I'm dizzy! Is Azure Dragon helping me or hurting me? After I was sent to the great hall, I knew I was in trouble. There was a Bodhisattva sitting opposite me. Although I don’t know what his name is, it’s definitely not a simple character. What’s more terrible is that these guys are still standing in a circle of Arhat behind them. Look at this posture, they are in a meeting, and the time I came in. Obviously not suitable.

"Who you are?" A voice suddenly came from behind me.

Damn. It seems that the previous ideas are still too optimistic! Behind me, there are more than a dozen people standing neat and tidy, and most of them are monk-type professionals. Anyway, they are not on my side. I would appear in the middle of two waves of people. This position is too unsafe.

"haha! I was walking just now, and I didn’t know how to get here. Since you are in a meeting, I won’t bother you. Talk slowly." I hurried to the side, intending to Go around those players and leave this great hall. No matter how strong it is, it is impossible to take advantage of the crowd. I am not so arrogant yet.

It's a pity that the other party reacted. "Kill him." A guy who looked like an Indian pointed at me and said.

"Where to run." A bare-chested monk stood in front of me. This guy is at least 1.9 meters away. He wears a pair of yellow monk pants. His naked upper body is full of prominent muscles. , Strong like a cow. No, that's not right. Compared with him, cows are of Innate malnutrition type. This guy looks cautious with all his tendons.

This super hunk blocked my way and immediately smashed it with a punch. I stomped hard to the ground, and a row of steel nails popped out from the sole of the boot and plunged into the ground, making me stop in an instant. Down. Our equipment is advanced enough, and I can do all kinds of actions that normal people can't do. The guy banged his punch down to calculate the amount of advance, but because I stopped too suddenly, he banged his punch on the ground. Hearing a loud bang, the ground centered on the point of his fist, and the ground nearby was all turned up. The whole area was smashed out of a cracked area like a spider web, and the central area was sunk more than a foot deep.

If he missed a punch, the guy immediately pulled out his fist and moved upwards. The ground cracked in the direction his fist was leading up, and the steel nails under my feet were retracted with a bang. Suddenly bounced, his hands hooked the beam of the house and turned up the roof.

"hmph! A coward who can only run away." The guy jumped up and hit me again, who was standing on the beam. I smiled and jumped backward, and my body immediately began to fall down after leaving the beam. Immediately after my face passed the beam, I stretched out my hands again to hook the edge of the beam, my body swayed forward, and my legs were thrown forward like playing a horizontal bar, just kicking on that guy's belly. "En!" The guy issued a groan and flew out.

With a bang, a big hole was knocked out of the corner of the room, and the guy fell directly out of the great hall. I punched on the beam and swung back on the beam, smiling and squatting on the beam looking at the stunned guys below. Strong strength does not necessarily take advantage. The human body does not focus on in midair in the situation just now, and no amount of strength can make it.

"Don't intervene." The muscular hunk probably never received such a big insult. He roared and rushed back from the outside. He didn't even leave the door, and hit a wall directly. The people in the room were planning to besiege me, so they had to stop because of such a call.

The muscular man who didn't learn his lesson at all took off again, but this time he jumped over my height ahead of time, and only hit me during the falling stage of the parabola, a little smarter than before. My body fell straight back, and my head and feet fell to the ground. When I was about to touch the ground, I held up with both hands, and my body was pulled back for four consecutive backflips for a long distance. The muscular man smashed the beam with a punch and directly landed where I had just flashed out.

"There is a kind of you don't run." The huge gap in flexibility made this guy realize that as long as I don't want to fight him, he will never touch me.

I smiled and kissed the ice crystal on the back of my hand, and then pressed it to the ground. "Frozen earth." Well, a white light circle spread out quickly, and the whole ground was instantly covered by a layer of ice. Even the previous Bodhisattva who had been smiling and looking at me looked at the ice under him in surprise. According to his original idea, I was impossible to affect the environment around him. He didn't expect even he could stop this magic.

After completing the frozen earth, I jumped up and hit each other with my feet in the air. The two back blades moved from the back of the calf to the sole of the foot, and then connected to the outstretched bracket. When I landed, I There are already two more ice skates under his feet. My balance is very good, besides, I used to skate and stand still right after landing. The guy on the other side obviously didn't understand what I meant, and rushed towards me immediately, but he suddenly swayed without running two steps. As a result, he was frightened and struggled in place for a long time before he barely fell.

This guy has well-developed limbs and simple mind, but the people around him are not stupid. The person who shouted and attacked said: "Think man, don't be impulsive. The ice is slippery, and you have no strength."


"Retreat Later, let me come." This guy took out two strips of cloth from his body and wrapped it around his feet, and then rushed towards me. The guy like that barbarian is much thinner than this guy, but that's only relatively speaking. In fact, he is not thin, on the contrary, he may be of a stronger type.

When he was about to rush to my side, I suddenly slid out with a little bit of my feet, and then took a very strange turn and slid behind the guy. He hurriedly turned around a little faster, but suddenly his feet slipped and his whole person lost his balance. The cloth strip can only reduce the probability of slipping, not that it will absolutely not slip. My skate is the most convenient tool on ice, much better than the temporary cloth. When he fell, my body suddenly changed. I shoveled him down and shoveled him up directly from under him. At the same time, the claws of both hands popped out, and I inserted them into his chest and abdomen. That guy was so fat and fierce that after suffering such a serious injury, he even reached out and hugged my body, pulled himself down and entangled me tightly. "Hurry up!"

The people behind him reacted and rushed up together. I looked up to the sky a long whistle, and my body suddenly increased. After the transformation of the werewolf form, all the blades on the surface of the magic dragon suit bounced out. I turned around abruptly and ripped it into the air. With a chuckle, the guy turned into countless pieces of flesh and scattered. Going out, sprayed his companion all over.

"Oh Mi Tubo! Do evil, do evil!" The Bodhisattva finally spoke. "Fierce appearance, this evildoer has fallen into the demonic path, go ahead and save him!"

"Fall your head." I suddenly fell from the sky in the form of a werewolf, and kicked the Bodhisattva with one leg forward. past.

An Arhat next to Bodhisattva immediately flashed in front of Bodhisattva and punched out. The fist and foot collided and made a sound like a metal crash. My warrior Avatar was beaten back and the Arhat also retreated. It took three steps to be held back by the people behind.

"Two people?" Arhat was stunned.

"Is it Avatar Technique?" Bodhisattva is very sharp-eyed.

"There is one more." Another Arhat called out suddenly.

"It's late!" The wizard Avatar fell directly in front of Bodhisattva, and the staff plunged into the ground. "Heaven thunder-ten thousand thunders and bends to the sky." A bucket-thick electric pillar dropped from the sky, directly blasting a big hole into the zenith of the great hall, and several Arhats who wanted to go forward were all driven back by the electric current. The wizard Avatar was completely unaffected by the electric current. He pulled out his staff and swung it forward, and the electric pillar followed him all the time. Anyone who approached would be bounced away by the electric current.

"Mercy Curse." Bodhisattva finally couldn't sit still, and with one hand, a golden bright spot flew towards the wizard Avatar.

I suddenly appeared in front of the Mage Avatar, Eternal became a shield just blocking the golden light ball, the huge force pushed me back four or five meters continuously, and the ice on the ground was all Was shattered, but despite this, I just took the blow.

Bodhisattva was obviously surprised, he didn't expect that his attack was actually blocked. Because the ice on the ground broke, it no longer slipped. The muscular man before rushed up again: "Vajra Subduing Devil Fist."

"Go to hell." I pulled a feather directly from my back and threw it out. The only feathers hanging on my wings are metal feathers. The remaining part is a magic fairy, and the other part is a candle bee. What was thrown out just now was the feather of a candle bee that turned into a candle bee when it flew halfway.

Of course, the macho is not afraid of small insects. He hit the candle bee with a punch, but saw me and two Avatars holding their heads and squatting down. Although strange, he didn't know what we meant. That punch directly hit the candle bee, and then...

"cough cough cough..." The three of us ran out of the great hall full of smoke in embarrassment.

Mage Avatar coughed and said: "I said the subject, you won't wait for us to be ready before throwing it?" The wizard Avatar asked me with a dark face.

I laughed helplessly: "The first time I used it, didn't expect formidable power to be so big! By the way, did you get it with Avatar?"

Warrior Avatar smiled wildly Get a few large gems. "I feel that these things have a super energy response, and they are all taken down by me."

"You despicable fellows!" An Arhat rushed out of the great hall with a dark face. Same as the African chicken! "Give me back the Buddhist Supreme Treasure soon."

"Ah! These all are from the land of China, you Indians did not ask us to dig them out and use it. This is called the theft of national mineral resources. Understand? It’s nice if I didn’t find you to charge for the usage fee!"

"You... a strong word!"

"Is I still good at using it?" The warrior Avatar is more ruthless than me. . "Do you dare to say that these are not produced by my Dahua? Do you dare to say that you declared to someone in my Dahua? Do you dare to say that you were born in Dahua?"

Of course the other party can't say, But he can do it. The guy rushed up to fight, but the warrior Avatar suddenly disappeared, causing the guy to almost fall. I touched the ground again, and the icy ground spread quickly, turning the square outside the great hall into an ice skating rink. Then I went back and slid out very leisurely. The Arhat at the back wanted to chase, but only ran two. I fell into a big somersault in one step.

Without warning, the ground behind me suddenly exploded, and the muscular hunk came out of the ground and hit me with a heavy punch.

"Sneak attack is useless for me!" A dexterously turned around, the ice skate was a little on the ground, I smoothed out in a very elegant posture, and then turned around and kicked. The muscular man stretched out his hand to grab my leg, only to pinch it on the blade. The whole body of the magic dragon suit is full of blades. Although I usually only use a few of the blades due to habit, I must admit that the magic dragon suit really has many blades.

The macho comrade whose hand was injured instinctively let go, and my toe hit his wrist with a hook. A steel cone popped out from the toe part of the boot, and it was nailed into the guy's wrist, and the tip of the steel cone popped out of four forks after being inserted into it, turning it into a cross barb.

When I hit it, I quickly closed my foot, and pulled a large piece of meat from the guy's arm with a barbed awl, and the blood spurted like a tap. Without giving him any chance to breathe, I quickly drew close to his side after closing my foot, right hand punch towards his face. The opponent immediately blocked with his left hand and accurately caught my fist. After successfully intercepting the attack, he endured the pain in his right hand and showed a weird smile, but I also laughed. pu... With a light sound, the crossbow arrow was inserted straight into the center of this guy's eyebrows, leaving only a tail less than an inch long outside. This guy is too careless, and he obviously didn't expect so many organs on my body. The essence of the magic dragon suit lies in the Yin you did not discuss.

The muscular man finally fell down, but I was delayed to escape. The guys behind all chased it out. Fortunately, the ground was full of ice. They had to shake the ice before attacking. Face, of course, this will be discovered by me.

I quickly turned around, and the guys had already rushed over. However, that guy just gave me some inspiration. A big hole suddenly cracked in the ground, dozens of vines wrapped me up, and then quickly sank into the ground. When they chased me, the ground was already filled.

Azure Dragon, this guy is really harmful. He actually got me into the enemy's pile. Fortunately, I ran fast.

The rose vine opened for me all the way underground, until it reached the Eldest Prince just now. Anyway, I have already come in, there are so many babies here, and I am too sorry to flash people with just a few gems. But when I was about to go out, I suddenly heard a sound that I had just heard. "You are really greedy!"

It was the Bodhisattva who was talking, but I didn't care about him, still breakthrough ground into the great hall. Most of the people chased it out. There are only two people left here. One is Bodhisattva who has been sitting motionless, and the other is a player, but he is not a monk. Instead, he wears an armor, which looks very similar. A player of the warrior category.

"You are very strong." The player has stood beside Bodhisattva and looked at me very calmly. I'm pretty sure he wasn't in this room before, but he should have appeared after the candle bee exploded.

I ignored him, just looked around, and first determined the location of all the treasures in the great hall. This room is simply a treasure display room. There are 5-Layer stepped tables on the walls on both sides, and a large number of peculiar items are placed on each floor. Although I don't know any of these items, there is no doubt that these items are precious, at least the energy response on them is very high.

Seeing that I didn't answer, the guy was slightly angry. Pointing to me and said: "Too arrogant is sometimes not a good thing."

I rushed to the side of the table, opened the Phoenix Dragon Space, and then filled it with things. He replied slowly: "There are many people who have said similar remarks to me, but they don't say it anymore."

"Arrogant." The warrior drew a single knife from behind. This knife is quite long, with a handle and a blade of about 1.5 meters. The blade is relatively narrow, between the Japanese sword and the thick Chinese sword. The edge is not smooth, but a wavy state similar to wavy patterns. This is the first time I have seen such a strange weapon, but there are many special weapons in "Zero", and this thing is not an Immemorial strange. "I have been arrogant."

"Arrogance does not require qualifications. Any individual can be arrogant. He can be a powerhouse with surpassing strength, or it can be useless."

"Very well, I know you can say it well. But I don’t think your strength is as great as the legend. I have studied your combat video. For most people, you may be an expert. Come to me Saying that you are a waste."

"Whatever you do. Human beings are powerful never need pigs' recognition."

"humph." The guy was coldly snorted, and then suddenly rushed Come here, at the same time the entire shelf here has been emptied by me, but the Bodhisattva has not moved in the process. I know why he doesn't move, because I have long felt that the lotus platform he sits on is not normal, but I haven't figured out why he has been reluctant to leave the lotus platform.

The sound of the wind behind has arrived, and I lowered my head very accurately and flashed across the cutting edge, and my body rolled back and rolled out from under the blade. The opponent's power control was in place, and he didn't lose his balance because of a miss. Even the wooden table in front of me successfully reversed the blade and rushed back.

No matter what you say when you fight, I think this guy’s fighting skills are the second best among people I’ve seen so far. Even the gun god just surpasses him in equipment and fights. The skills are completely incomparable with him. As for the best fighting skills in my mind, of course it is really popular. Somehow she came from a regular spy unit, who has received more than five years of training in regular fighting skills. Where is the average player her opponent?

The blade followed my movement, and I was already standing up. Although this guy's fighting skills are the second best person I have ever seen in the game, it needs to be explained that my own fighting skills are actually better than him. Without strength and auxiliary means, my fighting skills may not be as good as Real Red, but it is definitely better than him. What's more, the strength of the game is not entirely based on the technology, otherwise there will not be so many people who go to leveling and playing treasures.

Dang, dong, ding. After three consecutive beeps, the guy was stunned. The first sound is the sound of our two weapons colliding, the second sound is the sound of a knife without a blade hitting my armor, and the third sound is the sound of a broken blade falling on the ground. The whole process took less than a second, and Eternal cut off his knife without any suspense. The gap in weapons can be made up with manpower, but when manpower and weapons are not as good as humans, it is completely hopeless.

Although this kid is stunned, I will not give him face and wait for him to recover. Eternal continued to advance, and quickly put on his armor, encountered a little obstacle, and inserted it with a little force. But... Ding.

I looked up at him in surprise, and his expression seemed to have just come back to his senses from the shock of the weapon being cut. Both of us were shocked. He didn't expect that his weapon was not blocked at all. I didn't expect that he also wore mirror armor in the armor. What surprised me most was that this thing blocked eternity. There are not many immutable things that I have seen so far, but this guy didn't expect actually has one.

In shock, I kicked this guy, and then the two separated by the power of this kick. I really didn't expect that the sword aimed at the heart would not penetrate, but I would not give my opponent too many opportunities. As soon as I parted, I rushed up again. That guy didn't have a shield. The only thing I had was a saber. I can't miss such a good opportunity. In addition, that guy’s mirror armor seems to be a very high level treasure, so I must grab it.

The guy had come back to his senses from the shock of the weapon being destroyed, and saw that I rushed up again not only did not run, but smiled triumphantly. I didn't care why he smirked, but quickly rushed up and slashed at his neck. As long as the sword hits, his head should move. But this guy was actually very brave. He didn't dodge the sword that struck him on the neck, but instead sent me a punch with that sword.

What he wants to take is a sword. I will probably avoid a head-on conflict and give up this sword, but he has a fist. This thing can't kill me, at most it loses a little blood, which is nothing. .

I made up my mind with a sword momentum is big, power is deep, and his punch is not small. However, my sword and arms have an advantage in length, and in the end I cut it first. when. It was the same voice as before, and a huge counter shock came from my hand, eternally appearing and letting go. Just now the sword penetrated the armor and was blocked by the high-end mirror armor. Fortunately, the sword was in the middle of the neck. There was nothing there, and I didn't cut it in!

The sword was blocked, I looked towards his face in surprise, and only his triumphant smile greeted me. be cheated! This guy has some kind of ability that I don't know, it is Indestructible Vajra anyway, he can't cut even eternity! (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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