The woman who had been hit by the arrow suddenly disappeared, leaving only my arrow nailed there. "The overestimate one's capabilities is yourself." She suddenly emerged from behind me, and the crossed swords slashed towards my neck at the same time.

Fortunately, my reaction is not slow, my body instantly entered the form of a werewolf, and the eternity also wrapped my hands and quickly evolved into two sharp claws. The hands wrapped in eternity crossed, and at the same time caught the sharp blade cut from both sides, and then pinched and twisted hard, the two swords immediately turned into two twists. At the same time, I raised my leg to the back and kicked the woman out. He quickly turned around and threw the two twist-shaped long swords out, and then strode towards the woman who fell to the ground.

"What about avoiding my arrows? You are not my opponent after all." As I said, I reached out and pinched her forehead, then lifted her whole. When I was in the form of a werewolf, I was about two meters, and it didn't take a lot of trouble to mention a woman. But this woman is not so easy to deal with.

After I lifted her up, she suddenly exerted force on her waist, and her whole body swayed up sideways, pinching my head with her feet. She knew that I had grown bigger, and my hands were definitely longer than hers, so she just used my feet to clamp it. After the results clamped my head, she slammed to one side. When a person's head is stressed, the body will instinctively lean towards it, even if she can't break my neck, at least she can turn me over.

Because of my instinct, I was still taken to the ground by her, and she rolled over like a cunning rabbit, and at the same time took out a long halberd from her space equipment to me Stabbed over. I reached out and grabbed the tip of the halberd, and then bent upwards forcefully, only to hear a squeak, the tip of the long halberd was twisted directly into an upward shape by me.

The destruction of the weapon did not make her stop. On the contrary, she held the long halberd without retreating and instead moved forward. She actually used the crescent blade on the side of the long halberd to cut it directly at me.

This woman is too troublesome, it seems she won't work if she doesn't make a big move. I dodge and retreated for a certain distance, a whirlwind passed under my feet, and instantly switched to the silver moon state. The staff pointed forward: "Sun Fireball." A large Fireball suddenly appeared at the top of the staff, and then quickly rushed towards the woman.

"hmph! such insignificant ability." The woman dodges the Fireball as soon as she flashed away, but before she had time to be proud, she saw a large area of ​​Fireball densely packed flying towards her. In desperation, this woman actually used the previous skills again, her body suddenly disappeared, but appeared next to me in the next second. I can see a smug smile on the corner of her mouth. However, she couldn't laugh anymore soon.

"The field of the sun." The high temperature caused her long halberd to instantly turn into steam, and the armor on her body melted into a molten metal in an instant, and then she was ignited in the high temperature. In the end, there was no ashes left, and it turned into a wisp of blue smoke and disappeared by my side.

I took a deep breath, then slowly put down the staff, the blazing flame gradually disappeared, and then a whirlwind rolled over the ground again, and I had returned to the Purple Moon state. On the ground, a circle centered on me is blowing blue smoke, and the ground has already crystallized.

"Huh! Finally killed!" I turned around and said to the Qilin warrior who was moving things: "Hurry up, we have other places to go."

"Yes "The Qilin warrior immediately speeded up, and the huge warehouse was quickly evacuated by us, leaving only a row of empty rooms for Buddhism.

The guard at the door was wiped out by the crossfire of the tanks and the heavenly soldiers while we were moving things. The people at Celestial Court were not interested in the contents of the warehouse, and left the neighborhood immediately after killing the enemy. I put away the pets and Qilin warriors and left here quickly.

The architectural layout of Buddhism on Purple Clouds Mountain resembles the feeling of a multi-layer cake. Each floor is a circle of functional facilities built around the edge of the upper floor. To reach the top of the mountain, you must pass the only one ladder set on the side of the mountain. Since there is an array that prohibits large-scale teleportation and flying on the mountain, if you want to go to the top of the mountain, you have to hit the road all the way up. At present, Celestial Court’s troops have captured four-fifths of the stairs, and subsequent troops are also radiating along the stairs to the building area on each floor. As long as the troops leaving the stairs can meet on the opposite side of the mountain, that means This layer has been thoroughly clear and clean.

When I returned to this main ladder, the ladder had completely turned into a big river, and the liquid flowing in the river was completely bloody water. The entire Purple Clouds Mountain is more than ten thousand zhang high. This ladder is at least tens of kilometers long, and it is hitting almost everywhere from top to bottom. It is not an exaggeration to say that there are countless casualties. The blood and water of so many people mixed together to form a small waterfall is nothing at worst.

Because they can't fly, they can only fight step by step on the ladder, so the personnel are all blocked on the ladder, which looks quite chaotic. I summon out of the night shadow, and after riding on it, I rushed all the way up. The soldiers of Celestial Court basically knew me, and they all gave way to me automatically when they saw me coming. Although most of the people on Buddhism were not eye-opening, the soldiers and horses of Celestial Court beside me would help me fend off the enemy. So easily rushed to the top of the Celestial Court control area. Here is the fiercest battle. Above is the strongest resistance force of Buddhism, and below is the General level existence of Celestial Court. Neither giving way to the other on both sides, killing flesh and blood.

Ye Ying rushed to the platform area where the fighting was the most intense with blood. There will be such a platform on each floor of the main ladder, and then it will continue to become a ladder extending upward. I looked around and found a lot of familiar faces. The most prominent ones are Nazha and Sun Wukong. Nazha, this guy is the chief general of Celestial Court, so he is naturally dazzling. Sun Wukong shouldn't have been so conspicuous, but his red appearance is too scary. I almost didn't recognize him when I first came up. This guy was deceived by Tang Seng into Buddhism for so long. He wanted revenge for a long time, and now he finally got the chance. It would be strange if he didn't go crazy.

"Purple Moon, be careful." A reminding voice suddenly came from a distance. I hurriedly turned my head and looked around, only to see a white object hitting me. Ye Ying's silhouette flashed, and we had already appeared next to the one who reminded me. I don't know this guy, but he seems to be from Celestial Court, anyway he knows me.

"Many thanks."

"Small meaning." The god general pointed down the entrance of the stairs leading to the upper level. "Most of the front-line coaches are there. Just open there and we can get to the next level."

"Okay, I'll help."

If my battle strength is barely equal to the high level personnel of Celestial Court or Buddhism, I can't help it when encountering special-level personnel called Nazha or Erlang Shen. But fortunately, there are not so many special-level personnel in Buddhism, and most of the experts are dragged out of the mountain. These are just high-level members, and I can deal with them.

"Tank, prepare for bombardment. Emmenes replicates the tank and superimposes bombardment." Buddhism never thought I could bring the cannon to the mountain. Their Formation is very resistant to magic, but it is resistant to energy cannons. It's completely useless.

The two big beetles that suddenly appeared quickly attracted the attention of both sides. Several people on the Celestial Court knew me. They saw me standing on the back of one of the beetles. He said relaxedly: "Don't be nervous, it's your own person."

Buddhism started to feel depressed when they heard Celestial Court shouting that they were their own people. Of course, Celestial Court's own people are their enemies. But even knowing them, there is no way. Celestial Court is already in an offensive state and has been dominating the initiative in the battle. Buddhism can only cope with it. It is impossible to attack me.

It took a long time for the tank’s magic crystal cannon to gather energy. Here are all experts. I am afraid that general attacks are useless, so I use the most huge might bombardment when I come up. As the muzzle lit up, a cannonball floated to a little bit above the stairs. If in normal times, such slow shells simply don't want to hit experts like Buddhism, but they are now guarding the passage, they can't hide at all, they can only grit their teeth.

Boom. A shell exploded in the crowd of Buddhism, and the shock wave immediately blew all the nearby people away, while the few people who were directly hit were blown away with ashes. Before the people of Buddhism gathered to fill the big hole again, the second shell fired by Emmenes arrived again, and there was another loud noise. The Arhats and novice monks who had just rushed up were all lifted out. Many people All suffered serious injuries. After the tank and Emenis were launched, they were also weakened. Full power transmission requires all the magic power. Impossible to fire bursts as before. I asked Grandma and Xiaochun to help restore the strength of the two of them, and at the same time, Summon brought out other familiars and ringtone Knight and started to rush forward.

First incarnate in the silver moon state, release both familiars, and then shout to the front: "Get out of the way from Celestial Court."

Although I don’t know me What were you going to do, but everyone was still cooperating and quickly gave up a channel. I pointed the staff to the sky: "Sun summon." The sun above my head suddenly brightened, and then shot an orange red flame column directly into my body, followed by a dazzling white sky around me. flame. All my hair turned into flames, and it drifted upward automatically without wind, and my eyes became two red dots.

Sun summon cannot last too long, I have to finish the attack as soon as possible. Quickly point the staff to the front: "Firestorm." Sun summon is to gain the ability of Sun God, and Firestorm itself is already an enhanced version of the flame knife, and then released by Sun God, its formidable power can be imagined .

More than three thousand crescent-shaped flame knives with a diameter of fifty meters shot out with the sound of breaking wind, and a wail like ghosts and howl like wolves on the upper stairs. The high temperature makes the air change. He became agitated, all nearby plants burned, and the ground quickly crystallized. As for those enemies...I only smelled the scent of barbecue anyway.

After the flame storm was thrown, I waved the staff once again and pointed it forward: "Flame Dragon jets." A huge array of magic suddenly appeared at the top of the sun rod, and then only a loud sound was heard. The sound of dragon's roar, dozens of flying Fire Dragons roared out of the array, roared and rushed to the stairs, and along the stairs all the way up, rushing to the buddhism personnel who came to fill their seats afterwards. .

I have used up my energy after two consecutive spells, and I feel like my whole body is covered with lead blocks. But I am not the only one. The whirlwind flashed by, and I switched back to Purple Moon form. After regaining my strength, I immediately pointed to the smoking ladder and shouted to the Celestial Court staff who were still looking at me stupidly: "What are you doing in a daze? Come on!"

I reminded them that they all reacted. The Buddhist personnel on the ladder have been completely suppressed by the super kill that I just used to overdraw the magic power. Now the Buddhist personnel on the ladder are not dead or injured, and the Buddhist personnel behind It was not blocked for a while, and it was a good opportunity for Celestial Court personnel to expand the occupied area. The soldiers and horses of Celestial Court rushed up and instantly killed all the buddhism personnel who were already on fire, and broke through the level and entered the back step.

"So amazing!" A gentle voice appeared behind me.

"Oh, it's Zizhu Fairy!" This beauty is also an important person I rescued from Buddhism, but she is different from Monkey Sun, who is like a rogue. This is a typical intellectual. Always with indifferent nobility, even if she is smiling, it will make people feel like being rejected beyond a thousand li. "My spell is completed by overdrawing magic power. The instant formidable power is indeed impressive, but as you can see, my body is completely drained!"

"It can release all the power in an instant It’s a rare ability in itself, so don’t be too humble. I’m here to thank you for saving me from Buddhism."

"That, in fact, you are not me directly. It’s just a condition for you to be rescued. You don’t have to thank me too much."

"I said, you don’t need to be humble. What you save is what you save. I won’t deny other people’s kindness. Now I’m going up to help the fight, so I’ll leave first."

"Fairy is what it takes."

Zizhu nodded to me, and then silhouette one. Shem has reached the mountain pass. This woman is very dangerous. It will not be too simple to be listed as a figure of the same level as Monkey Sun by Celestial Court. Just looking at how she was able to fight from the bottom of the mountain without a drop of blood on her whole body will know how strong her strength is. My whole body was sprayed with blood, and there are many more blood-covered areas than uncovered areas!

Fortunately. Fortunately, Zizhu is not my enemy, at least not for the time being.

Through the gap that I did my best to open, the members of Celestial Court rushed to the upper level of the mountain before being blocked again by the checkpoint. However, because they rushed too fast, the remaining power in the occupied area was still A lot, so the battle still didn't stop.

I turned around and looked at the bottom of the mountain. The army of our guild and the soldiers brought by Erlang Shen have basically entered the boundary of Purple Clouds Mountain, and the in the sky melee outside has basically been seen. . Four Sacred Beast's participation in the war had too obvious a suppressive effect on Buddhism, and the battle was clearly one-sided. Azure Dragon fights on their own, focusing on the hard-to-eat areas. As long as they break through, they can immediately weaken the defense force of Buddhism.

The attack on the mountain path continued, and the large power of Purple Moon was still full, so I also rushed up on Ye Ying. Someone noticed me when I broke through the mountain pass below. Although I changed my number, those people all saw me transform, so they all knew who I was. They saw me rushing up again. Naturally, he quickly made a defensive posture.

Just before I rushed to the battlefield, an Arhat greeted me. This guy also had a long whip in his hand. To be honest, this is the first time I have seen Arhat with a whip. This guy's attack was very ruthless, he didn't have any kind of mercy as they said, it was all about trying to kill me.

"Ye Ying." I slammed Ye Ying's stomach, and Ye Ying immediately jumped up, jumping over the guy's head. Although it is forbidden to fly in this ghost place, Ye Ying is also a creature known for its ability to run, so there is nothing wrong with jumping over a person's height.

Arhat's whip swept away, and we found that we jumped over and immediately turned around to fight again, but didn't expect only saw a pair of hooves hitting him. With peng sound, that Arhat was kicked flying directly, and fell into the heavenly soldiers formation below, and was immediately pierced by a group of long spear daggers into N holes.

"Rush, rush upward." I pointed to the upper mountain and shouted to Ye Ying. Ye Ying leaped on the ground again and jumped easily over the two swept sticks, and fell behind the enemy, but there were more enemies in front. I patted Ye Ying’s neck: "Don’t worry, keep moving forward."

Ye Ying no longer cares about the enemies in front of me after receiving my orders. The front is no man’s land, and the top of her head is always invisible. The state of the unicorn suddenly came to light, then lowered his head and rushed all the way up. The nightmare level is very high, the battle strength is naturally not too weak, and he has no attack weapons, so his attack power is all concentrated on this single horn. When the nightmare launches a charge, it is absolutely impossible to stand in front, otherwise even the dragon will be killed.

My charge skills, night shadow’s dream assault, and the formidable power incomparable combined with dual skills, everyone nearby felt as if they were hit by a truck and flew to both sides. Although such an impact cannot hurt these experts, it is okay to let them make way for me.

Seeing that there are too many enemies behind, and our skills are approaching the time limit, I swiftly stretched my hands to the back, and with one hand pulled out a feather from behind. The two feathers were thrown out with both hands forcefully, and the feathers were shot into the crowd in front of them at the same time, and then there were two loud noises, and the people near the feathers lay down like a large piece of wheat. The explosion of the candle bee was not deadly, but it was enough to stun these experts for a few seconds. The ring of discipline disintegrated silently behind me, and flew out from both sides for two and a half months, and quickly wiped it from under the necks of those who had just got up from the ground and whose brains were still unconscious, and then they all held their necks together. Fell down again. The expert in the game is just a long point of life, and a high point of defensive power does not mean that it can't be killed. Those Arhats whose necks were wiped by me have to lie down again to be dead. If you want to become an Immortal Body, you must at least learn the level of Monkey Sun.

I rushed all the way up to mess up the formation of Buddhism, and the Celestial Court soldiers and horses behind took advantage of this opportunity to immediately rush up. To say that the army was defeated like a mountain, in fact, is the situation at hand. When the line is still intact, as long as the last few people are left, the battle can be guaranteed to continue, but once the formation is broken through, there is nothing, and the broken side will quickly collapse and disintegrate. I am now the key point of the breakthrough defense. The front line I rushed through was actually not a few dead at all, but the key was that the formation was no longer and the defense was no longer able to resist the heavenly soldiers below.

The guards of Buddhism also have command forces. Those experts soon realized that my existence seriously threatened the existence of the line of defense, so these people immediately rushed over to try to stop me from moving forward. Seeing those people leaning forward, I certainly know what they want to do, but I won't be so easy to give in.

The fastest person who rushed took a stick and jumped directly from the upper step. If this stick hits my head, I guess the top of my head should bloom, but I’m not stupid. What are you doing? Take your head to pick up the stick? oh la la I threw a handful of feathers out in one breath. The guy lost his balance by a series of explosions while still in the air. The whole person fell back and fell into the crowd and knocked down two of his own people. But the second expert arrived soon, but instead of melee attacks, he used spell attacks.

I only saw a golden palm print printed on me, Ye Ying rushed two steps diagonally, just to let go of the blow. The guy started chanting the spell again, and his palm was lifted. Ye Ying’s predecessor rushed to the right violently, and then followed a rebound to move her body to the left, and a golden light ball followed our right side. If it weren’t for Ye Ying’s fake action, we would now It’s all split up and in pieces like the Buddhism person who was injured by mistake.

The other party didn't expect Ye Ying to make a fake move, but he was just a little stunned, and then suddenly pointed at us, a golden aperture suddenly appeared around us, and then the aperture surrounded As we spun up, and quickly contracted.

"Discipline-Disordered Space." The Ring of Ultimate Power Discipline is so easy to use, it can always be used to save lives at critical moments. No matter what this aperture is, it is composed of energy anyway, so when the energy loses continuity, it will naturally disappear.

The guy who released the attack froze for a while, but still refused to give up and used two spells in a row. Of course, the results were the same. Under this order, it was impossible to use any energy attack.

While he was still there using spell desperately, I slammed my right arm, and the armor covering the right arm immediately slid forward, and the two torsion springs also stretched out. I quickly put two candle bees on the arrow. "Avengers full formidable power mode-soul chasing."

There was no sound. There was only a flash on my side. The guy a hundred steps away has fallen down, and the candle bee before he hits the ground. There were two consecutive explosions, blowing all the people around him to the ground and completely determining his death.

Taking advantage of the chaos, I let Ye Ying speed up and charge forward again, flashing past the blocking enemy in front, and rushing straight into the rear position. The commanders of the other side were surprised to see me rushing to them. They didn't expect that I would go to this depth alone. According to the general concept, it is easy to be surrounded and killed when a single soldier penetrates too deep. Normally, it is impossible for most people to do this, but I did just that.

After rushing to the position, I finally got a sigh of relief. It's not without a reason that I came here. If it's just to clear the way for the Celestial Court people, I don't have to rush this far. I just need to make sure that I'm at the forward of the Celestial Court. It's dangerous for me to rush this far.

Although the enemy didn't know what I was doing here, they decided to kill me first, but they soon understood what I was doing.

The Phoenix Dragon space suddenly unfolded, and a large number of demons swarmed out from it. The enemy looked at the familiars at the bottom of the stairs and saw that they were slowly disappearing. The other party instantly understood what was going on. I had released the familiars in front of them before, just to confuse them, it was just a game of light and shadow played by Emiennes. If these Buddhist experts can see through these illusions in peacetime, but now it’s on the battlefield, they didn’t expect I would use phantoms. The breath and magic fluctuations of the familiars are covered by the Celestial Court army, and these places that are usually easy to show up are not a problem now. Therefore, I successfully brought the familiars to the center of the opponent's line of defense.

The feeling that the position is blooming in the center is not good at all. The formation of Buddhism that I have already rushed into a mess is completely chaotic this time. Among the familiars in my summon below, only tanks and Emenes are real, and the others are phantoms. Almost all the big ones will be released here. The large monsters on such a crowded mountain road can completely mess up the formation by volume alone, not to mention these guys still fly all over the sky without considering the issue of magic. Anyway, we only need to persist until the heavenly soldiers below rush up, and there is no need to fight a protracted battle, so the short-term damage output is what we care most about.

Just as I triumphantly commanded the demons to charge around, suddenly a piece of golden light sprinkled on top of my head. I looked up and my heart jumped. "Not good, the big BOSS has come out!" (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit www.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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