"Why did the ancient Buddha of Dipankara come out to greet us in person? It really made me wait and fear!" Fortunately, the people at Celestial Court rushed fast enough to take advantage of my opportunity to widen the gap. When I got to my side, at least I was standing next to my own people, it was better than facing such a super boss alone. However, it seems that no matter how many people encounter this level, it is useless.

The ancient Buddha of Dipankara is not very famous in Buddhism, but his existence is similar to the position of Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning and Lao Tzu on the Celestial Court. On the surface, it doesn’t matter, but it’s actually strong. Ridiculous. There are five great experts in the most flourishing period of Buddhism. They are in the order of strength and weakness: Receiving the Holy Buddha, Great Sun Tathagata, Great Wheel Pluto, Dipankara Ancient Buddha, Bodhisattva (that is, the predecessor of Bodhisattva Guanyin). A Guanyin comes).

The Buddhism of the flourishing period is indeed like the sun at high noon, but it is different now. Da Ri Tathagata came in Six Paths of Reincarnation and was trapped inside and couldn't get out. Dalun Pluto took a group of Divine Beasts to go out for independence, and Guanyin lived his own little life in our guild. There are only two of the five great experts of Buddhism now. Their strength is half and half. Otherwise, the Jade Emperor will not decide to send troops to annihilate Buddhism. However, it is Buddhism that has fallen in strength, and Dipankara is still the same Dipankara. It is certain that the strength is a mess, and it is definitely not his opponent to tie us together.

The ancient Buddha of Dipankara gave a Buddhist ceremony first, and we hurriedly paid it back. People here are all sensible people. There is no such kind of stunned people whose heart is higher than the sky and the fate is thinner than paper. If you can't fight, you have to show proper respect. Whether you can fight or not depends on the situation, but you absolutely don't do nothing meaningless. provocative.

The ancient Buddha of Dipankara opened the mouth and said: "My Buddhism should have had this thousand-year catastrophe, but Celestial Court is a foreign force, so why did you participate in these incidents? Does Celestial Court still want to change The record on the monument of the heavenly thick soil is not made?"

The King Tota opened the mouth and said: "Heavenly Book has no words. Life is also the will of God, and death is also the will of God. How can I modify it?"< /p>

"Stop it." Sun Wukong suddenly jumped out from the side. "Do you still want to argue here? Anyway, you are all evolved from human beings. The stone monkey I was born with is an existence outside of Three Realms and Six Paths, so I am the most qualified to speculate on God's will. According to me Look, this day... He doesn't have any ideas. After the fight, it is God's will that wins, and it is God's will that wins."

"The monkeys have a mouthful of mouth." Dipankara Gu The Buddha clicked on Sun Wukong. "In that case, it seems that I have to enter into my business and listen to God's will."

Erlang Shen and I called out at the same time: "Not good, he is going to do it."

The ancient Buddha of Dipankara flipped his hand, and a golden light ball suddenly flew over. "Seven Treasure Exquisite Pagoda." Heavenly King Tota threw out his magic weapon immediately. As soon as Pagoda left his hand, it became bigger and filled us all in. A loud explosion sound, we only heard a loud noise outside the tower, and then there was a big crack in the tower.

Li Jing sadly put away the pagoda, but Dipankara did not intend to let us go. Dipankara, who had been sitting still on the lotus platform, suddenly pushed forward with both hands, and a golden rays of light shot directly at us.

"Here." Nazha threw his universe circle out, but was knocked out by the rays of light. Fortunately, it at least shared a lot of power, and the remaining rays of light were blocked by Erlang Shen. Down. But the problem is that there is no intermittent, Dipankara released two golden lights. Sun Wukong and Zizhu Fairy flew up together, one of them picked up one, and both of them shook back. It took only four attacks to label our expert like this, which is too scary!

After retreating Sun Wukong and Zizhu, Dipankara folded his palms together, and then launched a ball of light, but this time everyone can feel that the ball of light may be much more powerful than the previous four attacks. Everyone does not know how to block this time. Looking at the scene, it has been done like this. I really can't help it, so I have to sacrifice my demon.

"Steel teeth, block it."

Vajra Qilin, my silver moon Avatar, jumped out from behind everyone, and hit the ball of light head-on. There was a bang first, followed by a crash between metals. I only saw the golden light flashed overhead, and the steel teeth flew back at a speed more than ten times faster than when I jumped, and then slammed into the ground of the lower mountain with a boom, smashing the nearby mountains apart. But what surprised us and Dipankara was that he stood up again the moment he landed, and then suddenly ejected up as if he hadn't suffered any injuries, and rushed towards Dipankara.

Li Jing seems to have recognized Steel Teeth. After all, he was supposed to be sealed in the Monster King hall, and was kept under the care of the Celestial Court. As the Great Marshal of Celestial Court, Li Jing knows the existence of Steel Teeth is not surprising. But before Li Jing had any reaction, Gangfang had already jumped over my body and rushed towards Dipankara again.

Dipankara shook the head. "Why so!" As he said, another ball of light shot down. This time it seemed to use a lot of force. The silhouette of the steel teeth flew upside down at a speed that we couldn't see, but this time it landed again. It didn't move. I can feel that Steel Tooth is not dead, but is badly injured. Dipankara is Dipankara after all, and our level is still too different. Obviously, the Indestructible Vajra Body of steel teeth alone cannot completely defeat Dipankara.

Dismissed the attack of Steelfang, Dipankara once again aimed at us. To others, we are all experts. My personal battle strength can be ranked first in the players or in the NPC, and the high level personnel of Celestial Court around me are also leaders. Together, we are a terrifying power group wherever we put it, but when we encounter Dipankara, we all become wilted radishes.

Several golden light shot down, Erlang Shen each of them only took two strokes and they couldn’t stand it anymore. The last luminous ball hit the center of us and blew us all out. , The formidable power is really scary. I feel that the light ball thrown by Dipankara can almost reach the formidable power of the Super Magic Crystal Cannon.

None of the dozen Celestial Court experts at the scene blocked Dipankara’s attack. At the beginning, they could barely support it. In the end, they could only be bombed and run around. The tendency to be snatched back.

Looking at the situation, I quickly entered the werewolf form, and then jumped towards Dipankara. Dipankara raised hand, another ball of light flew over, but I was fast enough, a twist that could pass the ball of light without being hit. Dipankara glanced at me for a while, then changed his hands and flew out more than a dozen balls of light. Damn it. I wrapped myself into a big fur ball with wings. "Absolute barrier." The mask instantly wrapped me in. Dipankara's light ball did not pull down and all hit my mask. However, the absolute barrier was invincible, even if it was hit by a High God like the Mother of the Earth. In the same way, invincible means invincible, and there is no change because of the enemy.

A string of rays of light formed by the explosion completely encased me. Dipankara didn't look at it at all. In his thoughts, I might not even have any scum left! However, I called everyone's surprise and fell from the exploding rays of light, and there was still a transparent mask shining all over my body.

Dipankara froze a little, but I won't froze. The absolute barrier is only thirty seconds, beyond which I will never have a chance. The claws on both arms popped out, and Eternity had turned into a blade to wrap around my fingers and the surface of the claws, so that I had eight blades in each hand. After landing, I quickly grabbed it with one claw. Dipankara was stunned and couldn't react. I grabbed the lotus table he was sitting on. There was a harsh metal rubbing sound. I forcibly caught the lotus table with eight gaps. At the same time, right The hand did not leave the lotus platform, but buckled it tightly so that it could not fly away.

Dipankara started to retreat as I expected. My right hand has been holding the lotus platform, and I was also driven when the lotus platform moved. There was a sharp voice that almost made people want to commit suicide, and even Dipankara couldn't help frowned and made an unbearable expression. The claws wrapped in eternity and my fingers easily cut into the inner lotus platform, and successfully inserted half of my arm into it.

Liantai was severely damaged by two heavy blows, but it was barely able to fly. Dipankara looked down at me who was so close to him, and then fired a ball of light again with a complicated expression. This sphere of light is bigger than the previous ones. I know that it represents greater destructive power, but I am not afraid of him within 30 seconds.

Actually, Dipankara is now within my absolute barrier. This area is not inaccessible, but the attack is invalid. The ball of light exploded right next to Dipankara as soon as he left his hand. Although it didn't hurt me, he lifted Dipankara himself off the lotus platform. The absolute barrier protects only myself and the things that I think need to be protected. Dipankara is obviously not included in this list, and it is natural to be bombed.

After landing, Dipankara looked very embarrassed, with a dazed expression on his face, obviously he was very surprised that he was lifted off the lotus platform. Making surprises is my specialty, and using surprises is also my specialty. Without stopping, I quickly jumped onto the empty lotus platform, and then slammed down with one hand, and the lotus platform exploded in two with a bang. This thing is a high level magic weapon made by Buddhism, which is equivalent to a single-person aircraft, and it is very fast. Destroying it is equivalent to destroying half of Dipankara's flying ability.

I didn't stop after the lotus platform exploded. I used the exploded formidable power to shoot out again, and my body directly hit Dipankara's body. This guy’s attack power is first-rate, but unfortunately the defensive power is obviously not that high, or he was too surprised and didn’t think of using defensive ability. Anyway, this guy was knocked out by me fiercely, and I didn’t stop there. Separated from him, but flew out with him holding him.

Being close to me is very dangerous, and this is the same for everyone. I fixed Dipankara's body with my left hand, and the right hand jerked the claw into his chest. When the blade claw hit Dipankara's chest, there was a metal intersect sound, but I still did not stop and continued to push down. Facts proved that the eternal sharpness was unstoppable, and the claw tip finally pierced in, but only more than an inch deep into my wrist was grasped by a tongs-like hand. The boss of Dipankara's eyes was staring. He was surprised that he would be injured, but he was not afraid, because he knew that his heart would not die even if it was penetrated.

"You can't kill me." Dipankara, who recovered, said calmly. "Because the heart is not my key point."

"No, I can." In Dipankara's surprised gaze, my left claw touched his abdomen, and it was inserted. This is where the Primordial Spirit of the Eastern cultivator is located. No matter what degree of his cultivation, there will be a bunch of the most important energy left. As long as this is destroyed, the existence of the high level will be ruined.

Unfortunately, the claw of my left hand has only advanced an inch and can no longer go deep, because my left wrist is being firmly grasped by Dipankara’s right hand, which prevents me from going down It's a bit of pressure. "I said, you can't kill me, even if you know where I am."

"No, I can." In Dipankara's surprised eyes, the claw on my left hand clicked. , And then suddenly popped forward more than a foot long, and pu chi penetrated Dipankara's entire abdomen with a sound. "Remember, my claws are divided into three parts." I pressed Dipankara's body with my hands, and then slammed up my left hand. The claws with inverted teeth pulled out a bunch of golden light spots from Dipankara's belly. As soon as these light spots left Dipankara's body, they quickly attracted to my left hand, and then penetrated into it.

"You are very good, but you and I are too far apart in strength." Dipankara suddenly opened his eyes to the boss, and then slapped me sharply, and I immediately flew out. , But I was not injured, the absolute barrier blocked all the damage. The time has come before I land on the absolute barrier, but I have adjusted my posture and landed smoothly on the ground.

After I got up from the ground, I shook my hands, the claw oh la la retracted a part, and then oh la la was completely absorbed in the arm armor. I raised my head and took a deep breath, feeling my body, as if my whole body was full of power, especially my arms. I had never felt this kind of power.

Erlang Shen came from behind and patted me on the shoulder: "Too fierce, didn't expect you, the weakest among us, actually hurt Dipankara like this."

I said modestly: "It's all because of my protective magic. Unfortunately, I can only use it once a day, and it's already time!"

"It's already pretty good." Li Jing was also right. I said: "You just injured Dipankara's Primordial Spirit with the last knife, and you brought a lot of energy fragments from Dipankara's Primordial Spirit. Your body has automatically absorbed those energy, do you feel that your body is full of power?" /p>

I nodded: "It feels good."

"Of course it feels good." Dipankara stood on the upper stairs, more than thirty meters away from us. "You have absorbed my 300-year cultivation base at least this time, and you have found the treasure. However, I will not let you go. Although you are a talent, but you refuse to submit to my Buddhism, you will eventually fall into demonic path, I want to destroy your Primordial Spirit for the common people of the world."

"Do you want to kill me and wait for you to kill?" I turned to Li Jing and said, "I'll move the rescuer, Stop me for a while."

"Don't worry."

I summoned Ye Ying and jumped up, then dashed straight down the mountain. Dipankara wanted to chase, but Sun was caught. Wukong and Zizhu joined forces to block the return. Dipankara used to be very difficult to deal with, but now he has been injured and he does not heal so quickly. Besides, he is still injured above the most precious Primordial Spirit. If it weren’t for the difference between our two overall strengths, he should now Already hung up. Anyway, Dipankara is not as fierce as before, at least for a short period of time, he still has trouble with the expert cluster on Celestial Court.

Ye Ying dashed all the way down the mountain under my command, and as long as he found someone whose spiritual domain was stronger, he would jump in a dream by the way, and then teleported to the outside of the mountain in a few strokes. I looked around, and saw that the melee in the sky had basically turned into a fight for suppression, and Celestial Court had already gained an overwhelming advantage. I quickly found an azure silhouette in the air, huddling with someone in the distance, and quickly let Ye Ying rush over.

Azure Dragon One swept down two golden light Bodhisattva tails, then turned and looked towards me and said: "Why did you run back?"

"I am old For help, we ran into Dipankara in the mountains. That guy was too perverted. We were beaten all over the floor by him. We couldn't even fight back. You won't be able to stand it if you don't come to help!"

"haha. I'm worried about the rubbish outside but not addictive! Just so, I will help. You can follow me quickly." Azure Dragon turned and flew into the mountains after speaking, but I didn't Keep up with him.

I still know what the strength of the four Sacred Beast is. Although I slapped Dipankara just now, it was basically caused by the invincibility plus the sudden attack and Dipankara’s own surprise. The effect, and the most important point is that this is the place of Buddhism, Dipankara from the very beginning consciously controlled the attack formidable power, otherwise he fully unfolded his power, let alone us, the mountain will collapse! Even with the help of the above four major advantages, it took me less than 30 seconds. It can be said that we can't even stop Dipankara's finger. Erlang Shen They may be better than me, but they are far from Dipankara's opponents, and they probably won't help much. Azure Dragon's battle strength is really good, but Dipankara is not weak, and according to my surprise, Dipankara may be slightly stronger than Azure Dragon, so I decided to call two more helpers for insurance.

Looking around, I found Vermilion Bird, who had printed half of the sky red in the distance. This girl is much younger than her last, and her temper is more fierce, she has no constrained thoughts at all. This would actually completely let go of the real body to bully people.

Before I flew to Vermilion Bird, I felt so hot that I couldn't get close. Few people could survive there. Almost Vermilion Bird would have to drop a bunch of people wherever it flew. I can only shout from a long distance away: "Vermilion Bird, take your fire first, and I have something to do with you!"

"What are you doing?" The flame in front suddenly disappeared, and Vermilion Bird turned into a flash. A slim little girl appeared in front of me.

"Look for your help. We ran into the ancient Buddha of Dipankara in the mountains."

"Dipankara? I heard that this guy is one of the five great experts of Buddhism. It's not easy to deal with. But. , I like the challenge. Give that guy to me, you walk slowly, I'll go over first."

"Hey, Azure Dragon is already...!" Dizzy! One or two are like burning buttocks, can't be positive, right? Forget it, I will find the other two, the four Sacred Beasts should be able to suppress the power of Dipankara!

The size of the four Sacred Beasts is very large, which provides a lot of convenience for me to find them on the battlefield. White Tiger and Black Tortoise were obviously more stable than the previous two, and flew back to the mountains with me. When we arrived there again, we only saw two light groups, one red and one gold, crashing on the steps in front, while the others were standing by and watching the excitement. Even Azure Dragon was standing there doing nothing.

"What's the matter?"

Azure Dragon complained when I was here. "If you call me, then call me, why call Vermilion Bird? Yes, I was robbed by her, but I was fine."

"Then you can clean up the enemies on the back steps Huh?"

"Then I have to go too!" Azure Dragon pointed to the front. "Both of them are capable of hurting me. Now they are fighting like this. How did you say I passed?" I turned my head and looked around. The entire offensive force of Celestial Court stopped, and the reason Needless to say, it must be the same as Azure Dragon One. Dipankara and Vermilion Bird fought so hard there, and even Azure Dragon didn't dare to approach easily. How could others dare to go up there?

I yelled at Vermilion Bird, "Hey, just hit it, don’t stand in the way! Tens of thousands of people are waiting for you two here, a little bit of ethics, OK? I’ll say you listen to it. ......" There was a sudden bang next to me, and a Vermilion Bird Plume hair stuck in my feet, frightened me swallowing the words behind. The people around were also embarrassed to laugh, hum, I didn't bother to shout for you!

Everyone was smiling well, but Azure Dragon suddenly stopped her voice. I glanced at him suspiciously, and found that he and Black Tortoise were both looking back behind me. I then turned my head and took a look, which frightened me. "Damn!" I quickly slapped Erlang Shen, he looked towards the direction I desperately showed him in doubt, and then was also surprised, and quickly turned around and called everyone else over.

Outside the mountain behind us, a cloud of white auspicious clouds is quickly approaching the top of the mountain, and on the top of the mountain is standing an old man with white clothed white hair. Behind this old man, there is a white light wheel that is constantly rotating. There is only one person in Celestial Court who has this shape, and that is Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning.

"The Celestial Court soldiers and horses welcome Heavenly Venerable." All the Celestial Court soldiers and horses neatly bowed to the Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning, and I had no choice but to follow suit. This is the boss of the bosses, more powerful than the guy behind who is playing Heaven and Earth turning upside down by Vermilion Bird. I can't afford to offend this kind of person. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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