Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 992 What is a great swordsman!

Even if we win, it will only be victory in war, not the use of the almighty cauldron to realize our wishes.

Watching Saber continue to fight against the Command Seal, Kiritsugu was also very angry.

He has paid a huge price to create a situation like today. If the mission fails due to the lack of cooperation of his servants, then they will face the revenge of a terrifying figure who is extremely decisive in killing.

Seeing Saber's struggle, Jin Shining laughed with his hands in his hands. It was the biggest joke that the noble King of Knights fell into a traitor.

It's really a good show, Kirei. This kind of betrayal really makes me feel strangely happy.

And Kirei also had the same expression. He seemed to have found the meaning of his existence, and the holes began to be filled.

It's just that the person who was trapped in the trap didn't seem to give them the expression they wanted to see. He was clearly betrayed by his own people, but why wasn't he angry or desperate?

Noah, who was fighting, had an unusually calm expression and said while fighting.

Kiritsugu, what is the price for betraying me?

Kotomine Kirei restrained himself and asked Gilgamesh to kill the conquering king Iskandar.

One for one? From a tactical perspective, it's not a mistake.

Then Noah tried to open the door and leave with his hand, but the mercury-like light reverberated in the space, disrupting the opening of the door.

Taking out some modern weapons from the portable space is not too affected.

It is relatively simple for me to cut off the space in this small world. As long as you arrange it in advance and activate it, you will have no chance to leave unless you can use EX level space ability.

But judging from the few times you have used it, it has not reached this level, so don’t waste your efforts.

The King of Heroes has many treasures, and there are really many treasures with space capabilities in the Age of Gods.

As for those modern technological creations, this is not a deep mountain forest, and you probably won't be able to use powerful weapons.

Kotomine Kirei stood aside and said these words calmly, and also said that these were all tactics formulated by Emiya Kiritsugu. It was really professional to have someone who knew you well to betray and kill you.

After hearing these words, Emiya Kiritsugu understood that this was to bring hatred to Nora, and if something unexpected happened, he might be the first to die.

But it doesn't matter to him. He has already given his soul to the devil, so he should do it thoroughly.

Finally, the King of Knights could no longer disobey the command of the Command Seal, and instead killed Noah with anger, unwillingness and guilt.

The Wind King barrier on the sword has dissipated, and the bright sword of oath and victory reveals its true appearance.

I'm sorry! Run away!

It doesn't matter, it's just a fight, it's worth remembering.

Noah still calmly raised Wado Yimonji, blocking left and right.

He quickly demonstrated his swordsmanship abilities, could predict the future by seeing, hearing, and sensing emotions, and strengthened his weapons and color, etc.

With the presence of Avalon, the great swordsman, whose strength and patience attributes have been slightly improved, is outstanding at the moment.

One sword is faster than the other, and one sword is heavier than the other. The sound of swords clashing was deafening.

Saber and Berserker are both masters of swordsmanship, especially Berserker. Although he has not drawn his sword, he can strike threats one after another with just the weapons he holds.

This high-tempo fighting in the rain of swords is slowly awakening Noah's instinct, and the word Hedao is gradually blooming with more edge in the flicker.

Fighting until the blood boils is like sublimating one's skills. The red sword energy actually suppresses two top heroes in a small area.

There are more and more dots of cold light, like fire surrounding the enemy.

What does it mean to be called a great swordsman only when he is at the pinnacle of swordsmanship? This is what a great swordsman is.

The masters who were watching were all stunned by how brave this was. There was also a hint of fighting spirit in Jin Shining's eyes. Of course, close combat was impossible. He might be beaten on the spot if he went up.

That kind of red sword energy seems to have the power to split mountains and seas. The only way to suppress it is to use the original Noble Phantasm to suppress it.


Saber was angry that she was controlled by the command spell to attack Noah, and secondly, she was angry that even if she joined forces with others, she would still be at a disadvantage in terms of martial arts.

When he made a move, a flaw was revealed. Noah's eyes flashed red, and he leaned forward and struck out with a sword.

This sword could remove an arm, but it was blocked by a weapon covered in black lines.

It may be that Noah's strength awakened Berserker's true fighting spirit, adding a little more structure besides madness and instinct.

The battle that followed went on to a point where most people couldn't understand it.

The cooperation between Berserker and Saber is becoming more and more tacit. Even though Berserker, shrouded in black mist, often struggles to kill Saber, he will block it when Saber is in danger.

Since then, their swordsmanship and fighting methods against Noah have become more and more consistent. No matter what Saber thinks, the temporary comrades beside her understand her so well. It feels like she is in twelve undefeated battles.

It played the role of 1+1\u003e2, and slowly it returned to a tie from a disadvantage.

Even with Noah's level as a great swordsman, it was a bit difficult to deal with it. After all, the two opponents were both top knights who had experienced hundreds of battles.

Dazzling sword moves and violent sword energy erupted in this small space. In just a few minutes, this ancient magic-strengthened mansion was riddled with holes.

Noah didn't even think it was a trap, but instead became happier the more he fought.

If it's just this level, it won't solve me.

Even though Jin Shining hasn't taken action yet, Noah is still calm. He wants to see what other tricks the other party has. At the same time, red will waves began to appear on his body, as if he was about to exert force.

Kiritsugu looked at the battle situation with a gloomy expression, never expecting that an Avalon could increase Noah's combat power so much.

He was obviously on par with Saber at the beginning, but it turned out that was just his lower limit.

If that's the case, that's really the only way.

Gilgamesh, you have to take action after I use my last resort.

No problem, let me see your methods.

Jin Shining agreed happily and roughly guessed what it was.

At this time, in a corner of Fuyuki City, a doll raised its arm.

The feeling of guilt in the soul is almost completely transmitted through the mind between the curse seal and the servant.

Irisviel understood how absurd what she was about to do was, and she actually abandoned her conscience to hurt her savior.

He has lost everything for the ideal he pursues... The contradiction of trying to save things that cannot be saved has made him constantly punished and lost... Even I am one of them. Before this, he had been forced to make decisions , abandoning the one you love...

As a dreamer, Kiritsugu is too kind. Even for someone he knows he will lose one day, he can't help but give his love...

So I'm sorry, Noah.

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