
“Then how to deal with the evildoer like Lu Potian?”

“Clean up the door and kill it! “Eight dísciple replied quickly, and almost immediately after answering, he placed Formation. Gui Tianzi said anxiously: “Master, Little Junior Brother, even if they are suspected of entering the demonic path, they can still be influenced. Moreover, whether the Perak Sect is Four Great Elders or the top ten rising stars, its character is really very low. You can’t kill it too much.”

“Gui Tianzi, you have been in the peak for a long time, don’t be fooled by words. What are you waiting for, have you forgotten the sect rules?” Kun Xuzi is very majestic To say.

Gui Tianzi didn’t finish saying the word “I”, and there was a scent of flowers. The person who came was the Eastern Allure. Unexpectedly, the patriarchs of Dongfang Aristocratic Family are here. Many women in the Martial Practice Stage protected Lu Potian and the other three.

Although Pilihuo was extremely angry and enmity erupted, he had to stop. For Dongfang Aristocratic Family, even Imperial Court Da Nei Chao Grade 1 Daowu swordmaster, and several Earth Immortal generations, will Not to conflict with Dongfang Aristocratic Family. Naturally, he has to weigh his own weight. Didn’t this have just performed two killer moves and failed to win the three Juniors such as Lu Potian? This face is really ashamed.

And the eight dísciples of Guanghui Zong were naturally shot by Dongfang Qingcheng. With a stroke of sleeves, the eight dísciples floated in the air. The feeling in my heart is like the spring of the cattle class, carefree, free of enmity. No desire, peace of mind, the blue sky is really beautiful.

When Guanghuizong saw Dongfang Qingcheng, he was very guarded, and even some Divine Soul fell. The Eastern Alluring is so beautiful and alluring. There are many Sect boys who sprayed a few liters of nosebleed gel directly.

Eastern Allure said to Kun Xuzi: “Glory Sect Master, it looks like Heavenly Immortal.”

Kun Xuzi immediately adjusted his mentality and said: “Patriarch Dongfang is overwhelmed, Patriarch Dongfang Heavenly Immortal is born. I am a worldly man and I admire the most.” As for how to kill Lu Potian, I have to find another way, compelled by circumstances, and launch a surprise attack.

Eastern Allure is slightly smiled, without saying humble words. Only said: “Glorious Sect Master can let the competition of selecting Alliance Leader go ahead again.” Kun Xuzi was taken aback. After looking at the field, Lu Potian and the other three stood outside the Martial Practice Stage very well.

The Zhangshen palm print in the center of the Martial Practice Stage, the women of the Dongfang Aristocratic Family, did not know what spell they used, and immediately recovered.

Kun Xuzi secretly thought: It seems that the old man’s speculation is wrong. The people of Dongfang Aristocratic Family just want to come and see the Alliance Leader election. When they see confusion, they will immediately mediate, which is very easy to mediate.

Pilihuo originally didn’t want to pay attention to the Dongfang Aristocratic Family members, but he repeatedly used his killer moves, but was easily resolved by the women who surrounded Lu Potian and the other three, and Oriental Allure came to the scene in person. The thunderbolt has to be suppressed, and it won’t work if you don’t suppress it. Even these women in front of you can’t beat it. What kind of bird power is needed to perform?

For that, Thunderbolt will shout: “Eastern Allure, it is rumored that you are jealous and hateful. Those three are first-rate evildoers. Why not get rid of them, but save them? Not take the side of the evil -Doer?”

“Thunderclap Palm, I came here to watch the Alliance Leader test, so the order is messed up, if two weeks can’t select an Alliance Leader, then we will go to the north and south of the great country The people are much more oppressed by Fanbang evildoers.” Dongfang Qingcheng said. These words bet back the words of Thunderbolt.

Whether the three Lu Potians are evildoers, we have to say otherwise. As for you, you must insist on killing the three who have no evidence to prove that they hurt the people. You are helping the evildoers in the northern and southern countries.

Thunderbolt of fire snorted, but didn’t say much. It can’t be said, if he insists on quarreling, he knows the virtues of Elder and the rising star, because he is not correct.

Thunderbolt of fire was held back with hatred, if these slut did not come, I would have killed these three little bastard. You slut, it’s so fucking disgusting. However, I looked at the girls of Dongfang Aristocratic Family, all of them were beautiful and alluring, and immediately became lewd in my heart, and cursed: You lads, I one after another will kill you all. It can be seen that Pilihuo’s personal ethics is several times more lewd than Lu Potian.

Xuanmen various sects all know that Dongfang Aristocratic Family is not easy to provoke, but the performance of Kun Xuzi and Pilihuo is too useless. Is Dongfang Aristocratic Family really terrifying? People are dominated by women. However, everyone has criticism, and they can only speak behind Kun Xuzi and Pilihuo in the future. With the appearance of Dongfang Aristocratic Family, whether it is the Guanghui Sect, the Perak Sect, or the Azure Bamboo Sect, its prestige in the arena will naturally be shaken.

The order of the competition quickly returned to its original state. There are people from the Dongfang Aristocratic Family, and even Kun Xuzi and Pilihuo are sitting back and forth. Are you guys still making a lot of noise? Stand up honestly!

Wei Xun and Luo Junqing were not arrogant to the point of killing them back. It was because they still got the news that Beimanlang had rushed to Chihe City. It seems that the arrogant Beimanlang also wants to consume some of the strength of the Thunderbolt faction in Chihe City.

The reason why Lu Potian and the two of them can get together is only because Lu Potian explained some benefits. What loyalty is not loyal is illusory without knowing the foundation of the other party. Wei Xun and Luo Junqing have naturally heard of Lu Potian’s reputation. Moreover, Lu Potian made several strikes against the Perak faction, which is also clear to them.

So, the three birds of a feather hit it off. As for the ingenious cooperation between Lu Potian and Wei Xun and Luo Junqing, that is the perception of Lu Potian’s fight. During those days in Yunhaifeng, Lu Potian inadvertently made a lot of diligence, defeating the Three Great Elders of the Perak faction by one person, as if he had the strength of Grade 1 swordmaster. And his comprehension of the internal strength mental method of the Glory School has already surpassed the internal strength required by the Grade 1 Daowu swordmaster.

Kun Xuzi thought from the perspective of Lu Potian’s soaring strength, but he completely ignored the purification of Lu Potian’s mind. After all, Lu Potian killed his life when he shot it. It’s hard to think of how pure his mind is.

What Lu Potian, Wei Xun, and Luo Junqing did not expect is that the Dongfang Aristocratic Family will appear in time when their three people are in danger, but Beimanlang has not yet arrived. Is this a coincidence or a peculiar arrangement?

Lu Potian will not think about that many things. For the Perak Sect, for the Kun Xuzi of the Guanghui Sect, and his so-called Master in this World, Lu Potian will not have any good feelings.

These siblings do not know the goal he is pursuing now. Being friends with them, Lu Potian felt very sick from the bottom of his heart.

Lu Potian thinks that he doesn’t know what justice is. He only knows what makes him unhappy and prevents him from going down. That is evil and must be eliminated. Keep the probation? Lu Potian does not have this leisure. For evil things, resolutely implement the strategy of kill to the last one. Probably, I am not a god, Lu Potian.

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