Although I really want to rush into Purple Clouds Mountain, the enemy on the battlefield doesn’t care where you want to go. Anyway, he rushes to fight when you are close. , Will not consider anything else at all. Just after the Arhat was killed, a little novice rushed up behind him. It seemed that he was only a teenager, and he was also on the battlefield. But my sympathy rarely overflows, and the problem is solved with a single shot.

As soon as I was about to rush forward, a sudden burst of wind rushed from behind. I quickly turned around and used the eternally changing double-headed lance to hold a pair of swords that had been smashed down in my pocket. "Don't let the child go, you demon!" The one who attacked me was a woman who looked okay, but her expression was too scary, as if she was going to eat my meat!

"Go away." Raised Lance and easily opened the woman's swords.

The opponent seems to be an agile professional, one turned over, and two swords pierced my neck at the same time. Ye Ying raised his head and slapped his nose, two flames spurted out from his nostrils, and the woman who forced her to retract her sword and dodge the flames. Although I have always used Ye Ying as a mount, it is a genuine nightmare that people have strengthened many times. Not attacking does not mean that they will not attack.

The woman didn't expect my mount to be so powerful, and after turning over and out of the way, she stared at us in surprise. I patted Night Shadow's neck. "Leave her alone, let's go into the mountain."

Ye Ying snorted, and then his forefoot squatted twice in the air, and then suddenly a black flame burst up on his body, and the silhouette rushed in the blink of an eye. From a long distance, the woman yelled something in the back, but I didn't hear it anyway. Although Ye Ying couldn't break through the sound barrier, it was almost there. Someone behind her spoke simply couldn't hear it.

Because of my instructions, Yekage deliberately avoided the enemies approaching us, so that all those guys rushed to the air. In the meantime, some enemies tried to chase us, but the speed of Night Shadow was too fast, and it passed in a flash, leaving all the enemies out of sight. Besides, Ye Ying has another skill called "Ta Meng". This is a very abnormal skill that can enter a person’s consciousness, and then reappear anywhere in the area covered by his consciousness. Equivalent to uses people as a springboard, and the jump distance is the person’s consciousness The range that the wave can cover. People with stronger spirit strength are more afraid of this trick, because people with strong consciousness have a wider range of spirit strength, and the greater the range that Night Shadow can jump. The name of the nightmare is not for nothing, as long as there are people, there will be dreams, and the place where there are dreams is the home of the nightmare.

Yeying carried me a few times in a row, and got rid of most of the enemies. For the last time, he seemed to have entered the spirit range of a guy with strong spirit strength, and then he reached Purple Clouds. The top of Mountain. This Purple Clouds Mountain is different from most floating mountains. It is not bowl-shaped, but olive-shaped. The bottom of most floating mountains is the thinnest, and the top of the mountain is basically a large plain, like turning a mountain on the ground upside down. But Purple Clouds Mountain is the same up and down, the middle is thickest, and the top and bottom are getting thinner and thinner, just like an erected olive.

There is a no-air area on this mountain where flying and teleportation are restricted, but Night Shadow entered here directly with the help of other people’s dreams, so it went directly to the half-mountain, which saved me a lot of work.

As soon as I appeared on the mountain, I was stared at by a winged lion. This guy happened to be on a rock behind where we appeared. I didn't see this guy at all. He suddenly rushed down from the stone, and a guy took me off the back of Ye Ying, and his huge mouth bit my head, but before the mouth was closed, it was pierced by the piercing blade on my helmet. He closed his upper jaw, so he screamed and backed away because of the pain.

"Damn it, what the hell is biting me?" I turned around and saw this thing and was a little stunned.

Ye Ying snorted. "Do you still need me?"

"Don't use it for the time being, ask Yeyue to come out and help."

"I know." Fenglong space unfolded behind Yeying, and then he retreated Went in. Ye Yue jumped out of the Phoenix Dragon Space, but she was not the only one who came out, Princess also followed.

"Oh, it turned out to be Jinyao, I think something attacked you!" Yeyue was obviously disappointed when she saw this thing.

Princess smiled and said, "I'll leave this to you." As she said to the golden beckons with the hand, "The kitten must be obedient."

That one Jin Ye was very fierce when she attacked me before, didn't expect to see Princess as if she couldn't walk, happily ran to her and rubbed Princess's hand affectionately. Princess this guy is of higher grade than Yeyue, but her battle strength is basically zero. It is because her charm is really high and too outrageous that she has achieved such a high grade. This Jin Yi was supposed to be a member of a hostile force, and didn't expect Princess to betray in one sentence!

I said to Princess: "Ask him if he knows where the Fleshy body of the Tathagata is hidden."

Yeyue said: "He is also a Divine Beast raised by Buddhism. That’s all, how can I tell him about confidential things?"

"That's not necessarily." I said to Princess: "Ask and see."

Princess and Patted the gold Qian's head, then whispered in his ear for a while, after which Jin Yan let out a strange cry. Princess smiled and said to me: "He doesn't know, but he said he is the guard of Tibet Hyogo."

"Zang Hyogo? That is the weapons store." I immediately became happy: "Let He takes us there."

Princess once again said something to the Jinyao, and then turned over and jumped on Jinyao's back, just like that, let the Jinyao face the mountain on the side of the main road. After running over, we hurriedly followed along.

Such things like guarding and stealing are really very convenient. Jin Ya knows the route and the location of all the organs. We don't have to worry about any accidents and directly touched into the armory. The experts of Buddhism all have their own weapons, and those things are carried with us. We didn't expect to get those things. What really needs an arsenal is nothing but standard weapons equipped with ordinary troops. However, Buddhism used to be a big force, and their standard weapons were much better than the equipment of ordinary guilds.

There is no guard in the huge weapon warehouse. According to Jin Yi who led us, there were originally four Jin Yi guards here, but then the mountain was disrupted and they ran away, leaving him alone. He is still guarding this weapons depot. I opened the door of the earth directly in the middle of the warehouse, and then gave an order, and nearly 10,000 Qilin warrior immediately began to sweep everything here. Most of the things in the weapon arsenal are sticks, but we didn't plan to use them directly. Go back and transform them into other weapons. The key is that the materials used in these weapons are more expensive, so I don't care what form they are!

After moving here, we asked about the Jinya again, and it turned out that there are actually two weapons depots on this mountain. The one he guards is only the smaller one, which corresponds to the other side of the mountain. There is a bigger seat, but there are more people over there, which may not be easy to steal.

I used the authority of the guild president to wash away the Buddhism mark on this Jin Yi, and then listed him as one of the NPC members of the guild, so that even if Princess is not with him, he will not Will resist. Of course, this kind of work of cleaning imprints must be carried out on the basis of the other party’s consent, and no one’s imprints can be washed away.

This golden yao is no longer useful. I sent him to help the members of the guild in wars, then put away the summon creatures, and touched the larger weapons arsenal by myself. As Jin Yi said, the defense on this side is indeed much better than that on the other side. This warehouse was built against the mountain. Behind the gate is a cave with weapons inside. There is a small square in front of the gate, where there are more than 300 guards, and half of them are high-rank Arhats, and two of them are Bodhisattva. This kind of defensive force is much stronger than the one guarded by Jin Yi. But now I can completely ignore them, because in addition to the more than 300 guards from Buddhism, there are more than 300 celestial troops and generals from Celestial Court on the square, and it seems that Celestial Court has the upper hand. The guards of Buddhism will be too busy to take care of themselves, so I can't be taken care of.

Although the guards of Buddhism are very busy now, I secretly evacuate things because no one disturbs them. More is better than less. I took advantage of the chaos to pull up the hood of the phantom cloak, then went into invisibility, and moved a little bit along the mountain to the door. The phantom cloak cannot be completely invisible when moving, but it will only be distorted by the light, and will not really be completely visible. Now that the surroundings are so messy, I think no one can notice me, right?

I catted to my waist and touched the door like a fox stealing a chicken. I was about to open the door and go in. Suddenly I felt a murderous aura behind me. I suddenly turned around, and with one hand, I actually pinched an arrow shaft. The arrow was only an inch away from my face, and the tail of the arrow was still shaking in my hand. The invisibility of my body was washed away by the magic attached to the arrow, and my whole person was exposed at the gate of the weapon arsenal.

"Damn devil, do you think you can run away? You didn't even let go of a child just now, and now you are stealing again. You are really wicked!" It was a woman who was talking, and it was just now. The woman who stopped me halfway. This girl actually chased it all the way, but the speed was too slow, and she arrived after we all emptied a warehouse.

Anyway, her shouting loudly attracted everyone's attention. I was standing at the gate like a light bulb. It was too moldy! Blame this damn woman. This is a game and not a reality. The enemy looks like a child and I show mercy. Then I don’t know how many times I have died! Besides, Purple Clouds Mountain is the headquarters of Buddhism. It can be said that they are all elites. The presence of that guy shows that the strength is not low. Is it possible for a child to be that strong? It is clear that it is an expert with a doll figure, not a child at all.

Seeing that the Buddhism guards noticed that I was coming, I hurriedly shouted to the heavenly soldiers. "What are you doing in a daze? Hurry and chop while they are distracted!"

The heavenly soldiers reacted immediately when they heard it, and quickly chopped up, but the people of Buddhism also heard my reminder, so they were all swiftly Rebellion began, and the battle resumed to the previous state, but two Arhats broke away and wanted to rush over, but there were a lot of people on Celestial Court, and a group of heavenly soldiers came up to entangle them.

Seeing that I was going in, the woman cried out. "Hmph! Despicable guy, I won't let you get a screw!" He said and rushed down. But as soon as she rushed halfway, I stepped into the gate, and when she rushed down to open the gate, I was stunned.

This warehouse is different from the previous warehouse. The warehouse was once the warehouse entered, and the entire warehouse was a whole room. Behind the gate of this warehouse is a huge empty area as large as a football field, and on the surrounding walls are gates one after another. Behind each door is connected a room, that is where the supplies are placed. When she rushed in, she saw only two circles of people standing neat and tidy 20 meters away from the gate. It was obvious that their armor was a regular formed army. But now, all of these people are holding their bows and aiming at the door. The bows have been pulled apart and can be launched at any time.

I stood right across from her, smiled and snapped my fingers. "Kill."

With a neat hum of bowstrings, more than six hundred feather arrows flew out together. It's not that I don't want Qilin warrior to go together. The main reason is that the place is not big enough. You can only stand 600 people standing in a row and kneeling in a row. There is really no place for so many people.

The woman knew that she couldn't stop so many arrows, she hurried out of the room, but the speed was a little slower, and dozens of arrows were shot from the door that hadn't been closed in time. Although the swords she wielded blocked many arrows, there were still seven or eight arrows stuck in her shoulders, abdomen, and thighs.

I am nodded satisfied. "Okay, you just stay here, as long as someone from Buddhism comes in, shoot me as a hedgehog. But be careful, don't shoot people from Celestial Court and it's hard to explain."

< p> "Yes." A neat answer.

Taking the remaining Qilin warrior and ringtone Knight, they started moving things from warehouse to warehouse. The warehouse here is much fuller than the one before. Not only are weapons piled up, but there are also a lot of other supplies. These small warehouses are basically areas expanded with virtual space. Many spells with constant temperature and humidity are added to the interior to ensure that the contents are stored for a long time without being damaged. We even found a large amount of fruit in one of the warehouses. The test proved that this is a fruit that can increase mana, but we have never seen this kind of fruit outside before. Probably this is a specialty of Buddhism. I don't care about the actual situation anyway, whether it is useful or not, I will move if I can, and then I will slowly study the question of whether it is useful or not.

Just halfway through the move, the door was suddenly opened again, and a golden light shimmering bald head flashed in from the door. At first glance, he knew that he was not from Celestial Court. Arrows swarmed like rain, and ding ding dong dong hit this guy, but none of them shot in. The Golden Bell Cover of Buddhism is really too much trouble. This trick is almost a universal spell, and Buddhism people are everywhere. If you encounter someone with a higher strength, there will be this kind of completely unbreakable situation. However, I was prepared for this situation a long time ago.

Three buddhism golden Arhats stood outside the warehouse gate, and the woman who was forced out before was not dead. She said something to the three Arhats, and then one of the Arhats picked up the Golden Bell Cover and rushed in. The jingle from inside was immediately heard outside. The woman triumphantly said: "What do you think of their arrow formation now..."

a loud explosion sound, so that the woman was interrupted before she could finish her words. They only saw a golden silhouette flying out of the gate at lightning speed, and almost at the same time the warehouse gate suddenly all split up and in pieces, and the shock wave threw them all standing outside the gate. The woman flew far away, but she was lucky enough to fall into a bunch of plants. The Arhats are strong enough, they stabilized their figure after flying more than ten meters, and then landed steadily on the ground. Look at the warehouse door again, now there is only one big hole left. The door was blown to pieces, and even the door frame did not know where it was going.

After the gunpowder at the gate cleared, only those archers were still in place, but behind the archer there was a small black beetle standing there, and a monster made of crystals and muscles was on the back of the beetle. The body is smoking green smoke.

Yes, this is the magic crystal shelling of the tank. The Arhat who rushed in before thought that with the Indestructible Golden Body, we could break our line of defense, but in this world, how can there be anything that is really not bad? The so-called not bad is just because it has not reached the standard of destruction. Strictly speaking magic crystal shelling is no longer something used by individual soldiers, and its destructive power will not consider other things at all. This is like the city destroyer under Isengard, even if the Azure Dragon is hit, it will probably be seriously injured.

I patted the shell of the tank and said: "Good fight, whoever comes in you will blast him out."

Princess sat on top of the tank and clapped her hands. He smiled and said: "Awesome, really amazing. Didn't expect to tank you dark and swarthy, you are so amazing, I admire you so much!"

"He is robbing things." An Arhat suddenly Cried. Without the barriers of the gate, people outside would naturally see clearly what I was doing. The remaining Buddhism guards immediately gathered to resist the heavenly soldiers, and then let the Arhat vacate among them, so that there would be redundant manpower to trouble me.

The woman jumped up and shouted to the Arhats: "Surely large attacks cannot be fired continuously. Hurry up."

As soon as the Arhats heard it made sense, they rushed over. . I took a picture of the tank. "It's up to you." Then he quickly covered his ears.

The launcher on the back of the tank suddenly bulged with two fleshy bumps, and then two more crystal tubes protruded from the inside. The three crystal mouths formed a triangle. Arhat from outside quickly rushed over, and the limbs of the tank immediately grabbed the ground. One of the crystal tubes on the back of the tank suddenly lit up with a bang. Arhat, who was rushing forward, was hit by a small light ball and immediately flew out. The surrounding Arhat froze for a moment, but immediately continued to rush towards this side. Another crystal tube on the back of the tank lit up again, another flashing bullet, which also flew an Arhat. The tank turned the launcher again without stopping, and the third round shot the third Arhat out.

The tank attack method is actually to reduce the formidable power in exchange for a higher launch speed, but after all, Arhat is not the strongest existence of Buddhism, and the magic crystal cannon is the magic crystal cannon after all, even if it is lowered Formidable power, a direct hit is also very dangerous.

The Arhats who were beaten out this time did not hang up on the spot like the first Arhat that flew before. They just fell to the ground and groaned, and there was scorched darkness in front of them. The shells that reduce the formidable power cannot yet be a critical strike, but they can severely damage the Indestructible Golden Body of the Arhats, or at least suppress them.

The god general who leads the soldiers here in Celestial Court is also a clever guy. When he sees that it is cheap to pick up, he immediately asks the heavenly soldiers to compress the remaining Arhat to the entrance of the cave. This is equivalent to keeping these Arhats in ours. Within the range of direct attack.

As soon as I saw it, I knew what the general would want to do. Directly let the tank take care of Arhat outside the door, and then continue to command the looting of supplies. After the tanks wounded all the Arhats that rushed in, they immediately began to use formidable power larger shells to attack those outside Arhats. This kind of huge might shells can kill one Arhat at a time, and the Celestial Court people are getting more and more because of the enemy. The less and the more you fight, the easier it is.

The woman seemed to be a deadhead, and she didn't even run away when she saw this situation. Seeing the interval between the tank's two attacks, she suddenly jumped out from the side, and then rushed into the hole. A large rain of arrows flew towards her at once, but the woman didn't know where to get a shield to stand in front of her. There were too many arrows, and the impact force pushed her back two meters forcibly, but she immediately rushed up again in the gap between the arrows.

"You bastard, die!" The woman threw her shield, jumped up, flipped directly over the Qilin warrior in the front row, landed on top of the tank, and stabbed Princess with a sword. Go down.

"Ah!" Princess hid from the side, but couldn't stand still, and rolled off the tank's head screaming, and was caught by me.

The woman quickly jumped off the top of the tank and stabbed me with her sword. I threw Princess aside, and a Qilin warrior reached out and caught Princess. Put my left hand on my right hand forearm and push it. Oh la la, the Avengers sniper crossbow is fully deployed and becomes a high formidable power mode. Point a finger at the woman's head. With a cough, the double-dropped Soulchaser hit her forehead, and flew her body in the opposite direction. Finally, it was nailed diagonally into the top of the hole, and the whole person hung on it.

I shook my hand hard, and the Avengers oh la la automatically folded and retracted into the arm armor with a sound. "Hmph! overestimate one's capabilities !" (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please log in to WWW.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support authors, support genuine reading!)

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