Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 993: In the name of the command curse, stop resisting.

In the name of the Command Seal, stop resisting.

The power of the command spell coming from the Holy Grail made Noah's body stagnant. It turned out to be this.

boom! ! ! !

Noah's whole body burst out with strong domineering energy, which abruptly dissipated this coercive force, and then continued to compete with the opponent.

But this step is too late. Two sword lights flashed past, leaving two sword marks on his body.

But that's all, Hedao Yiwen returned to his previous speed. Even more violent.

The more adversity faced, the stronger Noah's sword skills became.

Noah, who was surrounded by red domineering energy at this moment, felt very ridiculous after feeling the apology coming from the void.

Sure enough, there are very few normal people on the mysterious side. Have you dragged Ellie into the water? How could a 9-year-old girl have such awareness to bear the darkness of betrayal?

Besides, only you, who is also a child, can believe Emiya Kiritsugu's childlike thoughts.

The terrifying domineering energy surged from Noah's body like a tide, washing over everyone layer by layer.

But most of the power is competing with the mandatory restriction of the command spell. How can human will be controlled by such a degree of mystery?

Command Seal: You must listen to me.

Domineering: Get out!

This is the status quo.

You can't even have a short-term impact?

Sure enough, Noah was immune to the influence of the Command Seal. One of Kiritsugu's suspicions was completely confirmed. At this moment, his eyes became more and more sick. Now that he had taken action, he must not leave anyone alive.

Gilgamesh, you guys need to take action as soon as possible.


Seeing Noah in the trap, he was resisting the power of the command spell while suppressing two top powerhouses.

Such a gesture already made Jin Shining envious.

He has always been the center of attention, and ever since Noah came on the scene, he has always grabbed this honor.

It really makes people jealous. Haha.

The golden light rippled behind Jin Shining, and some noble phantoms began to appear in the void among the ripples, which put great mental pressure on Noah.

When locked, every Noble Phantasm above level B will give the enemy a sense of threat of being locked.

He wanted to see if Noah had any chance of struggling. Will the human will change after experiencing betrayal and siege?

Feeling the growing sense of danger in the void, Noah looked at Kiritsugu.

There are three heroic spirits, the sword class who is the strongest in melee combat, the mad class who trades reason for strength, and the most buggy Jin Shining in this battle.

As well as the power of the command spell that can theoretically be enforced, everything is really ready.

No wonder Emiya Kiritsugu agreed to make up his mind to surround and kill him. This game was indeed very stable.

However, it’s time to fight back on your own.

Since the death of Big Bear and Ivankov in the battle of 1516 A.D., Noah has become extremely sensitive to betrayal.

Because the feeling of guilt over the death of his comrades almost made him feel the first tragic failure in his life.

The Battle of Pioneer Island was just a little bit close, really just a little bit close, and the entire South China Sea would be strangled to death by the World Government.

If Bucky hadn't turned the tide in the new world, or if Zefa hadn't joined the revolutionary army on the spot.

Maybe the lights will go out that year.

Just one small detail was not noticed, that is, human will and emotions will change over time. This is a painful lesson.

So after sensing something was wrong, he immediately conducted an investigation that day.

The pretender's ability allows him to assume the identities of various people and travel through the city, and his spatial ability allows him to visit every sensitive corner of the city throughout the day.

Top-notch breath blocking is used with great proficiency. The color of knowledge gives him the background to see through the conspiracy.

When it comes to making reverse plans and making plans, Noah is the strongest among them.

As the priest was walking in the forest, a pedestrian who stopped to greet him disappeared around the corner.

The commanding height where Kiritsugu was located was a hotel suite. A cleaning lady disappeared after cleaning this floor in the corridor.

The homeless people outside the safe house arranged by Kuu Maiya walked back and forth without anyone paying attention.

All these conspiracies were discovered by Noah one step ahead.

Although they couldn't get close when they discussed the details at the end, they also made a rough guess.

Emiya Kiritsugu's serious words of warning were not taken seriously by the other party.

“No matter what you do, be prepared to pay the price.”

A confident smile appeared on the face of the besieged.

Um? !

Noah took out a magic item from the space. There is only a little bit of magic fluctuation on the colorless crystal, which is more like an introduction to a magic ritual.

Emiya Kiritsugu paid more attention to the fact that this material was somewhat similar to the material used by Eri when she transferred her soul.

There are even some similarities in fluctuations.

An ominous premonition appeared in his mind.

not good! The crowned puppet master was hired by Noah, and when he said goodbye, he didn't know what happened between the two people.

The doll can keep its arms in a separate posture, so that it will not easily affect more soul bodies. Do you understand?

The first step is to capture the Command Seal.

Gently crushing the crystal, Kuu Maiya, who was running away with the doll in the distance, felt the scream of Alli's soul.

Strange magic lines appeared on the doll's appearance, and a tearing force appeared out of thin air.

The doll's arm with the command spell suddenly began to disintegrate uncontrollably, and the arm on the soul body was also burning.

The burning feeling that penetrated deep into her soul made Ellie feel incredible pain, which was one of the costs.

What happened? The command spell belonging to Noah is actually leaving the master's body. Neither Airi nor Maiya are orthodox magicians, and they are unable to resist this power.

No, Command Seal!! Kiritsugu!! I'm sorry!

Before Ellie could react, her arm was burned to the ground, and the command spell disappeared through the void.

Maiya immediately took out his communicator to contact Kiritsugu.

Oops, Ellie's Command Seal was taken away, and her arm was seriously injured.

Kiritsugu felt a little panicked, and his eyes were bloodshot with fear.

Noah, what did you do to Ally?

It's just stripping away things that don't belong to her. Do you remember what I told you? There is a price to pay for doing things.

Aozaki Chengzi, who was far away in Guanfuzi City, felt a little helpless when he looked at the curse mark on the duplicate soul body that came across the void.

It actually got to this point after all. We are an honest businessman, this is just a little trick, it shouldn't be too much.

But when Noah came to see her yesterday, he provided a lot of valuable materials.

Although these are things that are difficult to obtain and trade in the outside world, the Matou family crest is a bit eye-catching after all.

But it’s Noah who has been dealing with her all this time, so high-quality customers must be well maintained.

The battlefield situation in Tohsaka Residence suddenly changed.

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