"You are a pervert!" Bi Ling suddenly yelled, raising his leg with a kick. Azure Dragon immediately flew out like a cannonball, and we all froze in place. After kicking Azure Dragon, Bi Ling turned around and stared at us fiercely, then pointed at us with a finger and asked with gnashing teeth: "You and him are in a group?"

We The four heads shook like rattles together, and then neatly replied: "We don't know that guy!" After that, I looked back at Kristina and asked: "Do you know that guy?"

Kristina shook her head quickly: "I don't know. Really red, do you know?"

"I don't know! Who is that? Have you seen gold coin?"

gold coin thought about it: "I saw it when I went up the mountain. I thought it was a local!" She looked towards Bi Ling again: "Don't you two know him?"

< p>Bewildered by our four seamless double reeds, Bi Ling said in doubt: "That's probably because I misunderstood. I'm so sorry." After speaking, Bi Ling suddenly raised his breath and turned around. "But who the hell was that bastard just now? How dare to touch my thigh! I'm going to kill him!" The last sentence came in from outside the room, because Biling had already charged ahead when it came to the last sentence.

The four of us froze for a long time before reacting. "Hey...show mercy!"

Good guy! When Sihe rushed out, the sky was completely upset outside. Biling seems to have entered a state of rampage. Azure Dragon seems to be stronger than the current Biling, but let's put aside the previous "mother", Azure Dragon alone would not dare to fight back with the identity of "master"! So what we saw was that Bi Ling was chasing Azure Dragon around the lake in a violent state. Since both sides are fast, we can only see two azure shadows flashing in front of us, almost all of them are connected. One piece.

"Good terrifying speed!" Gold coin exclaimed.

"It's not fast, it's just shrunk the ground." white jade Qilin Yinxue walked out of the room and stood beside us. "You are together?"

"Huh? Eh...this..."

Yinxue smiled at us. "Don't mind, Ling Yun has a fierce temper. Maybe there was some misunderstanding just now, so don't worry."

"haha...haha...!" The four of us didn't know what happened. Can only laugh at the side like a fool.

The battle in the field has attracted a lot of Qilin. The nearby Qilin may have arrived, but they are very strange. Why would Biling chase an unknown guy to fight? He got up, and he clearly felt that he was being chased harder in the front, but on the contrary, the relatively weaker Bi Ling was chasing after him. This is almost the same as seeing a mouse chasing and killing a cat madly!

Azure Dragon may have reacted to what's going on, and hurriedly ran to explain: "Mother, listen to me, don't fight! Aiya...I didn't mean that!"

"What kind of mother-in-law? You dare to insult my innocence! I haven't married yet! Where's the son?" After listening to Azure Dragon's explanation, Bi Ling didn't relax at all, on the contrary, it became even crazier. It is normal for a woman who sees innocence as her life to encounter this situation.

"No, listen to my explanation...!" Azure Dragon hit the kick again before he finished speaking, and then flew far away, finally turning into a star shining in the sky It disappeared after a while.

Gold coin took the pergola and looked at the sky and sighed: "Oh! Fly far!"

Kristina also followed nodded: "It seems that the breakthrough has been made. The speed of the universe!"

True Hong is holding a telescope and looking at it: "Damn, won't you fly to the moon?"

Let me see the disappearance of Azure Dragon in the distance Then he looked at Bi Ling who was still panting, and quickly walked carefully to the vicinity of Bi Ling. Of course, I still kept a certain safe distance, but I don't know if he really starts to rush this distance is enough for me to buffer!


Bi Ling suddenly stopped panting quickly, then put his hands on both sides of his body, lifted his shoulders, took a deep breath, and then slowly Spit it out. "Huh... Excuse me, is there anything?" At the moment of speaking, Bi Ling had recovered to a very elegant state, and he was completely two people from the previous runaway state. I really admire his speed of face change.

I took a nervous breath, and then said carefully: "Um...because this matter is more complicated, can we find a better place to sit down and talk slowly?"

"Of course it's okay." Bi Ling clapped her hands, and the soil on the ground was suddenly lifted up. Several saplings emerged from the ground and then quickly grew up. After the sapling grew to the thickness of the bucket, Bi Ling suddenly swept it horizontally with the palm of his hand. In the loud noise, all the big trees were cut by the wind caused by the blow, and the fractures were neatly cut out like a laser cutting machine. The fallen tree was kicked one by one by Bi Ling, and the few roots on the ground became natural stools. The slightly larger one in the middle was the coffee table, and he would use natural resources!

"Okay, sit down and say something."

"Then I will avoid it." Yinxue is very polite, but she also has a share in today's affairs. , So she has to stay and listen.

"Yinxue patriarch, please wait a minute, today's matter is also related to you, so please sit down and listen to it."

"It's also related to me?" Yinxue arrived He looked a little surprised, but he walked back and sat down. "Then I will listen to it."

"It's actually like this...." It took me an hour to explain the matter clearly. During the period, I also recorded the Chinese section. The crystal ball version of Genesis was also taken out. After reading the animation, Bi Ling and Yinxue didn't say anything, but began to meditate.

After a long time, Yinxue suddenly asked, "Do you have any other evidence?" Before I could speak, she added: "I don't believe you, but this thing is true. It’s a bit weird. From our standpoint, it’s really hard to accept all of a sudden!"

"I understand your feelings, and I can’t believe this, but to be honest, I really don’t have any evidence. . To say something that is not very pleasant, don’t be angry with the two of you. In our time, the two of them are actually dead, so this evidence...?"

Bi Ling suddenly said: "You said you have me The bones?"

Didn't expect Bi Ling's brain is so good that he actually helped us think of a way. I immediately jumped up and said, "Yeah! Wait for me for a while, and I will send the things over there."

"Do you have a way to communicate with that side?" Yinxue asked curiously. I.

I didn't shy away from it, and stretched out the ring of love directly. "It's this."

Yinxue closed her eyes and hung her palms over the ring of love and felt it, and then said: "It's a very special power, it seems weak, but the inner strength is hard to measure. , This may be really a thing of unlimited mana."

I said with a smile: "Maybe this is the magic of love! So please wait a moment, I will let them send the bones Come."

Biling’s skeleton was originally made into a battleship by us. However, with the advancement of technology, the wooden shell battleship has gradually withdrawn from the stage of history. It was crashed due to a faulty propeller, so it has been kept in Isinger’s important item warehouse. As for the Biling-class battleships in the fleet, they all carry Biling's bone fragments, not made of Biling's bones. The new Biling battleship, which is connected to Biling, is also a new type of battleship made of stamped steel plates, and no Biling bones are used.

After I contacted Rose, Rose immediately began arranging the transportation of Bi Ling's bones. The bones were taken out of the warehouse, and then the Dragonfly Castle of the Dragonfly tribe was transferred to take care of the transportation. Fifteen minutes later, the skeleton weighing three hundred tons was dropped into the temporarily leveled open space in the center of Longyuanlin. Rose realized that when I first asked her to send someone, this place might become the interface between modern and ancient times, that is, a space-time port, so she planned to build a city here. So now this is not a messy jungle, but a leveled temporary base.

As soon as the bones are delivered, they are immediately loaded into the compressed space, and then taken by a player to the teleportation room, and then teleported to the Great Desolate Era space. The player responsible for carrying the bones was soon taken to Qilin Mountain. Soon, a small mountain of bones was piled up in front of Bi Ling.

Bi Ling stayed there with a face full of shock, but Yinxue still kept some sense. She walked over and put her hand on the skull of the skeleton, then closed her eyes and felt it, after which she slowly opened her eyes. "Ling Yun. There is your breath on this, and it is very rich, it should be your skeleton."

Bi Ling is nodded. "I have felt it." He said, walking a few steps forward, and then reached out to touch the bones, but an accident happened as soon as his hand touched the bones. The entire pile of bones suddenly emitted a bright white light, but it was not dazzling. Bi Ling was taken aback and took a step back, but this did not stop the change. The pile of skeletons quickly decomposed into dots of light in front of everyone and flew up, and then all the dots of light began to quickly fly towards Bi Ling. Bi Ling originally wanted to hide, but after being touched by a few of the light spots, he stopped. The spot of light quickly penetrated into Bi Ling's body, and soon the pile of bones disappeared in front of us, leaving only a pile of white powder on the ground, which may be impurities in the ashes.

"Are you okay?" Yinxue asked worriedly.

Bi Ling shook his head. "I am even more sure that this is my bones now!"

"Why?" Bi Ling suddenly laughed, and then touched Yinxue's forehead with a finger. Yinxue cried out in surprise. "Your power? How did it become so strong?" Before Bi Ling could explain, she muttered to herself: "I understand! That was your skeleton just now, so the mana attached to it is your mana. When your true body touches the bones, the mana naturally begins to move closer to your body, and what you absorb is your own mana, you can use it directly without even refining it. Because of this, your power Then it suddenly turned up a dozen times. Oh my God! This is just the power of the bones. If the whole body was there, then your power will rise to an unimaginable level?"

Bi Ling looked at her palm, and then said: "I just feel that my body is full of power now, and these powers seem to be mine. They don't even need to merge."

Silver Xue sighed: "You are very lucky. The two of us have been on the same level before, but now your strength has suddenly increased more than ten times. Now I am no longer your opponent!"

"So do you want to have this kind of power under the white jade Qilin Pavilion?" A voice suddenly appeared in midair, which shocked us all.

"Rose? Why are you here too?"

"Of course it's business." Rose looked towards Yinxue with a smile. "Do you want power?"

Yinxue laughed arrogantly: "I don't want to be impossible, but I don't like being threatened."

The rose released the floating technique and fell directly By my side. "Threat is just a subjective perception. When you feel that you are threatened, then you are threatened. It has little practical relationship with whether you are really threatened. Inaction, carelessness, tranquility can reach far, but this is the way to go. You will always be just a white jade Qilin. Crossing this threshold you will be the Divine Beast, the country's protector of China." Rose finished speaking slightly and smiled. "I'm not threatening you."

After listening to Rose's words, Yinxue frowned first, then became thinking, and finally began to look embarrassed. After a long pause, she suddenly relaxed, and then said: "It turns out that my Heart Demon is my dignity! That's all! Let it go! Just don't let me kill and set people on fire!"

Rose shook the head. "Not only to kill and set fire, but also to commit any imaginable misdeed. Standing on the threshold does not mean stepping over. Rather than avoiding the most difficult part now and encountering greater danger in the future, it is better to quick sword cuts through tangled hemp. The past is the past. It’s no fun to advance and retreat."

"You are simply a demon." Yinxue lowered her head and said: "Okay! It's all up to you. If you let me kill, I will kill. If you let me set it on fire, I will set it on fire."

Rose smiled slightly, and snapped her fingers. Her phoenix and dragon space unfolded in front of us, and a white jade-like Qilin sculpture appeared in front of us. "This is another thing of you, and now it is given to you, and it is considered to be the original owner. Go. Go touch it and get your power back. Remember what you said before, and then you will know it."< /p>

white jade Qilin and Biling are in different situations. According to what we know, the cultivation base of white jade Qilin should be comparable to Bi Ling, but Bi Ling is a heartless character, so people like him will not encounter problems such as Heart Demon. But white jade Qilin is different. She is the kind of three thousand troubles that are not in vain, so her Heart Demon is more serious than others. Previously, Rose used her Heart Demon to suppress her. If she does not want to cultivation deviation, she must defeat Heart Demon, and this Heart Demon is her arrogant personality and excessive charity. Killing one person can often save many people, and blindly saying that if you don't kill, it will cause more deaths. This is the reality, so white jade Qilin must cross this threshold. The sculpture in front of her is the condensed portrait of her mana and body, and unlike Bi Ling, this statue has nothing short of it, and the mana is very pure. Biling absorbed the bones and could only reach the strength of Biling one third of our time, but if she absorbed this sculpture, her strength would suddenly soar to about 90% of its peak state. At that time, if Heart Demon was It really took her life if she couldn't overcome it, so Rose's threat was more effective than anything else.

After thinking about it for a long time, white jade Qilin still firmly reached out and touched that sculpture, only to see that the sculpture fell apart as quickly as the previous Bi Ling bones, and then turned into dots of stars directly into Yinxue's body. Originally, she touched the sculpture with her eyes closed, but after receiving almost 2/3/2021, she suddenly opened her eyes in surprise. She was not the only one who found that the situation was wrong, but also Bi Ling and us.

Rose was also taken aback. "No, the energy exceeds the limit. What's the matter?"

I looked at Yinxue, who had already begun to sweat on her face and the light spots that were still flying towards her, and finally bit Gritting his teeth and said: "You die if you die. If you don't succeed, you will become benevolence." I quickly rushed to the back of Yinxue, and then pressed one hand on the back of her neck. "Yinxue, let go of the energy control. If you can't swallow it first, even if you pass it over, I have a lot of familiars, and everyone should be fine."

Actually, I already know what the situation is. Used such a method. White jade Qilin is completely different from Bi Ling. Although Bi Ling may be better than white jade Qilin in terms of battle strength, their battle method is completely opposite. Bi Ling is a physical type through and through, but white jade Qilin is a spell expert. Because of the difference in the way of using power, most of Bi Ling's power dissipated after death, and Bi Ling could only absorb about one third. But white jade Qilin is different. She started playing spell, and her energy control technology has reached a level that no one else can match. Before she died, she used a certain spell to completely seal her power in her body without losing any point. This determined that the power in this sculpture was already enough for white jade Qilin to reach its peak power. But the problem is that the white jade Qilin who died at the time wanted to miss something. The spell she uses can seal the energy leakage, but there is no way to control the energy entry. This is a bit like the very popular solar water heaters. The water in the water tank does not dissipate the heat, but the solar tube continuously introduces energy into it. As a result, the water burns and gets hotter. But once the solar water heater reaches the boiling point of water, the excess water will turn into steam and be discharged from the exhaust port, which ensures the internal temperature balance, but white jade Qilin’s body does not have this setting, and her remains are left on the top of Mount Everest. I kept absorbing Sun and Moon Essence, but there was no fading of power. As a result, the power in this sculpture is not only not weaker than the previous white jade Qilin, on the contrary, it is much more powerful. The Yinxue we see now is only a more powerful Qilin. It is not as powerful as the white jade Qilin who was cultivated to later generations. Originally, the energy was enough for her to digest, but now there is so much more, even if it’s her. There must also be a limit to one's own strength. Such a large amount of energy suddenly poured into her body, and her body simply couldn't bear it. If she didn't have a catharsis, she would explode and die soon. So I used the current method to make myself her backup container and help her absorb the excess energy. This method has also benefited me. Her unsupportable energy can increase my strength. But this benefit is not for nothing. In case the extra power fills me, the familiars and summon creatures that share the energy channel with me, the final result is that my summon creatures and I explode collectively. It will be downgraded, and several spells may be abolished. When the time comes, the gain is not worth the loss! However, I have always believed that risks and benefits are directly proportional. As long as there are enough benefits, appropriate risks are also worthwhile.

Yinxue immediately understood what I meant after hearing what I said, so she immediately began to direct the energy towards my body. She can use this energy transfer trick. Others don't have her precise control over energy. Once the connection is opened, it can burst my back-up warehouse.

I only felt a rush of heat from the palm of my hand to my arm, and then quickly entered my body, and then all the gems on the surface of the dragon suit on my body lit up. The bright light is like a big light bulb. But in just over a second I discovered the problem-the energy is pouring in too fast! This is not the problem of Yinxue’s control ability, but the energy sculpture over there decomposes too quickly. If Yinxue doesn’t send the energy to her soon, she will explode, when the time comes, I have to play with her who is so close to her. After all, maybe the people around will have to follow along with it. Although Yinxue's choice was correct, my body couldn't stand the power instillation so quickly. Two strings of blood flowed down the corners of my eyes, followed by bleeding from my nostrils and ears, and all the veins on my head became violent. As if it would explode at any time.

But we were lucky. At our most dangerous time, Azure Dragon, who was kicked off by Bi Ling before, flew back at some point. This guy is also an expert in energy. He felt the energy exploded from Yinxue from a long distance, so he ran back in a hurry. Bi Ling originally glared at him, but she was caught by Rose because she noticed that Azure Dragon was casting a spell.

I saw Azure Dragon reverted to its main body, with its huge body hovering in the air, covering the entire Qilin Mountain. After the huge power was completely diffused, let alone the ordinary monsters nearby, even most of Qilin was crushed by the strong pressure on the ground and couldn't get up. It was also at this time that Bi Ling noticed that the Azure Dragon true strength he was chasing before was actually terrifying, which is almost a difference between Mount Tai and a small mound.

Azure Dragon appeared on the body and put its head on top of our head, and then the two claws gathered around us into a circle. A thunderous voice appeared above our heads: "Azure Dragon secret law-absolute power space. Azure Dragon big seal-regional ban."

We did not notice these two spells at first. It works, but soon we discovered its formidable power. Azure Dragon actually forcibly stopped the time in the area where the sculpture was. All the energy light spots stopped in midair, and the remaining sculptures no longer decomposed. We all sighed. Fortunately, Azure Dragon arrived in time, otherwise we would hang it up today!

The huge voice of Azure Dragon appeared above our heads again. "Hey, you two, don't stand stupid. There is the power left by the white jade Qilin who is the best at energy control among the three Divine Beasts. I can't keep it for long. You two listen, now Start to absorb the energy immediately. Yinxue will pass on the excess power to Purple Moon, Purple Moon will open the power channels between you and the summon creatures, and send the energy out in order. When it is full, it will be replaced immediately, so as not to give it to anyone. It’s bursting. The person who has just been lost can start to use the energy in the body to increase their strength immediately after stopping. After everyone has absorbed a circle, the first person should have begun to absorb some more, and this should be able to Absorb more. And Yinxue himself should also pay attention to the absorption. I will help you control the time of this sculpture to one-tenth of the normal time axis, so that you can absorb It shouldn't be explosive body. If you all absorb it Call me if I can’t do it, I’ll pause again and give you a buffer opportunity. But you’d better be careful, I don’t know how long I can hold on. Don't blame me if you feel it."

I hurriedly said: "How could it be! Big brother Purple Moon helped me today. I will keep it in my heart. If I need it in the future, please let me know."

"Me too." Although Yinxue's thoughts are careful, she is still refreshing.

Azure Dragon nodded: "Then you are ready, I want to resume the release flow."

After we nodded, the sculpture time began to flow again, but this time the flow rate is only before One-tenth of that, so the light spots can only be released gradually at a very slow speed, but as long as the light spots leave the area with slow time, they will immediately fly towards us like lightning. Fortunately, the sculpture is controlled by the time limit. , So the speed of releasing the light spot is relatively slow, otherwise we will explode again!

Although it was reduced to a tenth of the speed, we are still in a state of energy overload. After the energy flows into my body, it quickly fills me up, and it hurts my whole body. . Before I exploded, I turned all the energy to the black liquid crystal on the eyebrows of the helmet. A large amount of energy quickly rushed to the black liquid crystal, and then to the evil spirit Knight connected with the black liquid crystal. The evil spirit Knight is the summon of the black liquid crystal, and supplementing the black liquid crystal with energy is equivalent to supplementing the energy of the evil spirit Knight. My current level can summon nearly ten thousand evil spirits, Knight, with so many people sharing the energy, of course it is not easy to be full.

Yinxue may have felt that the energy on my side has been vented, so she also accelerated the transmission speed. To be honest, she was also very uncomfortable. A few minutes later, even Azure Dragon noticed that our absorption rate was faster than he thought, so we accelerated the flow rate for some time, and as a result we reached a steady state again. After adding nearly five minutes in this way, I suddenly felt that the black liquid crystal's receiving energy slowed down, and it seemed that it was almost full.

Ding. A clear prompt sounded. "The black liquid crystal is supplemented by an unknown energy source, and it is advanced into the Dark Element magic guide stone, and the summon biological evil spirit Knight evolved into a Qilin warrior."

I said that the risks and benefits are often equal! Although he almost broke his body just now, the benefits are coming soon. I first transferred the energy channel to the fire drill on the belt, and then let the Phantom take care of the body, and I checked the attributes myself. I don't know, I was shocked at first glance. Qilin warrior is actually a 750 Level 10 creature. What's more terrible is that they still retain the usual evolutionary characteristics of the Dark Knights, that is, the mount is more powerful than the Knight. Qilin warrior's mounts are all creatures called Lin Beasts. Although this thing is also 750 Level 10, it seems that the attributes are more capable of fighting than Qilin warrior.

Different from before. Although the Knight from the previous black liquid crystal summon is constantly evolving, it can only fight the Knight in summon, but this time the black liquid crystal evolves to the Dark Element magic guide stone and the Qilin warrior that summon goes out is the magic Knight. However, although Qilin warrior possesses the ability of spell attack, it is still a Knight class based on physical combat.

I made a Qilin warrior and took a look. He still knows me. After all, evolution is only physical strengthening, without modifying their consciousness. The current Qilin warrior is wearing a Knight armor that is mixed with gold, white, black and red, but the style is still a full-covered heavy armor, but there are a lot of Qilin patterns and magic texts on the surface, which seems to belong to magic equipment.

There are many types of Qilin warrior weapons. The long weapons used on the mounts are called Qilin rods. The main body of this weapon is a one-meter-eight stick, with a 50-centimeter-long spear tip on each end, which can be retracted into the stick to be used as a long stick when not in use. The stick body can be disassembled into many sections, and can be turned into a three-section stick, a nunchaku or an iron whip as needed, and even the blades at both ends can be dismantled and used as an ordinary dagger.

The main weapon has become a double sword this time, which seems to be a battle method based on high-speed assault. However, the sword they equipped this time is rather strange. The hilt of this sword can be separated. As long as you hold the hilt, you can threw away the blade and use it as a chain knife. It can be used without the enemy's knowledge. Yin effect.

There are also quite a few auxiliary weapons this time, mainly a pair of fist helmets, a 50-meter-long lasso, and thirty throwing knives without a handle. The biggest difference between Qilin warrior and pure Knight is that in addition to fighting immediately, they are also good at unarmed combat. In close combat, they are more terrifying than holding weapons, so this time they will be equipped with a fist helmet, which is a less commonly used weapon.

The last is a long-range weapon. This time it is equipped with a foldable single-man riding bow. This thing has a low range and mainly focuses on precise shooting at medium and short distances. It is worth mentioning that although the bow equipped this time has a low range, it is an authentic magic bow with two spells, permanent piercing and magic piercing. The piercing spell can make the arrow penetrating more powerful, and it is better to deal with super thick or super hard armor. As for wearing the Demon Lord, if it is aimed at the magic shield, this spell can make the arrow body not be affected by the magic shield and can directly pass through the shield. This trick is definitely used by Yin Mage to shoot one target.

After watching Qilin warrior, I studied their mounts again. This beast is a 750 Level 10 creature, and its appearance is almost the same as that of the Siberian tiger, with black and white fur on its body. Although the fur feels soft to the touch, the defensive power is high and scary. It is a problem whether ordinary swords can cut in.

Lin beast is more than seven meters in length and close to two meters in height. Due to its large size, its strength is very terrifying. It is also worth mentioning that the Lin Beast is a thorough carnivore, so it inherits the consistent style of the Dark Knight mount, and fights more fiercely than the Knight on its back. If the other party knocks down the Knight on their backs, they will find that the beasts without Knight are more dangerous. At least they will not eat people when there is Knight.

Linmon’s main weapon is the two sickle-shaped canine teeth that grow on their upper jaw. These large sickle-like teeth grow directly on their skulls, and they are surprisingly hard, so you don’t have to worry about breaking them. Biting a steel plate is like eating biscuits, chewing stones is similar to eating peanuts. In addition, their steel claws are also a very terrifying attack weapon. However, what their enemies need to worry about most is their spell-like skills.

Linmon uses five types of spell skills, namely, critical defense, mind blast, hurricane blade, hot tooth, and cloud walking.

Critical defense is a passive skill, which can produce an energy defense shield with an equivalent to attack area at the moment before the attack. Because the defense area of ​​this magic is equal to the attack area, and the duration is very short. , So the defensive power is very high, and the consumption is not big, it is a very difficult to deal with defensive spell.

Mind Knock is a kind of shock wave emitted by roaring, the attack power is negligible, but it has the ability to interrupt the enemy's attack, and sometimes it can cause a stun effect. What is particularly annoying is that this trick has a radius of up to 300 meters, and the formidable power can be superimposed when multiple people use it at the same time. Once a large group of beasts use this trick at the same time, it can be played.

Hurricane Blade may be the most useless of all Linmon’s skills. It is actually a large-scale wind blade. Its speed is slower than that of ordinary wind blades, but its striking surface is as high as two meters. The attack power is terrifying.

The hot tooth is a kind of attachment spell, which can make the fangs and claws of the beasts have high temperature damage ability. Once they use this skill, stay away from them before the effect of the skill disappears, because at this time their teeth can even directly bite through the Divine Item. Even if you wear Divine Item armor, it does not mean that you are absolutely safe.

The last move is cloud treading, which is a flying skill that can provide about 20 minutes of flying time. After using this skill, the beast can walk on air like Pegasus, but Pegasus's cloud walking technique is permanently effective, and they can only use it for minutes each time. However, it should be noted that this skill has a very peculiar nature, that is, its time limit is not calculated based on the launch time, but based on the actual flight time. In other words, if the beast does not leave the ground after the skill is activated, its effect will be maintained until the total time the beast stays in the air for more than twenty minutes will disappear.

After watching the attributes and wildness of Qilin warrior and Lin Beast, I was so happy and crazy. This evolution is probably the biggest change in the history of the Dark Knights, and the improvement in strength is terrifying. With the current Qilin warrior's battle strength, it should be no problem to single out a middle-level player. Now in the game, players who have passed 800 levels can be considered high-level players, and those between 700 and 800 are medium-level players. Most of these players are concentrated between 770 and 790 Level 19. It is said that players at this level have a higher level

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