Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 990 Seeing and hearing the strangeness in sex

No one knows what Noah did on this day. This is the advantage of acting alone EX.

When he came back, he sat calmly in the restaurant and thought deeply.

There were only two people eating in the entire Einzbern Castle, one was himself and the other was Saber.

Airi is now a doll among dolls, and the two maids are also fighting weapons. Kiritsugu and Maiya never eat together and are very vigilant.

So all this food went into the mouths of two heroic spirits who didn't need to eat.

Wangwei also did not lag behind when it came to eating, and Saber ate very happily. This may be the only comfort this Holy Grail War brought her.

At this time Kiritsugu came over.

Noah, we found traces of Matou Kariya, let's go together to end this poor man tomorrow. Berserker's uncertainty in the war is a great threat.

Saber, you go too.

The King of Knights didn't even expect that he would have the opportunity to go out on the field. Doesn't this man dislike him very much?

But out of her own creed, she agreed directly.

What about Ellie?

I asked Maiya to take Airi's soul body to a safe house outside for a while. Anything could happen in the last two days. The target of Einzbern Castle is too big, and it is not within the four spiritual veins. There is no point in defending it. Not big anymore.”

This reason is normal, but in the end they did not reveal their course of action, which seemed to be very cautious.

The strange thing is that Noah never responded.

Do you have any other plans for tomorrow? Now that the Holy Grail War is coming to an end, it is not easy to find a master's position.

By the way, the environment inside the urban area is relatively complex, and those modern weapons can no longer be used.

Emiya Kiritsugu said with a normal expression.

No matter the tone, reasons, breathing, or heartbeat, they are all impeccable. Because of the inherent time control, Kiritsugu's control over the body is extremely exaggerated to a certain extent.

Noah still didn't speak, but he felt a little helpless. His sight color was actually a special sight color.

Although he does not have the ability to read through memories directly like the Red Earl and Princess Otohime, there is still no problem in sensing some emotions with the heart seal.

From his perspective, Emiya Kiritsugu's current mood contained a hint of fear and fanaticism.

Noah could only sigh softly, must we go to this point? Someone is bound to quit in this battle.

It's a pity that the cooperation is quite pleasant so far, even though it is one-sided by him.

.All right.

Noah's brief answer calmed Emiya Kiritsugu's mood a lot.

Then he nodded to Noah and the others naturally and left, but Noah still stopped him when he walked out of the restaurant door.

Based on my experience in my previous life, I will give you two pieces of advice.

First, no matter what you do, you must be prepared to pay a price, a huge price.

Second, the greater the goal, the less shortcuts there are, so don’t regret it.

With his back to Noah, Kiritsugu trembled but said nothing.

Only the Tompson Center on his waist could give him a sense of security. He calmed down a little and then nodded and left.

Whether Noah sees it or not, it will eventually happen.

This is the advantage that magicians have when facing most heroic spirits, that is, they have no moral bottom line.

Saber stopped eating at this moment, and with her emotional intelligence, she also felt the weird atmosphere between the two.

Is there any conflict between you and Emiya Kiritsugu?

not yet.

After Noah finished speaking, he also left here. All will be revealed tomorrow.

On the second day, the three people were ready to go to the mission location.

Tohsaka Residence in Fuyuki City.

It is also one of the four major spiritual power gathering places in Fuyuki City. One of the ancient three imperial families sits here and runs his own magic path.

There are four lands in the Fuyuki Land that have enough spiritual power to be used as places to summon the Holy Grail.

As the provider of land, the Tohsaka family could have given priority to the best spiritual veins as their base, but the magic filled with Enzo Mountain was too powerful and too dangerous to be used as a living place to cultivate the next generation of magicians, so they Only then did he build a house in the Second Spirit Vein, which is now the Tohsaka Residence.

Although it is not as big as the Holy Grail, there is enough spiritual support to allow the Holy Grail to descend.

This is why Tohsaka Mansion is so famous here, but he never left his home when the Holy Grail War was so dangerous.

Because this is the second spiritual vein, Tokiomi is not allowed to retreat.

In fact, the Matou family was in the same situation. They had the third spiritual vein, so they didn't retreat.

It's a pity that it has been burned to the ground, and even the head of the family has been dealt with. The Tosaka family has a similar fate.

The reason why the location was chosen here is because Toki is dead, and it is very reasonable for Matou Kariya, who had a grudge against him, to appear here.

Almost all the reasons are perfect. It can be said that it is painstaking.

Looking at the tortured Tohsaka mansion. Saber walked forward immediately, talking as she walked.

Are you sure that Berserker is inside?

King Arthur has always been concerned about the strange familiarity between Berserker and her. What kind of grudge can make his enemy remember him even after he goes crazy.

However, she had defeated too many enemies during her lifetime and she couldn't analyze them. She might as well be sent back to the Throne of Heroes by Berserker this time. No one could stop her from seizing the Holy Grail.

It is confirmed that Matou Kariya probably had a grudge because of Tokiomi Tokiomi's lover, so he secretly attacked the head of the Tohsaka family of this generation.

Although it is incredible, it is true.

That is really a despicable villain. He still covets other people's wives. It's disgusting.

Saber was disgusted by this incident, and at the same time she was determined to kill the enemy.

According to the investigation, Matou Kariya is preparing to take over this place as a new base.

We take this opportunity to kill this man and make another step towards seizing the Holy Grail.

Emiya Kiritsugu calmly explained to Saber, or explained reasonable information to Noah.


Coming to the door without any cover, this fighting spirit activated the nerves of a certain heroic spirit in the mansion.

Mad energy surged, and the black shadow stood in the mansion and watched King Arthur start to roar crazily. The black mist on his body was twisting and extending, exuding strong murderous intent.

Berserker stood there, with only the king of knights exuding a noble temperament in his eyes.

Killed directly without waiting for the master's order.

It seems that what you said is right, Emiya Kiritsugu.

After saying that, Saber took her own weapon and went to the interior of Tohsaka Residence to fight Berserker to the death.

A knight cannot die with his bare hands, an incredible ability.

It can give attributes to the weapons in hand and control them. The only way Lancelot can use the Noble Phantasm is within the range that it can be recognized as a weapon.

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