"big brother, big brother, what is my name?" The little girl was not honest even riding on my shoulders, holding my head forever.

"Little demon, you will be called little demon from now on." The body of this girl is singing Banshee Aimeida. It is the complete body of the flower of Demon, and it is very appropriate to call the little demon.

I was teasing this cute little girl, but she suddenly tightened, and then suddenly turned around and jumped out. "Ah!" The little demon was bounced back by something without warning.

"Little demon!" I quickly reached out and caught the little demon who flew back. "Who?"

"It turned out to be my own! Sorry, sorry!" The silhouette of Azure Dragon suddenly appeared in front of us. "I didn’t see this girl when I left, I thought it was an enemy!"

Azure Dragon didn’t tell me I didn’t pay attention. It turned out that Azure Dragon hasn’t been with us since arriving here. Together, we don't know what he did. We have no control over such an expert as him. I can stand up to Divine Beast like the Eight-Puzzle Snake for a while, and at best we can hold him in the whole guild against Azure Dragon. So it's better to be polite to this kind of person.

The little demon in his arms is still a little unconvinced and wants to go up and fight, but I hold it down. "Don't be naughty, little demon, hurry up and say hello to Qing Sir Long."

The little demon is very snorted, then turned and ran behind me and hugged Ling. "Elder sister, let's go play?"

Ling awkwardly bowed to Azure Dragon, and then took the little demon and stepped back temporarily. I deliberately changed the subject and said: "Sir Long did not know what he was doing before? Did he go to the three guardians of the country, Divine Beast?"

Azure Dragon shook the head very calmly. "The other two have nothing to do with me. The only one I am looking for is the master."

Azure Dragon only knows one Biling among the three major protection countries, Divine Beast, so looking for Biling is also as it should be by rights. These Old Guys are not afraid of anything else, they are afraid that people say they are not Revered Master, so the safety of the teacher is more important than his own life. After Azure Dragon came to Isengard, I heard that we came here to look for the three major defenders, Divine Beast, and then said what we are going to help. I think it is purely to come to Biling. He is too lazy to help people as free laborers. !

"Did you find Sir Long?"

"No, this place is totally different from future generations. I can’t even tell East, South, West, North, don’t Said I was looking for someone, I almost got lost and didn't find it. If I hadn't left some mana on you to track your position, I wouldn't be able to come back!"

Halo! Azure Dragon is actually a road idiot. This is the number one gossip of Three Realms, but considering my fate, it's better not to talk about it. Quickly put on a very happy expression and said: "Green Sir Long don't worry, this busy ghost leader knows the whereabouts of the three Sir Divine Beasts. We are planning to go together!"

"That's very. good ." Azure Dragon said to the leader of the busy ghost: "You tell me the whereabouts of my master Biling first, if I find it, I will repay you."

The leader of the busy ghost asked me with some doubts: " Which of the three is Biling?"

"This is this." I took out a crystal card with Biling's magic image on it.

"Oh, this one lives in Qilin Mountain Xianbo Lake, but that place is where the Qilin clan gathers. How is your relationship with Qilin? If there is a hostile relationship, it’s best to stay away, although Qilin They have good tempers, but it would be very dangerous if the hostile personnel were close to their settlement."

Gold coin asked in surprise: "Does Qilin live in groups?"

"It doesn't seem to be right?" Zhen Hong replied suspiciously.

The leader of the busy ghost looked at us with a question mark in his head. "Don't you know that Qilin lives in groups? Except for a few withdrawn Qilins, most Qilins live together. If it weren't for Qilin Race's good temper, it is estimated that this world is theirs."

"Qilin is so powerful?"

"A single Qilin is just amazing, but it is not amazing to describe all Qilins living together." The busy ghost leader said: "Anyway, you are gone. You know, but I can only send you to the bottom of the mountain. Qilin Mountain is still up by yourselves. I dare not enter their territory casually. A Qilin is enough to kill me."

" You only need to send us to the distance where we can find the target, and we are responsible for the following things." Azure Dragon said anxiously.

"Okay, then."

I told Crystal Chocolate to take the remaining players in the guild to supervise the production, and I went to Qilin Mountain with the leader of the busy ghosts. Speaking of which is really red. The original sect seems to be Qilin Mountain, but that is the Qilin Mountain of later generations, which is not the most likely one now, because the Qilin Mountain of later generations is only a medium-sized mountain, and the present one is not only The scale is comparable to the Everest mountain range, and it is still a floating mountain. According to the height of this guy's levitation and the height of the mountain itself, the tip of the mountain is probably to blame for the outer atmosphere!

"This is Qilin Mountain. Go up by yourself! There are three very large lakes on it. One of them is shaped like a crescent, and that is Biling's residence."

< p>Azure Dragon said with some confusion: "I remember the master is not from the Qilin clan!"

"I didn't say he was either!" The leader of the busy ghost said: "The biling you mentioned is Qilin's Friends, just live together."

"Oh! Then you go back first, we can go up by ourselves." Azure Dragon said that he flew first, so I had to follow along. Zhenhong, gold coin, and Kristina also followed. I drove the others back to the mining area to help. Even if this kind of place really fights, you only need expert, and no matter how many people of average strength come.

The floating height of Qilin Mountain is not low, at least much higher than the floating island where the time machine is located. It took us a long time to reach the edge of Qilin Mountain. As soon as we were in the corner of the mountain, two people ran out and blocked us. The person who intercepted us seems to be two young people, but we all know that these two are most likely to be changed by two Qilins.

"Who are you?" one of the older people who seemed to be looking at Azure Dragon asked. Looking at him, I can feel the huge power of Azure Dragon, because I can see his hands shaking. The creatures of this era are very difficult to deal with in later generations, but that's not because the creatures of this era are stronger, but they are older and have a long cultivation time. So when we return to this era, the creatures here are not as good as Azure Dragon. In addition to the strength of Azure Dragon, even these guys may not be able to reach such a height even if these guys live to later generations. Talent can not only increase cultivation speed, but also bring extreme breakthroughs. Obviously Azure Dragon belongs to that kind of surprisingly good talent.

Although we are very strong, we are here to find Biling. Biling and these Qilins are good friends, so of course we can't offend them. Azure Dragon said very politely: "We are here to find Biling."

"Biling?" The younger Qilin thought for a while and said, "We don't have this person here, and there is no one on the mountain. It's by this name."

"No?" Azure Dragon was taken aback for a moment.

I went up and handed out the crystal card. "It's him."

The older Qilin took the card and looked at it. "Oh, it turned out to be Ling Yun!"

"Ling Yun? Isn't his name Bi Ling?" Zhen Hong asked strangely.

The younger Qilin replied: "Bi is the name of the residence, Ling is the name of the hero in our village, and Yun is the name. So you can be called Biling, or Biyun, or Ling Yun is right, but Bi Ling is usually used in formal occasions, and few people in the village call it that. Why are you looking for him for?"

"We have some very important things that we want to talk to him." Azure Dragon wanted to talk and was held down by me. On strength Azure Dragon is very strong, but diplomacy is not his strong point.

The older Qilin looked at us, and then nodded. "Okay, follow me."

We followed this Qilin up the mountain. Although he was leading the way, the human-shaped or animal-shaped Qilin we encountered along the way still stared closely. US. Their eyes are often full of curiosity and fear. The curiosity is mainly curious about us and Zhenhong, gold coin and Kristina. As for fear, it is of course the fear of Azure Dragon. Qilin's strength is indeed very strong, but Azure Dragon is really strong and outrageous, even Qilin can not help but swing under his power.

After finally passing through the more peripheral areas of Qilin, I gradually entered the middle of the mountain. Here, Qilin Mountain began to shrink toward the center. As a result, a small plain was formed halfway up the mountain, on which a main peak and several hills were erected, and before the mountains and the mountains were several larger lakes. Qilin basically lives at the foot of the mountain outside this plain, but it has become very empty.

"It's the front." Qilin, who led the way, pointed to the crescent-shaped lake ahead. "That's where Ling Yun lives. Go by yourself."

"Thank you." I thanked him and ran to the lake quickly.

Azure Dragon seems to be anxious to see Bi Ling, she moves so fast and scared to death, I only feel a gust of wind blowing by my side, and the next second Azure Dragon is already standing by the lake.

"I really can't stand these bosses, don't put others in my eyes at all!" Kristina complained.

"Maybe people just want to be master." Really red said.

gold coin smiled and said: "Couldn't they have that kind of relationship before?"

"Go, Bi Ling is a male." I angrily said.

Christina said: "I heard that early devil beasts are gender-neutral, shouldn't it...?"

"You two are really gossip! Beware of others I hear, you are not opponents either of these two coming up."

"So far, inaudible!" Gold coin smiled and said: "Hurry up! Azure Dragon doesn't seem to find anyone, it looks like It’s going to be fast!"

In fact, people are all the same. The more you know that you are about to get it, but you don’t get it, this feeling is the most uncomfortable. Many students who do not study well will say that fifty-nine points are worse than thirty points, which is what they mean. Azure Dragon is almost the same now, knowing that Bi Ling is here, but I haven't found it after searching for it for a long time.

"Did you not find Green Sir Long?" I finally rushed to Azure Dragon.

Azure Dragon grabbed me like a straw: "Isn’t Biling master here? Why can’t I find it?"

"The one who led the way just said On this side of the lake, I didn’t say exactly where it was. Besides, Bi Ling might not always stay at home, right? Maybe he went out?" Kristina hurriedly said, "I think it’s very likely. That's it, why don't we find Qilin in the vicinity and ask. Although Qilin's living density is not as high as that of the periphery, there are still a few more?"

"Isn't there one?" Zhen Hong pointed at the foot of the main peak in the distance. It seemed that there were many people over there, as if they were doing something.

Azure Dragon didn't say hello to us when they saw someone over there, and the silhouette disappeared for a moment. Kristina shook her head helplessly: "It's messy if you care!"

I glanced at the crowd over there, looked at the lake again, and said, "Come with me."


Actually, I found a house on the opposite side of the lake, but the house was mixed with nearby trees before it was difficult to see. This primordial wood house is basically built using natural plants. The four big trees that serve as the four corners of the house are still alive, so we didn't notice that there is a house in this place before.

We flew directly over the lake to the front of the house. This house looks similar to the distance in the vicinity, it is very hidden, and it is in harmony with the surrounding natural environment. The house didn't even have a door, but some vines hung at the door as a curtain, nothing else.

"Excuse me, is anyone home?" It may be Biling who lives here, or it is better to be polite. After waiting for a while, there was no answer at all in the room, so I had to shout again: "Is there anyone in there?"

After waiting again, there was still no sound. Kristina said: "It may be true. I'm not at home."

I thought about it and shouted inside: "We're going to come in." After shouting, I waited for a while before I dared to walk in.

Pulling open the curtain made of vines, I saw a room less than 20 square meters inside. This room has no windows, but it is not dark because there are holes in the roof and walls. The whole house is piled up with wood, and it hasn't been processed very much, so it can't talk about beauty at all.

There are not many utensils in the room. There is a nest made with lots of white fluff and dry vines in the opposite corner. It is said to be a nest mainly because it lacks the legs necessary for a bed. This nest is elliptical and falls completely on the ground. The height is less than 30 centimeters, but looking at the fluff on it, the comfort of this nest should be pretty good.

In addition to this nest, there is also a stone box in the other corner of the room, but the structure is quite rough, and the only thing I can barely see is the box for storing things. Apart from these two barely furnished items, there is nothing else in the room.

Gold coin sighed after looking at the furnishings in the room: "This is simply a stone age house."

Christina said in an angry tone: "Unfortunate notice. You, this era should be much earlier than the Stone Age. At least when there were humans, Earth had already separated several continents, but now the continents are all crowded together. This is the Great Desolate Era, Earth’s earlier than the dinosaurs. Starting point."

As we were talking, we suddenly heard the sound of the door curtain being opened, and we saw two people as soon as we turned our heads. One of these two people is a female, and the other is not very sure. He looks like a woman, but he is not sure. "Who are you?" the man who could not determine the gender asked. His voice also sounds neutral.

"We are people from far away, we are looking for Bi Ling, oh no, you seem to be used to calling him Lingyun here. Do you know where he is?"

"What are you looking for Lingyun for?" The question was the certain woman. This woman seems to be twenty-two or three years old, taller than 1.7 meters, and wearing a white linen dress, she looks very arrogant and glamorous. However, one thing that surprised us was that she actually wore clothes.

I have been here for so long, and I have seen a lot of monsters who can transform into human form, but they are absolutely rare in clothes. The six elemental creatures who agreed to join us before all had no clothes, and the busy ghost only covered important parts with leaves. Even when I just climbed the Qilin Mountain, the guards Qilin I met just wore some dresses and sleeves made of animal skins, not clothes at all. But this woman is different. This is definitely an orthodox dress on her body. Not only does it have a standard dress style, but it even has special adjustments to relax the waist and breasts. Of course, the material of linen is quite crude, but after all, it is also a woven fabric. It is absolutely rare to see linen in this era. speaking of which, the person next to this woman who can’t distinguish between men and women also has good clothing. Although basically animal skins are the main ones, his animal skins are obviously cut and stitched, unlike the Qilin I met before. Just wrap the animal skin around your body.

In the face of this beautiful bubbling and surprisingly cold woman, all of us have a little instinctive guilty conscience. Fortunately, I have a strong psychological quality and soon stabilized our emotions. Damn, this woman uses Spirit Attack! "We need to discuss some things with Lingyun in detail, and we can't tell others about things, so if you are not Lingyun, please forgive me for not being able to answer your question."

"I am Lingyun, why are you looking for me?" The answer to us was the person who couldn't tell the difference between men and women. This result shocked us.

"Are you Lingyun?" We were all stunned. How could Bi Ling look like this? Men and women are not even genders.

In fact, Bi Ling is not ugly in front of him. His current situation is a bit like me before. He is very beautiful, but there is a masculine temperament in the female appearance, so it is really difficult to confirm whether it is Male is female.

gold coin spoke quickly and asked directly. "Excuse me, are you a man or a woman?"

Fortunately, the relationship between people in this era is relatively simple. There is no such thing as derogation, so Bi Ling didn't care at all, but Replied refreshingly: "I am neutral."

"Neutral?" Is it really a ladyboy?

The white clothed woman next to Biling replied: "The Biling family is like this. Before meeting their lover, the gender is uncertain. Only after confirming the lover, will it be determined to evolve to a certain gender according to need, and even if After qualitative, there is another opportunity to modify."

Halo! Bi Ling is actually such a race of men and women, and it seems that this is the case in low-level creatures, and also didn't expect Bi Ling. Putting it that way In modern times, since Biling is a male, it means that he met a female lover, so he was classified as male. Putting it that way is the one next to Bi Ling’s childhood sweethearts, right? Putting it that way is best to kidnap two people at once and take them back together. Since he can become Bi Ling's partner, his strength should not be weak, and it will definitely be a great battle strength in the future.

I asked the woman next to me very politely: "May I ask what you call it?"


"Yinxue?" "Why does this name sound so familiar? Seems like I've seen it somewhere. Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in my mind. Could it be her? "That... can you take the liberty to ask about your specific race branch?"

"Qilin clan, white jade Qilin branch."

I don’t need to say now, the latter is true The three of Hong and the others also began to breathe coldly together. The jade Qilin is a rare species in the Qilin Race. A hundred Qilin may not have a jade Qilin. As for the white jade Qilin in the jade Qilin, it is only one super genius in the Qilin family. Now we actually encounter a white jade Qilin, and it is still a white jade Qilin of the same age as Biling. What's more terrifying is that her name is actually the same as that written in the assignment book, and she is also called Yinxue. Based on the above three points, there is one conclusion-she is the white jade Qilin standing on top of Mount Everest in the Chinese version of Genesis.

expert. In front of me stood all the battle strengths in the game plus two great experts who were counted together, and they were of the type that ranked very high. In my opinion, it doesn't count the High God that removes the series of Mother Earth and Nuwa. Among the remaining people, Biling and white jade Qilin are already the martial power of the peak. In that Chinese version of Genesis, their final battle strength was actually only one step away from High God. Such a terrifying expert, there will be two at the same time, which is really amazing. However, today it seems that some people think we are not surprised enough, and they have another hammer on our fragile nerves.

Azure Dragon who ran off the road finally hurried back, but after seeing Bi Ling he stopped. After 3 minutes, he suddenly rushed to Bi Ling and knelt on the ground holding Bi Ling’s legs and cried: "Mom...!"

Huh? ……mom? ……Is Azure Dragon's head flooded? (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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