I looked at Azure Dragon with a big smile: "Don't worry, I won't use things with side effects. As long as the dosage is correct, there is absolutely no problem."

"Then how much is suitable for this thing?" Yinxue asked next to her. "I'm afraid that the dose is too small and it will be self-defeating."

Rosé said: "According to general medical knowledge, the amount of medicine is calculated by weight. The dosage for an adult male is three grams, and it is planned that an adult male weighs seven. Ten kg, as long as you know the weight of Biling and Tianqing (the name of the Golden Heavenly Dragon)."

Yinxue shook his head: "I haven't weighed it yet. How do I know how heavy they are?"

I closed my eyes and thought for a while: "Anyway, it's not a poison. You can estimate it roughly. Judging from the size of Azure, it is at least 26,000 tons, which is about one. It’s 370,000 times that of an adult male, and the amount of medicine doubles the same, about a ton. Considering that the Dragon Clan itself is a natural aggregation of Heaven and Earth creatures, so the resistance may be better, so the amount of medicine is doubled. Times, two tons should be about the same."

Rose nodded said: "Bi Ling’s weight is about 23,000 tons, probably not much difference. But she is different from Azure, she has already absorbed With a lot of power from later generations, the resistance may be higher, but she is lighter, so it is best to use the same amount of medicine, just two tons is better."

I suddenly thought of something. "That, Azure Dragon, do you know if the resistance changes in the original and deformed state?"

When I said Rose, I remembered it, and quickly asked Azure Dragon: "Yes. The human form of you Great Demon monsters is so different from the size of the body, which side is the correct amount of medicine?"

Azure Dragon thought for a while and said, "Although I don’t understand the properties of medicine. What, but I think it should be based on the body. It’s like I occasionally drink some alcohol. Even if I become a human form, I can drink tons of alcohol without feeling bloated or dizzy at all. I think even if we enter the human form The shape, the body is actually the same. Otherwise, I will not burst my stomach after a few tons of wine in my shape?"

Rose nodded and said: "That's it. Putting it that way should Calculated by two tons. As long as you give them two tons of medicine each, it should be about the same."

Yinxue looked at my large container and asked, "Is there enough?"< /p>

I patted the big bucket with a smile. "Don't worry, there are five or six tons in it! The two-month output of the guild is here."

"That's good, we will immediately find a way to feed them."


"But we just finished our meal!" Azure Dragon asked.

Yinxue said indifferently: "It's okay, put it in a drink, just use it as an after-dinner drink. Of course, it's best to drink a better drink, otherwise I'm afraid they won't drink it."

Azure Dragon immediately looked towards me and said: "It's up to you to drink, I didn't bring anything!"

I looked towards Azure Dragon with some embarrassment: "Is the drink I brought Few, but they are all high-end products. I keep them for replenishment. They are very expensive!"

Azure Dragon is also Old Fox, and I immediately understood what I meant. He didn't say much, and threw a crystal to me. "This is the power crystal condensed by my magic power. As long as it is embedded in a weapon or jewelry, every time you attack continuously, you will get an extra 5% increase on the basis of the last attack, and if If you can keep hitting continuously, it can improve you infinitely. In theory, the last hit is an attack that can even knock me down. Of course, it depends on you whether you can keep hitting so many times."

I smiled and pressed the crystal directly on the eternity ball on the back of my hand, and the crystal was immediately absorbed by eternity. The eternal fusion ability is simply a super abnormal attribute, because most weapons have inlaid holes, and no more gems can be installed when the holes are full, while eternal can absorb gems, which means it can be set infinitely, but the gems are more expensive, and No amount of rubbish gems is useless, so I didn't let it absorb much.

I didn't have much to say about the benefits, and immediately pulled out a tin can with wheels from the Fenglong Space. At first glance, this thing looks like an oil-pull train car, but it's actually a liquid reservoir. Because everyone in this guild has phoenix dragons, everyone is accustomed to how much replenishment, so a variety of containers with wheels appeared to facilitate the shipment and replenishment. The one I pulled out is specially used to hold the Three Sage Spring Water. Although this item is sold in unlimited quantities, it is only as big as our guild can buy, because it requires a guild mission to buy it. Generally, guilds don’t do guild missions for a drink. Our guilds do such a mission purely because there are more weird people. Of course, the things that need to be done to buy are not so simple. It's better to drink or second, mainly because this thing can improve all the attributes. Although it only takes effect for a period of time after drinking, as long as you drink a little in a period of time, you can keep this attribute. Of course, such a good drink can't be wasted. Almost everyone will buy a large can with it, just in case.

After the Three Holy Springs were ready, I found two huge pots. This thing was originally a rice pot for luck and plague, but now it is used as a wine cup for Biling and the others. I filled the two basins with half of the three holy spring water, and then poured two tons of the sacred acacia powder into each of them, and then stirred. Originally I thought that this would be enough, but who knew it would become a bowl of batter-like thing after stirring it out.

"How do you let them eat this?" Yinxue asked embarrassedly looking at these two great things.

Rose held her chin for a long time and then suddenly said: "By the way, can you make a cake!"

"Cake?" Azure Dragon One and I looked towards Rose.

The rose snapped her fingers. "It's simple, you guys, I'll guide you. Quickly, Purple Moon will take out a container first, which needs to be bigger."

Papa. I patted my hand and Vajra appeared by my side. The familiars are in the cooling time, so I have to let the spirit control come to help! "What is the master's order?" Vajra respectfully asked.

"Help me get that out." I pointed to the giant basin in the unfolded Phoenix Dragon Space. The thing was originally used to transfer a special fish tank prepared for aquatic animals, but now it is used instead of the large pot. .

With the help of Vajra, this big guy was quickly taken out, and then a lot of flour and water were added according to the requirements of the rose, and then it was processed. Of course, I just moved my mouth. The main work is Vajra is doing it. Soon the noodles were ready, and then put the original two big Tuo Qi Yinhehuan scattered groups in, and then continued to stir.

I need to add eggs after the flour is processed, but I don’t have so many eggs, so I can’t help but trouble Azure Dragon to prepare. This guy also didn't know how to find a creature like a chicken in this era, but he brought it back as long as it was a bird's egg. We can't care about the actual situation anymore, and add all those eggs. After the cake is roughly finished, it is baked. Rose asked Azure Dragon to lift the cauldron with a levitating technique, and then let Yinxue add fire to it. The two bosses worked well together, and in the end they finally got this thing out. But looking at the greenish cake, I always feel that it is not a great enemy.

Rose thought for a long time and I shook my head patiently: "Forget it, just treat it as a green tea cake! Anyway, the taste should not be bad."

Yinxue looked at that The green object asked: "Does this thing really taste good?"

I shook my head: "I don't know. Would you like to taste it?"

"Go, Courting death?"

I looked towards Rose again with a pity, and Rose looked towards me with a nervous expression. "What do you see me doing?"

I said with a smirk: "You did this thing anyway, should you taste it!"

"You are crazy Huh? There's that thing in it!"

"It's okay. At worst, I just sacrificed my life, it's not poison."

Rose hit me shyly. "It's necrotic. Okay! Taste it, but you will be responsible afterwards."

"No problem. Try it!"

Rose is for the future of the guild The plan finally tasted a little bit carefully, in fact, it was just a joke before. Although this medicine is powerful, it takes three grams for a person to be enough. The total weight of the cake that Rose tasted is not enough for one gram, and the effective ingredients in it are even less, so it shouldn’t be a problem.

"How does it taste?" I asked nervously.

"I can’t say it, it feels weird, but it’s delicious, there should be no problem. It’s a pity that I didn’t bring the cream."

"It’s okay, I have jam." Fenglong Space made a big cart of jam. "Xiaochun and Ling both like this thing, so they prepared a lot."

"Then it's okay."

Soon we finished two super jam cakes. Although the color is strange, the green cake with pink jam looks pretty good. The remaining task is to trick them into eating. The two guys are currently arguing in it, and they are gradually going to do it again.

I pointed to one of the cakes and said: "Azure Dragon, you are in charge of Azure. The other side is trouble Yinxue."

"No problem."

The two people quickly took the cake they were responsible for to perform the task, and I smiled and walked over and hugged Rose's waist. "Wife, how do you feel? Do you need it? I'm on standby anytime!"

"Go, just say it if you want. Pervert."

I'm flirting with Rose. Qiao, Azure Dragon and Yinxue quickly ran back. I looked at them in surprise. "Why are you back? Where's the cake?"

Azure Dragon turned the plate to me and said, "I have eaten it, and even licked the plate! These things you made are simply for their time. It’s super delicious. I didn’t even have time to persuade. I only said that what you made was immediately eaten."

Yinxue also nodded: "It’s the same on my side. It’s up to you now. Is the medicine effective?"

Rose suddenly asked nervously: "What about them?"

"Over there." Azure Dragon and Yinxue pointed to their respective responsibility at the same time. The direction of the people, but the two of them immediately realized their mistakes.

"God! They are not together, even if the medicine works, it's useless!"

"Then you guys don't hurry up." I hurriedly said: "That thing needs to happen Some time."

"Let's go now."

Azure Dragon and Yinxue hurriedly ran out and came back soon. "Finally got it done. They quarreled again, but Bi Ling kept saying it was hot. What is going on?"

I smiled and said to Yinxue: "That's right. That medicine The first sign of an attack is to feel hot on the body."

Azure Dragon immediately said happily: "haha, it seems that my birth is finally doomed. I feel more relieved now."

Roar... a huge roar suddenly came from a cave not far away, and the sound shook a few of us almost on the ground. Before we got up, there was a huge shaking sound of the mountain shaking and the whole mountain shook, which was accompanied by a rumbling roar.

I patted Azure Dragon on the shoulder and said: "Good fellow, your parents are really wild enough!"

"Go, it's not your medicine. "

"What you said is wrong. How do you say I am helping you, OK?"

"OK! OK!, don't mess with me. Leave everything In this area, I don’t want your parents’ sweet time to be disturbed by you. Let’s go somewhere else first."

"Agree." Rose also thinks this place is too loud. Imagine two animals the size of Tiananmen Square doing intense exercise together. Can the movement be small?

I finally got out of the scope of the noise. It is considered that they are already more than 200 kilometers away from the cave. Those two are really amazing. Azure Dragon is currently in a state of excitement and tension. It feels like a father waiting for the birth of a child at the door of the delivery room, but he is actually waiting for his birth, of course it will take some time. Yinxue had nothing to do, so she simply discussed her attributes and future work issues with us. Powerhouses like Yinxue can’t be wasted, but I know that the system must have restrictions on it. We can’t get her full strength, but I believe that even if there are more restrictions, she can at least reach the level of Hongyan and Vina. If Biling is included, our guild will have four super battle strengths.

We were discussing enthusiastically, Rose suddenly touched a crystal ball out of her body, and the crystal ball was still flashing red rays of light quickly. Rose pressed her hand on the crystal ball, and the crystal ball immediately appeared red. "God! I finally found you two. Where are you going? We brought the crystal communication machine over to contact you!"

"I'm working on something, what's the matter?"

"The major event is out." Zhenhong said seriously: "The system just announced a mission of the battle of God."

"The mission of the battle of God?" I squeezed to Rose's side Interrupted: "You are talking about the battle of Gods?"

"Yes." Zhenhong replied very seriously: "The system has announced that the mission of battle of Gods has started ahead of schedule because of our guild. Now the country The war system and the god war system have all been turned on."

"Are there any specific explanations?" Rose asked.

"There are not many explanations, but it is said that Divine Race is a war between Divine Race, and we players will need to participate in it. In general, Divine War is not the same as National War. Divine War does not have mandatory tasks. Unlike the National War, everyone has to participate in the war of God. As long as you don’t want to participate in the war of gods, you can actually not participate. However, our guild got some attributes that we don’t know how to say because the mission was triggered first."

"I don't know what to say about the attribute? Is it a bad thing?"

"That can't be talked about, in short, it is very annoying. You should be able to receive system notifications when you return to the modern era through the time channel. "

"Okay, we will go back as soon as we are over."

"Don't!" Zhenhong quickly said: "Now the first mission has started. , And it was caused by our guild. It has already started."

"It has already started? What is the task?" I asked.

The avatar of gold coin also appeared on the screen. "You're embarrassed to ask, isn't it the mission of destroying the Buddha that you did? Now Celestial Court and Demon have officially started to fight Buddhism great decisive battle."

"I rely on, Jade Emperor Is my head burnt with Dalun Pluto? This is suitable for war. Isn't this adding chaos to me? We are now fighting against Japan, and the country is fighting again. How can we concentrate our strength! Is it impossible for me to fight the civil war first? "

"What's the use of you yelling at me, it's not for me to fight. Besides, you trigger the task, you still have to take care of the mess."

He came in and said: "How is the situation now?"

"At present, both Demon and Celestial Court are gathering troops, but the players have been messed up. The most troublesome thing is that Indian players have also been involved."< /p>

"Why are even Indians involved?" I asked suspiciously.

The rose hit me on the head. "Stupid! Because Buddhism originally came out of India!"

The real red over there also said: "Yes. Buddhism is gathering its followers among the players, all related to Buddhism. The professions have been summoned, and they are currently gathering at the foot of Wutai Mountain. Our guild players have blocked them on the mountain and will not let them out to disrupt the order of our country’s cities and players, but at this speed, the power will soon lose balance. , The battle is on the verge."

"How long is it now?" I asked.

"At most, stick to the famous morning."

I exchanged opinions with Rose, and then said: "We can't walk here for the time being, but we will go back tomorrow morning. Now try to suppress it as much as possible. If it doesn’t work, I will allow the mobilization of the insect race war fortress and Isengard mobile fortress, but don’t use the Seven Spirit Dust Clock and other weapons of mass destruction."

" I know, you guys have to come back soon."


After cutting off the communication, Rose said to me: "What do you think about it now?"

I thought for a moment and said, "Suppress first, or I will go back first anyway."

"You go back?" Rose bowed her head in thought, and then said: "Okay! Stabilize first." A three-way war, or to persuade Demon and Celestial Court to back down temporarily, just say that we are not ready for a full-scale war. I think it should be fine if it is you."

I said:" You forgot something very important."


"The problem of Buddhism. You forgot the internal problems of Buddhism. In my opinion, there must be something inside Buddhism. There are some serious problems. The rebellion of the Great Wheel Pluto is not as simple as it seems. There are still very complicated things that we have not fully understood. At least we must know why we are fighting?"

< p>"You are right." Rose said: "Then leave it to me, you go back first."

"OK, I won't leave."

< p>After bidding farewell to Azure Dragon and Yinxue, I flew directly back to the teleportation point. There are already many players here, and the few elemental creatures I just collected are also here, just to take them back to Isengard. The room we used when we came has been proved to be a time machine through repeated experiments, and the controller is the station on the floor of the room. The only problem is that it only has the ability to shuttle back and forth between two points. Choose the time at will.

After returning to the modern Longyuanlin, I immediately received a system temporary storage notice. After opening it, it turned out to be the guild attribute mentioned by Zhenhong. Our guild won the title of a strong war guild because it was the first to trigger the battle of gods. This title is simply a typical double-edged sword, with both good and bad sides.

The main disadvantage is that if people in our guild are killed, they will no longer increase the evil value of others, which means that any player can actively attack the people in our guild without worrying about increasing the evil value. In addition, this attribute also causes players who kill our guild members to get some justice points, and at the same time improve their status in the eyes of NPCs. This is nothing. The most terrible thing is that this attribute also stipulates that the player who kills the guild member can get twice the EXP obtained by killing the player of the same level hostile force. This one is equivalent to us The people in the guild have changed to the mobile EXP. Anyone will be very interested in attacking us, because we don’t have to bear the responsibility to kill us, and we can get double experience.

Of course, this attribute also has a good side. The first one is that the guild has absolute deterrence against NPCs. As long as it is not in war mode, any guild’s NPC guards will not dare to control our guild’s people, even if we kill people on the street in a city where PK is not allowed. , The opponent’s city defense NPC does not dare to care about us, unless the opponent’s city manager turns on the battle mode and announces the start of the guild battle, no NPC dares to attack us. In addition, this attribute can also ensure that when members of our guild fight with NPCs, their opponents will not be able to exert all their battle strength. Second, this attribute makes all members of our guild have a strong combat halo attribute. The direct effect of this attribute is that when players in the guild enter a combat state, their attack power will be slightly increased. However, if multiple players in the guild fight together, this attribute will strengthen each other and increase as the number of players increases. If all players in our guild fight together, this halo will double the battle strength of our guild members. Of course, we are also impossible to let the whole guild go out to fight together, but it is common for three to five hundred people to fight together, and it is definitely a very good attribute.

In addition to the influence on the players of the guild, the title of this strong guild also has a great influence on the NPC of the guild. The most direct manifestation is that in the cities controlled by the guild, all free NPCs will obtain primary level combat skills and have the opportunity to evolve into non-same level folk martial artists. Their combat level starts at level 200 and ends at level 900. . There are tens of millions of free NPCs in the guild without Isinger. Even if the evolution ratio is not high, it is possible to produce tens of thousands of high level combat NPCs. In addition, this strong battle attribute also increased the attack power of all battle-type NPCs and attack weapons in the guild by 10%. This attribute is quite terrifying, especially for super-level existences like Hongyan and Vina. An increase of 10% is basically a leapfrog evolution.

I thought about it overall. Although this strong battle attribute has both good and bad properties, it still has many benefits in general. After all, this is a reward rather than a punishment. After reading this notice, I walked out of the teleportation space with six girls, and when I looked around, I realized that the environment here has changed drastically. The guild can be said to be an industrial guild with superb manufacturing capabilities. A huge city outline was built here in just two days. Although it hasn't been completed yet, the general image has already come out.

"wa!" Xiaojin immediately screamed when he saw the prototype of the city in front of him: "What a beautiful house."

I smiled and explained, "That's just a frame. It’s not a big deal, you will see the really great things in a while, come with me."

Six elemental creatures immediately followed me to the location of Transmission Formation, and this Transmission Formation was built in The place not far outside the time machine is probably to facilitate the transfer of materials. After entering the Transmission Formation, we teleported to Isengard together.

"Oh my God!" All the little girls couldn't help covering their mouths, all of them were stupid.

Isinger is the central city of the guild. Although the guild key has been moved to the city of commandments, this is the actual command center, so it has always been the most prosperous place. This Isinger itself is very magnificent, coupled with many improvements, not to mention the Great Desolate Era, even in modern urban architecture is one of the very best classic architectural model. Of course, the super gorgeous decoration style also has a lot to do with the composition of the guild. Except for a few small guilds composed of pure female players, our guild is still a guild with a large proportion of female players, and girls like beautiful things, so there is a special style combination that is majestic and gorgeous inside Isinger now. .

Now these girls all appear inside the Transmission Formation. The first thing they see is the extremely gorgeous crystal great hall and the perfect gilded murals in the transmission hall. Those are simply works of art. Artworks, even modern people have to admire their perfection.

The rain stroked the crystal on the wall in surprise and said: "Oh my God! How did you do it? My home is also made of crystal. Why is it like a stones pile compared to yours? "

"This is because our crystals are processed, with better luminosity, and their shapes are also carved."

"It's so beautiful, I really want to live here for the rest of my life."

"That won't work." I smiled and said, "This is the teleportation hall, our transportation center, not the place where people live. I will take you out to see. Look, there are more beautiful things over there. Oh, by the way, I promised to give you some beautiful equipment, and I will let you choose them later. Come with me now."

The six girls reluctantly were pulled out of the teleportation hall by me, but there was another exclamation when they stepped out of the teleportation hall. "Oh my God! What a tall building!"

The opposite of the teleportation hall is just a small transit warehouse, but Isengard’s buildings are relatively large, so this warehouse is actually the same as the three in reality. The ten-storey building looks almost tall, which is simply a majestic term in the eyes of these girls.

The girls who were dragged by me kept yelling along the way, because the buildings in front were more beautiful and magnificent, and finally dragged them to the bottom of the tower. At that time, several of their buildings were about to jump up. The wind pointed to the city above his head and asked me: "Will that thing fall when hanging upside down?"

"This...It shouldn't be!" Just kidding, Isinger Sky City What if it falls?

Flame Finger pointed at the black city defense that was floating not far away and asked: "What is that thing? Why do I feel there is a terrifying force in it?"

"That is a defensive crystal. After activation, a protective shield can be produced. Any enemy's attack cannot penetrate as long as they do not exceed their endurance limit."

"It's too great, such a powerful thing is really good "Flame suddenly have a thought: "How about giving me one?"

"What do you want that thing for?"


< p>"I advise you not to use it. Although the defensive power is amazing, the consumption is also terrifying. Maybe the enemy hasn't hit you, you will be sucked into a corpse. Oh no, you are energy Creatures, maybe there are no more corpses left."

flame shuddered after hearing what I said, and didn't dare to ask me to defend the crystal anymore. I smiled and took them to the warehouse, and then helped each of them choose a few sets of equipment suitable for them, and then they chose one of them to use as their own special equipment.

Rain chose a rain god suit, which belongs to the Divine Item level and is exclusively for NPC. In fact, the NPC equipment in the game is much easier to find than the player’s equipment. On the contrary, the player’s equipment is more difficult to fight. Several other people also found an attribute suit that suits them, and happily followed me to Isengard Sky City. I found a few people from the guild to get them familiar with the situation in the city and our guild first. They would have to wait for a while to participate in the war, and now they can’t be put into the battle right away.

Without the tail, I quickly went to the Conference Hall to meet Hong Yue and asked her about the current situation. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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