shot. Although Anna was out of the way immediately, her movement still interrupted the singing, and all the enemies returned to normal.

"Bring on headphones, the other party uses sound waves to attack. "

All the soldiers hurriedly took out the headphones from their backpacks and put them on their heads. They were fully equipped, but it didn't help us much.


"Fire. "At my order, all of our staff jumped off the tree trunk and started shooting at the people who were still in a trance.

The KS606 machine gun produced by Longyuan is a very large single. Soldier weapon, theoretically, it should be regarded as an anti-armor weapon. The firepower is very powerful, at least much stronger than the weapons held by the people on the opposite side. The strength of Dragon Clan determines that we can ignore the weight problem, so this kind of experiment The formidable power of the weapon and the amount of ammunition are quite terrifying. When the intensive gunfire sounded, the people on the opposite side simply had no time to react, and a large number of people fell in pieces under our firepower.

In fact, there is another reason why they were beaten so badly. They used to hide behind some steel plates, but they didn’t know that these protective plates could be raised and lowered. These things were naturally taken back after we started shooting. As for the opponents were all exposed in front of us, they were swept down as if they were shot. Some brave warriors shot back in the rain of bullets, but they were useless except to wipe out the fire star on our armor, even though Anti-material weapons can only lift us away, but they can’t completely destroy the armor.

The barrel of the gun burns hot after thirty minutes of firing at full speed, and the blue smoke rises along the muzzle. On the ground in front, let alone a living person, even a more complete corpse could not be found. More than four thousand people were beaten into a pile of rotten meat, completely indifferent to each other.

" Nuwa, how many people are there? "

"More than thirty-seven thousand, why?" Feel tired? "

I mean the heart: "It's very tired here. "

"I understand how you feel, but...! "

"I don't need comfort, I understand the truth, but I don't think it's worth it. "

Rose came and hugged my neck. "It is precisely because we repeat such mistakes again and again, that the rise of Dragon Clan is necessary...in order to stop making mistakes. "

Vina came over and said, "Speaking of which, Shenlin's sense of identity with humans is too strong. Like us, there is no psychological burden. "

Although Vena’s words are a bit unpleasant, but the truth is correct. No matter what it is, I have lived as a human for a long time after all, so my deep thoughts are still There is a sense of identity with humans. In contrast, Vina and the others are much more relaxed. They are originally artificial creatures, and they are based on non-human creatures when they build their thinking models in the game, so the sense of identity is not strong. In their view There is not much difference between coming to kill and killing chickens. After all, they have never been of the same kind, and there is no psychological barrier at all.

"Cheer up, there are many more on it! It's hard to deal with after being softened so early! "Scott patted my back to cheer me up.

"Got it! Don't worry about me. "I looked up at the zenith. "Nuwa, what should I do next?" "

"The god of war wants you to retreat, and then wait for the new troops to rush in, you start to fight a close-range hand-to-hand combat, try not to use hot weapons. "

"Understood. "

As we stepped back, Ling asked Nuwa. "Since the enemy hasn't arrived yet, I want to know why we use cold weapons?" Is it because you think bullets are too expensive and want to save money? Hey, saving money is not so saving, right? "

"This is the meaning of the military god, besides, I don't care about it. Letting you use cold weapons is for you to fight at close quarters, to show your physique surpassing human beings in front of the enemy, so that they will have the illusion that you can't kill them, thus completely destroying their spirits. This battle requires you not to completely annihilate the enemy, and try to fight as bloody as possible, so that with the existing stumps and broken arms on the scene, you can completely defeat their mental defenses. Once someone starts to escape, you can be like chasing ducks. Drive these people out of the base, and you can wipe out at least one third enemy on the way. How about it? Is the military god's method labor-saving and convenient? "

"The guns are not allowed to be used. You even said that it is labor-saving. I think it is labor-intensive, right? "Emmenes took out the blade claws on her hand and waved it twice. "You'd better close the mask tightly for a while. I don't care if you spray your face with blood." "

"The enemy has come down. start to act. "

I took the lead to jump from the forest to the entrance of the underground Thirteenth Layer. Although the whole floor is a botanical garden, the entrance is still relatively empty, but here are all the remains of corpses left before. So it looks more like Asura hell.

Some of the enemies killed before were probably equipped with visual communication devices, because the people who came in later were obviously not surprised by the situation here, they rushed directly In the woods, simply did not see the hell scene at the exit. I gave the machine gun in my hand to a security guard who was specially responsible for helping us get the equipment, and then led everyone with cold weapons and rushed to the enemy again.

< p> With a bang, I jumped directly from the tree and landed in front of a soldier. He was kicked out by me as soon as he was about to pull the trigger. After knocking down three people, I fell to the ground and stopped moving. The people who hit me didn’t react at all. The people behind me also rushed over, and the small open space at the exit suddenly became quite crowded.

An officer from the other side. Suddenly shouted: "Get on the bayonet. "

At such a close distance, there are too many people on both sides, and the accidental injury caused by the shooting must be very serious. Of course, the other side dare not use hot weapons anymore, but they don’t want to think about it. Bayonet this thing will affect us. Does it work?

Seeing that I didn’t have a gun in my hand, several soldiers immediately dared to stab them with their guns. My silhouette suddenly saw a flash in front of them. The next second I suddenly Appeared behind them. Pu' sound, a guy’s head burst like a watermelon. The guy next to him turned around and stabbed agai

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