Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning nodded to us, the people of Celestial Court immediately stood up again, probably because Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning didn’t like others to salute him, so neither did Celestial Court people Just click to the end. Li Jing took a group of generals around him and took the first two steps, and then cup one fist in the other hand said: "Heavenly Venerable, I don't know if I come, but come to help me wait for the battle strength?"

Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning nodded . "This Buddhism is not a poor, humble sect. When you wait, you are playing a forward, and the latter will have to be dealt with by us Old Guy."

"Many thanks Heavenly Venerable." Li Jingxing Wanli quickly led people to get out of the way.

The air forbidden technique on Purple Clouds Mountain seems to have no effect on Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning. At least I think he is still flying smoothly, without any feeling of being affected. When Vermilion Bird saw Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning, she immediately retreated. She usually behaves arrogantly because her strength is so much higher than that of others. It is different from the arrogance of overestimate one's capabilities. At least she knows how to express when she sees true expert. Your own respect.

Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning nodded to Vermilion Bird, and the four Sacred Beasts came up to salute, and then stood behind the Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning. In fact, the battle strength Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning and the four Sacred Beast should be on the same level, at least one level difference. One-on-one Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning decides to kill any of the four Sacred Beasts, but in a two-to-one situation, Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning can at best run away safely. I think hard top is absolutely impossible, let alone Four Sacred Beast are four people. However, theoretically speaking, the four Sacred Beasts are still under the jurisdiction of Celestial Court, and ostensible respect is still required.

Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning looked at the ancient Dipankara Buddha said: "long time no see!"

"It's nice, isn't it?" Dipankara looked at the Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning "Do you feel very happy that the opponent that Xiri once coexisted in this field?"

"How do you say it!" Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning seems to be really happy, actually like a youngster The same is so contemplative. "It should be! Anyway, you can finally do as one pleases, and you don't have to waste your mind to plot against something. Isn't it good?"

"The sky has its own arrangements, you are good at it. Changing the inscription on the Heavenly Thick Earth Stele will sooner or later be reported by Nie Li."

"hahahaha!" Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning actually laughed. "Hey, don’t move out and fool me about the things that we have researched together to deceive others, okay? Could it be that you even lied to yourself? Or is it to hypnotize yourself in order to act more realistically and make yourself believe in yourself? The lie is true? You really spare no effort! But how much should you know what the sky is? Besides, there is a pen to change the inscription here. Do you think you still have hope?"

"Change the barrel of the inscription? Where is it?" Dipankara looked around as if stimulated.

Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning As soon as I stretched out my hand, I was lifted up by a force, and then quickly flew to Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning. Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning nodded to me, and then said: "Show him your ring of precepts."

"Oh." I slapped the ring of precepts from behind, because there was no The battle command floated quietly on top of my head, surrounded by a circle of peculiar Magic Talisman, which was shining one by one.

"so that's how it is." After Dipankara saw the ring of discipline, it fell to the ground like a frustrated ball. "In that case, I think I understand. Why didn't Heavenly Venerable tell me in detail?"

Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning laughed. "The Buddhism you were in at that time was like the sun at high noon. Celestial Court still wanted to sell Tathagata and gain some face. Besides, when you were proud and arrogant, I said you can believe? I don’t know where this'pen' is, how can I explain it to you?"

"so that's how it is." Dipankara bowed a salute, and then said: "That's it, the Buddha has proved Heavenly Dao is absolutely correct. This Buddhism is already doomed, and I won't be here anymore! Let's say goodbye."

"Hold on." Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning quickly reached out to stop it.

"Why? Does Celestial Court still want to kill to the last one?"

"Misunderstanding, pure misunderstanding." Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning quickly explained: "Say something If you don’t like it, why should I come here personally if you want to kill Dipankara? As long as two of the four Sacred Beasts work together to kill you, will it be difficult?"

Dipankara shook his head helplessly: "Four Sacred Beasts They are both Spirit of Heaven and Earth, knowing the heart of heaven, and understanding the wisdom of the earth. As long as one of them is difficult for me to fight, the two will naturally win together."

Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning interface said: " However, the deity is here. Now that there is a restraining power, doesn't it seem superfluous to add the deity?"


"I'm here to solicit." Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning finally said the reason. "Dipankara, although you are in Buddhism, Heavenly Dao is the principle of different routes to the same destination. The difference between the portals is just a difference in thought, not a different origin. As long as Dipankara is willing to enter into my Immortal Sect, it is immediately Dipankara Heavenly Venerable and the deity. Are you willing to be tied?"

"Many thanks Immortal Sect. Don't give up."

Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning This guy is so fierce, Dipankara was done in a few words. However, listening to their conversations, I can roughly analyze that Dipankara's previous involvement in Buddhism is still a bit strange. At least he didn't support Buddhism like other Buddhism members. The person who came forward to lie in person. But now Buddhism is a stubborn bamboo in the wind, and some of the secrets of my ring of precepts have touched Dipankara's nerves, so he has just thrown himself into the embrace of Celestial Court. The Celestial Court has four great experts: Hong Jun Sect Lord, Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning, Lao Tzu and Dipankara Heavenly Venerable, plus four Sacred Beasts, which are only a little lower than these four. The power of Celestial Court has expanded. The same has not changed, even if Dainichi Tathagata runs out of Six Paths of Reincarnation now, there is no way to come back.

After getting Dipankara, Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning asked the boys he brought to send Dipankara to Celestial Court to see Hongjun Sect Lord, but he himself did not follow. I looked at Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning curiously. He seemed to know my question and said, "Although Da Ri Tathagata is not here, there is a link on it!"

We The people around us screamed together. The most fierce expert of Buddhism is not the Tathagata, but the one above, speaking of which Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning. The strength of the link is much higher than that of Azure Dragon. Two-to-one can probably be tied, but there are four people here, and they can also stabilize one head at the same time, but in case the link is forced to use perish The trick of getting together to kill one or two Sacred Beasts is not good. That’s why Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning is here specifically to serve as the second insurance. The Celestial Court doesn't care if it can pull the most important people out, and die millions of Celestial Court, as long as those first-line experts don't lose it, it's okay.

Although Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning did not intervene in the following battle, the four Sacred Beasts were there. The enemies on the stairs did not play any defensive effect at all. They were burned up all the way by Vermilion Bird, and no one else could. Block for even one second. Soon the mountain was almost completely occupied, but when it reached the top of the mountain, it ran into trouble.

"What should I do with this?" I asked Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning, looking at the circle of 360 gates in front of me.

Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning Although his strength is very strong, he has nothing to do with this kind of thing. The place where we are standing now is the top of Purple Clouds Mountain. There are no buildings here, only a circular square with a diameter of five more than a hundred meters, and in the middle of the square is three hundred and sixty closed gates. One by one they formed a circular array. The center of these doors is also an open space, which shows that these doors are not simple door openings, but a channel entrance, but we don't know which one leads to our desired goal.

"How about we each try one by one?" Erlang Shen proposed a stupid but very practical method.

"That can only be the case."

Celestial Court is not much, it is crowded. Our experts were all separated, and each of us took a few of our subordinates into a gate. I took the demons and summon creatures back into the space, and then I was divided into the group of Zizhu and Sun Wukong. According to Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning, this is called expert low hand. My strength here is low, so I arranged the two most fierce thugs for me, but their command is with me, because Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning said Monkeys are too reckless, Zizhu is too rigid, only I am more cunning. I really don’t know if he praises me or hurts me!

The three of us randomly chose a door, and then Monkey Sun went up and kicked on the door, only to hear a bang, the door did not open, but he opened and bounced back. Looking at the others on the left and right opening the door easily and standing there, looking at this side in surprise, Monkey Sun sorry got up and ran over to pull the door open again. Space doors are all open outwards, because if you open them inward, the doors are equivalent to entering the opposite world, so you can't open them inward. Monkey Sun seems to be ignorant of spatial spells and made this kind of low-level mistake.

After opening the gate, we saw a straight passage that was not too long, no more than a hundred meters from here to there, and we could even see the exit at the other end of the passage. Since the passage was not long, we didn't make much preparation, so we went straight in. The inside of the passage feels like ordinary bluestone slabs, and some weeds and moss grow out of the cracks in the stones, and it looks like it is not dangerous.

For safety reasons, I stopped Sun Wukong, who was about to jump over in one breath. "Great Saint, don't worry, this place belongs to Buddhism after all, there may be some mechanism, in case there is a spell trap like Mount Tai's top pressure in the Tathagata, you are not afraid, we can't stand it!"

In fact, Monkey Sun is also afraid of the Mount Tai who is afraid of the Tathagata. I say this to give him face and suppress him by the way, otherwise he might not listen to what I say with his character. It turns out that what I said was very useful. Monkey Sun really followed us obediently and honestly, but was still at the forefront.

The passage less than 100 meters should not be too long. It should be able to pass quickly at our speed, but we found something wrong after walking for nearly 30 seconds. I looked back with a puzzled mood, and found that the door behind it was still open there, and many heavenly soldiers were standing outside the door looking at us.

Zizhu noticed my anxiety and asked in a low voice: "Is there something wrong?"

I didn't shook the head wrinkled: "I'm not sure for the time being, let's go. It may be proved by walking."

Zizhu nodded, continue to move forward. After another thirty seconds, even Monkey Sun, who had always been careless, noticed that something was wrong this time. It is said that this passage is less than 100 meters. In fact, I think it is only 70 meters. We were in this position when I turned back thirty seconds ago, but we are still here now, and I feel that the distance between the front hole and this side has not changed at all.

"Trap?" Zizhu Fairy asked me when he glanced at me.

"It seems so."

Monkey Sun looked around and said: "Should we return first?"

Zizhu quickly said:" No. This kind of passage is mostly a combined use of Illusion Technique and space occlusion. If you keep going forward, at most, you will go around in circles. Once you step back, you may actually retreat into another space."

"Then what shall we do?" Monkey Sun asked anxiously.

"Try with your stick." I reminded.

"Yes! Old Sun’s stick is stretchable." Monkey Sun took out his Golden Cudgel, then Pinto held it in his hand and said in his mouth: "Long, long, Long." The ends of the Golden Cudgel quickly stretched out to each side, but only about five meters before the sound of a sudden metal impact was heard, and then the growth stopped.

"What's wrong?" I asked quickly.

Monkey Sun looked around suspiciously, and then said: "The head of the stick hit the tail of the stick."

Zi Zhu thoughtfully said: "That means we were indeed taken We have entered a continuous circulation space."

I tried summon Fenglong, but fortunately, the Fenglong space can be opened. Let Emenes come out to help and take a look, Emenes waved his hand in front of us, and the surrounding scene changed drastically. We are actually standing on a square platform, the platform is only four meters square, and outside it is a pitch black that can't see anything.

"We probably entered here shortly after passing through that gate. We used to circle around here before, and the heavenly soldiers we saw when we looked back were simply not real heavenly soldiers, they were just illusions. As for the exit we saw before we entered the door, it may not be true."

Zi Zhu thought for a moment and took out a two-inch embroidery needle from the back of his waist, and then thrust his finger. The needles immediately spread out into a neat fan in her hand. I saw that Zizhu suddenly raised his hand and shot all the needles out. Only then did I realize that there were still red threads attached to the back of the needles. Unlike Sun Wukong’s Golden Cudgel, Zizhu Fairy’s needle did not emerge from another change after passing through the black wall, but just disappeared. At the same time, the red thread continued to grow, as if the needle was carrying The red line is flying towards a target.

Suddenly, those red lines stopped moving forward. Zizhu twisted his wrist, then folded his hands and pressed the red thread on his palm. "Hong Lei Luan Huo." Zizhu's palm suddenly flew out of a shining red ball of light. As soon as the ball of light left her palm, it was immediately above the red lines, and then followed the red line through the black wall and disappeared. invisible.

After waiting for about three to five seconds, Zizhu suddenly yelled and stepped back two steps. The red line in her hand also fell lightly, and the front end seemed to have been cut off by someone.

"What's wrong?" Monkey Sun asked anxiously.

Zizhu’s face deathly pale said: "There is an expert in front of supporting the existence of this channel, and my attack is blocked."

Monkey Sun suddenly said: "That Do you still have that kind of needle? Make another channel, so we can go along the line together?"

"You said it is light." Zizhu smoothly said a little: "Can take people there." I’ll take you there, so there’s still so much trouble?"

"Then we can’t get out?" Monkey Sun can do anything, just turn around when it hits the space spell, in this world, sure enough There is no perfect person!

I thought for a while and said: "I'll think of a way! Bannon Songlan, come out and help."

"Is there anything else I can do for you? Huh? You? Why did you get in here?" Bannon Songlan quickly noticed the surrounding situation.

"It’s because of this that I called you out. We can’t get out now. It's up to you. Let’s talk about how we can get all out."

< p>Bannon Songlan looked at the surrounding situation and said: "This is a temporary space virtualized by Supreme mana. If the mana is not removed, it will not disappear. There are only three ways you want to go out after being brought here."

"You don't need three, one is enough." Monkey Sun ran over and said, "Since you have a way, let us get out!"

"In fact, there is only one of three methods. You can use it.” Bannon Songlan said: “The other two methods rely on others to help you interfere with the people who create space, so you can’t use them. The method that suits you now is to use powerful magic power first. Shock this space to make the other party's energy supply disordered, so that you can directly break through when this space is loose."

"But how do you shake this space?"

< p>"It's simple." Bannon Songlan said seriously: "The two of you are expert at first sight. Take out your strongest strength, and you can do it with one stroke."

"That's it. Wouldn't it involve us too?"

"Don't worry, absolutely not." Bannon Songlan said: "I am the longest lifespan in the Giant Dragon Race, and the giant dragon's Space magic skills are very high."

"Well, it seems that this is the only way to go." I took back Bannon Songlan and said to Zizhu Fairy and Monkey Sun: Do your best to escort once!"

Although Zizhu Fairy and Monkey Sun hesitated, they finally agreed. Zizhu Fairy is calmer after all, and Monkey Sun seems to be claustrophobic, and is very uncomfortable with such a small space. In desperation, they quickly began to gather strength to prepare to fight each other once.

While they gathered their strength, I quickly opened the door of the earth, and then asked how long it would take them to complete the gathering, then closed the space door and went in to avoid it. Both of them are expert experts. I am not as perverted as they are, and the space is shattered. Wouldn't I also fall apart next to me?

I quickly prepared all my strength. The two abnormal experts shot at the same time. One stick and one sword collided in the air. With a boom, the two fell to both sides at the same time, and the surrounding space shook for a while. The gate of the earth opened in an instant, and I jumped out of it, and the time was just right. There were many discontinuous black areas in the all around space. I called the two of them and jumped in first. Zizhu Fairy and Monkey Sun also jumped in after they got up from the ground.

"Oh hello...!" I just jumped out of Zizhu Fairy and Monkey Sun, and these two guys actually fell on me. Zizhu Fairy is as light as a feather to nothing, but Sun Wukong is such a big weight, he almost smashed my lunch!

"Sorry, sorry!" The two hurriedly jumped up from me, and looked around and found that we were back to the previous channel. The difference was that this time it was the real channel.

The heavenly soldiers at the entrance of the passage wanted to run here as soon as they saw us, but they were immediately stopped by Zizhu Fairy. "Don't come over."

"What's wrong with Fairy?" A general said: "You just suddenly disappeared collectively. We thought you were gone, why did you return to your place again?"

< p>I got up from the ground and said: "There are illusions here. Don't come here. This passage is not as simple as it seems. Let me clean it up first. Emiennes, come out."

" La." Emiennes jumped out of the Phoenix Dragon Space, looked around and said: "This is the tunnel you fell into, right?"

Zizhu Fairy asked: "There is also a phantom here, right? We were brought into that space here before."

Emmenes was nodded, and then pressed his hand on the wall, the whole passage instantly changed, and everyone gasped. . I saw that the end of the passage completely disappeared, while the part where we came in basically didn't move. A few steps forward from where we are standing now is a Transmission Formation drawn on the ground, and the Transmission Formation side is the end of the passage. In other words, the channel is actually only 30 meters deep, and at the end of it is a Transmission Formation, nothing else.

Zizhu Fairy looked at the surrounding environment and said: "Obviously this is not the way we are looking for."

"Wrong, this is the way you are looking for." Amy Nice walked to the side of the Transmission Formation, then carefully walked around the wall and walked to the side of the wall. Then she clicked on the wall. "The designer put a space trap in front of the real gate. People who don't know will think that this is the wrong route and try other passages even if they break the trap. They don't know that the gate is actually behind this." After speaking, the hand pressing on the wall gently pressed down, and with a bang, the wall rose slowly in front of us. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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