So he took out the preparations he had made in advance.

He took out a piece of light parchment from his pocket and placed it in front of Crow's eyes.

To others, the contents of the parchment looked like a series of unexplained patterns and marks arranged together.

But for Emiya Kiritsugu, the format of this description was exactly the same as the standard jutsu document he was familiar with. But the content of the file is quite rare.

Self-Restraint Clause - In a society of magicians full of intrigues and intrigues, this is one of the most stringent spell contracts and is only used when making an agreement that must not be violated.

This is a spell that uses the function of its own magic circuit to impose restrictions on the caster. In principle, its effect cannot be released by any method.

I heard that even if you want to trade your life, as long as the magic seal is passed on to the next generation, your soul will be bound even after death. It is a dangerous technique that cannot be regretted.

Emiya Kiritsugu was very familiar with it because the nature of his previous work had often dealt with such contract documents.

In the original work, he also wrote a note to Director Ken who wanted to escape from the Holy Grail War, promising to let them go as long as Diarmuid committed suicide.

Only this time the tragedy of the Lancer was rewritten by Noah.

Now it's someone else's turn to write constraints for him, which is really ironic.

Binding Jutsu: Object - Kotomine Kirei

Kotomine Kirei's seal order is based on the following conditions: the oath will be bound by the commandments, without exception.

Oath: jointly attack and siege Servant Noah.

Conditions: Kill the Servant Conqueror Iskandar before the end of the Holy Grail War.

This self-restraint clause is both very real and very untrue.

The truth is that this is indeed in formal writing, with nothing missing. There is indeed magic pulsing in the signature written by the swearer himself with his own blood, proving that the curse ring has become a magic spell.

What's untrue is that the content of the oath is very simple. It doesn't even have an agreement that Noah must withdraw before it takes effect. It's just about arranging and participating in the siege.

But the conditions for him were very harsh, and he stipulated that he must kill a very powerful servant.

It's like the handiwork of an evil spirit who doesn't understand profit and only wants to see betrayal.

This is Kotomine Kirei's sincerity.

He and the King of Heroes were not that concerned about the outcome of the siege and killing of Noah, but they were very concerned about the process of the siege and betrayal.

But at this moment, Emiya Kiritsugu was shaken. In other words, the decision was made directly.

The siege of Noah in exchange for the King of Conqueror's exit was worthwhile.

As for the final falling out, it doesn't matter. If Noah dies, he will find a way to kill Kotomine Kirei at the end, even if it costs the entire Fuyuki City, it will be worth it.

If Noah hadn't died, he would have had a chance to survive for Ellie's sake or if he had channeled his hatred.

Besides, he and Kotomine Kirei are equal enemies when it comes to revenge, so this opportunity is a gamble.

The crow picked up the compulsory restriction document and flew away. After getting the document, Kiritsugu read it again and again, and then pressed it hard.

The contract is established!

Feeling the extra restrictive power in the magic circuit, the priest smiled slightly.

At this time, a young man in casual clothes with blond hair and red eyes walked over. The sun fell on his shoulders like a shawl, and he was so beautiful that he didn't look like a mortal.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, it seems it's really feasible, Kirei. You are really excellent.

Gilgamesh, this is just one side of human beings. Who said that light is too bright?

Compared with Noah, Emiya Kiritsugu's ideals seemed so unbearable. Maybe the jealousy lurking deep in the soul also partly drives it.

Kotomine Kirei understood that a distant god was far less humiliating than its real counterpart.

It seems like you've made great progress.

While the two were chatting on the bench, Emiya Kiritsugu also received Maiya's message.

But he was not surprised at all by Jin Shining's appearance, but replied calmly.

When the crow returns, the contract is put away and the formal exchange of plans begins.

Emiya Kiritsugu was a very decisive person, and he immediately put aside his previous stance and joined forces with his opponent.

Let’s calculate the combat strength first, this is very important.

Saber can take action this time, or even try a sneak attack. The command spell can also try to contain Noah.

He is really a cold magician. The King of Heroes can take action, and so can Berserker. We can temporarily cooperate.

Kotomine Kirei talked lightly about cooperating with the person who killed his teacher.

There are two lies in this, but neither of them is important. Everything is judged by the results.

Emiya Kiritsugu only wrote down the doubtful points without exploring them.

Noah's spatial ability is very tricky. At least he can move without restrictions within Fuyuki City. At present, we can consider Enzo Mountain, where the large spiritual veins have restrictions on the heroic spirits themselves.

That's fine. I also have a Noble Phantasm that can cut off space, as well as a Noble Phantasm that can limit teleportation.

Jin Shining interjected with interest. It was quite interesting to plan something like this against a righteous hero.

What about modern weapons?

Noah won't use these in crowded places. So if something goes wrong, just start a war in the city. We don't have to worry about weapons of mass destruction.

He is worthy of being a magician killer. He can even be called a heroic spirit killer. He is truly professional.

The golden praise was like a whip whipping Emiya Kiritsugu's heart.

When a few magicians with the least moral bottom line and a tyrant without good or evil decide to do something interesting, what emerges is unparalleled viciousness.

After half a day, a foolproof plan was formulated, with only one opportunity missing.

This opportunity will be created by both parties.

Emiya Kiritsugu returned to Einzbern City with Kuu Maiya.

The two of them said nothing on the road, and the atmosphere was a bit solemn.

Watching Castle Emiya Kiritsugu getting closer and closer, his heartbeat actually accelerated a little. After experiencing hundreds of battles, he still felt this way. He understood that it was fear.

That man has eyes that see through everything and information that can predict the future.

After entering the castle, I found out that Noah had gone out during the day and was missing.

Kiritsugu, who paid close attention to every move of this heroic spirit, first thought about whether this guy knew about the plan to encircle and kill him.

Or I have done other preparations, and the emotion of worrying about gains and losses invades my heart again.

In order to alleviate this anxiety and not let Noah see it, or in other words, a certain amount of emotional comfort is needed.

He found Ellie.

Looking at the command spell on the doll's arm, he said with complicated eyes.

Ally, for the sake of my ideal, I will be entangled in sin. It is really sad to step into this muddy world with someone like me.

Irisviel once again saw Kiritsugu's weak side, and her fear seemed to materialize.

Before she could say anything to comfort her, she was interrupted by Kiritsugu.

Let Maiya take you out of here and head to the safe house for a short while.

Then, use the command spell after receiving the message.

I'm sorry for involving you in such a crime.

In this short period of time, he didn't even dare to look into the doll's eyes. It was obviously just the carrier of the soul, but he felt like he was defeated by holiness.



Noah is back.

Announcement: The Fourth Holy Grail War will be completed within a week. I trust my judgment this time.

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