Soon, Beimanlang has also arrived. Beimanlang brought only five people. Both are dropping from the sky. Originally the scene was going to be chaotic again, but when Dongfang Qingcheng flew out of the many white lotus flowers and scattered around, immediately formed a powerful defensive Formation. Kun Xuzi, Beimanlang, and Pilihuo are impossible.

Beimanlang, Kun Xuzi, and Pili fire like, saw Dongfang Qingcheng and were in awe. The always arrogant Beiman wolf also cup one fist in the other hand to say hello to Dongfang Qingcheng. If Kun Xuzi was changed, Beimanlang would not bother to take a look. Taking Beimanlang’s words, hypocrites like Kun Xuzi, pretend to be gentlemen with sufficient ability.

Lu Potian sees the strong features of Beimanlang. His eyes are like electricity and his face is very handsome. Lu Potian thought that Beimanlang is like a werewolf in some European and American movies. How can he think of such a good external image . Fortunately, Lu Potian is the most handsome man, otherwise he would be embarrassed.

Beimanlang glanced at Pilihuo, showing a look of disdain.

Thunderbolt slapped the wicker chair, Huo Di stood up. But Beimanlang led the other five people to find a place to stand, and ignored Pilihuo. Pili Huo was really annoyed. The boy was beaten like a dog and slipped away. Now this bird is a preserves a beating. Don’t you dare to put the old man in your eyes? Isn’t it the other way around?

However, Dongfang Qingcheng slightly smiled at Pilihuo, and Pilihuo’s anger disappeared immediately, which is really strange.

Due to the presence of Dongfang Aristocratic Family, the competition order quickly returned to normal.

The test continues. These Sect Disciples, who can come to participate in the competition and are still around the Martial Practice Stage, can naturally not eat or drink for a few days.

However, the competition is still very cruel. And Dongfang Qingcheng unexpectedly didn’t come out to say that this kind of test method was wrong. Since no one said, Pilihuo and Kunxuzi naturally let the dísciple in the door and kill them.

In the later years, it has almost become a three sects contest between Guanghuizong, Perakpa, and Azure Bamboo. When it was Gui Tianzi’s turn to play, Lu Potian suddenly came to Gui Tianzi’s side and said, “Guitianzi Senior Brother, I think it’s better for me to do this Alliance Leader.” Gui Tianzi didn’t pay attention to Kun Xuzi’s oppositional vision. nodded. But Kun Xuzi’s eyes quickly returned to the original, it seems that the murderous intention to Lu Potian just born has disappeared.

For Kun Xuzi’s changes like this, Thunderbolt Fire is naturally in his heart.

In a moment, Pilihuo can only think that Kun Xuzi still has to use Lu Potian, the better Lu Potian is insane. Dongfang Qingcheng looked at Lu Potian, not caring about Kun Xuzi and Pilihuo.

After Lu Potian came to power, when he was fighting with the Thunderbolt Party, it was almost as soon as the Xuanlong Sword came out of the sword box that he killed the opponent. Lu Potian played against the Azure Bamboo faction. Because the opponent was a woman, Lu Potian just knocked them out with the back of a knife.

From beginning to end, Lu Potian did not use the Blood Sword. Just use Xuanlong Knife. Without using Xuanlong Sword Art, it was just a simple slash, without fancy or ingenuity. It was a sharp, swift, slashing knife. The gods come up to kill the gods, and the Buddhas come up to destroy the Buddha. One by one, the Perakist dísciples who are expected to become Grade 1 swordmasters fell under Lu Potian’s knife.

Lu Potian wanted to let Pilihuo know about the “cripple Elder” at Dongmen Pass. You must add Pilihuo to my Lu Potian in an attempt to solve the problem of “cripple Elder” in this way. In the matter of face, you, Old Guy, are so wrong. I, Lu Potian, will let you know that it is even more difficult for you to save face when facing me than facing the entire Glory Sect, and may even lose your old life. How about your cultivation for hundreds of years? Could it be that the longer your cultivation, the better? Not always.

Lu Potian has always disliked the idea of ​​seniority. When he was a so-called white-collar worker, there were some Old Guys in the office who couldn’t even draw CAD quickly. Some blueprints might not work for a long time, so go to the workshop. You know nonsense when you deal with technical problems, but you still have to put on a posture that you know the machinery industry well. Pointing at the youngster who has just joined the work, chirping, and the novice tone is a little bit aggressive. These Old Guys think that the youngsters have no idea. The elder is not sensible. They often make small reports in front of the so-called leaders, so that people can’t add them when processing capital. This kind of Old Guy, Lu Potian thinks it is worse than the traitor. If it could kill people, Lu Potian would have picked up the monitor and killed these Old Guys earlier.

Thunderbolt fire makes Lu Potian recall the modern Old Guy. Although he has killed a lot of Perakist dísciples, he feels very upset. Who said that in this World, you can kill people casually, but you won’t be punished by any law.

After Lu Potian killed a Perak pie dísciple, he pointed the tip of his knife at Perak Fire, shouted loudly: “Thunderbolt Fire, you have a veteran status, what’s wrong with disrespect and not giving you face? Isn’t it? Will you be pissed off? You Old Guy always like to let the jumble of trash under your door interfere with my life. For this reason, I will join Beimanlang and worship you Xianyunfeng.”

As soon as Lu Potian said this, Kun Xuzi immediately said: “Lu Potian! You are no longer my discipline.”

Lu Potian also has no affection for Kun Xuzi, loudly said: “You accept me as a disciple. At that time, I must have predicted where I am now, right? What are you going to use me for? Actually, I don’t know how I became your discipline. What methods did you use to coax me into becoming your discipline?”

Lu Potian was transferred from God World to this place by the people of the Northern Plains dynasty, and took the body of Lu Potian from this World. Ji Realm divine sense obliterated all his memories. I really don’t know how to become Kun Xuzi’s hypocrisy Of the person’s discipline.

Kun Xuzi heard Lu Potian’s words like this, but she was very angry in her heart, but she didn’t say anything.

Lu Potian again loudly said: “I, Lu Potian, are no longer your Kunxuzi’s discipline. I am now the Sect Master of the World Breaking Sect. I will fight for this Alliance Leader.” Lu After Potian finished speaking, the Xuanlong Knife whirled, slashed forward, and then picked up ten thousand zhang dust.

Kun Xuzi suddenly pinched his tactics, but he couldn’t think of Lu Potian’s Xuanlong Sword and Angry Blood Sword. He couldn’t take it back.

Divine Sword shop Dao of Refining is really superb. Kun Xuzi could not recall the sword, and wanted to kill Lu Potian himself. Lu Potian can’t get rid of it. In front of so many Sects, in front of so many people, Lu Potian didn’t give him the face of the first Sect Master in the profound school. The Emperor Imperial Capital wanted to respect his Senior Brother. You Lu Potian was so arrogant. It must be killed, even if Eastern Allure obstructs it, it will be shot.

Pili Huo has long been eager to have a try, and he is waiting for Kun Xuzi to get angry. He doesn’t need any face because of the thunderbolt, killing Lu Potian can save all the face. Kun Xuzi, don’t you still make a move now?

Sure enough, Kun Xuzi rose from the sky. Upon seeing the thunderbolt, he naturally floated up.

The two masters of the first and second authentic schools of Xuanmen shot at the same time, and their aura is not small.

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