It really didn't expect that the evolution of fire diamonds will bring such great benefits. Since the first two crystals have evolved, it means that other crystals can also evolve. It just so happened that the fire drill had evolved into the flame magic guide stone, and there was no way to absorb energy anymore, and it happened to turn the energy absorption channel to the ice crystal.

Although Azure Dragon is helping us control our speed, white jade Qilin was at the peak of Divine Beast when he died, not to mention Sun and Moon Essence, who had been absorbed for so long afterwards. , Its basic energy is too big, I only absorbed it for a while and the ice crystals were full again. I didn't even have time to look at the attributes, so I quickly started charging the poison spar again, but the result was still full in an instant. Fortunately, I am not the only one with these spars. I have other summon creatures. I quickly connect the energy channel to the female Insect King on the forehead again. I believe her ability to absorb energy is much better than spars.

Things are almost the same as I thought. The female Insect King’s absorptive capacity is obviously better than spar, and it is like a bottomless pit. The excess energy hulls all into the energy vortex like a black hole in space. I can take advantage of this time to check the condition of the two spars.

Ice crystal and poison spar have evolved into magic guide stones, and they have also caused changes in summon creatures. The original summon creature of the ice crystal is the frost star, and there can only be one summon. After evolving into the ice attribute magic guide this time, the summon creatures became fusion stars, and the number of summon increased to seven.

The shape of the fusion star is similar to that of the frost star. It is a light cluster that seems to be continuously disintegrating outwards, except that the frost star is blue and white, and the light is relatively strong, while the fusion star But it is earthy gray, and the brightness is not high. However, regardless of the appearance of the Fusion Star, it is actually much stronger than the Frost Star. The Frost Star can only freeze the target, or provide me with a freezing system defense, and basically does not have a substantial attack power. The Fusion Star is a thorough attack weapon. Its ability is to allow the object to enter the condensed state, which is the fourth form of matter relative to the solid, liquid, and gaseous state. No matter what substance, as long as it enters the condensed state, its physical properties will change greatly. The most important feature is volume collapse. For example, a cubic steel ingot, once it enters the condensed state, it will immediately shrink into something less than one-tenth of its original volume, and it will break at the touch of a touch, and no longer have the hardness of steel. The fusion star can make matter enter the condensed state, and with my attack, I believe that some things that were previously impossible to cut can also be easily handled.

After reading the ice crystal, I checked the attributes of the poison spar. This thing has evolved into a toxin-based magic guide stone, and the summon creature has become a creature called a magic fairy. I tried summon and came out with a few magic fairies, and found that these little fellows are still the same as the little fairies before, they are all cute little girls with a pair of beautiful butterfly wings behind them. If you have to say something is different, that is, clothing and equipment have changed.

The weapons used by the little fairies are miniature bows and arrows, but they are mainly auxiliary creatures, and that kind of small arrows have little effect except to make trouble. As for the costume of the little fairy, it should be a beautiful dress, which looks no different from what a child wears. However, the magic fairy evolved this time is very different in these two aspects. First of all, the magic fairy is no longer holding a bow, but a staff. This small wand is not as long as my palm, but considering the height of the magic fairy, it can be regarded as a normal size wand (magic wand refers to the kind of stick used by Harry Potter). However, it may be to match the general appearance of the magic fairy child. These magic wands are all beautiful, and there is a heart-shaped gem on the tip, which is just like the magic wand that the little children hold and play at Christmas. In addition to weapons, the costumes of these magic fairies have also changed. The simple dress has become a Princess dress, and the color has also become gorgeous. If it weren't for the wrong wings, they might be mistaken for little angels.

Although it seems that these little fellows belong to the kind of cute dead people who do not pay for their lives, the actual situation is that they belong to the kind of killing without blinking an eye. The attributes of these little fellows actually say that they are all advanced professions of poison mage-element mage.

It may not be easy to understand the light-listening element mage, but it is actually very simple to say. Poison is actually the use of chemical reactions to cause abnormal changes in the human body. When the poison research is upgraded, it becomes a chemical research, so the advanced wizards of the toxin system are actually chemists, but in the game they are called element wizards, meaning wizards who use the law of transformation between elements. In addition, the game is a magic world, not as simple as chemistry in reality, so their actual ability is to transform the elemental composition of your body, and even rearrange the chemical molecular structure of a certain part of your body. This ability is terrifying, because they can turn your soft skin into a hard diamond, and can also turn your hard skeleton into a pile of dust.

True Red and they have been watching these evolutionary creatures by my side, and now they are all shocked when they know the power of magic goblins. Imagine, if you fight the enemy well and suddenly find that your joints are fixed, what will happen? The main components of the human body are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. Carbon can be gathered by magic fairies alone to become diamonds or graphite. Hydrogen and oxygen can combine to form water, and nitrogen is directly released into the air. Once a person is attacked by them, his body will break down almost immediately. Of course, they are not invincible. Decomposition requires energy and time. They are impossible to suddenly turn one into gas in battle, but they can cause substantial attacks by this method, and their attacks will be better than normal attacks. The effect is more cruel. That's why I said that these girls who look like little angels are actually a group of little demons killing without blinking an eye.

Originally, Gold Coin and Zhenhong looked at these little fellows as cute, and they wanted to hug each other, but after thinking about it, forget it. Being affected by their mana is not fun.

"How are you feeling now?" Azure Dragon asked suddenly.

"Not bad." Yinxue replied.

I also nodded: "The absorption speed can still keep up."

"Get ready, I want to speed up."

"Why? We? It has reached the limit of absorption speed." Yinxue said nervously.

The voice of Azure Dragon is completely beyond doubt. "Because I can't control it anymore. Your energy aggregate is interfering with my time seal, and I can't control it anymore."

"How can it be so fast?"

< p>"It’s to blame for you in that era for not counting your body’s cultivation base at the peak. If it weren’t for me to limit the speed for you, and Purple Moon to help you digest part of it, now you’ve exploded. Is dead."

"But you are about to lose control. When the time comes, we will die together."

Rose asked: "If we go up and help Do you absorb it?"

Yinxue shook the head: "My transmission control can only be directed at one person. If you come together, I will not be able to control it."

I After thinking for a while, I said: "That's no way, it's just our luck!" I said that I summoned all the summon creatures, and then let them lean on one by one and connect them together. The leading transmission is Ling. Although she is not the highest level among the demons, she is loyal, has the closest connection with me, and has the widest transmission channel. Using Ling as a relay station can transmit energy to other summon creatures, so that I can transmit power to multiple pets at the same time, and absorb energy as quickly as possible.

After everyone formed a transmission network, the power on my side began to be transmitted quickly. Before, it was transmission power one by one, but I don’t feel that it is now transmitting power to all my summon creatures at the same time. It's like pouring water into a black hole, but I don't feel it at all.

Azure Dragon sees that we are ready and don't wait any longer. The energy channel suddenly increases, and I can clearly feel a surge of power like a tide. Fortunately, there are so many creatures in my summon. After the power is averaged out, I can barely keep up with the speed, but the meridian on the body is all rising like it is about to explode.

The current system has canceled the EXP display, leaving only a progress bar. If the specific value display is still retained, I can definitely see that the value is rotating at the speed of a marquee at this time. NS. But even if there is no specific indication, I know that part of that energy is being transformed into my EXP, because the progress bar is getting longer at the speed that naked eye can see. Two minutes later I heard the upgrade prompt, and after a few more minutes, I heard the prompt again, and then the upgrade prompt interval became shorter and shorter. Azure Dragon obviously can't control those energy anymore, and I can feel the energy in my body is out of control. However, I am not afraid.

The only result of excess energy is to explode and die. Although the explosive power generated by this is great, for the player, it is nothing more than hanging up once and dropping one or two levels. As for the NPC of here, I only worry about Biling, Yinxue and Azure Dragon. But with Azure Dragon's cultivation base, the energy burst will not hurt him. Bi Ling may be injured, but it will not be too serious, not to mention Azure Dragon should protect him. As for Yinxue, she is an energy expert, and it should be no problem to avoid energy explosions. Anyway, she is only acting as a catheter now, and I am the container. The real explosion is also my explosion. At most, she would suffer some injuries because of standing close. As for myself, this has already been promoted several levels in a row, even if it is killed and resurrected and loses two levels in a row, it is still profitable. So now I hope it’s best not to explode, but it’s okay if it does.

Think about it or say to Rose: "Just in case, you guys get out of here and stay away."

Azure Dragon One also reacted. "Yes. Mother, you go first."

Bi Ling stared at Azure Dragon One, but maybe because now is the dangerous time, she didn't care about her address, just said: "I'll go What should I do if I lose Yinxue?"

Azure Dragon quickly said: "I can have extra power to protect her after you go! I must protect you first when you are here, so I can't control it. "

Bi Ling thought for a while and was nodded, and evacuated with Rose. After all, Yinxue is the patriarch of the Qilin clan, and she still misses the clan members in her heart. By the way, she asks Biling to inform those Qilin that they will be as far away as they are together. Bi Ling also knew that there was not much time and no longer wasted, and quickly notified the Qilin clan to retreat. Rose gave me nodded and took everyone away quickly. She is a very sensible person. She knew that this time, at most, it was a matter of earning more and less, and there was no danger, so she did not leave a white loss level.

Qilin are all Divine Beasts. Although they have high and low strengths, they will not be too bad. They started running faster one by one, and they all ran away after a while. The Qilin Mountain is so big, there is no Qilin in less than five minutes.

Azure Dragon bowed his head and said to us: "The outside is all gone, and there are three of us. Now you two listen. Purple Moon is an adventurer (that is, the player) with the ability to immortalize the soul. , So the explosion is at most losing some strength (in fact, it is a loss of level). Counting the strength he absorbed today, he actually earned it. "This guy is clear enough. "So, please trouble Qilin patriarch for a while. Don't think about the idea of ​​protecting Purple Moon. Just send the extra power to him. It is better to burst one than two people to die together. Besides, if you burst into the body of Yinxue patriarch, you will be Divine Soul. It’s all gone, but Purple Moon can be resurrected, so it’s not cost-effective to die together."

Yinxue nodded: "I understand, I won’t do stupid things." She turned her head and said to me: "It’s true. I'm sorry you and your friends, and you have to help me die."

"Whatever Miss Yinxue said, most of our members here just lose a little strength and won't really die. There are also people who will not lose their strength. They have two chances to resurrect in a day. It’s just one explosion. It’s okay."

Azure Dragon said: "After a while, Yinxue patriarch, just take care of it. Pass all the power to Purple Moon, and then I will use my power to protect you, so that even if Purple Moon explodes, it will not hurt the two of us."

"Understood." Yinxue gritted her teeth and replied, now she has begun to feel that her body is almost too much to eat.

"Then prepare! I will try my best to persevere. You two will try to absorb as much as possible so that the loss will be smaller."

Azure Dragon stopped talking after saying this. He didn't have much energy left. We can only endure the extreme energy sprint as much as possible, but it is also refreshing to see our strength and level go crazy upwards. Our current feeling is probably the so-called pain and happiness!

Azure Dragon's control is getting weaker and weaker, and its energy is on the verge of losing control. The surrounding air is full of blue arcs flashing in the air, and even the airflow becomes weird. For a while, the west jumped everywhere. Azure Dragon finally couldn't help but said: "I can't control it anymore, are you ready?"

"Okay." I answered first.

"Okay." Yinxue also nodded.

"Then, I count one, two and three. When I count three, Yinxue throws all the energy on Purple Moon, and then I will open my protective Formation to protect you. Then, Let's get started! One...two...three is now."

I saw a group of white things flying out of the sculpture in front of me, and the last remaining pieces of the sculpture disappeared. NS. After the light group entered Yinxue's body, it seemed to be completely unaffected, so it passed through her body directly into my palm. As soon as the white light separated from Yinxue, an azure barrier appeared between me and Yinxue, and directly bounced me out. The energy entered my body instantly, and then passed back out. Although I wanted to cut a part of it as much as possible, I still couldn't control it. If I look at it from the perspective of a third person, I will definitely find myself and the summon creatures connected to me have all turned into white light clusters, only a rough shape and specific things can be seen. simply can't see clearly.

However, after all, I cannot see a third party perspective. I only felt the heat in my hands, then the whole body, and then it went black in front of my eyes. When my eyes light up again, I am already in a blue world. This is the waiting area. The death of the game character will be sent here, but I rarely come here, after all, there are really few sacrifices since entering the game.

Actually, now I can switch to the Silver Moon trumpet and go online, but I don’t know how long it will take for the energy to burst. Generally, the explosion of a huge might is not instant, just like an atomic bomb, the physical destruction time after the explosion is as long as five minutes. The ghost knows whether this energy burst will leave a high temperature in place, if I blow the trumpet to death as soon as I go online, that would be a loss. So it's better to wait a little longer.

It’s useless to wait. I just went offline to do some activities. It turned out that Skye had already been gathering with a group of Dragon Clan members in the restaurant. These guys are all rice buckets. They happened to be killed in the game just now. They don't have a trumpet, and they won't be able to go online for a while, so they just came down to eat. After playing with them for a while, I ran back and went online again, and the picture in front of me quickly recovered.

"Why is it so long?" Rose was already standing beside me.

Yinxue took me to thank you all the time. "Thank you so much, otherwise I will be bode ill rather than well this time! And thanks to your large capacity, which delayed the energy absorption time, I also absorbed a lot of energy."

" Haha, in a nutshell, I'm not working for nothing. I get no less benefits than you!"

Actually, I'm telling the truth. Only Purple Moon was the big one just now, but the two numbers that can be upgraded are together. Now the trumpet of Silver Moon has 89 Level 8, and the large Purple Moon is already 999 even after deducting the Level 1 of death. As long as it is upgraded to Level 1, it will be a thousand. It was because of death that I dropped the level. I should have been forced to a thousand level by those energy before, but I just fell back after hanging up once. But anyway, I will soon hope to reach the 1,000th level. However, although the system has now clearly told everyone to open up the upgrade system for more than 1,000 levels, the problem is that the exponential exponents of the day are enough to make you unable to upgrade to Level 1 for half a year after the 1,000 level. Fortunately, this is not absolute. Players who know "Zero" know that the first half of "Zero" is upgraded by EXP, and after the 800th level, it is basically upgraded by special tasks. Of course, these tasks are usually difficult to complete!

I am still very happy looking at the current level. How can I say that the level is about to reach the sky now. As for the attribute, I don't see it for now. Familiars and summon creatures are all within the summon cooldown time, and for a short time I am still a general without an army.

Looking around, I sighed: "It's a pity!"

Everyone didn’t understand what I meant at first, but when I looked at it, I understood. NS. I'm talking about this mountain is a pity. The Qilin Mountain was originally pretty, but the explosion just burned all the plants near where we were, and even the water in the lake before was blown dry by the blast, now only a big one is left. The pit is there.

Azure Dragon said indifferently: "What's a pity about this? The mountains haven't collapsed. Those trees and grasses, just replant them, and they will grow up in a few years. If you are too slow, you can consider Ask a plant expert to help catalyze the growth, and it will grow in a few hours. As for this lake, I will be able to fill it up immediately."

"That said!" This is not reality. world, it’s easy to destroy the reconstruction work.

Bi Ling suddenly said to Azure Dragon: "I didn't have time to settle accounts with you before, now it's time for you to explain what happened before?"

"Explain? Explain what?" Azure Dragon is still a little unresponsive.

"Of course it's an explanation...explain..." Bi Ling's voice became smaller and smaller, and in the end it was almost inaudible. "Explain why I called my mother."

"Oh, mother, if you don't tell me, I have forgotten it. We haven't recognized each other yet!" Azure Dragon said that he was about to pounce on it again and was kicked by Bi Ling. To the side. But this time it hasn't changed to an artificial satellite.

Azure Dragon seems quite happy to be beaten, he smiled and said: "Mother, didn't you listen to Purple Moon before they told us about our origins?"

Bi Ling Xie He glanced at Azure Dragon, and then said: "I have heard it, but what does it have to do with your name?"

Azure Dragon said seriously: "It's very simple! We come from later generations." Yes, and you will leave some items in later generations. I am the son of you and Dad, but this is a secret and not many people know it."

I looked at Azure Dragon in surprise. , And then looked at Bi Ling again. Not to mention, the human form of these two guys really has seven parts. "That... Excuse me. Biling, are you a man or a woman?" (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support the original reading!)

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