"Yes. This is the magic mirror that we guard. It is divided into two parts and hidden separately. The ceremony just now is to lift the seal and integrate it completely. Now, as long as you Leave this space with it, and we will be free." After getting the affirmative answer, I quickly took the Guardians out of the space channel.

As soon as we came out of the mirror, we were pulled aside by a rope, and the array responsible for sealing the Great Wheel of Pluto did not activate. I greeted Erlang Shen with them before I went in. I will take Guardian out first. The Great Wheel Pluto is behind us, so we won't start it by mistake before we come out. As for White Tiger and Black Tortoise, they are very strong. Even if they are caught by their own traps, as long as it is not long, nothing will happen. After all, what we set up is to catch traps, not strangling traps. At most, they will become soft after being drained of mana. It will be fine after a while.

"How is the situation inside?" Erlang Shen pulled me and asked.

"There is no problem for the time being. The residual energy in the space can still support it for a while. After about a few minutes, the space will gradually collapse, and then the Great Wheel Pluto and White Tiger will be gradually forced to this by the collapsed space. Exit. As soon as they get out, you can activate the array to trap them all."

"haha, this time the big wheel Pluto's stupid bird is going to be unlucky." Vermilion Bird Smiled very proudly.

I was a little worried and said: "This thing won't hurt White Tiger and Black Tortoise?"

"Don't worry, this is an energy absorption array. Cultivation base, go back and eat two Immortal Pills and make it back. It won’t be a big problem. But you have to stand farther in a while, this thing has very strong suction power, and an adventurer like you is likely to be stuck. I fell back to the Novice Zone."

"Damn, it's so dangerous? Then let's step back and speak." Safety first, I don't want to be brought back to Novice Village for such a wicked reason.

I pulled Erlang Shen to a hundred meters away before stopping. "Hey, Miss Vermilion Bird, go to the side station and don't block me!"

"Why are you standing so far away?" Vermilion Bird was talking to Azure Dragon just now. I didn't hear Erlang Shen and me. What did you say.

"I'm afraid of being accidentally injured."

"Injury by accident?" Vermilion Bird looked at the array and immediately understood what I meant, and didn't say more, but pulled Azure Dragon Moved a little to the side to let me out of sight.

The Divine Immortal who set up the array was on high alert after preparing the array, and we also squatted nervously in the distance waiting for the two rabbits about to hit the tree. The collapsing speed of that mirrored space was much slower than we expected. It took more than an hour to find that the mirror surface was shaking, which was a precursor to someone coming out of it.

"It's coming."

All Divine Immortal closed their eyes and started chanting at the same time. The gigantic formation on the ground lit up with bright yellow rays of light, and the Tai in the center Chi Chart is still spinning slowly. Now the formation is already in a state of excitation, and no one needs to control it anymore. At this time, anything as long as it enters the formation method will be trapped in it.

The mirror shook more and more severely, and suddenly a person fell out of it. "Wow Ahhhh...!" Countless yellow arcs flew from all directions in the Formation. The person who just jumped out was immediately hit by lightning and flew into the air, but he couldn't fly out of the range of the array, so he could only be miserable. Screaming and swinging in the sky.

"Damn, it's not the Great Wheel Pluto!" We have already seen the person who jumped out clearly. I don't know this guy, but if Skott is here, he will tell me that this is one of the players who were forced into the mirror before. It's a pity that Skod is not here now, and he forgot to tell me that this happened before. The mirror was brought back by Skye and the others. I didn't know the players were in the mirror and thought Skye killed them!

"Stop, that guy is going to hang up!" Erlang Shen shouted.

"Can't stop." I loudly blocked the movements of the Divine Immortal. "The Great Wheel Pluto may be behind, can you start it right away if you stop now?"

Everyone understands what I said. The maintenance of this Formation does not require much power, but the mana required to activate it is extremely huge. The Divine Immortals responsible for operating the array have activated the array once, and now they have enough mana to keep the Formation running, but not enough for them to activate it again.

Before my voice fell in the mirror, six people came out one after another. In the end, none of them were Pluto, but like the guy before, these people were all struck by the yellow arc. Smoke straight there. Which array of this level expert used to suppress the Great Wheel of Pluto can be resisted by ordinary players? Those guys watched their equipment begin to drop one by one, and their bodies became weaker and weaker, but no matter how hard they struggled, they couldn't move their bodies at all.

I was a little worried and asked the Divine Immortal who dominates the array: "They will do nothing like this?"

"Of course there will be something, and it is a major event." That Divine Immortal Said: "This kind of array absorbs energy. Experts like the Great Wheel Pluto can certainly withstand it. As long as they are not sealed continuously for thousands of years, they generally will not be too problematic. But they are different. They are just ordinary persons, arrays. They will gradually drain their mana, and then they will continue to drop levels until they are not enough to be Level 20 and sent back to the newcomer area."

Damn, it’s the most vicious way to kill them directly back to the newcomer village. This guy is really unlucky! But now, even if I want to help, there is nothing I can do. I can only pray that the Great Wheel Pluto will come out and be caught by us, so that they may lose a few levels.

I was praying for them, but suddenly I heard a female voice from behind: "The soil is cracked."

I slid forward and changed, only feeling a strong wind A scratch on the surface of my armor, the huge force almost pulled my arm out of the position, and the whole person fell sideways. But even though I dodged, the Divine Immortal in front could not dodge. After the array is started, these Divine Immortal cannot leave suddenly, they must wait for the array to stop completely before they can be moved. I brought Erlang Shen and Two Great Divine Beasts here to protect the immortal Divine Immortal, but didn't expect it was still attacked by a sneak attack.

An unknown Divine Immortal was split in half in a scream, and even the Primordial Spirit was not saved. The one who attacked us was the daughter of Pluto Dalun, Fudo Pluto. Don't look at this girl, who is pretty and cute. In fact, she is no worse than her mother. She is definitely the master of killing people like scything flax.

"Stop her." I yelled to remind the two Sacred Beasts standing in front.

Fudo Pluto’s second attack followed, but Sacred Beast had already reacted upon my reminder. Vermilion Bird moved half a step and blocked the attack route. The red long spear in his hand directly hit the sword qi, and the blue purple sword qi was immediately ejected.

"Bold evildoers dare to hurt me, when we are a decoration?" Azure Dragon pulled out the green scale wyvern sword in his hand, and the tip of the sword did not move the direction of Pluto. "True Dragon wave."

I thought that Azure Dragon was going to rush up to kill people. Who knew that the tip of the sword flashed suddenly, shooting out a huge beam of light like a laser cannon, and any obstacles along the line Unable to withstand this light beam for even one second, everything that was rubbed instantly vaporizes, and its formidable power is really numb to the scalp.

Fudo Pluto and Azure Dragon are obviously inferior to each other. She can’t hard-top this sword. She can only flash to one side, but didn’t expect that she flashed the beam. Invite something more terrifying. Vermilion Bird flies above the immovable Pluto, immovable with one hand and one finger. "Nanming Lightning Bullet."

I don’t know what kind of attack Vermilion Bird is releasing. Anyway, I only saw a large red spot of mung bean size flying out like a torrential rain, not moving Pluto. There was no way to stop these things. She was severely injured and broke dozens of big trees in an instant, and she fell into a huge rock. Smoke was everywhere around her, as if she had just been hit by a meteorite.

I quickly ran to the huge rock where Linger, the immortal king, fell. Although her mother is not a thing, after all, she has been on a mission with me and can't be too ruthless to her. When I ran to her side, I found that her body was full of black holes. The diameter of these holes may not be as good as ballpoint pen refills, but there are too many. Ling'er's whole body has almost been beaten into a sieve, and the wound has been smashed. Burnt and want to heal are impossible. This kind of injury is actually the most terrible. On the surface, it seems that the wound will not bleed and die if it is burnt, but in fact it has destroyed all the wounds, and there is no way to treat it. If the wound is outside the body, it can scrape off the dead flesh of the wound and let it regenerate, but with so many holes, if I scrape off all the dead flesh, Ling'er may only have half of her body weight left.

In fact, the attack just now not only hit Ling'er, but the ground beside her was also with her. The ground was full of small holes, and the density was very terrifying. Even the stone on which she was lying was full of small holes, almost like a honeycomb. I have nothing to say for such a fierce attack. The strength of the four Sacred Beasts is too terrifying. Compared with them, we players are simply the difference between an artificial lake and the Pacific Ocean.

"Hey, Vermilion Bird, are you too cruel?"

"hmph! This kind of Demon die without regret."

Azure Dragon sees it I seemed to want to protect her, so I asked: "Do you want to keep her?" I didn't need to lie to them, just nodded and admitted. Azure Dragon dragged my help and found my parents. Now I have a better relationship with me, so I didn't say anything, and threw a pill and a headgear to me. "Feed her to eat, and within three days her injury will be able to recover completely. This headgear is something that limits her power, you bring her, unless there is my incantion, or someone with more than ten times my mana , No one wants to win this head circle."

"Damn, ten times taller than you, is that still a human? If you just say that you can’t take it down, don’t you have it?"

Azure Dragon laughed: "I also did this because of your face. After all, this girl is an important prisoner, so letting you go is an ultra vires act. If her power is limited, I will say that it is the person you want. At least the Jade Emperor will not be too prosecuted."

Azure Dragon is also telling the truth. I thought about it or put her headwear on, and then put the medicine into her mouth. "By the way, Big Brother Long, to what extent will this headgear be limited? Will it become a weak woman with no power at all or a certain battle strength?"

"It should still retain the high level creature's battle strength , It's probably on the same level as your small dragon girl and Ye Yue."

"Many thanks." I understand what Azure Dragon means. Controlling Ling'er's power at this level will not threaten Celestial Court, and I can also be a helper if I keep her, everyone is easy to say.

Although I took the medicine, Ling'er suffered a highly fatal injury. It was really inconvenient for me to take her like this. I had to take Crystal Summon out and send her back to Isengard to recover, but she This character is probably not very easy to get along with, so I used the ring of love to inform Rose to let the Guanyin elder sister take care of her. Even if she wakes up and makes trouble, she can't do anything with the Guanyin elder sister.

"True Monarch." A Divine Immortal in the formation suddenly shouted, and we turned around and ran back together. "What's the matter?"

The Divine Immortal who made the formation eye said: "Just now the position of the main star on the Formation was brought down by a fairy friend, and our Formation has become extremely unstable."

Erlang Shen didn't wait for them to finish talking, and he shouted: "I will fill up and tell me what to do."

"No, this Formation is very special, it is not suitable for strong strength."

"What should I do then?"

"Trouble the true lord to quickly find a member of the immortal family who can understand the mysterious sky formation. It doesn't matter if the cultivation base is low. This Formation's formidable power It is a shared responsibility. As long as someone is standing in a fixed position, even if they don’t provide energy and only act as a wire, it’s enough."

I suddenly remembered that gold coin seems to be a mysterious formation. I really looked at her before. Played. "You are waiting here, I know someone will come, let her come right away."

"That's very good, please Purple Moon fairy friends as soon as possible, we can't last long like this. If it's the Great Wheel Pluto We are all over when we run out at this time!"

"Understood." I quickly turned around and activated the ring of love. "Rose."

"What's the matter?"

"Do you know where the gold coin is?"

"I don't know, why? I need to find her Is it?"

"Most urgent."

"Then wait a minute, I'll go to the army god."

"Quickly, we are waiting here ."

"I see."

Rose quickly sent back the communication with the ring of love. "Husband, I found the gold coin, but she is fighting with the enemy in Japan. It is not easy to get people out of the chaotic army. You are in such a hurry!"

"Tell me the specific location, I will pick her up."

"The coordinates are 001.XXX.XXX.XXX."

"Damn, what coordinates are these? How can I get four sets of data?"< /p>

"The first one is the star surface code, the Earth surface is 001, the next three digits are equal height difference coordinates, and the last two are the graticule coordinates."

"I got it." After cutting off the communication, I turned to Erlang Shen and they said: "The person is a little far away, I will pick it up. Please support me during this period."

"Let's try our best!"

< p>Starting the teleportation ring I directly teleported to Isengard’s Transnational Transmission Formation. In the next second, I passed the Transnational Transmission Formation to Japan, and then used Transmission Formation again to reach a city near the battlefield of the gold coin battle. The powerful battlefield projection ability brought by the powerful magic technology of the guild is really helpful. If the general guild people want to complete the section of the road I just walked on, it will take at least two or three days.

Out of the Transmission Formation of this small city, I discovered that the battlefield is actually in the city, and the surroundings are already in chaos. It seems that players from our country are conquering Japanese cities, and they have already penetrated into the city.

"Hiss...!" A Japanese player who didn't read the translation screamed and rushed up a spear thrust towards my shoulder. I slightly stepped aside, and took advantage of the chance of him rushing over his head to pinch his head under the armpit with a move of his arm, then turned around and threw him back in the direction he had come.

I looked up at the sky, and it seemed that few people flew into the air. Probably the air force was almost defeated before the battle began. Regardless of the two Japanese players who rushed up again, I lightly tapped the ground and jumped up to a taller building next to it, but as soon as I went up, I saw a human-shaped beetle hitting it with a huge fist.


With a bang, the beetle flew out like a cannonball just before hitting me. The tank was at least three times bigger than this guy. It's not on a horizontal line at all. I jumped on the back of the tank and looked around. I saw the rays of light of various colors flashing endlessly on the city gate east of the city, and I knew it was caused by a large spell. I pointed to East City Gate. "Tank, rush over."

It’s not wrong to give this guy such a name. He really looks like a tank on this road. If you have a way or no way, just hit him all the way. It's all on the way. Anything that gets in the way, whether it's a building or a monster, will be crushed and crushed.

When we arrived at the city gate, we only saw that the small square here was full of dead people. Gold coin this girl and Zhenhong were killing them together.

"Hey! Gold coin, come here, urgent task needs your help."

"Purple Moon?" Gold coin together with heavenly thunder turned a Japanese player who rushed towards her into I took the African roast chicken, and then turned and flew to my side. The tank used its artillery to fire small formidable power, and after successively killing several clusters of Japanese players, it completely crossed the Japanese players' last line of defense in the city. Gold coin fell on the tank's head and asked: "What are you doing? Is it urgent?"

"Most urgent, I will explain to you on the way, and follow me immediately."

"Lead the way."

My summon went out of Asuka and jumped up, and then I pulled up the gold coin. After recovering the tank, we flew directly to the Transmission Formation in this city, and then passed back to Fulcrum City, and returned to Isengard through the transnational Transmission Formation. Then I took the flying bird back, activated the fixed-point transmission capability of the teleportation ring, and directly entered the coordinates when we left. , And then grabbed the gold coin and sent it back together.

The Divine Immortal who saw me showing up with me were all relaxed. If we arrive later, we will be in trouble. I pushed the gold coin to that important connection point. She would have this Formation, and she knew what was going on at a glance, and it started running right away without having to teach it. The gold coin supported itself at this point and the Formation immediately stabilized, and the surrounding Divine Immortal all breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's the matter with these people?" Gold coin pointed at the players in Formation, and now they are all on the ground in a painful look, and they seem to be out of rank Very powerful, all the equipment on his body was forcibly dropped because of insufficient level.

"It was the player who broke into the Formation by mistake, but we can't stop the Formation now, so there is no way. At worst, the end of the matter...be careful, the Great Wheel Pluto is out!"

< p>I was talking about a bird's head suddenly appeared in the mirror, followed by a colorful body, and then even the tail flew out together. The Great Wheel Pluto actually flew out in the form of a peacock, but when she came out, she found a trap. She opened her wings to fly to the sky as soon as she came out, but instead of failing to fly, she fell heavily back to the ground, and her whole body was flat on the ground and completely unable to move. Just now, she made herself smaller in order to pass through the narrow frame. There is no way to enlarge it. The normal peacock-sized body can't move at all when it is pressed on the ground.

The Buddhism guy who came out behind the Great Wheel Pluto, but he was also like the Great Wheel Pluto, as soon as he came out, he fell out one by one, and then he fell on the ground completely unable to move.

I reacted the fastest and screamed as I ran to the mirror: "Hurry up and move the mirror, White Tiger and the others are going out."

Erlang Shen and Azure Dragon are also After reacting, they rushed up to help me turn the mirror. Almost as soon as we finished this work, White Tiger flew out of it and threw Azure Dragon to the ground.

"Yeah? Why are you?" White Tiger looked at Azure Dragon under his paw for a moment.

"Come down! I helped you save yourself from the disaster!" White Tiger jumped down while observing the surrounding environment. He knew what was going on as soon as he saw the Formation.

Poor Azure Dragon hasn’t gotten up from the ground. There is another wave in the mirror. The Black Tortoise, which has shrunk to more than one meter, flies out of the mirror, just hits Azure Dragon and gives him Smashed below.

"Oh my God! Who am I to provoke someone today? Black Tortoise, your weight will come down quickly, I will be crushed to death by you!"

"Huh? Azure Dragon, you Why are you here? Yeah? Vermilion Bird is there too?"

"You bastards, let me go." Dalun Pluto struggled desperately to stand up in the Formation, and then she strode hard The pace slammed into a Divine Immortal on the side of the line, but when she was two steps away from that Divine Immortal, she was pressed back to the ground again. But this guy was really stubborn, he just refused to lie down, still struggling to stand up and hit him again. The Divine Immortal controlled Formation and couldn't move at all, and couldn't hide from being hit. Fortunately, the Great Wheel Pluto didn't need much effort, but he still squirted blood.

gold coin said: "This is not the way, this Formation can't completely suppress her power."

Divine Immortal, who presided over the formation eye, said: "It's not the problem of Formation, it's you. We used to support the array in the absence of one person and it was almost out of force, so now the Formation formidable power has dropped very seriously."

"Will you use an extended array?"

< p>"Extend? How to extend?" These Divine Immortal obviously will not this thing.

"Transfer the leadership of Formation to me, I will do it."


Divine Immortal closed their eyes and started chanting Suddenly, gold coin's body suddenly lit up with a golden aperture, and then the aperture became more and more, gradually enclosing her whole person. The Magic Talisman on the ground became active immediately after gold coin took over. Standing at the feet of Divine Immortal in the outer circle, a row of yellow apertures suddenly flashed out, and then these apertures began to converge and extend, and finally at the four corners of the main array. Completed four small method extensions with a diameter of one meter.

"Trouble the four Sacred Beasts to go in and replace the energy of the formation eye, so that you can use your mana to force the Great Wheel of Pluto down."

Four Sacred Beasts. Immediately they found a formation and stood up. The rays of light in the formation suddenly lit up, and then the Great Wheel Pluto and the Buddhism guy screamed together, and the bodies of the players quickly contracted in the middle, and finally It was squeezed into spheres the size of glass marbles. It seems that these guys can only go back to Novice Village and stay here!

The huge pressure made the Great Wheel Pluto and the Buddhist member unable to resist, but they did not stop at gold coin. In order to prevent them, they must be completely squeezed out of their power, otherwise once the control of Formation is lost, it will be difficult to catch them anymore.

Formation has been used continuously for nearly an hour, and the Great Wheel Pluto is still humming. The Buddhism guy seems to have passed out, but we still can't stop. 4. Sacred Beast means to wait for one of them to hold on and then stop. After all, they are the people who set up the formation. They can always monitor for more time than the people trapped in the Formation. If you can't even the people outside, There should be absolutely no power inside.

This idea was good, but we forgot something. This mountain is right next to the Demon stronghold. The mana fluctuations leaked by such a long time of work are as clear as thunder to Demon. It would be strange if there is no Demon noticed here.

Erlang Shen was the first to discover the situation, suddenly turned around loudly shouted: "Where is the evildoer sneakingly watching us?"

The woods shook for a while and walked out of the mountain. Demon of Demon, judging from the presence of higher levels in these all are Demon, and this number is really a bit scary. At this time, the immortal Dalun Pluto still had the strength to speak. "Quick...get rid of them...save me out!"

Although the Demons have just gone through a rebellion, they have all been suppressed and purged before the Great Wheel Pluto came, so now Demon's loyalty is still Yes, when I heard the voice of the Great Wheel Pluto, I immediately screamed and rushed up.

Our side can be called expert as clouds, but the problem is that the expert is all trapped in the formation. The active people are only two of Erlang Shen and I. How can we stop so many demons? A large group of Demons rushed towards us from all directions. Erlang Shen and I were standing on both sides of the array and didn't know how to block so many demons. Just when we thought we were going to fall in the sewer this time, suddenly, a golden aperture fell from the sky and only hit a place less than an inch in front of Erlang Shen and me. The aperture bounced immediately after it hit the ground. After staying at a height of 1.5 meters above the ground, the aperture suddenly expanded, and it disappeared in just a flash.

The surrounding area suddenly became so quiet, and the noisy sound stopped abruptly. Had it not been for those Demons who were still standing there in a charging posture, we might have thought that hallucinations had just occurred. A few seconds later, as if the paused time suddenly resumed its flow, the sound returned to our ears again. The demons and trees surrounding us all fell neatly, and there was a sound of dead bodies falling to the ground and trees falling. One move, only one move, at least ten thousand Demons around were solved by one move.

"It seems that I came really in time!" Yinxue fell from the sky very elegantly, and Erlang Shen and I exhaled a long breath at the same time.

"Sister, can you come out early in the future? I was almost scared to death by you just now!"

"Do you think I don't want to?" Yinxue pointed to the top of his head. "Look at the top."

"Damn! Heavenspan Cult Lord!" I said why Black Tortoise and White Tiger have been playing in the mirror for so long and I haven't seen Yinxue come to support. She has been doing it for a long time. Be entangled. "You have been fighting with him?"

"What did you say?"

Erlang Shen said: "Heavenspan Cult Lord is not a good deal, otherwise, how about I go back and move troops? "

"Good idea." I hurriedly said: "Then I will trouble you as soon as possible! Here we probably won't be able to stop it for long."

"Don't worry, I will let Xiao It won’t take long for the dog to go."

Erlang Shen quickly condensed his force into a small piece of jade and hung it on the dog’s neck, then patted his head. "Quickly go back and report." The Xiaotian Dog gave a long whistle, and disappeared as soon as he turned around.

"hmph! Want to move rescue soldiers?" Heavenspan Cult Lord suddenly tried to intercept the Howling Dog, but Yinxue's reaction was not slow. An azure light blocked Heavenspan Cult Lord's ultimate move.

"Heavenspan Cult Lord is also a famous expert anyway, bullying a dog, is it a bit of a crime?" Although I can't beat Heavenspan Cult Lord, but I can talk about him, and we haven't been afraid of anyone.

Heavenspan Cult Lord glanced at me disdainfully. "Incompetent kid, I don't deserve to talk to me."

Damn, I dare to look down on me. I am very laughed. "I heard that Heavenspan Cult Lord and Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning are from the same sect, and both are Hong Jun Sect Lord sitting down in the dísciple, but I have always wondered why even the Jade Emperor’s Deity, which is obviously not as powerful as Sect Lord, can be in charge. Three Realms, and Heavenspan Cult Lord, you are just a Demon."

"What do you mean?"

"I didn’t mean anything, but I just watched Heavenspan Cult Lord’s performance today. You are not wronged at all."

"What are you trying to say?"

"I just want to tell you, with Hong Jun Sect Lord and Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning or Lao Tzu, even Compared to any Divine Immortal in Celestial Court, Jade Emperor is inferior to you, and it is greatly inferior. Therefore, people can be in the immortal class, but you can only be the evildoer of Heaven and Earth."

Heavenspan Cult Lord was almost furious, pointing at me and cursing: "You a nobody dare to teach me, are you really afraid of death?"

"Of course I am afraid of death, but I'm not afraid of you, because you still can't kill me."

"I want to see how I can't kill you, come up and fight me quickly."

"hahahaha... !" I deliberately laughed very impudent, and said, "Do you know how the bear died?"

"Do you dare to scold me?"

"I'm just expounding the facts." Seeing Heavenspan Cult Lord getting angry again, I immediately said, "Don't be upset yet, saying that you are stupid doesn't wrong you at all. You know my strength very well, yourself. Of course, you know better about the strength of, but you want me to fight with you."

"Is there anything wrong with this? You utter a groan in front of me, and it's hard to get rid of my hatred if you don't kill you. "

"That's why I said you are stupid! If you want to kill me, should I stretch my neck and let you chop it?"

"Of course not."< /p>

"Yeah! Since you know you won't let me go up again? What are you stupid? Let's talk about it. You seem to look down on me, are you?" Seeing that he wants to speak again, I will stop again . "Don't argue, it's useless for you to argue. I know why you look down on me, just because my battle strength is not as good as you, that's all. But is this world really relying on personal strength to speak? Celestial Court and the crippled Buddhism looks down on you. I can say that I will fight when I see you. Few people in the world worship you. But I, the person you look down on, is a region's Overlord. In the world, I have my own guild, several Millions are driven by people. In Three Realms, even if you are a monster, you have to give me three points of face. You said which of us is stronger?"

Heavenspan Cult Lord wanted to argue several times, but listened When I heard what I said, the teeth creaked, and his hands were blue. I couldn't find a word that could refute me. He was so angry that he couldn't speak.

Erlang Shen secretly stretched out his thumb to me from my side, obviously holding back a smile. Yinxue was also very proud. "The first time I saw Heavenspan Cult Lord being so angry but there is nowhere to vent it, it feels really good."

Since Heavenspan Cult Lord was so mad at me, I hurriedly continued. Get up, anyway, it's useless to go around the corner and scold him. During the period, Heavenspan Cult Lord tried many times to refute, but I was blocked by me and had nothing to say, and finally had to give up.

After listening to my accusations for nearly an hour, I almost said nothing of Heavenspan Cult Lord, and even those who were still manipulating Formation were dumbfounded. Heavenspan Cult Lord's final sanity finally disappeared completely. He pointed at me and yelled: "I'm not going to fight with you. Today I will let you know that you are not dead by mouth."

"That's not necessarily the case." I He took out a very delicate pocket watch from his body, and then took a leisurely look at the time. "You could have left here alive just now, but in the end you were still said to be dead by me."

"You this bastard knows that you are telling nonsense with your eyes open, am I not here

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