"That...may I not meet him?" Bi Ling asked us eighteen hundred times on the road.

"Absolutely not." The first objection was Azure Dragon. "If you don't meet, you won't love each other, if you don't love each other, you won't have me! Everything else is easy to say, there is absolutely no discussion on this point."


" Sister Biling, Aiya, please feel at ease!" We have already talked very well along the way, and the title has become more cordial. "Since you will be united in the future according to Heavenly Dao, it means that you will definitely be in love with each other, so don't be embarrassed!"

"If I don’t know this, I don’t care, but I know first. Now you want me to meet that Heavenly Dragon. It seems that I was going to meet him. It feels very uncomfortable!"

The thing on the world is just that. In this way, let the flow go, but if the results are known in advance, many things will go wrong. Now that Bi Ling knew in advance what he was going to have with Azure Dragon's father, it was indeed weird to meet again with this knowledge.

We are comforting Bi Ling, but Yinxue and Azure Dragon suddenly looked up towards the distance at the same time.

"Come here."

"So fast."

The two most powerful powerhouses here first found someone approaching and followed Bi Ling also found the other party. Two or three seconds later, Rose and I noticed someone approaching, which was several seconds slower than the three of them. If this is enough to die several times in battle!

A yellow silhouette suddenly appeared in front of us, and when it came out, it was directly in its original form. In general, Great Demon monsters like to become humans, and the original form only appears when it is very dangerous. But now that the other party actually appeared as soon as he came up, it can be seen that he has realized that the person here is not to be trifled with. But we are not worried, because we already know who he is.

This guy is exactly the same length as Azure Dragon (it looks like all dragons look the same in our opinion). However, this guy is not as big as Azure Dragon, but Divine Dragon alone is already very huge, at least I have never seen such a big guy in the later Dragon Clan. Moreover, you must know that this era should not be his peak. Bi Ling and Yinxue can only be regarded as ordinary powerhouses in this era, and he should not have the perverted strength of Genesis. Although we have never seen this guy before, his golden-bright and dazzling scales are so easy to recognize.

The three major guardians of China, Divine Beast, Rui Beast Bi Ling, white jade Qilin Yinxue, and Golden Heavenly Dragon, finally met for the first time. However, the wheel of history is stuck.

"Where did you guys come from? Why did you break into my territory?" Golden Sky Dragon Language was angry, and obviously treated us as intruders. "I warn you, I won't be polite if I don't leave."

Before we had time to defend, Bi Ling broke out first. She has been embarrassed all the way, and as a result, she met his legendary husband who was mad and treated her as an enemy. As a result, under a very subtle pressure, Bi Ling's shyness and timidity finally turned into an explosion. Fly into a rage out of humiliation probably means her current situation. "What are you? Why do you say this is yours? We just flew over here and didn't do anything. Why do you shout?"

"Why do you shrew?" It’s? I’m in my place, and I dare to get angry at me. Why do you want to fight?" The Golden Heavenly Dragon is obviously a fiery temper. Now it’s okay. Dry wood encounters a fierce fire, without igniting the flames of desire, and directly explodes in anger. NS.

"Two..." I was about to persuade, but when I saw a flash of light and shadow around me, the two Divine Beasts rushed out dozens of kilometers away. I looked awkwardly at the people on the left and right, and shook the head helplessly: "This is in trouble!"

Bi Ling's temper is actually not good at all. We have seen it in Qilin Mountain before. Even Azure Dragon, her biological son, was turned into an "artificial satellite" by her, which shows how angry her temper is. However, the golden Heavenly Dragon is not easy to mess with either. Both sides are very horizontal, and no one is willing to give in, and the result can only be a fist-big talk.

Biling from the volcanic eruption showed up as soon as she went out. The volume is not smaller than the golden Heavenly Dragon, and she is also a physical battle-type, and her battle strength is quite terrifying. The Golden Heavenly Dragon met such a strong opponent for the first time, and started the challenge very seriously. Two giant beasts larger than an aircraft carrier fought together, and the formidable power was like a carpet bombing. Although they have not yet reached the ability to create surface traces in Genesis, they are no longer little monsters after all. They still hit flying sand running stones and mists nearby, and we can't get close at all.

Azure Dragon is going around there in a hurry, his father and his mother are fighting, and his son is not good at pulling any side, but it doesn’t seem to be right to do it, it can only be like a headless fly Wander around there.

Just when we felt that the scene was completely out of control, a loud laughter suddenly appeared above our heads. "Wow hahahaha...what's wrong with me! It turns out that it was Kim Big Brother Long who was fucking with someone? Yo, the other party is still a bitch! Big brother, you are really getting better and better, and even a mother is solved. Don’t let it go, it’s really embarrassing to our Heavenly Dragon clan!"

"Don't worry about it." The golden Heavenly Dragon in the battle still has time to talk. "I haven't counted your account with you yet! You'd better run now, and wait until I solve this bitch is your death date."

"Who do you think is the bitch?" Biling actually did. I was angry with such words. The two sides fought more and more. The conflict was obviously escalating, because we had already seen murderous aura flying nearby.

Generally speaking, all creatures in battle have murderous aura, and the stronger the will to kill in subjective knowledge, the heavier the murderous aura. But for most people, murderous aura is murderous aura, just a kind of gas. Can expose one's own killing intent, can play a certain deterrent and interference effect on the enemy, that's all. However, once a guy is strong above a certain level, when he is in a state of extreme concentration, and he has a killing intent in his heart, then his murderous aura will appear completely different. In this case, murderous aura will condense into another thing-fierceness. The biggest difference between Liqi and murderous aura is that it is an entity and can hurt people. And because Liqi has no attributes, it ignores defense and directly hurts the body. It can be said that you can't guard against it.

The battle here has been disrupted, but there is a nasty guy over there making trouble, and although I hate this guy's appearance, I dare not do anything to him. Because this guy also appeared in the Chinese version of Genesis, and he was the Black Dragon who was fighting with the Golden Heavenly Dragon at that time.

Although Black Dragon was killed by the golden Heavenly Dragon in the original image, and eventually became Black Dragon Jiang, the actual situation is that although Black Dragon died, the golden Heavenly Dragon also Did not survive. In other words, both sides suffer in this battle, and finally they are perish together. This guy is the master who can be together with the golden Heavenly Dragon perish, how dare I move it? However, after taking a look at the people around me, I suddenly found myself back. I can't beat this Black Dragon, but there are two Divine Grade gods beside me, as well as other guys!

I grabbed the Azure Dragon, who was turning in circles, and pointed to the Black Dragon in the sky, and said, "Blue Big Brother Long, that Black Dragon seems to be the one in Genesis who had a fight with your father on both sides suffer. The guy."

"Huh?" Azure Dragon looked up at that Black Dragon in the sky, and immediately recognized him. Azure Dragon has also seen that video, and of course can recognize this Black Dragon. Calculated according to the history of later generations, this Black Dragon can be regarded as Azure Dragon's homicide. Hehe, should this situation be called enemies on a narrow road now? "Bold evildoer, I dared to make trouble here." Azure Dragon was worried about how to get his parents away. He didn't expect that his parents would be beaten even more severely by Black Dragon. Can he not be angry? Coupled with that period of hatred in Genesis, Azure Dragon is finally blasted. "Pay with your life!"

I saw the azure light flashed around us, and the Azure Dragon flew directly into the sky and became a group with Black Dragon. Black Dragon was a joke at first, but soon realized that it was not good, because Azure Dragon is now in its original form. When the monster is in its original state, it can exert 100% battle strength, but it also reveals a lot of information. First of all, the body type will determine the characteristics of the battle. Dragon battles are usually spells and flesh, and most of them like to use their tails to sweep. In addition, the size of the monster directly determines the depth of the cultivation. Azure Dragon and Black Dragon are obviously the same species, or at least close relatives, so the volume ratio is more indicative. Black Dragon was in its original state before, but when the real body of Azure Dragon came out, he was immediately taken aback. Compared with Azure Dragon, he is nothing short of a snake.

Azure Dragon appeared in real form when the previous Vermilion Bird brought four Sacred Beasts to Isengard to make trouble, and its size was almost a flying continent. The black dragon body is not small, but it is nothing compared to Azure Dragon One. Perhaps the Black Dragon in its peak state is better than Azure Dragon, but that is a future thing. The Black Dragon in this era is not so powerful anyway. Now the Azure Dragon in the sky is at least six times as long as the Black Dragon, and its body diameter is also several times larger. It is simply an overwhelming power balance.

Black Dragon is not stupid, seeing such a strong opponent playing again is no different from suicide. This guy turned around and ran very decisively, and he was very fast. However, Azure Dragon was obviously angry too, and had no intention of letting him go, and immediately caught up. Both guys are fast, and they can't be seen in less than a second.

Me and Rose stopped in place and looked at the front stupidly. I couldn't react for a while. How could it be like this. Fortunately, so far Golden Heavenly Dragon and Bi Ling have not been able to cause any substantial damage to each other, so they have not yet reached the point of irreversibility.

I hurriedly said to Yinxue: "Quickly, quickly pull them away. I can't fight anymore, I can’t tell if I really hurt!"

Yinxue just started I was stunned, and I realized it as soon as I said it, and immediately ran to the frame. However, after fighting for a long time, both sides seemed to lose their minds, and the frame was very unsuccessful. Yinxue really had no choice but to retreat a lot one after another, and then also revealed his real body, and then lightly stamped his forefoot on the ground. Just listened to a loud explosion sound, and then the whole ground began to vibrate violently, and a loud rumbling sound came from the front like thunder.

The Golden Heavenly Dragon and Bi Ling were playing well, when suddenly they found that a big object had risen from below, forcing the two of them to back away to avoid this object. It wasn't until the two of them drew a distance to discover that it was a mountain that separated them, and it was a mountain that grew out of the ground.

The strength of the Golden Heavenly Dragon in the Genesis picture is extremely powerful, but that is the future. Now he is just a powerhouse, far from the level of destroying heaven extinguishing earth. Bi Ling is better than the golden Heavenly Dragon, she has absorbed the bones she left behind in later generations, and how to say she can make up for it. But Yinxue is different from them. Yinxue not only absorbed the complete power sculpture, but also absorbed some of the excess power. Although the power in that sculpture was not completely absorbed by Yinxue, the part she absorbed was actually more than what she left behind in later generations. Therefore, except for the temporary inability to improve fighting skills, Yinxue now has the same strength as the white jade Qilin that destroying heaven extinguishing earth in Genesis. She is even stronger now, even in terms of absolute power. That is to say, because she already possesses super power, the spell formidable power she releases is far from the golden Heavenly Dragon and Qilin can compare.

Yinxue just used the method of pulling up mountains that we have seen in Genesis. A huge mountain just rose up on the flat ground, he just divided Biling and the golden Heavenly Dragon. Both sides of the mountain. This strength instantly scared the Golden Heavenly Dragon. He thought he had encountered an intruder before, so the Golden Heavenly Dragon rose up to resist. Now he discovered that the imaginary intruder was actually an existence he couldn't resist. It's not surprising if you are not surprised!

"What are you doing?" Bi Ling looked at Yinxue and asked incomprehensibly.

Yinxue said angrily: "What do you say I do? Is there anyone like you? And you." Yinxue looked towards the Golden Heavenly Dragon again, shocking the Golden Heavenly Dragon. "Don't you know us? How can you fight when you meet?"

"Do we know?" Golden Heavenly Dragon looked at Yinxue in surprise for a long time, and then said in confusion: "I know This guy looks like you, but she is not as good as you?"

"You idiot, can't I improve my strength?"

"Are you Yinxue?" Golden Heavenly Dragon looked at us again in amazement. "That's not right! Even if the strength is improved, there is no reason to rise so fast?"

"I can't tell you clearly with your IQ."

"hehe, it seems you Sure enough, it is Yinxue, and only you in the world can call me stupid." The Golden Heavenly Dragon flew out from the mountain, and then pointed at Bi Ling and said, "Will it be...?"

"Bi Ling." Yinxue replied.

"Oh my God! Why is the change so big?"

I asked with some confusion: "Did you know each other before?"

"Know , But I don’t know him well.” Yinxue said: “But Bi Ling didn’t know him, because Bi Ling was the youngest, so he wasn’t quite sensible at that time.”

“Just him?” Bi Ling Fei came over and pointed. Golden Heavenly Dragon said: "This kind of guy deserves to know us?"

"What's so arrogant about you? Isn't your strength much higher than me!"

"Higher is also High." Bi Ling retorted irrationally.

"You...!" Golden Heavenly Dragon said angrily: "It's unreasonable!"

Although the two guys stopped fighting because of Yinxue's middleman, they quarreled. But it is getting more and more powerful. Yinxue wanted to stop it, but couldn't put her mouth in it. Until a voice suddenly appeared beside us. "Father mother, stop arguing, it's hard for me to do it."

Golden Heavenly Dragon looked towards the Azure Dragon that suddenly appeared, and the eyes were about to pop up. "What are you calling me?"

"Father!" Azure Dragon knew that the golden Heavenly Dragon didn't know him, so he quickly explained, but how could this kind of thing be said clearly.

The golden Heavenly Dragon curiously said: "It's weird! I obviously have no descendants, why do you have the atmosphere of our Heavenly Dragon clan?"

Azure Dragon has been with you before I said that he is not the god Dragon Clan, and Divine Dragon on the land of China is not the same thing, it seems to be true today. Listening to this golden Heavenly Dragon, they should be called the Heavenly Dragon clan, which is very similar to Divine Dragon, but not a kind. However, Azure Dragon is not pure even the bloodline of Heavenly Dragon, he still has the bloodline of ordinary Biling!

Yinxue said to Golden Heavenly Dragon: "It’s weird to have the breath of your Heavenly Dragon clan."

Yinxue’s words mean that even his son, of course, will It has the aura of their family, but the golden Heavenly Dragon first said: "I am the Heavenly Dragon family, born out of the yang energy in Heaven and Earth. The other one you saw just now is my twin brother, he is It is formed by the aggregation of Yin Qi. In this world, we two Heavenly Dragons, how could there be a third one. If I was not really sure that I had no offspring, I really thought you were my child! But you Look at yourself. Mana is purer than me. Even if you are a genius, you can’t be so strong, right? Obviously longer than my lifespan!"

"This...!" Encountered this kind of thing Azure Dragon anyway It's impossible to make it clear in two sentences, so we were invited by Golden Heavenly Dragon to his Cave Mansion to be a guest, and let Azure Dragon make things clear by the way.

The Cave Mansion of Golden Heavenly Dragon is much more luxurious than Biling’s thatched cottage. Although there are only some simple stone benches, it at least looks like a human being. Bi Ling is simply a nest of wild animals.

After arriving in the cave, Azure Dragon began to explain the situation with Golden Heavenly Dragon, but obviously it was a very laborious task. They explained it until dark until it was dark. Because there are so many people corroborating it, Golden Heavenly Dragon can barely believe what Azure Dragon said. It's just that Azure Dragon was embarrassed by this fact, especially when he heard that Biling was actually his wife, it made him jump up.

Everyone had dinner under the reception of Golden Heavenly Dragon. After the dinner, Bi Ling and Golden Heavenly Dragon quarreled again. Several of us stood helplessly at the entrance of the cave listening to the constant noise coming out of it. There is really no way at all.

Azure Dragon asked me embarrassedly: "What can I do? If they quarrel like this, aren’t they impossible to become a husband and wife?"

Rose nodded and said: "It’s also strange You shouldn’t have said before that they are a husband and wife. It’s because you knew this in advance, so both parties would be shy, and as a result, there was resistance, which made it more difficult to reconcile. If you didn’t say it before, according to history, they You might fall in love at first sight and then fall in love with lightning, and it ends up like this!"

"Then what should I do? Can't you just let them separate like this?" Azure Dragon asked.

Rose shook her head: "Fortunately, I can't do anything else! Others can't help me with this kind of thing!"

I thought about it and said:" In fact, it is not necessarily impossible."

The already discouraged Azure Dragon immediately regained its vitality after hearing my words. "Do you really have a way?"

I'm nodded. "The way is there, but I don’t know if you can accept it."

"Let’s talk about it first."

"It’s actually very simple. They should have fallen in love. The problem is that after knowing the things, they will be shy to each other, but will pretend to be a tough posture to hide their shyness. Of course, they will not be in love. This kind of thing can be solved by pointing their window to it. "

"Then you tell me how to poke it?"

"Fight poison with poison." I said seriously: "Just let them do it, and then just I won’t be shy anymore. This is called going to bed first and then falling in love."

Although Yinxue is strong, she is still a little girl psychologically, and immediately said shyly: "Where do you have so many ideas?"< /p>

Rose smiled and said: "Don't tell me, this trick might work."

Azure Dragon thought for a while and said: "But they are all like this now, can that Is it?"

"It’s okay. Although our club does a straightforward and upright thing, it doesn’t have all kinds of special props." As I said that, I pulled out a huge container from the Fenglong space. , It is filled with white powder. "Hehe, this thing is called Qixian Hehuan San. As long as they eat it, they can definitely complete the task."

"This will have no other side effects, right?"

I immediately Said: "It was used when the elder sister of Guanyin was married to the commander-in-chief of our guild, Vader, do you think they are not good as glue now? So, there is no evil in the world, it depends on the purpose of the person who uses it. Yes. We are pulling the red line. It is definitely a great thing for Jade."

"But how much do you need?" Azure Dragon looked at the two-meter-high bucket in front of him and said, "You are so scared. Don’t you have to have several tons? Is your guild selling this? You still carry it with you?” , Supports genuine reading!)

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