I cried my hands and said: "First, Demon now has a powerful member like Dalun Pluto; second, Demon has always hoped to be able to achieve a position beyond Celestial Court; third, Demon The troops are being assembled; 4. Demon impossible to fight with you. With these four, what do you think they are planning?"

Erlang Shen and Arctic Xingjun looked at each other, and then asked: "putting it That way we can’t fight Buddhism?"

"It’s not up to us to fight or not. The Jade Emperor can’t make any difference. Besides, this time is indeed extremely rare. It’s a good chance, so you have to fight. Just pay attention to the rear protection. Don’t be too passive. At least keep more reserve teams. Also, protect important places to avoid unnecessary losses. "

"Okay, I will report to the Jade Emperor immediately." The Arctic Star Monarch took out a finger and folded a paper crane and threw it into the sky. The paper crane immediately flew up and disappeared in the distance. the sky.

I said to Erlang Shen and the North Pole Star Monarch when I watched the paper cranes fly far away: "I'm not here for Demon's business only."

"I know you I’m a person who can’t afford to be early, let’s talk about it, what should we help?"

I laughed and said to Erlang Shen: "Actually, it’s not a major event. I just hope the two can command after the battle begins. The heavenly soldiers leave us some benefits."


"It's human life." I said directly: "You also know that our adventurers are not the same as your cultivation methods. , The benefits of killing the enemy are very great for us, so I hope that the heavenly soldiers can severely wound the enemy in the battle, as long as I keep a breath and let my people come to an end.” The EXP in "Zero" is effective. The percentage of damage is calculated, but the reward for the last blow is also quite a lot, so the last person to destroy the enemy can get quite a lot of EXP. However, these NPCs have no experience, so let them kill the enemy, it is better to leave the last blow to us.

Erlang Shen agreed for a while. It's not a major event anyway. You can show me good, why not do it?

After getting the consent of Erlang Shen and Arctic Star Monarch, I left the cloud, and there is nothing wrong with me anyway. There is chaos in the city of Xiuyuan below, and those Buddhist players are demolishing houses and smashing things. According to their thoughts, Xiuyuan City will not belong to them immediately, so those that can be moved will be taken away or sold, and those that cannot be taken will be demolished or burned. Anyway, they cannot be left to us.

I flew to the top of Xiuyuan City and watched with interest the people of Buddhism working hard, with a smug smile on the corner of my mouth. Because I was flying very low, some Buddhism people saw me. A player pointed at me and shouted: "hmph! We won't leave things to you, it's useless for you to see."

I spread out both hands, with a faint smile on my mouth. "Don't worry about me, you are free."

"Aren't you angry?" Those people stopped in surprise when they noticed my strange expression.

"Angry? Why should I be angry?"

"Are you still angry when we smashed you?"

I did it deliberately with a confused face They asked them, "system will fix it for me in a while, and I have no loss. Why should I be angry?"

"System will be repaired automatically?" A player loudly said: "Don't be kidding, this system I need money for everything, how can I help you repair the city for free? You just want to prevent us from smashing your things."

"Then you guys go on, I don't care." In fact, I am already laughing in my heart. flipped. The main system of "Zero" is a simplified version of "Nuwa", and its functions are still very powerful. In the face of the powerful artificial intelligence of the main system, it is not easy to exploit the loopholes. For example, the behavior of deliberately sabotaging things that were lost in the agreement has already been thought of by others. So system also compensated for this situation, that is, the transaction item in this agreement has a protection function within three hours after the transaction takes effect, and everything that is smashed will be automatically repaired. Of course, this repair is really not free. "Zero" is a financial bomb. How can there be a free lunch? This repair cost is indeed not paid by me, but by whoever smashes it. When the balance of the saboteur’s account is insufficient, the system will automatically start randomly auctioning his equipment. If it is sold out and you continue to drop it, then you will start to deduct EXP, and the deduction is very powerful. The village.

The following idiots obviously don’t know that there is such a setting, and they don’t seem to pay attention to their accounts. After all, the funds in the game are not battle data, so they won’t be displayed unless you specifically check it. of. But I think someone should discover that something is wrong in a while.

Sure enough, I heard a cry of surprise from below before I smiled enough. "Huh? Where's my helmet?" A player who helped Buddhism looked for his helmet everywhere. It was obvious that the account was exhausted and the system was selling his equipment.

Someone yelled before the voice was over. "Oh my god! My broken Wind Sword! Where did my broken Wind Sword go? That's the Holy Spirit equipment!"

The city was messed up in an instant, and people kept disappearing, even Someone started to lose the second item. Until this time those people reacted and started to check the data, only to find that their money had become zero, and some inconspicuous equipment had been lost a lot.

Looking at the chaos of the people below, I can't laugh in the sky anymore. There are not one or two people who want to take advantage of the system loopholes and get pitted by the system. I have seen many people before. The following guys suddenly remembered that I was still in the sky, and someone pointed at me angrily and asked: "Did you steal our equipment?"

"haha! A bunch of idiots, look at your system Record the information!"

After hearing what I said, the guys started to check the information record together, because most of the things were useless information. Ninety-nine percent of the players set the non-display state, so nothing happened. People know. When they checked the information, it immediately became angry, but the fire returned to the fire, but no one knew who to be angry with. Throwing things is their own clever behavior, and I didn't let them hit them. System response methods can be seen in the forum and system help, and there are warnings when things happen. You can’t blame people if you turn off the information display without reading it.

Although they are ignorant of themselves, beings like humans are always unreasonable. Benefits are reasonable, and those that don't conform to my interests are unreasonable. Based on this point of view, the following guys started to condemn me in a straightforward manner. It means that I knew that there was such a rule and didn't tell them tomorrow, but they suffered heavy losses. As for their own unreasonable behavior, they have been selectively forgotten by them.

I just slightly smiled when I scolded them, and I was not angry, nor did I scold them. Since the last time I quarreled with General Wu at the base and announced that Dragon Clan had officially become a race, I felt that I had become very thin about many things. It may be due to Dragon Clan's over-developed intelligence and physical fitness far beyond that of humans. In my opinion, humans are almost the same as ants, so they will not care about them. Pastors in the church often say that God loves the world, and those gods probably have the same ideas as me! However, our tolerance is limited to general aspects. I don't care about the life and death of human beings on the issue of interests. After all, we are no longer a member of human beings.

The people below scolded vigorously, but I smiled and reminded: "The one-hour limit is about to come. Forced transmission also costs money. You don't want to lose one or two pieces of equipment?"


As soon as I said that, the people below immediately recovered their calm. They scolded me one by one and ran out of the city. If they didn't run, they would be deducted money. Many people have already begun to drop equipment, and deducting money will definitely lose more equipment.

Under my deliberate stimulation, the city was quickly removed, and I took all my people into the city. The furnishings and buildings in the city were automatically restored after we entered, but I did not intend to occupy the city for a long time. The location of this Xiuyuan City is of little significance to our guild, and the scale and architectural style of the city are difficult to be accepted by our international guild. I plan to resell it to other companies after the battle is over. Yes, I won't want it anyway.

For the overnight preparation time, everyone was barely able to assemble the troops, but due to the rush of time, it still felt a little messy. Although I still want to wait for a while and wait until the troops are ready to go to war, the fighting mood of the two sides has been unable to stabilize. From time to time, small-scale conflicts broke out between the personnel of both sides, and they could not be suppressed even if they wanted to!

Early in the morning, I was discussing the specific battle arrangements with Eagle, and suddenly heard a bell from the mountain, accompanied by a small Sanskrit sound. "Are they going to do it first?" Hawk looked at the mountain and asked me.

"The ghost knows." I looked at the heavenly soldiers in the clouds. "We won't move if it doesn't move above. Anyway, if there is no support from the heavenly soldiers, we will rush up and die."

The eagle asked me with some worry: "What if this is a large spell in preparation?"

"Then you can rest assured." Only pointed to the cloud. "Celestial Court has a spell shield. If it is an offensive spell, they will react faster than us."

"Well, I will let everyone hold back and don't do it."

"Slowly ." I grabbed the eagle who was about to send the order. "There has been a movement above, you first let everyone prepare, maybe it is about to start. I will go up to see the situation." After I said that, I took the lead to fly.

Three Buddhas flew out of the imaginary space on the top of Wutai Mountain. Erlang Shen and the Arctic Star Monarch also flew out from the clouds here. I quickly followed from below and merged with them. . The two sides came close to a distance of only ten meters and stopped. The Buddha on the opposite side first put his hand on his chest and made a gesture. "Dear Celestial Court generals, what do you intend to lead troops around my sacred mountain for no reason today?"

Erlang Shen laughed. "Wall Raffles don't talk to us anymore. We know your situation and you also know what we are doing. It's useless to be polite."

"Ugh...mercy, my Buddha! I don’t want you to wait, even though you are in the immortal class, you still can’t destroy your desires, so pitiful!"

This guy Wall Raffles said so nicely, he was actually scolding Divine Immortal of Celestial Court. You can't forget the desires of the world when you become an immortal. In fact, when did they forget their desires themselves? Have no desire to develop Buddhism? Wanting to develop Buddhism is a desire in itself, and it can also be classified as one of the main desires of human beings, the desire for career.

The Arctic Star Monarch heard Wall Raffles’s words and immediately said: “Wall Raffles don’t say those useless anymore. Today’s things must not be good. If you know how to advance and retreat, then Just surrender and save us the trouble."

I really didn't expect the Arctic Star Monarch to have such a tough attitude. I didn't really see it before. This old fellow has a pretty big temper.

Another Buddha beside Wallace Buddha was very angry and said: "Although mercy, my Buddha, it is not easy to bully. Quickly lead his troops to retreat, otherwise don’t blame my guardian for not being affectionate. ."

Duo Tuo? Are these two Buddhas who specialize in fighting? I can't help but take a closer look at these two guys. The result of the inspection was that there was no difference between them and other Buddhas. The costumes of these Buddhas were almost uniform. Even if there were differences, they would not be too big. I can't see them anyway. In addition, these guys also have a unified distribution, which is the kind of distribution full of packages. As for their facial features, there are no extra features except for their round faces.

"What's wrong with Shutu?" Erlang Shen said triumphantly: "My Celestial Court is not like your Buddhism, which is kind all day long. We are just and honorable. You are just good at it. It’s just a fighting Buddha, and my 800,000 heavenly soldiers are not good-looking."

There is no plan to talk on both sides, and the tone of voice is more aggressive. This hopeless conversation will soon happen. Into an irreconcilable state. Wall Raffles, who took the lead, did the first thing. He didn't want Erlang Shen to be prepared, so he immediately fought him. The Arctic Star Monarch and I saw Erlang Shen get started and didn't say anything anymore. I casually threw a flashlight-like thing out, and then rushed to one of the curtains.

The thing I threw out turned around a few times and then suddenly sprang up with a sharp whistle, and then exploded the image of a huge thorny rose from a high altitude. This thing was developed by Crystal Chocolate, a blasting expert in our trade. It is said that she made something after watching an old movie called Shanghai Beach. Anyway, it is very convenient to call this thing Brother.

The signal exploded, and there was a cry of killing immediately below, and the heavenly soldiers moved along with them, and the pace was well coordinated.

Don't worry about it, boys, now I just want to concentrate on dealing with the curtain in front of me. They are the Buddha who specializes in fighting, or the kind of battle strength that is terrible. I am not an opponent by relying on damage output alone, but I have no plans to fight him.

"Small dragon girl, set up an array." It was too early one night and the familiar had cooled down. Now I am at 999 Level 19, and I am full of strength. No matter how fierce I am, I will be two thousand. Only level, I have the skills and medicines given by Celestial Court to fight Buddhism mana. This gap is not insurmountable.

When I was in Japan, Tianzhao and Tianzhao didn’t know how many times they had done it. Our demon familiars are already familiar with this kind of things where more people bully and less people, so there is absolutely no need to worry about cooperation. As soon as the small dragon girl left the Phoenix Dragon space, she shot her head and covered her face. The curtain threw a bunch of spells, and the last one was a golden light array. This thing was modified with the skill that Celestial Court got back. It is said to be specially restrained. Buddhism mana.

A golden ball of light suddenly lit up next to the curtain, and all the spells played by the small dragon woman were blocked, but in the end the array hit the protective cover, but it was as if the cold water was tightening. In the middle, the two things exploded with a bang.

The small dragon woman said happily: "The things given by Celestial Court are really dedicated to Buddhism mana. Didn't expect the effect is so good."

The curtain did not' t expect his invincible defense state was easily knocked out, and he quickly pulled back, but suddenly felt that there was danger behind him. When he turned his head suddenly, he saw a large group of flames rushing towards him, and he quickly descended in fright. The lucky Long Yan flew past the top of his head, but the flame below accurately covered the curtain. Soon a burning man flew out of the flames, but his clothes had been burned through several places, and his face was blackened.

Giant dragon’s dragon flame is different from the Eastern flame spells, so there is no special restraint for Buddhists and Immortal Sect people, nor is it completely ineffective. At least this curtain is obviously Burned.

"Despicable, so much...!" He wanted to scold me, but before he finished speaking, he was wrapped in another flame, forcing him to shut up and concentrate on defense.

Ivorite chased the curtain with a billowing heat wave and slashed. Although the flame resistance of the curtain was pretty good, it couldn't stand the continuous high temperature burning! Ivorite’s battle strength is actually not high, but his actual combat effect is better than many of my monsters. This is entirely due to his high temperature. Imagine if you were to fight with a kindergarten kid whose whole body exudes thousands of degrees of heat, do you think you have the hope of victory? This is the case with Ivorite. His fighting skills are actually very ordinary, but his temperature is too high and no one dares to stay by his side for a long time, so many tricks are not used, and he just forces many experts to play abnormally. Now this curtain is the same, being chased by Ivorite flying all over the sky, there is no way to get close at all.

"This way is all right." Eminis suddenly appeared in the air, and then moved away. And behind her were Ling and Xiaochun standing side by side. At this time the incantion of the two of them was just completed.

The energetic Ivorite who was chasing after suddenly disappeared in place, one black one white two light balls separated from Ling and Xiaochun’s staff, first gathered together, and then turned into a black and white The ball of light, high-speed rotation rushed towards the curtain.

The golden mask suddenly appeared next to the curtain, and then he began to make a defensive posture. Wall Raffles who was fighting with Erlang Shen took the time to shout to this side: "Don't take it, you can't stop the trick." Wall Raffles who finished shouting this sentence was distracted by Erlang Shen. The three-pointed two-edged knife made a big cut.

Although I was about to accept the move, even though he heard the reminder, it was too late to flash. The ball of light hit the golden mask, then penetrated like a thin layer of paper, and directly hit the palm of the curtain. A bright line appeared between Heaven and Earth, and then a dazzling ball of light gleamed on the middle point of the bright line. At that moment, the surroundings became completely white, and even the sun was compared. The sound of the explosion and the shock wave arrived after rays of light. All the people present were blown away by the shock wave, but Erlang Shen and the Arctic Star Monarch were both experts, and the remaining two Buddhas on the opposite side were not simple. After all, we put things on our own, prepared in advance, and didn't hurt ourselves.

The explosion in the sky spread rapidly. A light blue mask rippled away from the explosion circle. When the hood touched the ground, all the big trees fell to the ground as if they were squashed. Even the far away city of Xiuyuan was hit. Several houses fell down. Fortunately, the distance was far away and the whole city was not leveled. Otherwise it will not be sold.

The exploded formidable power was a little bit beyond expectation, and Ling and Xiaochun themselves were shocked. They only used this black and white mixing technique three times before, and almost every time they leapfrogged and killed the boss-level expert, but we overlooked a problem. When we used this trick before, our level was not high, but now it's different. Our level has risen, and spell formidable power has also risen. even more how Ling and Xiaochun’s formidable power is not the addition of the two separate formidable powers, but multiplication, so every time they increase a little formidable power, the final total formidable power will double, which is proportional. In the end, the current explosive formidable power is at least several hundred times higher than before. No wonder it is so terrifying.

The Phoenix Dragon Space has been opened, and Aimenis flew in with Ling and Xiaochun one by one. The formidable power just now is really big enough, but the shortcomings are also obvious. If the enemy doesn't die, you die. This move sucked up the mana of the two of them in one go, and now they can't even maintain the flight.

The people in the sky were stunned, and it took nearly ten seconds for Erlang Shen to react. "Purple Moon is great. Didn't expect you to get the first prize today."

The dregs who fought with us just now have been bombarded and even the scum is left. Now I And Buddhism can be regarded as a complete bloody and deep feud that cannot be solved! But I'm not afraid. Anyway, I am backed by a big tree to enjoy the coolness. I have Celestial Court under the cover, so I am afraid that he will get a ball. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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