"Reporting back to Jade Emperor, things are a bit complicated. I created some chaos on Demon’s site and used this opportunity to search for all possible treasure locations nearby, but still We did not find the target. However, we found a buddhism guy who is no less powerful than the Great Wheel of Pluto."

"There are still Buddhist personnel remaining?" The Jade Emperor asked nervously, "Then you come back." Is it...?"

"I'm here to move rescue soldiers."

"Isn't it enough for two Sacred Beasts and one Divine Beast?"

< p>"Yes, the four Sacred Beasts must arrive at the same time, otherwise there will be no way to complete my plan. In addition, I hope that the Jade Emperor can assign some experts who are good at arranging traps to me. I guess those two pieces of jade are likely to have been The Great Wheel Pluto was carried with me, so I could not find it. I think if the Great Wheel Pluto can be caught, even if Jade is not in her hands, then we can march into the army and search out things just and honorable."< /p>

"It's right." The Jade Emperor said to Taibai Jinxing next to him: "You go help Purple Moon pick people, and you must do everything in one blow."

"Yes." Taibai After receiving the order, Jinxing immediately turned around and greeted me to leave.

Led by Taibai Jinxing, we quickly found a group of Divine Immortal who are good at setting traps. In addition, Azure Dragon and Vermilion Bird have also rushed over, and the Jade Emperor is afraid that those Divine Immortal will not listen to me. If so, I also sent my old friend Erlang Shen. With so many experts now, I am not afraid of Dalun Pluto. After Taibai completed the task and returned to life, I took a group of Divine Immortal to the previous mountain pass, but I was dumbfounded after falling. The tree is still the same tree, but the magic mirror is gone.

"Purple Moon fairy friend? What about the magic mirror you are talking about?" A Divine Immortal who asked for help asked politely.

"I was here when I left! It was in this tree hole, why did it disappear?"

Vermilion Bird circled the tree and said: "Obviously someone took the magic mirror after you left. Why don't you leave a person to watch?" Before Shuixu they watched outside the mirror, but I was afraid that Dalun Pluto would run out and kill them all. These plot NPC deaths cannot be resurrected, and they are already our guild reserve personnel. I don’t want them to have any casualties to drive them all back to Isengard, but this happened here. Really human's calculation are inferior to the heavens calculation!

“Don’t worry, I’ve been back and forth to Celestial Court in just over an hour, and I should still be able to find it.” As I said, I let the white waves out, and Erlang Shen understood what I meant. Also released. The two canines with superb noses sniffed on the ground, and then chased them in one direction together.

We followed the smell all the way to a nearby city, but it was a little troublesome to enter the city. There are too many people in the city, the smell is very messy, it is not easy to find the smell of the mirror. Fortunately, the noses of Bailang and Xiaotian Dog are very hard. After smelling them for a long time, they finally chased to the door of a store. I was about to go in, but suddenly a youngster came out inside. This guy was taken aback when he saw me, and then suddenly bypassed me and ran into the distance.

"Strange guy." I ignored that guy, and I walked into the shop. This is a grocery store set up by players, usually selling things for leveling, and also accepting various items brought back by players.

As soon as I stood in front of the counter, the boss pointed at me in surprise and shouted. "Are you Purple Moon?"

"Do you know me?"

"I saw it on the website video." The boss said excitedly: "didn' t expect that a great character like you will appear in a small store like ours. I don’t know what you are buying, I may not have too high level things here."

"I am not here to buy things. "I took a look at this store, which is only a few tens of square meters, and I didn't find anything like a mirror. "I'll ask you something."

"What's the matter, just ask."

"I wonder if anyone has ever been here with a big mirror? It should be within the last hour."

"Yes, but..." The player said with a wicked smile: "My conscience tells me that selling customer information is very unethical. Behavior."

Looking at the evil smile on this guy's face, I immediately understood what he meant. I raised my hand and threw a bag of crystal coins on his counter. "Is this enough to buy your conscience?"

"Hehe, you see what this says." Boss quickly swept the crystal coins into the counter and said, "They belong to the Demon Federation. Members, just a few minutes before you came in, you brought a mirror and said you wanted to sell it to me. But because they asked for too high a price and couldn’t demonstrate the function of the mirror, I didn’t want it."

"Do you know where they are now?"

"If you didn't go back to the guild headquarters, you would go to other stores to sell mirrors. But I think that kind of thing if it can't demonstrate its function, it is No one will accept it. If they can’t sell it, they might sell it to the system store. Anyway, the system store accepts everything, but the price is a bit darker."

Damn! If the mirror containing the Great Wheel Pluto and two Sacred Beasts were sent to the system store by a few small players, it would be a world wonder! Basically, the items collected by the system store will not be sold out, which means that the mirror data may be erased, and the Great Wheel Pluto and the two Sacred Beasts installed in it may also be erased together. I absolutely cannot allow this to happen. Two Sacred Beasts followed me out on missions, but the unfathomable mystery hung here. It's weird that the Jade Emperor didn't take me out of my skin and cramps!

After I got the information, I rolled out of the store door like a gust of wind. I didn't care to explain to Erlang Shen. I straightened the door of the earth to the middle of the road, and then kicked the door open. "Scott, immediately take someone to block all system stores in this city for me, only to exit, not to enter. Also, whoever finds the mirror we entered before will report it immediately."

< p>"Yes." Skeet immediately turned his head and shouted inside: "Attention everyone, immediately disperse, a team of seven, quickly lock down all system stores in the city, only to go out and not to enter, act immediately."

Qilin warrior, led by the ring tone Knight, quickly rushed out of the gate of the earth, and the rapidly changing warriors in the city became chaotic. Many players stand on the side of the road and don’t even know what’s going on.

Azure Dragon and Vermilion Bird, they all looked at me blankly, Erlang Shen asked carefully: "What the hell is going on?"

"The mirror is indeed here. , And the person who gets the mirror is likely to sell the mirror to the store. If it is purchased by a state-owned store, then according to the highest rules, the mirror and the people in the mirror will be erased!"

" What?" Vermilion Bird jumped up as soon as he heard it. "Who is so bold and doesn't want to live?"

I quickly appeased Vermilion Bird and said: "The problem now is that the person who sells the mirror may not know what is in the mirror, so... !"

Vermilion Bird immediately said: "Then we will let them know what's inside." Before we stopped, she had already risen into the air with flames all over her body, and quickly Become the body.

This small city is not as big as Isinger. Vermilion Bird's head is almost as big as a city. The huge wings completely blocked the sky, and the flames all over his body made the city at night turn red. It is night now, Vermilion Bird is so big and full of flames, I guess most of China can see her!

The people in the city were all dumbfounded. Looking at the creature in the sky, which was bigger than the city, everyone started to tremble. The voice of Vermilion Bird appeared over the city, and the volume was so loud that you would be awakened even if you were sleeping. "Listen to the people in the city. I am Nanming Vermilion Bird, one of the four Sacred Beasts. Some of you just took a mirror, and in that magic mirror are sealed the White Tiger and Black Tortoise of the four Sacred Beasts and the big wheel. Peacock Pluto. I don’t care if you took away the mirror for whatever reason, it’s better to hand it over to me right now, otherwise I will let him know that the reputation of the four Sacred Beasts was not blown out."

< p>In fact, Vermilion Bird doesn't need to say these things to scare people. Her size is enough to make most people's calves cramp. Although the number of arrogant and ignorant stunners has been increasing sharply these years, unless they are really idiots, absolutely no one will think that they can beat Nanming Vermilion Bird. She is a mobile weapon of mass destruction, and any player who encounters her is a spike.

Originally, if Vermilion Bird did not threaten others, maybe things would be very simple, but people would often make some actions that they would not normally understand under excessive fear. Tension makes people make mistakes, and those who take the mirror are unfortunately the most nervous group of people in the city right now. There is no real death in the game, so players generally do not fear death as in reality, but after all, this character was trained hard by everyone, and no one wants their own game characters to be killed. Besides, this matter today is not as simple as simple death. Who is Vermilion Bird? Can offending her have a good result? As long as they are not happy, even if they are dead and resurrected, they will be killed again. It is estimated that this number will be completely scrapped.

The few people holding the mirror simply didn't dare to hand over the mirror with such thoughts, so their idea was to quickly eliminate the evidence. Smashing is definitely not possible, this kind of magic item will release all its stored power at the moment it is destroyed, and there is an expert on the top of the head, if you smash the mirror, Vermilion Bird will definitely be recruited immediately. When the time comes, it will be worse if you get caught and the mirror is gone. This method of selling was originally good, but now a large number of unknown Knights have blocked all system stores, and they are only allowed to go out and not to enter, and they can't go in and sell at all. As for the store opened by the player, do you think anyone would dare to accept it at this time? It's too late to throw this kind of hot potato. Who dares to collect it? Probably some people will not accept the inverted post money.

The remaining method is to hide. But the problem is that this thing can't be installed in the space equipment at all, and the few people who are in a hurry don't know what to do. Just when a few people were as anxious as ants on a hot pot, they suddenly heard a shout from the alley where they were hiding. "Here."

The shout was like a thunderstorm to them. The scared people jumped sharply, and then instinctively found a place to hide. But this alley is a sandwich between the houses on both sides. It is simply a straight road. Where can I hide? They just wanted to run to the opposite side, but suddenly realized that a large number of Knights appeared on the opposite side, and several Knights with obviously different equipment had entered this alley. Several people instantly realized that the few who came in were the leaders of these Knights, who came to catch themselves, so they all retreated to the middle in unison, and then they all crowded in front of the mirror. As the people on both sides were constantly walking towards the middle, they were squeezing tighter and tighter. Finally, the person near the mirror was suddenly squeezed against the mirror by his companion. Only when he felt his body lightened, the whole person turned into the mirror.

Suddenly there was no one in the crowd, and the others immediately felt their bodies crooked, and then rolled into the mirror one after another. They were all gone when Sgoth rushed to the front of the mirror with the bell sound of Knight. The few people who fell into the mirror realized that there was such a large space around them, and immediately began to run for their lives excitedly, and they would have disappeared long ago when Skott and the others approached. Skot's mission was not to catch people, so he didn't go in and chase them, but brought people out of the mirror.

I got the important things, we no longer stay in the city, all flew out of the city and into the nearby mountains and forests. We found a place that was more open and less crowded, and we put the mirror down, and then I said to the Divine Immortal: "Okay, please arrange your formation here. Note, must use the strongest Formation. We have to catch it. It’s Dalun Pluto, not an ordinary small character, so the stronger the Formation, the better."

One of the Divine Immortal said: "Don’t worry! We are all experts in this area in the Celestial Court, so many People are united in formation, even if Hong Jun Sect Lord falls in, don’t even think about going out, even more how is it a big wheel of Pluto?"

"I just want you to pay more attention, winds and waves are both. I broke in, I don’t want to fall in the sewer.” I warned repeatedly: “I will go in alone and take away the real magic mirror inside, and then the magic mirror space will be in for a while. After it collapses slowly, the people inside are naturally going to come out. You are ready for Formation, as soon as the Great Wheel Pluto comes out, immediately trap her. True Lord Erlang and the two Sacred Beasts are also here to stay here, in case the Great Wheel of Pluto Come out early, it’s up to you to hold her back."

"I got it."

After explaining Erlang Shen to them, I jumped into the magic mirror alone. The three Mirror Guardians who were eager to leave ran over as soon as they sensed that I had entered, really fast enough.

"You are finally back, can you release us now?" the lead Guardian asked.

I nodded: "Of course. I just came back to get the magic mirror. Let's go with me."

Getting my affirmative answer, the Guardians cheered immediately. But I'm not in the mood to make them cheer, the magic mirror is the key point. I quickly ran to the place where the magic mirror was placed, and was about to remove the ordinary-looking magic mirror from the shelf, but the three Guardians suddenly screamed and rushed in from the outside.

"Don't move!"

My hand is less than a centimeter away from the mirror, but it stops forcibly. "What's the matter? Aren't you in a hurry to leave?"

"We are in a hurry to leave, so you can't even move this mirror." One of the Guardians stepped forward and touched my hand. When I got to the side, I felt a little relieved. "This mirror is a trap. If you touch it, you will be sucked into the space of this fake magic mirror to accept the challenge. There are a total of 9 by 9, 81 levels. You can only come out after you pass them. And according to us It’s impossible to come out again if you enter with your power."

"Damn! So insidious? Where is the real mirror?"

"We can't touch Magic mirror, so we can only tell you the method, you can just follow our command."

"No problem, let's go? What should I do?"

Under the guidance of the three Guardians, I retreated to the outside of the room, and then I found some branches and made a long fishing rod-like thing. The Guardians repeatedly measured outside the gate, then arranged a line with stones, and then asked me to stand behind the horizontal line and use the fishing rod to pull the mirror off the shelf. I stood still as they told me, but was yelled at when I was about to do it.

The Guardian who took the lead said to me: "When the fake magic mirror is moved, it will produce suction to transfer things in a certain range nearby to the challenge space, so you must stand farther. But I see this distance It’s still not very safe. Did you bring a rope? It’s better to tie yourself to a tree a little further behind so that even if you are sucked up, there is at least a rope to pull."

I watched Look at the magic mirror, and then said: "Is it all you need to move the mirror?"

"Of course."

"Then it won't be so troublesome. You guys. Come with me." I took the Guardians back a long way, and then asked: "Is it safe here?"

One Guardian asked suspiciously: "It's absolutely safe here, just so far How do you move the mirror?"

"You can rest assured, because I have this." I raised my right hand. "Avenger full formidable power mode." The dragon-shaped armor on the right arm suddenly bounced up, the bird wing crossbow arms on both sides bounced out, and then an arrow stretched out from the front end of the dragon-shaped armguard.

Guardian looked at my arrow and said: "Even if you have a long-range weapon, but here is so far, there is no way to aim?"

"Don't worry about this, look Mine." The telescope function of the star pupil is very suitable for use as a scope, but because it is not integrated, it needs a little practice. But this is not a problem at all.

I tried shooting a few arrows in a row, and the error was smaller than once. After the seventh arrow was shot, I saw the crossbow arrow graze the edge of the mirror from the enlarged vision of the star pupil. Due to the great power of the full formidable power mode of the Avengers, even though it was only wiped, it still took the mirror off the shelf. There was a sudden jitter in the picture, and I only felt a whirlwind suddenly blowing nearby, and all the air currents began to rush towards the floor-to-ceiling mirror frantically.

Damn, what is the challenge space? The whole black hole! Fortunately, I stood far enough, as long as I found a tree to lean on it, I could stand steadily, and at the place where the mirror was placed, almost everything nearby was sucked in. The suction lasted for almost one minute before it stopped. The Guardians clapped each other excitedly to celebrate, and I hurried back to the building.

The fake magic mirror shot down by me is lying on the ground next to the stand, but there is a new mirror on the previous shelf, and I don’t know when it appeared. The volume of this mirror is much smaller than that of the fake mirror, and it is only a little bigger than a palm in total. However, the decoration of this mirror is much higher than that of the fake mirror, and it looks exceptionally gorgeous.

With the lessons I have learned before, I don’t dare to move, so I quickly asked Guardian. "Is this real?"

"It's also fake."

"What? Is it true?"

Guardian is not in a hurry or slow Said: "Now please pick up this Small Mirror."

"Will there be any danger?"

"Of course not. We can't get out if you are in danger. Go, how could it put you in danger?" I just picked up the Small Mirror cautiously after hearing their guarantee, but nothing happened. The Guardians then asked me to put the large mirror on the ground back on the shelf, and I had to do so. When I put the big mirror in place, the Guardians said again: "Now stand in front of the big mirror with the Small Mirror."

I followed their words and stood in front of the big mirror with the Small Mirror. But I was surprised to find that there was no image of me in the mirror, but only the Small Mirror floating quietly in the air. However, this is not surprising. The strangest thing is that there is an image of me in the Small Mirror printed in the mirror. I’m standing in front of the big mirror holding the Small Mirror, which means I’m behind the Small Mirror, but my image appears in this Small Mirror, but the big mirror that should have printed my image On the contrary, there is no image of me. This situation is really abnormal!

One of the Guardian cleared his throat, and then said: "Now pay attention, hold the Small Mirror with your left hand, try not to shake it, and then walk forward, close to the front of the big mirror, but don’t touch it. Big mirror."

I took two steps forward in accordance with Yan. "Now?"

"Raise your right hand, put it in front of the Small Mirror, and block your own image in the Small Mirror with your palm."


"Very well, take your right hand away now." I took away the right hand obediently, but I was surprised to find that the image of me that was still in the Small Mirror before was actually It's gone. The inside of the Big Small Mirror has become blank. Guardian continued: "Okay, here is the last step. Extend your right hand to the big mirror."

I listened to their prompts and slowly extended the right hand forward, but after arriving He hesitated and stopped in front of the big mirror. "Should I touch the big mirror?"

"Yes, don't stop when you meet it, continue to reach in."

Although this answer is very strange, I still do it , And the miracle happened again. My hand didn't touch the glass, but it seemed to reach into the mirror. One of my hands suddenly appeared inside the mirror that didn't have my silhouette, and it gradually grew longer as I continued to reach in.

Guardian said: "Move your hand carefully to grasp the image of the Small Mirror in the mirror."

I moved my hand and grabbed the Small Mirror in the mirror. The reflection of Mirror, I didn't expect but I really felt it. The touch on my hand tells me that I have caught an entity rather than an illusion, and the reflection in the mirror is actually an entity.

Guardian is still talking. "Now, tell me what you said. If I say something, you will follow it. If you understand, then nodded."

I nodded to show that I understand.

Guardian said solemnly: "The real nothingness."

"The real nothingness." I repeated it quickly.

"The reality of nothingness."

I followed again.

"Let me hold on to the truth in the void and listen to the voice of the world. When the void becomes reality, I will be the last link between the void and the reality. Let the void laugh and let the reality go. Tell me, I only listen to the sound of the world."

This time this paragraph is longer, but I still read it out.

"Now, there is nothingness in reality, reality hidden in nothingness! Please respond to my call and reproduce your true face."

I followed After reading the same incantion in this poem, the other two Guardians suddenly shouted to me: "Okay, pull out that mirror. Hurry up."

I know this sentence is not incanation, but directly I quickly followed the instructions. In the mirror, the mirror of reflection that I grasped actually started to move outward with my pulling, and the Small Mirror in my hand was attracted by a strong gravitational force to approach my reflection in the mirror. . This scene is like a person looking in a mirror. When you approach the mirror, the influence in the mirror will also approach you. You take the mirror as the center line, and the distance from the mirror is symmetrical. Now this Small Mirror and its reflection are in the same situation. As I pull the reflection mirror outward, the outside mirror also starts to fly towards the mirror. In the end, when I pulled the reflecting mirror onto the mirror surface, the outside mirror just hit the mirror, and then as my hand continued to pull outward, the two mirrors actually began to merge with each other, and the last side was almost exactly the same as before. The Small Mirror was pulled out of the big mirror by me. The new Small Mirror, which appeared on a different side, is double-sided, and both sides can illuminate people.

I looked towards the three Guardians with confusion in the new mirror in my hand. "This is the real magic mirror?"

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