Our guild’s troops and Celestial Court’s troops are mixed together to return to the true Buddhist stronghold in the illusion, because most of our guild’s troops are from Celestial Court I bought the heavenly soldiers, so there is basically no problem in cooperation. However, whether it belongs to us or the Celestial Court's Celestial Court has received an order-stay alive. Players in this guild are looking for cheap all the way in the back, specially making the last cut for those dying enemies, this kind of leveling method is usually rare.

There are many Buddhist guardians of Buddhism, and there are also some players, various novices, arhats, and so on. In short, there are not many combatants. The people on both sides fought fiercely on the edge of the illusion, and they were in a stalemate for a while, and they actually stabilized the front at the entrance of the illusion.

"Will there be too many casualties in this fight?" Arctic Star Monarch asked us with some worry.

Erlang Shen doesn't seem to care about the casualties of the heavenly soldiers. "Heavenly soldiers can reincarnate casually. One death is just to run back from hell with more effort. What are you afraid of?"

I also said: "Buddhism is just a bad luck now, but after all, they used to be with Celestial. Court is a large force that sits on an equal footing, and casualties are inevitable. Oh, yes, why do you only see the soldiers and horses of the Heavenly Ministry today? Where are the soldiers and horses of the Ghost Ministry? The weird expression looked towards me, looking straight at me, my whole body is hairy. "What do you guys see me doing?"

Erlang Shen reluctantly asked me: "Do you really don't know or fake?"

"Do you know what? Both of you don't Let me guess the riddle, I really don’t know! What the hell is going on?"

Arctic Star Monarch angrily said: "You are also the 11th Hall of Yama of Celestial Court, you really forgot! When Ten Temples Yama was in, the Yama of the 11th Temple was the Yama who was responsible for communicating with the Celestial Court, and now it has been promoted to the 11th Temple, so you have become the Yama who is responsible for communicating with the Celestial Court. We fight Buddhism. Of course it’s impossible to forget Yama’s ghost soldiers, but we think that since you know that you want to fight Buddhism, you should have notified the ghost soldiers to participate in the war. Didn’t expect you to forget! We thought you had prepared some tricks yesterday. The troops and horses are hiding and planning to send out amazing soldiers!"

"Huh? This is also OK?" Really dizzy! No one has ever told me that I used to be a traffic officer for Celestial Court and the underworld, but now I have come up with such a big oolong! "Here you hold on first, I'll call someone."

"Go and go, you won't be needed until the defense of the illusion is broken."

"Understood." I touched the teleportation ring and appeared directly in Isinger. Running to the door of the special teleportation room at the bottom of Isengard, the long chill was drifting out of it. A circular deep well in the center of the room exudes green rays of light, which is hard to see at a glance. I jumped directly in without the slightest hesitation, and did not feel like falling, but stood directly on the ground on the other side. The smoky environment and the bone-chilling low temperature have shown that this is hell.

"His Lord, why did you have time to come to the underworld today?" A kid appeared near me. He was specially responsible for receiving people from above. I usually rarely come to this netherworld, and because the temperature is too low, except for the undead, it is difficult for other races to stay here for a long time, so I can only draw a large number of undead from the guild's NPC to manage this side. Things.

I didn’t want to say anything to the kid, and I directly ordered: "Through the Ox Head and Horse Face Magicate and Black and White Impermanence to the Yama Palace to discuss matters, in addition, send a few more legs and feet, immediately Go to ask other Ten Temples Yama, and say that Celestial Court has important instructions, most urgent."

"Understand." The kid disappeared in place as soon as he turned around. Don't look at Undead Race in the world, they are actually very good when they arrive in the underworld. Little ghosts like this don't have other abilities, but they run fast and can teleport at will within the scope of the underworld. Many people say that thought has no boundaries, and the little ghost is a spiritual body that is not even a soul, so as long as he thinks about it, he can go anywhere. This is one of their innate talent skills.

All Ghost Messengers are very fast, and I didn’t wait long for them to arrive. Seeing a hall of monsters, ghosts and snakes, really feels evil!

"Purple Moon Yan Jun, you are looking for us in a hurry, what the hell is it? Is it because of the Celestial Court to destroy the Buddha?" The question was Yan Luo from Sixth Temple.

"Do you know?"

Seven Temples Yama said: "Our ghost world is also under the human world at any rate. Ghost Messenger travels between the world to capture wandering souls, and the news is naturally known. We have been wondering why Celestial Court didn't let me wait to help fight this time!"

Khan, my headquarters told you that I had forgotten it! "Um... this matter... He had a technical problem, but it's over now, so let's not think about it. What you have to do now is to gather the ghosts and soldiers immediately, and we will go up and help together. "

" Soldiers and horses can be summoned at any time, but I can’t wait for ghosts to see Golden Crow Chiyang! I can wait for Yan Luo and Ox Head and Horse Face to be high-level officials, but our little ghost top Don’t stop! Isn’t it necessary to ask Celestial Court to prepare first? This was the last job that Yama was responsible for."

Damn, unfamiliar business is really a delay! "Well, I'll contact you right away. I'm new. I don't understand many things. If you have any omissions, please help me. I will thank you first."

"It's easy to say, everyone is for Celestial Does the Court work?" Yan Luo immediately returned the courtesy. "Then we are going to gather soldiers and horses, but I don’t know where we are going to gather?"

"There is a Xiuyuan City under Wutai Mountain, which is now my territory, you just come out from there, and then Just hit the mountain."

"Understood, we will make arrangements and we will be there within half an hour."

Ghost Soldier is really fast, and the army is assembled. As long as 30 minutes, the ghost army is much better than the sky soldier in terms of athletic ability alone!

After contacting here, I rushed back. These things should have been done yesterday, but unfortunately because I didn’t know the rules, I hurried to do it at this time. I really found it for myself. trouble! All the way to Celestial Court, the Jade Emperor was surprised to see me. "You don't direct the battle, what do you do when you come back?"

"That...actually I forgot about the ghost ministry. Fortunately, True Lord Erlang and North Pole Star Monarch reminded me, so I just contacted After finishing the soldiers and horses over there, I just heard that the Ghost Ministry sent troops to cover the sun. Celestial Court seems to have a department dedicated to this matter, right?"

He whispered a few words, and then smiled and said to me: "You are really confused! Okay! Now that the Demon Ministry is participating in the war, then I will let the Immortal Treasure of the Immortal Department take action." The gods next to him have returned, There is also an extra box in his hand. The Jade Emperor said: "Give this to the North Pole Star Monarch, he knows how to use it."

"Then I will go back first."

When I returned to Mount Wutai, the fighting situation here was basically nothing. Changes, both sides are still in a stalemate, it seems that there will be no results for a while. The North Pole Star Monarch took the box I handed over and took out a rag-like rag from the box, which made me look stupid. "The Jade Emperor who was so far away let me bring you such a piece of rags?"

Arctic Star Monarch smiled and said, "Don’t underestimate this piece of rag, know its name. What?"

"It should be very bullish."

"Indeed." The Arctic Star Monarch nodded took the cloth in his hand, and said: "It's called Sky Sail. How is it? Enough?"

"Could it be that...?"

"Yes. This is the treasure that can keep the ghosts from seeing the sun." The North Pole Star Monarch said an incantion, and then threw the piece of cloth into the sky. The white cloth soared up and became bigger and bigger. It soon covered the entire mountain, and the piece of rags continued to expand. There is absolutely no plan to stop.

"Damn, a big piece of cloth!"

Erlang Shen pointed to the direction of Xiuyuan City. "Hurry up! The ghost tribe has arrived."

"Are there?"

The Arctic Star Monarch confirmed: "Ghost Qi is soaring, and the Eleven Hall of Yama is missing you. "

"The two of you are busy, I'll go pick them up first."

Flying down the clouds, directly into the city of Xiuyuan, but at a glance, the city is empty. No one was seen except the people in our guild. "Damn! Erlang Shen is playing tricks on me!"

"Purple Moon Yan Jun has arrived?" Ten Hades suddenly appeared beside me. Different from the previous meeting below, these guys have all changed into Battle Armor, holding all kinds of weapons in their hands.

"Oh, so the several brothers are here! Where are your soldiers? Why did they come up by themselves?"

The Nine Temple Yama points to the sky: "This day has not been completely covered Live, our people can't get out for the time being."

I looked up and saw that the super large rag was still stretching. Although the sky hasn't been covered for the time being, the surroundings are almost like dusk. Almost all the players in the city and nearby are looking up at the sky. You must know that it is past nine o'clock in the morning, at the time of sun shone brightly. The sky-covering sail suddenly covered the sky. Of course, the people below would find it strange.

We were waiting for the sail to fully unfold, when we suddenly heard a loud Dragon's roar from the east, followed by a whistling sound from the west. The two roars were not over yet, suddenly a clear phoenix sound came from the south, followed by a dull dragon roar in the north. The Yama beside me hurriedly bowed to all sides. "It seems that the Quartet Sacred Beast is here!"

Seven Temple Yama asked me: "Purple Moon Yan Jun, are the four Sacred Beasts in charge of our battlefield today?"

< p>"Don’t ask me. To be honest, today’s battle was rushed and I haven’t figured out what happened. However, Azure Dragon probably came to help me. Before, the Jade Emperor said that if you fight Buddhism, you will let me command. Sacred Beast participated in the battle, but didn’t expect to drop four!"

Unlike ours, players in nearby areas don’t know what the Four Sacred Beast is coming, most people just know Today is a dispute between Taoism and Buddhism, and didn't expect such a big disturbance. When I saw the colorful clouds of Celestial Court last night, everyone just thought that the matter might be more serious than expected. It was not until today that the sky sail appeared to realize that today’s matter would not be small, but no one thought that the four Sacred Beasts would arrive at the same time. .

The speed of the four bosses is very scary, almost loud enough. Four huge silhouettes appeared in Wutaishan all around at the same time, which happened to be East, South, West, North. Surrounded by the middle. The players around are almost boiling. Everyone knows that there are four Sacred Beasts in China, but no one has actually watched them. Today I saw four Sacred Beasts at once. It's strange if I'm not excited!

"Green Big Brother Long, Green Big Brother Long, I am here!" Xiuyuan City is just in the Shandong province, Azure Dragon is just above my head, but I don’t know if they can speak my voice. Hear.

After calling Azure Dragon for a long time, he probably didn't hear him at all. He looked up at the sky, and then said in a thunderous voice: "Fighting here may hurt the innocent. Why don't we go up and fight? "

Vermilion Bird nodded. "Yes, come and help, let's go up and fight."

Vermilion Bird suddenly lit up the red rays of light on his body, and Azure Dragon also lit up the azure rays of light. White Tiger is white light, and Black Tortoise is earth-yellow rays of light. Azure Dragon suddenly uttered a dragon roar: "The law of the universe-rise."

Only hearing a boom, our feet suddenly shook violently, and then the shaking continued endlessly. The entire Wutai Mountain and its surrounding area of ​​a hundred miles shook violently, and everyone looked at their feet in horror and wondered what happened.

A hundred miles away from the mountain, there was a tearing sound on the ground, and then a big crack suddenly opened across the ground and it quickly extended to both sides. This kind of big crack is not one or two, but the whole mountain periphery. Some in the wilderness is good to say, the key is that some cracks actually pass through the city, dividing the entire city or village into two. Many people walking on the street couldn't dodge and rolled into the big crack. The area around Wutai Mountain is completely messed up, it's like the end of the world!

The four Sacred Beasts have been connected by light strips to form a square, which just happens to frame the mountain and the nearby area. The cracks on the ground got bigger and bigger, and finally widened to more than one meter, and then the ground slowly rose in the shaking. It wasn't until this time that I figured out what they were going to do. It turned out that the four Sacred Beasts were going to raise the entire battle area to the sky.

After the earthquake lasted for nearly two minutes, it gradually began to flatten out, but the entire mountain was connected to the ground but all flew off the ground. No matter the roots or the roads, the entire land could not be prevented from taking off. The Wutai Mountain in the game is much larger than in reality, plus the surrounding land of 100 miles, this area is completely a giant island, the four Sacred Beast actually pulled it off the ground forcibly. , This is too savage, right?

Amidst the stunned countless players and NPCs, the Wutaishan plate finally slowly flew off the ground, and gradually began to accelerate upward, and soon flew to a high altitude above the ground kilometers, the players below can only be demented Looking at the huge air and land, I didn't know what to say.

Although the players and NPCs in the sky were affected by the shock, they quickly recovered. Azure Dragon They raised the entire mountain and a large area around it. The combatants were all brought up, so there was no confusion.

After the mountain flew up, the sky sail finally completely blocked the sky, and all around was plunged into darkness. If ordinary nights still have stars and moons that can give off some light, but the sky sail blocks all the rays of light, it turns out to be even darker than the night.

Now we are at the middle point of the cover of the sky sail, and we cannot see the edges of the four sides, but if we see it, we will probably be shocked again. This is because it is not the Wutai Mountain that has become dark, but most of Asia. The east covered the sky sail and even Japan was covered, the north had reached the coast of the Arctic Ocean, the west was almost reaching the border of Tibet and Xinjiang, and the south was covered with parts of Hainan Island and the Nansha Islands.

This sky-covering sail seems to cover a large area, but considering that this thing has no other effect except blocking the sun, it is not a high-end baby. However, the Necromancer has this thing but it can increase a lot of advantages in vain, at least our guild thinks so.

The sky has turned dark, and the territory of Buddhism has become more conspicuous. The illusory realm on the top of Mount Wutai is now like a big light bulb. The rays of light it emits brighten up the surrounding area, but it is still slightly darker than the sunlight during the day.

The soldiers and horses of Tianyi Man immediately began to move. They drilled directly from the ground, flew into the sky, entered the range of Mount Wutai, and began to assist our people in the fight. Although the battle strength of the ghost soldiers is not as good as the heavenly soldiers, it is better than the number of people, and there are many special attributes of the ghost soldiers, such as an immortal battle spirit, complete impervious to sword and spear, which is almost the same as the Golden Bell Cover of Buddhism spell.

"Blue Big Brother Long." From afar, I saw the Azure Dragon restored to human form floating in midair, both hands crossed near chest, looking at the battlefield, but did not appear to participate in the battle.

"Oh, it's Purple Moon!" Azure Dragon turned around and smiled at Hehe, "Thanks to you for reuniting our family this time."

"It's just a coincidence. That's it. By the way, where are Heavenly Dragon and Bi Ling?"

"I have come here, and now they are living in my Azure Dragon tower. But I suggest you better not let them come across."< /p>

Damn, the least hoped thing happened! The method of giving aphrodisiac really made the two elders reconcile, but they unanimously wanted me to be operated on! Sure enough, a couple's quarrel is absolutely impossible to help. People will reconcile tomorrow after the quarrel today. On the contrary, those who are fighting are not human inside and outside! But I can’t do anything about it. I can’t complete my task without bringing them over. Fortunately, I didn't get nothing at all, at least I got a silver snow. I have just been notified by Rose that white jade Qilin Yinxue has officially joined our guild as a full-time guardian beast of our guild.

According to Rose, this full-time guardian beast has a lot of restrictions, but the one I'm most worried about does not appear. What I was most worried about was that the system used various excuses to limit Yinxue's strength and demoted her to a normal Divine Beast, but Rose said that Yinxue's strength has not changed at all. The restriction is only for the method of use, and there is no restriction on Yinxue's battle strength. Yinxue is restricted by the system to attack operations only when Super Divine Beast appears in the enemy's participating troops. That is to say, only when a guy with the strength of Tian Zhao or Yaqi Oro appears, we can send silver. Snow. However, Yinxue can participate in the battle unconditionally in the defensive battle. Who calls her a guardian beast!

After talking to Azure Dragon a few things about Bi Ling and the others, I asked again: "Green Big Brother Long, what are you doing to get the whole mountain up to the sky? It seems unnecessary, right? "

"Look at the situation on the mountain and you won’t know."

I looked at the situation on the mountain in a puzzled manner. The battle continued, but the heavenly soldiers and our guild It seems that the coalition forces have taken the initiative and are gradually reducing the range of control of Buddhist personnel. Through the faint mist, you can see that the Buddhism personnel inside the illusory realm are very embarrassed, and they are almost unable to support it. Wait, mist? Was it impossible to see the situation inside the illusion before? In addition, our coalition forces have been evenly matched with Buddhism before, how come they suddenly take the initiative?

Understood. I suddenly wanted to understand. energy. Azure Dragon They said before they lifted Wutai Mountain to prevent unrelated people nearby from being implicated, but I didn't believe it at first, and now I don't believe it even more. In fact, Azure Dragon clearly meant to cut off the energy supply of Buddhism. As one of the three strongholds of Buddhism, Mount Wutai is not without a reason. The important reason why it became a stronghold is that it is right on the ground. Buddhism and Taoism are both good at arranging arrays, and the strongest formation is those large arrays supported by earth veins. As long as the ground pulse continues, these Formations can continue to run. Celestial Court and our guild’s coalition battle strength is much stronger than Buddhism. The reason why we have been unable to make it before is because of the role played by this Defensive Array. Now that the entire mountain has been pulled up, and the ground veins have completely separated from the mountain, the Defensive Great Array of Buddhism must have all failed, so it suddenly becomes unstoppable. Azure Dragon, they are all experts with rich combat experience, and such problems can be thought of. But I have to say that their strength is indeed too terrifying, if I think of it, I can't do it!

Azure Dragon knows I want to understand, he points forward slightly. "Have you seen the great hall in the center?"

"Well, I saw it."

"I sent you directly in with my own magic power, although there are a few The expert is there, but there are also a lot of good things, even if I repay you for helping me find my parents." Azure Dragon said, patted me on the back, and in the next second I was already in that great hall. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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