And Lu Potian’s angry Blood Sword has flown out of the sword box. Lu Potian prepared for the worst, at best he would die.

Furthermore, Lu Potian thinks he wants to die by himself, it is not easy.

Beimanlang also floated up, and the five people who came with him naturally floated up too. Gui Tianzi and others had to float up too. These guys can stand out of thin air, and their Qi Condensation Realm world has already turned their heads. In this way, Dongfang Qingcheng finally knew some of the foundations of these people, and most of them should have revealed all the foundations. That’s great.

When Kun Xuzi and Pilihuo joined forces to pounce on Lu Potian, Beiman Wolf flew out of a weird weapon behind his head, but it was a wolf fang club. After flying out, it instantly transformed, became bigger, and slammed it down. . Pilihuo complexion greatly changed, Beimanlang was able to hide weapons behind his head, and his weapons have been upgraded to the so-called first-class magic weapon of the fairy family. What happened to this couple was such an immortal fate.

Pilihuo was so forced by Beimanlang that he had to avoid it. Dongfang Qingcheng naturally stopped Kun Xuzi. No matter how profound Kun Xuzi’s endurance skills are, it is unbearable, shouted loudly: “This is something within my Glory Sect, why should Patriarch Dongfang interfere?”

Dongfang Qingcheng directly put Kun Xuzi aside, said with a slight smile: “It’s not that I want to interfere, it’s the emperor who has come up.” Dongfang Qingcheng pointed to the sky. The god of heaven has come.

There are ten super Grade 1 swordmasters around him. The Lord of Heaven came, and most of them knelt directly.

And Lu Potian feels very ridiculous, this river and lake are all built into temples? Lu Potian was still standing horizontally in the center of the Martial Practice Stage. He took a look at Qian Tianzi, but he didn’t feel any amazing murderous aura from him. Instead, he felt very peaceful. Just like when Dongfang Qingcheng was on the stage, that feeling really made people unable to give birth to any killing intent.

The master of various sects, such as Kunxuzi and Pilihuo, did not kneel down, but bowed to show respect. Beimanlang, Wei Xun, Luo Junqing and others have never knelt down or bowed. Even in the eyes of Beimanlang, there was a raging fire and a fire of revenge. But, soon, the fire in his eyes was quickly extinguished. Because Dongfang Qingcheng glanced at Beimanlang.

Qian Tianzi said to Kunxuzi: “Kunxuzi, for the foreigners in the North and South borders, they are already going to enter the city and seize the land. Whoever participates in the competition is the one who is strong and powerful? The competition is over. Huh?”

Kun Xuzi said: “Not yet!”

“Then continue to try.” Qian Tianzi said very flatly. He never glanced at Lu Potian in the court. And everyone heard the tone of Qian Tianzi talking to Kun Xuzi, it seemed that it was only this. However, the brains of Thunderbolt and others don’t think so. This was on a formal occasion, and now that Tianzi Qian is the Emperor, he naturally has to pay attention to his status and status. The tone of Qian Tianzi is so lukewarm, that must be done.

Qian Tianzi opened his mouth to let the competition continue, and naturally it continued. Lu Potian in the field couldn’t help shaking his head and sneer, secretly said in one’s heart: This official-oriented bird world is a good world that breeds slavery.

Lu Potian did not retreat, because Kun Xuzi and Pilihuo reached an agreement through their eyes. Whether it is from the Pili school, the Guanghui school, or the Azure Bamboo school, they all compete with Lu Potian of the Tiantian school. Position of Alliance Leader. Qian Tianzi didn’t say anything like the need for fairness and justice, let alone any character that is bad.

Kun Xuzi was still a little worried at first that Tianzi would say that he couldn’t do it around one person like this, but Tianzi kept silent and just looked at the competition field with a very flat look. Therefore, Kun Xuzi and Pilihuo believed that Qian Tianzi acquiesced in this method of taking turns in the battle. Lu Potian did not step down for a moment. When Gui Tianzi wanted to say something, Kun Xuzi asked Gui Tianzi to play and competed with Lu Potian, who was the Breakthrough faction, for the Alliance Leader.

Gui Tianzi hesitated and said: “Master, this Alliance Leader, let Little Junior Brother do it.”

Kun Xuzi said: “I will know after the comparison!” Kun Xuziyi The sleeves seemed to be mad, but in reality Gui Tianzi was sent to the battlefield. When Pilihuo saw that Kun Xuzi still had such a trick, his heart was a little shocked.

After Kun Xuzi performed this trick, he looked at Dongfang Qingcheng, but he didn’t expect that Dongfang Qingcheng’s eyes were just looking at Lu Potian in the middle of the field. impossible, is this move not attractive to you?

Guitianzi reached the center of the Martial Practice Stage and stood facing Lu Potian. Gui Tianzi said with emotion: “Little Junior Brother, I haven’t seen you for a long time, you have become stronger and more sophisticated, and your immature face has been stolen by the years.”

Lu Potian said: “Guitianzi Senior Brother, now I am the Sect Master of the Heavenly Breaking Sect. The relationship with the Guanghui Sect, whether you are foe or friend, is up to you.” Lu Potian Xuanlong knife thrust into his side, said solemnly.

Lu Potian has no dissatisfaction with Gui Tianzi, nor does he have any favorable impressions. Lu Potian is still very grateful to Gui Tianzi for still having the friendship of the senior and junior brothers. However, Lu Potian does not insist on what he thinks is correct for Gui Tianzi, and blindly respects Kun Xuzi. Lu Potian thinks this is too servile, and Lu Potian does not like to be too close to such a person. He worried that his only soberness would be enslaved.

Guitianzi doesn’t think about servility and non-servitude. He only knows that Revered Master is a virtue that everyone must have. And the Little Junior Brother in front of him is completely gone. Gui Tianzi only hopes that Lu Potian can change his mind. If it really doesn’t change, then it is really necessary to clean up the portal. Therefore, Gui Tianzi said to Lu Potian: “Little Junior Brother, you don’t have to go alone.”

Lu Potian heard, already understood the meaning of Gui Tianzi’s words, and said straightly: “Darkness In the world, there must be someone who will follow the light.”

“But this world is not dark!”

“Guitianzi Senior Brother can walk around alone, even if not, within the sect, you can also see a lot of darkness.”

Gui Tianzi indifferent expression, this is the truth. But this is not who is responsible. Even if you are responsible, don’t Little Junior Brother. You should be responsible, right? Gui Tianzi said again: “Little Junior Brother, do you have to insist on this?” Gui Tianzi’s eyes became a little cold.

Lu Potian, seeing Gui Tianzi like this, naturally increased his vigilance. In his impression, Gui Tianzi had never looked at himself with such eyes. Lu Potian fully understands Gui Tianzi’s current mood and situation, and also knows that Gui Tianzi is actually doing his own good. However, Lu Potian just didn’t want to pretend to be grandson in front of Kun Xuzi, and didn’t want to be used by Kun Xuzi. Lu Potian didn’t say any more, and drew the Xuanlong Knife.

Lu Potian draws a knife and returns to Tianzi to brush his sleeves. Lu Potian uses the sword as the sword, and Gui Tianzi uses the sleeve as the sword. At the same time, the two presented Xuanlong Sword Art’s rise, and at the same time displayed Xuanlong Sword Art “Snow Dancing”. The moves of the two are smooth and steady, and they are quite decent.

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