God war, to put it plainly, is religious war. This time Demon and Celestial Court both wanted to destroy Buddhism, and I happened to make this idea a smooth realization, so the battle was triggered in advance, but I didn’t expect it to come so suddenly, there must be something in it I don’t Clear things exist, otherwise they would not develop so strangely. What I learned from Hong Yue is that the guild can still suppress local fighting, so I still have some time to investigate the situation.

After leaving Isengard, I went directly to Celestial Court. As a result, as soon as I left the teleportation point, I saw the South Heaven Gate wide open. Heavenly troops lined up in a neat array were rushing out of the South Heaven Gate. Rushed forward, looking like a mess before the war.

"Isn't this Purple Moon? You are not commanding the troops in Mount Wutai. Why are you running to Celestial Court?"

"Oh, it's the King of Tuotao! I'm here to find the Jade Emperor. I don’t know if the Jade Emperor is there or not?"

"Yes, it’s just now in a meeting. I have something to do. Just go in by yourself."

"many thanks." Goodbye After Li Tianwang, I quickly entered South Heaven Gate. The inside is similar to the outside. There are countless heavenly soldiers in the profound formations everywhere, obviously gathering.

Behind the stage is the palace part. There are fewer people here, and it's relatively quieter, but you can still see some fairies flying around in a hurry, completely gone. The calm before. All the way to the Lingxiao Treasure Hall smoothly, the guard god at the door didn't stop me at all, and let me in directly. There are not many Divine Immortals in the great hall, but they are all of the boss level, even Lao Tzu and Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning have arrived.

"Purple Moon are you here? I knew you were coming." The Jade Emperor was the first to discover my arrival.

"I have seen all Heavenly Immortal leaders." I bowed a circle, and then said: "I just want to know why Celestial Court will launch a full-scale battle in advance. According to our agreement, we should not let us do it. Will you do the preliminary work first, and then join Celestial Court and Demon in a spurt of energy to win Buddhism? Your advance combat plan made us very passive. The main force of the guild has now been dragged in Japan. I can’t get back help at all for a while, and I’m so helpless to do everything!"

"Look, I said he is going to trouble me!" The Jade Emperor said in a joking tone. To the other Divine Immortal jokingly said.

Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning smiled and said to me: "Of course we used to plan for a reason, and your kids don’t have to withdraw. Our Celestial Court will not be able to afford this amount of manpower. "

"Heavenly Venerable means...?" I asked calmly.

"Don’t worry, we are not going to exclude Frost, but now there is an accident, we must advance. Don’t worry, the benefits are indispensable to you."

"Accident?" I After thinking for a while, I asked: "What accident is worthy of such advance planning?"

"Tathagata reincarnation, is this accident big enough?"

"Tathagata reincarnation?" I suddenly understood. He nodded sharply. "Understood. I will arrange it now."

"Sure enough, it is a student that can be taught." Lao Tzu called me. "Don't worry, there are still some things for you." As he said with flicked the fingers, a golden pill bounced in front of me, and then fell into my hands lightly.

Before I had time to ask what Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning is, I threw a golden scroll to me in advance. "That golden pill is called the'principal golden bead', and if you instill it with great magic power, you can emit ten thousand golden lights. Those who are illuminated with golden light can get 10% of the mana ability to resist Buddhism forever. I give you the ability. The golden scroll is the'Chaos Scroll'. It records a skill that restrains the Buddhist mana. After you learn it, you can obtain the absolute suppression ability against the Buddhist mantra without activating it. You can take it back and learn it for your combatants."

haha, the great god is extraordinary, and his shots are much more generous than those pauper monsters. "Um, two immortal ancestors, how do you deal with this thing after the battle?"

"Do you want us to take back what was given to you?"

"many thanks. Let me first Go to work."

I made a profit. This trip did not go for nothing. At least I got two big treasures, and it was something common to the whole guild. A baby like this that can improve the strength of the entire guild is very rare in the game, not to mention this passive ability that does not require deliberate operation, it is simply the best of the best.

After I left Celestial Court, I wanted to see Demon's situation, but after thinking about it, I’ll forget it. The last time I went to their side was not very pleasant, and now I’m sending it to the door to make them feel I begged them, but it will become more difficult. I can only talk to them when they are unlucky. Now it is no good to say anything.

Return to Isengard to find Hong Yue and arrange the staffing work. Since you want to help Celestial Court fight Buddhism, you must take advantage of it, so it is absolutely impossible to have fewer people. Before the work was completely arranged, Eagle suddenly ran into the Conference Hall. "Huh? Purple Moon, are you back?"

"Well, it's been a long time. Are you still online at this late?"

"Not the Indians Harmful, the players of Buddhism in our country also followed suit. It seems that Buddhism has issued a very high quest reward, asking these players to help protect the education."

"The current situation What about?"

"There is no big battle, small frictions continue."

Hong Yue asked suspiciously: "Then why did you run back? It should be messy over there. !"

"The chaos is no longer enough to describe the situation there. I came back to find someone. Where are the experts in the guild? There are a few troublesome characters on my side. A few experts used to hold on to the scene, or else they would not be able to control it!"

Hong Yue immediately said: "Experts are all in Japan, now where do you want me to find you... "Hong Yue said that afterwards, his voice became smaller and smaller, and his eyes gradually turned to me. Eagle also understood Hong Yue's reaction.

"OK! OK! I'll go with you." If I don't understand these two expressions, I will be a fool. Isn't it just for the scene? Anyway, I am also the president of the Frost Rose League. Why can't I put such a big face to hold the scene?

The eagle dragged me out of Xiuyuan City under Wutai Mountain. This is a player city, and it is full of players who practice Buddha, and the city director guild is a Buddhist force. More importantly, the city blocked the road to Wutai Mountain. The Wutai Mountain in the game is not as small as the real Wutai Mountain. This mountain has been enlarged many times in the game, and its height has also changed. very scary. In addition, since it is now one of the three major strongholds of Buddhism in China, there is a virtual space on the top of the mountain, which does not look large from the outside, but after entering it, it will become a very large area. If we can't take down this city, then we can only fly up the mountain. Although our guild has good air transportation capabilities, it is not a good thing to leave a nail behind ourselves.

Now that Xiuyuan City has been surrounded by water, the guild's army is standing by outside the city, and there is a large cloud of golden light above us. From here, we can Seeing a lot of celestial generals standing on the edge of the cloud, I think they should all be Celestial Court troops. The guild's large-scale siege equipment and the insect race war fortress have also arrived, and they are parked behind our guild's troops. Many people are still assembling large-scale siege weapons.

I heard the messy noise over there before I got close to the front of the battlefield, and the eagle directly flew me over there. I saw some players from our guild and some non-guild players wearing Taoist costumes standing aside, scolding the players who were wearing monk robes, and occasionally mixed with martial power fights.

"The guild grows here." I don't know which guy with the sharper eyes called, the players on our side immediately made a way out and stared at the players on the opposite side very proudly.

I nodded to the guild players on both sides, and then walked to the front. Among the opponent's crowd, a guy who seemed to be only eighteen-nineteen years old was obviously the leader. He stood in front of me very horizontally, almost wearing my mask. "You are the president of the Frost Rose League?"

I clicked the thorn rose on my left chest. "Is there anyone else who can bring this thing besides me?"

"Okay. Since you are the president, then immediately withdraw your troops."

"Your head was kicked by a donkey. Is it?" Is this guy an idiot!

"Do you dare to scold me." The guy said angrily: "Your people and our people just lost a bet, and if you say, you will withdraw if you lose."

< p>"Oh? Is there such a thing?"

"Of course. Don't you still want to make a mistake?" Another professional monk player behind the youngster stepped up and pointed to a player next to us. "It's his bet with us."

I took off the helmet and put it into the Phoenix Dragon Space, and then ignored them, but turned to Eagle and said: "I bet you, I can Jump to the moon." After speaking, I jumped on the spot. Of course, I was impossible to jump to the moon. But before those people ask questions, I said to the eagle: "Okay! I didn't jump up, I lost. Now I lose that city to you."

The young monk I couldn't listen anymore, so I immediately screamed. "Hey. Xiuyuan City is our Buddhism city. Why do you give him to others?"

"Oh, you know you can't bet on other people's things?" I pointed to him just now The guild player who bet said: "Those behind are all my people. You and him bet on my people. Why should I listen to you?"

The player in our guild is also A clever fellow yelled immediately. "You stupid, I thought of this at the beginning, but you were so stupid that you bet me. That's not my army, I am only one of them, no matter how to manage them. It's your own idiot, Don’t say that I’m not keeping my word.”

This young professional monk player is not very old, so how can we Old Fox be so smooth that we almost got angry. "You, you...!"

I laughed and said with a smile without concealment: "You should breathe well before you talk. I won't be responsible for the suffocation."

"I want to fight you. If you lose, you have to retreat."

After hearing what he said, before I had time to answer, the people around him grabbed him and whispered:" Don't be impulsive, he is Purple Moon!"

"What's wrong with Purple Moon, I just rarely fight with people, can't I really win him?" The youngster pointed at me and said, "I will If you challenge, do you dare?"

"Of course I dare, but is your bet a bit weird?"

"Why is it strange?"< /p>

"You only said that we would withdraw if we lost, then you lose?" I didn't wait for him to answer, and continued: "I know you want to say you won't lose, but that's yours It's. I won't make a shot without a lottery."

"I'll hit you to see if you don't fight back." This guy rushed directly.

With a boom, the guy was blocked. Zhenhong appeared in front of me and took the guy's fist with one hand. "If you want to beat our president, you have to pass me first, right? Do you think anyone can beat him?"

I stood behind Real Red with my back and looked at that guy and said:" I am not a free player, remember that I am the boss of Frost. There are millions of NPCs waiting to charge for me, and you are trampled to death. I don’t want to take action, no one can force me. Do you understand? I will put the lottery in the duel, and I will fight you if I feel interested."

"Okay." The guy immediately said: "If I lose, you can continue to attack our city."

I said with a smile: "If I don't fight, I can continue to attack. You are still a good start?"

"Then what do you want?"

< p>"Simple. I immediately withdraw my troops if I lose, and I will never enter the sphere of influence in Xiuyuan City. If you lose, you will take your people up the mountain, and this city will belong to our guild."

"No!" The people around him pulled him to persuade.

"I agree."

"Then make a contract." I directly summoned a system guarantee contract, then dictated the content, and then confirmed my agreement. After reading the content, he confirmed that he agreed to the above terms and signed. I didn't know until this time that his name was Jianglong, and the name of the Dragon-Taming Arhat in the Eighteenth Arhat.

"Let's fight?" Jiang Long was so impatient, he was about to start after signing the contract. The people around him hurriedly put down a bunch of equipment for him, obviously trying to gather the best equipment, so that the odds of winning would be greater. Jiang Long didn't refuse to say so, maybe he knew that I was hard to deal with.

Zhenhong smiled and said to me: "People have used all the good things, do you want me to lend you a thousand pounds?"

"What do you think?"

"I don't think it's necessary." Zhenhong said that she followed others back and left enough space for us.

I looked towards Jianglong on the opposite side. This guy is now wearing a leather armor, with golden light shining everywhere, obviously a good thing. "You are just a player who thinks he is very strong. After all, I am also a very famous character. People say that I am bullying you with a large size. I will change the trumpet so that you won't be convinced." After that, I turned around. Body, a black whirlwind rolled from under my feet to the top of my head, and then disappeared. The skirt armor with colorful flying feathers spread out, and the colorful gems shined with magical rays of light everywhere in my body. The equipment of Yinyue's small suit may be more powerful than that of the magic dragon suit, but the level is not as high as that of the large size, and the magic pets are a little less, so the overall strength is temporarily comparable.

"You...are you a woman?"

"Are you stupid? I told you that I was a trumpet, don't you even tell me male and female? "

Jianglong looked at me carefully for a long time, then shook his head and said: "Okay, take the move." I saw the silhouette flashing that he had already reached me, and then punched my face. The door was knocked down. But this punch is impossible to hit me, because I'm already not in there anymore. Jiang Long punched my face door but didn't feel resistance, and flew directly through my body. "Phantom?"

I stood in midair and looked at Jiang Long, who almost fell because of loss of balance. I can say that you and I are not on the same level."

"Don't be proud." Jiang Long suddenly put his hands together. "Secret Curse-Evil Seal." As he said, he suddenly stretched out his hand and pushed out a palm to me. A golden palm print flew out of his hand, and it grew bigger and bigger, and rushed towards me quickly.

I slowly raised my right hand: "The mirror of the water wheel."

A very beautiful blue mirror suddenly appeared in front of me, and the golden palm prints flew directly into it. After removing the mirror, he flew out again, flew back along the original path, and hit Jianglong's body at once. With a loud explosion, Jiang Long was blown out by his own tricks.

I used my staff to gently point to Jianglong who was lying on the ground and hadn't gotten up: "Flowing inflammation-bursting light." A red light shot directly into Jianglong's body, with a thud. The whole person exploded into a bloody foam, and there was no scum left. I descended from the air and said to the buddhism staff who were still there, "Give you an hour, and then we will take over the city. I hope you don't have to apply for system enforcement."

Those people were very angry. He glared at me, then turned around and returned to his city. The eagle came over and slapped me. "Awesome."

I shook my head indifferently: "This kind of little fellow is like that. They think they are invincible in the whole world. In fact, simply is an ignorant guy. I think I use too much of both tricks. ."

"I'm not saying you fight fiercely, I mean your brain is fierce. Only a few seconds? A city belongs to us."

"hehe, This is called Ma Wuye, grass is not fat, people are not rich without windfall. Anyway, it is delivered to the door, don’t do it in vain. You can tell everyone to move to the city for a while, at least it’s more comfortable than waiting outside."

< p>"Why let me go? I have to summon people! Can't you arrange it yourself?"

I pointed to the sky. "I'm going to ventilate with the celestial troops and generals above. We will fight together in the battle tomorrow morning. We can't cooperate well."

"Since you have a legitimate reason, then I don’t There is a way. I'll make arrangements now, and you can do your public relations!" I turned around and flew directly, anyway, the Celestial Court troops are stationed above us, and they will be there in no time. Before, I could see a cloud of light from below. I didn’t know how many people were on it. But when I came up, I found that there was a virtual space on the top. The cloud was seen from below, but it was endless when viewed from above. I can't even see the side. In addition to the heavenly soldiers, there are a lot of Divine Beast and Loose Immortal. It seems that the camp establishment is very reasonable, and the fighting quality is much higher than that of Buddhism.

Although the heavenly soldiers do not necessarily know me, the heavenly generals and Divine Immortal basically know me. When I first came up, a group of Divine Immortal and heavenly generals came over. The leaders on both sides are acquaintances. The leader in Divine Immortal is the Arctic Star Monarch, and the general is True Lord Erlang. It is all our iron relationship.

"haha, didn't expect the two of you to lead soldiers in this battle?"

Erlang Shen smiled and said: "Buddhism has three main strongholds in China. King Tatian took the army to attack the most difficult Fuyun Mountain. I am only in charge of the Wutai Mountain team, and the smallest one is Taibai Jinxing leading the team."

"Oh, Celestial Court intends to bloom everywhere. Huh?"

Arctic Star Monarch said: "I heard that you have seen the Jade Emperor, so you should know the situation. Tathagata is still trapped in Six Paths of Reincarnation, we take advantage of him Before we come out, we will fix this first, and then we only need to gather expert in a spurt of energy to get rid of the Tathagata who came out of Six Paths of Reincarnation to completely solve the problem, so the Jade Emperor is so anxious to do it."

"Then do you pay attention to Demon?"

"Demon?" Erlang Shen asked suspiciously: "What do we pay attention to when we fight Buddhism? Can they still unite and fight us?"

"That's not necessarily."

"What? Is it really that Demon and Buddhism are going to unite?" Erlang Shen asked nervously: "You can talk about the details. Ah! If it's true, I have to report to Celestial Court!"

"Don't be so nervous, it's not a joint."

"Huh! Frighten me." Erlang Shen touched He said: "Don't pant when you talk, okay?"

"It's not that I panted, but you are too impatient. Don't worry too much. Although Demon has no plans to unite with Buddhism, they are Almost taking the place of Buddhism, and they seem to be gathering troops. If I guess right, Demon is probably going to be a siskin."

"Is this true?" Erlang Shen Asked at the same time as the North Pole Star Monarch. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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