Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 988 The dazzling human being should not appear

But there is an eighth heroic spirit who is very different. The lofty human will is firm and powerful, and the gesture that lights up the darkness is as sacred as an alien thing.

Why did that man respond to the Holy Grail War, why was he hostile to the Holy Grail, and why was he hostile to certain wishes.

Are there eyes that can see through everything, and the ultimate infectious fear?

You should know who I'm talking about, right.

I reject.

Kiritsugu rejected the proposal without any hesitation.

He is not stupid. There is no room for cooperation at this time. Kotomine Kirei is absolutely untrustworthy.

There is no temptation at all in this proposal. His current advantage is that only the combat power of the two heroic spirits can equal or even be stronger than Gilgamesh.

If you give up any one of them, you will be at a disadvantage. Although Saber is more stubborn and Noah has his own ideas, that happened after the Holy Grail War cleared away other heroic spirits.

How could he cut off his limbs when half of his heroic soul was still alive?

Noah could have assassinated him at the last moment, or used a command spell to restrain himself and commit suicide.

How could three Command Seals not work?

Tokiomi-sensei also used the Command Seal before he died, at the end of the banquet in your castle.

Kiritsugu's pupils began to shrink.

But he still died. Berserker and his Master killed my teacher almost without any hindrance.

My palms started to sweat.

No one knows why the Ancient King did this, or why he could do it.

The fingers trembled slightly.

Isn't it amazing that a servant who is so powerful that he transcends personal status has his own means to resist this kind of contract?

Breathing a little heavy.

And that Noah is a man whose will even Gilgamesh admires.

The heart tightened slightly.

Is the Command Seal really reliable? It's so sad to be killed by a servant at the moment when you are about to get the Holy Grail, and your wish is treated like garbage.

Cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

The future is just darkness.

When Kirei Kotomine mentioned that the Command Seals could not control heroic spirits, Emiya Kiritsugu was in trouble again.

Is Noah strong? Really strong.

Especially after Avalon replenished his spiritual base a little, he became even more powerful.

He can actually use his own will to resist the alien gods, and even suppress the power of the alien gods.

What a miracle this is, an unimaginable achievement on the mystical side.

Moreover, the inherent unfinished barrier shows that this mysterious heroic spirit has unparalleled potential and explosive power.

So whether it was possible to resist the Command Seal, he had a definite answer.

He had always been wary of Noah, but he didn't say it out loud.

Ever since he unexpectedly came to Germany as the eighth heroic spirit through Irisviel.

Then the more this heroic spirit showed up, the more panicked he became.

Too strong, too comprehensive.

Apart from his physical flaws, he is an almost flawless human being.

Going to Guanbuzi City and bringing back the top puppet master shows that he has a high level of understanding of the world, has his own intelligence network, and is likely to be a future heroic spirit.

The extremely powerful strategic role represented by the space shuttle ability and storage ability is also mature in terms of application techniques, and there is no burden in using it.

The theft of modern weapons at the garrison base shows that the other party does not have the most common arrogance of the mysterious tester, and has a deep understanding of these real killer weapons.

And in the combat meeting where the siege and killing of Caster was arranged, he showed extremely advanced tactical command capabilities. He even played a leadership role in the fight against the foreign gods.

Finally, Noah's attitude towards the Holy Grail and the development of mankind are completely opposite to Kiritsugu.

Last night's banquet was almost a warning to myself while scolding Saber, so how could I not hear this?

How could Kiritsugu believe in a nearly hexagonal Heroic Spirit with completely opposite ultimate goals?

After Kotomine Kirei said the message that the command spell was invalid, the last foundation of trust in Noah was lost.

I see

If Kiritsugu looked in the mirror at this moment, he could see that his eyes were filled with murderous intent, without even doubt or hesitation.

This man will give everything for his dream.

The deaths of his father, Noriken Emiya, his childhood sweetheart, Xia Lei, and his adoptive mother and master, Natalia Kaminsky, were all directly related to him.

Now you can even abandon your lover and children, let alone one of your own who is destined to be an enemy.

Even if Noah saved Allie's life, even so, Noah was not even qualified to put a scale on his heart.

For the greatest ideal, this is a necessary sacrifice.

Time passed like this, and the priest still maintained his composure in the face of the crow.

Because he knew he had succeeded. The first time I saw Emiya Kiritsugu, I was deeply attracted by this man's heart. They were like two sides of the same coin.

Both he and Kiritsugu were born monsters, and had nothing to do with the mystical side or being magicians.

Now that he has been baptized by the spirit of an external god, he has the power to twist people's hearts.

Even the most determined group of magicians can be slightly influenced.

One straw is enough.

I don't believe you. And it's not worth it.

A hoarse voice came from the crow.

The priest smiled. The man opposite didn't say he didn't believe anything, but he simply didn't trust the cooperation and the bait wasn't enough for him to accept.

With just a few words, he wanted the other party to cut off his arm or even suffer the risk of backlash. Naturally, with Emiya Kiritsugu's temperament, he would not agree.

Even dancing on the edge of a knife comes with a price.

Is it enough to promise to kill a designated heroic spirit in exchange for trust?

Such great courage. Sure enough, Kotomine Kirei has already cooperated with Gilgamesh, otherwise why would he boast such a high reputation?

The surviving heroic spirits include Saber, Noah, Gilgamesh, Iskandar, and Berserker.

But both of them knew that this promise was directed to only one person.

Noah is the goal of cooperation between both parties. The other party will not play this word game because it is meaningless.

Saber is Kiritsugu's current fighting power that he will never give up. Even if she is not very obedient, the command spell can still take effect, and most importantly, her desire for the Holy Grail can be used.

Gilgamesh cooperates with the priest, so it cannot be this hero king.

Berserker and his Master are lunatics and belong to the lowest level of the Holy Grail War. There are many ways to kill Matou Kariya, and there is no such thing as making a promise.

So this promise is to kill the conquering king Iskandar.

Is it worth believing?

I do not believe.

The crow's second disbelief made the priest even happier because he had something for Kiritsugu to believe.

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