Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 991 Betrayal starts with Saber

Anything in the room can become a Noble Phantasm, even if you don't use your real Noble Phantasm, Xiaolan's painful struggle is unknown under the mask.

At this moment, Matong Yanye's figure appeared deep in the mansion. Emiya Kiritsugu took out his weapon and prepared to fight.

At this time he turned to look at Noah.

If you come together at this time, we can capture the enemy as soon as possible, and then we retreat. Too much fluctuation in the battle will attract other servants.

Gilgamesh will show up at any moment, and Iskandar too.

After hearing this, Noah still did not come forward, but just watched the battle between the two people in front.

It's not a simple battle, but an extreme fight. Berserker's true identity can hardly be hidden anymore.

Saber kicked open the long table that looked like a chariot and finally captured a certain chance of victory. Today's enemy seems to be a little sluggish, without the natural martial arts skills before.

He raised the sword high with both hands, betting victory on this top-down killing blow.

Posture, speed, timing. All factors are very complete, and it definitely lives up to the name of the Holy Sword Heroic Spirit. Because of this, when the sword was blocked in mid-air, Saber was naturally shocked.

Berserker actually clapped his palms in front of his eyes, holding the blade of the Wind King's Barrier between his hands to block it.

How can this be!

The black-armored knight blocked the Wind King's Barrier with his bare hands, as if he already knew the shape and length of the sword in Saber's hand.

At the critical moment, besides kicking the enemy away, she felt even more confused.

At this time, Noah could feel that Kiritsugu was getting a little anxious, and Berserker, who was unable to unleash his full strength, was falling into a disadvantage. It would be embarrassing if they were defeated by Saber early.



Noah did not directly break through to the interior of the Tosaka mansion, but opened the door in front of Matou Kariya.

Seeing that Master Noah was still a little dazed, he slashed out a sword energy without hesitation. No matter what, it would be over if he killed this Master first~~.

However, it was blocked by a Noble Phantasm, and the famous sword in history was stuck in the floor, because the Master of Berserker could not leave at this time.

Kirei, it seems that the trap you set has been seen.

A gorgeous golden light flashed, and a young man with blond hair and red eyes appeared on the other side of the door.

A priest came from behind and expressed his relief.

But didn't he still come? Noah is a good man.

What an evil duo they are, no surprises at all.

I will come here today no matter what, because I know that the Magician's bottom line is very low. Even if I don't come here, there are other places I have to go to.

Finally, a good person? I don't like that name, because it's just a name for someone who is good for you. Right, Kiritsugu?

Upon hearing this, Emiya Kiritsugu's pupils shrank a little, but were controlled by his nerves.

What's the meaning?

Actually, one of my abilities is called seeing, hearing, and color. It can also be called the ability that includes a little bit of future vision and mind's eye. Of course, I can also feel a little bit of emotions.

It turned out that this was the case. The magician let go and his eyes blurred. The distance between him and Noah had been separated by a magic.

And Noah was also moved to the middle of the field. Four gold-embellished spears were inserted into the four corners of Tohsaka's mansion, surrounding the place like a colosseum.

The sense of space becomes as viscous as mercury in perception. This place became a death place that no one could leave.

It was also a trap aimed at Noah, surrounded by malice from all sides, and the picture was clearly visible at this moment.

At the same time, Berserker, who had been fighting, disappeared and appeared next to Mitong Kariya. The battle was disrupted instantly.

Saber was a little surprised by the instant change of scene and the extra Gilgamesh. She felt as if she and Noah were the ones who fell into the trap.

Berserker, kill Noah with all your strength.

Matou Kariya, who had no ups and downs in his tone, used a command spell to force the servant to change his target during the duel with Saber.

The berserker shrouded in black mist roared unwillingly, and then killed Noah, who was unusually calm.

The protagonists in the battlefield also switched candidates. Hedao Yiwen kept chopping those inexplicable and ingenious treasures, and sparks kept flickering in the limited space.

But Noah is not a Saber. The great swordsman from the sea is not inferior to the enemy's infinite martial arts.

The complete integration of the mind and body can exert powerful combat capabilities without any mental influence.

The duel between the two in martial arts is more like a visual feast.

Saber, who was still in a dazed state, was a little at a loss.

Kiritsugu! What are you doing?

What is surprising is that although Emiya Kiritsugu does not stand with Kotomine Kirei and the others, judging from the hostility emanating from them, they are actually on the same team.

Saber had an unbelievable thought in her heart. It was definitely a fact that she could not accept.

With her heart sinking, Saber did not object to the use of machinations to achieve victory without relying on the power of her servants.

Kiritsugu had real and legitimate reasons for pursuing the Holy Grail. She could understand Kiritsugu's desire to do everything possible to improve his chances of winning and ensure that everything was foolproof.

But betrayal? !

This is something that the King of Knights will never tolerate, and it will bring shame to his own kingship.

But Kiritsugu ignored Saber's words and looked at Noah.

Sorry Noah, you are too powerful.

I will never give up on the Holy Grail, and you will definitely stop me, so I can only let you leave early here.

This extreme idealist attempts to use his own dark means to achieve his goals, and it is time for Noah to push aside the obstacle that is blocking his path.

There is apprehension, fear, and jealousy.

Yes, there is also jealousy. Ellie saw a lot in her dream, and when she relayed it to Kiritsugu, his heart became even colder.

Because Noah didn't seem to use those dark methods to save the world, this definitely can't be true.

He raised his arm and activated one of the three Command Seals given by the Holy Grail in this war.

Announcement: saber! Attack Noah with all your strength.

Wha, what?

Feeling the riot of magic power in her body and the forced instructions from the Holy Grail, Saber was in extreme shock at this moment. She gritted her teeth to resist this incredible instruction.

Emiya Kiritsugu! How dare you use a curse to force me to betray my comrades! I will kill you!

Saber's hand stopped in mid-air tremblingly, and the turbulent flow of magic power on the armor was causing waves of wind pressure.

But even resisting with all her heart was of no use, she was walking towards Noah step by step.

Arthur would never accept this ending. This caused the glory of the King of Knights to be completely thrown to the ground and trampled on.

Saber, don't be naive. Noah will not allow anyone to use the Holy Grail to change history and the future of mankind. Do you understand!

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